' " * - - *"'• v%r..::/r • - . -- - , - . • , " • > ' f • • • ' THE M'HENRY PLAINDEALER, Take Your Choice One English town, Workihgham, in Berkshire, hap borne no fewer than 32 different variations of Its name; bat on the oldest documents extant the spelling is. the same as that In as* Flour from Bu.hel of Wheat Thg amount of flour 9 bushel otf Wheat will make depends a lot on the tail] an.«J its condition. But the average fiOrpound . bushel of wheat will <• turn out 42 pounds of flour. Besides this amount of flour you can usually figure on about 9V& pounds of. bran and an equal amount of shorts.--Pathfinder Magazine. Twice T o 1 d Tales Items of Interest Taken From the Files of the Plaindealer of fears CALL AND SEE This Standard . minii Oalr m Easy T erms f Carey Electric Shop McHenry, I1L IT. J. NYE, M. D« NYE, MM, X-Eay, Laboratory and ' Physio Therapy -vs " OFFICE HOUltS . Daiiy--9--10; 1--3; 7--9 Phone 62-R< iMiii'fpir; • 1 . 1 ' . CONNEL M. McDERMOTT ATTORNEY-AT-LAW JHours-* Z-2& to 11 a. m.; 1:30 to 5 p, p»- Evenings, 7 to 8 &!ione 2aS Pries Building McHenry, I1L KENT & COMPANY t -AH Kinds of INSURANCE 4 Placed with the most reUallfe Companies , Come in and talk it over "hone McHenry 8 FIFTY YEARS AGO The public school opened for the fall term on Monday, with an average attendance, J. A. Sheldon, Principal. At a meeting: of the committee to make arrangements for the Old Settler's meeting, held at the Plaindealer office on Friday evening, E. E. Thomappoirited Marshal, H-j DJ assistant marshal and Rev- Joel Wheeler, chaplain. v, The picnic folr the fcenefit'of the Catholic church, which was held on Aug. 25 was largely attended and a general good time "had, the receipt* after paying all expenses, amounting to the handsome sum of about $150. The VTauconda band, one of the best in this part of the state, will furnish music for the Old Settler's Re-Union, Thursday. . • _ • FORTY YEARS AGO Ottr public school opened on with a good attendance. The road commissioners are replanking the iron bridge, across Fox river, at this, village. Fred Nickles has been treating the outside of his house to a coat of paint which much improves its appearance. The village authorities have been repairing the platform £round the well at Knox's corner, a much needed improvement. A gasoline stove in the rooms of August Bucholz, over Barbian Bros. Cigar factory, got of? rampage on Sunday evening, and came near causing serious conflagration. Fortunately help was at hand and «N subdued with little damage. . TWENTY-FIVE YEARS AGO Butter remained at its former price of 23 cents at the session of the Elgin board of trade Monday. The hunting season opened on Tuesday, the first day of September, and the local sportsman are anxiously awaiting the arrival of ducks and geese. Joseph N. Miller is the first of Mc- Henry's four rural mail carriers to do his delivering by auto, he having purchased a Kiblinger for that purpose. His first trip by way of the horseless was made last Friday. He covered his route in about 3 hours. _ Miss Mary E. Kriox, who last season taught the Lincoln school at Burton's Bridge, has been engaged to teach tho Ostend school the coming year.;.'.::"/. • '• TWENTY YEARS AGO A new cement walk has been laid along the west side of the Stoffel block on the West Side. A notable improvement. Borden's Condensed Milk company will contract for their winter supply of milk at the local factory on Monday, Sept. 15. Chicago & North Western flagmen arc now using a police whistle to give warning of approaching trains. While, they will exercise the same care as formerly to prevent travelers crossing in front of trains. . John J- Vycital, the wide-awake and enterprising Oerttervilje hardware man, has purchased the A. W. Grantham plumbing business which the latter opened Up in McHenry some few menths ago. RUSSELL ALLEN, Solicitor State of Illinois, County of McHenry, ss/ In the Circuit Court of Ifc&enry County, May Term A. D. 193$. JACOB SCHNEIDER, Complainant vs. WILLIAM G. SCHREINER, ^ CAROLINE SCHREINER, et' al., Defendants. IN CHANCERY GEN. NO. 26083 TERM NO PUBLIC NOTICE is hereby given that in pursuance of a Decree made and entered by the Circuit Court of McHenry County, Illinois, in the abofe entitled cause on the 17th day: of August A- D. 1933, I, Henry L, Co\yliri, Master in -Chanceity of, thfe. Circuit Court of McHenry County, Iillinois, will on Mbnday, the 18th day of September A. D. 1933, at the hour of 9 :30 o'clock in the f orenoon of said day, (Central Standard Time), at the Eisst vmain .entrance of ths Ceort Hoose jn the City of Woodstock, McHecry County, Illinois, offer for sale and sell .at public -vendue to the highest and best bidder the following descrilx^L real estate, or so much thereof as may be necessary to satisfy said Decree in full, to-wit:, " A part of lot number one (1) of Block number eight (8) in West McHenry, Illinois, described -as follows: Beginning on Street ' line, One Hundred and Eighteen feet (118) easterly on Street linfe from the North West comer of said lot one (1) at a stake; thence southerly along the east line of a "sub-lot formerly sold to Henry Heiner, One Hundred and Thirty- Two (132) feet; thence easterly alon£ a South line of lot one (1) sixty-six (66) feet; thence North 15% degrees East One Hundred Thirty-two (132) feet to Street line, thence Westerly on street line to the place of beginning,1 situated in the City of McHenry, County of McHenry and State of Illinois. Said sale being made subject to judgment now outstanding against said premises in favor of Theodore Hamer, Receiver of the Citizen's Stat'e Bank of McHenry in tBb sufh "Of $487.67. TERMS OF SALE ' Cash in hand on day of sale, ajt which time* a certificate of purchase will be issued in accordance with said Decree and the Statute. Dated this 18th day of August, A. D 1933 _ HENRY L. COWLIN, 13i$; • -Master in Chancery. Just a Little •,v TRY THIS ON YOURS How to Eat for Health and Beauty if mm 'lOf course, I don't know," said the sarcnstic%darder, "but it strikes me that tills chicken--*' "Wha{.'s the matter with the, ciricken V" interrupted the landlady, who Was already vfry hot from her labors •In the kitchen. • ' ,"Oh, nothing," retorted tlie boardeK "ofilji I -Liifrtk it must have been .tlie bff spring of a hard-boiled egg.'?; ,'". v Hooked Up woman" came ^ »ft< v collect her regular mohtlily wrfges. As ^he could not write,, she aiua.vs made hec mark on the receijit" --the customary, Ji. On this occasion she made, a circle inst^d.: . r • W h y d o n ' t y o u i n a ^ a a c r o s s a s HMiral,"' asked the man in charge. ^\Vell," I.inda explained earnestly, "Ah done got married yesterday an' •«haii|ea mah name." Careful of the Fltower* [ Broccoli--("an I borrow your "lawn mower, Mr. Spinachi? Splnachi--What do you want with a lawn mower? You haven't any grass to cut, have you? * Broccoli--No, but I want to scare your chickens out of my garden; • . - Hurini Difficulties Dear Old Soul (unversed In telephone procedii^--Excuse me one moment. My nephew's name is Marmaduke Fitzgerald. Do 1 dial "Mar" or "Fits?"--Humorist, DEPRESSIONS "What isABrown's score?" "He cfcify rtnd the holes. He says they ruusr be psychological depressions." Slipped Up "What made you quarrel with Merlin?" "Well, he proposed to me again last night." "Where was the harm In that?" "My dear- 1 had accepted him the night befor?,"--Portland Oregonian. AY, SEPT. 7, 1935 VOLO Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Hirbnimus are the proiid parents of a, baby boy, born Tuesday, Aug. 29, at the hospital in Libertyville. Misses Alice and Katherine Mc- Guire attended A Century of Progress this week. Mrs. Charles Davis of Carroll, la., is spending a few days here with her mother, Mrs. E. Bacon. Mrs. G. A. Vasey underwent a major operation Wednesday at the St. Theresa hospital. She is getting along nicely at this writing. - , Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Fisher and" family spent Tuesday evening at the home of Mr. and Mrs. William Lohman at Libertyville. Mrs. Belle Fairweather of Chicago spent a few days here with her mother, Mrs. E. Bacon. Mr. and Mrs. Ray Passfield and family, Mr. and Mrs. George Doweil and family, Mr. and Mrs- Joseph Passfield, and son, Mr., and Mrs. Herman Dusker and family, Mrs. Richard Doweil and family, Mr. and Mrs. F. Wilson and family, Mr. and Mrs. H. Passfield and sons attended the anrual Lake county Farm and Home Bureau and Pure Milk association and Protective association picnic at the Cedar, Crest Stables Tuesday. Miss Edna Fisher of Waukegan spent the week-end here with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Esse Fisher. Mrs. Paul O'Leary, Mrs. M. Haines and daughter of Chicago spent Wednesday here with Mr. and Mrs. C. Iiossduestcher and other relatives Mrs. Herbert Michalson attended A Century of Progress Tuesday.. Mrs. Joseph Wagner attended her card club at the home of Mrs. Frances Freund at McHenry Thursday. Arthur Frost of Chicago spent Tuesday with his mother, Mrs. Catherine Frost. ~ Mr. and Mrs. Henry Stoffel were Waukegan callers Friday. Dorothy Lee Wagner returned to her home here after spending the past week with her aunt, Mrs. H. Martini. Miss Alice McGuire of Hainesville spent the past week here with Mrs. Anna Lusk. Mr. and Mrs. Irving Molidor and daughter of Libertyville spent Sunday here with Mrs. Catherine Molidor. Mrs. Tompkins ana son of Libertyville spent Sunday here at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Herbert Michalson. Mrs. Joe Horn and family of Chicago spent Friday evening at the home of Mrs. Anna Lusk. Mr. and Mrs. Joheph Len^yn and Mrs. Russell Gibbs were Waukegan callers Friday. The Volo Home Bureau unit will meet at the home of Mrs. Roy Passfield Wednesday, September 13. Walter McCaffely of Chicago spent the past week here at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Eddy Rossduestcher. John B. Wagner and Paul Wray were Chicago callers Tuesday. John Joseph Wagner, Joseph Wiser Norman Molidor attended A Century of Progress Tuesday. 1 Mr. and Mrs. Earl Rita and family of Fremont Center, Mr. and Mrs. Ernest Rita of Ivanhoe spent Sunday evening here with the former's parents, Mr. and Mrs. Rita. Mr. and Mrs. William Wirtz and family, Mr. and Mrs. Fred Casper attencted the picnic at the Cedar Crest farm Tuesday evening. -- - v-- - , Cremation of a Buddhist Monk Belt# Davis, Warn*'! Brothers' star, takes her reu and refreshment together. 'Telephone No. 108-R Stoffel & Reihanapergw Insurance agents for all classes of property in. the best companies. WEST McHENRY ILLINOIS Dr. C. Keller OPTOMETRIST and OPTICIAN At His Summer Home, Riverside Drive, McHenry, III. SUNDAYS AND MONDAf$ -- All Work Guaranteed V- ' McHenry 211-R TEN YEARS AGO McHenry entertained its usual large Labor day crowd, fcvery hotel in the city was taxed to its utmost capacity, while many of the visitors were accommodated at private homes. Frank Dinger, who has been employed at the Central meat market and grocery for some time past, quit his job and left on Monday for. Chicago, where he has secured employirfent. Miriam Sayler, daughter * of Mr. and Mrs. Jas. N. Sayler of this city, was the highest scoring baby in division five at the better babies conference at the McHenry county fair last week. Altogether, fifty-three tabies were entered and examined, j The Masquelet building on Elm St., 'which was., recently sold to Adam j Gritzmacher of Chicago, is undergoj ing some alterations and improvement A. P. Freund Excavating Contractor Stocking, Hydraulic and Crane Service • ' . ¥'.r\ Road Building Tel 204-M McHenry, HI S. H. Freund & Son CONTRACTORS BUILDERS * Phone 127-R McHenry Our experience is at Your Service in building Your Wants 'I .jfTIiU. -'m'-'wi." . 11 a, MI I'.'.TR ; n • Btrbary Coait Barbary is a name a mil led to an extensive replon In North Africa comprising the Mohammedan countries excluding Egypt, which are peopled by the race known as the f'.erbers. . These are Morocco, Algeria, Tunis, Tripoli, the Fezzan and Iiarca. This Barbary coast includes only four Europeancontrolled countries along the Mediterranean from Morocco to Tripoli. A SLIM, erect figure Is one of the attributes that help motion picture actresses to win stardom. In lesser degree a slender, youthful contour brings to any woman rewards--in admlratton and a renewed feeling of well being. The "beauty diet" printed below is built around fresh milk, fruits and vegetables, which protect your health while they help you cast off those extra pounds. A 1,400 CALORIE. REDUCING ilBT Breakfast (460 Calorics) Calories Grapefruit Juice--1 glass ......100 Eggs--shirred 1 ........;100 Butter 1 tep. 25 . Melba^toast--1 thin slices 60 Coffee '. -- Fresh tnilk 3 tbsp. for coffee .. 25: Sugar I t'sp. for coffee ........ 25 Fresh milk 1 glass ...... i..... 135 Luncheon (365 calories) Cottage cheese sandwich ,130 Apple 1 large .100 '. Fresh 'milk 1 glass ........... .135- Dinner (460 calories) IIarnburs:tr steak (4 oz.) . Buttered beets--cup> . '•'* Spinach % cup ......... - Butter for vegetables 2 taps. .. 50 :• Raw carrot sticks (6) 25 Presh milk 1 glass ............t35 Freph mllk 1 glass 10:30 p. m...l35. Total, Calories 1,420 Swell Time FirSt Clerk--I thought Jenkins started his holiday yesterday. Second Clerk--Yes, he's spending it here in the office. He's coming in late in the morning, having, as long as he likes for lunch, and generally Anjqylng himself.--Sarnia Observer. Make* a Diffarac* *Tou sent your photo for a part in our new review, bat you were too late." "Are all the parts taken?" "No, bat you should hav« come when the photo was taken." Light From Arctarua The correct distance of the star Arcturus is 40 light years, or approximately 240,000,000,000,000 miles. Alight year Is used in astronomy to denote the space traversed In one year by a ray of light, trnveliifii at the rate of over 186,000 miles per second; it Is about 63,000 times the distance from the earth to the sun (83,000,000 miles). Here, at Sarnath, India, is the funeral pyre of the late Sri Demavitta- Dhammapala, well-known Buddhist monk and preacher and one of the foremost authorities on Buddhism. Over 100,000 followers of Buddha came from the outlying districts of India to have a last glimpse of their departed religious leader. An Editor Writes • • • lence! . .e\ef^0tv ftteioa*1 ^e <S. soutVv oi ^ to ^c n d ol oi ^ , tie* s J me . s..*tutewr: u' spo*3' ,Y *wet ^ rv to0- , ^c, l8ae\^t0v ^ so * Yvad An Editorial By EDWARD BECHLT EDITOR Iroquois County Damocnt Uliaoi* .'I ' Out spoken " Host (hoping to avoid having to get his own car out to take another guest home)--Are you going back empty, old man? Candid Guest--Nearly!--Humorist Magazine. „ Economy MOT* / Th« Sqalre--Well, Mrs. Craddock, no luck In the Irish Sweepstakes? Mrs. Craddock--No, sir. But I've kept the ticket nice an clean and I'm going to save It till next tinl*. .;3oo" . . . 2 5 .^,25 Finland** Population Approximately 70 per cent of the population of Finland and the. Baltic states live In rural districts. "Know Thy*elf" Lives are only rich when the Inner life is given its opporturJty to expand. The Individual attitude toward the' job whether it be-In business or in tlw home is really In the last analysis one's attitude toward self. For' this reason a wise old man centuries ago gave as the basis of his teaching th« wp words, "Know thyself." Tax Increase Between 19<3 and 1930, the cm blnett federal, state, county and municipal taxes of the (Tnited States Increased per capita from $25 to $84, or 265 per cent--Collier's Weekly,. Supply Ship for Byrd's Voyage to Ahtarctic inyw. 1 i " 1 1 -V/.r " * ^1* • , 1!" ; ^ mui f tJPt* ^ LJ* UU 4**^* - ^ use Rear Admiral Richard E. Byrd has about completed preparations for his second expedition to the Antarctic. Tjh® Steamship Pacific Fir, shown above, will be his supply ship and has just been scraped and painted at Travis, Statga Island.- ' ' AIN'T IT THE TRUTH! BY ARNOT "OOESN'T Sf\u.Y SMITH looK Saw \ti P\NK HKr • JOHM / COME HERB QOVCK » o « a "Z 0,08^1"'