THE M'HENRY PLAINDEALER "Published every Thursday at McHenry, 111-, by Charles F. Renich. Entered as second-class Inatter at the postofBee at McHenry, 111., an- Afr the act of May 8, 1879. One Year -- Six Months -- 12.06 .$1.00 A. H. MOSAER, Editor and Mana^r HARD TO SATISFY Are you one of these hard to satisfy1? if so, try me. I vlill guarantee CARD OF APPRECIATION The Daughters of America wish to express their appreciation for their you the kind of service only the" best.share Gf the ^proceeds from the ball hair artists can give you. Franzen's g.arnes which were sponsored by the Barber Shop, West McHenry. 2* McHenry business men for charity. • Men's all over rubber 4-buckle and rubber boots. To close- out $?.1S» at Lyons' Variety Store. • -1 Agent for popular magazine sah^ •*' script ions. New and renewal. Mavme Buss. 24-2 I9c NOW* One lot «T rubbers, overshoes, ladies' high shoes, men's sock overs and some 1-buckle overs for women and children-- This is old stock but should give lots of w e a r -- r o n l y a f e w s i z e s , p e r p a i r . . . . Men's and Boys' FELT BOOTS and German-- Socks. Just a few sizes, per pair Ladies', Misses' and Children's Cotton Jersey# Arties, one snap and monopul fasteners, pair / Ladies', Misses \and Children's Black 4-buckle Arties, per pair _ -- 75c Ladies', Misses' and Children's 1-buckle black Arties, per pair Boys' Horsehide Leather Coats with fur OC collar, each " J1 Men's Sheep Lined Coats, each... S4.50 - These ar« all wonderful bargains--get them ^ ~ while the selection is good. _ v •' • ^ •• • '•"i" Erickson's Dept. Store ft* ^ • fern ILLEI THEATRE t "tOODJTOCK U. Woodstock's Beautiful Play House FKI., NOV. lO-MercSailt's Nite Admieoion 10-30c ^PILGRIMAGE" With Norman Poster, Marian Nixon-Hen rfctta Croeemaa ' SATURDAY, NOV. 11 Admission Bill Boyd in FLAMING GOLD" Exciting1 western melodrama Also--Episode Ho. 4 in the Buck Jones serial "Gordon of Ghost city" ... SUN.-MON., NOV. 12-18 ConL Sun. from 2:30 p. m. Adm. 10-25c till 6 pi n. 10-35c after. Clark Gable-Helen Hayes %| Subscribe for The Plaindealer. 41 Thg White Sister" TUESDAY, NOV. 14 "*in Night--Adm. 19-15e Thrilling mystery rtramai -- j! of the most urtusual jnctttitei, you have ever seen! "F. P. I." WED.-THURS., NOV. 15-16 Admission 10-30c Warner Baxter with Myrna Loy "PENTHOUSE" ElTovar CRYSTAL LAKE, ILL. Illinois' Most Beautiful Theatre . Admission 10-30c Sun. Mat. 2:45 to 6, 10.25c After 6 p. m., 10-30«. THURS.. FRI., NOV. 9-1® George Arlws in "VOI/TAIKE" The greatest actor of the .'.Ceil* tury brings to life the most dramatic personality mankind has ever produced! SATURDAY ONLY, NOV, 11 Spencer Tracy-Fay Wray in SHANGHAI MADNESS A devil-may-care adventure r laid low by Cupid!--added Our Gang Comedy "Mush and Milk" SUN.-MOtf., NOV. 12-13 With Warren William-Glenda Parrell-May Rooson-Guy Kibibee "LAJ)Y FOR A DAY" Hailed )»y ihe nation's press as the yeap's greatest picture. Do not mis§ this emiwb bit! Twink- .'T.j, wiui tne brightest stars of the screen . • then Liberty added four more! TUES.-WED., NOV. 14-15 Loretta Young-Lyle Talbot in SHE HAD TO SAY YES Must pood girls go wrong because the customer is always right ? REPORT OF 3T. MARY'S SCflEtoOL FOfe OCTOBER Honor Roll--Grade VIII Theodora Xaelin, 95 1-12; Leroy Smith, 93 4-12; Audrey Rothermel, 91 6-12; Paul Justen, 91 4-12; Elcanore Althoff, 91 1-12; Anthony Noonan, 90 7-12; Arlene H«y, 90 4-12; Pauline Herdrich, 90. Perfect Attendance--Grade VIII Gene Adams, Lcruis Diedrich, Ervin Freund. Donald Justen, Anthony Noonan, LeRoy Smith, Ralph Smith, Allie Wirtz, Arlene Hay, Constance Jackson, Theodora Kaolin, Audrey Rothermel, Catherine Simon, Marie Vales, Evely<n Weingart. Perfect Attendance--Grade VII . Clarence Adams, Leonard Blake, Jerome Buch, Richard Justen, James Larkin, Gerald Miller, Harold Stillirg Harold Weitl, Jane Durand, Margaret Farell, Angela Freund, Geraldine Kennebeck, Lolis Meyers, Catherine Rothermel, Emily Steffes, Isabella Stoffel, Ruth Stilling, Rita Weingart. Honor Roll--Grkde VI Doris Kennebeck, 9(V; Lucillfe Weingart, 90; Lorraine ScTiaefer, 90; Anita Althoff, 91; Beatrice Jiuss, 91. v : Honor Roll--Grade V Margaret Schaefer, 93;. Dcdorfes' Roping, 90. Perfect Attendance--Grade VI : Richard Freund, Joseph Gausden, Earl Smith, Geno Urtti,. Charles Weingart, Richard Williams, Anita Althoff Ethel Althoff, Helen Buch, Jane Mc- Andrews, Doris Kennebeck, Isabelle Simon, Lucille Weingart. Perfect Attendance--Grade V X FOR SALE FOR SALE--1,500-egg capacity electric incubator. Used one season. Guaranteed like new. Urbandale Poultry Farm. Phone McHenry 615-R-J. *24 FOR SALE--Good truck. Reasonably priced. John Brda. 24 FOR SALE and RENT--Large and small farms. Stoffel A Reihansperger, West McHenry. 23-tf. FOR SALE or RENT--Modem 6-j^n. cottage with glazed and screenedin porch, also garage. fNear St. Mary'a church. Ifcqufire of Wro. Bonslett. Phone McHenry 124-J. 23-2 FOR RENT FOR RENT---House on Elm Inquire of W. M. Heirtier. street. 22tf FARM F(ftl RENT--Farm at Mc- Culloro's Lake. Inquire of Mrs. M. Bohr. Tel. 140-J 21tf FOR RENT--Modern 6-room flat over J. C. Thies Canary Co-, store on main. St, West McHenry. Inquire at store. 21 tf FOR RENT OR Si ALE--A modern 7- room house on Richmond road, near St. Mary's church. Newly painted. E(lwaH .Bllke,"'Robert Kunz.Law- j P,roofe T d-, N^ rence Stilling, Harry Unti, Richard Weber, Donald Weinprart, Elizabeth Althoff, Bemice Justen, Margaret Schaefer, Shirley Schmitt, Lucille Si? mon, Lucille Weber. Honor Roll--Grade IV Beatrice Williams, 95.7; Marguerite Freund, 94.7; George > Freund, 93.3; Donald Schaefer, 93.2; Elaine Heimer, 92.8; Ralph Freund, 91.5; Betty Jano Regner, 90.5. Honor Roll--Grade III Madeline Freund, 96.2; Virginia Williams, 91.7; Clare Freund. 91.5; Bertha Freund, 91.3; Eleanor Young, 90.7. Perfect Attendance--Grade IV George Fj-eund, Ralph Freund, Rollin Justen, Joseph Jackson, Vernon Kennebeck, Philip1 Meyers, T&aiei Smith, Elmer Smith. Eotfier Althoff, Betty Blake. Virginia Mae Grose, Grac: Kunz, Elaine HeimeV, Jetty Jane Regner, Beatrice Williams. Perfect Attendance--Grade III Henry Buch, Clatrence freund, Richard Rosing, Norman Schaid, Gordon Schmitt, Robert Smitn, Thomas Sutton, Bemice Blake, Winifred Carp, Mary Ann Diedrich, M&rtha Durland, Clare Freund, Madeline Freund, Frances Glosson, Hilda Herdrich, Rose Marie Kunz, Nadine Schaefer, Eleanor Schaefer, Lorraine Schmitt, Mary Simon, Mary Lou Stoffel, Lily Unti, Elizabeth Weitl, Betty Wirtz, Eleanor Young. Honor Roll--Grade II Marilyn Schaefer, 93 7-8; Harold Michels, 93 5^8; Robert Justen, 93 8-8 James Freund, 93 3-8; Bletty . L6U Weber, 93 1-8; James Regener 91 5*8; Gladys Freund, 93 1-8; Ray Smith^ 90 4-8. Perfect Attendance--Grade II Marilyn Schaefer, Harold Michels, Robert Justen, lathes' freund, James Regner, Edward Adatns, Shirley Freund1, Betty Kilday,'1 Betty Lou Weber, Robert Smith, Robert Sales, Robert Blake, Richard Hayes, Harold Freund, Doris Hamil, Arthui^ Jackson, Norman Freund. Perfect Attendance--Grade I Esther Freund, Thomas Lawson, Jewel Grose, Riehprd Blake, Richard Schmitt, Gladys Stilling, Carl Adams, John Meyers, Elaine Schaefer, Joseph Munsojn. Donald Kennebeck, Bauer, Lee Grose, l garage. Telephone 17. Knox. FOR RENT--Modern cottage furnished, 3 rooms, large sun parlor near river and park. Reasonable rent. Mrs. Andrew Miller. 19-tf WANTED WANTED--Livestock, pigs from 180 to 210 lbs.; 15 to 20 every week. Central Market, Geo. Schreiner, prop. 21-tf. RELIABLE DEALER -- wanted to handle Heberling Products in North % of McHenry County. Excellent op. port unity for the right 'nan, selling direct to f&^ners. Earnings $40 weekly not unusual. Write for free catalogue. G. C. HEBERLING COMPANY Dept. 409 Bloomington, III. LOST Mrs. Delano of Chicago spent Thurs day with Mrs. W. W. Freund. Miss Rosina Glosson returned home last week after a visit in Kenosha. Mr. and Mrs. Lestina and daughter, Elsie, Jerome Lestina and Miss Lillian Vales of Chicago were Sunday guests of Mr. and Mrs. Albert Vales. Mrs. Mary Sable of Round Lake is visiting in the homes of her daughters, Mrs. George Bohr, and Mrs. T. W. Winkel, this week. Mrs. E. R. . Sutton, Eleanor Sutton, William Sutton and Mrs. Albert Vales were luncheon guests of Mrs. H. P. Johnson at Evanton Monday, Mrs. Casper Bickler of Chicago spent a few days thfc. first of the week with relatives here. Mr. and Mrs. J. M. Hayes arid Norman and Mr. and Mrs. L. Lewis tf Milwaukee visited with Mr. and Mrs. Howard Amman Sunday. William Brittain was home from the CCC damp at Mountain, Wis., this week-end for a- visit with home folks. He is feeling fine and enjoys ojtmp even if it is cold; John F. Knox spent a few days la?t week with his brother in Chicago. Mr. and Mrs. 'Math Laures and son, Jack, spent a recent day in Chicago. Simon Stoffel attended the world's fair Tuesday. Mr. and Mrs. F. H. Wattles attend ed the world's fair, Tuesfiay' Mrs. George Dowe, Mrs. Ernest Mrs. John R-; Lerdje, Mrs. Ed Rich and Mrs. John Zens of Waukegan attended the burial of Louis Bonslett here Monday. Mrs. Paul Marre ana son, Raymond, of Waukegan spent a few days this week in the Johp Schaid home, Green street. Mrs. R: J. Frisby was called to Chicago Sunday by the death of her nephew, Louis Bonslett. Mr. and Mrs. Russell Rudolph and family of Spring Grove were Sunday guests in the Math Glosson home. Peter J. Freund, Mrs. Glen Barker and Mrs. Arthur Freund of Woodstock attended theb urial of Louis Bonslett at St. Mary's cemetery, McHenry, Monday. Misses Genevieve Glosson of Kenosha is spending -this week at her home here. F. E. Boger of Forest Park spent the week at his home here- Miss Elizabeth Boger of Chicago spent the week-end at her home here. John Belger, A. E. Nye and Leo Winkel attended the meeting of district deputies and head officers of th CARD OF APPRECIATION The local chapter of the American Cross expresses deep appreciation and sincere thanks for their hhare of the proceeds from the ball Simes which were sponsored by the cHenry business men for the purpose of charity. • "STOMACH PAINS SO BAD * I COULD HARDLY WORK" Says C. S. Gross. "After taking' Dr. Emil's Adla Tablets the pains are goine and I eat anything." Try Adla treatment on money back guarantee. Thomas P. Bolger, Druggist. 3 LOST--Ladies' black hat, near grade school Friday night. Leave at the Plaindealer office or phone 67-J. *24 K. of C.~ at the Palmer House, Chicago LOST--*At Cfcapel Hill, fentale Eng-j®^!?®^ lish Setter/ tah ears and ticked. Reward $10. Phone McHenry 631-M -1. ;" •' *22-2 MISCELLANEOUS FOR LESSONS ON SPANISH GUITAR-- Inquire ftt NyeV Music, Jewelry and Radio Store, West McHenry. Tel, 128-JT, 22-3 EXCEPTIONAL GLASSES FOR EXCEPTIONAL EYES --Dr. , C. Keller, Sundays and Mondays at his summer home, Riverside Drive, McHenry. Phone 211-R. 22 4 DAMAGE ASSESSED AGAINST BEN MAY Judge Shurtleff decided last .week that Ben May of Spring Grove was liable m the damage suit of Wicks Conley vs. Ben May and the Chicago & North Western railroad. Damages to the amount *f |59 were assessed oy the court. The suit was the result of a collision at Woodstock several years ago when Ben May was struck by a par senger train. Mr. and Mrs. Henry. Vogel and Lisle Bassett were Sunday dinner guests of Mr. and Mrs. Ed Martin of Woodstock the event being in honor of the birthday of their daughter, Miss Claribell Martin. Mr. and Mrs. Henry Vogel visited his brother, Harold, at Sherman hospital, v Elgin, Saturday (j-enlng. George Miller of Chicago spent Sun day with friends here. Mrs. Charles Ensign, son, Rolland, Mrs. Ellen Ensign and Mr. Waterstraat visited Charles Ensign at the Sherman hospital, Elgin, Sunday . Miss Mildred Callahan of Chicago spent Friday and Saturday in the home of Mayor and Mrs. Peter Doherty. '"i Mrs. Ellen Ensign visited at Richmond Friday night and Saturday. Miss Mildred: Thompson of DeKalb' spent the last of tile week at her home here, coming to attend the wedding of a relative. , M!r. and Mrs. Emmerson Beverly of Elgin visited relatives here Sunday- Mrs. Nellie Woll of Beloit, Wis., was a week-end guest of Miss Dorothy Holden. , r n„J L, r u m . . . L . . i - i „ . .. . . ... Mrs. Charles Ensifcn arid son, Rol- L PHOLSTER1NG--Furniture re-up- j ian(j and Mrs. Ellen Ensign visited the holstered, covered and repaired. Full J former's husband at Sherman hospitsample line carried. Chas. J. Ras-1 aj^ Elgin, last Thursday. Mr. Ensign niussen, West McHenry. Tel. 107-M. j js recovering nicely from his recent operation and expects to return home the last of the week.' Mr- and Mrs. Will Heine of Chi- An all . year home on thd west shores of Fox river, ha]/ mile north Of bridge completely furnished; boat house; lot 50x225; can be had at a low price. For information, Edw. Trostrud, 4008 North lAve., Chicago. Phone Belmont 7642. 21tf WHEN YOU NEED A VETERINARIAN-- Call Richmond 16. Graduate veterinarian, prbmpt service. General practice. Both largd and small animals. Dr. John Ducey, Richmond, III. 12-26 lltf DEAD ANIMALS REMOVED FREE OF CHARGE 7 MIDWEST REMOVAL CQ-CPHONE DUNDEE 10 ' Reverse Charges •2018 ~ "PERSONAL LIBERTY NIGHT" The cash register at the Auto Inn, May escaped without j Brewery Comer, McHenry, was lockserious injury, although his car washed tight between the hours of 9 and badly damaged. Some part of his car 10 o'clock Tuesday evening of this was hurled through the rear plate'jwfeek, when "(Personal Liberty Night' glass window in the Wicks & Conley. was observed at' this popular place, store, causing damage estimated at On that date the last of the thirty- GREEN STREET THC Shows--7 and 9 p. m.- ftcHENRY ILLINOIS -Adm. 10-2bc $59. Wicks & Conley* entered suit against May and the railroad company; but the court declared that May was careless an^ assessed the damages against him. Friday and Saturday, Nov, 10 and It A drama too big for the pages of h htory!.. Leslie Howard in-- • _ "CAPTURED" Buck Jones in "GORDON OF GHObT CITY"--each Friday-Satprday Sustiay and Monday, Nov. 13 and 14 SLIM SUMMERVILLE and ZAZU PITTS in six states necessary to repeal the 18th amendment was secured, thus paving the way for the end^of prohibition in the United States. Free beer and free lunch were served by the Auto Inn for one hour during the evening, which tftteqicted a capacity crowd. 44 HER FIRST MATE" Two Days Only--Wed-Thurf, Nov. 15*16 'Exlraordinarv Says Liberty,andaivesif 4Stars****) w jliVBBtij dVfc^Si/ "ED lADY^'DAY FRANK CAPRA PRODUCTION A, COLUMBIA j f f \ PICTURE v .Better have that car of youra overhauled for winter. Noonan's Garage is equipped to give you first class service at small cost.. Repairs on every make of car. Oil and gas. Plymouth Sales and Service. Phone 311 24-2 HOME BUREAU COUNTY PARTY, NOVEMBER 16 A costume or period old time party has been planned by the McHenry County Home Bureau to be held in St. Mary's gym, Thursday night, Nov. 16 at 8.30 o'clock. Wedding gowns of yore, grandmother's Sunday best, and even characters from Hollywood, Radio Stars and Funny Paper characters will be CARD PARTY A SUCCESS present. Folks throughout the coun- A. very successful card party was try have been looking through old i sponsored by the Christian Motheis trunks and boxes and going through; at the home of Mrs. Jacob Schaefer, the attic generally seeking out the I Friday afternoon, the proceeds of oldest, most unique outfit for this j which are for the benefit of St. party which is for all, folks in the Mary's church. High honors in bridge county® who would enjoy all the fun were won by Mrs. W. A. Bisnop, in that is in store for all who attend. f've hundred by Mrs. Mat Steffes and Plan now. Everyone will be Wcl- 'n bunco by Mrs. Fred Boger. Tiecome at this big party- Tell , .your freshmente were served at tie dose Friday and Saturday Specials Super Suds .......................,S for 23c Ivory Flakes, large ,.....19e GoH Dust, large .....18c Crystal White Soap ........6 foj- 25c Palmolive Soap for 20c Hardwater Soap for 15c Swtiflash 23c Lifebuoy Soap He Quick Arrow Ftak«» ......;...........17c Fancy Dress Flakes .10c Red RaspbeiTW^^ 2 21c Calo Coffee ...~..,..l]b. 17c Savoy Cocoa, . h • .1 lb. 23c , ; Jello, all flavors 3 for 20c Savoy Iodized Salt.............l2; lbs. 8c Savoy JJgg Noodles, .....J ecs. 10c Savoy Quick Oats* .,........55 ozs. 18c Savoy Tomato Soup, 4 cans 25c Broadcast Corned Beef Hash....19c " Ardour's Corned Beef ..............18c JOHN STOFFEL Announcement r'-' There will be no Chicken Supper at the J U S T E N ' S H O T E t Saturday night, Nov. 11. Go to the American Legion ' Carnival and Dance at the Bridge Ball Room Joe F. Friend, Mgr. 3 C=23[=J SSI I I I Have Yonr Eyes Tested --BY-- ' ; Dr. C. Keller 45 Years* Experhvce Sundays and Mondays at my Summer Home Riverside Drive, McHenry All Work Guaranteed Phone McHenry 211-R . FISH FRY FRIDAY NIGHT AUTO INN ; Brewery Corner, McHetnry BABY PIKE ^ Cooked Riglit--Served Right--Appetizing 10c per plate Leading Brands of Bleer On Draught friends and bring them along. If you are not getting the heat of your stove or furnace the reason may be the quality of your coal. If you have trouble, come in and tell us what kind of stove or furnace you of the afternoon. Alcohol and Everready at Stilling's Tire Shop. Firestone 24 NOTICE Examination for teachers' certifi cates will be held in the office of the have and we will gladly tell you what I county superintendent of schools at kind of coal will give you the best re- Woodstock, on Friday and Saturday, suits. Alexander Fhone 6, i VV' ,V:^ ":"".«4 Just a few part-wool blankets left to .close out at fl-19 a£_Lyons' Variety Store. 24 cago visited friends here Sunday. Mrs. Albert Justen and Mrs. Ernest Freund are assisting Mr. and Mrs. Lee Kereher at "Mi Place" on Green street. Mr. and Mrs. Frank Hughes have moved from Court street to the house recently vacated by Mr. and Mrs. Jas, Bouril and family. Miss Anita Bacon is spending this week in Chicago. Mr. and Mrs. C. Unti and children spent the week-end in Indiana. Mr. and Mrs. F. A. Connolly and children of Chicago spent the weekend with Mr and Mrs. J. J. Frett. Miss Catherine McCabe of Chicago spent the week-end at her home here. Mrs. R^y Smith spent the last of the week with her daughter in Chicago. Miss Helen Welch spent Friday in ,Joliet. Charles Peterson, who is with the reforestation army at Wolf Lake in Southern Illinois, spent Sundayvat his home here. Charles was at Fort Sheridan only nine days when he was sent to southern Illinois where the country is wild and lonesome with dense forests and great hills. The work being done is improving conditions generally and includes building roads and parks and putting up telephone and licrht lines. Mr. and Mrs. Henry Lanere, daughter, Nanev. and MV. and Mrs. Lawrence Mitchell and little son.^ Louis, of Wpukega" were Sunday visitors in the William Bacon home- Mr. and Mrs. Phil Guinto and Mr. and Mrs. Lester Bacon attended the wo-rl^s' fair in Chicago. Thursday. Ravmond Howard left Snndav for Wisconsin, where he is buving fur. Mi"?1* Mi1d*"*»d Mi^n'ch of Oak Park visit.«d friends here Monday. Thirtv-eight members of the Senior class of the high school attended the world's fair Tuesday. Misses Inez Bacon and Agnes Mcores I if Friday and Saturday Oniyi 'Carnation 3olI9c PET OR BORDEN'S MILK 8 •WHITE HOUSE EVAPORATED MILK 3 CANS 17c November, 17 and 18, 1933, beginning at &:30 a. m. 24 ETHEL C. OOE, Co. Supt- Peter Gies does first class shoe and harness repairing. 24 Cabe left Monday morning for Elgin, where they have been given employment in the state hosnital for the Insane- Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Whiting formerly of McHenry, are, also- employed in this institution. Swans Down OTc CAKE FLOUR--44-OZ. PKG. MmW Chipso OAf&OC SOAP FLAKES • M DEL MONTE ASPARAGUS TIPS ^ JELL-O--ALL FLAVORS . . . DANDY OYSTER CRACKERS l!S£f£ KDCtHU rLoKnUOccO MSAPCAAGRHOENTI TOI R . • • * FRENCH BREAD crandmotwow . . IVORY SOAP>,TVu>AT^ . • • • 10c 3 PKGS 20c . J»k1:17C • pkq: 5c . 7c SC.. 3 lbs. 55c .2 for 15c 8 O'CLOCK COFFEE Campbell' s S o u p , a b o r t e d ^ v ; • ' C - : ' LaFrance Powder .3 pkgs. 29c 1 pkg. of 24 clothes pins free with above. Lake Shore Honey^i\ 5 lb. pail 49c Salted Soda or Grahajn PrackeiB_ ,_2 lb. box 22c Brown Sugar, bulk - .3 lbs. 19c Fowd$i$d Sugar, bulk : ; ^^^^^^_ lbs. 20c PRODUCE SPECIALS Spinach Emperor 6riipe« Potatoes 98 fb. bag $1.49 Roman Beauty Apples ai-j -V"- 3 lbs. 25c ....3 lbs. 20c 15 lb. peck 23c .5 lbs. 25c Bananas 3 lbs. 19c THE GRfAT ATLANTIC & PACIFIC TEA CO.