Illinois News Index

McHenry Plaindealer (McHenry, IL), 16 Nov 1933, p. 4

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rm K'HEHKT PLAlHtoSAtdm, TBUMDAY, NOV W,1«SS THE M'HENRY PLAINDE ALER Published every Thursday at McHenry, DL, by Charles F. Renich. Entered as second-class matter at the poatofflce at McHenry, Dl., nnier the act of May 8, 1879. One Year .. Six Months : $2.oe ........$1.00 A'. H. MOSHER, Editor and Manager HARVARD HERALD ENDS ITS FORTY-SIXTH YEAR (All communications for this department must be signed by . the writer, otherwise they will not be published.. The PJ-aindealer invites its reader? to express -their opinions in, these* columns.) •- -• • •' ' " ' •' / ' L - ASKS CO-OPERATION Public Pulse Mrs. Gerald Carey was imEltfin visitor Monday. Mr. and Mrs. M. Crouch visited at Rockford Sunday. i Miss Genevieve Knox was an Elgin visitor Saturday. George Just-en was • Chicago business visitor Friday. Stanley Hill of Chicago spent the last of the week here. Paul Bonslett left last week, for a visit at Houston, Texas. Miss Inez Bacon " of Elgija "Spent Sunday at her home here. >; ':V;: Miss Agnes McCabe of iSgih. Speiit Sunday at her home here. . :- s ' Miss Anna Popp of' Elgin .'.spent Sunday at her home herr. : • Everett Hunter was a business vis* Itor in Chicago, Wednesday,- . ; ^ j Miss Beatrice Lane of Joliet WaS week-end guest .of Miss Stevens i Congratulations 'to .the Harvard Herald which has jw«t . completed ffc' ' T fort^-siix years of continuous publis h ' c a t i o n u n d e r t h e , s a m e e d i t o r s h i p a n d . "' V,"'last weokv -issued its first ivuiTib^r irt 11Y ,'• i.'-its. forty-seventh volume. - * ^.... - |*• / M." F. Walsh, well-knoWh •invne%sv r"* * ..papor . an'4 ipolitica*! fields, founded . ' , t h e H e r a l d f o r t y - s i x y e a r s a g o a n d j ^ bt^on managing editor during ^ei ^Vt^n't criticize the NRA, but tho^e i ' \ intervening years. He has the ^0"0r ^f,atiiide behind it (arid most of these] Kenneth Boley of Champaign spent * .V publishing a newspaper which has ai#e business men and sf^-called good week-end at his home here. . ' >been a winner in state contests seven .Americans). They have promised to | Mr. and Mrs. Raymond Schnoock • -;, times and once in a national contest.; ^ part and '&rs the first ones Were Chicago visitors Wednesday. The birthday edition jut out by the ^ patronize cut-rate shops, They Frank Locke of Chicago was a Sun. Herald last week was a most interest-! have been criticizing the chain Stores day guest in the J. M. Phalin home, 'ing one carrying pictures of its staff an<j everybody, that patronizes them j jjrs. F. E. Cobb of Chicago spent and facts of history concerning the when, no doubt, it is their own fault. first 0f the week with friends here paper and the community. They drive the people to the chain | Glenn Wattles and Walter Gorman In reviewing the various-county pa- stores. Now, dotrt^Su think it's"were Crystal Lake visitors Wednesday pers in existence forty-six ye&rft ago about time we threw the "hammer" eveinng. the Herald has the following to say "into the discard, look at our own Mr. and Mrs- Walter Walsh and ' concerning Jay Van Slyke, then ed- problems and learn how to conduct Genevieve Knox were Huntley visitors itor of the McHer.ry Plaindealer: jour own business? Sunday. ; "He was tall and gaunt with flow-1 I coilld point out. a -few % business Mr. and Mrs. George H. Johnson in®, mustache. Roman nrse, eagle eye. men in this town who Urtre the first , and family spent the Week-end in always hard up. Politicians seeking ones to adopt the NRA and wffen the Chicago. ' - • elective Iffice could always obtain barbers were first to come up with Mrs. Walter Carey left Sunday for publicity in Van Slyke's newspaper; their prices in order to exist these Tuczon, Ariz-, where she will spend its columrs were open ior most any- "big shots" were the first vone« to the winter. , thing they desired to say. I patronize the cut-rate shops. | Mr. and Mrs. Vaughn Jones of Chi- "Tf the candidate disliked "'Card' \ Now, let's learn how to co-operate cago were Sunday guests in the C. W. Pouthworth or the 'Woodstock ring' and conduct ourselves, before we Goodell home. (the brains of which for a generation criticize others. was:Geo. K. Bunker), Van's paper! k- FRANZEN. gave first page to any compilation] VMidt FOR SALE FOI? SALE--White Rock Roasting Chickens, young and tender. Prices reasonable. Phone 67-W, McHenry. 25 FOR SALE--The Frank Miller 7- room house and garage, including 1 acre of land at Johnsburg. Inquire of Peter F. Miller, H^l, McHenry, *25-3 City Council Proceedings Council Room, Nov. 6, 1988. The City Council met in regular monthly meeting, Mayor Doherty presiding. Aldermen present: Barbian, Justen, Kreutzer, Overton, Wattles, Schaefer, absent: none. Motion by Kreutzer, seconded by Schaefer, that the minutes of the previous regular and special meetings be approved as read. Motion carried. Motion by Overton, _ seconded by Wattles, that the Treasurer's report be approved as read, showing .a balance of $4,721.78. THouon carried. Motion by Kreutzer, seconded by Schaefer, that, the Collector's report be accepted as read. Motion carried. . Motion by Overton, seconded by W&ttles, that , the " Cleitfcfe report be accepted as read. Motion carried. --~ „ ... _ • , „ril_ --, | Motion by Overton, seconded by FOR SALE and REN-f-Large and | Barbian> thtft the following bills be small farms. Stoffel ^ ^^^^" paid as read and ok*<t ny the. finance perger, West McHenry. - 23-tf. committee. Motion carried. 'sejvjs luwtn jo aon*n »ao •j« u«aui o) a»3|u; s; u suioo jno jo £ubri uo p^o»|<l Xuuanbas •qns pus ojjora ano aurnoaq snqj po« •ajBjS penun jo l«»S l«3JO jo ui?!Scti> ai|i jo ^jud sbm u liajaA o) pa}!p<)j0 Xiib.wiwSI ..uinjdjojv,. panuua tnaod b u| Xi|ini|JiiJO KJBdddB asnjqd aqx ,,'jCumiu raoj; »uo„ Su(unaui esujijd a»B'i. B 6J ..Iiirnin suqijnid a» <(ainaf| •nqi.injj g(| jo Suia*»^ FOR SALE--1,500-egg capacity electric incubator. tJsed one season. Guaranteed like new. Urbandale Poultry Farm. Phone McHenry &15-R-1 *24 : FOR RENt FOR- RENT--Five-room ; " Tn^dem hoube. Call 52-W. McHenry: 25 Mr. and Mrs. Robert Thompson vts? ited Mr. and Mrs. Harry Alexander at Hebron, Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. William Bamfprd of Rockford visited il| the M. Couch presented for publication. Van Slyke, j COUNTY GET-TOGETHER more nearly than any other McHenry; , FOR YOUNG AND OLD county editor of the period I am j At the county get-together for old home Wednesday. * speaking, represented the typical and your.g Thursday night, November! Mrs. Georgie A. Meine was a dinpersonal journalist." 16, St- Mary's Gym, several old time ner guest of friends at Arlington When the newspaper was launched square dances will be danced by folks Heights Tuesday. forty-six years ago Harvard was a who danced them "yesterday." j Mr. and Mrs. Hal Plumb of Chirillage with a population of about Everyone will participate in the cago were Sunday guests of Mr. and 1500 but today it has doubled in size. also combination storm and screen care for this type of reci-eation. doors. Phone us for an estimate of Alexander Lumbeh Company. Phone 5. 25 Hard en tHe Women Wenen of Mexico City may not *tay oat in the streets after 9 p. m. without an escort. Density of Space ASfctronouiers of Chicago university calculate that all the gaseous and solid material between a distant star and the earth could be packed into a cube less than one-half lAcb on a side. dances; march waltzes, and circle two Mrs. Albert Purvey. steps will feature in the program- | Quentin Walsh, Jack Parker, Arnold You'll be surprised at the amount This party is being sponsored by Anderson and Robert Green attended of fuel saved and the comfort gained the County Home Bureau and is being the fair Wednesday. by the installation of Storm Sash, | held for those folks in the county who! Mr. and Mrs. M. J. Lonergan of i Chicago were Sunday guests in the | Louis McDonald home. / Mrs. Mollie Givens went to Chicago I Sunday for a few days'1 visit in the | home of her daughter. | Kenneth Murray of Wauconda and ;Bob Walsh of Fox Lake were McHenry visitors Monday. Miss Bemice Ferwerda, sister, Jennie, and Elmer Huemann were Chicago visitors last Thursday. John Lon.g of Chicago visited in the home of his aunt and uncle, Mr. and Mrs. Peter Doherty, Thursday. Dr. and Mrs. H. F. Cannon of Waukegan were guests in the home of Mr. and Mrs. M, J. Walsh Saturday. Mrs, F, A, Connolly of Chicago spent a few days this week with har parents, Mr. and Mrs J. J. Frett. Mr. and Mrs. Harry Lawrence of Chicago spent the week-end in the home of her mother, Mrs. Mollie Givens. ' * Woodstock's Bwwtiifl! f la> Hmst I FRIDAY. NOV. 17 Admission 10-Sflc MERCHANTS' GlPf NIGHT Jain<5 r»unn and Joan Bennett In a musical romance "Arizona To Broadway" l El Tovar CRYSTAL LAKE; ILL. Illinois' Most beautiful Theatre Admission 10-30c Sun. Mat. 2;45 to 4, Afftr- 6 p. m., 10-30c • FOR RENT--House on Elm Inquire pf W. M. Heimer. FOR ^RENT--Modern over J-_C. TTiies Candy Co-^ store | jacob Schaefer, alderman J, B. Wirtz, mflrshal serv,..., W. C. Feltz, caretaker -100-.00 E.. Mischke, police :...V §5 00 M. M. Niesen, siipt. 50.00 Peter J. Doherty, mayor "32.00 street | Albert Barbian, alderman ...!.... 15 00 22tf N. P. Justen, aldemian .......$.• 15.00 ---- ^Herman Kreutzer, alderman .... .20.00 6-room flat|j{ I. Overton, alderman 20.00 .20.00 on main St., West McHenry. Inquire |F h. Wattles, alderman ........ 20.00 at store. 21tfjp ^ Neiss, clerk 7 FOR RENT OR SALE--A modern 5C"' S°" room house on Richmond road, near! St. Mary's church. Newly painted. f"; »>- P^- f"' .,f' r | New furn--a ,c e. , Weather proofed. New ^ ferv- ' ha" "J I garage. Telephone 1ir77. Mrs. John Kp . Pu,b . „S erv. Co.', pvo w. pump. wat. 5o4r .o3o01; tv 6 ^ ^, Pub Ser. Co., pow. pump. wat. 30.38 Knox' ~\i j 111. Bell Tel. Co., service....;...., v 2.315 j ttTANTTn P* A" Neiss» com-' P°sta^e 3.50 " AW 1 i McHenry Plaindealer, stamp. env. and notices - < Puppies Are Born Blind Dogs, like babies, are bofn bluish film covers the eyes until about the ninth day. Puppies are born In litters, one to eight, or more. No living thing enjoys - life more thai! the rornpihg puppy does! • J *" ;: "NaUhu Oblige**' One definition of the French phrave * "noblesse oblige" Is that "whowar calls himse4f noble shouM conduct himself nobly." According to one authority, the phrase was suggested by duke of Levis in 1808, apropos of the establishment of the ndbility of the French empire,6 as the b<4t maxim for both the old regime and the new. The Idea itself is at least as old as th« Greek poet Euripides, who stated "The. nobly born must nobly meet his fatV California'* Lost by Fire In the past few years California has had one twelfth of its total area burned^ off by forest fli^s, brush flrM), and eniss fires. ' . •' WANTED--Furnished room close in for month. State price and whether heated. XYZ, Plaindealer. Alex. Lbr. Co., coal and lbr.' J. J. V^cital, sup, wat. wks. *25 j Valvoline Oil Co, gas., oil H. C. Kamholz, sup., lab. w.w. W. Buchert, sup. lab. w.w. Mike Degen, police Fred Wolf, police P. E. Gerasch, rodding sewer .. RELIABLE DEALER -- wanted to A. H. Schaefer, exp. drayage... handle Heberling Products in North ! Mdyme Buss, com., etc Vz of McHenry County. Excellent op. i W. H. Althoff, sheet rubber.... WANTED--Livestock, pigs from 180 to 210 lbs.; 15 to 20 every week. Central Market, Geo. Schreiner, prop. 21-tf. portunity for the right man, selling direct to farmers. Earnings $40 weekly not unusual. Write for free catalogue. ^ G. C. HEBERUNG COMPANY Dept. 409 Bloomington, III, •41.00 12.08 , 6.08 15.51 44.87 10.03 '5.00 5.50 5.18 4.16 16.83 .6» 12.82 25.00 9.40 MISCELLANEOUS M. Engeln & Son, sup. labor, water works Geo. Meyers, gravel on «ts. ..... Tonyan Con. Co., lab. on sts. . A. Blake, lab. on sts. 3.20 2.80 .93 8.00 EXCEPTIONAL GLASSES FOR EXCEPTIONAL EYES --Dr. C. Keller, Sundays and Mondays at his summer home, Riverside Drive, McHenry. Phone 211-R. 22 4 Andrew Hanson, lab. w.w Mueller Co., supplies H. F. Peteit, redempt. books.. Stilling's Tire Shop, battery rental, etc 2.84 J. G- Pollard Co., repairs, dipping needle 5.10 McHenry Band, on account 100.00 Motion by Barbian, seconded by Wattles, that the new policy covering the fire truck issued by Stoffel & Reihansperger be canceled and the SATURDAY, NOV. 18 Admission 10-30c Ken Mavrard in FIDDLIN' BUCKARP© Also Episode No. 5 in the Buck Jr-nes serial "GORDON OF GHOST CITY**--Special added! CHARLIE CHAPUN in "THE VAGABOND" SI N.-MON.,~NOV. 19-20 Cont. Sun. from 2:30 p. m. Adm. 10-25c till 6 p. m. 10-30c after. Clark Gable, Helen Hayes, John and Lionel Barry-more, Robert Montgomery, and My ma Loy in "NIGHT FLiaHT" TUESDAY, NOV. 21 OUR BARGAIN NIGHT! Devilish Musical Comedy! 'LADIES MUST LOVE' With June Knight. Sally O'Neil, Mary Carlisle WED.-THURS., NOV. 22-M Admission 10-30c Bing Crosby in TOO MUCH HARMONY ^ it h Jack Oakie * THCRS.-FRI., NOV. 16-17 Warner Baxter, Myrna Loy "PENTHOUSE" The Season's Most Exciting Screen Drama--40 Stories - Above Broadway ! SATURDAY ONLY, NOV. 18 George O'Brien El Brendel in ; "THE LAST TRAILV Zane Grey's vivid thriller of racketeers in the West! SUN.-MON., >OV. 19-20 The Greatest Drama of Daring and Romance ever Screened! John Barrymore Lionel Barrymore, Helen Hayes Clark Gable . Robert Montgomery Myrna Loy "NIGHT FLIGHT" Don't miss this magnificent spectacle of daring and courage TUES.-WED., NOV. 21-22 Spencer Tracy-Colleen Moore "Power and the Glory" An old favorite returns in this screen triumph! WHEN YOU NEED A VETERINARIAN-- Call Richmond 16. Graduate veterinarian, prompt service. General game be reinsured ^th R A Kent practice. Both krg«5 and small am-|The aIdermen voted as fJfow8: Barmal^ Dr. John Ducey, Richmond, 111-J bian> aye. Justen> aye. Kreutzer, nay; * ; | Overton, present; Schaefer, aye; Wattles, aye. Motion carried. Motion by Barbian, seconded by Kreutzer, that the application and bond of Mrs. Mae H. Dietz to operate a malt and vinous beverage establishment in the City of McHenry, be approved and licence granted. Motion carried. Motion by Schaefer^ seconded by Overton, th§t Mr. Dietz be granted DEAD ANIMALS REMOVED * FREE OF CHARGE MIDWEST REMOVAL CO. PHONE DUNDEE! JO Reverse Charges •20-13 EXECUTRICES' NOTICE Estate of Edmund Knox, Deceased. The undersigned, having been apmr- ana Mrs. AiDen nouy anu »on ^ w.v. tr-- -- --j --- and the former's mother, Mrs. Nizzie 'and Testament of Edmund Knox, de-; remove the curbing adjacent to his Holly, of Genoa visited friends here [ceased, late of the County of McHenry (property on Elm street, under the Sunday. and State of Illinois, hereby give,supervision of^ the proper committee. Miss Bertilla Freund has given up'notice that they will appear before j Motion carried. her work in Wilmette and is keeping the County Court of McHenry County, Motion by Kreutzer, seconded by house for her brother, Herbert at the Court House in Woodstock, at Justen, that the Clerk be instructed Freund. jthe January Term, on the first Mon- to write to the engineers to meet with Mr. and Mrs. Karl Bradley and day in January next, at which time! the Ciy Council at an early date to family of Woodstock were Sunday all persons having claims against said discuss sewer disposal plant improveguests of her parents, Mr. and Mrs. [Estate are notified and requested torments. Motion carried. Henry Heimer. / j attend for the purpose of having tl?c] Motion by Justen, seconded by Mr and Mrs. A. Raduenz 'and little • same adjusted. son and Mrs. James Grady of Burling-1 to said Estate are requested to make ton were Sunday guests of Mr. and. immediate payment to the under- Mrs. W. F. Burke. signed. Mr. and Mrs. Leo Dwyer and Fr. Dated this* 14th dfcy of Novroeber, Esser of Huntley were Friday evening A. D. 1933. v - guests in the home of Mayor and Dorothy Knox and Genevieve Knox, Mrs. Peter Doherty. 25-3 Executrices. Mrs. Harvey Damm amd son of All persons indebted Kreutzer, that all delinquents be 'notified through the Plaindealer that Kenosha spent several days over1 the week-end in the home of her parents, Mr. and Mrs. William Bacon. vehicle tax license, dog tax license, | milk distributor license, beer distribu- j tor license, show house license, bowl-1 ing alley and pool room license, must be paid before Monday, Nov. 13, or summons will ""be served on delinquents. Motion carried. Motion by Overton, seconded by GREEN STREET Shows--7 «ikd 9 T h £ McHENRY ^ ILLINOIS li E AT Fj Adm. 10-2&C Friday and Saturday, Nov. 17 and 18 Minute Men of today -- the Radio Patrol/ Tim MCCOY EVALYN KNAPP d i ' by Lambert HiHyer • ' -'V £' tambia Back Joww in "GORDON OF CITQ^T CTTT4--each Friday-Satu'rday Sunday and Monday, Nov. 19 and 20 CLAUDETTE COLBERT in "TORCH SINGER99 3 DAYS--TUES, WED, THURS. Nov. U, 22,23 HERE IT IS! THE SHOW OF SHOWS! u Golddiggers of 1933" 8UPER SUCCESSOR TO 42ND STREET! GREATER EVEN THAN GOLT> DIGGRim OP KRAAim A y? Mr. and Mrs. F. W. Sayler and may be the quality of your coal. Jf daughters, Viola and Joyce, of Wood- you have trouble, com^ in and tell us stock were guests of his parents, Mr. j kind of stove or fumade you and Mrs. W. A. Sayler Sunday. ! ^ave and we will gladly tell you whft Misses Marjory an<l Ruth Fhalmjkind of coal will give you the best reand Anotonette Huetch and Mrs.! suits. Alexander Lumoeir Company- Howard Phalin of Chicago were week- Phone 5. , 25 end visitors in the J. M. Phalin home- •• .• • ; Mrs. Alfred Johannsen and children Boiling Water on Mountain Marion and Sherman of Evanston and;;;account of the lower atmospheric; Mrs. Edwin Gros of Chicago were pressure on high mountains, water Monday guests of Mrs Robert %org4f^*U>ons at a lower temperature. The dlfson. s ^erence is about one degree for every Mr. and Mrs. William Manim of 538 feet of altitude, so that at the top If you are net getting the heat out | Wattles, to adjourn to the call of the of your stove or furnace the reason .Mayor- Motion carried. Peter J. Doherty, Mayor Edison Park and Miss Verena Justen of Pittsburg were weerc-end visitors in the home of their parents, Mr. and Mrs. N. J. Justen. Mr. and Mrs. George Kamholz and family, Mr. and Mrs. Paul Kamholz and baby and Fred Kamholz, Jr., of Chicago visited their parents, Mr. and Mrs. Fred Kamholz, Thursday. Mr. and Mrs. George Rauen and son of Kenosha spent the week-end in the Math Glosson home, Miss Genevieve Glosson, who spent last week at her heme here, returned to Kenosha with them. Supt. and Mrs. C. Hi. Duker nnd family motored to Chicago Sunday where they took Mrs, Duker*s mother, Mrs. Bell Smith, to the train leaving for her home at Biggs, Calif., Mrs. Smith returned with Mr. and Mrs. Duker last summer and has been visiting here ard in Indiana 'for the past four months. of Pike's peak water boils at about 187 degrees Fahrenheit Instead of at 212 degrees.. Anniversary Sale bargains at Smith Bros. *25 Berne, Switzerland Berne, Switzerland, with a popula- Mop of about 100,000, Is mainly Qer- •nan-Bpenk'nT Protestants. Teit of All Progren The test of all progress, and even of civilization. Is the type of mla4 CHRISTIAN SCIENCE CHURCHES \>r " "Mortals iir/jy.'Iuiniortnls" the subject of the I-esson Serumii In all Churches of Christ. Scientist, C® Sunday. Noveinlter The Golden Text WHS. "The earnest exiH><-tation of the creature waiteth for the manifestation of the sons of God" (Uenmns 8:11).). Among the citations > which com-, prised the liesson Serin on was the following from the Bible: "Thus saith the Lord, the Holy One of Israel. and his Maker. Ask me of things to come 'Concerning iny sons, and concerning the work of my hands command ye me. I have made the earth, and crciited man upon It: IT even my hands, have stretched out the heavens, and all their host have 1 commanded. 1 have raised him up In righteousness, and I will direct all his ways" (Isaiah 45:11-13). The Lesson-Sermon also •Included the following passages from the Christian Science textbook, "Science and Health with Key to the ...•Scriptures," by Mary 'Baker Eddy: "Immortal man was and is God's Image or idea, even the Infinite expression of infinite Mind, and immortal man is coexistent and coeternal with that Mind: . . . God, the divine l'rlnttple of nmn. and man in God's like- Peter A. Neiss, City Clerk. Sheer Wool for Evening A striking evening ensemble of slice wool designed for winter evenings. The skirt is In mulberry wool with plaid bodice and cape. The Pewter Muggers The Pewter Muggers were a faction of the Democratic party which was opposed to the Tammany candidates In 1828. Their meetings being held in a Frankfort street resort over pewter .L. k. tk«U Franklin MacNeagh & Co., the wholesale firm which has supplied us for years with the many good things ? in the Grocery line, celebrate their-- . Y^ars before; the great Chicago firebr^gven before Sherman made his "March*to the Se&"--the name Franklin MacVeagh & Company stood for the finest in food service. Today, this Institution, which serves many progressive grocers throughout the Middle West, is celebrating its'68th Anniversary, by making it possible for us to offer these outstanding values. We just mention three of the many outstanding values offered at our store during this-sale from NOVEMBER 17TH to 23RD. Fruits for Salad ™ Excellent Quality (5 varieties of fruit) A delicious desert Large _ mam -a" 29c - Ztor 55c Club House, whole peeled APRICOTS--Sweetheart Breakfast FIGS, No. 1 tall tins, choice 3 for 43^ GATSUP, large 14 Vi ounce bottle (Club House or Sweetheart brand, 17^--3 for 49^ A new flavor (all its own) Made from fresh red ripe Tomatoes and .pore spiees. ^ Smith Bros. The Busy Big Store--selling dependable merchandise al a price you can afford. McHenry, I1L OUR REGULAR PRICES DuSarry Prints, yd ...................20c Lucky Girl Prints yd. Plain Color Percale, y«L 18c Autumn Suiting w.....»........25c Single Cotton Blanket* 69c Men's Sturdy Work Silirta 70c Double Cotton Blanket, pr $1.39 GirlsT Heavy Cotteii Union Suits .........19c Men's Part Wool Union Suits $1.25 . Boys' Heavy Cotton Union Suits ...Ifc Women's Part Wool , Union Suit* ........,79c WWt« Shalwr Fbnn%^ 36-inch, yd ;,*,«,;.;«.^..18c 42-inch Pillow Tubing, yd 25c Part Wool Double Blanket, pr $2.95 JOHN STOFFEL " ' 3C=3ISJ&=©[ G R A N D O P E N I N G WEDNESDAY NIGHT, NOV. 29--(Thanksgiving Eve) Friend's Rathskeller (JUSTEN S HOTEL) TURKEY DINNER (No more suppers will be served here until this date) Bring your friends to Jo© Friend's Rathskellei HARD TIME DANCE Sponsored by McHenry Locals Wednesday, November 22 Music by GUS UEBER'S ORCHESTRA Prizes for the Most Comically Dressed - Refreshments Served--Adm. 25c per person STOFFEL'S HALL, West McHenry Have Your Eyes Tested --BY-- Dr. C. Keller 45 Years' Experince Sundays and Mondays at my Summer Home Riverside Drive, McHenry All Work Guaranteed Phone McHenry 211-R FISH FRY FRIDAY NIGHT AUTO INN Brewery Corner, McHenry BABY PIKE Cooked Right--Served Right---Appetizing 10c per plate fieyiixur Brands of Beer On I)raugh*

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