Illinois News Index

McHenry Plaindealer (McHenry, IL), 23 Nov 1933, p. 2

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Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Foss and son, Billie, were callers Sunday evening at the home of Mr. and Mrs. A. DLoomis at Woodstock. Mrs. H. L. Brooks spent a few days last week at the home of Mrs. Lucile Rohman in Chicago. Henry Geary and son, Harry, of Grayslake spent Sunday at the home of Mr. and-Mrs. John Murray in Chicago. Merrill Foss and Clarence Foss of Woodstock called at,the home of Mr. and Mrs. Vm. Fossj last Thursday. Mr. and Mrs. Fred Nordmeyer and son Russell and daughter, Beatrice spent Saturday at Waukegan. Williard Darrell and Ed Harris of Grayslake and Earl Kane of Diamond Lake notored to Thorntown, led., last Thursday and attended the funeral of Mr. Smith. The deceased is the father of Mr. A. D. Smith, manage? of the Lake-Cook Farm Supply Co., at Grayslake. "Have * bite of milk," $uggeat» Jack Oakie. w: . . . . A . t . , A l f r e d R a u o f C h i c a g o s p e n t a f e w , pible for oven-one to have a good time ldays )ast Week at the H. L. Brooks home. i Mr. and Mrs. Emil Lundin of Chi- Miss Delia Stoffel, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. John Stoffel of this city yho has been: employed by the Bell Telephone company in Chicago for pome time past, left today for Washington, D. C.. where she will be employed in a like capacity. The last stretch of cement on the McHenry-Woodstocgk road was laid on Tuesday of this week and the activities, so far as cement laying is concerned, are now at next spring. TWENTY YEARS A<5© Butter was declared firm at 32 cents on the Elgin board of trade on Monday. The new barber shop in the John Heimer building has been closed since Tuesday, We have not; learned treason. The new home that is being erected on Court street by James Green of Ringwood is fast nearing completion and will soon be ready for occupancy. The mill pond has once more put on its fall and winter appearance. The water has once more reached its normal height and looks exceptionally clean and free from the weeds. Vince Dundee, 'Baltimore veteran, won the middleweight title from Loo Brouillard in a 15-round bout at Boston. But That WM Thra hundred and fifty years ago, Australia was nearly a year's Journey away from'Europe. N. J. WYE, M.D. W. A. NYE, M. J>. TWENTY-FIVE YEARS AGO The McHenry brewery has replaced its old casks for new ones. The old casks have served about twenty years and have done good service. Another improvement to be made in the near future is the removal of the office from its present location to the rooms formerly used for dwelling purposes. Dr. Adkins, who, during the past several years has been a familiar figure upon our streets was taken to the county farm at Hartland yesterday. Full satin lined broadcloth coats ranging in price from $10 to $25. Five pounds of 25 cent coffee for $1.50; three and one-half pounds 35 cent tea for $1.00. rwi The west end of the mill pond in the vicinity of Borden's ice house is being dredged from its weeds this week. George Meyers is doing, the work. * Laboratory and Physio Therapy cago and Mr. and Mrs. Raymond Lusk and daughter, Betty Lou, of Maple Park were Sunday guests •At ' the Blomgren home. Mr. and Mrs. Fred Nordmeyer and son, Russell, spent last Thursday at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Peter Weber at Loon Lake. . Mr. and Mrs. Elmer Esping spent end until j p^day night and the week-end at the home of the former's relatives at Moline having been called there by the death of his father, C. Hjalmar Esping whose funeral was held Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Lohnian and son, Raymond, of Libertyville, Mrs. Ernest Lohman and son, Muriel, of Barrington and Mis« Beatrice Nordmeyer of the j Wftuconda wer£ Sunday dinner guests at the home of Mr. and Mrs, Fred Nordmeyer*. Mr. and Mrs. Harry Matthews and sons spent Friday night and the week end at the home of Mr, and Mrs. Harvey Bailey at Hillsdale. In company with Mr. and Mrs. Bailey they attended the funeral of Mr. C. H. Esping at Moline Sunday. Th4y were all supper guests Sunday evening at the home of Mir. and Mrs. Robert L. Geer at Moline. Mrs. Jack Geary, Mrs. John Zimmer and Mrs. H. J. Shaffer and son, Stanley of McHenry spent Monday at the home of Mrs. Blanche Meade at Crystal Lake. Miss Dolores Dowell spent Tuesday with her grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Davis. Mr. and Mrs. Ray Dowell And daughter, Dolores, were recent visitors at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Chester Decker at Waukegan. -- OFFICE HOURS ; Daily--9--10; 1--3; 7--9 Phons 61-R CONNEL M. McDERMOTT ATTORNEY-AT-LAW Boars* to 11 a. m.; 1:30 to 5 p. M. JSrenings, 7 to 8 Phone 258 Pries Building McHenry, DL FORTY YEARS AGO The electric light committee, of the village council will visit several towns next week to inspect the workings of electric plants. Butter was firm Monday at the Elgin board of trade, at hist week's price, 25 cents, ll,340t lbs. selling. Some dealers refused to part with their product Rev. F. M. Yates, of Marseilles, preached at the Universalist church Sunday morning and evening. Henry Simes and wife, who have been living at Elgin for sometime, have again taken up their residence here. Burglars played havoc in the Harvard saloons a few nights ago. The cash and goods stolen amounted to about $200. 4 OINT & COMPANY All Kinds of I N S U R A N C E Ultra Violet Rays Rid Photos of Eye Squint East Pittsburgh, Pa. -- Unnatural squinting, sometimes caused In portraits by Intense Illumination, may bo eliminated by the use of ultra-violet rays la photography. A bulb of black glass which filters out all light rays except the Invisible ultraviolet rays has been developed by the Westlnghouse Electric and Manufacturing company. By the use of the bulb it Is possible to take photographs In the dark or with so little Illumination that no eye discomfort would be felt. HEN you want to gain weight don't risk gaining pimples as well as pounds by adding to your diet only sweet, starchy foods. Maintain a balanced diet as usual, Increasing quantities of everything and not neglecting yotjr protective foods--fresh milk, fruits and vegetables. Also, eat freely of concentrated foods sutfb as butter, cream, bacon, nuts and vegetable oils. And take It easy, irestlng as much as possible^ A SJOO CALORIE GAINING DIET Breakfast (685 Calories) Grapefruit juice 1 glass .......100 Eg-grs shirred 8 ......* 200 Toast 2 slices 100 Butter 1 tbsp. .......... 100 Jam 1 tbsp 60 Fresh milk 1 glass .......185 Lanckeon (885 Calories) Cottage cheese and nut salad. .300 Rolls 2 ... ......100 Butter 1 tbsp. 100 Applesauce % cup 150. Cream 2 tbsps. , SO Cookie 1 medium 60 Fresh milk 1 glass '. 136 Mid-Afternoon (202 Calorijfl) Cuthbert---I'm going to get me a nice little wife. I'll have a cozy little home, well-looked meals, my slippers will be all ready for me when I get home at night, my pipe will be handy, and peace and contentment will reign for the rest of my days. I tell you It's great I > Hubert--You never ought to DMOTy. Cuthbert--Why not? Hubert--Well, when a man has a beautiful dream like that he should not take the risk of waklogyGjfcr^-Pathflnder Magazine. Worth Wfello "Do you think a c6Uege educktlon pays?" • • 'Sure It does. My son Is earnitig $3 a day in a stone quarry, all because of the practice he got while In college as a hammer thrower.**--Philadelphia Evening Bulletin. Quite True Lady (to tramp)--Did you notice that pile of wood In the yard? "Yes'm, I seen It" "You should mind your grammar. You mean you saw It" "No'm. You saw me see It, but you haven't seen me saw It." KNOWS HER STUFF Fresh milk 1 glass Graham cr&ckerg I . ... Dlaner (1,285 Calories) Hamburger steak 4 os. Mashed potato % cup . Beets Vt cup Butter 1 tbsp Spinach % cup Butter 1 tbsp. ..........i Bread S slices ........... Butter 1 tbsp". Chocolate cake, whipped 1 medium piece Fresh milk 1 glass ..1JI 41 * f • • '.•«««•• • 4- . sod .160 .• io2q5«f ..... 25 . . . . . 1 0 0 . . . . . 1 0 0 . 1 . . . 1 0 0 cream .....350 .....136 Before Retiring (136 Calories) Fresh milk 1 glass ..136 ° f otal Day's Calories S,lft HOME LOAN BANK HEAD ' Produce* Much Furniture North Carolina annually produces furniture valued at nearly $00,000,- 000. John H. Fahey of Boston, Mass., who has been appointed chairman of the Federal Home Loan bank board, In succession to William F. Stevenson. Planning to Help the Stranded These two gentlemen,, Dr. M. L. Wilson (left), and Clarence E. i'iekeli,:; are in charge of the expenditure of $25,000,000 - made, available through tlifj ' public works bill for the purpose of helping stranded agricultural, Industrie and mining populations, Doctor Wilson is director of the subsistence'liom®-. Stead division of the Interior departments and Mr. Pickett is chief of the section of stranded Industrial and mining groups. Although the sum available Is far snort of the three billion requested by Stranded groups, these men are directing experiments which wilj result in establishment of self-supporting community groups in the states of Washington, Montana, Tennessee, Alabama.; Arizona, Colorado, Oklahoma, California, Missouri, Florida, North Carolina and! a number of eastern states. A CAR IS ONLY AS GOOD AS ITS MOTOR-- Cold weather makes the motor work harder and therefore the strain is greater. Morpvjattention should be given the engine at this time. Let check it over now. A little repair before serious trouble starts could save the owner many dollars. We guarantee all our work. Batteries--Radiator Alcohol Phone 320 SMITH'S GARAGE McHenry Elm St and Riverside Drive "What's this I Tour house Is all torn up. Things are a wreck." "Yes, looks like the wife has started her Mid-aeeson offensive.'* Preparedness Mtetress (to new cook)--My husband often brings three or four friends home to dinner without warning. You'll be prepared for that, won't yon? Oook--Yes, ma'ami I'll keep my bag packed ready. PhMomeaso* ' queer, the way a hone eats, Isn't It? Goof us--I don't know. How Is It?" Rufus--He eats best without a bit In his mouth. Good Measure Hubby--How do you get along with the butcher, darling? Wlfey--Oh, he is such a generous man, dear. Every time I order a twopound joint he sends on* weighing three, Fasluoa Wife--Hurry up, can't you? I simply must go ont and show off ray new coat Hubby--Wait a minute. I simply must cut the fringe off my coat call. NEW WAYS Subscribe for The Plaindealer*' | Ten Reasons Why Air Travel Is Popular Placed with the most reliable Companies Come in and talk it over "hone McHenrj 8 Telephone No. 300 Stoffel & Reihansperger insurance agents for all clas$es property in the best companies. FIFTY YEARS AGO Wednesday last, six inches of MMftr is reported in New Hampshire. Somewhat different frona the weather in this section. Chet Howard, Frank Page and Colon Ostrander started this Wednesday morning for a hunting excursion to the Illinois river. They expect to be gone all winter. John L. Howe, wh owas severely injured some six weeks since by being run over by a horse, is mending very slowly. - A very quiet wedding took place yesterday at the residence ^ Thomas Lumley near Ringwood, it being the marriage of his daughter, Kate, to George Goodrow, a resident of Woodstock. WEST HcHENRY ILLINOIS A. P. Freund Excavating Contractor Dog Adopts Baby Chick Springfield. Mo.--Peggy, a sevenyear- old spaniel, recently adopted r. two-day-old let-'horn chick to rear with her four puppieB. The puppies were eight days old at the time of the adoption. Four years ago, United Air Lines experimented with stewardess service on its planes on night sections of its Coast-to-Coast flight. The idea proved popular with travelers and the original eight stewardesses have been supplemented until 160 are now required as the third member of the crew on United's fleet of threemile- a-minute multi-motored planes. Duties of air stewardesses, some of v^hom are pictured above with one of the new Boeing monoplanes, include serving lunches aloft, providing reading and writing material, checking tickets, answering questions, making night-flying passengers comfortable for sleeping, an# la other ways adding to tbs enjoysneat ot 'plane travel. *• to raise ---- Electrically heated drinking water I Electric ultra violet ' most of the benefits mer sun rays to give of mid-sum- ^ Electric ventilation to pure * remove 1m- 1N these three new ways, electricity helps to increase health of poultry and increase egg pro<juction. This is accomplished by means of an electricallyheated water pan, a light that gives both illumination and ultra violetxays and* buiitin electric ventilating fan. Leam more about these great inventions. Write your nearest Public Service office. We'll gladly send a representative familiarwith Jpcal poultry-raising problems. There is absolutely no charge for this service. PUBLIC SERVICE COMPANY OF NORTHERN ILLINOIS Tracking, Hydraulic and Crane Service T«L Road Building 204-M McHenry, 111. S. H. Freund & Son CONTRACTORS AND BUILDERS Phone 127-R ' McHenry Our experience is at Your Service in building Your Wants Say you THE PLAIN DEALER BY ARNOT AIN'T IT THE TRUTH! "DftX> \ WRECV<EO "WE CM*. KHOCKED OOT JAy-reEjfrt, <SoT ft SOMrAOMS MQ THE OTHQ* 6oy'S Go\N6 TO SUE XQiH 1M JuST Wo>4C>ER\KUa HOW WE'RE 6oitJ6 TO KECP OH EftTlN6 oat? Expenses pure KK/OU) • . -- L

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