mm THE McHENRY PLAINDEALER, THURSDAY, DEC. 21, 1933, ~t * ' '* " r < Iv ,/?»• » i dip This CoDpoo! This coupon and 50 cents entitles the holder to 2 Full Sunday Dinners Roast Duck with Dressing at BETTrS at Lily Lake SUNDAY, DEC. 24TH between the hours of 11 and 7 o'clock CHRISTMAS PROGRAM A Wry interesting Christmas grtun was given on T\ie®day at 2 p. m. in St. Mary's hall by the 1st, 2nd, 7th and 8th grade pupils of St. Mary's School. A very large number of friends were present and everyone had a very pleasant afternoon. , The program, was as follows:' Chorus For Christmas--Soujf^ accompanied by the rhythm orchestra of the 1st and 2nd grades. I Wish You a Merry Christmas. .. ... Gerald Miller Pian6 Ihiet Jihres Durland , and Beatrice Williams I Writing a Letter to Santa I .....^.Recitation by our little tots Silent Night ...Harmonica Sweet and Low Rhythm Orchestra Piano Duet....Lorraine Schaefer and [ v; ;^..^..v....^ Ethel, Althoff j Little Lord Jesus..;. Song by 1st, 2nd I MCHENRY LODGE INSTALLS j ...grade pupils • ' IffcHenry Lodge. No. 158, A. F. & .-Musical Director..Play, 8th grade boys held its aiuiual installation of (Piano Duet.:......Doris Kennebeck. and officers Tuesday night. Officers installed were: ENTERTAIN CHILDREN Members of Court Joyce Kilmer, C. D. of A., had the children as their guests at a Christmas party in K. C. hall Monday evening. A jolly crowd was present to enjoy the Christmas tree and the visit of Santa Claqs with each ono receiving a'gift. • An interesting program was given including songs by the entire group, | recitations by LOOKING FORWARD TO CHRISTMAS HOLIDAY The final week before Christmas id fast slipping away and the few ret maining shopping days can be counted on one hand. People are busy making preparations for this greatest holiday of the year and many family Katherine McAndrews j ark* social .events are being planned €ldb and Mary Kline, vocal solo, Evelyn The schools will close on Friday for Karls; duet, Althoff sisters playing J a several days' vacation and the surtheir own accompaniment; Jean Huck, rounding rural schools will carvy Out song and dance in costume; Adelfc ( practically the same scheduler resum- |£roehlich and Jack Hess, comet solos ing work after New Year's, songs by the high school trio; danccby Evelyn Karls and ^Catherine Jus ten. »- * "J (gift I" Christmas will be observed "in every Sgom of the grade school with appropriate programs given by the children and attractively trimmed Christmas trees and the exchange of gifts the ' on Friday afternoon, while the kinder- EASTERN STAR NOTES Installation ceremonies are popular order of the day in Eastern j garten will also have a party. .Worshipful Mast-er-^-Seth' Richard- WttL . Senior Warden-'-Ch^uncey Harrison - Junior' Warden--Clinton ^Martin, .J'reasairer--George Johnson. / .'••.'••Secretary---James "Sayler. * \ Chaplain--Lester Sherman-.' r-*.v . Marshal--Floyd 'Hopper.- , iSjwiior D'eacon-r-Neil' Carl«b<& junior Deacon--Lisle Bassett. "Senior Steward---rEarl Dow^ll. , ' .......Berniee Jus»ten The Ifoly Night....Opereata, "<h and v grade girls Selections on the Piano....Martha Dur- .- ......../.land" artd Winifred Carp Fft^ry Snowflake^. • .Chorus, 7th and ' -. 8th grade pupils.. PARTY"NETS' $13.60 Tho Relief Fund was increased by" • $13.60 as a resiilt of ...the benefit card party given byMrs. Joe Friend, at Jus ten's Hotel, Wednesday afternoon. Junior Steward--Clayton Harrison-! About twelve tables were'in play and Star circles and the following invi- ( Last-minute shoppers may stimutations to attend installations hav^' late trade in this vicinity somewhat been, received by McHenry chapter: Lombard chapter, Dec. "14. • Antioch, Dec. 16. r;;? Crystal Lake, Dec. 1% Sorosis, Dec. 20. Waukegaa, Dec. 2f. Woodstock, Dee. 22: • •" "S1 >*. Golden Star, Genoa, Laurel Chapter, Morris, p,ec. SS ' Normal, DeKalb, Dec. 2f>. -• V Elgin Chapter, Dec. 30. Bethel, Elgin, Jan. 4L\, '- Oswego, Jan. 8. this week and, to the happy tinkle of ; ca'sh registers, it' is hoped that a sales | business will be recorded 1 eclipsing I th#t of the lasti, holiday season, •j' Several factors combine to make [conditions more favorable |his year I for Christmas trading. Perhaps the j most important thing is that (j^ver |,seventy in the' township and mote I than 800 ip the county, preyiously jobless, have .received work and pay checks and will, put into circulation a part of the federal money which they Tyler--James Perkins. Installing officers were Floyd Covalt and Dr. R. G. Chamberlin. delicious lunch and prizes were furn- Misses France.* a.nd EAste VV^ital, received on civil works projects. The Mrs. J. E. Wheeler and • Mrs; James weather, also, has-been mild and sun- Perfcins attended installation at Crys- ny and glfopping- conditions pleasant, tal; Lake Wednesday night.| The greatest army of Christmas E..! ished by Mrs. Friend. The officers 13f J ch*Pte,! wil1 110,(1 its installation Jan. shoppers that Chicago has seen since the McHenry . Township Emergency Relief association appreciate her efforts in behalf of this good cause. 1929 market crash swept Into the ---- I loop Saturday, according to the Chi- \1 OTHERS' CHRISTMAS PARTY "cago papers. Members of the Mothers club en-j a 15 to 20 per cent increase in the joyed their annual Christmas party volume of Christmas parcel post busi- CHRISTMAS PARTY McHenry chapter, O. E. S., enter-' Prizes in .bridge were won by Mrs. tained mem, ,b,e rs. , *t he.i,r. fam. ilies and John Stilling, Mi's. Nick Freund and . Woodmajn hall Fridlav afternoon fi, *. t (l ' '*• i *. Masons and their families at an vX mas *Mfrrs«- Wwaailtteerr Wvvnalidshn*, iinn fivo Vnumnrvndrrepad I . ..w o„o amaCp . wna n,K lrr nrito7p yM arist erAnononna ness over that of . th»e .s,a me time la„s t par.t y S0 aturd, ay even.i ng. Cr.uh r.i s,t mas„ uD>v *Mfrr<s-; \"rH;iil M\feevyere<r*s, Mmaarniee aiua.r „ m,i si„. w. ivioQntz, ivirs. Anna year - was reportea by the Chicago 0hnpfpr Mrs cheer prevailed wit1.wpropri.te dec- .^ll^Ch^^ta^onco byiFrank and William h! The Christmas spiritis displayed in I Althoff in charge 6f the arrange- homes of McHenry with beatuifullv ments. decorated Christmas trees shining out orations and a brightly lighted tree attracting the little folks ajid big folks as well. Games and dancing were enjoyed during the evening with music furnished by th6 Vycital orchestra. Later in the evening Santa Claus arrived and ^distributed gifts to each one present, after which lunch was served. CARD CLUB MEETS M<r, and Mrs. Peter J. Schaefer entertained th(eir card club at theii^ home on Waukegan street Friday evening. Three tables of five hundred were in -play and prizes for 'high scores jw'ei-e won by Mr. and Mrs. F. J. Schaefer, while the consolations went to Mrs. Nick Adams and Louis Althoff. Those present were Messrs. and Mesdames William H. Althoff, Louis Althoff, John R* Freund, Leo Blake and Nick Adams. JUST EIGHT MEET Mrs* F. G. Schreiner was hostess to the Just Eight club Friday evening. Cards were enjoyed and prizes were merited by Miss Lena Stoffel, Mrs. P. M. Justen and Mrs. F. J. Aicher. Refreshments were served at the close of the evening. ; Celia Justen and Mrs. Bugner. Mrs. E. W Johnson donated a .fruitcake and the proceeds of J3.40 will go to buy Xmas trees for the poor children, arcording to the desire of Mrs. Johnson. W. C. O. F. CHRISTMAS PARTY About 100 members and children were in attendance at the Christmas party sponsored by St. Clara's Court, W. C. O. F., Wednesday night. The parish hall had been t>eautifully decorated for the occasion in poinsettias, evergreens and tinsef, by the Sisters of the church, and gleaming Christmas trees and the visit of Santa Claus made the party truly a Christmas event. There were gifts and candy f<-r the children as well as the grown folks and the children gave an interesting program with Celia Blake as pianist. . Cards were enjoyed and lunch was served it the close of a m^'rry evening. CARD OF THANKS St. Clara's Court, W. C. 0. F., desires to thank all those who helped in any way to make the play, "The World's All Right," the success that i ? T T T ,¥ member took a toy and a donation for strength and encouragement in their .V a Christmas basket- It wAs voted call and' appeal for our best thought donate five dollars- to the emergency resolve adn purpose and we build on them and from their shock, develop % V A program was presented under tho Hheir cheery greeting and all is in direction of Mrs. Gerald Newman and readiness for this season of Joy in the games were in charge of MrsrG. W. American home. Hess and Mm H. Durland. |- These difficult times bring to us Instead of exchanging gifts each m0st valuable lessons and adds to our T $ T f T T i T T T T t T T f Y y T T ? t t y T t T t T IUOOEITIONI Bolgcrs relief association. AUXILIARY MEETING TONIGHT The Ameyfban I^egion Auxiliary will; meet this Thursday evening at 7 :f>0 o'clockj promptly. A good attendanr ^ is desired as plans will be made for the party at Elgin on the following night, "Friday. Plans and arrangements will'also be made to entertain. greater homes and character. » W. E. Whiting is enjoying a visit fhe McHenry County council on the jn Bellview Fla. fjrrt Friday in.January. - j q. W- G^xxJell attended a meeting c Z ' " i at West Chicago Saturday evening. YEARS OLD j Mr. and Mrs.'Ben Wegener and Little Miss Agnes Bell Miller, famj]y moved from the Henry .J. the daughter of Mr- and Mrs. Ben K. Shaffer house to Chicago Monday. Mr. Wegener is employed in Chicago and their son, Dick, is attending it was. This assistance is appreciated were served. Miller, celebrated1 her sixth birthday Saturday. Sixteen little girls spent the afternoon with Tier and gamos played and happy hours spent by the little folks. Birthday refreshments t T T T Y t f T f T T BOLGER'S WEEK-END DRUG SALE V Friday and Saturday--Only--Dec. 22 and 23 25q K0TEX, box 5 boxes 50<^ PALM0LIVE SOAP 10c size, 5 bars 25^ . --- Last Time -- 26c Dr. West's TOOTH PASTE Special 2 for 25<£ 75c Mead's Dextri Maltoi® . 50c Jergenvs Lotion • • '•' •• '• "3-3& 35c Bayer's Aspirin Tab., 24's 23^ m 85c Vaseline ^AIR TONIC 560 50c Zip Cream Depilatory $1.20 Scott's Emulsion 50c Lennex Cough Syrup .„:.L $1.50 B. K. Powder Large Listerine Antiseptic .... 50c Mennen's Shaving Cream 40c Squibb's Dental Cream .... 25c Johnson's Baby Powder .... 60c Mentholatum ^Oc Rem Cough Syrup Liquid Latex Rubber Gloves 50c Nature's Remedy Pills 50c Horlick's Malted Milk ) $1.00 Adlerika t , : 35c Keen Brushless Shaving Cream 75c Baume Bengue 85c Kruschen Salts 10 Gillette or Probak Rasor Blades ;JL 50c Palmolive Shampoo 50c Mennen's Skin Balm . 75c Acidine 25c Goldenglint Shampoo . ...... 65c Mistol Nose Drops $1.25 Alarm Clock ; •'.,' •' $1.00 Tangee Lip Stick ..... 29<* 89<^ 33t 98^ 59^ 34^ 27^ 1B^ 43^ 43^ $1.00 Congress Fancy PLAYING CARDS - 49<r school there. , j ^ Mr. arih Mrs. Raymond Schmook V have moved from the John Blake house on Green street to the H. A. Asmalsky house, east of thp river. Mrs. F. A. Bohlander returned hoine the last of the week from the Spa, Waukeshai, Wis. Mrs-. E. Knox and daughter, Genevieve, were Harvard visitors Saturday Misses Genevieve Knox, Kathrine McCabe, Frances and Ruth Michaels were Elgin visitors. Saturday. Mr. and Mrs. Ray Conway were El : gin visitors Saturday. Mrs. Lou Blake, Mrs. Dorothy Klas-' and Mrs. Barbara Engeln were Waukegan visitors Monday. Mrs. Jerry O'Shea and Edna Scholl 33<^ 36^ 69^ 56^ 56^ 37^ 25^ 33<^ 43^ 79c^ 73^ $1.00 7 lbs. Dr. Hess PANAMIN 69<^ ft.50 Lee's GERMOZONE 98^ LAXATIVE EirtmysKr Stum Cowkaik* WfM * IIUtTM K*1** ®° 60c SAL fiEPATICA 43^ THOMAS P. BOLGER £tor* McHenry, Illinois of Oak Park were recent visitors the home of Mrs. Barbara Engeln. Mm George Miller, Mrs. E. R. Sutton and Mrs. Peter Miller visited the latter's son at St. Theresa's hospital Monday. I/on is Young of Waukegan spent Sunday with relatives here. Weir Keck left Saturday for Pierson, Iowa, where he will spend the winter with his parents. Mrs. Mary Stangarone and family of Chicago spent the week-end at Emerald Park. Miss Eleanor Sutton of Woodstcck spent Sunday at her home, Lloyd Benwell visited his wife at St. Anthony's hospital, Chicago Monday. -, • Mrs. Fred Justen spent Monday with Miss Rose Hiuemann at St Theresa's hospital. Mrs. Henry Dowe spent the past week with Chicago relatives; . *. Mi as Lillian Stoffel has gone to Washington, D. C., where she has accepted a position. George Kamholz and two children of Chicago spent Tuesday <vith his parent*, Mr. and Mrs. Fred Kamholn. Miss Mary Walsh and brother, Quentin, were Chicago visitors Monday. . Walter Carev was a business visitor in Chicago Mjonday. - - Mr. and Mrs. John Fay returned the last of the week from Sterling, where they attended the funeral of her sister Mrs. Gerald Newman, with Mrs. James Rainey of Ringwood, were Elgin visitors Saturday. Mr. and Mrs. Chartes Ensign and ?on, Roland, were Elgin visitors Friday. Mr." and Mrs. C. M. McDermott and little son spent the last day the week in Chicago. FARMERS' CO-OPERATIVE IN ANNUAL MEETING John Bclger was re-elected president of the McHenry County Farmers Co-operative association and chairman of the board of directors at the annual meeting of the association held at Woodstock Saturday afternoon. Three directors were also elected for a term of three years, namely; John Olbrich, Harvard and Michael Knox and William Kegebein, Crystal Lake. The regular dividend has been paid this year and business has been good considering general conditions. Ancint Sp«cialUt» According; to Herodotus, the ancient Kgyptinn doctors were »• 9fted«lU:e<! a class as toda\. Maybe this list <will help THERMOS BOTTLES RAZOR BLADE 1 SHARPENERS CRIBBAGE BOARDS CHECKER BOARDS TFLVE YEAR DIARIES ELECTRIC CULRING IRONS PRAYER BOOKS ; ROSARY BEADS* <%>, • SCISSORS POCKET KNIVEA1 1. ' • SCRAP BOOKS " CIGARETTE LIGHTERS ALBUMS V- . L-MILITARY ASK TRAYS ; MANICURE SETS ; PIPES ^CHILDREN'S BOO^S ; 5:J»0UND TOBACCOS I JNCENSE BURNER^., \C0MPACTS V.-:^ - •ALARM CLOCKS - V 'WHISTLING TEA POTS POKER CHIPS ' PLAYING CARDS K'%.' "V"* " > 1 ? t T T T T ? T T T T i T T T T T T T T T T t f T T T T • F T ? T T T TA t T T f T ? r? T T f X t T T T t T ? I til itierrv CHRISTINAS Lovely Toilet Things THE ENCHANTING BEAUTY OP IVORY TOILET WARE, ENDEARS IT TO THE HEART OF EVERY WOMAN. ' SETS OF ALL KINDS WHAT WOULD CHRISTMAS BE WITHOUT THE GIFT OF CANDY ANDERSON'S JULIA KING'S WHITMAN'S CHRISTMAS HARD CANDIES Fountain Pens A COMPLETE LINE OF SiLEAFFER PENS AND PENCILS While They Last ALL WAHL PENS AND PENCILS AT ONE-HALF PRICE good one . SCRAP BOOKS--More popular every . year. ' ALBUMS--Everyone should have one. Joi/ o. BOTTLED IN BOND LIQUORS Old Sunnybrook Bourbon Old Crow Bourbon Walker's DeLuxe Paul Jones WHISKEY BLENDS Belle of Nelson Cedardale v |lidgewood HSreen River GINS Old Colony Hiram Walker Chapin's Rum Ramona Three Star Brandy WINES Port Burgundy Sherry . Tokay Riesling Madeira Claret Cook's Imperial Champaigne CORDIALS French Vermuth Italian Vermuth Benedictine > Anisette Special Friday and Saturday Only Pint Qedardale Whiskey Blend . . • • • Pint Hiram Walker Gin . . . . . • • • 9®c