Illinois News Index

McHenry Plaindealer (McHenry, IL), 28 Dec 1933, p. 8

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. \A. \ , V * ' / J" ' - . PLAIHDKALXE, THtftSDAY. DKO. J8,1933 w ii afappfiM Clip This Coopon! This coupon and 50 cents entitles the holder to 2 Fall Sunday Dinners at BETTY'S at Lily Lake SUNDAY, DEC. 31ST Between the hours of ; ^ 11 and 7 o'clock COUNTY CHAIRMAN FOR CORN HOG ADJUSTMENT J Mr. fe F. Kuecker of Marengo was named chairman of the McHenry coiinty temporary corn and hog adjustment committee, when the group held its first meet Saturday, December 23, and organized for the coming edu- ! cational campaign. I Other members of the committee are Jacob Olbrirh, Harvard; Llye j Vanderkarr, Hebron; R. J. Leisch, j Woodstock; E. C. Hughes, Woodstock; Henry Eggers, Huntley and Ben Justen, Ringwood. , At the meeting on December 23 the committee discussed plans relative to the campaign to adjust corn and hog production in McHenry county in 1934 in accordance with nation-wide program developed by the Agricultural Adjustment Administration and aided by the Extension Service of the College of Agriculture, University of Illinois. The committee also appoint- FAMILY PARTY and Mrs. Lester Bacon enter- , timed a family party off twenty-nine committees. A county- V ,i»ombers at dinner Sm<f supper on wHe mating of the county and town - ... , Christmas day at the William Baconj ghip comTnittees will be held Friday, fV- - *»"»« on Main street. Christmas gifts ; janUary ^ at Woodstock, beginning at' Slid a tree were enjoyed before din- JQ a ^ Local community meetings t»er.' Those present were the William1 win ^ he]d soon at Harvard. Mafen- Bacoh family. Miss Inert Bpcon of po< Woodstock, Hebron, McHenry and JSgin, Mr. and Mrs. _ {tarvey Danim' Lake. ':.Jihd -sons, Kenosha; Mr. and Mrs< , ' temporary committee ;/£awTence Mitchell and baby and Mr. l wsts t^ responsibility of the county •jnd Mrs. Henry Lange and daughter,informational campaign,'explains the . Waukegan; Har>^- .Rapp, Chicago; Farm AdviserW.A. Herringtoii: Thi> -Mr. and Mrs. -L. .V,. Adams and sons,, committee will direct all activities McHenrjr. • . - : ; '* {until every farmer in McHem-y countv x'h MANY DIVORCE CASKS OFF DOCKET Six divorcM were granted in tbe circuit court last week by Judge Edward D. Shurtleff. On Wednesday divorce? were granted; to Mrs. Irene Rouse, Union, atrainst George Rouse, Marengo; Mrs. Lenore Scott, Harvard against Richard Scott; Cora A, Gunnison against L. H. Gunnison. Friday three more divorces were granted by Judge Shurtleff the same being Eleanor Bauman vs. Paul Bauman; Emma Burton vs. Mahlon Burton: Mabel Bielke vs. William Bielke Mr. and Mxa.G*o*fe-Sfcep«r<t vn<$ children of Ring wood and Mr. and Mrs- Will Heine and son, Eugene, of Chicago were Christmas- day guests in the J. F. Claxton home. Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Whiting of Elgin visited relatives here Christmas Mr. and Mrs. Math Jungen, Mrs. Elizabeth Leures and John F. Knox and family apent Christmas in the. The divorces stricken or dismissed • home of Mr. and Mrs. Frank Weinfrom the docket Tuesday during the gart. call of the chancery docket wfflre as Miss Genevieve Freund of Chicago follows: and George M. Justen were JChrist- Matelda Harbaugh vs. Glover C.- mas dinner guests at the home cf Harbaugh; Geosge Abel vs. Elva and Mrs. Michael Justen, south of Abel," Mary M. Russell vs» John R. town. .. . Russell, Jr., Clara Doughty vs. Theo. j Mr. and Mrs. J- W. Freund enter- A. Dousrhty; Tillie Bork vs. August tained theit children and families at Bork; Ida Beebe vs. Mason Beebc: a family party over the Christmas Edith Stoll vs. Albert Stoll; Ida M. party over the Christmas week-end WTiiston vs. Haj-ry E. Wliiston; Eve: Those present were: Mr. and Mrs. lvn Kuecker vs. Vernon Kuecker ;; Floyd Cooley and baby, Auburn, Ind., Chaijotte Haaw vs. Otto Haase; Mr. and Mrs. Merlin Kent and family Goldie Barth vs. Geoi*ge W. Barth; and Mr. &nd Mr?, Sam Zvonar and Ignore Bird vs. Bernard Bird; Max- family. Chicago; Miss Rita Freund of ine Schuring" vs. Lester Schuring; DeKalb; Mr. and Mrs. Herrr^n Nye Clara Hoffman vs. Francis Hoffman; and son( Mr. and Mrs. Elmer Freund Georgia Renton vs. Elmer Reriton. El- and Miss Flora Freund. Mr. and Mrs. J. Brefeld enter Local Happenings •4\*& During 1934 (Continued from front pt|«> X Hiyde We*t died from injuries received when he fell from a horse. Peter WirfB, night police, was seriously injured when struck by a car. Alice Benda, 4-months-old baby was smothered when left in a ca^ at Justen's hotel and RrfTph Dunker* 6 years old, was killed when he fell from a load of hay. Seven drownings occurred in the county during the season. Virginia Karls, 9 years old, was killed when struck by a car, and Weir Keck lost the sight of an eye while trying to start his car on the highway. Mrs. Elizabeth Windmuller took her own life by" carbon monoxide poison jng and Peter Huff, ended his life by shooting. Mrs. Lillian Gathman was acquitted of the murder of John Thompson in a shooting scrape on the Hobart farm. Fires occurred,, at the Carey farm whfere the big barn was destroyed by flames and the old Freeman Whiting home, about,80 years old, wafi wiped out by fire. Robberies took place at the Farmers' Mill and Oil station, at the Pit^, at drtd E. Mlsek vs. Frank . M\sek;. . , Web. erls s. t, oreand , gairagte- * at Georgia Brandenberg. vs. Dell Bran-' tained their Childi^n and families op j bpring vrove and at the Lester St denberg; George Barth vs. " Goldle Christmas day. Those present were Louis home at Pistakee Bay. Barth; Lenore Scott Vs. Richard Mr. and Mr a John Brefeld and ehil- Scott; Otto Radloff vs. .Martha Rad- dren of Waakegan, Mr->nd Mrs. Joe ' has had an opportunity to ^know all|i0ff; Freda Sopcak v.s Steve Sop- Brefeld of 'Fox iAkc, Mr. and Mrs. Ed CELEBRATE GOLDEN WEDDING about the corn and hog adjustment I ozak; Lurilla, Boaz vs. LaVerne Boaz; Brefeld and childtren, Mr. and Mrs. Mr. and Mrs. Thomas F. Hayes, of plan and to signify his intentions of Woodstock, celebrated their golden reducing his com apd hog production wedding day on Dec. 25, Christinas in 1934 at least 20 and 25 per cent re- A day. A family dinner featured the oc- spectively. '..N'-.'.:-.--i(ii8ion with friends calling during the * jifternoon to offer congratulations. Mr. and Sirs. Hayes^re living very CHICAGO PEOPLE INJURED Mr. and Mm Walter Tipper and th< Ipiietly at their home on Dean stree't.. latter's mother, Mrs. Gleason, of Chi- Ulr. Hayes having retired from his cago, received injuries in an automonaany years of service in the employ bile accident Christmas afternoon en-j ]ia Franz vs. Edward Franz. at the Chicago & North Western rail- Way. " ^ FORESTER MEETING ' 1- ; ; Mary's Court, No. 594, wi#wi$ Its first regular moating of the year ^Tuesday evening, Jan. 2, 1934. Chief Hanger, Jacob Freund and Brother M. ' J. Baur and their able assistants Aave promised to serve a lynch that is lunch. Don't forget the date. Be pure and be there, everybody js going to have a good time. ^".JIEIGHBORHOOD CLUB E. E. Bassett was hostess to . five mfenxbers of the Neighborhood «3ub Thursday evening. Gifts were exchanged and prizes in bridge were Sfon by Mrs. Simon Stoffel, Miss Clara 8toff<?l and ^frs. George Johnson. Refreshments were served at a table iiecotrated in keeping with Christmas. : BARBIAN NEISS Gertrude Barbian and John .J!?. Neiss weiie married at Waukegan - JPriday evening. Witnesses were Masquelet and Mrs. Elizabeth -• ' ' iUlanM• route to McHenry to visit in the home of Mrs. Gleason's daughter, Mrs. F. J. Immekus. The accident occurred abi>ut two mileF< this side of Wauconday when their car skidded in the snow and crashed into a telephone pole. Mrs. Gleason was taken to the hospital at Libertyville, whefre injuries have not been determined. Mr. Tipper was-also injured, with 1 stitches taken in his head. Lillian Russell vs. Henrv Russell; Paul Brefeld^nd son^Mary, Olga and John "Clelland vs. Henrietta Clel- Theresa Brtfeld and Herbert Hageland; Vinita Frame vs. Norman yman Chicago. Frame. - a , i George Miller of Chicago Four bills for separate mainten-^ Christmas with friends here. ance were dismissed as follows: Robert Ulric of St. Charles 6p«nt Melvina Mack vs. Anton Mack; Ger-. Christmas with friends here. * trude Spanger vs. John Spanger; ^r- anc^ Mrs. Harry Lawrence, cf Cora Beck vs. Henry A. Beck; Ame- Chicago, and Mrs. Emma McGinnis of Elgin were weekend guests of Mrs. Mollie Givens. Miss Anna Frisby spent the week- Several golden weddings were ob- j sei-ved during the day including these ( of Hubert Weber, Jan. 10, James | Jackson, March 28, Jacob Freund, Nov. 21 and Simon Stoffel, Dec, 13. Mr. and Mrs. Michael M. SchaefiM were married 60 years on May 29 and spent | Mr. and Mrs. J. J. Story, 66 years < >n Sept. 18. The community has Jben saddened by the deaths of loved ones durinir the year including those of ex-sheriff Peters, Jack Walsh, Mrs. Paul Bon ; lett, Earl Boyle, Mm Herbert Freun 1 Mat Freund, local business man, and Calvin Coolidge, ex-president of the Anton Cerm«k, several TO INSTALL OFFICERS Riverview Camp, R. N. A., will hold a public installation of officers at K. C. hall Saturday night, Jan. 13 Each member may invite one guest. • 4 81-2 LADIES'AID SOCIETY The Ladies' Aid society will hieet with Mrs. J. N. Sayler next Thursday afternoon. ' France CUint Seven I*l*nd« France has planted her flag on seven alfnost forgotten Islands lying between the Philippines and Indo-Chiim. These Islands are merely dots of coral, comprising some twenty-five acres. ; • CARD OF APPRECIATION - . The officers rf the McHpnrv town eT>d in the home of her sister, Mrs. I United States and ,hip Em^ncy RSiefassSLndl: Walter Warner Elsrta. .. jmayor of Chicago, sire tn thank Ove,-t«n's iraratrp and ' M iss Helen Welch ts vlsitmg at j Births and marriages have gladdenthe Flrr^rs Miillirti Sb of tfiJ , Woo<lstock this week. ed the community and ^eral of M<- trucks and the Boy Scouts in deliver- Wlll,am J. Welch and daughters of Henry s young business men have eming the Christmas baskets Thev also Woodstock visited relatives here on |barked on the sea of matrimony inthank the Mothers 'club and the Monday. ^ ^ ^ " ' eluding Elmer Freund, Albert Blake, grade school for their donations of Mr- ^ Mrs. Henry Vogel spent I A. J. Wirtz and Arthur Adams, Roy toys and canned goods, the farmei-s .Christmas day in the home of his .Mathews, local parachute jumper, alfor milk, and all who helped in any | Pa^nt* at Richmond. so gave up jumping for matrinwnv. Mr. and/Mrs. Lonnle Byrd and Mrs. i Oakhurst was the scene of the we 1- Ruth Bowersox of Three Rivers, Mich, j ding of the- WLS radio entertainer, visited in the E. E. Bassett home Sal- ( Karl Davis ,and Jean Harris. urday. > j The coldest weater in 34 years waisses Helen and Verna Freund of (recorded in February with the mor- Winnet'ka spent Christmas with their cury reaching 35 degrees below. In parents, Mr. and Mrs. Jacob Freund. . Mr. and Mm John Bolger spent the week-end at Pectonica. . * Mr. and Mrs. Joe Nimsgren Kenosha spent Christmas day in the home of his mother on Green street, where a famliy gathering was held way in the Christmas, relief work. Mr. and Mrs. Hal Plumb of Chicago were Christmas day guesta in the Albert Purvey home. Italy's Large Citie* The Italian city known as Iloina to Italians, has long been known in English in the French form Koine. Likewise the second largest city is known to the Italians as Nayoli, but it is known to us as Naples. V Great Botany Collection The botany collection of the Univer- Blty of California contains approximately 500,000 specimens. BOLGER'S WEEK-END DRUG SALE Friday and Saturday--Only--Dee. 29 and 30 50c Lysol Regular 25c KOTEX 10d b<>x 25c TuUi__ POND'S COLD CREAM Pound CHOCOLATE COVERED CHERRIES aic $1.50 pt. Super D. 0. L. 0 _98<* 50c Ovaltine B3<^ 25c Sani-Fluih 19<^ 50c Phillip's Milk of Magnegia«33^ $1.75 Upjohn's Citrocarbonate $1-19 50c Horlick's Malted Milk Gallon Mineral Oil 50c Hinds' Honey and ^ Almond Cream... 65c Tube Barbasol 50c Pepsodent Tooth Paste ._.^3c $1.10 Coty's Face Powder 50c Nonspi Deodorant -33<^ 60c Edwards' Olive Pills 43<^ 50c Nature's Remedy Pills ... 330 $1.25 Bisodol Stomach Powder 89 J.00 -33c 33e- 49c 50c Minit Rub ...... 100 Upjohn's Aspirin, 5 gr. 50c Yeast Foam Tablets 75c Baume Bengue . .. _. .. 35c Vicks' Vapo Rub . „ 25c Probak Blades ... ..... . 30c Bromo Quinine 85c Kruschen Salts $1.25 Kow Kare .. .1! ; ^ $1.15 Pound Prince Albert Tobacco 8 & 75c Squibb's Viosterol 560 $2.50 Famabella Cigars, 50's ...$1.76 PINT RUBBING ALCOHOL 16^ 60c Rem / COUGH SYRUP 43d July a cyclone and hail storm struck . lust south of McHenry at Dundee ar i t Elgin. | A most praise worthy feature of the summer months vas the very fine ; band concerts given during July an l August under the direction of W. N. George Fhalin of Cleveland, Ohio,! Sears. Whatever stimulates comapent Christmas at his home here. munity activity reacts to the benefit Dr. and Mrs. H. F. Cannon and | of business and McHenry has a band DeauJ Gre*jn 40c Squibb's DENTAL CREAM 274 - - 23o 19C --214 XGc t We have the ^ Exclusive Agency for PFUNDER'fi " STOMACH TABLETS 40c CASTORIA 264 ' THOMAS P. BOLGER - "The McHenry Druggist" McHMry,HIImM* famliy and Mr. and Mrs. Louis Youn and daughter of Waukegan spent Christmas in the M. J. Walsh home. Mr. and Mrs. George Bohr were Christmas guests of Mr. and Mil.. Wm. Pries at Waukegan. Mr. and Mrs. Frank (VFlaherty of Elgin visited relatives here Xmas. Mrs. Fred Justen and daughter, May, visited Miss Rose Huemann at St. Theresa's hospital, Monday. . Mrs. Jack Walsh returned home on : Tuesday night from Rochester, Minn., where she spent a few days with her son, Earl, who is recovering from an operation there. Christmas day guests in the home of Mrs. Catherine McCabe were: Mr. and Mrf. James Staclk, Chicago; Margaret McCab^ Libertyville; Miss Agr nes McCabe, Eltrin: and Hattie Warner and Henry McCabe, Waukegan. Mr. and Mrs. William Dreyer and son. of Forest Park, spent Christmas with her mother, Mrs. Henry Block. William Tonyon and family have moved into the Mrs- John R. Knox house, Richmond road. Mr. and Mrs. George Zorn of Racine, Wia, were Christmas visitors in the Hubert Michels home. Mr. and Mrs. Fred Ulric of St. Charles visited friends here Saturday evening. Mr. and Mrs. C. J. Reihansperger and children spent Christmas at West Chicago. The McHenry chapter O. E. S. have received invitations to attend the installations at the Rockford chapter on Dec. 29, and Palatine chapter, Jan. 26. Mr. and Mrs. Frank Hughes spent Xmas at Milwaukee. Mr. and Mrs. Peter Frett are spendof which it may be proud of and that was one of the good things of the year Mrs. Samantha Button was 102 years old on Dec. 12 and in Augu i Mrs. Sarah Sherburne was 101 yeers old. During the year miscellaneous events have occurred. The lotus beds were larger than ever. Dr. G. W. Hless was appointed county veterinarian, two dog teamn from! the frozen north visited us, and the Empire theatre opened under the management of E. W. Johnson. Miss Maud Curr, local song writer and poet, wrote a new song, "{Prevailing Frayer." The farmere ^ deal during the year, obtain a new milk price and receive a wheat adjustment. Varied and interesting events have jbeen the passing events of the year 1933 and it is with expectation that we await the new year to unfold and bring to us its allotment of success and prosperity, good and bad luck, sun and shadows. Well, here's hoping for a bigger and better year. PERSONALS Mr. and Mrs. E. E. Bassett and family, Mr. and Mrs. Hlenry Vog<d and sons were Sunday guests in the E. J. Mapsfield home at -Woodstock. Miss Florence Steffes of Wilmet t • spent Sunday at her home. F, W. Sayler, daughter, Joyce, and Herbert Bennett of Woodstock were Sunday quests of Mr. and Mrs. W. A. Sayler. Mr. and Mrs. Vaughn Jones of Cnicago spent Sunday in .the C W. ing several days this week at Sauk, Coodell home. City, Wis. Mrs. John Miller spent ChriBtnui? Mrs. Stephen Schmitt, with Mr. H1* ber dau«'hteT and 'family' at and Mrs. Jack Shutterly of Dayton. | Woodstock. Ohio, visited at Ringwood Saturday Arthur Cox returned last week from Mrs. Georgie A. Meine spenCSJtmas with her daughter in Chicgao. Mr. and Mrs. John Dreymiller attended a golden wedding at Hampshire on Wednesday night of last week. Will Gloason spent Christmas wifti friends at Janesville. Christmas day guests^in the home of Mr. and Mrs. John Schaid were Mr. and Mrs. Paul Maire, Waukegan. John Melidor. Waukegan, and Mr. and Mrs. John Schaid, Jr. "** ' Mrs. Minnie Miller and son spent Christmas with Dr. and Mrs. Leppert at Kirkland. ( Mr. and Mrs. Peter .T. Schoewer and son, Herbert. ent»rtaine<^ other members of their family on Christmas day. Those present were Mr. and MTS. Ben Schoewer, M!r. and Mrs. Gilbert Lange, Mr. and Mrs. George F. Garrity and Mr. apd Mrs. Joe Schoewer, McHenry. Mr. and Mrs. A. D. l/jomip. Woodstock and Mrs. Lila Porter, Waukegan, were Christmas day guests in the James Perkins home. Charles Peterson, with the reforestation army in the southern part ot' the state, spent Christmas at his home here. Miss Lillian Stoffel has gone to Washington,„D. C-, where she has taken a position. Misses Mary and Katherine Kinney are spending the holidays in Mankato, Texas where he was employed, in the oil fields. He is spending the holidays at his home here. Mr. and Mrs. J. F. Brandt, son, Robert, and daughter, Mary Frances; of Chicago were Sunday v i s i t o r s i n ' the Ray Page home. Mir. and Mrs. Harvey Damm a:id sons of Kenosha, Wis., spent the week end in the William. Bacon home- Mr. and Mrs. Broughton of Wini conda and Mrs. A. Froehlich of Lake Zuijch, were Sunday visitors in th home of their daughter, Mrs. H. i '> Schaefer and family. Mr. and Mxs*T. McMillian and s«>n Clayton Magruder, and Miss T.^Miu1 ruder of Chicago Were Christni t guests of Mr. and Mrs. C. M. Me Dermott. , William Martin of Chicago spent Christ^iar. day at his home here. Miss Rita Martin went to Chics . Monday night for a v i s i t with le> friend, Miss Mary Goodfellow, * mi her sister, Mrs. W. Smith. Miss Sylvia Richardson of Cryswd Lake was a Sunday guest of l ei b r o t h e r and f a m i l y , Mr. and Mrs. A l fred Richardson. Dr. W. C. Besley and Fred Wytkoop of Woodstock with Dr. G- V Besley of Freeport visited Mr. »nd Mrs. W. A. Sayler, Monday evening. "Miss Anna Popp of Elgin spent the wieek-end at her home here. Mrs. Ada Smith, daughter, Villa, and son, George, cf Elgin visite<MUrs. Robert Thompson Saturday. football mm OM 1W New Year'i CeUWaltoa ONI) of the moat peculiar ^nd ancient of the New Year's celebrations la that held before the cathedral at Kirkwall, In the Orkneys. The lahabitants, according to old Norse customs, divide into two sections, and meet at the market cross to hare a general game of football. All living above the cathedral play to get the ball to the country district, those residing before the cathedral fighting to get it to the sea, the whole game being played through the principal streets of the town, and hundreds of players of all grades of society often take part in the game. rimd B«MI»a 1,«00 Yearn OM . SoUd gold Images of BudAha w«NK ;. found by workmen repairing • In Shan states, Burma, heller*# to b* pne thousand years old. Coarult \ *'i ' ' ; : WANT ADS Happy'NewYear We are pr^ud to be able to extend the season's greetings to our many friends and patrons. We hope, to be allowed tilie privilege of continuing to serve yott \ ^ - --------;-- r --• ' ^ " " / ' New Year's Ice Cream Peach Punch and Peach ; A Peach of a Brick LUICK 20c Factory Pack Pints 20c / ; Assorted Flavors . . _ NEVER FAILS TO PLEASE > 25c pt Luick Brick Ice Cream 25c pt - Why Not Order a Brick for your Dessert Tfonight? MR, MAN, HOW IS YOUR FACE THIS MORNING? A dull razor blade can ruin your whole day. The BUDDY BELLO razor blade sharpener is the last Word in shaving comfort. Can you imagine using the same blade for a year and getting perfect shave® ? This is simple if you have a BUDDY BELLO SHARPENER. We will let you use one for a few days, if it does all we claim bring' it back and buy one, if it does not simply returnJTbe: Bello Sharpener sells fot only $1,65 -v ^ Candy Bargains CHRISTMAS HARD CANDY, lb. only CHOCOLATE COVERED CHERRIES, lb. TEXAS PECANS, lb iod 21tf 19^ BOLGER'S THE CANDTSTOIGr We Have av Large Stodc of Very High Grade Hair Brushes Friday and Saturday we are offering any hair brush in our stock at one-hall price. THESE BRUSHES RANGE IN PRICE FROM Ij, ^6-W REMEMBER FRIDAY AND SATURDAY 50% OFF Bolger's New Year's Liquor List BOTTLE IN BOtfD UQUORS Old Sunnybrook Bourbon Old Crow Bourbon Paul Jones Bourbon Walker's Deluxe Bourbon WHISKEY . BLENDS Belle of Nelson Cederdale Green River ~ Ridgewood GINS Old Colony Hiram Walker W2NES \ Port Burgun^f Sherry Tokay Riesling; Madeira- Claret Cook's Imperial Champagne CORDIALS French Vermuth Italian Vermuth Benedictia# Anisette OH A PIN'S RUM RAMON A THREE STAR BRANDY ANGUSTORA BITTERS HOSTETTER 'S BITTKRS Books on Drink Mixing «# Special Friday and Saturday Only Pint Hiram Walker Ridgcway Whiskey $1*29 Pint Hiram Walker Triple Distilled Gil 98c

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