' T it-y y *'-•*. ;*r-^§^ Page ]%re iOTJHTy PINO PONG K TdUItNAMENT SUNDAY - -The second annual McHenry County Ping Pong tournament will take place Spnday afternoon at the Paddle club In Woodstock. A large entry is expected as the past year has witnessed Offer spreading activity in this much Ifvived sport. The Woodstock club will again be the host, but this year's events will be held in the club rooms located in the old Wien'a store building instead of at St- Mary's gymnasium, where last year's initial tournament was held. A special feature will prove*to be a very popular attraction. Two youngsters of fourteen or thereabouts will play a match and will ltH£n team up to take on the best doubles team that .the county cSan produce. These lads are very small in stature, but their ability to get around arjl manipulate the paddles is astounding. Speed anl -- accuracy are their chief assets, but they can also "kill" them with the best. A1 Gunther and Warren FergUr soh arc! the wee lads, if names mean .anything, and the Woodstock club has gone to no small expense to get them out. Each of them hold a title in the Junior division of the state and they paired up together in the finals of the Senior division to go to the runerap .• position. „ - The setup for thia year's event will be somewhat different than ever before. The entry will be divided into four classes. Class A, Class B, Class C and boginnerst. The beginners will play each other and the winners will meet the Class C men. Then the winners of those matches will meet the • Class B and so on. In this manner ! each man is assured of meeting a man | of his own calibre in his first match. | If he wins tfhen he is adjudged good j "enough to play a member of the next j best class. This eliminates any chance j of a fir?'t flight player being bored by having to play a beginner in the <i*st round. McHenry will have an entry in the tournament, but just how large it will be is yet to be determined. Last year five or six players went over but none went very far. A recent revival of interest should produce at least half a dozen entrants with maybe more. "A women's division is also being planned and McHenry has at least two entrants that should ffo far in this ranlf. _ B® Sc<a> How many Scouts are going on the hike, Saturday ? There are two or three tests you Tenderfoot Scouts can pass out at Sherman's hill and best of all some games are on the schedule. I am, for one, wondering what the games are, although I have a slight idea- Remember the hints the Scoutmaster gave you, and above all, be present. We will meet at the grade fchool Saturday at 10 o' clock,. The Scoutmaster started off. the meeting with some familiar Sco"ut songs, "It Isn't Any Trouble" and "There Was a Little Ford." The latter having about fifteen verses, so you BACON'S STRIP vi By t* "ZEKE" BACON V-- it won t oe long now! The baseball teams are hard! at work out on the western coast in their California training,, camps and the reports that are drifting back certainly give one the feeling that spring isn't* far off. Louis and Mlartin Stanczak, catcher and center fielder of the famous Stanczak Brothers baseball team, have gone south with the Cincinnati Reds, who are managed by OTarrell cf Waukegan this year. Louis and. Marty are the stars of the brothers" ketball, football' and baseball are^-sfll right while in school r>ut after graduation the athlete has no game at all whereas in golf they can go. right on playing. Sure, they can take yp golf later, but if they have that earlier training they can step right into the' world and meet their business associates on the same level without having to waste valuable time picking up the rudiments of the game. Sounds like rather a sane idea. Blink Water With Meals Good For the Stomach Water with meals helps stomach juices, aids digestion. If bloated with gas add a spoonful of Adlerika. One dose cleans out poisons and washes BOTH upper and lower bowels. Thomas Bolger, Druggist. 5 Say yo)u read it ' j)f!ALERti in THE PLAINteam and should at least get a second can imagine the boys trying to sine: ; look before they are farmed out lo and gasping for breath at the Same ] some minor league outfit. time. , i - -j " And then the gang got a surprise. I * One of the leading golfers,of the Mr. Schoenholtz ahowet* us his money j*USA has declared that college golf collection which he brought back from > should be given more attention-. He Europe. Dutch, Swiss, French, j states that all the^ games Jike bag. British and German coin^ could be seen. ' It was a lot of fun and I'll bet that some can tell where the coins are irons arid their rate of exchange. The favorite game Of the Scouts was' then played in a three game series. When I say favorite, you ought to know that it's volleyball. Not one minute of rest was seen throughout the game. The boys were in four teams, ones, two, threes, and fours- The ones and threes played and the ones were victors. Twos and four.s fought a long seige until the foiu-s came out on the winning end. Then the contest of champions came. The ones got a good lead but up came the fours to rally within two point?, cf the former. But this energy was exhausted as the ones came out of their slump to win by a few points. Talk about visitors, we sure had them at the meeting. There were Mr. Althoff, chairman of the Local Scout troop, members of the Scout Board of MeHem-y, Mr. Krause, Mr. MoGee and Mr. Granger. Also A. J. Wirtz, Eagle Scout and former Assistant Scoutmaster Howard Ensign were presert. The gang all think that it certainly is a boost for our troop to have all the.^e men attend our meeting and I know that the troop would like to have any of these men drop in, anytime. See you, Saturday, Scouts! SCOUT HAROLD TAXMAN. CAP AND BELLS t THAT HORRID MOUSE QTRL SCOUT EDITION | OLDTIMERS LEAGUE STANDING Grangers, 17,801; Bicklers, 17,747; wiM ft busy afternoon the meeting Schaefers. 17,668; Barbians, 17,4.70. was last Monday. Two very interest ...203 ^^.150 ........165 147 •W.....192 160 212 179 202 213 She woke up in the early hours of _ the morning and nudged her sleeping j iand aiike, because husband. 'handy thing to "be prepared" in case •lack," she said in a hoarse whlspfer, j that someone has the misfortune t o ing tests were worked on. The first MATCH GAME was bedmaking, that is, the girta McHenry were given several of the fundamen- i". Weber . tals of that art so that they could |H. Smith ... pi-ae^teo at home before they reaily Bickler ...„ pass«f the test. The second was Granger ..., equally, if not, more important. It j E. Smith . was First Aid and the girls wer^. as*" V sisted in their effort to make spiral : ; % • bandages, slings, etc., by Mrs. Klontz. Giesers Gang Also ebei proved to be a very good an- jC. Miller .....--.i. swer-box for the Scouts' eager ques- «*• Biasi tions about First Aid. I ani^re that [A. Meyer Mrs. Klontz's visit was deer^Nyjpre- j'B. Geiser dated by the Scouts and Mrs. l)ur- H. Stevens ........ it is rather a 188-- 551 194-- 556 17a-- 517 „153-- 502 150-- Sou located a* 867 966. 86S--2681 169 173 195 160 191 179 157 189 1931 225' 170-- 518 ] 58-- 488 181-- 565 167-- 520 185-- 601 'Jack, wake up! There's -amousein. jhurt. the bedroom. ,. •> Another subject that interests the -Beavis ; Hubby unwillingly sat up. "Well, what about It?" he proahed. "I car) hear It squeaking," she «aid fearfully. . • "Well, dvou want me to get. out and 11 it, or something?" he snapped. '- . , 888 943 861--2692 OLDTIMERS LEAGUE Bicklers-- •, ' * 122 pirls fMis » birthday party held ih M. Schmit^ 17& Which brings to mind the fact that the deadline for those interested Country club members is not far- off! Remember the Ides of March! M'HENRY LOSES TO HARVARD McHenry lost to Harvard last night in the District Basketball tournament, 44 to 22. Several of the McHenry team went out on fouls. Elgin defeated Plato Center and Crystal Lake lost to Woodstock. This last game was a see-saw of points from start to finish with the last quarter a thriller in itself- McHenry had quite a bowling match with Bill Geister's gang last Sunday which was won by the visitors, evening the series at one all. Geisters won the first game by 31 pins, but McHenry came back and rolled 966 for the high game of the evening ,to regain 23 pins, leaving the deficit at 8. In the third and last game both teams seemed to crack a wee bit, but Geisters managed to pick up three more to win by the huge margin of 11 stubborn maples. Next Sunday Elgin will invade the McHenry alleys for a return engagement. Elgin defeated McHenry at Elgin a few weeks ago and the local boys are out for revenge. The Old Timer? League has partially disbanded for the remainder of the Reason, but some of the members are going xto carry on and have enlisted the services of some of the other bowlers to fill out the teams. Bob Weber is one of those who are filling in, but just how Bob is going to bend Over far enoue-h to set the ball do\tfn correctly is still a puzzle. Very first Bock Beer will be on tap Friday and Saturday Joe Friend'* Rathskelle* JUSTEN'S HOTEL Saturday Night, Mar. !• FREE DANCING--rGK)OD MUSIC ce of Chicken or Italian Spaghetti MEET YOUR FRIENDS AT JOE FRIEND'S Next Sunday will be a busy day at the high school gym what with Wood- ! stock bringing over three basketball teams to play in a regularly scheduled game of. the county league. Klein Berg is brineing his girls' tefffh to play the curtain raiser at 1:30. Then Joe's Aces will meet the Woodstock seconds and after that the two firfct teams will do battle. A full afternoon's entertainment. Betty's at Lily Lake Mar. !• A belicious Toasted Chicken Sandwich With All I " the Trimmings 25d I Good Music Sunday night, March 11, a good tame is promised you. Five Hundred and Euchre, with a prize to a table. FISH FRY--Wednesday, Friday, Saturday 10<^ Follow the Crowd, lots of fun THE PIT On Route 20, Just East of McHenxy SATURDAY NIGHT, MARCH 10 CHOP SUSX, 20<£ a plate Good Music « Choice Liquors Everybody Welcome HAROLD MILLER, Proprietor I McHenry took Algonquin, into camp jjn a clean sweep with the girls hang- | ing up their third straight win. Those girls are coming along in fine shape under the coaching of Mike Schoenholtz and have shown marked improvement since the beginning of the I season. Joe's Aces handed the Al- ! gonquin seconds their second defeat in the last fourteen starts and the first i team made it a clean sweep by taki ing the big boys from Algonquin in | rather an- easy game. Looks like it might be interesting for Woodstock ! next. Sunday even though they are | leading the leag' Next Tuesday evening"there wilt be • a meeting for all those from McHen- ' ry, Johnsburg and vicinity that are interested in the formation of a team to compete in the newly organized National Soft Ball Association. Joe Regner has purchased a franchise, only eight of which were available in this district, and he is now anxious, to get the proner support from the athletes and business men of the city. Properly onranized this project can be made very profitable to the town. Any business men interested in the welfare of the town ^should attend. The meeting will be helcj at the K. of C. hall at 8 sharp. 108 170 193 146 178 l land Shelled':T»rkejr">\:-: The newly married couple, were having turkey for the first timei- "1 dont know how it Is." remarked the hus-, . , ., bartd. "hut flvis bird's got bones all i r' over It,- Ju,st listen to the '.knife on them." • ; . Oh, how .silly.-of ybu. aartlhgl Those aren't bohes. Those are the shells." "Shells';" "Yes. Don't you remember yon said yon tike turkey with oyster stuffing?" honor ttiv twenty'third birthday of Covalt'.^,.~rt.v,.v-165 the Girl Scout movement, scheduled Hughes for Maixh 12 in plate of the party, which was to be held Mai^h IT ^ and which is now indefinitely po?t- "• • 846 795 .'poned. One thing that caused tli-i V';'"'9ra'Swers-j;'; -. - Scouts to look forward eagerly to next [Johnson 165 175 Mimdtftt Aya# the fact either Mrs. Dur- Wattles ...v....,...,', 159 i64 oT^bc Troop committee will fur- M. Schaefer....... 1^1 127 freshments. Of course, Sutton .......^^....> 395. 169, Ceok'a Vitamin* "IIow is it the hiscults were so hard this morning, Mtinti.v?'* "1'se sorry, ma'am, but Ah ain't feeling right pert this mawning'. My system's icinda run down, so I eat th« only jieast cake there was in house.**":: Freund . Adams Meyers . .Granger Winner** Luck "Where is your little brother?" "In the hospital." "What is the matter?" "We tried to see who could swallow a penny down farthest and he yoii girls know from experience, that J. Schaefer these refreshments will b?. Tefreshing;.|*%,'.'.-^; ^ A 4«hort Mme before the close of the| t ^ meeting, the dance "'Pop, Goes the • 'Grangers . Weasel)" was rehearsed, much to the : Scouts' delight, because that is a dance that they one and all genuinely enjoy. All too Jhoon. the girls were ordered 1 to Qiii(t^4ov¥n and the farewell sonars. - of "Fuft Along Home" and "Taps" [ ; were sung. , *' ' • Dont forget to come to the.j>arty next Monday, girls, because in-itealttf ®| ;ty' it m the birthday of a movement that enables you to l>elong to this educational organization. MARY ERICKSON. „ 175 193 865 828 ,756-^2449 .. 157 .. 162 ...178 .. -149 ... 179 ,185 175 128 148 201 CITY ELECTION Notice is hereby given «• Tuesday, April 17, A. D. 1934. an election will be held in the City of McHenry, McHenry county, Illinois* for the purpose of electing one Alderman in each ward and one t Police j Magistrate. The date for filing cer- 1 tificates of nomination' or nofflinattoiB | papers expires March 13. Polling places wiil be folloWs: First Ward--City Hall. ' f; Second Ward--Stoffel Building. Third Ward--Engeln Building. ' ; The polls will be opened at 6 o'cfoA; in the forenoon and will continue open until 5 o'clock in the afternoon of the same day. , ; The following proposition Irffi W voted on at this election: "Shall the City of McHenry adopt. ; 104-r- 334 tdayligh.t sa\-in<r time during those • 132-^ 481 j, months in which'daylight, saving time 150-- 508 j is in effect in the City of Chicago .^^7" ^j". Given under my hand at McHenry^. ,.211-- 591. ;8th day ot, Taarch, A« Blfc ; •19^4. • 745--2386 l ;- - ^ ; PETER A. KEJ - - .'41 : ^ • • -• City 155-- 4951 ' - • 122-- 4451 : $IGN CONtRACT V o,.'.- _ Bernard Baur, Math Glosson, M. E. ^ ~ ! Hopper. F. E. Howe, Charles Jecksv 179: 547 C. Martin, George May, Peter Miller, Charles Peet, Michael Pitzen, are Mc- Henrj' township farmers Who have signed contracts to join the fedenaj 178-- 520 corn-hog adjustment program. 150-- 487 168-- 471 176-- 47? 180-- 560 825 837 852--2514 'Goodell J. Schmitt .. Perkins ...... Barbian ..... Sayler 177 221 157 120 245 175 188 213 162 187 177_ Hl'O 168-- r.77 181--5*1 207-- 489 175_ C.07 920 925 908--27.-3 Team N, 1-- I A. PfannetiStiT 112 152 136 170 THE BULL'S EYE Angry Kmployer--Do you mean to contradict me? You haven't as much sense as a donkey. Foreman--No, sir. I don't pretend to set my opinion up against yourg. Hank Schaefer . G. P. Freund ..... Ed Thennea ..... Herb Simofe Team No. &-- A1 Justen .......... C. Stilling Ed Conway ...... G. R- Justen 158 136 172 204 187 146 172 184 183 156 167 118 156 158 2r3 181 Her Solution . the matter, dearl" "Can't get this confounded selfstarter to work. I think there must be a short circuit somewhere." "Howannoying! Can't yoa lengthen it?" Fresh Perch'; •" FISH FRY FRIDAY NIGHT Come In ajid See Us--You Won't Be Disappointed GREEN BAY BEER Mi Place Green Street McHenry j The Independent basketball league j of McHenrv county is planning tp ; hold a tournament at St. Mary's gvm : in Woodstock the latter part of this | month. For the present one's attention f-houlrl be wrapned up in the District tournament at Crvstal I^ke from whieh.the two finalists will invade Waukegan for thg Sectiondb n6xt week. . FISH FRY-Friday Nigbt Mar. 9 AUTO INN BREWERY CORNER, McHENRY EVERYBODY LIKES BABY PIKE That's just what we are goi^g^o serve yon Friday Wight To round out a complete schedule of athletics fnr next Sundav of which basketball and bo'"ling ha« already been mpntiopf/f the e«%utity ning pong tnnmam»nt. --ill. be h*ld at Woodstock McHenry will bo r»presented but th"v aren't exr>»eted go fa>- aeainst th" b*^t competition the county has to of- , fer. TV. rfr»l^-ripo», r»f Ma^np-o is t*1" defending chamoion, but therell moat likely be a n«>w one crowned next Sun- ' d»»v. over Br.4 watch the sivi rial evH*.,t;op hv the two little lad" I from Ch"*n«ro who masters of the I game. FJive feet Ugh bat what feet they are. Critid(ii| th« Babjr Hearing that (he neighbor'# new baby was to be christened, little Charles ran to his mother with the news. MOh, mother," he cried, "the Aliens' baby is going to be criticised this afternoon." Team No. 4-- |H. Steffes j Pete Fri»und .... t L. Heimer .......... Hup Smith A Cheerful Viow -NHicks--Too hod they put yon on the aifht shift permanently. y Wicks--Oh, I don't know. By work- In*: nights I'll nave my room rent, and bjr.ci^epln' days I'll save my b«ar4. Cataatropho "I dreamed last night I wss born In France." "How terrible." "Why?" - "You can't speak a word of French." * ScbcMo "My neighbors are trying to per- •aside me to make .a rock garden." ° "Why?" "They think Fit gather up all their oddrocks." ' .latent Liateoer Bore--And then, with my last bul let, I saved by native bearer from being mauled by a tiger. Bored--Poor fellow! And--er-- .what happened to the tiger? ADVANCE NOTICE McHen'v is also developing several women nine non^ra of note and these same f^mininp stars will *«> present Sunday in the Women's Division 0* the Conntv Tournament. Marie S<-Mes«le and Dorothy Pag« proved Tuesdav night at Woodstock that th°v can give a good account of themselves. Schools Now," V Says Dr. John Dewey Herm. Schaefer 201 * Hank Weber .... 170 "Save the schools now," advises Dr. j Ed Smith ............ 170 M92 John Dewey, dean of modern educa-1 - ~ tors, in an interesting article in that - Mairh if sue of the Good Housekeep- ' Team No. 2 ing Magazine. , Dr. Dewey, more than any Other person, is responsible for shaping education to, tha ways of modern life. A year of education miffed is a year of education lost. A child kept* out of i-achool, or deprived of the proper fiteilities in school, is a child handicapped for life. Consider those facts in relation to theSe other facts; that all over the country the schools are being fotced to close, or to run on part time, of to operate with budget* cut to thfe obhe. • And more children than ever are wanting to go to school. Surely it is zero hour for the American ideal of education. Shall we let the forces of depression close in upon the schools, or, shall we, right now, take advanced ground? Here is a leader who SHys to go ahead, to remember that tomorrow Is more important t|jj(^(Sodiiy. We go; our children go oKF' "The schools are theirs, not ours. "Save the schools, now," advises Dr. Dewey. He goefc on to say that education is a parai#, which, instead of marching to the turte of a national reco'v ery plan, has been left to shift for itself, an4 in ?ome places has been disbanded. Yet the parade of indus trial recovery can move only as the parade of education keeps pace with it and ahead of it. Every successful move in industry, every step forward towards a new day, depends upon a people educated and trained, a people prepared to think and to adjust themselves to pew conditions. The average cost of educating a jchild is $91 a year, of-keeping a man in prison, $300 a year. In cutting down our costs for education we are almost certain to run up our bill for crime. The time seems ripe to urge again a federal ^||M^*tment of education with a sewitary of education in the president's cabinet. '1An equal opportunity for fn education for every American &iM/' says Dr. Dewey* 152-- 4 Hi 157_ 491 170-- 51 <1 178-- 540 657--1960 176-- 521I 150_ 432 , 163---507 | 203-- 591 | 670 689 692---2051 179-- 518 188-- 502 149-- 529 181-- 5-43 687 708 697--2092 230-- 52R 158-- 474 151-- 417 222-- 582 Poultrymen Stop in at the Mill and see Our 600 GRAND VIEW f UPER CONTEST QUALITY BABY CHICKS and watch them gTOW on Our GOLD SEAL ALL MASH CHICK STARTER ' McHenry Coaoty Firaers Co-operative Assn. McHenry County Corn-Hog Signup JEteaches Total of 375 "1 know I'm going to have trouble with my new neighbor." "What makes you-think so?" "He's already hegifri advertising hlm- Mlf as a lover of pence." . Painfully Tra* "Never mind, dear, time la a great lealer, you know." . "Maybe; but he's not Bunch beauty doctor." • as a Prtrarcfc'i Ckiaf With ^ Petrarch Is called the first of the moderns. In the sense that his one wish was to live in the fullae^t his pmm. f • - w Doubt* A boat Spinas Photographs of the Sphinx taken ftiim many different angles show that the head Is remarkably negroid In type. This discovery raises a doubt as to whether this wonder of the world was really built by Kliephren, succeslir to Ch*""*. „as now beUevifr Typewriter Keybearf The keyboard of the typewriter to as arranged that the letters which are BMftt frequently ••sociated nay fea RMt eaaUy raadwd br the The Cora-Hog signup in McHenry county totals 375 at the present time. By the tinie this information reaches the readers i^'is entirely possible that the sign-up 'will be 400. It is believed that the 'igjj-up in McHenry county includes possibly go j*.r cent of the farmers in the county who may properly be considered Corn-HTog farmers. Those who have signed to date will receive in benefit payments between $125,000 and $150,000. A ruling from Washington requires that certain information on crops an l livestock be Secured on all non-co-operating farms. A franked card has been dropped in the mail boxes by rural carriers, on which farmers are expected to list the information asked for- Farmers are co-operating in a very fine manner in furnishine this information. Already 600 of the cards have been sent in and additional cards are coming in daily. The membtors of the Countv Comimttee are Jscok Olbrich, Harvard; Ben Justen, Ring-wood; E. C. Hughes, Woodstock: R. J. Leisch, Woodstock; E. P. Kueeker, Marengo; Lyle Vanderkarr, Hebron and Henry Eggcrs, Huntley. Phone 29 LATEST-'SIMPUST Auxiliary To Entertain Mcfienry County Officers Hie local unit of tht American Legion Auxiliary will meet next Thursday evening, March 15, at Legion hall. At this meeting they will entertain as their guests the district director, Miss Julia Feffer, and her. secretary from Crystal Lake, and the county president, Mrs. Tresste Kjellstrom, and her. secretary, from Hebron. The unit president urges all members to attMd thia weetinf te wlcome the ffodafe v,", 'F COURSE, Nash has individual front wheel suspes»> non . . . and what's more, has it in the most simplified^, dependable form . . . obtaining the desired result withotH sacrificing the strength of a front axle. And Nash leaves it entirely to the buyer to choose whether or not he needs, whether or not he wants, individual front wheel suspension--for Nash" makes it optional at slight extra cost. In up-to-date engineering, in refreshing style appeal, and ia ' unusual luxury and comfort--the 1934 Nash stands right Out in front in any comparison. On the road, a 1934 Nash quickly dmches ita place a (| everybody's heart. Every 1934 Nash has the unmatched " power thrill of a Twin Ignition vaJve-in-head motor! Everything about a 1934 Nash turns interest into enthusiasm,-:. The new improved dear-vision ventilation system--the new* coincidental starter--the new synchro-shift transmission-- feature after feature that really counts in your enjoyment. Learn about motor car progress at the wheel of a new Naabt Afi Nash dealers will gladly arrange a demonstration. 1934 SMASH '-VV: Big Six, 116-inch WI~elba»* 88 H. f. . . . « . *773 to *863 Advanced Eight, 121-lack ¥WiaM, 100 H. A . ^ , . S20&3 to IU45 JUnbasmador Eight, 133-imch Wtmlhcum, 12S K J*. ~. W575 to S2S2S AmbaiModor Eight, 142-imch Wk--lbaM. 12S B. P. «' ^ . . 9JS20 to 92033 Mm att*-a«flt UFarttt*. tM FIm Car af tfta tr» MmftoM. >SM ta iM All prict f. o. b. Factory--Special tfni] (AH prtcaa tuhfct to e*eeg« without FMUND ftf at Ada-- 9 Frtaad Ouaga, LI.-IVlMa PKODOCTIOM ASSUKKS nowtr PsufHT • .. J . 1 r