Illinois News Index

McHenry Plaindealer (McHenry, IL), 15 Mar 1934, p. 6

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E KoHSNBT PLAINDEALKK Jh- >" (*% t- Thursday, March 15, Twice Told Tales Items of Interest Taken From ' the Files of the Plaindealer of Years Ago VOTE FOR of Crystal Lake Jtepubiican Candidate for,; • Nomination for | SHERIFF tt)F MeHENRY COUNTY f*" | Primaries April 10, 1934 red 19 Years In the Police Department at Crystal Lake, Illinois 1RISTIAN SCIENCE CHURCHE? "Han" was the subject of the Les- all Churches of Christ, ientist, on Sunday, March 11. The Golden Text was, "Behold, what manner of love the l ather bath kestouert upon us, that we should (>e cp^iod the sous of God" (I John 3 : 1 ) . - 'Among the citations which comprised the Lesson-Sermon wasr the ' " •: "() X^.r FIFTY YEARS AGO Plaindealer is pleased ^ form tlie people of McHenry and vicinity that S. S. Shepard and Son l ave secured the Pi?hop buildings, near the bridge, for the purpose of converting them into driers for Red , f GRADE R .Clover blossoms. They wUl pay cash ' Honor Roll: at two cents per pound fpr.all the| Betty Lou Weber, 95 4-8. blossoms they can secure. - St. Mary's School Report • A 'V '• * ' GRADE* Honor Roll: Esther Freund, 92 1«>T, ; ^ S Dorothy Freund, 91 &-7. Carl Adatns, 91 2-7. Mary Ann Noonan, 91. Gladys Stilling, 90 5-7. Elaine Schaefer, 90 3-7. Richard Schmitt, 90'|MT..\ Roman Bauer, 90. ' - Perfect Attendance; Roman Bauer. , • Richard Blake, , " Lee Grose. ; _ Thomas Lawsoa, Daniel Meyers. John Meyers. Dorothy Freund. Esther Freund. Jewel Grow. / " • . Elaine Schaefer. Gladys Stilling. The people generally do not keep proaehing summer a* a brisk and suethefr sidewalks m good condition this j eessful one in 'the buliaitig line. Lum- •wSnter! " ' ber is cheaper now rttan it has been . Jto hin Ww. Som i-Vthu o•f* itht•i s *to wn has ,,in m, any ,y earsk T*h1e bijg cons,u mers of , , * t> . ii _j c - lumber have mostly dropped Otlt of lately purchased of Russell and Son V h • • • the deDres^ion besran Yolo,, the celebrated short horn bull, l>us,ne s 8ince the depression oegan Harold Michels, 94 5-8. ..^Marilyn Schaefer, 94 1-1 ^•Robert. J us ten, 93. ' : Robert Smith, 92 6-8. . James Freund, 92 4-8. Ray Smith, 91 1-8. . Norman Neiss, 90 4-8. jft-rfect Attendance: Edward Adams. • 'Robert Blake. 1 James Freund. Arthur Jackson, r-, Harold Michels. Robert Sales* Ray Smith. '4* , Robert Smith. f Betty Kilday. -Marilyn Schaefer. , . Betty Lou Weber. mv» "Winona Chief/ whose pedigree is un-:.i n t,h e autum-n. j-mof, • 1-907, • leaving the surpassedj ,b y an ani.m al in t.hri.s part of ,l umb, er men. wifch larg• e the stat^T He is four years old past, n ' red roan in color, and weighs nearly 2,200 pounds. The "Lightning Lamp"" is a new thing lately put into the stores of Henry Colby and Fitzsimmons & Evanson, in this village. Four of these are said to give as much light as sixteen of tlje old kind, and are not one-half the trouble to take care of. stocks on j TWENTY YEARS AGO Butter was delivered firm lit 27 cents on the Elgin board of trade on Monday. Work on the remodeling of the Tel ephone Exchange building in Centerville was started on Wednesday mom- • ing. i A number of the summer resorters have been out from * Chicago during the past week or two. A sure sign FORTY YEARS AGO that spripg is not far off. Jos. "Wheeler, son of E. W. Wheeler, Borden's ice harvesting season came left for Chicago on Saturday last, to an end last week and the boys who where he will attend business college j have been employed In this manner the cominur summer. j feel quite jutiilant that the season Andy Miller has been building an lasted longer than usual this year, addition to his residence north of the The water in the pond is now being GRADE HI Honor IRolI: Virginia Williams, Madeline Fjeund, 94.5. Eleanor Young, 92J. Thomas Sutton, 91.7, Bertha Freund, 91.#. .. Clarence Freund, 9&5Fi * Clare Freund, 90.3. : , ; j Perfect Attendance:- , -,J11 Charles Adams. - * . Henry Buch. • Clarence Freund. Ric.iard Rosing. Norman Schaid. : i. Gordon Schmitt. " -Robert Smith.' , Thomas Suttbo. ,•<4 » • Bernice Blake. - Winifred Carjfc '-V. . Mary Ann Diedrich. Bertha Freund. Clare Freund- Madeline Freund. Fra^cps Glosson. Hilda ILerdrich. Nadine Schaefer.- Eleanor Schaefer. Lorraine Schmitt. Mary Simon. Mary Lou S toff el. Lily Unti. Elizabeth Weitl. Eleanor Young. following from the Bible rd our Lord^/how excellent is in all the earth ! who liast set thy (flonr above the heavens. When I consider thy heavens, the work of thy fingers, the moon and the stars, which thou hast ordained; What Is man. that thou fyl mindful of him? and the son of uian, that thou visitest hitu? Thou madest him to have dominion over the works of thy hands; thou hast put all things under his feet" (I'saluis 8:1, 3, 4,6). The Lesson-Sermon also included the following passages from the Christian Science textbook, "Science and Health with Key to the ficripiures." by Mary Baker Eddy: "Man, mode In His likeness, possesses and reflects God's dominion over all the earth. Man and woman Kg voexistertl aud eternal with God forever reflect. In glorified quality. <be infinite Father-Mother Cod" (p. 616). brewery. Ellis Joyce is now running the Woodstock Brewing company's headquarters in the Wirf building, on the West Side. We have been enjoying the finest weather ever known in March for the past two weeks.. It has been more like April or May. TWENTY-FIVE YEARS AG# Wm. Simes has moved his grocery stock from the old postoffice building to the store room recently vacated by the O. B. Gilbert grocery. The new location will give Mr. Simes considerable more room to carry on his increasing business. Larry Edwards, wno for the past several summers has been spending considerable of his recreation time in McHenry, will this rammer take up his abode in a house-boat that has been especially constructed according to his own plans. Good judges are looking to the aplet out. TEN YEARS AGO All of the right-of-way for the new state road, with the exception of the Borden property, has now been secured within the corporate, limits of the city of McHenry and, according to Supervisor S. H. Freund practically everything has been signed up west of the city limits up to the end of the present cement near the Math Glosson farm on Sherman's hill. The radio contest, as conducted during the past three weeks by W. L. Howell & Co., and The Plaindealer, came to a close at 6 o'clock on Monday evening of this week. The receiving set, offered for the best essay on "Why I Would Like a Radio Set in My Hlome," was awarded to Mrs. James N. Sayler. A deal was consummated on Monday whereby Fred C- Feltz acquired the James Revor house and two lots on John street and was given immediate possession. GRADE IV Hortor Roll ; Elaine Heimer, 95.1. . Beatrice Williams, 9#*l,v George Freund, 93. Betty Regner, 92.9. Marguerite Freund, Donald Schaefer, 90.2.1 Ralph Freund, 90.1. Albert Adams, 90.1. Rollin Justen, 90. Perfect Attendance: Albert Adams. Esther Altholf. Charles Blake. Betty Blake. George Freund. Ralph Freund. , Rollin Justen. Grace Kunz. Robert Phannenstill. Betty Jane Regner. Henry Romans. A Elmer Smith. Beatrice Williams. AN ORDINANCE PROVIDING FOR THE APPOINTMENT OF JUDGES AND CLERKS AND DESIGNATING THE POLLING PLACES FOR T&E ANNUAL CITY ELECTION OF THE CITY OF M'HENRY FOR THE YEAR 1934. . Section 1. BE IT ORDAINED by the Mayor and City Council of '.he City of McHenry, that the following places be designated as polling places for the annual City election to be held April 17th, 1934: First Ward--McHenry City Hall. Second Ward--Stoffel Building, West McHenry. Third Ward--Engeln Building. Section II. BE IT FURTHER ORDAINED that Mabel Wheeler, Mat Heimer and Mrs. James Perkins are hereby designated to act as> Judges of election for the first ward for the annual City election of the City of McHenry, to be held on April 17th, 1934, and that Mrs. James Powers, Mrs. A1 Purvey and Mary Doherty are hereby designated to act as Clerks ;bf election for the first .ward for the Annual City election of the City of JVTcHenry, to be held Ar>ril 17th, 1934. Section III. BE IT FURTHER ORt) AINED that Alfred Patzke, John Fay and Mrs. Ella Newiman are hereby designated to act as Judges of election -for the second ward for the annual City election of the City of McHenry, to be held on April 17th, 1934, pnd that Mrs. Mayme Harrison, Mrs. 3Ray Spurling and Mrs. Anna Thurlwell are hereby designated to act as Clerks of election for the second ward for the annual City election of the City of McHenry, to be held April 17th, 1934. Section IV. BE IT FURTHER ORt> AINED that William Bishop, Mrs. Katherina Schneider and Theodore Winkel are hereby designated to act as Judges of election for the third 'ward for the annual City election of the City of McHenry, to be held on April 17th, i934, and that Miss Gertrude Weber, Mm Arthur Krause and Mrs. Maiy Powers are hereby designated to act as Clerks of eletcion for the third ward for the annual City election of the City of McHenry, to be held April 17th, 19,"J,i. Section V. BE IT ORDAINED by the Mayor and City Council of the City of McHenry that the City Clerk hereby ins-tructed to post the nec- •#ssary notices, giving notice of the annual City election to be held April 17th, 1934, such notices to be posted at least forty (40) days prior to the election. Section VI. This ordinance shall be in force and effect after its passage, approval and publication, according to law. PETER J. DOHERTY, Attest: Mayor. - PETER A. NEISS, Citv Clerk., * Passed: March 12, 1934. Approved: March 12th, 1934. Published: March 15th, 1984, ASK FOR A DEMOCRATIC BALLOT ' ^ To Vote For [xJ llSTER R. BACON For " Precinct Committeeman 2nd Precinct, McHenry At City Hall, Tuesday, April 10, 1934 . J*~ Your Support Will Be Appreciated Say you read i* in THE YLKBl- DEALER.. • Edinger Republican Candidate For GRADE V Honor RolU, Eleanor Rankin, 91.4. Dolores Rosing, 90.1. Margaret Schaefer, W, Perfect Attendance: Loren Schaid George Spoo.-' Laiwrence Stilling. Harry Unti. Richard Weber. Francis Wirtz. Bernice Justen. Elizabeth Althoff. Margaret Schaefer. Lucille Weber. Edward Blake. Robert Kunz. To the Voters of this County Admittedly, one of the many serious questions that we are having' to taieet during the continuance of our present heavy depression, iaj the burden of our Extremely high taxes and as we look toward the futtire, we do not see any promise whatever of relief. • It is common talk among our voters why is it, that up to tWs time Judge Allen has refused to give to the voters any platform, or even one word, to the effect that he intends to even try to do anything, toward helping out our taxpayer*, if ha should again be elected for a .third term. ; . - - Even lw», most admit, that fdr years he has added thonra-mfs -of dollars to the already heavy tax burden of our citizens by allowing his court reporter to wrongfully draw from our county tax money, the salary of $1,200.00 per year for let® than four days work a month, end also by his keeping in office an entirely needless County Court ! Probation Officer, who has p1«o drawn $1,200.00 per year from our County Treasury for practically no work. Each salary was later cut by our County Board to $1,080.00 per year. He made no effort to stop, or even cut, either of these two salaries at any time during our present depression and he has made no promise to our voters that he will not continue both of these offices with their present salaries amounting to $2,160.00 per year, for the next four years, if he is re-elected and this would! take an additional $8,640.00 more from our taxpayers' money. ft is being talked by some voters, that if again elected, he might during the next four years plan same other or further raid on our County Treasury. He ha® not promised our voters that in case he should be reelectcvi he will stop leaving our county four clr five days each week to hold court in Chicago ar.d mix with Chicago politicians while drawing a salary from our taxpayers of $3,600 per year, supposedly for him to stay in this county and' daily attend to the business of our county court. Everyone knows that we do not need a County Court Probation Officer any more than a cat needs two tails. All the work ever done by a County Court Probation Officer could easily hvae been done by the Judge in less than four hours time a month. That salary and the one now being so wrongfully paid to his court reporter should have |>een stopped long ago to help lighten the heavy burden now resting on our taxpayers. -- Voters in Judge Allen's home town and in erery comer ef our county are asking thesef questions: 1. Why has Judge Allen refused to come out with a platform, and put himself openly and squarely on record before the voters on these very important issues? 2. How can he expect his present office holders and their friendb, wlthl the help of a f«w politicians, to renominate him for «iMW four year term, when he continues to so remain silent on such important matters? I submit that all of the above, should be cttrefolly considered before you cast your vote on Primaiy Pay. \ %«ry respectfully y«<i*|. CHARLES P. BARNES. of McHenry County My Platform If elected to the office of Treasurer of McHenry county I promise to give to this office the fcame efficient service did applicaton to the responsibilities of the office as I have demonstrated in the office of Sheriff. I will give the best service to the public in my power -- promptly, efficiently and courteously. Deposits in all of our McHenry county banks are now insured up to $2,500.00 under government control. Instead of having all or most of the county's money deposited in only one bank, if I am elected Treasurer it is my plan to keep the money distributed among the several banks in the county, thus taking advantage of this new insurance feature now provided by law* ~ The county's money is gathered from all parts of the county and I believe it is only right and fair that it should be distributed in the same manner. There are thirteen good banks in the county and each of these should have the benefit of a part of the Treasurer's deposit of county money, especially since these funds are now insured np to $2,500.00 in each bank. It will be my policy to distribute the tax money due the various taxing bodies in the county as rapidly as it is possible to do so, in order that they may have these funds for use without the necessity of borfimds to carry on their work. - GRADE yi Honor Roll: Anita Althoff, 92.9. Richard Williams, Earl Smith, 92.2. Helen Buch, 92.1. Beatrice Bus«, 91.8,' Ethel Althoff, 91.5, Lucille Weingart, 91.4. Lorraine Schaefer, 91.8. Perfect Attendance: '.-4 Anita Althoff. Ethel Althoff. ,' Helen Buch. Beatrice Buss. Doris Kennebeck. Jane McAndrews. Phyllis Meyers. Isabelle Simon. Esther Smith. Luella Smith. Lucille Weingart. Edward Carp. Richard Freund. Earl Smith. Donald Tonyan. Geno Unti. Charles Weingart. Richard Weingart. I 9 t Z GRADE VII Honor Roll: Marie Charlotte Nix, 98. Richard Justen, 91. Lois Meyers, 90. Perfect Attendance: Clarence Adams. t Leonard Blake. Fred Herdrich. Richard Justen. James Larkin. Harold Stilling. Harold Weitl. * Angela Freund. Geraldine Kennebeck. Mkrie Charlotte Nix. Isabelle Stoffel. On this platform I solicit the support of'the voters at the coming Republican primaries on Tuesday, April 10, 1934. . LESTER EDINGER Roll of Honor: ^ Theodora Kaelin, 95. LeRoy Smith, 92.8. Anthony Noonan, 92.7. Paul Justen, 91.8. Audry Rothermel, 90.9. Ralph Smith, 90.2,1 Perfect Attendance: Gene Adams, Louis Diedric)^ . » Irvin Freund* • Donald JusteB. ' Paul Justen. ' ? Richard Meyiwa, * Allen NoonaQ. $ LeRoy Smith. Ralph Smitlt' Audrey Rothermel. Catherine Simon. Marie Vates. i i'V^ liiiiiiirfnii iiiaiiiiii One Good Term Deserves Another • I have served as" County Clerk of McHenry county for three years and three months. During this period of time I have acquired much valuable experience in the many and varied clerical duties of this office, which in future should accrue to the •benefit of the people of this county. Seventeen but of nineteen members of the Board of Supervisors have given me a written endorsement of approval, commending my services as County Clerk. I am very proud of this endorsement, as these men have every opportunity to judge what my services have been. Upon my record of this, my first t#rA as County Clerk, I solicit your support for a second term. In return I pledge my continued effort to render the best service of which I am capable. Raymond D« "Brick" Republican Candidate for Re-election aa County Clerk Primaries: Tuesday? April 10, 1934

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