Thursday, March 29,1934 , -r %va*t! NOTICE TO TAXPAYERS Since I have just received part of the collectors' books from the county clerk today, I have called back the entire force and have set them to ark. I want to bring this information to the taxpayers as some of them are getting very anxious for their bills and it will be five or six weeks before we can get tne bills out. H. F. PETEIT, , t Countf Treasurer. ETHEL C. GOE Candidate for Re-election for SUPERINTENDENT OF SCHOOLS • McHenry County , Republican Primary, April 19, 193f On heir; record respectfully *»ks V ? ' ' s i i p p o i ^ * v , - : • mmxCrfiw S. Degree in Education, Indiana State Teachers' College. Special TeacherB' Codrse, University of Illinois. 1 EXPERIENCE Btanentary .Instructor, Rural and City Graded Schools. High School Instruct, English Department. Critic Teacher, Normal School. Nine Years as County Superintend^* ©nt of Schools, McHenry County, Illinois. VOTE FOR CHARLES P. BARNES Republican Candidate for COUNTY JUDGE Permanents $1.75 and up (Including Cut, Shampoo and Finger Wave) Children's Permanent! • .' •' COMPLETE $1.25 End Permanent® - $1.30 Finger Wave ELEVEN YEARS EXPERIENCE This Will Continue Until Further Notice .• VOTE F Your Representative Who Voted AGAINST the~ SALES TAX BOND ISSUES CHICAGO CONTROL BILLS GAS TAX DIVERSION WHO VOTED FOR AGRICULTURE 100% WHO KEPT FAITH WITH HIS DISTRICT ENDORSED BY TTffi LEGISLATIVE VOTERS LEAGUE ON HIS RECORD ENDORSED BY ILLINOIS AGRICULTURAL ASSOCIATION--ASK YOUR FARM _ ADVISOR. R€*6l6€t Rich&fd JT* LYONS FOR " REPRESENTATIVE .' ; Twice Told Tales J-. : •/v: ' V. Iteats of Interest Takes Prom . the Files of the Plaindealer of Tears Afo wpjp! RINGWOOD Mrs. L. E. Hawley entertained her bridge club Tuesday afternoon. Prizes were awarded to Mrs. E .C. Hawley and Mrs. W. B. Harrison. Mrs. Win McCannon entertained the Bunco club at her home Thursday afternoon. Prizes were awarded to Mrs. Edgar Thomas and Mrs, Ray Merchant Mrs. Viola Low attended an Auxiliary meeting at Richmond Tuesday afternoon. Mrs. Frank Dix and children spent' from Wednesday. until Sunday with her parents at Paddock's Lake. t Mrs. E. E. Carr spent Wednesday FIFTY YEARS AGO . night and Thursday with her sister. The annual town meeting will tike Mrs. Clay Rager, in Chicago. place on Tuesday next, April 1. Charles Stevens of Milwaukee spent Theypublic school will cloSe on Fri- Sunday here. day /{ this week for one week's va- Mr. and Mrs. Axel Carlson and cation and will open for the spring family of Woodstock and -Mr. and term on Monday, April 7. ( Mrs. Gus "Carlson of Greenwood spent The ice broke up atid floated down Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Clayton the river on Friday last and went so Br lice. quietly t^at few- knew it until the j Mrs. George Shepard had her tonriver was clear. Spring has indeed j and big *toe nail removed at the C°t}e* * . .. ~ ' Lakeview hospital in Chicago Thurs- Hunters are bringing in a g<ood day. She returned home Sunday, many ducks these days. We saw at Mr. and Mrs, Harvev Bumgardner "fP01 ^Monday about one huo- and son of Royal Oak's, Mich., were dred in one lot. called home Saturday by the death of We understand the committee appointed by the Board of Supervisors to purchase a farm .Tor the county poor, bought one near Kiswaukee Station, in the town of Hartland. It Rosebud Beauty Shoppe Phone 104-J, Shoppe - House, 139-M MRS. CLARA FREUND CAMPBELL SPECIAL NOTICE FOR Monday - Tuesdafy - Wednesday contains one hundred and twelve at McHenry. the latter's father, W. A. Dodge. Mt*s. Bumgardner will .remain here a week with her mother. Gladys and Howard Shepard spent the week-end with their grandparents acres, for which they paid the sum of $6,000. FORTY YEARS AGO EIH Granger, while driving the trot- James Bell and Bert Gallagher of Lake Villa were visitors in the Geo. Young home Saturday. The Ladies' Aid society held an allday meeting at the home of Mrs. C. J. ting horse, "McHenry," on Friday Jepson Friday. A pot-luck dinner morning last, was thrown from his was served. road cart by the breaking of the axle j Mr. and Mrs. Charles Peet enter- &nd the horse ran away, and before. taihed at a family dinner in honor of he was stopped cut his off hind leg Mrs. Peet's mother, Mrs. George Harquite badly. rison's birthday Sunday. Those.,-to P. E. Rose, the Woodstock pop man, attend were: Miss Lora Harrison of will, on or about April 1, establish a branch depot in this village, which will be under the charge of Lew Holmes. Evanston, Edward Harrison and Ruth Owen of Elgin, Mr. and Mrs. Henry Hinze of Crystal Lake, Mr. and Mrs. W. B. Harrison and son, Earl, and spent last frYiday evening a£ the home of Mr. and Mrs. Ray Helsdon at Bensenvllie. Mr. and Mrs. Earl Convene 'wad daughter Frances spent Sunday at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Davis. Merwin Fuller of near Crystal Lake was a caller Saturday afternoon at the home of Mr. and Mrs. WT. E. Brooks. Mr. and Mrs. Herman Zurker and daughter Jean of Chicago were callers Sunday afternon at the W. E. Brooks home. Mrs. Wm. Foss and Mm Wm. Berg were business callers at Woodstock last Thursday afternoon. Miss Bertha Davis of the "Flats" spent last WodiTesday night 'wjjth her cousin, Miss Frances Converse. Mr. and Mrs. LaDoyt Matthews of Forest Park were supper guests last Thursday at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Harry Matthews. Mrs. Jos. S. Haas of Wauconda sp^nt Monday^at the aome of her sisJ teT, Mrs. Clara Smith.; Mr. and Mrs. J. D. Williams and son, James Howard, of Crystal Lake, were Sunday dinner and afternoon quests at the home of Mrs. Clara Smith. " , Willard~ Darrell, in cdmpany with Ed Harris of CJr4jfslake, A. D. Smith of Libertyville and Mr. Stumpf of Roselle, attended an Illinois Farm Supply meeting at Champaign last Thursday. Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Berg spent Sunday evening at the home of Mr. and Mrs*. Wm. Foss. Callers Monday'at the home of Mr?. Clara Smith were Mrs. Arthur Powers and daughter Bemice, of Wauconda, Simon Stoffel of McHenry, Mrs. Anderson of Mylith Park, Mr. and Mrs. G. J. Burnett, Mrs. John Wuck and Miss Frances Converse. Mr. and Mrs. Henry Green of Wauconda were callers last Tuesday afternoon at the home of Mr- and Mrs. W. E. Brooks. Mr. and Mrs. Wm. D. Harris of McHenry spent Sunday at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Raymond Dowell. •'V.u-V -v • • . r ;'i J-"':: Saat of Honor In India, Persia and some other Eastern countries a large cushion or draped seat, often richly furnished, serving as a seat of honor, is called a musnud. HAROLD t REESE Chief Deputy Sheriff Republican Candidate | Experience and Social Service Qualify Frank A. Lovii SUPT. RICHMOND SCHOOLti REPUBLICAN CANDIDATE FORK ! i Superintended, of Schools • McHENRY COUNTY Primaries Tuesday, April 10, 1934 < Your Support Appreciated for SHERIFF ' °f McHenry County, Illinois The Democratic and Peoples' Ciau- j Mr. and Mrs. Raymond Harrison and cuses for the nomination of town of-. two sons. ficers, were both eld on Saturday j Mr. and Mi*. B. T. Butler enterlast, as per notice, and passed off in tained the Five Hundred club at their the most quiet manner. People's Cau- home Thursday evening. Prizes were cus: For town clerk, Chas. H. Gran- awarded to Mrs. J. C. Pearson and^. ger; for assessor, John Huemann; for A. Hitchens and Mrs. Ray Pteters and collector, John H. Freund; for high- , Kenneth Cristy. way commissioner, Jacob Stock. I Mrs. Kenneth Cristy entertained Democratic Caucus: For town clerk, the Scotch Bridge club at her home Frank Barbian; for assessor, John Wednesday afternoon. Huemann; for collector, John Justen; I Mir. and Mrs. Charles Schneider of for commissioner of highways, Jacob Woodstock spent Sunday evening in Stock. I the S. H. Beatty home. ---- j Mr. and Mrs. Gust Carlson and TWENTY-FIVE YEARS AGO family were callers in the S. H. Beatty Butter advanced to 30 cents on the home Sunday afternoon. Elgin board of trade Monday. | Miss Mildred Jepson of Evanston is The new gas producer at the elec- visiting her parents,! Mr. and Mrs. C trie light plant has been housed and J. Jepson. will soon be placed into commission. I Miss Lora Harrison of Evanston is Miss Elizabeth Thelen of Elgin has visiting her parents, Mr. and Mrs, rented the Spaulding store room on George Harrison the West side, where she will open up a first class millinery Apr. 3. Miss Mrs. Ed Thompson and Mrs. Wm. McCannon spent Tuesday afternoon Thelen has had years of experience in in the George Worts home at Mcthis line of work and her many friends Henry. here wish her success. Her establish-1 Mr. and Mrs. Woodford and daugh ment will be known as the Lotas mil- ter, Iva, of Chicago spent Saturday linery. in the Wm. McCannon home. It has been brought to the notice Mrs. George Worts and Mrs. Nick of the writer that it is the general Adams of McHenry spent Wednesday wish of the public to have the new in the Ed Thompson home walk on the west side of Green street Roy and Harold Wiedrich \yere viscompleted this spring and the sooner itors in Chicago Monday. it is done the better. I Mr. and Mrs- Fred Wiedrich were i callers at Richmond Monday after- TWENTY YEARS AGO noon. We are told that the gas company 1 Mr. and Mrs. J. P. Stephenson will resume work in the village with- were Woodstock visitors Saturday af» in the next week or so. Here's hop- ternoon. < ing. i Mr. and Mrs. Lester Carr and sous 1 The dust is again flying, which nat- were callers at Woodstock Saturday lirally draws our attention to our afternoon. streets. Will we oil this spring? j Frank Wiedrich and daughter, The wet and dry fignt In McHenry Ethel, were Richrpond visitors Monis now on in real earnest and from day morning. How until election day, April 7, both factions will work hard to carry the day. The milk war is over and most of the old patrons of the local Borden factory have signed up. fA few dairyman residing west of \town have signed contracts with the Bowman dairy at Ringwood. -V Charles Coates of Genoa City spent Sunday in the Fred Wiedrich home, j Roy and Mae Wiedrich were visitors at Crystal Lake Wednesday evening. ". . SLOCUM'S LAKE Mf- and Mrs. John Blomgren ancl -- | guests, Mrs. Raymond Lusk and TEN YEARS AGO daughter, Betty Lou of Maple Park, The truck of Herman Schaefer and were callers at Waukegan, Monday of Co., which have been engaged in haul- last week. ing cement for the Dunnigan Con- | Mr. and Mrs. Jack Geary and little struction company, to be used on the daughter were business callers at Mc- Volo-McHenry stretch of road, were Henry last Tuesday afternoon. forced to give up work Monday. The : Mr. and Mrs. H. L. Brooks weye roads between this city and the ma- business callers at Grayslake one day terial camp* on the Weingart farm last week. are so bad that it has become impos- j Elmer Esping returned home Frisible to carry on the work. I day evening after spending a few days The river is once more'entirely free in Chicago. from ice, although the lakes still have j Jack Geary was a business caller at a very nice coating. However, a dav Crystal Lake last Saturday. of south wind and a good Vain will j Mr. and Mrs. John Blomgren spent soon break it up. ! last Thursday at the home of Mr. and It is expected that the sewer gang Mm Raymond Lusk at Maple Park. Smallest S. A. Republic Uruguay Is the smallest South Atatrfcan republic. Respectfully solicits the support the people of McHenry County on his record as . Chief Deputy. of Primaries, April 10, 1934- All of the State requirements! to hold this office are more than satisfied in every respect; i. e., Gradfta$e of U. of 111. with B. Sc. Degree; Pos$ Graduate work in Education at U. of Wis. towards a Master's Degree; Holder of a State H. S. Teacher's Cejptificate; Holder of a State S'lpei sory Certificate; Completing 7 ye of successful teaching and adironiitration of the Richmond Pubt Schools, WHICH ARE CONFIRM! by complimentary letters and reports received from the State Dept. and the U. of 111. Accrediting Dept.; and 6^ years Accounting and Business K|k perience. SKELLY OFFERS YOUR MONEY BACK IF YOU FIND A MOTOR OIL THAT IS EASIER STARTING THAN NEW TAILOR-MADE TAGOLENE {NOW IN REFINERY SEALED CANS} Why9 that Sounds too Good to be Time Yes9 but SKELLY Always Means What Mt SaysI will soon be back in town to resume work on the McHenry system. Patrons of the A. J. Olson Dairy company at Woodstock have agreed to stop deliveries of milk to that plant on April 1 unless the company pays the same price as set by the Milk Producers' association. WM. M. CARROLL, Attorney - EXECUTOR'S NOTICE Estate of Maria K- Schmitt, Deceased The undersigned, having been ap- , luncheon guests at the home of Mr. Mrs. Lusk and daughter returned home after spending a few days here, Mrs. Lucille Rohmsn and Alfred Rau of Chicago were Sunday dinner', and afternoon guests at the home at Mr. and Mrs. H. L. Brooks. Mr. and Mrs. H. J. Shaffer of McHenry were Sunday afternoon and supper guests at the home of th£ latter's father here. Mrs. H. L. Brooks and Mrs. Gertrude Johns of Wauconda were recent pointed Executor of the last Will and Te.stament of Maria K. Sohmitt, deceased, late of the County of McHenry and State of Illinois, hereby gives and Mrs. A. W. Foss at Libertyville. Mr. and Mm Wakefield, Mr$, O'Conner and Albert Mullins and Mr. Thomas of Belvidere were Sunday af» notice that he will appear before the ternoon callers at the home of Henry County Court of McHenry County, at Geary. the Court House in Woodstock on the I Miss Daisey Grofenor, of Chicago, 7th day of May, A. D. 1934, at which spent Sunday afternoon at the home time all persons having claims against 0f Mr. and Mrs Wilbur Cook. said Estate are notified and requested \ Chesney Brooks, Clinton Raven and to attend for the purpose of having Wilbur Cook called at the home of Mr* the same adjusted. All persons indebted to said Estate are requested to make immediate payment to the undersigned. Dated this 10th day of lCarch, A. D. 1*34. ; MATH N. SCHMITT, 4 '-- Executor. the only soffipar finpi anemia, under natural conditions, but research workers have induced aoemja la dofs. X and Mrs. Lee Lara bee at Bristol, Wia, Sunday afternoon. Mr. and Mrs. Earl Prouty and daughter Shirley of Brookfield were callers Sunday afternoon at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Willard Darrell. Mr. and Mrs. Swanson and daugh» ter Alice of Highland Park were SonJ day afternoon and supper guests at the home of Mr. ind Mrs. John Blomgren. Mir. and Mrs. Harry Matthews and Mr. and Mrs. Earl Matthews and ^laughter Sysan Ann and son Ea YOB take BO chaaee fat trying New Tsgole-- Motor OIL It must not only give yon easy starting, bat wast aUo provide perfect lubrication and Mtiafy yon in every respect, or yon get yonr money back. Yon can't lose--on a crank case full or a quart. That ia the daring guarantee Skelly makes on New Tagolene. It ia a new, entirely different type of motor ofl made from the finest paraffin-baae erudea and distilled by the moat recently perfected proeeaa. It haa a low cold teat for eaaier starting. Its last- Lag qualities are unexcelled. New Tagolene I* Tailor~Made Skelly haa recognised the need for a different motor oil aa the seasons change, and has tailormade New Tagolene for winter. Ita cold teat is aa low as 67° below freezing. It ia guaranteed for eaaier Btarting, to remain liquid and freeflowing in cold weather. It eliminates the drag on your motor in cold weather starting, and gives you instant lubrication on the first few turna. New Tagolene ia also tailor-made for aummer, guaranteed to reaiat heat, to hold ita body longer, to lose leas oil in hot, fast driving, to be mors economical. In Refinery-Sealed Can* give New Tagolene full profectioo,we hlN sealed it in one-quart and five-quart cans at the refinery. When yon buy it, you know what yoa m getting. Yoa know yo^, will get |B|r«BU*d Tagolene and not a substitute." We have placed on the can a money-back guar --trr which also applies to Tagolene in bulk-- an offer to refund your money if New TsgalsaiS doea not aatiafy you in every respect. The guarantee ia signed by W. G. Skelly, President cf Ipelly Oil Company. Skelly'a Money-Badt Guarantee "(Jae Tailor-Made Tagolene Motor OIL Civ# It what you think ia a fair triaL Yon are the asfta judge. If it doea not provide perfect liibaisntirm, and satisfy you in every respect, take your purchase receipt to our station or distributor where you made the purchase. Your money will be cheerfully refunded." You need the ease of starting, and the lubrication safety of New Tagolene. You can't lose, on a crank case full or a quart. Drive into a Skelly station and change today. fAGOL£N£ AUo Sold in Bulk ^ T^'LCf? -' •' Cash lay Eistft ML mi 9m> WDAF, Ka*m»C*9 . KMOX. Sc. 1Mb . . MD w8£fr8iSfpc.i4o't«'»«»5 KL2. Dcwn* .... *0» WcCO.MiAaMcoS* . M WraX-kadho* . • . SV ***££ KFBQ. ScJoMpb, Mo. flp TAILOR-MADE TAGOLENE Motor Oil by SKEUY FREUND OIL CO. West McHenn AMHS GARJUE KMte 20 W. Ndeary l IJPCPKA feirl St, Ndksry