.1 '--^1 TV<? < v*; * ^ ^ ^ j- -W ' *» ^ . "*"1*' *•«?!, 4M« --,"; t < JiWt ; mx** ,*&**& ~ •*'* »••»" * v*- ^ * < *"*- ,»'. Ibnnd&y, April 5,19$4 THE MeHENEY PLAINDEALEK ^S;- Rosebud Beauty Shopp ^ * \ ' Phone 104-J, Shoppe - House, 139-M . MRS. CLARA FREUND CAMPBELL SPECIAL NOTICE FOR Monday - Tuesday - Wednesday Permanents $1.75 and up (Including Cut, Shampoo and Finger Wave) Children's Permanents •••!-;'^:;r*^MPLEtB: «1.25 Permanent® Finger Wave ELEVEN YEARS EXPERIENCE! : £ This Will Continue Until <\>\ Further Notice * What will a telephone DO FOR YOU? Business Office, or any telephone YOLO M&Ttiftyd Eddy of <5rays!al» spent Wednesday here at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Herman Dunker. j. Mrs. L. Carr and son, Victor, of Wauconda called on Mrs. Esse Fisher Thursday. Mr. and Mrs. Clinton Ravin and family of Slocum's Lake visited the latter's parents, Mr. and Mrs. Richard Do well, Monday. Mrs. Catherine Wagner and son of Grayslake called at tne home .of Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Kaiser Monday. Mr. and Mrs. LJoyd Fisher and daughters visited Mr. and Mrs. Albert Hafer at Fremont Center Monday. Mr. and Mrs. Roy Passfield and family visited Mr. and Mrs. Charles Dalvin at Wauconda Tuesday. Mrs. Frank Wilson and family, Mrs. Harry Passfield, Mrs. William j Fink and Mrs. William Dillion from the Volo Home Bureatf unit enjoyed the tour to the furniture factory at Zion Thursday. They also vis-ited one of their members, Mrs. Edwin Etten, at the St. Theresa hospital. 1 l^Liss Sarah McEmmell of Racine, Wis., spent the week-end here with Mrs. Anna Lusk. ' Mrs. Frank Henkel, Jr., of, Wauconda epent 'Tuesday here 'at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Wagner. ~ Misses Hazel Townsend of Roun 1 Lake and Alvera Schmitz of Johnsburg called at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Frank Wilson Saturday. Clarence Nelson of Crystal Lake called ^Thursday at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Herman Dunker. M5?« Beulah Bacon spent the weekend with her parents, l4r. and Mrs. Wayne Bacon at Grayslake. < Mrs. Lloyd Eddy of Grayslake called on Mrs. G. A. Vasey Thursday. Mrs. E- Bacon and daughter, Vinnie, visited Mr. and Mrs. Wayne Bacon at Grayslake Thursday. Esse Fisher is very ill at this writing ^ Mr. and Mrs. Lewis Brown an 1 V family of Crystal Lake spent Easter j Sunday here with the latter's parents, Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Wiser. Mrs. C. H. Tompkins of Libertyville spent Wednesday here with her sister, Mrs. Herbert Michalson. Nick Miller underwent a serious operation at the St. Theresa hospital at Waukegan Easter Sunday. Mrs. H. J. Martini and daughter of Chicago spent a few days here with relatives the past week. Miss Laura Wiser and Mrs. Eddv Rossdeutscher called on friends McHenry Monday. Mr- and Mrs. Thomas Richardson and daughter of Forest Park called on Mr. and Mrs. Joseph F. Wagner Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Lenzen called on friends at Wauke^an Tuesday. Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Wagner and family and Mr. and Mrs. Eddy Rossdeutscher and son spent Sunday in Chicago at the home of Mr. a/id Mrs. Leonard Wagner. Miss Hilda Oeffling of Wflukegan spent the week-end here with parents, Mr. aKa 5frs. John O M!r. and ^Mra. PVul O'Leary Mjv. and-llfrs. Joseph Lenzen Monday in Chicago with Mr- and John Capaller. Mr. and Mrs. Martin Wagner and family visited the latter's parents, Mr. and Mrs. M. Wagner, Monday. (4U1 f/ Now, distinguisbed style plus matchless mechanism EVERY woman praises the brilliant beauty and modern styling of the new de luxe General Electric refrigerators. Here are the aristocrats of all refrigerators--the most attractive we have ever presented. And, within those snowy white walls is tho famous General Electric mechanism. Be sure to see the new G-E models before you select a refrigerator for your home. They are now on display at our show rooms. Here you can look at both types of household refrigerators -- the sealed-in-steel life-time Monitor Top that requires no atten- (i««| not even oiling--and the G-E conventional flat-top type with new styling and performance capacity to be found in no other popular-priced refrigerator AIm m tompltft line of Standard G-E flat-top amd Monitor Top month Section Two--Pag* Thro* Grave Problem of Toda^ When You go to Vote Tuesday, April 10th Call for a Ballot No Matter How You Voted Two Years Ago Carey Electric Shop Phone 251" McHenry, In mycampaign for County Treasurer thus far one of the questions I am asked most frequently has been, "What about lower taxesf" ; In reply I feel it is not enough for me to any that the County Treasurer does not fix the amount of the taxes, but ft does fall to his lot to collect them. " I believe it is the duty of every public of ficial to practice real economy in the conduct of his office in the expenditure of the taxpayers* money and thromgho^&'tny career in the Sheriff's office Lhave oteadfabtly followed this policy. ' An examination of t toy ©oYinty records will show that as custodian of* the court house and jail in the purchase and use of materials for cleaning, such as soap, disinfectants, chemicals, etc., I spent during my first term of four years ap Sheriff the sum of $1,384]$. During the four years following, the years 1927, 1928, 1929 and 1930, the next sheriff spent lor similar items the vast sum of $6,799.04. , During the three years and four months which have elapsed of my present term the records show that for the same purposes I have spent only $1,135.68. This was done regardless of the fact that the number of prisoners during these last years has:'J^n the highest in the history of the county. < V i I have exercised the same rigid economy in the purchase of food supplies for feeding the although they have always beea well fed. In practicing economy in the Sheriff's office I have worked in close co-operation with the Board of Supervisors, which body of men has been keenly responsive to the will of the people in a genuine effort to reduce taxes dur-, ing these distressing times and has accomplished much in this direction. I feel that my record on economy in the Sheriff's office is the best evidence of what my conduct in the Treasurer's office will be, if the voters elect me to that office. A further examination of the records ot. the Sheriff'8 office will show that while the office was operated at a loss during the four years previous to my present term, in the last three years I have turned into the treasury, after paying my own salary and that of my chief deputy the total sum of $10,761.51 as a profit to the county. The office of Sheriff is much more intricate and responsible than the usual conception o£ a fearless police officer. In addition to this important duty the Sheriff's office is daily dialled on for serving TOfits and other papers, calls for jury service and many other legal processes. It is through the performance of this type of service that the fees are earned to operate the office and from which I have in the last three years turned over in profits more than $10,000 to the county. I have thus had a thorough training, not only in the pursuit of criminals and law evaders, but as well in types of clerical work which I believe will make me better qualified to render efficient and economical service in the Treasurer's office for which I respect " fuiiy solicit your vote. of McHenry County ' • x V i, ' * ' •*