€hft&N@ws v": LINGER LONGER Mrs. Fred C. Schoewer entertained the Linger Longer club Wednesday of last week. Prizes in bunco were awarded to Mrs. Fred C. Schoewer, Mrs. Lewis McDonald and Mrs. Ray RETURN FROM FLORIDA Election day found Mr. and Mrs. W. A. Sayler at home again, ready to cast their ballots in ttie primary and other April elections, a duty which they never neglect. They returned home Friday after a few months' sojourn ih Belleview, Fla., where they report the weather as ideal and the flowers and orange trees in full bloom. They enjoyed greatly the days spent in the south- . i. v i. u crn sunshine with old friends and in Howard- The next party will be ^e ,^e worj. at their orange grove, which at the home of Mrs. Peter J. Schae-i jg nQW b^g-inning. t0 bear fruit after ®Kr, Wednesday, April 18. years of e^owth and"preparation. TEACHERS ENTERTAIN . Teachers of the grade and high schools were hostesses $o members of the Mothers ebb and to mothers of students in the home economics classes at a tea in the high school, Thursday afternoon. The guests were entertained with a program as follows: "Parade of the Wooden Soldiers," high school orchestra; "The Garden of Childhood" and "Conquering Diphtheria," a motion picture; "Wedding of the Painted Doll," kindergarten and first grade orchestra; "Fairy Shoes," reading by mmm A PONTIAC Dollars Only A mm Get a PONTIAC! Pontiac is a ieeO> car ... an ^ EIGHT . . . and a BEAUTY . . . with everything you want in a car--and more. 'Pontiac is the only car at anywhere near its price that gives you all the latest features you have a right to expect. 8 CYLINDERS AT THEIR SMOOTHEST Eminent engineers agree that the Pontiac Eight engine is one of thesmoothest,quietest eights in the industry ... 84 h.p. ... 85 miles per hour. . . . And owners report 16 to 18 miles to the gallon of gasoline. Remarkable economy along with extraordinary freedom from repair costs! LOOK AT THESE PONTIAC FEATURES! Only Pontiac in the low-price field offers them all: Economy Straight Eight Engine; Fully enclosed Knee-Action front springs; Fisher Bodies; Bendix Perfection Steel Cable Brakes; Cross-Flow Radiation; lliy^-inch . Wheelbase; Metered-Flow Lubrication; Easy Starting, True-Course Steering--and extra weight, extra size and strength in vital parts. COME IN . . . YOU'LL NEVER KNOW HOW OWNUtS REPORT SIG PONTIAC IIOWV?!/ AMAZINGLY ECONOMICAL! WHAT PONTIAC ENGINEERS LONG AGO KNIW TIN PUMJC IS MOW HMD4NG OVTI , FINE IT IS UNTIL YOU TRY IT I PONTIAC - * Uluatratad, 4 -Door Sadatt. list price at Pontiaa, Mich., 9805. With bumpata, apara tira, metal tira oorer, tira lock and mpr tng corara. $33.00 additional. Liat prioa o( othar modal* at Pontiac, Get a Pontiac Eight for Your Money! VIS und "p $ 715 AND UP OSAL.ER AOVOrriSCMSNT R. I. Overton Motor West McHenry, Illinois •"Mi,, Bolger's Weekly Drug Sale Friday and Saturday - <• April 13 and 14 60c SYRUP OF FIGS 35c Italian Balm v -24<- 50c Jergen's Lotion '• * y 330 25c Mennen Baby Talc ..._ X7^ 25c Zinc Sterate 60c Amolin Antiseptic Powder...41^ 50c Pebeco Tooth Paste 36# 50c Mennen Shaving Cream -33^* 35c Keen Shave Cream . . . 1 0 c Special 42^ 10c i^LMOUVE SOAP 5 Bars 25# KOTEX Special 10^ hze 410 - 1 9 0 42c --18<^ 320 85c Vaseline Hair Tonic 60c Maro Oil Shampoo Chevron Tooth Brushes 60c Mulsified Shampoo; 25c Glazo Nail Polish . .. 50c Keen Brilliantine ..... 50c Nestle Color Rina« 3T0 $1.50 B-K Powder - . $1.08 75c McKesson's Cod Liver„0U 460 50c Phillips Milk of Magi^Bgia. 330 75c Castoria --51<t McKesson's Antiseptic Solution 390 Encore Mouth Wash, pint 39c $1.25 Kow Kare 980 $1.00 Bayer Aspirin _ IJ20 85c Jad Salts • v-.' - 35c Cenol Drv Cleaner H-170 30c Alka Seltzer . • ' 210 50% Off On All Hair Brushes 50% Off On All Wahl Pens . and Pencils 10% DISCOUNT ON ALL PAINT IN OUR STOCK Complete Line of Paints and Varnish $1.00 CONGRESS.CARDS Sale 60# SAL HEPATICA LAXATIVE Special 410 25c PALMOLIVE SHAMPOO Bale Price 17# P. BOLGER Phone 40 'THE PAINT STORE*** McHenry, IB* Dolores Bergland; "I Love a Little Cottage," seventh grradle boys, Harry Conway, Angelo Unti, Herbert Reihansperger and Bob Knox; "tPanam# Canal," a reading by Harold Tax man; "Humoresque," piano aolo Barry Taxman; "Federal Reserve Banks," a reading by Louise Stilling of the eighth grade; "The Gay Treubador," high school boys trio;* WJ1*» shion Exhibit," Home Economics de-1 partment; "Song of Love," Schubert, by high school orchestra. Following the program, tea was served by girls of the cooking: class and a social hour was enjoyed.; EASTERN STAR HAS MEETITWJ McHenry chapter, O. E. S.t held! its. regular meeting Monday evening- Plans were completed for the Japantee tea to be held Thursday, April 19. Several- attended Friends' night at Woodstock chapter Friday. Those who held office for the evening were Mrs. C. W. Goodell, organist, Mrs. James Perkins, chaplain; Mrs. Clinton Martin, Martha, and Mrs. Arline Pearson, Electa. Others who attended the meeting were Mrs. J. E. Wheeler, Mrs.- George Kramer, Mrs- Minnie Miller, Mrs. Henry Vogel, Mrs* H. M. Stephenson, Mrs. Fred Eppel, Lisle Bassett and Miss Frances Vycital. Miss Frances Vycitar attended the meeting of the Worthy Matrons' club at Glen Ellyn, Monday. PLAN MOTHERS PARTY The Catholic Daughters of America held their regular meeting Monday evening at K. C. hall, where there was a good attendance at this business session." In a discussion over the best wight for the meetings, it was decided to keep the regular day of Monday as being the most convenient for the present. Plans were made for the Mothers Day party to be held May 14 at the K. C. hall- There will be a pot-luck supper served and committees were appointed to make arrangements for the event. The next meeting will be a social session on Mionday, April 23. PAST ORACLES MEET The McHenry County Past Oracles club of the Royal Neighbors met at the home of Mrs. Geer at Crystal Lake Friday afternoon with about twenty-five past oracles present to enjoy the day. Mrs. Geer, who is 85 years old, is the oldest member of the club. At the close of the afternoon meetin'g a pot-luck supper was served. The st oracles of Fox River Valley Camp,, West McHenry, will entertain, the members of the club at their next meeting oxi May 8. ' LocaJ' members who attended the meeting were: Mrs. George Johnson, Mrs. E. E. Bassett, Mrs. Charles Ensign, Mrs. J. J. Marshall and Mrs- Agnes Went worth. v I SEYFFERTH-WISCHKOEVEIi Mir. and Mrs. Alfred Seyfferth of Villa LeOrra, Lilly Lake are happy to announce the marriage of their daughter, Eda Lellna, to Mr. Ray E. Wischkoever of Lilymoor, which took place on Saturday, April 7, 1934, in Chicago at St. Simon's Lutheran church. Those who stood up with the couple were Miss Murrill Houk of Maywood and John Markel of Chicago. There were 100 people present at the reception. ENTERTAINS FOR SISTER Mrs. A- J. Wirtz entertained a party of friends at her home on Richmond road Saturday evening in honor of her sister, Miss Ernestine Freund, of Chicago, who spent the weekend with her. Bunco was played during the evening and prizes were awarded to Misses Ethel Granger and Katherine Wirtz. Dainty refreshments were served at the close of the evening. Miss Freund is a former resident of McHenry and enjoyed meeting some of her old schoolmates again- LADY FORESTERS TO INSTALL St. Clara's Court, No- 659, W?C.O.F. will hold its annual ihstallation of officers on Wednesday evening, April 18, at 8 o'clock sharp. The High Chief Ranger, Anna R. Downs, and the High Recording Secretary, Miss Anna E. Phaelin, are expected to be present. All members "are requested to be present. There will bo cards and lunch following the meeting. MERRYMAKERS MEET The Merrymakers met Wednesday afternoon at the home of Mrs. Catherine Schneider where a few pleasant hours were spent r»!; cards. Prizes were won by Mrs. Young, Mlrs. Stephen Schmitt, and Mrs. George Steinsdoerfer. The next meeting will be with Mrs. Frank Masquelet May 9- CANDY SALE, SATURDAY The Triple-F class of the M. E. Sunday school will hold a candy sale at the Agatha shop, Green street, Saturday morning beginning at 9:30 o'clock. Delicious home made candy will be on sale. Come early and get your choice of the many varieties of candy. MID-WEEK CLUB Mrs. William Spencer was hostess to members of the Mid-Week club at their meeting last week. Bridge entertained the guests with prizes being won by Mrs. J. A. Craver, Mrs- Berglund and Mrs. Minnie Miller. The next meeting of the club will be with Mrs. Lillian Cox next Wednesday . ENTERTAINS CARD CLUB Mrs. J. W. Rothermel entertained the members of her card club on Wednesday afternoon of last week- Three tables of five hundred were in play and prizes were awarded to Mrs. Geo. Justen, Mrs. W. A. Bishop and Mrs. Albert Krause. Delicious refreshments were served at the close of the, party. PINOCHLE CLUB « tree tables of pinochle were in play Saturday evening at the home of Dr. and Mrs. C. W. Klontz when they entertained members of their club. Prizes were won by Mrs. Albert Krause, Dr. C. W,„ Klontz, Mir. and Mrs. and Mrs. Albert Pur**#< A delicious lunch was served. pmiiMj Mr. and Mrs. Henry Vogel spent the weekend with friends in Chicago and DesPlaines. Mr. and Mrs. A- K. Bums qf Oak Park spent Sunday here. ' * Miiss Helen Welch spent a few days this week with friends at Joliet. Mrs. James Allen and daughter, Helen, of Mishawaka, Ind., were weekend guests in the. home of the former's daughter, Mrs. G. W. Hess. Mrs. J. E. Wheeler attended a meeting Of grand lecturers of the Order of Eastern Star at Harvard, Friday. Mr. and Mrs. Ed Cropley returned to their home aj Solon Mills Friday, after spending the winter at Orlando, Fla- J Mr. and Mrs. Harvey Damm and family of Kenosha spent the Weekend in the William Bacon home. Miss Louis Bacon-returned the l^st of the week after a visit in Chicago. Mr. and Mrs. George Rauen and son and Misses Rosina and Genevieve Glosson of Kenosha spent the weekend in the Math Glosson home. Mrs. William Etten of Lily Lake spent the first of,the week with her sister, Mrs. Fred Schneider, who has been ill- Mr. and Mrs. Peter M. Schaefer and family visited their son, John, at St. Theresa's hospital, Sunday. • , William J. Welch of Woodstock spent the first of the week here. Elmer Diedrich, Elmer Stilling and Stephen Smith visited John Schaefer at St. Theresa's hospital Sunday night. Mr- and Mrs. L. F. I*ewman spent a few days last week in the home of their son Charles, in Chicago. Mr. and Mrs. William Aebischer of Chicago spent the weekend in the Louis Stoffel home. Harry Morris of ChicagO/WRS A visitor here Mionday. Mr. and Mrs. Mat Karls and son, Bobby, and Mjr. and Mrs. Jerome Moeller of Chicago were Sunday guests of Mrs. Fred Karls. Clarence Thennes of Mundelein and Miss Margaret Blake of Milwaukee, spent Thursday in the John Thennes home. Miss Agnes MlcCabe of Elgin spent Sunday air h er home. Mrs. Miay Russell and daughters, Helen, Margaret and June, of Waukegan, were Sunday guests of Mrs. Catherine McCabe. Mrs. Catherine McCabe, daughter, Lucy, son, Henry and Mrs. Thomas MicCabe and children went to Chicago Friday where they visited Mrs. James Stack and infant son at L'swis Memorial hospital. Mass Katherine MlcCabe is attending the Marinello school in Chicago. Mr. and Mrs. M. H. Dittrich of Chicy? o called on friends here Sunday. Miss Mary McAndrews of Chicago spent the week end with her parents, Mr- and Mrs. Joseph McAndrews. Charles Christensen of Chicago spent the weekend with friends. Mr. and Mrs. Harold Knox and daughter, Joyce, of Chicago were the guests of relatives here Sunday. Mrs. Ella Kenney and daughter, Mrs. Maynard Schryver and daughter, Peggy, of Chicago were Saturday guests of Mr. and Mrs. W- F. Burke. R. I. Overton and son, Dick, were Chicago visitors Monday. Mr. and Mrs. Glen Robinson of Woodstock visited relatives here Sunday. i Miss Kathleen Givens Is visiting in Chicago this week. Mir. and Mrs. Joseph Wilson of Hebron were Sunday guests of Mir. and Mrs. Thomas Phalin. Mlisses Marjory Phalin and Antonette Huetch and Mrs. Howard Phalin of Chicago were Sunday visitors in the J. M. Phalin hom«. Mr. and Mrs. B. F. Martin of Round Lake visited here Saturday evening. Miss Anna Frisby visited her sister, Mrs. Walter Warner and family, at Elgin, Sunday. Mrs. Mollie Givens, sons, Donald and John, and daughter, Kathleen, visited at Elgin Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Jesse Darnell havemoved from Barreville to the Dittrich chicken farm. F. W. Sayler and George Hutson of Woodstock visited Mr. and Mrs. W. A. Sayler, Sunday. Miss Inez Bacon of Elgin spent Tuesday and Wednesday at her home here. Miss Margaret Steinsdoerfer, who is St. Theresa's hospital recovering from an operation, is now doing nicely and e*pects to return home before long. Miss Agnes Mischke returned homo last week from St, Theresa's hospital and is recuperating from her opera tion. Mr. and Mrs. John Aylward and Irene Conway of Elgin spent Sunday in the M. A. Conway home. Mr. and Mrs. George Miller were Woodstock visitors Sunday. Mr. and Mlrs. Harold Evans and baby of Woodstock visited here Sunday. MHm Florence Conway and brother Leroy and Walter Mailer were Sunday morning Elgin visitors Mr. and Mrs. John Bolger visited -it Pecatonica Sunday. Miss Lillian Doherty was a Chicago visitor Saturday. - ~ Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Smith and Mr. and Mrs. Fred C. Schoewer visited Bernard Baur at Hlines hospital Sunday, , Mrs. Hickey of Chicago spent Sunday in McHenry. Mrs. Fred C. Schoewer is spending the week in Chicago whore she is visiting friends. Mr. and Mrs. Joe Holly have returned from Georgia, where they spent the wihter and are visiting Mrs. Agnes Went worth. Mr. and Mrs. Hugh Morris and Joseph Luke of Chicago spent Sunday at Fair Oaks. The Ray Anderson family have moved from the Pich house to their Bummer home at Fair Oaks, v Mr. and Mrs. H- P. Johnson and daughter and David Foley of Evanston spent Sunday at Fair Oaks. PRIMARIES DRAW BIG LOCAL VOTE (Continued from front page) Thomas F. Donovan led with 208 votes for state central committeeman, eleventh district. For sheriff, Thomas F. Nolan led with 247 votes. Republican Ticket ~ Those on the Republican ticket who led in number of votes received in the township were: W. J. Stratton, state treasurer, 414 votes; Francis G. Blair, superintendent of public instruction, 279; C. Wayland Brooks, representative in congress, state-at-large, 278; Chauncey W. Reed, representative in congress, eleventh distrist, 231; Wm. M. Carroll, representative in general assembly, 1060; Richard J. Lyons, second, with 228; Charles T- Allen, county judge, 354 to 112 for Charles P. Barnes; Raymond D. Woods, county cleifc, 302; Lester Edinger, county treasurer, 312; Harold E. Reese, sheriff, 263 to 111 for George Ehlert; Ethel C. Coe, superintendent of schools, 239 to 208 for Frank A; Love. . In the third precinct, Ray Conwa-y was re-elected" committeeman with 83 Votes, and in the first precinct Peter Smith was reflected with 168 votes. Total number of votes cast: First precinct, 371; second precinct, 446; third precinct, 639. The primary campaign in the coun^ ty practically came to an end Saturday when several of the candidates sponsored booster runs through the county. Eat your fill of chop suey at Japanese Tea Garden, Thursday, April 19, at the Masonic hall. Served faf Japanese girls, from 5:30 to 7:30. Price 35 cents. / . Cards and bunco at 8:15y, Prises. 15 cents. 4$ A NEW METHOD OP PRESERVING YOUR LINOLEUM See the interesting New Chart at our store. It tells you what to 'use to preserve and beautify every type of Linoleum. It prevents mistakes. BE SAFE, USH ONtY SHED WATER SPECIALIZED FINISHES ° FOR FLOOR COVERINGS Thomas P. Bolger The McHenry Druggist Bolger's Drug Store in Our endless liniTprovides everything in paints for which you will have need. They are of highest quality in every instance and our price is the lowest for which these goods can be sold, »OME ITEMS Raw and Boiled Linseed 0i^< Turpentine, Color in Oil Floor Paint, Porch PalUti Interior Tlname^, Roof and Barn, Wood Fillers, Screen Paints, Auto Paints, Stove Pipe Enamel, Aluminum Paint, Floor Wax, Varnishes, Flat Wall Paint, . All Sorts of Paint - Varnish Brashes. Need a A SPONGE* We have it - No matter what purpose you want it for. We have every kind and every sixe for every purpose. Bath Sponges - Housecleaning Sponges Auto Sponges, Etc. FORMALDEHYDE - OERESAN - SEMESAN INSESTICIDES - T.TMTC SULPHUR ARSENATE OF LEAP Paint and Pre the Sere Now is the time to doit. It will on. The right kind of paint not and frames, but it prevents rust from: enrtains, \ f DU PONT'S SCREEN P. BOLOER'S ve be time to put them y preserves the wire wingia $fi For the Baby 26c Bauer & Black BABY TALCUM (There Is None Better) With This Coupon