Illinois News Index

McHenry Plaindealer (McHenry, IL), 12 Apr 1934, p. 5

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McHenry County's --QAY SPOT-- A U T 0 1 N N A Triumph in Musical Enjoyment--One of the County's Best Orchestras Gayer than tike Streets of Paris, this new bright spot offers a smart floor show and the best of food and drinks. . NO COVER CHARGE MINIMUM CHARGE ADMISSION Opening Saturday Nighti April 14th •s On the Brewery Corner, McHenry. Call McHenry 184 for Reservations ' EL F. GILLES, Mgr. Dancing Every Wednesday, Friday and Saturday Nights. FARM BUREAU TEAM LOOKING FOR GAMES The Farm Bureau baseball team , held its first practice game of the season on the afternoon of ^.pril 8, at the fair grounds at Woodstock. A schedule of games will be worked out in the near future with the Farm Bureau teams in this part of the state, and in addition, games will be scheduled with local teams in the county The first game with a local count y team will be played on the afternoon of April 22 with the Greenwood team This game will be played either at the fair grounds at Woodstock or at | Greenwood. The team is interested 1q scheduling games with local teams in \he county. Anyone interested in scheduling ' games should get in touch with eitheK Aimer Aavang^ director; E. A. Thomas, manager or Walter Schneiderwind, captain. The McHenry county team tied for • first place in this district last year, i Manager Thomas expects to, have a 1 better team this year than last year ; by having the boys play together ! more frequently. The team will have another practice game on the afternoon of April 15 at the fair grounds at Woodstock. " I Some of those who reported for practice Sunday afternoon were Floyd Zarnstorff, Richard Van livery, Donald Haldeman, E- A. Thomas, Everett Thomas, Frank Benecke, Obed Wyse, Howard Wyse, Robert Book, Richard Hutchison, Glenn Burmeister, Alimu- Aavang, Jr., and Aimer Aavang, Sr. DISTRICT MEETING Miss Mabel Hobbs of Woodstock has been appointed to represent the McHenry County Business and Professional Women's club on the nominating cbmmittee, at the district meeting to l?e held at Elgin, April 15. The state convention will be held at Cairo, 111., May 3 and 4. EXPRESSES THAN*# I am very grateful to all my friends and voters throughout the county that gave me their support throughout my campaign, and also those who gave me their votes on Primary Day and I thank them all very sincerely. • ? Very respectfully yours, 46 CHARLES P. BARNES. """"Dr. PautASchwabe Fitted Eyes Examined OPTOMETRIST E. NYE fcfctLDING W«*t McHenry Thursday Afternoon Honrs 1 :30-5 tOO Phone 123-J ANOTHER QOOD TIME NELL'S WHITE HOUSE One mile east of McHenry on Route 20 SATURDAY NIGHT, APRIL 14TH SQUAB with all the trimmings, only 25c i| Gns UebBT*8Orchestral -'Free Dancing - Some Fnn! BACONS VI By txf ZEKE" BACON TRACK MEETS MONDAY AND WEDNESDAY HERE Ed and Huppy Smltt^the doubles pair, are at present hoIJIffig down first place in the Forester Doubles at the Waukegan tournament. The pair shot a neat total of 1192 and only an epidemic of raili^oads near the finish kept them under the 1200 mark. Huppy ran into a pair of misfortunes and Ed had another but picked his up. The event will end next Saturday and Sunday. Monday afternoon the McHenfy •High Track squad will launch the 1934 season with a home meet Involving only those athletes who are eligible for the track squad. This is a sort of prep meet to give Coach Orr an idea as to how much, or how little.* talent he has from which to choose a track team this year. Wednesday night the first dual HIGH SCHOOL (BAND * : The five man teams sent overby tne local COF league didn't fare so vvelT'but they all had a good time so it'd be a shame to spoil it by publishing some of the scores. The McHenry Community high school band was rated excellent, or in other words, ranked second, in the annual North Central district contest held, *t the Joliet Township high schooJ'Saturday. They were surpassed only by the Bensenville high school meet of the year will take place with j baiui, which received a superior rat- Fox Lake visiting McHenry. Coach j jng jn Class C in which the McHenry Rasmski has a well balanced squad j band wis placed. Other high schools and should take McHenry into camji j Up , 4n enrollment of" 260, which revelations ap- j placed them in Class C, with Bands entered in the contest were Geneva and Herscher, making a total of four In the Qldtimers League the Grangers are going places with some of the steadiest bowling shown by any team inany league for quite a while. Even so, the Saylers had them topped for the night in their last time out even this year though their big inan, Sayler, was low for the team. Al Barbian led them all with a 618 total, paced by a 244 game in his second effort. The Granpear in the home meet Monday. Orr has threU veterans whom he can count on. Kinsala in the hurdles and Walkingto|h in the ^ javelin' and discus are old'feliables while McCannon is coming along in fine shape after some of the most persistent perever e^rien^ed by an ihTj^ "highlchool,' MOHb athlete. McCannon runs the ! them all bands to compete in Class C. Bands of all kinds and descriptions, large bands and small ones, superior bands and begiiurei-e;. crowded the halls and invaded the auditorium of but among .. .. , . .-- were found none who put mile and has resolved that he will run ;forth more effort to Rive a perfect it in a fashion that will enable hnn performance than did the McHenry to go places; And go places he should in both dual and county meets organization. They were scheduled to- play Saturday morning about l6 o'clock and LEAGUE STANDING left JtfcHenry early the same morning m Timers League - Grangers, . . . . . . j ,]2895; Saylers, 12713; Smiths, 12674; -• lif v. C- W. Klontz, !Dr. R, G. gers are leading the league and seem | Schaefers, 12386. " i Chamberlin, J. J. Vycital,.Mr. Orr and to be drawing away gradually, | Forester League --Geo. Justens SuPt-C. H. Duker. The Cubs-Washington series Wrigley Field in Chicago last weekend was blessed with about the best early season weather ever experienced jHank Schaefer.. 156 Simons, what is to follow. At least it must i Geo. Phalin have erased sortie of the usual red ink i Ed. Thennes jl0386; E. Smiths, 10204; 10083; H. Smiths, 9855. FORESTER LEAGUE SIMONS-- 161 1$3--> 4 30 experienced on the training trips.. H. Simon 153 172 181 124 172 181 158-- 435 Those Chicago Blackhawks and the y 662 688 Detroit Red Wings certainly cleaned . ;itJSTENS~ up big on the Stanley Cup playoffs Stilling with a packed house of around 17,000 A. Jus ten everyone of the four nights. The £. Conway Blackhawks, rated but an outside Geo. R, Justen.. chance when the preliminary rounds were started, kept increasing their pace until they just wouldn't be j E. SMITHS-- stopped. The final game Tuesday j Herm. Schaefer 147 night was a corker with a double over j Pfannenstil ...... 144 time period being necessary to decide Weber ...156 153 190 179 195 153 198 162 193 717 706 713--2136 the winner. E. Smith 245 156 148 187 175 With the first track meet of the season scheduled for next Monday Orr is having more than a few qualms of doubt regarding the ability of his team to go any place. Outside of three men, Walkington in the discus In, Smith and javeline, Kinsala in the hurdles and McCannon in the mile, he hasn't even a prayer- Should any of the other aspirants for the team suddenly come to life and gather in some points Orr will think it a gift from Covalt heaven. Nye ....... | Adam s . The high school golf team, with E. Smith about a dozen candidates for the two 692 H. SMITHS-- L. Heimer ....... 109 Steffes 179 P. Freund .. ....... 149 .... 228 Hand Numbers Numbers played by the tfend were the *"Boftster March," "Atilla," find the required number for Class C contestants, "Silver Chora." Instructors, parents and psftrons are 172 516' proud of the fine showing which the 181 543 i local bar$d made in the contest, which _______ j included bands from many cities in 644--1944 j thiis part of the state. The Bensen- {ville band, which received a superior 153 459 | rating, was more than twice as large lg2 570 1 as the McHenry band, but, according to some who heard them play, they did i no better than the local band with less | than thirty members. Members of the band received a renl thrill out of the event and gained much valuable experience from the contest as well as deriving inspiration from hearing the music of the larger bands. In Class B the Harvard and Woodstock bands received superior ratings as did nlso the Abbott school hand of 197 470 : Elgin an4 in Class A the Elgin and 188 568 West Aurora bands were rated su- | 125-- 431 IFenor. j 18i 565' Only "superior" bands are entitled' _____ ,to compete for the state championship.1 Business Director--Clarence Anglese. Ticket managers -- Marian Anderson, Evelyn Justen. Lighting and sound directori -- Anna Fox, Lyle Franzen. Stage managers--Hazel Howard," Ruth Nye. Makeup artist--Eileen Kilday. Prompter--Beatrice Weber. Director--Helen C. Stevens. Special Numbers Marche Hiroique, Franz Schubert-- High school orchestr*. High school orchestra, Miss Dorothy Holden, director. Crystal Beach, L. F. Boos-- Marimba solo--Helen Harrison. Buck Tap Routines--Kathleen .Justen, Evelyn Schaefer--Miss Alice Ward, director. Wake Miss Lindy!--H. Waldo Warner, Sextette, Miss Lucile Grant, director. •••• • ' FISHERMEN GET BUST / With April comes the return of / spring fever and dreams of the angle* turn to the outdoors and the old fish* pole is brought out and put jn readfc* .** ness for warm days. t ' The season for blue-gills, crappiefl£ perch, sunfish and bullheads is open the year around in this state and th* season for trout opens on April 15 and remains open until Sept. 1. : [ •) The limit on black bass is 10 inches '.nir®ze an<^ daily limit is/ ten. Thetfe < is no size limit on other bass, blue gills or perch. The daily limit <M most of these fish is twenty-five, with no limit on white perch. According to. Bob Becker of the Chicago Tribune, the time for crow hunting'is in April and May, when every, crow killed at this time of year means : ' a chance for useful game and song* birds to nest with greater safety; ' : % S * FRIDAY NIGHT, APRIL 20 , BOXING AND WRESTLING SHOW ; RENEHAN'S ARENA On East Shore of ROUND LAKE SEVEN EVENTS - SIX feOXING AND ONE WRESTLIN^ Look For the Red, White and Blue Lights at East Entrance *V General Admission--43c, state tax .063c, government tax .063<s • total 75c - Reserved Seats--83c, state tax .083c, government tax 083c,* total $1.00 170--511 208-- 696: 177-- 480 | 125-- 417 i 193-- 5o(> J.81.-- 601 j Special Turkey Lunch fyr 35c DRUCE'S DANCE ORCHESTRA SATURDAY NITE Betty's at Lily Lake 666 676--2034 164« 201 157 156 665 678 691--2034 OLDTIMERS LEAGUE SMITHS-- i Goodell ............ 201 211 208 ............ 152 190 163 131 151 148 189 Five Local Soloists Th© same method of grading was 1 used In the solo contests and all of j 13 6 5(y) the five local soloists received "e\- 13 7 47,i) eel lent" ratings of which they may be 144 503 justly proud considering the fact that 1 203 5o:i they competed against more exper- 180-- 559 ieTlce<* an(* musicians. "Su-1 _ | perior" ratings were obtained only by OH TOV GBICUMI Joe Friend's Rathskeller JUSTEN'S HOTEL Saturday Night, April 14 3-Piece Orchestra Chicken Dinner 25^ MEET YOUR FRIENDS AT JOE FRIEND'S 1 positions regarded as being open, are at work every available night brushing up their game for the annual' Karls county meet which was won by Mc- j Johnson Henry last year. The splendid co operation of the McHenry Country Club officials •enables these lads to practice almost at will, weather conditions permitting, and the result will be most gratifying to all interested ix the zeal which the boys are putting into their work means anything. Sonny Johnson and Gordon 'Dedo' Granger are the two members who are almost certain to make the squad with the other two places wide open waiting for Vale Adams to grow op Into high adhooK 962 782 J* SCHAEFERS-- ..162 158 174 146 « 161 160 „ 205 171 146 160 800--2644 °^er and more experienced play- Ier8- 131 4^! The soloists from McHenry and 153 473 ! their selections were, Adele Froehlich, Page Sutton * J. Schaefer SAYLERS-- Be*vis M. Schaefer .„. Perkins ............. Barbian .... Sayler 157-- 478 cornet solo, "Culver PoHoa;" Helen 847 786 ....... 176 208 ...» 127 .ht 1*8 >.•181 197 203 166 244 164 200-- 673 163-- 669 199-- 491 181-- 618 164-- 489 880 963 897--2740 GRANGERS-- Granger Hey/ Come Up and See Me Some Time At THE PIT ; Quarter Mile East of McHenry on Route 20 Frankie Gans and His 3-Piece Orchestra - Free Dancing SATURDAY NIGHT, APRIL 14 Chop Suey Dinner, 20c HAROLD MIT.t.ER, Proprietor , , , Weber Last Sunday- was one of these days "Wattlee that golfers dream about during this | season of the year and fifty or sixty Hughea of them cavorted about the McHenry course in the balmy freezes dreaming about the scores they shot last year and the year before and wondering just how they had accomplished such feats. The first time out each year makes one think that they have lost the knack of the game. George Johnson, Sr., almost reached the point where he was going to take some lessons from our new 'pro.' ^ Clarence Stilling is back at home recuperating from his recent operation for the removal of his appendix and will enjoy very much having any of his old mates of the Shamrocks call on him- Looks like Clarence will have to remain out of the ball games for a while this spring. His condition is improving very rapidly. 166 --..w m ...^.-...179 164 ...«...»...180 208 166 186 196 149 840 887 919--2646 Auxiliary Members f In Comity Meet 150-- 626 i cornet, "Surf Polka;" Stan- 170 ley Vycital, Clarinet, "Dance Joy- {euse;" George Vales, Sousaphone, 76i--2«QS I "Pomposo," and Guy Duker, trom- Ibone, "Sqnl of the Surf." ' According to all reports the local musicians displayed talent and trained ability, together with a spirit of fine spwtaMiihip and courage. The Moists played on Friday and n^ytfcfj^P on that day in addition to the band on Saturday. ICaMVf will, no doubt, be interested ill irstehing the progress of the two county bands, those of Woodstock and Harvard, that received superior rating* in Class B and that will in all probability plan to attend the state contest St Urbana on April 26 and 27. Schedule of pl%y and lists of competing baadfe will not be announced for a week or two. f 199-- 668 164-- 470 157-- 621 17S-- 632 226-- 665 About one hundred members of the American Legion Auxiliary attended the county meeting held at Algonquin Friday evening and voted to join ranks with other patriotic societies and sign petitions to Congress against American participation in the league of nations or the league court. This move is one of the many being made by Legion posts and Auxiliary units throughout the country. All members at the next county sound and the lighting effects, as well meeting at Cary will sign the blanks as the acting of the characters, are and members unable to attend the ready1 fpr the public Renehan's first boxing show of the meeting will be given an opportunity I You Will wonder whose ghostly fin year attracted, a goodly crowd con- ito sign by getting in touch with their j £e^s are playing a locked organ, wha* sidering a rather bad break in the, president. SENIORS TO ACT FRIDAY EVENING Friday, the thirteenth, is an excellent aifif fitting date for the mysterycomedy, "The Valley of Ghosts," which is the Senior class play to be given at the high school auditorium at 8:16 o'clock, Friday evening, April 13. For many weeks the cast and producing staff have been hard at work on this mystery-comedy and now the GREEN STREET Sfcowa--7 and » THC 6MELSB -f npMI McHENRY ILLINOIS Ads. 10-2&C .„'.rrr MATINEE SUNDAYS 2:30 P. M. Admission, 10c and 20c Friday and Saturday, April 13 and 14 DOROTHEA WIECK and ALICE j Important Announcement! "MISS FANE'S BABY IS STOLEN" And Across the Nation Rings a Mother's Cry, *Help Me Find My Baby" Sunday and Monday, April 15 and 1* GEO. RAFT - CAROLE LOMBARD - SALLY RAND V. . in "BOLERO*'" See the One and Only Sally Rand Stage Httr QofftMi ^ x> mOOA'JAJl Fan Dance Thursday, April tS KAY FRANCIS - In •• 19 "HOUSE ON 56TH STREET" Where the Game of Life Is Played and a Woman Dub a Hand From a Deck Marked Fate NEXT WEEK Wheeler and Woolsey in "Hips, AUXILIARY TO MEET The regular meeting of the Mie- Henry unit of the American Legion Auxiliary will be held Thursday evening, April 19. The president urges all members to attend as this meeting is most important. MI PLACE IN NEW LOCATION Just across the street from the former one. Now in the building formerly known as Pries building. Visit Mi Place Friday night, when a genuine Fish Fry will be on the menu. Your favorite beer will make them taste better, too. Come On Up and See Mi Place WEST SIDE OF GREEN STREET Green Street Mi Place McHenry weather and the crowd wasn't a bit put out. The only drawback was that Wozniak who was to be Louis Orr'* opponent in the windup, failed to show up! Orr was all peoped up for the gJ and was rather disappointed himself as he was out for revenge for a trimming received in the Golden Gloves. Charlie Goodell made the trip just to see Orr in action and then had to watch while Louis was gaining a rather odd decision over Burdock, one of his pupils, in a farce match which was substituted for the windup. j spirits are determined to rid (he The next meeting of the county ghostly hollow of strange visitors, council will be held at Cary, May 11. i The frightened negroes must ga m The change from the regular date was jlyour sympathy as well as your laugh- ? Here's What You've Been Looking For/ A Big Feature Night THE SEASON OPENING FRIDAY 13, 1934 BETTY'S at Lily Lake MUSIC BY EDDY'S MELODY BOYS Special Planked Fish Sapper for 25c FREE BEER WITH SUPPER COME AFTER THE StHNIOR PLAY The Hellstrom twtns, CYO boxers from Chicago, caught the eye of the crowd with a pair of neat exhibitions in which they severly punished two much more powerful looking boys from Racine. Those twins, reported to be 16 years old, were as neat a pair of boxers as will t>e seen in these parts but lack the strength to put behind their blows. Give them two more years and then watch them. The next show at Renehans will be April 20 and the card will be announced later on. It is not improbable that Car! Kzsvold, Woodstock youth (?) will appear on this card as a wrestler. CARD OF THANKS I wish to express my sincere gratittide to the many loyal friends who assisted me in my campaign and helped to make victory possible at the primary, Tuesday. 46 REP. THOMAS A. BOLGEB. Seed Potatoes for sale at the Farmers Mill. Phone 29. 46 made so that members may attend a meeting at St. Charles May 4 when Lieut. Nelson E. Hewitt, national authority on Communism, will giVT"a talk. On May 3 the joint Legion and Auxiliary party will be held at Woodstock to which all members are invited. On April 30 the Eleventh district party at Elgin jwill be held and all four counties in the district will put on a twenty mdnute program. Following the business session the women of Algonquin put on a minstrel show which entertained their guests and refreshments were served. Local members who attended the Auxiliary meeting were, Mrs. Ted Schiessle, Mrs. Anna Howard, Mrs. James Marshall and Mrs. Fred C. Schoewer- The Mclfenry unit will entertain at El#in Friday, April 27. The Auxiliary invites all members of the McHenry Post to accompany the unit to Elgin on this night. -- MANY THANKS! To all who assisted me In my campaign and to the voters who gave me their support at the polls Tuesday, I desire in this way to express my sincere appreciation. If elected in November I promise to conduct the office of county clerk to the very best of my ability. RAYMOND D. WOODS. Seed Potatoes for sale at tks Farmers Mill. Phone 29. 46 ter on this night of weird adventure No<tjirtHU|er Pete Washington is eagi>r to, parry his rabbit's foot about the hoti$e as he hunts for the "ghost of the strangled bride." Be in your seat by 9:15 so that youll not miss a word of the strange will of Lucile Evans and the resulting calamities. Cast of Characters (In Qrder of Their Appearance) Minnift iJtrange, housekeeper to the Late Lucille Evans--Jeanne Powers. Jonathan Black, a lawyer--Marvin Meyers. Jack Martin, a friend of Lucile Evans--Guy Duker. Pete Washington, his chauffeur -- Stanley Vycital. Helen Wayne, a friend of Lucile Evans--Marian Weingart. Sally Ana, her maid--Mary Sutton. Amos "Hill, in pursuit of Sally Ann-- Georgv Kinsala. Elvira Tadd, a villager--Anna Fox. Mrs. §cott, an escaped lunatic--Beatrice Weber. Lily Violet, in pursuit rf Palo "Lenora Prisby. A Watchman--Charles Brda- A Ghost--Willys Schremer. SYNOPSIS OF SCENES Act One: The living room in the late Lucile Evans house about 11:30 at night, June 30, 1984. Act Two: The sarta, about five minutes later. ' Act TfaNt: Th» same, tea nlfeMttes later. ^ fufcehy Staff Advertising managers -- Marine Bacon, Roll* Chamberlin. MEMBER OF THE N. R. A CRYSTAL LAKE, ILL. FRIDAY and SATURDAY George O'Brien - Mary Brian in "EVER SINCE EVE" What chance have you had "ever since EJve ?" Added: Clark & McCulloogh Comedy Cartoon and Latest News Events! SUNDAY and MONDAY WHEELER & WOOLSEY in 'HIPS, HIPS, HOORAY' The funniest pair on the screen in a musical girly-gp-round. Including Ruth Etting, Thelma Todd, Dorothy Lee! Sun. Mat. 2:46 to 6:00--10c-25c After 6:00 p- m.--10c-30c ' TUESDAY 10c SPECIAL 15c James Dunn - Claire Trevor "HOLD THAT QIRL" See the only way this smart detective could Hold That Girl! WEDNESDAY - THURSDAY May Rotaon ••YOU CAN'T BUY EVERYTHING" Tha "Lady For A Day" becomes Qoeen of Wall Street!! FRIDAY and SATURDAY The Triumphant Return GRETA GARBO "QUEEN CHRISTINA" and Shorts Saturday Matinee Only "UNDER THE TONTO ROT* A Western Special SUNDAY and MONDAY LIONEL BARRY MORS In a Five Star Show "THIS SIDE OF HEAVEN" Aim Todd & KeOey hi "AIR FRIGHT** SUNDAY Giant Stage-Screen Show 5 - LOOP ACTS - 5 VAUDEVILLE ffce Tripoli Trie Marine A Bobfcy Five Sefcoras Japa Two Other Acta NO PRICE ADVANCB TUESDAY - BARGAIN NIGHT Ad alts 15c - C3ahhrn liL_ "SEARCH FOR BEAUTY" And Abo AdMI Fear Acta VAUDEVILLB WEDNESDAY • THURSttAY May Robe-- in *Y0U CAN'T BUT EVERYTHING" ' Om of Year's Btst Sfcowf '

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