Illinois News Index

McHenry Plaindealer (McHenry, IL), 26 Apr 1934, p. 5

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FRIDAY NIGHT Boneless Baby Pike SATURDAY NIGHT Fried Chicken Dinner DINE AND DANCE EVERY SATURDAY EVENING! On the Brewery Corner, McHenry. Telephone 184 S-CUSHION CHAMPION Johnny Laytoo of Sedalla, Mo., who iron the world's three-cushion billiards title in the recent tournament in New York. He has been champion several times before. P*Bc« Mml Be Bachelor* V police recruits Jot Istanbul must henceforth be bachelors. The city government has said that present married members of the force may keep their Jobs and their wives, but that no married meft will be hired. Home Interests, the city fathers believe, conflict with a policeman's performance of his duty. Plenty of Grudges }. "Tatet no use nursln' an eld grudge," said Uncle Eben. "If dem's what your after, you kin pick up mora den plenty of *em as you go ske^" Fly Considered Sacred In Egypt the fly is considered sacred, and the people carefully refrain from harming it,; no matter how much It pesters them. BACON'S •fpfym . g*|- p | p > V. ,-*> ' MBtM mZEKE" BACON Elgin's gol team won a rigid victory ove?r McHenry in the first victory over McHenry in the first dual meet in the history of the MCHS. The margin was plenty large, 326 to 361, but even the McHenry boys enjoyed the competition as much as possible though the extreme cold hampered them considerably. There was snow flurries in the air part of the time. Burlingame of Elgin was low man with a 79, with Thissell and Hall pushing him every step of the way with an 80 and an 81 respectively. Capt- Sunny Johnson was the low man for McHenry with an 83, but Deck) Granger and Clarence Anderson fell by the wayside with a 94 and 96, but they'll come through when they get another taste of competitive golf. Melvin Peterson was the other man on the team and he shot an 86, which seems to be an improvement over last year. Thissell of Elgin, the mfen who shot an 80, was third low man in the State High School meet last year so his score Tuesday seems not to have been an accident. McHenry High's track teanr hasn't been faring so well as far as winning any dual meets is concerned, but both Coach Orr and Supt. Duker are better than satisfied with the showings the boys are making. Fox Lake won from McHenry by ten points or thereabout-? and then Crystal Lake, conqueror of Libertyville, consistently strong in track, swamped McHenry in the expected fashion, but only a little more than two to one. COMMISSION SPONSORS GA&DENt1m PPIR OJECTS COMMISSION SPONSORING McHenry county citizens are familiar with the present direct relief .and work relief programs in operation, which are supervised by the County Social Service Division of the Illinois Emergency Relief Commission. Intelligent citizens realize and appreciate the results accomplished by the trained social 'workers of this county. Social service is a service which prevents or remedies some deficiency on the part of an individual or group, which prevents the same from becoming a progressive member of society.. It is an organised and scientific technique in community organization, for the betterment of the community individually and as a whole. Not only is immediate relief and work relief given to those families in need, but the attempt made to help build up the morals aAd ambition and optomism of those individuals. The social service worker gives immediate physical aid, but also attempts constructive work within the family; to give mental, moral, social and physical aid and stimulus to the individual. Bearing this constructive phase of social work in mind, a new plan and project will be inaugurated. The County Relief Commission will plan and sponsor a Community and Home Gardening Project! Many families on relief feel that, if they had a garden of their own, they could those foodstuffs which would supply them during the summer and, in addition, help them next •winter. For this reason the County Relief Commission plans to set aside largo plots of ground in each community fqr this purpose. Everything will be furnished to the clients, including seeds, use of the ground and its preparation for planting. The client merely has to plant the seed according to the specifications given him, and care for it after its planting. In addition to the fact that the client will have foodstuffs for the summer, pro- (Visions and preparatips are being FIT CHOPSUEY MI 20^ U7U17N SATURDAY TV null NIGHT, APR. 28 Where-arfHE PIT Quarter Mile East of McHenry on Route ; nDIW WHATEVER I\ AlTPl? COSTS YOU lllYllm YOU SAY IMlltL NOTHING Frankie Cans and His 3-Piece Orchestra - Free Dancing HAROLD MILLER, Proprietor Ken Tonyan tied Crystal Lake's star hi the high jump pnd seems to have still more possibilities. He is a newimade for proffram this faU. point getter that Orr has uncovered. McHenry'8 glaring weakness seems to be in the dash events which also affects tha relay team. Whether or not the warm weather will bring about better results remains to be seen as both meets have been run on wintry days that had even the warmly (dressed spectators shivering. But what other days have there been? [ MI PLACE IN NEW LOCATION Jpet across the street from the former one. Now in the building formerly known as Pries building. Visit Mi Place Friday night, when a genuine Fish Fry will be on the menu--Fresh Boneless Perch. There will for. all. Your favorite beer will make them taste better, too. ; ^ , jtyme On Up and See Mi Plao# si»rt Ml Place McHenry 1 . .i • .. .• il_ ELL'S WHITE HOUSE Qne mile eaat of Hdtbrny on Route 20 ; | SATURDAY NIGHT, APRIL 28TO I " • • S^UAB-rwitJt all the trimmings 25c AL KLEMMES' ORCHESTRA R5 D A N C E JOHNSBUSO HALL (Geo. Lay's Tavern) . - Wednesday Night, May 2 GV8 UEBER'S ORCHESTRA ^ Lunch will be served Admission 50c per couple Art Meyers, the new manager of McHenry's hardball team, has announced that the first practice will be held at the McHenry diamond Sundav afternoon at one o'clock. Daylight Saving time. Everyone at all interested in trying out for the team should turn out, whether tehy have the flecessary equipment or not, as gloves will be on hand for those needing them. And another meeting! Tomorrow (Friday) night at 7:30 at the Forester Hall t -e softbal! aggregation will hold a gct-to-gether for the purpos* of organizing the team proper. All who have tried out in the few practices or who-care to make the team are urged to be there and report. "For those ot you who are interested in amateur sport, unspoiled, by any desire for remn&ratfdn, the following poatoffice. McHenry, Junior Batons. Playing: " Riverside Drive Admission fie A Se •. v" And Pm willing to bet that there'll more thrills to that game than to th e average big leagtje jcontept . f OH TOO CHICKEN! Joe Friend's Rathskeller JUSTEN'S HOTEL : Saturday Night, April 38 GOOD ORCHESTRA Chicken Dinner MEET YOUR FRIENDS AT JOE FRIEND'S A Fine Kettle of Fish at BETTY'S at Lily Lake FRIDAY NIGHT, APRIL 27 Jumbo .Perch and Trimmings, 10c - Delicious Beer MUSIC BY COLLEGIATE SYNCOPATORS SATURDAY NIGHT, APRIL 28 One-Half Fried Chickm MUSIC BY EDDY'S MELODY BOYS Sunday Dinner* - Homfr Made Pastry The first softball practice gam* of the season was held last Sunday among the cool (?) breezes from the northwest with Herb Larson's Fox Lakers providing the opposition and plenty of it. McHenry got the worst of the deal from the standpoint at the score, but that wasn't the objective as McHenry wanted to try out as much materia] as possible and see just how they performed under fire. Prom the looks of things the local entry in the district is/going to be able to pat a mighty fpst team afield. Walter Kraft, playing in a twosome with Leo Stilling amid the wind and the cold last Sunday, scored an ace on the 195-yard eighth-diole at the McHenry Country club. With a strong diagonal wind coming against him it was a particularly notable feat McHenry has had very few holes in one and this is believed to be the only one on number eight Aces have also been scored %n the 9th and 18th, but not more than one on any hole accord- 'ng to unofficial records. all expenses will be taken care of by the Social Service Commission. Thus there is provision for food thjp summer and next fall--both the individual and county will benefit Notices will be mailed this week to each client on relief, to attend a meeting in this community. THte meetings will be under the direction and supervision of the case worker of that district Complete information forms distributed for the signature of those who wish to participate in this garden program. These forms will enable the County Director of Gardens of the Social Service Commission to estimate the various needs. In each community a large tract of land will be selected and used for a community garden. Each family on relief will be flowed a certain part of the community garden; that part or tract of land will be either a '1B" or "B" garden and seed supplied for planting. A "B" garden is large enough (50x100) for a family of up to six members and a "C" garden for a family of nine (50x150). As was stated before, the client merelv does the planting,and caring for the land afterwards. The following of items will be takcto ear* of "by lite Relief Commission, to Select and approve the land to be I tuppose you%ll know that instead of the regular meeting, the Scouts competed by Patrols in a thrilling tra*fc aid field meet Stanle^Vycital, head official, did a wonderful job in Iteefring order and making the gang do (b9 fivents as best they could. ewlSO yard dash came first with GonKfaL ^Granger the victor. Wilbevt KlMMMBch and Earle Schaeffer fol- Respectively. The fifty yard (iasSpblpve as numbep' two race and the Wtpiier was Harold Taxman. Alii WiAit' and Anthony Noonan ran a clo^p second and third. The sixty yard low hurdles brought a very close race with Gordon Granger the first to breajt; the top; again followed closely by jpfilfrert Klapperich and Earle Srhajtofr. To get away from the uJtVwhts and move on to the field competition. The shot put was first put into progress, Harold Taxman "heaving" the eight pound weight farthest, while Gordon Granger took secondat) d Earle Schaeffer, third. It was sure an awful job to keep warm, but since the competition was greatest, as the track meet neared the end, the cold was forgotten. Another weigh*,-event came with the discus, that ptAt* like circle. Harold Taxman won firs*, place with Bob Kilday and Vale Adams taking second and third. High jump brought a real fight among the boys, to gain "first place." Here's how it came out: Bob Kilday, first; Wildcat Klapperich," second; and Harold Taxman, third. Now, pole vault oomes into view. This turned out by having Vale Adams win first place and Miller and Richard Freund took a dose second. An exciting race took place when the relay race, which was handicapped by two dumbells as batons, closed the evening's affairs. Around the oval^ of the cinder path the boys whirled at the crack the gun giving the dumbells to the next man, etc. Finally, Bruce Granger, Dedo Granger and Harold Taxman were on the last lap gaining speed as they kept on. Harold Taxman came over the finish Kne, breaking the tape first, followsd. by Bruce Granger and then by Gordon. When the points were all added up and figured out by Stanley Vycital, Bob Kilday's patrol took first place with a totaf of 33 points while the Black Hawk took second with 28 points and Vale Adams' finished third with 10 points Whew! what a day. I hope we have some more of that kind. Bob Kilday's patrol has to put on a patrol stunt at the next meeting. Ill bet it's going to be a good one! The Boy Scout demonstration at the Empire Theatre on Friday is sure going to be a "wow!" All about- . It's tonjttafidential, I ean't tell. All I can a^PifRthat it's going to be funny and educational. So be present! SCOUT HAROLD TAXMAN. Furaitttr* Wu Sckrc* „ In the ftjddle ages, movable farntfttre was anwea, «rea among tha wealthy. . >, : . Putorm . K" ffe pasten is the towast section aff' v the animal's leg. below the m " -lock. . i- GREEN STREET 8l»ow»---7 and » TH£ BtiELSB McHENRY ILLINOIS n1 t C. " Adi MATINEE SUNDAYS 2:30 P. M. Admission, 10c and. 20c 10-2S* triday and Saturday, April *7 and *9 Benefit School Health Fund • ROBINSON CRUSOE'* Starring Douglas Fairbanks Added - "Mickey Mouse Cartoon'; Friday Afternoon at 2:30, Special Boy Scout Demonstration at this Matinee -Matinee Sonday-Monday-Tuetday, April 29-SO, May t TOGETHER FOR THE FIRST TIME! L. L A R K GABLE COLBERT J)f -Hafijmitd'Owllicjhf WALTER CONNOLLY - POSCOe KACNiS by 5c*^u c i '^elfins Ac/j'*'! .%v* Screen plav bv ROBERT RISKIS i «. 2 ' A FRANK CAPRA Product.on " ' v : ' V' ; V- -.W. Wednesday and Thursday, May x and 3 Sponsored By The Junior Class, M.C.H.S. _ JOE E. BROWN in ~ "SON OF A SAILOR" A Laugh Riot From Start To Finish Coming Soon--"Moulin %>uge" and "Gallant Lady." 'f- '..H & "*v EWT * j >J McHenry teamed with Huntley ajrainst a Richmond-Grant team in a friendly track meet yesterday and the idea worked out to such good advantage that the MoHenry-Huntley team, taking the last event, the 880 relay, won by two and one-half points. Me- Henry tnd Pox LAICC hod by far the stronger teems sd they took Huntley and Richmond alo^ig to make the match more interesting. Even the relay between F^c Lake and McHenry was as close as could possibly be as no one of the relays finished more than a yard apart. And are those old favorites placing baseball. Think of it! Seven straight wins with the starting lineup going all the way, a homer in every game except one, only three errors, one on a pop foul and the other two in the gttme yesterday which Mialone wen with a shutout And don't forget Ion Warueke's two one-hit games. McHenry Country club enjoyed a record Making registration for an April Sunday when more than half a hundred fee paying golfers invaded the course last Sunday despite the chilly wind blowing in from the northwest. Looks like a great season wi*k ***• interest or tnoet all the club members. Al Arrange contract fp* plowing' aai~ cultivation of community areas and taper-vise the work. Arrange for seed storage, unload g, distribution. Arrange for receiving frrtilhmi and applying it on community areaa. Arrange for the use and protection of seeders and wheel hoes supplied by Aha Commission (sttpidied for eftnuaity areas only.) Stake out community areas into individual gardens. Receive, distribute, and direct the use of insecticide on community areas. Arrange for the bringing of garden produce to the <**»»«•>« ng center. Employ Garden Guards against pilfering. The folI6wing is a list of seeds that will be supplied to the applicants: Beans, wax, green, pole, lima; beets, early; cabbage, (plants); carrots, early, late; chard; corn, early, late; kohl rabi; lettuce; okra; onion seeds; onion sets; parsnips; peas; potatoes, Irish; potatoes, sweet (plants); pumpkin; radish; squash; spinach; tomator (plants); turnips. The planting plans provided by the Commission are to be followed in the case of 9II gardens. The plans are built with a view to providing a constant supply of vegetables in proper sequence throughout tjie summer and an adequate supply for winter use. A violation of this plan would result in wasted seed, interrupted cultivation and difficulty in arranging the canning facilities. It is possible and permissible to have an individual garden in the commmiity garden, and also an individual garden at home. However, only seed And supervision will be supplied for isolated and individual garden plots at home, that is, home gardens. It is urged that everyone desiring a garden co-operate with the Commission and secure a plot in the community garden. • For further information, ask your case worker of your district or township or the administrator at the Relief Commission, or Arnold J. Rauen, County Director. EMPLOYES TO GET RAISE Approximately 14,000 employes of the Illinois Bell Telephone company will receive wage increases beginning May 1, it was learned last week. The salary boost will add about one million dollars to the pay roll anus lly, it was estimated. AU. employes except those in the upper typervisory and management groups, it is understood, will be affected by the increase. Purvey has the course coming along in great shape and a nice wmrth rain would certainly top it off in great shape. The greeiyr itfe responding to treatment and hava improved remarkably since tha week-end. .V BOOT&fcGGING IN NEW DEAL >Lijr • ' Oomaj^ky bootlegging begins just about tltf time r^Ml|l puts an end to Oie booH«£ging of liquor. Prom Iowa cornea tltti import that many farmers are tryifef to chisel advantage out if the new planned agriculture. It no# dwvelopa that many of the farmer* havt exaggerated their figures in •tjijUw ^r*4tog' pnferam (i> the hap4*H Jetting larger allotments. It ia btlRv ftarned that serious over* stakn 1 aMli m 1982 hog numbers have been mtfA*~ tod farmers in one Iowa towtirtMMnbrted average com yields for lMMH%early thirty bushels an acre, wfeip^ll higher tha 1^the average for tha Uik ten yean. And 19SS was an exceptionally poor corn year. '* • 1 PlafnCMttarg for sale at Wafettes. FRIDAY ONLY Uncle O'Bie's Joy Night Fun For Everyone "ADVICE TO THE LOVELORN^ with Lee Tracy • * SATURDAY "DEVIL TIGElf ^ Harumr-Scarum Par#| T"r.' at' 1:00 p. m. _ SUNDAY . i: MONDAY WILL ROGERS "DAVID HABUM" Hla Beat t The Yaai'a Boat Cont Sun. after 2:30 N HJESDAY fiani bargain Its lie - ChiWrea lte 4 I IACTS - 4 S|:|vAtoEVILL#;;: Abo fiature Picture --WBHO NESD4A Y - THURSDAY ' Conatinee Beanett "MOUIJN ROUGE" MEMBER OF THE N. R. A CRYSTAL LAM. IU. THURS. - FRI. - SAT. . WILL ROGERS in "DAVID HABUM" Silly Symphony in Color "Funny Little Bumuee*^ SUNDAY FOR 3 DAYAt CLJbtK%|BLirC CLAUD BOTE fl|l nUTT m "IT HAPPENED ONE NIGHT" Together for the first time. . . You vail wonder why these two haVe never been teamed befoire! Sun. Mat, 2:45 to 6AQ, l«e-tfc After S.-00 p. 10e-39c 15c WEDNESDAY 10c SPECIAL EdMof^ Lowe, Victor <4NO xmmm with glflr Tlhlli Miw Deep . . !• fir" water with the ladka. COMING THURB. M«RNLL Jeaaetta MacDo^aJd aadl ^ SaaM Kavarto bit "THE CAt AND THE r • FID1>LE" Tha Quefcn of year's Xuakid NO INCREASE . in F0BDV8 PRICES ' V-8*sjtU Pmgrmm tdWmring mmmGmttt < Smmday and Tbwrutmy jmnCtimmihiNrtsw* Recently Announced, New, low Delivered Prices also remain in effect : The Ford Motor Company hss to- |K>unced that there will be no immediate sdvsnce in Ford V-8 prices. Recently-announced lower dtlivtrtd prices also continue without change. This decision is of vital importance to thousands of people who sre considering tha purchase of a car this Spring. It means that the Ford car (already occupying a unique position as the only car under $2,000.00 with a V-type, 8-cylinder engine) now becomes an even mote outstanding investment in transportation aad in ilOMciB# pleasure. Known already to thousands as "The Car Without a Price Class," the Ford V-8 now moves,further than before, into a class by itsd£ Nationwide telegraphic response definitely indicates chat Fotd, already manufacturing America's fasteat-eelling car, will have to seep up production even higher in April to meet a constantly - growing deasand for the "CarWithout s Price Class." --The following Special Equipment (which cons from $38.00 to $40.00 sm»* 00 other cars) is furnished oa Ford Deluxe moddssls*cdMfllw|s SafetyGlsss rirwn|iM4Twintail4ights,Twincowi lamps,Twn mswh«d-»ooeboras,Cigflighter and Ash receptacles, TWO *4»«atahU saa-viaacs, masch the body, Colored See your JVtarttf Ford Dealer AMERICA'S FASTEST-SELLING CAR WATCH THE FORDS GO BY

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