^ .w ttfx.*'l£rF-* ~%:'n- A.* ?**• ' •'•' liu »-£_ ' • ' ^ "-. •• v% U'~ - . 'fv, . MT w 't^L " Tf{ , « 4w*T&* ** tn McinhntY PIJUHDIALKR Pig« Ihm Council Proceedings • >« 1 11 " ' Council Room, April 23, 1934. 19m City Council met in amraftl meeting with Mayor* Doherty presiding. Aldermen present: Barbian, J listen, Kreutzer, Overton, Schaefer, Wattles. Absent, none. Motion by Kreutzer, seconded by Schaefer, that the minutes of the previous regular meeting be approved as read. Miotion carried. Motion by Barbian, seconded by Wattles, that the Treasurer's annual report be approved and published as read showing a balance of $1,312.21. Motion carried- Motion by Kreutaer, seconded by J us ten, that the Collector's monthly report be accepted as read. Motion carried. Motion by Kreutzer, seconded by J us ten, that the Collector's annual rep «|rt be accepted as read. Motion carried. Motion by Overton, «econded by Barbian, that the Clerk's monthly report be accepted as read. Motion carried. , Motion by Schaefer, , seconded by Wattles, that the Clerk's annual report be accepted as read- Motion carried. Motion by Barbian, seconded by Schaefer, that the following bills be paid as read and approved by the finance committee. Motion carried Mabel Wheeler, judge of elec- Calla Perkins, judge of election Mathias Heimer, judge of dection Vera Purvey, clerk of election May Powers, clerk of election^. Mary G. Doherty, clerk of elec- _ tion .... J. W- Fay, judge of election.... Alfred Patzke, judge of election Blla Newman, judge of election Mayme Harrison, clerk of election 5.00 5.00 5.00 6.00 5.00 5.00 5.00 5.00 5.00 'sib 100 6.00 5.00 5.00 5.00 5.00 1000 10.00 5.00 Margaret!* Spurling, cleric of election - Anna Thurlwell, clerk of election Katherine Schneider, judge of tion Theodore Winkel, judge of election «... Susan Bishop, judge of election v Gertrude Weber, clerk of election _ ,.. Lillian Kranse, cleA of election Jerome Schneider, clerk of elec- L. A. Erickson, rent polling place -- - M. Engeln & Son, rent polling Wm. R. Bicklerjfire chief, asst. chief and 3 drivers 350.00 Henry L. Cowlin, attorney fees and tel. calls 201.95 The McHenry Plaindealer, official publications, etc. ............ 105.60 Peter J. Doherty, mayor service Albert Barbian, alderman service _... N. P. Justen, alderman service Herman Kreutzer, alderman •service R. I. Overton, alderman service _..... ... Jacob Schaefer, alderman ser- , vice - F. H. Wattles, alderman service P. A. Neiss, clerk service, 3 months - 32,00 ^fcOO 20.00 20-00 20.00 20.00 Schaefer, that-M. E. Niesen be hired as superintendent of waterworks and sewers at $50 00 per month. Motion carried.. v Motion by Kreutzer, seconded by Overton, that W. C. Feltz be hired a* caretaker of streets, alleys and sewea at $100.00 per month. Motion carried. Motion by Justen, seconded by Barbian, that Edw. Mischke be hired as flight police at $95.00 per month. Motion carried. Motion by Overton, Seconded by Kreutzer, that Wm. R. Bickler be hired as fire marshal at $100.00 per year. Motion carried. Mbtion by Barbian, seconded by Wattles, that James Perkins be hired as assistant fire marshal at $50.00 per year. Motion cairied. Motion by Schaefer, seconded by Twice Told Tales Items of Interest 'Taken From the Files of the Plaindealer of Years Ago „s FIFTY YEARS AGO Chas. Going, who has been in Chicago for the past few months, came Barbian, that Carl Bickler, ftermau jhome last week He will work for the Kreutzer, Jr., and Ed. Smith, be hired | ^Hei^*y. Bri<;k Manufacturing comas fire truck drivers for $200.00 per year. Motion carried. 15.00 15.00 15.00 13.97 9.00 Stflt, plus mstehltn mttbrnmitm! EVERY woman praises the brilliant beauty and modern styling of the new de laze General Electric refrigerators. Here ace the aristocrats of all refrigerators--the most at* tractive we have ever presented. And, within those snowy white walls is the famous General Electric mechanism. Be sure to see die new G-E models before you select a refrigerator for ymr home. They are now on display at our,show rooms. Here you can look at both types ofhousehold refrigerators--the sealed-tn-steel life-tune Monitor Tcj ' ' ~A formance capacity priced refrigerator. 10.00 50.00 generalQeubctrig Carey Electric Shop Wfione 251 - McHenry Never before at this low price, such costly car construction TWO-DOOR SEDAN F. o. a. FACTORY Delivered in McHenry drive Dr. W. A. Nye, board of health service Ben Brefeld, board of health •service -- - Edw. Mischke, board of health service Mayme Buss, commissions, etc P. A. Neiss, commissions, etc... Ben Brefeld, inspection service expense .-- ..... M. M. Niesen, supt. service John B. Wirt*, marshal service 110.00 Edw. Mischke, police service .... 95.00 W. C Felts, caretaker service ...... 100.00 Farmers Mill, seed 6.75 Motion by Kreutzer, seconded by Overton, that the city collector be paid $15.00 per month for the entire year. Motion carried. Mayor Doherty appointed Aldermen Justen, Schaefer and Kreutzer to canvas the votes of the city election heli Tuesday, April 17. Having canvassed the votes, they found that 81 votes were cast in the first ward. R- I. Overton received 01 votes for alderman. Wm. E. Bickler received 68 votes and Geo. Bohr received 10 votes for police magistrate. In the second ward 92 votes were cast. Frank Wattles received 73 votes Robert Thompson received 5 votes and Gerald Newman received 1 vote for alderman. Wm R. Bickler received 58 votes and Geo. Bohr received 81 votes for police magistrate. In the third ward 175 votes were cast. Albert Barbian received 105 votes for alderman. Wm. R. Bickler received 126 votes and Geo. Bohr received 44 votes for police magistrate Motion by Kreutzer, seconded by Justen, that R. I. Overton having re eeived the highest number of votes for alderman, be duly elected alderman of the first ward. Miotion carried. Motion by Schaefer, seconded by Justen, that Frank Wattles, having received the highest number of votes for alderman, be duly declared elected alderman of the second ward. Motion carried. Miotion by Justen, seconded by Kreutzer, that Albert Barbian, having received the highest number of votes for alderman, be duly declared elected fclderman of the third ward. Motion carried. Motion by Kreutzer, carried by Barbian, that Wm. R. Bickler having received the hiphest number of votes for police magistrate be duly declared elected police magistrate. Motion carried. Motion by Justen, seconded by Bar- 'bian, to adjourn. Motion carried. Council Room, April 23, 1934. The meeting was called to order by Motion by Overton, seconded by Kreutzer, to appoint Henry L. Cowlin as city attorney and Mayme Buss as city collector for the year 1934. Motion carried. • Motion by Overton, seonded by Wattles, to hire J. W. North & Co. to audit the city's books for the past year. Motion carried. Motion by Kreutzer, seconded by Justen, that the first payment on tavern license fees be set at $125.00, 20.00 j final payment $100.00; dance hall, $50.00, final payment $50; drug stores $40 00, final payment $35.00; and for restaurants $20.00, final payment $20.00, final payments to be made on or before July 16th| Motion car- 75.00 pany during the summer. The firm of Mayes find Bartlett has been dissolved, Mr,. Bartlett retiring from the firm, and will move with his family to Hastings, Minn. Farmers in this locality are unanimous in saying that spring work is not as well advanced this year as »t was at the same time last year, there being not as much small grain in and not nearly as much plowing done for corn. C. B. Curtis has sold his forty acres in the north part of the village, opposite Woodland cemetery, to M. E. Sanderson of Ohio, who will immediately erect thereon a fine residence. nel being as follows: Wm. Krause, captain; A. M. Brown, lieutenant; M. Conway, F. Block, A. Feltz, John W. Schaeffer, F. G.- Spurling, F. Felts, F. Rossman and Michael Schaffer. While crossing Main street at the crossing near the E. F; Matthews meatumarket at about 7:00 o'clock last Saturday evening, Rev. J. H. Ailing was viciously knocked down by a team of horses driven by one, Peter Meyers. - , TWENTY YEARS AGO The price of butter on the Elgin board of trade on Monday was quoted at 25 cents. The roads of the village are gradually working themselves back into their natural condition after being torn up by the gas workers. Wm. -F. Holtz of this village came out second high in.a target shoot held at Wauconda one day recently. He succeeded in getting 94. out of a possible hundred targets. >Wm. Jackson was high with a score of, 96. . The rural letter carriers of this place are rejoicing ayer the fact that their increase hi salary will becoM effective on July 1 of this yea*. , TEN YEARS AGO A carload of cinders was unloads# hear the C. St N. W. depot on Monday morning and since then has been used in filling up the bad spots in the road on the railroad property around the McHenry station. Work on McHenry's sewerage system has resumed this week, activities having been started at the intersection of Riverside Drive and Pearl street, where the work was left off last fall. Fred Karls and Frank Freund, local contractors and builders, report that they have considerable work ahead and from present indications they will be kept on the jump all summer. With the "co-operation of the business and professional men and tka McHenry city council, a series of open air band concerts can again be made possible here during the coming summer. Fivp hundred dollars is needed. • f*<j Say you read it in THE PLAINDEALER.. , , Vi A Great Plbwing Tractor ACTUAL UNRETOUCHED PHOTOGRAPH OF CA|| "This car is designed to meet the requirements of many people who want a car of fine quality and Ion? life at a low price." G W. NASH The "Jeweled Movement" car This big new car, created by Nash, is built with a series of costly features never before used in- the low-priced field. Like the jewels in a fine watch, every one of these proven features does something important for you. The "jeweled movement" LaFayette brings you the smooth, long-life silence _and riding comfort of expensive auto- ' mobiles. Back of it is the experience 'gained in building a million fine cars. Come in and see the new "jeweled movement* LaFayette--today! iDown payment is so low that in most cases your old car will cover it. Nash Motors Company, Kenosha, Wisconsin. "Jeweled Movement" features new in th* towfi'trd field: Seven-bearing, extra-size crankshaft, fully counterbalanced; complete force-feed lubrication of engine with rifle-bored connecting rods; metered pres-" Bure-coding of engine; Invar Struts in alummum-alloy pistons; Nash precision jmachiriing --perfected in 18 years of building fine cars; automatic and tIw-rinostatic-con trol shock absorbers; steering road shock eliminator; Seaman sound-proofed body. THERE ARE SIX LAFAYETTE MODELS, SIX-CYLINBER, NASH-BUILT-- <695 to $695 f. o. b. factory. On four of these models individually sprung front wheels are optional equipment without extra charge. Extra equipment at low cost. . . . NASH mm and eights, four Mriw; 9775 to SMS661 a b. bctaqr. AH price* inbject^to daafet without notice. LAFAYETTE NASH-BUIUT B. H. FREUND SALES Pearl St. Tel 186 McHenry Res. 90-B ried. Motion by Justen, seconded by Overton, to adjourn to the call of the mayor. Motion carried. V ; ' : _ C o u n c i l R o o m April 80, 1934. tteetinp limi Called by Mayor Doherty to act on applications and bonds for liquor licenses, and any other business that migbt come before the council. Aldermen present: Barbian, Justen, Kreutzer, Overton, Schaefer, Wattles. Absent none. Mbtion by Wattles, seconded by Justen, that the bond of Peter J. Doherty as principal and the Century Indemnity Co., an sureties in the sum of $3,000.00 be approved as read. Motion carried. Motion by Barbian, seconded by Schaefer, that the application and bond of Jos. F. Friend be approved as read. Motion carried. Motion by Kreutzer, seconded by Justen, that the application and bond of J. C. Bickler be approved as read. Motion carried. Motion by Barbian, ^seconded by Wattles, that the application and bond of Matt. B. Laures be approved as read. Motion carried. Motion by Schaefer, seconded by Justen, that the application and bond of Ernest Freund and Carolyn Justen be approved au> read. Motion carried. Motion by Kreutzer, seconded by Justen, that the application and bond of Theodore Schiessle be approved as read. Motion carried- Motion by* Barbian, seconded by Schaefer, that the application and bond of John J. Karls be approved as read. Motion carried. Motion by Schaefer, seconded by Wattles, that the application and bond of Clarence Niesen be approved as read. Motion carried. Motion by Overton, seconded bv Justen, to have the name "McHenry" painted on the <5tand<pipe on two sides in black letters 6 leet high covering about 18 feet in width, for $20.00. Motion carried. Motion by Justen, seconded by Kreutzer, that the application and bond of Jos. G. Buch be approved as read. Motion carried. Motion by Kreutzer, seconded by Schaefer, that the application and bond of Rose Worts be approved when presented properly executed. Motion carried. Motion by Overton, seconded by Barbian, that the application and bond of Mae H. Dietz be approved when presented prope'rly executed. Motion carried- Motion by Schaefer, seconded by Mayor Doherty. New officers were Overton, that the application and bond sworn in as follows: R. I. Overton, jr.f Earle E. Monear be approved when alderman of the first ward; Frank j presented properly executed. Motion' Wattles, alderman of the second ward; carried. Albert Barbian, alderman of the third I Motion by Kreutzer, seconded by ward; Wm. R. Bickler. police mapis- .Justen, that the application and bond trate. Aldermen present: Barbian,; of Gus Unti be approved when pre- Justen, Kreutzer, Overton, Schaefer, rented properly executed. Motion car- Wattle?. I ried. -- Mayor Doherty appointed the fol-i Motion by Barbian, seconded by lowing committees for the year 1934:^ Kreutzer, that the application and Finance--Overton, Kreutzer, Jus-, bond of Larry Huck be approved FORTY YEARS AGO : JQS. Schafer is building a new house on his farm, half a mile south of this village. The heavy rain on Monday and Monday night caused a slight break in Bishop's dam, but it was* discovered in time to save much damage. Casper Wirfs is fixing up his house near the pickle factory, preparatory to occupying it himself. His Mock on Main street has been rented to Joyce and Gilles. The brick school house and site was sold on .Saturday last, by the trustees, to Dr. Fegers, who, we believe, represented a committee from the German Catholic church. Consideration, $900. It is understood that they will alter and repair it, making it suitable for a church and school house. TWENTY-FIVE YEARS AGO McHenry has at last fallen in line with other up-to-date and progressive cities and villages through the organiation of a volunteer fire department, the personnel of the company being as follows: T- Wagner, captain; J, W. Rothermel, lieutenant; Peter A. Neiss, M. Worts, M, Engeln, Joe Engeln, F. Repkow, W. L. Weber, J. P- Weber and J. W. Neiss. This is known as Company 1 and i; made up of men residing in the east end of town. Company No. II, with headquarters in the center of the village is made up of the following men: Joe Rothermel, captain; Wm- Heimer, lieutenant; Wm. Stoffel, John Freund, George Freund, Frank Zuelsdorf, Stephen Justen, Casper Bickler, F. J. Hebes and Peter Worts. Company No. Ill McCormick-Deering Model W-30 YOU will get a new idea of tractor plow* ing when you see the McCormick-Deering W-30 at work. This compact* powerful tractor, with the over - all dimensions of a 2-plow tractor, has the *|k>wer and stamina to pull three plow bottoms in averagf soil conditions. The W-30 is the most convenient tractor to operate that you have ever seen. The various controls are right at the operator's finger tips. Never before has a tractor of this type been designed and built with as large a number of distinctive features as are in the McCormick- Deering W-30 Tractor. Before you come to any decision on a tractor, see us about this new, mod" em, efficient tractor. Adams & Freund Tel 185 Pearl St. McHenry is located on the west side, it* person- Again Standard gives you greater value, by providing ten. License--Kreutzer, Wattles. Streets and alleys--; Schaefer. Kreutzer, Overton. Water and-sewer--Barbian, Justen, Schaefer. Public property--Schaefer, Wattles, Barbian. Sidewalks--Josten, Barbian, Schaefer. Ordinance--Watties, Justen, Barbian. - Purchasing-a-Overton, Barbian, Justen. Board of Local Improvements-- Doherty, Kreutzer, Overton. & Board of health--Dr. A. I. Froehlich, Ben Brefeld, Robert Thompson. Motion by Kreutzer, •seconded by Schaefer, that the mayor's appointments be approved as appointed. Motion carried. Motion by Overton, seconded by Wattles, that John B. Wirtz be hired as city marshal at $110.00 per month. Motion carried. Motion by Justen, seconded i>y 'S'K Hucl^ when presented properly executed. Motion carried. Motion by Overton, seconded by Kreutzer, the the application and bond of John A. Anderson be approved when presented properly executed- Motion carried. Motion by Overton, seconded *,by Justen, that the application and bonu of Thos. P. Bolger be approved when presented properly executed. Motion carried. Motion by Justen, seconded by Kreutzer, to adjpurn. Motion carricd. PETER J. DOHERTY, Mayor. PETER A. NEISS, City Cleric. TIM Word "Climax" The word "climax" conies from the Greek and meant originally a ladder or stairway. In the ancient Greek theaters the stairway which Ted fruai " the lower part to the upper seats bore that name. In rhetoric, a climax Is a statement in which the thought leflds upward step by step to a culminating potot. An aoti-cHmax la the opposite •mm Standard's refini more responsive ener< line--at no extra cost ^> this abjead^ great gaso- X1 BY new adjustments in tk* control room/ the heavier, slower parts of this already excellent gasoline aze now, converted into lighter, faster units -- in other words into more Live PowerI This means that Standard Red Crown Superfuel is speed-charged for those who want to get there in a hurry. But for those who like to drive more leisurely this extra, usable Live Power means low-cost operation. Whether you're speed-minded, or economy-minded, you really ought to try 4 tafkful of thia mora spirited gasoline. X STANDARD RED CROWN SUPERFUEL -- more /#V# power per gallon •' " '• • AT ALL STAMBABO •!L STATI• N• AN* BIALKBt. Cat INiSMMQia ALSB BIBTBIBBTOBS »P ATLAS Ti«m