JOHVSBUKQ KAYOB RUNS JOUir-OKOSSSS FLATS ' • ' \ * * * Johnsburg defeated Richmond at Johnsburg last Sunday by the oneaided score 13 to 6. Leo Freund started on the mound for Johns burg and allowed nary a hit in the five innings he remained there. Mike Schaefer finished the game and gave up but ttcree safeties in four innings. • A special feature in the ninth found Bullet Joe Miller, famous hurler of days gone by, batting for Haider-man. Joe got a walk and tsnen called on Adam Bildner to run for him. Adam consented, white pants and all, and eventually crossed home plate with the second run for Richmond. Quite unusual indeed for Johnsburg's mayor to go in for a pinch runner for the opposition and score a run against his own ladsl *• • . Next Sunday, Greenwood will make its first appearance of the season at Johnsburg. Johsreburg, _ Hetterman, If ,, Clar Smith, 2\f> V--.......... Leo Freund, p, rf ..... Hup Smith, 3b ................ Clias. Smith, •« • Leo King, cf .......JU;....... Oeffling, c Walt Smith, lb Bud Miller, rf ..... Mike Schaefer, p Richmond, 6 Coffey, lb E. Smith, 2b ... Buttler, ss Walkington, c «... E. Ertz, cf AB B . 6 2 1 .. 6 1 . 4 0 0 „ 8 0 0 . 4 -f • • 2 1 2 ...5 2 3 » 4 » 2 . S 1 0 -2 2 1 42 lS 12 AB B H . 4 1 0 . 5 1 1 . S 0 0 .. 4 •IV 0 .. 5 0 1 SCOUT TRAINING COURSE About fifty Boy Scouv leaden from the county attended the school of instruction for county Scout leaders held at Huntley last sreek. Robert Ellis of Belvidere, field executive of Boy Scouts for McHenry and Boone counties, conducted the school. It was the final meeting on the sejries of five weeks training for leaders. Men of the county who are interested in leadership of boys in.the cubbftig program of the Boy Scouts will have opportunity to receive splendid training in a course promoted by Black Hawk area council with C. F. Smith as instructor. The training1 sessions were held at Belvidere on Monday and Tuesday nights of this week. A large number of boys in the county are anxious to become Cub Scouts and packs will be organized for these boys as soon as proper leadership is secured and trained. Morphia*'* Nmm Morphine gets its name from Morpheus. the Roman god of dream* Rasch, If Colo, rf --....... D. Haldermaa, 8b Joe Miller .-- A. 'Bildner .. J. Miller, p . 4 1 0 4 0 0 6 0 O 0 0 1 .0 4 1 1 88 6 3 Johnsburg averages--Oeffling, 412; Clarence Smith, 400; Huppy Smith, 885; Leo Freund, 371; Leo King, 278; Charles Smith, 236; Mike Schaefer, 213; Elmer Hetterman, 200; Walter Smith, 181. Next Sunday Johnsburg will entertain Greenwood at johnsburg. BACON STRIP , VsBy®/ WZEKE" BACON IjffilljfROCKS LOSE HOME OPENER TO BREWERS Remember Kern, the young man who played baseball with McHenry about nine or ten years ago? Kern has been playing ball in the NY-P league for jsome time, having been listed\on the York roster, but this year has ho team in^any league so Kern is spending his time banging them out for Hazleton of the same circuit. He is playing left field most of the time and filling in at any infield post, where he is needed. And he still haa his batting eye. Those who-have seen the Hell strom twins fight at Renehan's will be glad to learn that they gained a spot on the supporting card for the International fights at the Chicago Stadium last night when the Chicago team whipped the team from Poland 7 to 1. NELL'S WHITE HOUSE One mile east *o f McHenry on Route 20 SATURDAY NIGHT, MAY 26 SQUAB--with all the trimmings . . 25c Plume Early and Reserve As Many Plates AftYou Like BEHM BROS. ORCHESTRA Joe Friend's Rathskeller JUSTEN'S HOTEL v GOOD ORCHESTRA feunohes Served - Free Dancing MEET YOUR FRIENDS AT JOE FRIEND'S BETTY'S at Lily Lake. FRIDAY NIGHT, MAY 26 , - W Boneless Fillet and Trimmings, 10c - Delicious Beer W MUSICSY COLLEGIATE SYNCOPATORS SATURDAY NIGHT and SUNDAY, MAY 26 and 97 : Roast Duck or Fried Chicken Sandwiches, 35c CHICAGO ORCHESTRA Sunday Dinners - Home Made Pastry V . Celebrating Our Season's Opening PINK HARRISON'S ' V\ V . -- at --, •V^V.: PISTAKEE Saturday, May 26,1934 •• V'V 'V'.vsV;>V'.f .•; , Dine > Dance -AUTO INN- • On the Brewery Corner, McHenry, 111.--Phone 184 - FRIDAY NIGHT--Boneless Baby Trout SATURDAY NIGHT--That Delicious Frog Legs VjW Dine and Dance to That Delightful Music of BOB AND HIS MELODlANS ; 1• i . - y " ' . - - TUESDAY NIGHT Decoration Day Celebration CHICKEN DINNER -- DINE AND DANCE BOB AND HIS MELODlANS J __ --We Specialize in Mixed Drinks-- The Shamrocks opened their home season Sunday with a hard to take defeat at the hands of Spring Grove, featuring the Britz trio, but even in the throes of a 13-9 trimming they markable relief ball for the last three innings. Lefty Bill, who got some pood experience last year in Chicago, seems to have all his situff and will most likely be elevated to more than a relief spot before many moons. The Spring Grove Brewers, with ample a Stance from a weak Shamrock defense, made a terrible mess of opening day at Shamrock Field as far pj the Irish Prairie lads, were concerned. The final score was 13-9 but reached that? quite respectable stage after Spring Grove had let up a little in the late innings. The Brewers jumped into a twt> run lead in the first inning and had stretched it to nine by the time they had rolled around the fifth one (inning). After that the Shamrocks made a gallant effort to get back in the ball game but Britz halted them every time it looked as if they might get started. , One bright spot of the game for the Shamrocks was the relief hurling of Lefty Bill Kreutzer. He worked three complete innings, gave nip one walk and one hit and sent six men down Via the swinging route. Next Sunday at Shamrock field the Volo Cubs will make their first appearance with "Si" Thorsell in its lineup. The Cubs scored a much protested victory over fhe (Shamrocks early in the season and the boys are cut for revenge. To make matters found something to cheer them up more interesting they have even scrapwith Bill Kreutzer hurling some re- )ed the coffers for enough mazuma to make up a purse for the winners. Johnsburg had an eas»y time with Richmond and won 13 to 6, but the score was only half as interesting as a ninth-inning episode of the ganv. Joe Miller, formerly the Bullet Joe of Johnsburg fame, now manager of the Richmond aggregation, went in to bat for Halderman in the ninth, and pot a base on balls. He then called upon Adam Bildner, mayor of Johnsburg, to run for him and the pluckv little mayor did, white pants and all ?nd eventually scored Richmond's recond run. Seems like most of those eld timers up there know how to break the wind while running bases. The averages of Johnsburg's leading sluggers all took a stump in facing Jerome Miller, Richmond hurler, despite the fact that Johnsburg won easily. Oeffling sprung into the lead for his team when he cracked out three out of five to boost his average to .412 for the season. Shamrocks AB B H Whiting, 2b ....^1... ..5 3 3 W. Kreutier, ss ..... ..5 2 2 R. Miller, lb VI 2 A. Anderson, c .. 5 1 2 Bennett, 3b .. 4 0 2 Van Every, rf ....... .8 0 0 Bill Kreutzer, p ...„ .. 1 1 Larkin, If „„,w, .. 8 0 0 V. Miller, if .. 1 ' 0 0 G. Anderson, ph ... .. 1 0 6 Glosson, p-cf ......... .. 5 1 • 1 44 9 13 Spring Grove AB B Ii Pat, 2....b ..5 2 2 B. Britz, ss ••••*»•« .. « 8 4 Pearce, If .. 6 1 1 Klaus, rf .. 4 '.'2 •' 2 Neering, 8b .,8 1 2 Leo Lay lb ........ .. B 2 2 Zarnstorff, cf .. 5 2 1 J. Britz, c .. S 0 0 A. Bptz, p ........ .. 4 0 0 48 13 14 Spring Grove ....V.. 205 051 000--13 Shamrocks 102 003 021--9 STANDARD OILS DEFEAT GROCERS Pflug, pitching on the soft ball team for McHenry, has been gaining quite a reputation throughout the league for his ability in putting the ball past the batters. In the opener against Crystal Lake he fanned eighteen men and then raised the ante to twentj when Marengo came to town. If you haven't seen thi9 lad work, come out and get a good night's pleasure out of trying to watch the ball. Pflug is still a little wild with the twelveinch ball, having been more accustomed to using the fourteen-inch, the one that the MMAC's are using at the park. ' • • The MMACf have started the feearon and are to play their games at the city park as usual. The lineups have all been adjusted this year, but Prank Schreiner is still on the job as score-keeper. There are but few new faces in the rosters of the teams, but the men have been switched in an effort to make the race aa close as posnble. Bones Sfoith, the champion hamburger eater of days gone by, was at the Marengo-McHlenry soft ball game the other night and along about the fifth inning, with McHenry way out in front, began to wonder how long the slaughter would last so yelled out and asked one of the players whofce onTy retort was, "Until it gets dark." Bones went home. In a game marked by loose fielding and free hitting the Standard Oils defeated the Schaefer's Grocers by a score of 18 to 15 on Tuesday evening. Art Krause helped himself to four hits, two of which were home runs. Joe RotKermel and J. Weber were two others to connect for four hits each. The score: v Standard Oils-- R H PO Rothermel, cf ...: 8 4 3 Adams, c 3 8 5 McCarroll, lb 8 8 ' 7 G. Weber, 8b 2 8 , 2 Art. Krause, ' ^4- ->2! Purvey, Iss 1 0 2 McGee, rst> r 2 8 Stilling, p-lf 1 1 2 Al, Krause, rf i 1 0 Crystal Lake won the county track meet at Marengo Saturday as all the dopesters had predicted. Coach Metcalf haa a well-balanced squad this year and it is the best in the county by quite a margin. However, Mcrwin of Woodstock was the only county p.thlete to make the trip to Champaign for the State Track meet. „ He didn't win the pole vault, but he dirt go up over twelve feet, so he needn't feel that his trip' was in vain. This lad ftill has another year of high school competition and here's hoping that he continues to improve. 18 21 *28 Schaefer's Grocers R H PO Schaefer, Iss .................... I 1 2 McCracken, 3b 2 1 i Meyer, p-lss 2 # 0 Townsend, lb 0 ^ | 10 Perkins, If 1 #- 2 J. Weber, cf 2 4 1 Bacon, c 1 I > 3 Bevis, rf 0 0 0 Wirtz, rss 2-^v S ' 2 Miller, 2b 2 1 0 P. Freund, scf-p 2 2 0 * Towneend out for leaving base before pilch. Grovers Q1000176 0--16 Oils 20808122 x--IS Left on bases: Standard Oils, C; Schaefer's 8. Struck out by Meyer, 1; by Stilling, 1; by Krause, 2; by Freund, 0. Bases on balls: Off Stilling, 1. Two base hits: G. Weber, Bacon. Three base hits: Rothermel, Meyer- Home runs: . Rothermel, Adams, G. Weber, Meyer, Art Krause, 2. Umpires: Bickler behind plate; Winkle at firet; Smith at' third. The qualifying round for the Pouse Cup competition was held last Sunday and next Sunday morning sixteen lucky members of the McHenry Country Club will start the annual playr- ffs to decide just who it is that will have possession of the cup for the next year. The match is a handicap event so the boys with the big handicaps will be the ones that will have the best chance of getting their names inscribed, unless more rain soaks the course and gives the long hitting players their advantage. HOME BUREAU ANNUAL MEETING JUNE 29 Pickles Bohr and Howie Pflug pro- .xidedsthe fans with a real treat in the Marengo game when they hit successive homers. Pickles was a little lucky as the center fielder fell down chasing the long fly, but Howie's was lined over the left fielderV head in no uncertain manner. McHenry's soft ball game again had a thriller with Crystal Lake when the Lakers this time succeeded in tying the score in the ninth inning, but McHenry eventually won 4 to 3 in the tenth inning. Friday night the local aggregation travels to Woodstock to fight it out for the league leadership, Woodstock having been the only team to trim MeHenry. The next home game will be Friday, June 1, with Walworth providing the opposition unless an exhibition game is scheduled for Decoration Day. The game it Walworth last Monday night w»* rained out and will be played at a later date. The sixteenth annual meeting of the McHenry County Home Bureau will be held June 29, at the Greenwood church, with the Greenwood Unit acting as hostess to the county. This will be an all-day meeting with unit reports, county election of officers and the regular business of the organization. being conducted during the forenoon. A program is being arranged by Mj-s. Arthur Beard, of Greenwood, Mrs. Irene Ferguson, of Union, and Mrs. Fred Gay, of Dunham, for the afternoon. COUNTY CWES MUSIC FESTIVAL JUNE IS The County CWES Music Festival mil be presented at the Woodstock Opera House, Friday night, June 15. Mrs. Spencer Smith, Algonquin, has been working with seven groups of organized women's and mixed choruses for the past two months. These groups will come together for a county program which will consist of a chorus of some 100 voices, as original operetta, folk dances, etc. HAYES AT DE KALB McHenry Post, American Legion, has been advised by David R. Joslyn, Jr., . county commander, that Ed. Hayes, national commander, has been secured as the main speaket at the Second Division Convention to be held at DeKalb on Sunday, May 27. The meeting will start at 1:30 p. m. They expect to have a parade, concert and just two speeches, one by Charles Kapschull and the other by Ed. Hayea. It is hoped many of the boys will attend the meeting. Ye*r to Live, He Gets 360-Day Term ilngton.--William McCourt, three, of New York, has but 'ear to live. The last five days fee all his own--the first 360 .Spend In jalL McCourt and Joseph Relley, thiren, were arraigned charged assing bad checks. McOourt the judge he had a brain tuand had only a year to live, ruled: "Three hundred and da ys.H FSLBMONITION FOILS ATTEMPTED MURDER Wealthy Lithuanian Was to Be , Killed by Gat. Lithuania.--How a premonition of his own approaching murder, eoaphjd with speedy police work, saved the life of a prominent Kovno nM&IW&S revea'ed here with the the notary's stepson and a frfepST credited with being the master mind of the intricate plpt. K. Skema has had a flourishing pracyears. He gradually built up a heroine, and the safe In his office was temptingly full. A short time ago thfcre .were 3,000,000 litas In it consigned by clients to Skema's care. The eighteen-year-old stepson, Vadja (>aileTittch, was blessed with a good allowance and the best of clothes, but that <wfcs not enough. Allegedly at thtf Instigation of Algirdas Puljda, twenty-four, he began to look longingly at the safe. the police say the two planned long and carefully. They rejected a scheme to piftsk themselves and shoot Skema. Gas, administered In some cunning and roof&atic way, was much better. iBgnippeil with all necessary paraphernalia, the two youths broke Into the notary's office one Sunday night Two glasses of chemicals were set on the desk and attached to the door handle with string. The idea was simple. Skema would open the door*4he glasses would tip over, and the fluids mingle, forming a gas which, according to calculations would kill the notary within five seconds. Armed with gas masks, the l>alr was to enter, nullify the gas with anothfr compound, and place a glass of pnQsslc acid in the dead man's hand, to simulate suicide. Police, however, had been warned by Skema of his premonition and caught the would-be murderers just after they had set their trap. STANDARD OILS J>$FEAT PARI Art Krause, for the victors, had the edge on Earl Conway in what proved more or less of a pitchers battle at the city park play grounds last Thursday evening when the Standard Oils defeated the Park Sides by a score of 7 to 5. ^ Al. Justen, of the Park Sides, enjoyed a perfect evening at bat, wiih three singles and a double on four trips to the plate. He also contributed a neat fielding play on a perfect throw to third base which nailed George Stilling who tried to make the far corner from first on a Single to deep center by Rothermel. The scora: Standard Oils -- H PO Rothermel, If 0 2 0 Adams, c 8 1 17 McCarroll, lb ....... ... 3 •",1^ 2 G. Weber, 3b ......... 0 2 < Art. Krause, p ....... 1 1 4 Purvey, Iss ......... d 1 McGee, 2b 0 2 1 Stilling, cf 0 0 Al.'Krause, rf • 0 8 9 27 Park SidU^- • R. H PO E. FVeund, 8b ......... 2 4 A. Justen, cf ......... l -4V- ' 0 J. Schmitt, c ..; 0 6 16 Miller, 2b .U.W.... 0 0 2 Williams, na .™. i 2 0 Conway, p Culver, Iss „... G. Freund, lb Worts, If Thies, s If Schaefer, s cf Durland. rf ... • barings Standard Oil .... 3 0 0 0 1 0 2 0 1--7 Park Sides 20 12000 0 0 5 Left on bases: Standard Qil, 8; Park Sides, 5. Struck out by Krause* 14; by Conway, 13. Bases on balls, off Conway, 6. Two base hits: McGee, A. Justen, Williams. Three base hits: Rothermel, Purvey. Home runs: Art Krause, Culver. Umpires: Winkle behind plate; Smith at first; Bickler at third. McHENRY WINS IN w TENNIS TOURNAMENT An. Interschool tennis tournament was held at the local high school Monday after school when representatives from Crystal Lake high school competed against local players with Mcpeted against local players with Mr- Henry winning, the tourney. Six game sets were played with Jean Whiting and Dorothy Althoff winning in the doubles and Wanda i?mith and Adele Froehlich winning the singles. Plaindealers for sale at Bolgerfs. Bull Ffclls Into Silo, „ Fight* Off Rescuers MlKean, Pa.--Whether every man's hoatflhflfc his castle or not Wesley NVettfltyJa farmer living at McKean, can Certify that every bull's silo is his fortress. A Holstetn bull owned by Mr. Weaver g«t loose in the barn and fell from the*HMntoor Into the silo through the opeiirijf. used to get the silage out, AltlHI^ft the fall was some 15 feet, the sllag0d§4he bottom broke the animal's fall nit the bull was none the worse for thrwrperlence save that his temper aroused. All attempts to get the animal out of the silo pit failed, the bull chitting furiously at every one Who attempted to enter the silo to testen ft sling around his body so he be hoisted back to the barn floor afaln. - It Molted as If the bull had a permalUtiMr home which he was willing to igtat against all comers. Not wlSMHJp tear down the silo walls In ordei^iS extricate the animal, straw was thrown Into the silo and gradually th* silo was filled until the straw was level with the opening into the barn. After which the ball was driven back to hfs box stall and peace reigned in the bam. PoRce Teletype Locates V Owner of Lost Gloves ±ii.--The police teletype has hied into a lost and found department wire. A pair of gloves, with the name J, Hrones lntide, was found by a policeman, in Connecticut. Perusing a newspapflfc the officer noted that a man by that~na*n& played on the Massachusetts Institute of. Technology hockejf teat» RJ^iOletVpe, be asked Boston police to ascertain Hrones' address. The infornjfttlon was sent back by teletype, and^limtee is wearing his gloves once mor<tf.? " Bo| Sentenced to One Vi Year in Sunday School Rochester, Ind.--A sentence of compulsflfjr. ' 'Sunday school attendance every- Week for a year was Imposed upoai®o"bert Batz, eighteen, when he pleadttf guilty to breaking into the hom# «f a neighboring farmer four times wkbln a year. Batz also must reimbuiWtfee neighbor for goods stolen. Will Provides Ice Create fljfoffy for Hospital Tots Mi Branch, N. J.--Ice cream every Wf flpr all children patients of Monlaouth Memorial hospital, here, is provided fbr In the will of Park M. WocHtey, of New York and Long Brandk WeOHey, whose estate is expected to total several millions of dollars, died after * "ering from arthritis for 25 yearfiL The bulk of his wealth goes to his <Af« aod daughte*. ' Wak Is Blood-Thirmty Ttti biddd-thlrstlness of the apparently Is not due to gluttony but, rather to in Insane desire to kill for the sake of killing. For this animal rarely stops to eat whlls there remains anything to slay. ftdfi SibMriu CaUes Thl world's submarine cablet MB* tor tttifc than 3,000, and hare a total langtpjtf teore than 900,000 miles. MI PLACE is a NICE PLACE To Spend the Evening With Your Friends FISH FRY -- Boneless Perch -- FRIDAY NIGHT MdHenry Lager and Green Bay Beer on Tap. SANDWICHES - PLATE LUNCHESOR DINNERS Green Street Mi Place McHenry ••.•'I FISH FRY Ever Friday and Saturday Night EARL JUDSON'S TAVERN -- ; KINGWOOD, ILL. ' "A • "r HOLIDAY BOXING ARENA it ROI'ND LAKE TUESDAY,,MAY, 29,n(lj A WHALE OF A CARD Also Dancing 8 BOOTS u*' inoii" At the PIT Quarter Mile East of McHenry on Route 20 * r SATURDAY NIGHT, MAY 26 Lunch Served -- Drinks, per your order Decoration Day Celebration TUESDAY and WEDNESDAY NIGHTS MAY 29 and 30 Enjoy Yourselves Over the Holiday Here - Frankie Gans and His Orchestra Will Provide Music At Each of These Three Big Nights at THE PIT HAROLD MILLER, Proprietor 4 . - *; 'K I >- ? v *1 a good time )or all SATURDAY, MAY 26 Lunch--Miester-brau Beer ALKLEMMEAND RAY McANDREWS Will furnish the music . COME EARLY STAY LATE ' j • i -Si I In5 "if r