%S, iiiBkMiiSil ' ' T .. ' ' .A ' * V at * twmtj- NcHmtT PUDTOftiUtt Tlnmdar, May 31,1941 Q.AM. card pa CARD PARTY party h»ld at Legion hall Friday waning and sponsored by the Daughter of the G. A. R., was well attended with twelve tables, of cards in tcble. Society Notes 5" - t * ! : i " . r •4 ANEW METHOD OP PRESERVING YOUR LINOLEUM See the interesting New Chart at our store. It tells you what to use to preserve and beautify every type of Linoleum. It prevents mistakes. BE SAFE, USE ON7.Y SHED WATER ^ SPECIALIZED FINISHES FOR FLOOR COVERINGS Thomas P. Bolger The McHenry Druggist MUSIC FESTIVAL JUNE 15 A music festival is to be presentc 1 Friday night, June 15, at the Woodstock Opera House by groups of adults ptui youxur folks throughout the coun- !y, who have been working for the. I ;ist several weeks with Mrs. Spencer ^ id ith of Algonquin. ' There will be an admission of 10cper person to help defray expenses, T COUSIN IS ORDAINED ~ Mr. and Mrs. .John Bolger visit, d at Milwaukee, Wis., Sunday, where they attended the first Mass said by Mrs.1 Bolger's cousin, James Joseph Kortendick, at St. Thomas ^Aquinas church. Father Kortendiek, "who wa.; ordained at Milwaukee Saturday, will .-;;y his second High Mass at Pecatonica next {Sunday. MID-WEEK CLUB The Mid-Week club will me&iMiJtt Wednesday afternoon with Mrs. J. A. Craver. CHRISTENING Barnard MSchael, little son of Mr. and Mrs. E. J. Buss, was christened Sunday. Sponsors were Mike Lavelle and Mjas Ruth Lavelle of Streator. CORPUS CHRISTE SUNDAY ON THE VIA DOLOROSA Corpus Christe will be celebrated on Sunday, June 3, after the 10 o'clock High Miass, Daylight Saving Time, at St. John's Church, Johnsburg, on the new outside Via Dolorosa. Procession will wind .about the new Lake Gene- ?areth. Everybody welcome. C. D. OF A. MEETS ; The regulftr business meeting of the Catholic Daughters of America was held Monday evening in K. C. hall. There was a good attendance of mettilers present, with nine tables of cards in play after the meeting. Some sewing was done on the quilt which will he given away soon. The next business meeting-will be held June 11.. Dr. C. Keller OPTOMETRIST Sundays and Mondays at lay Stammer Home, Riverside Drive, McHenry, 111. Jill Work Guaranteed Tel. 211-R A THRILL EVERY WOMAN CAN ENJOY new expetiienc&j in beauty and chahtm ARMAND, creator of loveliness for all women, now oners a new toiletries kit. It is in a dainty, book form container, is called "A New Experience." With it, you enjoy the thrill of a new experience--the thrill of looking lovelier than ever before. • Only 20c, only one to each customer, and yoa mast bring in this advertisement. (1 V::.; '• • t •" ' • r • V ! Phone £0 Thomas P. Bolger McHenry, 111. .*SURPRISE A FRIEND Twenty-two friends from Woddstock of Mrs. Richard M. Bowers of Flintridge Fur farm, Spring Grove, surprised her Tuesday afternoon of last week at a post-nuptial affair. Gue?ts included the nurses of Wood ctock and friends,"who enjoyed tk* afternoon and a picnic supper. ^ v F TO FORM 4-H CLUB Girls of this vicinity will meet sooty to form a 4-H club. Leaders will be Mrs. F. Bie^iapfl and Miss Elsie Vycital. Thi9 is a state-wide system of clubs under direction of the Home B u r e a u . • . . . . . . . . SOCIAL WHEEL The Social Wheel will meet Thursday afternoon with Mrs. Smith. - The last meeting was at the of Mrs. E. G. Peterson where tables of cards were in play prizes won, by Mrs. J. Smith, Louis Hawley and Mrs. F. A. chens. next J. w. home thrpe with Mrs. Hit- N PUBLIC CARD PARTY Th« local Legion Auxiliary unjl 'pohspr a card party at Legion hall next Thursday night, June 7. The proceeds will be used for national defense and rehabilitation. * t The Legion and Auxiliary district convention will be held at Downure Grove on Saturday, June 16. . w : • --*-----~ BENEFIT^ PARTY« , Mrs. George Miller and Mrs. B. R . Sutton entertained at the letter's home Friday evening, in one of th<j Series of diminishing parties for the benefit of St. Patrick's church. Four tables of euchre were In play and high honors were awarded to Mrs. Peter freund and Mrs. C. W. Gibbs. '.ill ATTEND 4-H MEETING Miss Elsie Vycital, Mrs. F. Bienapfl, Janice Klontz and Miriam Sayler attended the meeting of 4-H Club leaders and membeA at the court house, Woodstock, Saturday afternoon. Miss Martha Hiensley, Northern Illinois club leader, had charge of the program. BAKERY SALE, JUNE 30 • The Ladies' Aid society met with Mrs. J. A. Craver Thursday where •iriembers and friends enjoyed a pleasant afternoon. The next meeting will be at the M." E. church next Thursday afternoon and will be followed by n social time at the home of Mrs. F. Bienapfl Thursday evening. An admission charge of 15 cents will be made. ; A bakery sale to be held in the bank l uilding on Green street hM.f-.beec planned for June 30. Pre-Summer Drug Sale Frijday and Saturday - - «• June 1 and 2 i 69c Pond's COl&D CREAM OND'S Special 49<£ 10c 'Woodbury FACIAL SOAP €> ACIAL SOAP Cwmfiqir** Sale 3 bars 25* 35c MUM Sal? ffrice 21* GILLETtCE BLADES NEW GILLETTE BLADE ,///,. Special 17^ 50c Jergens Lotion 31^ 25c Mennen Baby Talc 17<£ 35c Italian Balm ^ 24^ 50c Hess Witch Hasei Cream 33^ 45c Pepsodent Tooth Paste 37^ 50c Ipana Tooth Paste 34<^ 75c Jar Barbasol Shave Cream 53^ 35c Dr. Lyons Tooth Powder 24^ 25c Palmolive Shampoo 17^ 60c Neet 35c Aromatic Castor Oil 21^ 50c Virgin Olive Oil , Slff* 25c Shu Milk 16^ 25c Bell's Cleaner 18^ 1 Pint Witch Hazel 75c McKesson Cod Liver Oil 49<£ Pint McKesson Milk Magnesia...30^ $1.00 Super D Cod Liver Oil 69^ 4 oz. Powdered Henna lltf .$1.00 Nujol $1.25 Mead's Cod Liver Oil $1.50 Agarol • "1 Pint Rubbing Alcohol $1.20 Wildroot Hair Tonic 27c Wildroot Wave Powder 40c Wildroot Wave Set 75c Dextri Maltose 60c Cenol Fly Spray^ 85c Kruschen Salts 50c Playing Cards ^4: '35c Vick's Rub ^ r 25c Dr. West Toothpaste, 2 for 25^ McKesson Shaving Cream, 2 for 3 7^ 68^ 89^ 98tf 24^ 89^ 16^ 28^ 57tf 40^ 58^ 29^ 24^ KOTEX Sale Price 11^ 60o SYRUP OF FIGS 8 oz. Bay Rum 60c Condensed Jad Salts . V Pint Antiseptic Mouth Waslh Pint DuPont Floor Varnish ;60c Mar O-Oil Shampoo 35c Dr. Scholl's Corn Pads 23^ 41^ 19 <b 49^ 41r 23(^ Cedardale Whiskey -Friday^and Saturday Only- 89c pint 6S Special 41^ :^ 1 Ponnd BLACK LEAF F0&T7 NN lairt 11% Sale $1.50 THOMAS P. BOLGER •ii Thame 40 7'hour Film .Service McHcn CELEBRATE BIRTHD&f\ : Th the midst Of house^leanlng painting, Mr. and Mrs.' Harry N. Wright of Oakhurst were surprised by a group of WLS radio entertainers Tuesday, who came out in observance of Mr. Wright's fifty-ninth birthday anniversary. An Italian spaghetti supper was served on the lawn and >t happy party was enjoyed with Mr. Wright receiving many gifts, including a fine fishing outfit. Guests were the Ridge Runners, Maple City Four, the Westerners and the Hoosier Sod Busters. "WORTHY MATRON'S NIGHT~"~ McHenry chapter, O. E. S., met inlegular session Monday evning. Plans were completed for the special meeting next Monday evening, June 4, when worthy matron's night will be observed. Louise Simons of Antioch v.'ill be the presiding ^worthy matron and Louis Allen of Elgin chapter, the presiding worthy patron. Mrs. Ony Wheeler served as warder ai the past officers' night at Richmond chapter, Monday evening. Others from MjcHenry who attended were Mrs. E. E. Bassett, Mrs. C. E. Martin, Mrs. A. Eddy, Mrs. Henry Vogel, Mrs. Minnie Miller, Frances Vycital and Mrs. James Perkins. Miss Frances Vycital and Lisle Bassett assisted in the escort f6r the worth'y grand matron at Bethel chapter, Elgin, Friday night. They were accompanied to the meeting by Mrs. A. Eddy and Mrs. George Lindsay. McHenry chapter has been invited to attend past officers' night at Woodstock chapter, June 1. M. L. SCHOENHOLTZ IS HIGHLY HONORED (Continued from Front Fage) to be of better service to boys. He led the Scouts in a rousing cheer for the local Scoutmaster who has every right to be proud, indeed; of his attainment and the experience for which it stands- Mr. Schoenholtz has built up the lccal Scout troop to a high degree of enthusiasm and membership with his influence shown in the activity of the boys in passing tests and reaching higher ranks, and we shall, no doubt, hear more of the achievements of this leader as time goes on. McHenry is verjj fortunate in having a man of. this type with high standards of moral character to work with the boys of this community and parents should be 1-roud to co-operate with him. Scout executive Driesbach urged that more men become interested in working with the boys and in molding the character of the future citizens. Four local boys, Raymond Hughe s, t-'tanley Vycital, Richard Vycital and George Johnson were awarded Eagle Scout badges, the highest rank a Scout can attain, each one having twenty-one merit badges to his credit. McHenry already has three Eagle Scouts, Tony Wirtz, M. L. Schoenholtz *nd Harold Vycital. After speaking of their achievements, the executive asked the mothers of the Eagle Scouts to come to tho stage and pin the Eagle badge upon her son, who, in turn, followed this exsmple with a silver pin for each mother. Mrs. J. J. Vycital was doubly honored with two sons becoming Eagle Scouts at this time. She is now the mother of three Eagle Scouts, one son, Harold, having previpusly attained this rank. Jack Hess of McHenry and Fredrick "larsh of Crystal Lake were the first boys to sign up for the camporee v/hich will be staged at Camp Pinehurst, five miles south of Rockford on the Montague road, on June 18, 19, 20 and 21. Four days of camping for the small fee of 40 cents will be enj< yod on this 110 acres of tribe land, the use of which has been donated by Alan Brantingham, a member of the executive bor.rd of Blackhawk Area council. Here about 2,000 boys and 500 men will experience camping as a troop, of competitive camp;ng by patrol*, crd the development of an exhibited activity in the circus idea. An educational tour to Washington D. C., will be held June 29 to July 2 and Camp Rotary will open August P These are the three big events on the summer Scout program. SHKPIiERX? RESIDENCE CHANGES Mrs. H. Allbee and little daughter have moved from the F. E. Cobb hotise on John street to Crystal Lake: The Cobb home has been rented to Thomas Wilson and family. AMONG THE SICK Mrs. lEarl Monear, who is seriously ill "at Dr. Brand's hospital, Woodstock, gaining after her relapse of last week. • ... Mrs. William Spencer underwent an operation at St. Theresa's hospital* Waukegan, Monday. . PUBLIC OPINION - AND THE BANKS By F. N. SHEPHERD Executive Manager American Rankers Association '^;' TO7HILE banking today appears ft a " wholly distorted light fn the eyea of some, the more reasoning elements In oar population undoubtedly have a less jaundiced view than would appear from cer tain Irresponsible orators, often posing as spokes men for that In definite quantity called "the mass" of our people. Anti-social acts on the p a I't of some bankers for- ' merly have been the subject of spectacular exposures, but I can say wfthouf reservation that they were in no way typical of the acts and attitudes of the vast majority of theij* feliow bankers. The public mind was shocked into the belief that these untypical Instances were far more rep resentative than they really were, and this belief has been encouraged by po litical and demagogic elements. The Bankers Today bankers who are in charge Of qttf blanks today represent men who -Withstood the temptations and avoided the economic pitfalls of the great boom. If they haVnot they would not be there, or their banks would not have been able to survive the rack and ruin of the economic hurricane,. by which even many banks and bankers, whose conduct was above reproach, have been destroyed. The other types of bankers, those that fell below the high standards of professional ethics and business prudence that characterized those that remain, have passed out of the picture. But they have left for those that remain a difficult heritage of suspicion and ill will. How Irrational this is, when we re fleet that not more than three or four per cent of our entire population suf fered personal loss because of what any banker did or neglected to do, whereas literally millions of bank de positors did not lose a single cent as a result of banking difficulties and really owe a vote of 6onfidence and thanks to their own bankers who were true to the highest conceptions of their •tewardship and brought their institu t l o n s a n d t h e i r c u s t o m e r s s a f e l y through the greatest business disaster the world has ever seen. It has been a peculiar feature of the psychological distortion of the times that many who owe nothing but gratitude to their bankers joinet! in blaming the banker far out o( proportion with any rational consideration of the facts. King of Islami»tan EXAMINATIONS FOR TRUST INSTITUTIONS New Move by Federal Banking Authorities Welcomed fey Bank* and Trust Com* ^ panics, Says Bankers' Organization ENTERTAIN CARD CLUB Mrs. Peter J. Doherty entertained her card olub Tuesday evening. Mrs. Harry Town send, Mrs. Joe J us ten and Mrs. Anton Blake were present. Many Biographies of Liacola More than 1,500 biographic* of Lincoln have been written. - . , ^ PBDERAL examination of trust de- * partments is the latest development In banking supervision and trust companies and banks operating trust departments are welcoming this de velopment because it fills a long-felt want, It Is stated by the Trust Division of the American Bankers Association. Despite "the growing importance of American trust business in recent years examining officials have never given to t^pst departments the attention paid to commercial banking departments, this authority points out. Now the Federal Reserve System, in conjunction with the Comptroller of the Currency, has undertaken to bring the examination of trust departments up to the level of commercial ^ank examinations, It s&xs. * Experts in trust work are being employed by the various Federal Reserve Banks. These experts will head the special staffs of trust examiners In the twelve Federal Reserve Districts. Special staffs are already at work in some of the Reserve Districts, including Boston, Atlanta, Richmond and Chicago. The Federal Reserve will ex amine the trust departments of state chartered members of the Reserve Sys- Dr. Khalid Sheldrake, former London pickle manufacturer, who has assumed the title of "King of Islamistan" and claims the overlordship of Sinkiang, Chinese Turkestan, has arrived In Peipi.ng, China, with a largo retinue. He was converted to Mohammedanism several years ago, and was visited by a deputation last March from Chinese Turkestan, who told him they had been commissioned to invite hltn to become king of the area. : BIRTHS Rev. and Mrs. H. P. Meyer of Wood* stock are the parents of a son, bora May 19 at Woodstock hospital. Rev. Meyer is pastor of the McHenry Lath • eran church. "White Mantle of the Prophet*' At the south end of the Gulf of Tunis, in an amphitheater surrounded by purple mountains, Its hundred minarets reflected In the Tunis lagoon, lies the "White Mantle of the Prophet," as the Arabs call the City of Tunis, Actually the capital consists of tw<f towns side by side. R.C.A. Supreme Sound CRYSTAL LAKE. IIL7 Shows Daily 7 and 9 D.S.T. FRIDAY and SATURDAY Frank Buck in ^'WILD CARGO" Thrill to the drama of primitive nature boarded by dauntless man! SUNDAY and MONDAY . Norma Sihearer and Robert , Montgomery in "RIPTIDE" All WOMEN will understand. Sunday, Mat. 2:45 to 6--10c-25c After 6 and Week days--10c-30c TUESDAY ~~* 10c SPECIAL 15c "WHARF ANGEL" with Victor McLaglen Dorothy Bell, Preston Poster, Queen of the Barbary Coast WEDNESDAY - THURSDAY [. Sally Eilers, Zasu Pitta in "THREE ON A HONEYMOON" With John Mack Brown '11 Roar with Laughter COMING FRIDAY, JUNE 15 DANCING REVUE ON > "STAGE M - PEOPLE - Special Music ^rrDr. Paul A Schwabe Ey Examined OPTOMETRIST A* & NYE BUILDING West McHenry bail on the Uniform Supervision "Meanwhile, the Comptroller of the Currency has built up over the past two years a staff of special examiners for the trust departments of national banks. All national banks are members of the Federal Reserve System. Since nearly ail state-chartered trust institu' tions are members of the Reserve Sye tem the new plan will bring about what amounts to Federal examination for the trust business. State examining authorities probably will follow Federal supervisory policies to a considerable extent. Hence, coordination of the procedure of the nation al banking system and the Federal Re serve System is expected to result In a uniform system of examinations foi trust departments in all banks. This in turn should produce considersblf standardization in the operation o' trust dop<aiJB<<its. the <ii*ision dt clares. -! Chicago's Eccentric River -i, A river reversed, a river running uphill, a river that can be operated with a lever, a river in two colors (one the dirty black waters of a normal branch, the other the green of the lake water cjarclilng up the second branch), the Chicago river has had an exciting career. It might perhaps be called the most eccentric of rivers. So far as willingness to try things goes. It might alan ha »ha mmt ajOEEeSSlva. ' •5 ^ Large New POTATOES „...pk. 29* Fancy Idaho POTATOES ... - - -Pk. 27* New ONIONS 3 lbs. 10* Head LETTUCE ......2 for 15* Stringless Green or Wax BEANS 2 lbs. 15* Home Grown RADISHES _..t bunches 10* Sunkist LEMONS do*. 29* Fancy CUCUMBERS 4 lbs. 25* BANANAS 4 lbs. -- ^-- 19* UNDER NEW MANAGEMENT BILL RUSSO GREEN STREET First Show 7:15 (D.S.T.) Th£ BHEJ5B Tuesday, June 5 Children Adults 15^ RICHARD ARLEN--SALLY EILLERS ia ^ "SHE MADE HER BED# ' Wednesday, and Thursday, June 6 and 7 "COME ON MARINES1 With RICHARD ARLEN Iltl • . ••J'i JW ;:,:4 Thursday Afternoon--Honf» l^SHM Phone 123-J When You Need Flowers or Plants • e McHenry Floral Shop West McHenry Greenhouse on U. S. Ifi Phone 293 <1 Mile South of McHenry) GrandlOpening Sale FRIDAY - SATURDAY, Jne 1-2 'J McHENRY ILLINOIS § i ry f • ' Ada. l*-2Sc , MATINEE SUNDAY 2:45 P. M., Admission, 10c and 20c Friday and Saturday, June 1 and a CHARLES RUGGLES--MARY BOLAND--ALLISON SK3PWORTH--W. C. FIELDS--GEO. BURNS and GRACIE ALLEN in "SIX OF A KIND* and all Jokers Sunday and Monday, June 3 and 4 BARBARA STANWYCK in "GAMBLING LADY" -V *. V.. , <