Illinois News Index

McHenry Plaindealer (McHenry, IL), 19 Jul 1934, p. 7

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- «K. 1f- -• «•-- -',*•* .' • ' 4,1' n' **' i~'T? J " V. "'1' isBf1* C V * | 10%!::: Saafr *> * 4n.f<* a - ^ ^ , * „ - mM&A 4 * mM*y,myW 1934 Page Serea .»<">.$$»*• \~ '• S ' *"•< i «5 SLOCUM'S LAKE Mrs. Earl Converse and daughter, • - Frances, accompanied Mr. and Mrs. ,' Wm. Davis and daughter Frances to ^ j-1 • Woodstock last Friday afternoon. ' r " Rbbertl Lagerluntl of Chicago - is ' 1 i spending! two weeks at the Btomgren •;•••-' home. Harry Matthews and sons were J J ' businesk. callers at Lake Zurick Mon- " . A day. " ~ John we^^Aand Russel Nordmeyer •••* attended the jEI Tovar theatre at Crystal Lake Saturday evening. Douglas Smith Is spending this . o week with relatives at Elgin. • •* ' i Mrs. Willartli Darrell is seriously ill at her home at this writing'. Mir. Tand Mrs. A. W. Foss and daugh- VvT; ;'teT Vivian of Libertyville called at the Wm, Foss home several times during ; 1 ' t h e p a s t w e e k . , > ' . / • *V' <2hesney Brooks attended A CencV, j" tury of Progress in Chicago last Fri- .cWV day, • , - •' Mr-1" and' Mrs..' Emil' Lundis^ of' 'Ghr-- , cago spent Sunday and Sunday high* ?; V- 'at. the home of Mr. iMd Mrs.. John -> " «'*, Biomgren. ; t y" Mr. and Mw.: J. D. Williarhs and son VrsYijiv, Janies Howard of Crystal Lake were , f;un(iay afternoon and supper guests v- at the home of Mrs. Clara Smith. Mr. and Mrs. Earl Converse, and daughter Frances spent last Tuesday evening at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Wayne Bacon at Grayslake. Mr and Mrs. Harry Matthews and sow, Mr. and Mrs. Elmer Espinr, Pete afn Harry Do well, motored to Sycamore Saturdayand attended the Lake County-BeKalb County Farm Bureau baseball game. Lake County Won with a score of 5-1. Bill Brateke did the pitching, allowing five hits and striking out eight men. The next game will be played between j these two teams at the High School grounds at Wauconda Saturday, July 21. Mr. and Mrs. Earl Matthews, Miss Lillian Tidmarsh and Mrs. Neva Stubbings of Wauconda, called on Mrs. Willard Darrell Monday evening. , Mr. and Mrs. Wm Harris and daughter Darlette of McHenry spent Tuesday evening at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Ray Dowell. • Mr. and Mrs. Ray Dowell *^d daughter, Dolores, visited at fte G. J. Decker horoe at Watjkegan las* Toesday. .;'" v..:' Ray Dowell was a business caller at Grays Lake last Wednesday. , Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Jlarris and daughtiH-». Derlene, and Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Eatinger were Sunday visitors at the home of Mr- and Mrs. Ray Dowell. Mr. and Mrs. ,Ray Dowell and daughter spent Saturday evening at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Davis. """Dr. Paul A Sclivvabe Fitted OPTOMETRISf A. E. NYE BUILDING West McHenry Thursday Afternoon--Honrs 1 :S0*5 KM) < • Phone 123-J We Can Fix 'Em*f ;S:v Ant car or truck t^iat is not beyottd iregair can be fixed at this garage. That's our specialty. And we will give 'you i?n estimate of the cost before starting the work. Just drive in and talk it over, ; Tkat's fair enougb, isn't it- AH work guaranteed.,, , . • *7" SMITH'S GARAGE Phone 320 McHenry Elm St. and Riverside Drive When You Need Flowers or Plants • • i'"1" "V'-'• : A -- call oil the--,:: > McHenry Floral Shop West McHenry Greenhouse on U. S. 12 Phone 293 (1 Mile South of McHenry) The Reason »y EMMA S. FORSTER •k MoClurf New»p*p«r Snidlo«£C. WNU Scrvic* ••TIT"ELL, how do you like that leg?" ' VV asked iDr. JefT^parnes. "It't a fine leg for tfie shape It's In," admftted Gay Kelson dryly, twisting the member delicately and moving the numb toes slowly as the heavy bandages dropped off. "Jsow," she. demanded gravely, "how much longer?" "It will be a month before you can leave the hospital," Doctor Barnes announced firmly. "Oh, darn!" Gay exclaimed in petulant disappointment * "I know a better word than, that," laughed Doctor Barnes at1 her Impatience. •- ' \-j .. •*1 know the tome word," retorted Gay sarcastically, never giving him a lOOk.. ••• ',• > ".'l,; Doctor Barnes ^a dlstingulished f^r ills success In bone surgery, his good looks, and his unshakable belter in "a reason for everything." , > , He fipted the flicker of pain • lifted eyes'at he added: h "I know you are weary of the hospital and of--us all." v ^ , He tried to mako the "us" very impersonal and, falling, added quietlyTT "But you will not be lame. Not even a limp 1 I promise." Gay managed a white smile. "That's great! Heaven knows ft newspaper woman needs good legs.**. "I 'presume tb® waiting will be the worst part of tl.e cure. For one of your nervous temperament Tediously exhausting. ..." There tfas a'great fascination about this Gay Nelson, the doctor»reasoned as he departed. She was like fleeting sunshine on a winter day. Fleeting! That was the word and 4t stung him with a sudden cruel realization. In four weeks she would leave Trinity hospital and he'd ne^r see her again. Neither would he,ever be able to forget her. . v JOHNSBURG \ TRADE-IN ALLOWANCE FOR YOUR OLD STOVE ^pmxhase of this new Gas Range 7 THIS MODERN, 1934-model table- |pp gas range, in p^asing color combinations, has all-enamel exterior, automatic oven heat control; self-lighting burners; fully insulated Oven; drawer-type smokeless broiler; newmodel even-heat aluminum burners; roomy utensil compartment. Improved enameled pan conceals piping and makes for easy cleaning. A splendid value at $69> During Mid-Summer Sale* your old range accepted as first payment; balance monthly with gas bill--small carrying charge. •, Beautify your kitchen -- modernize your looking. Select a new gas range with all the latest features of convenience, comfort, efficiency and economy. Liberal trade-in.allowance during our Mid-Summer Sale. GAS *«» ELECTRIC OOMPANY OAtr dmltrt mis* htvit* yom t» m Mnkrm Gm "I'd like to take you out to your first" dinner," he ventured one evening as the last week of her stay waned Into 4S hours.. As silence greeted Wj^-lnvitatlon he urged, "Just to celebrate our Joint production. You have helped immeasurably in your recovery. I'm proud of your case of bone surgery." ^_l'Who said I'd be hungry?" she groaned dourly. "The, way I feel now I never want to even look at food. When I do, I can pay for my own. And I never dine out with married men unless they want to be Interviewed." Gay's eyes were clear blue, Ice, as she gathered strength at his .teasing smile and went on: , "After what you've seen and heard, j you'd hardly expect me to sit aud listen patiently to another man's story of a wife who could not understand him. You'll live through the experience without identifying scars, if all your patients are like me. Doctor Barnes. You'll live to learn, too," with a deep chuckle, "that your wife understands you--even better than you suspect." The veiling lashes watered and she was looking full at him with ieyes suddenly hard. "I guessed all this," she said with a quiet conviction, "when I noticed how your suits and ties matched your hair and eyes. Ko one but a woman, a woman who loved you, would "have thought of that" * „ "But you did notice?'^ he laughed softly In triumph,; his eyes lighting In combat. "Noticing Is my Job," she retorted. , Then she turned on him hotly.; "Men know only two types of women-- the drudge and the butterfly. The drudge they accept and endure. The butterfly they pity and protect Take it from me, the butterfly has all the luck. Nothing is expected of her, and," a flash of jthin expressive fingers,; "she puts out exactly that--nothing!" "But Can't you see or won't you acknowledge," the man continued, honestly convinced of his cailse,' "that its so confounded repressing having your life routined to hours? Even your amusements to schedule., It makes a man rebel, tutn outlaw, from very resentment to rule."" "And> then that man tries to ekpress that freedom with--some other woman," laughed Gay dryly. "Oh, I can't expect you to understand," he returned heatedly. "You've had humanity burned out Of you. Why you'd even be afraid to take « flyer In happiness.". "Yes," she answered calmly. i: Doctor Barnes rose indignantly, He could have sworn»after'ward that. he saw two tears on the pale mocking/ face just in the violet shadows of her &**• He parried back to the hospltal next morning; sick from that fleeting obfession that had haunted him all night. : - "But," said the nurse with a puzzled took at hia Inquiry, "I thought of •Course, y^u knew. Doctor Barnes. Aliss Nelson left yesterday at noon." J Doctor Barnes^ answered firmly, hastily, "Oh, I see." « In the " hospital office he found a Bote from Gay. A signed check was enclosed ready for him to write In the amount of his fee. Something between a sob and a curse burst from his lips as he read her farewell dig. A dig that pierced his stupid batfielor's heart: jeit•, ' ':vV:V->y,v; Your egotism wfll of coarse demaod some explanation for my flight jWltiiout an address. The answer Is "quite simple., A. clever man would have known. ' : y**i OAT. : Joe Schmitt and Ben Hillei"\pent a few days visiting with relatives and friends in Iowa. Mr. and Mrs. Ale* Freund . and daughter of Chicago spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Stephen H. Smith John Schriener of McHenry, spent 9unday afternoon with Mr. and Mrs. J ohn Degen. Mrs. Mike Freuntl of Spring Grove and Mrs. John Freund of McHenry visited with Mrs. George HiHeY Thursday. - ' Bud Meyers is spending a week with Allie Schaefer at Waukegan. • Mrs. Steve May, Mrs. Fred Smith, and Mrs. Joe King motored to Chicago Wednesday where they attended a quilting party it the home of Mrs. Laurence Baer. > ; Mr. and Mrs. Emil Simon of Chicago visited with Mrs. Frank Mathieu ' Wedtiesday afternoon. '•.-;; .' j Mrs. William Stoffel, Mrs- John- JKing and Mrs. John Freund *fef Me^ Henry spent Thursday afternoon with Mrs. Anna Bugner. , • Math N. Schmitt Lake caller Thursday^ v V . Mr. and Mrs.'John Lay arid Mr. and Mrs- Math Lay of Spring Grove spent Sunday with Mrs. Stephen Schmitt. ,Mr. and Mrs. John Degen and daughter, Jeanette, were Lake Geneva callers Sunday afternoon.; Miss Laura Meyers of McHenry spent Wednesday with her parents, Mr. fcnd Mrs. Wm. J. Meyers. Elmer Hettermann of Camp Shokie Valley spent ^Sunday with home folks; Steve May and Joe King were Burlington callers Saturday evening. Miss Alvina Schmitt is spending a week in Chicago with her sister. Mr. and Mrs. Joe Schmitt/ and granddaughter of Beloife, Wis., were visitors here Thursday. Martin- May of Spring GroVe was a caller here Friday afiernooli ^ Mr. and Mrs. Nick Bertrang of Aurora are spending a week with relatives here. Mrs. Mary Thelen and Mrs. John M Schmitt were McHenry visitors Saturday afternoon. • Jacob Miller and daughters of ^enda called on Mr. iand Mrs. Joe King Friday -afternoon, . ! Mrs. Peter Smith entertained the Sunday Evening Club with prizes being awarded^ to Mrs. Bill May, Mrs. Peter Smith, Mrs. Leo Freund * VOLO Mr. and Mrs. Henry Bohne of Elgin spent Wednesday evening with the lat» ter's mother, Mrs. Rose Ehmneli., Mr. and Mrs. Ctianes Miller and son of Libertyville spent Tuesday evening here with Mr. arid Mrs. John Oeffling. The Volo Home Bureau unit met at the home of Mrs- Herman Dunker, Wednesday, July 11 with twelve members present. *,The .next meeting will be a county meeting in the form of a garden club with all units attending. The next unit meeting will be held at the home of Mrs. Howard' Converse Sept. 12, •;> , The Volo Cemetery Society will meet at the home of Mrs. Alvin Case August 2. ( i Miss' Audrey Grantham of WaUcOn-? da spent a few days here the past w^ek with Miss Doris Paddpck. , i^iss-, Winifred Benwetl of West Mc- Henry spert the past week here at the home of ;Mr. .and Mrs, Herpui.ii.Pw!-. ker, Mrs. It La^v^ of Riversiide, 111., >pfent" Tuesday here at the home of Mr. and Mrs, Franlc St. George. „ • , Mr. and Mrs. Herbert WaUmann and' fanaily spent the weekend in Chicago with the latter's parents, Mr. and Mrs. Nagel. Monday morning, Mr. and Mrs, Herbert Waldmann will leave Tor Detroit 'Mich., for a two weeks' vacation. Mrs. Frank, King and daughter were visiting her father at Columbus, dhio, the 'past week. • Mrs. Earl Donley and Mrs- Frank St. George spent Wednesday with Mr. and Mrs. C. Svec at Cary. Mr. and Mrs. L, Pingle and son of Harvey, Ill., spent a ,few days here at the home of" MS-.-, and Mrs* Frank Wilson. - ' W. Huskie. F, Huskie and Mrs. H. Huskie of Elgin^ spent Thursday evening at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Charles'Rossduestcher. ' - Mr. and Mrs. J. Hart of Round,Lake called at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Wiser Wednescfay. Mr. and Mr?. R. Oakes of Chicago visited Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Lenzen Tuesday evening.. |. Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Benwell ani daughters of West McHenry, Miss drrna Grabble of Crystal Lake, G. A. Vasey and son Walter were Sunday dinner guests at the home of Mr. ai d spent Wednesday with Mrs. Rose Dunne! l. Mrs. George Mjapes of Elgin called on Mrs. Joseph Lenzen ThOrsday. Miss. Dorothy Fehermari of Elgin, spent Thursday with Mrs., Herman Rossduestcher. « Floyd Wray is speeding a few days in Chicago with Mr. and Mrs. Bickler. Mr. and Mrs. A. Wegner and-family of Wauconda, Mr. and Mrs, Obenauf and family of Lake Corners visited Mir, and Mrs. P. Wagner Sunday. . "Mr- and, Mrs. Clarence Hironimus and son, Mrs. Frank Hironimus and daughter, spent Tuesday eyening at the home of Mr. and Mrs. George Knigge at Wauconda. Mr. and Mrs. Fred Casper visited Mr. and Mrs. Harry Maypole at Fox Lake Friday. The McHenry • Brewers' baseball team played the Johnsburg team at the Volo diamond Sunday. The Mc- Hienry Brewer's were defeated. The Volo Bears baseball team played the Fqx Lake t^m at the Fox Lake dieniond Siunday and the Volo Bears won -5 to S. ..' . ^ Betty Frankie of Joliet visited, Mrs. •£. ^Rossduestcher1 Saturday; . Rev. E, Bxithold. of Elgin; visited Mrr and Mrs. Joseph Wiser. Wednesday, • ' ' . Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Wagner, Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Lenzen, spent Tuesday evening at the home of Mr. and Mrs. A. Justen at McHenry. - Mrs., John of Chicago spent Tuesday here with her grandfather, John Walton. L Mias ,Marie Miller of Ingleside spent' Sunday here with^Miss Laura Wiser. Mr, and Mrs. John Capaller and family of Chicago viMted Mr. and, Mrs. C. Rossduestcher Tuesday. Mr." and Mrs. Lewis Brown and family of Crystal Lake spent Sunday at the home of the latter's parents. Mr. end Mrs. Joseph Wisetr. ^ rfrs. Joseph Wagner entertained her McHenry card club Monday afternoorv Prizes were warded to/Mrs. Wnif Rothermel, Mrs. George Justen an4 ; Mrs. John Kilday. v Mrs. Montgomery of Chicago spent i' ; the past week at the home of Mr. aiut Mrs. M- Wagnet ^ «> vy. ^ Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Wiser attends ed a birthday party for Amos Lefferi.- mann at StLblet, 111., Sunday. A family gathering was held at th# home of John Waltori Sunday in honoix of Mrs. Cynthya Conway of Buell, ? Idaho. Those present were the Henry Krueger family of Wauconda, Albert : ' Kautenberg family of Waukegan, th« ' ' Wm. Dillion family of Volo, Mr. anjl, Mrs. George Walton and son, Mr. an§<' ' Mrs. Ed Becker. Mr. and Mr»v Tor®. Butlef- and family, Mr. ar*! Mrs. El» mer Walton of Libertyville, Mr. anil' -;' . Mrs. Joseph Vogt of Rouftd Lake. Wilder CdrA and May Smith of .Hebron. > J • This was the first time in thirty-fouy; .. year that Mrs. Conway hj^ visiteif ' ' her former home. f REss Mijponette Walsmeley of -Neif,' ;• Rockford, "jMorth' Dakota, i*' spendin^.iJ»:..j: this week at the home of Mr. and Ifcs* Frattk Wiisqn.:' - S. R- Birbv, of Los Apg^les is the V' o w n e r d f a C o a i b l a c k c a t w h i c h g a v ^ ' V « birth to three snow white kitt^n5. ;..r , 'f .^ v L » l » o r T e r m s • ' . V . : ' s. v A llOCkOtit consists of die reft#! of ' an employer to furnish work for hie employees and Is" used as a means of coercion. A- black list 18 a list of per." sons considered deserving of adverse?, discrimination. A closed shop is on# - which employs only union men. It 1» qlosed against nonunion men. AH \ open shop employs both union an# 'V;; nonunion men. A strike consists of V the-refusal of an employee to worlf" unless Ills employer agrees to certal* " ieonditiODto. .; l I l". i'i -- j -- ' liiair nV'nl'r in' :: ' "v" \ la tfi* Truth Most n^n take no interest Id the truth save In relation to their circumstances, their needs, end their alms. " * Mr. <and Mrs. Bill May ahd daugh ter, M-rs. Arma Bugner Mn and ^M^'rkermrn. Dunker in honor of Mi Steve Freund motored to Ohio to attend the wedding of Miss Emma Bugner, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. John Bugner, Monday. . . Miss Gertrude Williams of McHenry spent Sunday afternoon with her patients, Mr. and Mrs. Peter William;*. Mrs. Mike Freund of Spring Grove called in-her sister, Mrs. Henry ThefeK Friday afternoon. Mr. and Mrs. GeOrge King* visited with Mr. iand Mrs. John King at McHenry Wednesday afternoon. Miss Emily Steffes of McHenry spent a few day9 with Mrs. Steve King. Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Mills daughter, Bum ess. of, Kalamazoo, Mich.,- spent several days last week with the latter's father, John Mertes. Mr. and Mrs. Walter.Grube and son, Walter, Jr., of Chicago, spent the weekend in the home of her father, John Mertes. Winifred *Benwell's fourteenth birthday.: Miss Alifce McGuire spentf Tuesday with her sister,. Mrs. Frank Henkel Jr.. at Wauconda- " Mis* Marion RichardBon of Forest T^ark v uted her aunt, Mrs. J. F. Wagner Friday. . Mr. and Mrs. Paul O'Leary of Chicago visited the latter's parents, Mr, and Mrs. C- Rossduestcher, Friday. 'Mi ss Rita Molidor of Ingleside spent a few days here at the home of Mr. and Mrs. A. posing. Miss Hilda Oeffling of Waukegan and j spent the weekend here with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. John Oeffling. Mr. and Mrs- Whitmore of Elgin jOHOSBw -n FRED J. SMITH, Prop, JOHNSBURG. ILL. Best Equipped Garage in Northern Illinaia ^ :-l :;..i , • ' \ .. ' 5.; r TOWING AND REPAIRING / Agency Ft». , . « Johnson Sea Horses Full Line of Parts for Johnson Motors Phones-*-2QQ»J - - , - - Night--64&-J-2 ; I e f ? yXte y o i i . Upf "A kxy boy and* to pdrt JULY - 23--Steve 8ro<lie jump* from theBrookly nbridge, 1886. 14*7Water*pout 'n ' Nevada kills thirty people, 1874. 1&K21 K Blcxiot -first to fly ovei English channel. 1909, J6^C<orge Bernard Shaw, .a great dramatist, born 1856. -Mrst trans-Atlantic cable fine is completed. 1866. 28--Austria starts th« crctt" World war, 1914. 29--Mussolini, Italy's Black Shirt leader, born, 1885. ; Centennial Queen; lirn a * GENERAL ELECTRIC AM| FRIGIDAIRE ELECTRIC REFRIGERATORS NOW ON DISPLAY Miss Kerma Keller, a sophomore lir the University of Idaho, who will preside over the festivities at Pocatello in August marking the one hundredth ant nlversary of the founding of Fort HalJ 9s the Old Wagon Trail. When a pretty girl of Hollywood," <Jalif., was asked her name by a fill« ing station attendant, she replied "I'm' IMiss Wienie Hottdoeg and I feel like m cannibal wheoev«r. 1 » irask'- furter." ' • See the many new Frigidaife and General Electric Refrigerators now on display at yolr nearest Public Service Store. Here are the latest; models. with new features, new conveniences--the latest develops ments of electric refrigeration. Ask about our easy payment plan which lets you purchase an electric refrigerator For only a srotU down payment, the balance monthly, the "little-by-littlfe" way. . Come in and see these electric refrigerators todajr. . T» row interest mud other costs, « somewhat higher price is charged for mppliamtes sold on deferred /mymtmis. FOR ONLY One Nickel Five cents-- the cost of a package of gum--will operate s washing machine, a vacuum clearer, a percolator, an electric iron, a tosster, t wsffle iron--all at one time--for one solid hour at the new 2c per kilowatt-hour portion of the electric rate, in effect after 17 kilowatt-hours per room have been used in the month. Other useful electrical devices also cost but a few pennies to operate. Take advantage of the new low ^ rates --think what comfort, what convenience the UM of labor-saving appliances will bring to your home. km. PUBLIC SERVICE COMPANY of.northsun ilumou j| T®kphont: Crystal L&ke 280

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