Illinois News Index

McHenry Plaindealer (McHenry, IL), 8 Nov 1934, p. 4

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jir r<7%&nr t'** • • 1 _ . Pa**# Four *i^T * ^f r -v<r Y*^WT» "iv; Vf V ^ : -» ..'j'» . >:Tr* ^rj * - ^ . •- v> • 4.J r.j <•>. -ht «w t f J ' THE McHENRY PLAINDEAUtt - »**>' 'J ,s% Thursday, November 8,1934 THE M'HENRY PLAINDEALER • Published every Thursday at McHenry, DL, by Charlw F. Renich.: Entered as second-class matter at the postofflca at McHenry, DL, tt the act of Miy 8, 1879. 'W- One Year .. Biz Months ...$2,06 ...$1.00 A. H. M05HER, Editor and Manager ' n t. SANTA CLAUS, THE AAA AND THE DAIRYMAN Cleveland Birthplace a Memorial NEW WALNUT ROOM Justen's Hotel, McHenry Saturday Night CHICKEN DINNER, 25c *'Wop" Weber's Orchestra Featuring oQp Peterson From Radio Station WOFL Listen to "Bob" Wednesday Evening, at 5:45 oil \fCFL, then meet him here on Saturday. FRED JUSTEN, prop. New Johnsburg Tavern Chili Served at All Times SPECIAL SATURDAY NITE Chicken Dinner with All Trimriiings, 25c FRIDAY NIGHT--FREE TURTLE SOUP Music by Ben Tonnison J. B. HETTERMAN, Manager GREEN STREET TAVERN Just North of Empire Theatre MEXICAN CHILI SERVED AT A . 10c PER BOWL Mixed Drinks, Wines and Liquors, Meister Brau Beer, 5c GEO. L. JONES, Prop. SCHAEFER'S TAVERN _ _ - J J a s t o f t h e O l d R i v e r B r i d g e Mixed Drinks - Sandwiches - 5 and 10c fceer FISH FRY FRIDAY NITE--10c per plate , Roast Chicken with Trimmings 25c ORCHESTRA SATURDAY NIGHT > "*V/ OFFICIAL RETURNS COUNTY PRECINCTS •• . - -• 4-' "• White sheets of paper, covered with circles "and. squar^ ; and crosses within, were used as an expression of gratitude • ;Y. i to Santa Claus, by millions of voters throughout the nation > .<">n Tuesday, November 6. They evidently felt that Old . - ' " Saint Nick had beep exceptionally kind to them during'tlie months of 1933 and 1934. However, McHenry county did not seem to share in the full spirit of the pccasion as ther<& were about 10„0t00 of the folded sheets tossed into the baU^ - ^ighoxes in th?£ county, which did not-have the fancy holi* ^ . <» daV; attire. * • • - \ >« . ' ' "v* l '« /, ' Just how many of these unfriendly ballots were de* . . ,tZ posited by the dairjonen of this county will never be knowii,- „ but it could easily be surmised that, following the ulTexpect^/ • " ed gift presented them just prior to the election in the w&f " of an unjust slash in the price of the farmers' milk, the number is very large. . > It seems sort of ah oddity that the New Deal hurricane which swept over the nation on Tuesday failed to hit this county, but swerved aside when it neared the confines of the largest dairying district in the country, unless there was something to cause it. 1 ^ r * The milk farmers have not enjoyed the benefit of any processing tax like the corn, hog, cotton and other growers. Instead, just as they were beginning to think that Old Santa might make a visit to their midst the jingle of the bells on the reindeer faded away in the distance, leaving nothing but the disappointment of a reducfed price for their product. - Now, that the election is over a new shuffle of the cards in the milk farmers' pack might not be a bad move on the part of the AAA. Riley' Marengo 1 Marengo 2 Dunham ... Chemung Chemung Chemung i Alden I Hartland „.,i Seneca' ........ Coral Grafton Dorr U., Dorr 2. Dorr 3 Dorr 4 ......... Greenwood * n Hebron Richmond JiJ Burton McHenry 1' . -McHenry 2*. McHenry' Nunda,, I Nunda 2 Nunda 3 Algonquin • 1; Algonquin -SF Algonquin 3' Algonquin _4 Algonquin 5 1 ..... 2 3 - Far State Representative •.'/ • •• * Lyons .• ..............:....240 „.;...A.........,....;....633% 570% 401W .753% ..^^U..^....;....177 ;„w:.,......„^..:.....345% -...187% 484 508% 72ft 829* .812% ......:...n8% ;364% 12a .i...:,.24tJ>v 526^ 253%' -327% 461% ,i.^.;^^^...,.561%V 456% 569% Ckrroli 868% 801% "iiioie 731 170 354 387%{; 363 ^ ,C 184 ^ ^'345r|! V'V 537%}. 629%v>'3 ' 522 ;>• 597 Rfley Marengo Marengd Dunham Ch€mung Chemung Chemung Alden Hartland ....... Seneca Coral, Grafton ......... Dorr 2 Dorr 3 Dorr 4 Greenwood f Hebrdii Richmond I Burton | McHenry X< ... |<l^cHenry 2 i McHenry 3 j Nunda 1 ...... Nunda' 2 I Nunda 3 j Algonquin l * | Algonquin 2 1 ] Algonquon„3 . Algonquin 4 . Algonquin 5 . ...'.,.228^ 'iJi'i V ^-.'s 310 i? 803 453% 509 6 541% 13726%' 15883 18676%|. mgressman-At-Large Brooks Jones M: Igoe Brennan «...'.163 159 140 ' 146 ...........442 424 185 - 178 ,..399 377 134 137 265 258 142 ? . 133 ....«&£.600 571 301 284 493 462 271 253 ..........118 116 24, 24 ...209 224 127 119 ..........123 120 218 209 224 211 102 98 326 318 170 162 $38 . 336 302 302 509 rv 458 363 347 595 533 321 293 .........587 544 336 311 ......... «6 84 64 65 .........244 223 122 116 ..'.......388 374 141 141 ....441 . 434 211 199 84 72 102 ; 9 8 .........174 158 181 • 157 232 : -202 238 207 .........169 148 391 345 .........122 94 230 214 .........224 • 208 170 162 .........32S> - 306 180 r 177 ...393 360 213 204 .Y.......324 ^ t 293 270 ; 255 ..........391 364 267 258 .,..169 143 280 269 309 171 166 , • -- . ' • ' »490 8883 6367 6029 HOW f TO TELL DIFFERBNOH ^ IN TREACHEROUS MUSHROOM.-- There Is one flourishing specids of poisonous fungi, the Phalloides, which so closely resembles In shape the edible mushroom, that It Is responsible for many deaths every season, says Tit Bits Magazine. But, fortunately, It has one outstanding mark of distinction. This Is the color of Its gills, which are always creamy white, whereas those of the genuine mushroom are' either pink or brown, turning to Mack tas It becomes old and unpalatable. A sheath sprouting from the base of the a further wftrnlng of danger. ' Never forget, if you would avoid taking poison for breakfast," that edible mushrooms have an upper white surface or "cap" of a kidglove texture;; and a pleasant earthy smell, while they should always peel easily from the edge to the center find, never chanige color immediately when bruised* ' ^ History contains more than one instance of a mushroom murder plot, the victims being served with a deadly -kind of fungi. But in our more sob^P' modern times- the damage Is invariably caused by lack of care. - FOR SALE How Wax Candle Can B« ^ r Shot Through Slab of Wood Candles made of wax and stearin, a white, pearly crystalline compound contained in many animal and vegetable fats, can be loaded-into a gun and shot through a Bflard nearly half an inch thick AUCTION--The undersigned will sell at public auction at the Mrs. Martha Hall residence, near the park in Ringwood, on Saturday, Nov.. 10, at 1 p. m-, the following described property: 60 folding chairs, 200 coffee mugs, 8 beds, 6 cot beds, 4 dressers, baby buggy, 2 tents', 14x14 and 9x12; dishes and many other items. Terms cash. Mrs. Martha Hall. Jim Rainey, Auctioneer, Ralph Simpson, clerk. *24 Give telephone number. Address L. K. Jones, 2622 Sunnyside Ave., Chi cago, 111. * „ 24 WANTED'--Young man or worn*# with car to act as representative foe dry cleaning establishment. Call Roilltd Lake 30. 2& MISCELLANEOUS FOR SALE--Potatoes, home grown, 60c bu. M!- P. Meyers. 1% miles north of Johnsburg, on "the River Robd. ~ I *22-4 FOR SALE -- A few choice Poland China Stock Hogs, priced very reasonable. Inquire of James Hqnter, McHenry, Route 2. 24tf FOR SALE OR RENT--Nick Weber farm, 75 acres. Located 1 mile east of Pistakee Bay Road. Inquire of Mrs, Wm, Bishop, McHenry. 24-tf FOR IMMEDIATE SALE--Pedigreed Male Doberm&n Pincher, 13 mo. old Price $5Q. Call Pistakee 642-Jrl. . V- 24-2 FOR RENT FOR RENT--A pleasant room, centrally located. Inquire at t£is office. " 52-t* FOR RENT--The Burke bungalow, without--being bent or (Washington St., near Richmond Road. even d&maged in the slightest way. notes a writer in the Cleveland (Plain D e a l e r . . • ~ r „ V This is an amazing experiment that often has been performed in various institutions of learning as. a demon stration of the power of speed. It Is the quickness with which the soft missile travels from the muzzle of the gui^-to the target that is the secret of this phenomenon. The only reason that the candle is not flattened out by its terrific contact with the hard surface of the board is simply that it does not have time to do this, so short is its time of tra isit. The taper Is through the board before it can ^yield the slightest. • Rent reduced. Phone 93-M. 14-tf | FOR RENT -- Six-room cottage on ! Wauk6gan St., north of McHenry I school. Inquire Walter J. Freund. I .. • 24tf i FOR RENT--Modern house on Court j St., McHenry. Inquire of Mrs. Jacob Schaefejf. 24 WHEN YOU NEED A VETERINARIAN-- Call Richmond 16. Graduate veterinarian, prompt service. General' practice. Both large and small ani-" mals. Dr. John Ducey, Richmond, lilt 12-26 • t)EAD ANIMALS REMOVES FREE OF CHARGE MIDWEST REMOVAL (||t PHONE DUNDEE 10 Reverse Charges A 49-tf FOR QtfICK REMOVALof^tifiAb AND CRIPPLED COWS OR HORSES caH Axel Bolvig, Woodstock 1645-W-f and reverse charges. v *18-2i5 $25 REWARD will be pai<d to anyowfe • furnishing information leading to tfc^v arrest and conviction of the -pdrtiei^ who took rural mail hoxes from corner near Prairie School, South: of Henry. Fred Brauer. BASKET SOCIAL AND DANCE-f*> Friday,, Nov. 16, Barreville Schoof >j Popularity contest! Prize, $5.00 petf^r inanent •wave at Peter Pan Beaut/ Shoppe, 623 Virginia St., .Crystal Lake. Ernest Andreas, teacher. 24-fe " n ; ^ v : ' This little white frame house, formerly the manse of the First Presbyterian Cburch M CaMweU, N. J., where Grover Cleveland first saw the light of day, March 18, 1837, was to .the state of New Jersey as a permanent memorial to the only President of the United States born in that state. The home, purchased in 1913 by the Grover Cleveland Birthplace Memorial association for the purpose pf preserving it, was given tq the state without encumbrance and vkh £U jte yalufible collections, ; : ^ , v7 ^ Congressman 11th District Riley .... Marengo( Marengo Dunham Chemung Chemung Chemung AJden Hartland Reed 155 ,..^........433 ...........392 ?.....;.;...263 .....593 „469 .....;.::lii7 ^21 ............125 ^eneca Coral Grafton ........ Dorr 1 Dorr 2 Dorr 3 I>orr 4 Gfeeitwood ••••• Hebron Richmond ...... Burton ...... McHenry 1 ... McHenry 2 ... McHenry 3 ... Nunda 1 Nunda 2 . Nunda 3 . Algonquin Algonquin Algonquin Algonquin Algonquin .814 ...834 >..,..........^...,.499 ..............:....6m ....................565 J.^35 Howell 156 197 155 143 803 277 ' 2 6 .134 213 ^.^871 82 ............170 .....213 .................167 .104 ......214 814 .....^68 ..........870 152 .311 0175 109 ' --187 811 / 864 ~h' . ••827 . 856 63 "129 159 . 209 Superintendent of PUblic Instruction Riley ......... (Marengo 1 , Marengo 2 • Duniham ... Chemung 1 Chemung 2 Chemung 3 Alden ......... Hartland ... Seneca Coral Grafton .......; Dorr 1 Dorr 2 ..................... Dorr 3 ...^ Dorr 4 Greenwood ..r.......~ Hiebron Richmond^ Burton McHenry 1 McHenry 2 ... McHenry .8 Nunda 1 Nunda 2 Nunda 3 ........ Algonquin 1 , Algonquin 2 Algonquin 3 Algonquin 4 Algonquin #. '••e- Blair Wieland ..158 146 ..445 181 ..398 143 ..268 .. 135 ..609 287 ..493 256 .;119 • 24 ..228 v 125 ..126 ; 215 ..225 ~ 101 ..332 l: 163 .341 302 .493 325 ..578 „ 317 ..577 * 334 .. 92 64 .232 :f ^ 126, .894 ^ 4-^ isd •449 ' 203 . 96 ' ; 93 .177 165 .221 ; 217 ..173 348 ..110 224 ..212 159 ..322 173 212 ..814 265 mO IO . 262 ..153 279 :,B24 173 9415 6153 Riley ....... Marengo" 1 Marengo 2 Dunham .. Chemung ' f'hcmung *5 C'homung 5 Alden ....i. Hartland Seneca Coral ....... Grafton* .. Dorr 1 .... l5i.1T 2 .... Dorr 3 • Dorr 4 ... State ffeisitrer •Stratton ,.,160 .......452 ...........*,.404 ...283 ..^..^.....620 ........;.503 ....^.;.......238, ,..^.,;..131 .......235 3?3 342 ,...496 599 587- How Water Evaporate* From Trae The .amount of moisture thrown out by a large tree daily, of course, depends largely on the type of tree, tlye number of leaves ,and the situation. A birch tree with 200.000 leaves standing ;%erffectly free would throw off aboujt 400 liters of water (approximately 105 gallons) on a hot, dry day, and from 60 .to 70. liters (15 to 16 gallons) on au ordinary day (of average moisture). How Iceland I* Ruled By the Dano-Icelandic union ,iit ©f 1918, Iceland is a free and sovereign State united with Denmark under a common ruler, Christian X, king of Iceland and Denmark. Its Althing (parliament) is composed of an upper house of 14 and a lower house of 28. It Is the oldest parliamentary body In the world. Suffrage is extended to all men and women over twentj-.five year*? of age. How Rubbor I* Obtained When the bark of the rubber tree is cut a milk-like fluid oozes out This juice or latex contains rubber, which rises to the toil. The rubber is obtained by evaporating the water or by separating it by means of machinery. After Chemical treatment to make it elastic, impervious and unchangeable in texture under different temperatures It is used in the various Industrie#. / Greenwood Hebron Richmond^; Burton McHenry 1 McHenry 2; MVHenry^J Nunda 1 Nunda 2 Nunda 3_., Algonquin Algonquin Algonquin |Algonquin I Algonquin ....421 458 110 211 ;.^,..258 ;.Z49 ..„:,.._..128 :.:..;h,...23o ;l.w...^..330 * :„;..:.;.....398 326 -...395 .172 ....32£ 9861 Wheii he stepped from has auUfmobile after a collision with a ^ruck, Adam Krick of East St. -Louis, 111., < was killed by one of two trugks following his car down a hill. " When he playfully bit through the' Jirsulation of a live wire a five-month- I old shepherd dog owned by Mrs. EW. Elby «t Boise, Ida., was ^cUl?d instantly. : *',; Afternoon Coat Stello How Vaudeville Got Name This word has in some way grown from Vaux de Vlre, the name of two valleys In France. A native of Vlre composed some satirical drinking songs which became popular. throughout France, under the' name ofrVaux de Vlre. The name was used for oth er collections of songs and became cor rupted Into voix de vine, and finally to vaudeville. How Long Pin* Have Been U*ed Primitive forms of pins have been found, showing that they have been in use from the earliest period. The tibula has been found in graves dating back as far as the Fifteenth century B. C. Later, long, slender pins of bronze were used. Evidently, some one conceived the idea of bending them in the form of the modern safety pin. WANTED WANTED--Old cars, scrap iron, brass, copper, radiators, batteries, rags and paper." Call M. Taxman, McHenry 173. 88-tf WE ARE READY FOR A GOOD l(AN WHO IS READY FOR US! I want a high class man who lives in McHenry or some nearby town, and who has had 5 years business experience, or has been a printer, mechanic, or in some trade for at least 5 years--of -good character,v willing to work, able to meet people courteously. I want no money from him, but will put him in position, if we get together, to soon be drawing down big checks from this strong, successful company. _ If you are- in earnest, write me briefly, giving your qualifications. AUTO INN Brewery Corner, McHenry FRIDAY NIGHT BABY PIKE, 10c SATURDAY NIGHT Entertainment By 1 Helen Clauson And Her Orchestra Goose or Chicken Dinner v-- 25c NELL'S WHITE HOUSE • » " One Mile East of McHenry on Route 20 _ Saturday NiT" SQUAB SUPPER, all trimmings 25^ Music By Benny Rahn's Orchestra FISH FRY EVERY FRIDAY NIGHT t:. BETTY'S at Lily Lake Public Card and Bingo Party Saturday Night, Nov. 10, Sponsored by 4-U Club Free Sauer Kraut and Frankfurters 5c and 10c BEER - - WELL MIXED DRINKS FISH FRY FRIDAY--Boneless White Fish, Tomato Sauce and Potato Salad--All You Can Sat,* 10c DANCE How Bells Are Toned The art of bell making is oa« requiring «•< high degree of technical skill. The amounts of various metal-- and alloys^ the sizes &nd weights of the bells must all be calculated to y nicety to produce the musical south! necessary to an acceptable tone. JOHNSBURG HALL--GEORGE LAY'S TAVERN "WEDNESDAY NIGHT, NOV. 14 . ; < i , ', ' Barbara Horick's Orchestra ;; • • - ..." •; / Admission 50c per couple .. How Ductle** Gland* Function "They are discharged directly into the circulating blood. The endocrine ^ ductless glands are now believed to control the churacteristigs^ make one person differ from another mentally and physically." ' ' How to Waterproof Matcheft •batches can be waterproofed by~dtp ping the heads in a creamy solution made by dissolving shellac in dena tured alcohol. i'iXis How Watermark la fc*ad« . The watermarir on paper Ir formed during the process of manufacture, b.\ the pressure of wires on the wet pulp Thieves took 120 chickens from T. C. Brunk of Rosedale, Calif., during I a night visit and accidently dropped a| roll of |800 in the chicken housa. Wide double tiered sleeves are Intro duced by Molyneuz In bis knee-lengtb afternoon Coat of black caracal^ Tfie standing collar tarns back to form pointed r e v e r s . *-» . "Dry" Wine The word "dry," as applied'to wine, means the opposite of sweet, without, however, meaning sour. In- other words, dry wine is wine having a much lower sugar content than sweet wine. Fish Fry all day Friday 10-25c Mexican Chili 10c a jBeer 5-10c SANDWICHES - AATE LUNCHES - OR DINNERS • My Place Tavern dreen Street , McHenry, HI. ' Plaindealers f oz aala at Bolger's. Vitamin C Structure Clarified A Geruian scientist has' succeeded In clarifying the entire chemical structure of vitamin C, the scurvy preventt* e. .• AT THE PIT , Quarter Mile East of McHenry on Route 26 ^ - - ' SATURDAY NIGHT Chicken Dinner 25c F&BS DANCING SATURDAY NIGHT Orchestra HAROLD MILLER, Propi f T . ./T--

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