: > JTTiursday, tfovem JOHNSBURG ijr - , .r* Je.' . j »<•, v ;*"• <9**$ ---\. x ^ ^ 4<Jr*». • **••<• * ? * /•% XHJt MoHSMBT PLABtDEALEk ** ^ ' v * * * t <** **1 ' c «. " * • ; ' iSISil *fr""^';t:V"'; ^«T *; J's" - <-: £§ Mrs. Ben Laures of McHenry visited with Mr. and Mlrs. Joe B. Hettertnar. n Tuesday. , Mrs. Fred Smith entertained the . f'ive Hundred Club Wednesday after- Jioon, prizes being awarded to Mrs. HBteve May, Mxs. Fred Smith, Mrs. t^eo Freund. - Sally Mae King, 20 month old Jaughter of Mr. and Mrs, Joe King, eoeived a honorable mention medal rom the Sears National Baby Contest. - Mr. and M^s. Peter Williams were McHenry callers Saturday afternoon. M!r. and Mrs. Schultz of Chicago . spent Sunday with John Schmitt and family. ,V Mr. and Mrs. Albert Huff visited >*ith Mr. and Mrs. Joe Huif at Wood. t ito<:k Saturday evening. Mrs. Art Kattner of Spring Grove Mrs. Steve Schaefer «C Fox Lake -•tUnded the Lady Foresters meeting Tuesday evening. ; Mrs. Arthur Klein entertained her 54ard Club Tuesday af teg? con. Prizes iWere awarded to Mrs. Albert Huff, •Mth. Joe Adams sad Mrs. Ben Kenne- ^|>eck. ^ Mrs. Hog*en and daughter, R&rbara a&nn spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs- '.-.Joe Huemann. v » Mr. and Mrs. Sob Wilkie of Chicago were Sunday guests at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Peter Freund and family. Mr. and Mrs. George Ring and family were McHenry visitors Wednes- . day evening. Mlrs. Steve Schaefer of Fox Lake spient Tuesday Jwith t Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Klein. Miss Katharine Althoff of Elgin visited with her parents, Mr. and MrS. Wrn. H. Althoff Sunday and Monday. Mr. and-Mrs. Earl Huffine of Genoa WE WANT TO SELECT a reliable young man, now employed, with FORESIGHT, fair education and mechanical inclinations, who is willing to train, spare time or evenings in McHenry to qualify as INSTALLATION and SERVICE expert in Electric Refrigeration and Air Conditioning. For interview write, giving age and present occupation. UTILITIES ENGINEERING INSTITUTE 404 N. Wells St., Chicago, III. visited with Mr. and Mrs. Jacob Thiel Sunday afternoon. Math N. Schmitt was an Elgin caller Saturday. The Lady Foresters held a meeting Tuesday evening with 48 sisters being present. Prizes were awarded to Mrs, Tony Freund, Mrs. Leo Hiller, M5?s Marie Hiller, Mrs. Steve May, Mrs. Allie Schmitt; and Mrs. Apia Bugften Lunch was served at the closing. * Mi(. p/kd Mrs. John Rauen of Spring Groy-4 visited in the home of John H. Freund Sunday afternoon. Mrs? John E. Freund and son, Vernon, of "McHenry, spent Sunday in the Adams "home. Miss Gertrude Williams of McHenry spent Sunday afternoon with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Peter Williams. „ ! Elmer Hettermarin of Camp Skokie Valley spent the weekend with Henry Hettermenn and family Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Alex Freund and daughter, Nancy, of Chicago, are spending a week with Mr. and Mrs. Stephen H, Smith. Miss Audrey Rothermel of McHenry spent Sunday with Rosemary Hettermann. Miss Mabel King and Mass Marie Miller were Wilmeto© callers Sunday afternoon. • Mrs. John lAy of - Spring "Grove was a caller here Thursday afternoon. Mr. and Mrs. George Vogel of Solon Mills, Mr. arid Mrs. Peter Freund and Mr. and Mrs. Leo Freund visited with Mr. and Mirs. Joe Freund Sunday. Bill Smith was a Burlington caller Monday evening. Mrs. Joe P. Miller and Atom, Mrs. George King and son, Junior, were Woodstock callers Tuesday. Mrs. Nick Adatftsfand Mrs. Louis Althoff of McHenry were callers here rhursday afternoon. Mrs. Will Smitb and family of McHenry spent Sunday with Mr. and Mr9. Joe Michels. Mrs. Nick Freund of Spring Grove visited with Mr. and Mrs. Joe Frett Tuesday. * ° Mr. and Mrs. Joe Regner and family of McHenry spent Sunday in the home of Mr. and Mrs. Stephen H Smith.. Page Three Twice told Tale* Items of Interest Taken From the Files of the Flaindealer of Years Ago . -- FIFTY YEARS AGO C. TV Eldridge is building an addition to his residence, putting a new roof on the old part and otherwise improving it. John Heimer is painting and decorating the Interior of his saloon in a neat and tasty manner. Geo. Curtis is doing the work. , * Bonslett and S toff el are treating the front of their store to. a fresh coat of paint Vhich will much improve its appearance. E. Perkins and Frank Gorng' are the artists doinjj the Woirk. . .' ;'Y • • Saturday, No>v; 22, commencing at J) o'clock, for'that day ©nly, we will offer 1000 yards dress gingham, former price 12% to IS cents, at 8 cents a .yard; only 15 yardsU^ooe person. Henry Colby Store. ^ : / , WAUCONDA Pnla* Rate A newborn Infant's pulse rate Is 130 to 140 a minute. In the first year this Is reduced to from 115 to 180. In the third year the rate is from 95 to 110, and from the seventh to the fourteenth, from 85 to 95. From 80 to 90 ii the rate In adult life, while In old age it slows down to from 70 to T5. C. Keller OPTOMETRIST ^ Sundays and Monday* at ay Summer Home, Riverside Drive, McHenry, 111. All Kinds of Repair*, M 211-R iThanksgiving FORTY YEARS AGO We learn that the Knickerbocker lee company have secured a lease of the mill pond for a term of years and will probably put up ice here the coming winter. ^he pupils of the Ringwood School will give an entertainment Saturday evening at the Band hall in Ringwood. The proceeds to go toward paying for a cyclopaedia- lately put into the 60 Thekparty, by the Young Peopled ^in th^' n'T" Wi" eD c. • T i » *. jtertam the society on Dec. 6. ' Jpcml cluB, at the city hall on Thurs- Mr and ^ ,y DavHn yisited day evening last was quitelargelj her he r> Mrs. Anna Hutchinson at attended and all report a good time. |C TupsHhv The Quintette Orchestra furnished R t ^ Mr. and Mrs. Herbert Schroeder andi son, Boboy, spent Thursday,! in Ar- I lington Heights. | Mr. and Mrs. Jos. Klupar and son, Jimmie, ot Chicago spent the weekend with Mrs._Klupar's parents, Mr. and Mrs. Vincent Dftvlin. Mr. and Mrs. James Carr return* ed home Monday from a visit witli friends in Detroit, Mich. Mrs. Chloe Faulks, of Waupaca, Wis., is the guest of her daughter* Mrs. Eugene Prior. She will spend the winter with her other daughter, Mrs. Smith in Milwaukee. Mr. and Mrs. Alden Werden and children left Wauconda last week, to reside with the former's mother, Mrs. Maud Werden, at Henniker, N. H., where he has secured employment. Mr. and Mrs. Albert Baseiey are enjoying an extended visit with their daughter, Mrs. Jack Now at Antigo, Wis. Alex Schnappe has cloaed his b«ktry here, for the winter months. Mrs. Wirt- Dowell of Dundee died at the Sherman hospital, Elgin, on Wednesday, Nov., lt>. She was the daughter-in-law of Gtoi Dowell, who ' besides north of town. She leaves hex husband and one^-daughter: Shirley, aged 3 years, her mother, Mrs. Hahtv of Dundee, and several brothers and sisters, Funeral services were held from the German Lutheran church in Dundee on Sunday afternoon. Those' from Wauconda who attended the services were: Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Davlin, Mr. and Mrs. Koestler, and Mrs. Alda Smith. The Ladies Auxiliary of the Federated church met Thursday afternoon at the home of Mrs. Paul Broncheon. There were 21 members present, and the time was spent in sewing and making plans if or tf*e annual bazaar and chicken supper to bo held WEEDS FOR POULTS ;RVE AS--&REENS some excellent music for the occasion. Henry Stevenson and Luella Carr were married by Judge Trowe at Genoa Junction, Nov. 18, and have settled down among their friends as married residents. A long life and successful career is the best wish of all for the young couple. -.'""'-l.. A Chapell delicious Tutti-Frutti Ice Ore&fti- Gake, colorfully decorated with whipped cream. Order today and solve your Thanksgiving dinner dessert problem. Serves 4 People Generously V: ' 29c John Karls TWENTY-FIVE YEARS AGO The plate glass front has arrived and been put in place in the new Justen block on the West Side- F. S. McOmber, who will occupy the west lower floor of the block, is anxiously awaiting the day to come when he will be able to move into the new quarters with his hardware stora. Dr. W. C. Besley of Woodstock recently stepped onto a nail, the accident necessitating him to walk on crutches for seyeral days. Curtis Harvey, claimed to be the first white child born in MlcII«nT*y township, died at Waukegan last week at the age of seventy-two years. The quail season is now open and will continue until midnight of Dec. 6. TWENTY YEARS AGO McHenry experienced its first real touch of winter last Sunday morning, when the thermometer registered way below freezing point. On Tuesday morning the little fellows were seen skipping oyer the frozen water^of the mill pond^ Jos N. Miller has again resumed his duties as rural letter carrier on route 3 after a forced vacation caused through illness. A number of our people have relatives, actively engaged in the European war. The gates at the mill pond dam have once more been closed and the water is rapidly gaining its normal height. The depot and Krause's hardware store at Richmond and the Spring Grove depot were entered by burglars last Friday night. YOLO Phone M Eiverside Drive SPECIAL SALE Friday and Saturday An excellent value in Silk Utidef wear. Lace trim, bias or straight Wis. Panties at $1 each \Full Fashioned, Perfect Silk HBHIFFON and SERVICE HOS^-^ at pair fAm featuring the famous Munsing underwear. Cotton and part ^ Snuggies and vests at . \ 49d and 59^ JMso Glove Fitting Foundettes at $2.35 STYLE SHOP • T E N Y E A R S A G O The Everett Hunter Boat company of this city is about to launch a passenger and boat livery on a beautiful lake at Mount Dora, Fla. A carload of boats, of various sizes, was shipped from here last Friday and are now on their way to the Florida winter resort. , The season's first fall of snow was experienced last Monday morning, but feince that time most of the "beautiful" has again disappeared. F. H. Botcheler, one of the officials of the Standard Drill company, which is moving its plant to this city, is this week moving his family out from Chicago, and will make their home in the Mead house. Mrs. Bernice Gossell and daughter, Norma Jean, have gone to Waukegan where they will spend the winter with relatives in Waukegan. Mrs. Fanny Pratt and son, Claude, have moved to Chicago where they are occupying an apartment. Their rooms here are occupied by Dave Williams and family, where he has opened a real estate office. Mrs. Elizabeth Carr and son, Victor, called on relatives in Crystal Lake, Monday. « „ Clyde Peck and girl friend, Miss Florence Schmidt, of Chicago, spent Sunday with the former's sister, Mrs. Herbert Schroeder. Miss Iva Turnbull spent Wednesday and Thursday with Chicago friends. Mrs. Fannie A. Thompson of Woodstock, pioneer of McHenry county will celebrate her 101st birthday on Wednesday, Nov. 21, a the home of her daughter, Mrs. Frank Pugh on Putnam Ave.', Woodstock. John Murphy, who has conducted thd Lakeside Hotel for the past two years, has closed the place and moyed to Chicago for the winter. Mrs. Eva Sorensen and Mrs. Edith Brown spent Thursday in Evanston. Mrs. Harry Garland, who has been seriously ill for several weeks, has been removed to the Research Hospital in Chicago. Young Turkeys Need Plenty of Succulent Feed. Poults wirv consume large quantities of green fee a4 if It Is available. The digestive tract of turkeys requires lots of bulk and succulence and green feed Is necessary for them if good performance is to be had. And, If large amounts are consumed, green feed will help cut down the consumption of other costly feeds, not only promoting a better growth but malting for efficient production ae well. When poults are •mall, says a correspondent In the Missouri Farmer, succulent greens such as lettuce, spinach 'or rape, should be free of stems and cut finely so as to avoid choking. Later, as the poults grow larger, the. greens need not he cut although the flock should be watched for choking. A* the season advances succulent greens become scarce, when other, sources of greens must be sought ^ The best sources of greens later In the season are alfalfa and clover, but where these are not available wrieds can be fed with safety and at a profit. Generally speaking, weeds should befed that are relished by such animals as cows, and weeds that cows do not eat readily such as Jlmson, burdock, cocklebur and Iron weeds should be avoided. Some of the best weeds to feed are wild ,lettuce, lambs quarter, worm weed, sour and narrow dock, morning glory, and pig weed. Turkeys are especially, fond of narrow and tour dock. Stems should not' be given, the leaves being plucked" off, but Where stems are accidentally fed they should be removed from the turkey pens after the leaves are eaten off. Occasionally,' when weeds are fed, a turkey will become choked on a large stem and when this occurs it should l?e caught, held by the feet with head downward and the stem worked, out of, the throat and mouth with the hands. The operation Is simple and will not harm the poult. SLOCUM'S LAKE Arthur Wackerow was a business caller at Crystal Lake last Saturday. Harry Matthews was a business caller at Lake Zurich last Wednesday. Mr. and Mrs. John Blomgren were callers at DeKalb last Thursday. Willard Darrell "Was a business caller at Rocklord Saturday. Mr. and Mrs. Harry Matthews and sons, Robert and Lyle, attended the band concert at the W. T. H. S. last Friday evening. The remainder of the evening was spent at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Earl Matthews. Mr. and Mrs. John Blomgren were callers Saturday at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Lundgren at Wauconda. Mr. and Mrs- H. L. Brooks were business callers at Woodstock last Wednesday. They also called at the Ralph Walkup home at Ridgefield. Mr. and Mrs. Earl Converse were Sunday supper and evening guests at the home of the latter'd parents, Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Davis. Mr. and Mrs. W. 0- Brooks of Waukegan end MSsa Lillian Tidmarsh of Wauconda .were. Sunday supper and evening guests at the home of Mr; f e ' n d " M r s . H , 1 * . B r o o k s . • . . . Mrs. Clara Smith is ill at this'writing and her daughter, Mrs. J, D. Williams of- Crystal Lake is caring for her Mr. and Mrs. Earl Converse spent Monday afternoon at the home of the former's parents, Mr. and Mrs. W. L. Converse at Grayslake. Mr. and Mrs. Fred Bennett and daughter, Ruth Jane, of M'aimens subdivision Spent Saturday evening at the home of Mir. and Mrs. Marry Matthews. .. MrT and Mrs. Alfr'ed Rau of Chicago were supper and evening guests Monday at the home of Mr. and Mrs. IT. L. Brooks. Mr. and Mrs. Clinton Raven and children were callers at Fontana, Wis., Sunday. Willard Darrell and Harry Matthews attended the United Effort Club meeting of the Lake County F arm Bureau at Grayslake last Thursday evening, •-I: w-j daughter, Dona, Jean, and, Mrs. Anna Matthews of Crystal'L^ke were call-* ers Saturday at tfie home of and Mrs. Harry Matthews. Mrs. Ella Parks, Hugh'Parks and' daughter, Jacqueline of Park Ridge! Were Sunday dinner > and afternoon guest? at the home of Mr. and Mrs. W. E. Brooks, Mrs. Raymond Lusk and daughter, Betty Lou, returned to their home i^t Maple Park Thursday after spending " a few days at the Blomgren home. . * ^ ; Mr. and Mrs. Earl Converse and , • Mr. and Mrs. Earl fiavi? ariu two " daughters attended the Empire Thea- - - tre at McHenry Saturday evening. - : Mr. and Mrs. Ira Cook and two children of Wauconda spent Saturday at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Wilbur Cook. Mr. and Mrs. Ray" Dowell and * ' daughter, Dolores, and Elmer Morton i t attended a birthday party at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Gilbert Harris at' . , McHenry, Monday evening in honor of the former. ' ' , , ; ' ^ Fr&d Dehns of Glenview and Orvflle Hutson of Chicago were callers Sun-' V.^ day at the home of Mr. and Mrs. ^ Y L. Brooks. , 7: Mr. and Mrs. R. J? Xhnvn,^^ vho wtsv': formally manager of the gas and oil'1 ; V3 filling fetatie.n,"On Route.,176, now re-^^sj'r^ sidents of WildTose, Wis., ipent their-;" * Vv ?! past week at the home ef Mr. And, •' Mrs- CIintotv"Raven. ' " .\ ' Shavings Are Superior . to Straw to Protect Eggs Shavings in the nests, straw on the floor; and wire netting over the dropping boards -r such material and equipment lead to the production of clean eggs. These are the results of tests as reported by P. B. Kumbro, extension specialist in poultry husbandry for the Ohio State university.-^ Under such conditions, only 23 per cent of the eggs produced were dirty. When straw was used for nesting material in place of shavings, the pro portion of dirty eggs rose to 49 per cent. When no nesting" material was used, the percentage of dirty eggs was 77. Consumers want eggs that are free from stain and dirt, but they do not want washed eggs. Washing not only takes time; It also rembves the pro tectlag "bloom," which detracts from the appearance of the egg. ^ * It was found that one nest Is re flulred for each five birds in the house. Gathering two or three times each day was recommended by the Investigators. OUR CASH PRICES STOCK UP AND SAVE tiiiS QUEEN OLIVES, qt. jar .;...........Jfe'- LOG CABIN SYRUP. 12 oz. can....20c FRUIT COCKTAIL. 16 oz. can ....154 MANOR HOUSE COFFEE 31c 1 COCOA, Good Kind, 2'lb. can .,._. ^le CATSUP. 14 oz. bottle ......14c- SCOTT VEGETABLE SOUP, 28 oz a 15e ' PUMPKIN. No. 2% can . l©c PITTED RED CHERRIES, No. 2 can . GOLDEN WAX BEANS, 2 No. 2 cans 25c RJSD KIDNEY BEAJ<S, 2 No. 2 cans i.^iiiS...j..25c PEACHES. Yellow Cling, cart 19c DILL PICKLES, qt. jar .. .,15c ; Mr. and Mrs. John Blomgren and NAVY BEANS. 3 lbs ........,. ....15^ Mrs. Raymond Lusk and daughter, 1 NORTHERN BEANS, Betty Lau of Maple Park spent Wed- - _......:.-....ii nesday evening at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Harry Matthews. Mr. and Mrs^. Elmer Esping spent a few days last week at the hyme of Mr. and Mrs. LaDoyt Mlatthews fn Forest Park. Mrs. Thomas Stanek and little KATE'S PLACE KlS 15c RED RASPBERRIES. No. 2 can....28c CRACKERS. Soda. 2 lb. pKg 19e GRAHAM CRACKERS, 2 lb pkg. 19c, TOMATO SOUP, Savoy. 3 cans ...19c L On U. S. 12 - North of McHenry ' 1 BATS AND DRINKS ®You Are flungry or Thirsty or If Your Car Needs Gas--STOP AT KATE'S PERSONALS Miss Hielen Whiting of Richmond was in town Thursday afternoon. Miss Louise Regner, who is attending a School of dress design, in Chicago, was home Thursday evening to spend a few day with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. John Regner. Mrs. Thomas Kane has returned from Chicago, where she spent ten days caring for her sister-in-law, who has been ill. Mr. and Mrs. Peter Gies have returned from fcheir (honeymoon trip and gone to housekeeping in the flat back of Mr. Gies' shoe repair shop in the Gritzmacher building. Earl Monear, Joe .Wdber and William Bickler returned last week from a fishing trip at La)te Butte-des- Morts near OshkoshyWis. Rep. and Mfe&K^XHomas A. Bolger were guests of Mr. and Mrs. Dan Desmond at a steak dinner served at the Buckley Tea room, Woodstock, Thursday evening, Others present were the Democratic county chairman and his wife, Mr. and Mrs. Dennis Kelley of Crystal Lake, and Mr. and Mk-s. Will Sullivan of Seneca. Mrs. Ray McGee was among the guests at the musical given at the home of Mrs. George Thomas at Woodstock, Wednesday evening for; the benefit of the Mariola dub. Mr. and Mrs- Bernard Hankie of Evanston spent Thursday here at the: home of Mr. and Mrs. Frank; St. George. Miss Myrna Bacon of Grayslake spent the past week here at the home of Mrs. E. Bacon. Mrs. Elmer Gottschalk and eon of Gilmer spent Thursday with Mrs. Lloyd Fisher. Mrs. Clinton Ravin and family of Slocum'® Lake, called on her parents, Mr. and Mrs. R. Dowell, Tuesday. M rs. Sarah Fisher spent a few days the past week with Mrs. Albert Hafer in Fremont. » Mrs. Anna Case and Mrs- M. E. Smith of Wauconda spent Wednesday afternoon at the home of Mrs. E. Bacon. Community Night was heJd at the Volo school Friday evening. A large crowd attended. The next community meeting will be held December 21. Mrs. Richard Cronin of McHenry spent the weekend here at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Frank Hironimus. Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Fisher and daughters and Mrs. Sarah Fisher called on Miss Edna Fisher at Waukegan Monday. JP The Volo Home Bureau unit met at the home of Miss Florence Kimmelshue in Libertyville Wednesday. It was an all day meeting. In the morning Mrs. Charles Wray and Miss Erline Barrow displayed the articles made at the Handicraft school. In the afternoon Miss Kimmelshue demonstrated "Meat Cookery." Eleven Discard Defectives m e m b e p w e r e p r e s e n t a n d e v e r y o n e , w H h enjoyed the day. The next meeting will be held at the home of Mrs. Herman Dunker Wednesday, Dec. 12. This will be a Christmas party. Mr. and Mrs. R. C. Hayes and daughter of Woodstock spent Sunday here with Mr. and Mrs. Herman Dunker-. Mr. and Mrs. Oberman and daughter of Berwyn, Mr. and Mrs. Graves and daughter of Chicago spent the weekend here with Mr. and Mrs. C. Obarney, V Sanitation Important ;1Phe poultryman should exercise care with reference to sanitation at all times, but in hot weather it !> necea- •ajy to take extra precaution. The presence of a dead chicken on the range may result in limber neck which Is a symptom of an acute Intestinal disorder such as comes from ptomaine poisoning. Then, too, one should be careful to provide liberal quantities of clean water and this necessitates the daily cleaning of the drinking utensils. Anything which can be done in the way of sanitation to discourage the presence of flies may also discourage tape worm Infestation. Frequent cleaning of the poultry house and p*> rlodic inspection of the house for the presence of mites may do much to eliminate some of the losses In the poultry yard.--Missouri Fanner. > , IS YOUR RADIATOR READY M WINTER? The kind of weather we haw been having for- some, time cannot last. If your .car is not prepared for. winter, some morning you will find trouble. Now is the lime to put in a good alcohol--we have it. Also it is essential to see that your oil is the right kind. If you lise' Valvoline Winter Oil you are safe. % SMITH'S GARAGE MMmm 526 McBnry Ba St. and Riverside Drive Beef and Pork Sale NOVEMBER 23-24-25 r " Greens and Water Needed Alfalfa or clover is a splendid source of greens and range pens should be located in such fields if pos slble. Poults drink a large amount of water, 100 poults using about 20 gal Ions per day when well grown. The source of water should be close at hand if possible. A good way to sup ply the flock with water Is to haul 11 In a tank or water wagon, the wagon to stand near the pen where it can be syphoned out into the watering tanks or troughs as needed. backs, or other body defects, which may prevent the birds from getting an abundance of feed, should be discarded. If pullets are to be trapped as prospective breeders, they should be free from all standard disqualifications. If they are used only for commercial egg production, such defects as stubs, slight color defects, comb defects and ho on may be disregarded as long as the birds are of good size and are vigorous. Rolled Rib Roast wl8( Chuck Pot Roast, lb. 12c Hamburger~t£ 25( L for Round Steak . . lb. 20c CUnrf p \Uq or Brisket kjIlUl I IVIUu Kjce 2fld Lean Boneless lb. 16c Brisket Mrs E.I-! Donlv and Mm CM- Lloyd FuheI. M„ E. -HaVon cago shoppers Thursday. ^ Mr. and Mrs. Alex Martini are the proud parents of a baby girl. * Mrs. Frank St. George and Mrs. Bernard Hankie were Waiikegan callers Thursday. Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Eddy of Graysdaughter, Mr. and Mrs. Alvin Caw attended the funeral of Mrs. William Dowell at Dundee Sunday. -- Misses Vinnie and Myrna Bacon, Mrs. Richard Dowell and family attended the band concert at the W. T. SMALL and LEAN lb. SMALL and LEAN lb. 16( 15( lake were Sunday dinner guests at the , evening. _ ^ home of Mr. and Mrs. Harry Pass- Da and Mrs. Kochens of Chicago field ! visited the letter's parents, Mr. and Mr. and Mrs. George Dowell and. Mrs. Frank Hironimus Sunday. family, Kr. and Mrs. -Roy Pa airfield, | The Volo Cemetery, Society will Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Passfield, Mrs. meet December 6 fct the hoat lf Mb. ) Richard Dowell and son, Mr. and E. Baeoa. PLACE ORDERS FOR THANKSGIVING POULTRY All Poultry of No. 1 Grading. t Northland Packing Co. W«t MeHmrjr, HI, :