Illinois News Index

McHenry Plaindealer (McHenry, IL), 6 Dec 1934, p. 8

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FHW mm <«» \:\ ' :• >.' » TBS McHENRY PLAINDEALER DAHLSTROM-SANDSTROM . J ,| .LEGION TO MEET MONDAY ^ * • "1%harles ' A. E>ah|strotti 'of Chicago ] McHenry Post of the American Iseand McHenry announce the marriage giort will" meet Monday evening. of his daughter, Marian, to Mr. Claj- • " 1• * enoe E. Saxidstrom of Denver^ Colo., t ' Crazy Water Crystals at Wattles oi&Nefceftiber 28.' „>,i .. i'Bni®. jltore." >/c >.«:ii »V- , ' >£f, - • ; SOCIAL WHEEL The Social Wheel will meet with " Mar. H. M. Stephepioliivlit- Rinrwctfd Thursday, Dec. 18. ? M. E. CHURCH ' /;./; Y o« , •Aire-' invited to attend services at the M. E. church every> Sunday. • " Sunday school, 10 a. m. • Mowning worship," 11 a. m. Sermon by the pastor, Rev. L. H. Brattain. r' V SON IS CHRISTENED Webejr, daughter, Laura, and iiiWin, Joe, and Miss Margaret Blakt of Milwaukee, Wis., were Sunday guests of Mr. and Mrs. Henry "Weber and attended '.the christening of their irrfatit son; Joe Weber and Miss Mar- • i Blake* vrere sponsors for the b«by, . ( ! IN SPECIAL MEETING JA special', meeting1 of the LadiieS' Aj^ societyr was held Qfiday at the .of Mrs.v:Jehn..;Fjfy -to;Cbmpleti?' . articles for the bazaar whieh is be'mg .vheld today; Dec, '6,/^3^'.:l*idie*i' have Wer, w'orinng hard -iaod^tft^ftS?-.Jiseftit •u -fatocr a|ticles .were prepared. . \< € P A ' S f ' O R A C L E S C L U B V The Past Oracles club of McHenry * COBfty will meet at th-^ home, of Mrs. •peter M, Jasien Tuesday. afternoon Pot-luck lunch wiTl be seized. Each ; one :« to bring a gift to exchange as He* will be a Christmas party. All CHAPTER MEETING McHenry Chapter, 6. E, S..~wifl meet Monday Evening, Dec. 10. Election of officers will be held., s » MOTHERS CLUB > Mothers club will meet mi? the home of Mrs. George Johnson on Dec. 14. This will be a Christmas party and each one is to bring a donation of food and a small toy for Christmas baskets. RIVERVIEW CAMP MEETS . Riverview Camp, R. N. A., met in regular session on Tuesday evening of last week with a fine attendance of members present . Following the business meeting, card were eaijoyed AUXILIARY TO MEET* McHenry ufiit of the Legion Auxiliary will meet Thursday evening, Dec 33. The meeting of the county chapter of the Auxiliary will^be held at , jWoodstock this Friday night. It will be preceded^ by"'the pjfcst tients' banquet. 28-bp ! CHRISTMAS SALE Another big sale of*practical worthwhile Christmas gifts -- Furniture. Watch next week's ad. N.' J. Justen & Sofi. 28-bp PLAY AIRPLANE BUNCO Mr. a^d Mrs. Anton H. Fr^und entertained a party of friends at their home Sunday evening. Airplane bunco Was played during the evening and prizes were awarded to Mrs. Earl Brown and Ted Kaelin, first prize; Mrs. Peter J. Schaefer and C. D. OF A. MEETING • A business meeting of the G* D. of A. will be held this evening, at which time plans will be made for Christmas. It is hoped that a large attendance will be present. WEEi^Y EXCHANGE ITEMS OF INTEREST (Continued from front page) BUSINESS WOMEN MMjT^ Mrs. C. W. Goodell, president of thd McHenry County Business and Pro- Earl fessional Women's club, attended a Brown, second, and consolations went Meeting of the club at Woodstock Neunert of Chicago and- the weekend in th£ home: of. her parents, Mr. and Mrs. William Bacon Mr. and Mrs*. John Bolgur spent Thursday in tht,« home of her brother et Pecatonica. . Mr. and Mrs. E- H- Nichels and children spent Thanksgiving with relatives at Woodstock'. Mr. and Mrs. Joe Michels and family of Crystal Lake were visitors In UM home of Mrs. Michels' sister and l^jband, Mr. and Mis. George Justen, Tlmrsday. Miss Adeline Perkins and Edward Matson of Waukegan spent Thursday with her parents, Mr.'and Mrs. James Perkins. s. Thanksgiving day guests of Mr. and Mrs. Nick P. Justen were Mr. and Mrs. Ben Neunert and Miss Anna Mrs; Neumert to Mrs. William , H. Althoff and [ Monday evening, flans wete made George Freund. The guests were | for a series of four educational meet- Messrs. and Mesdames William H. j jnffS tD be held on the first Monday and lunch served. Thg next nteeting Althoff, Ted Kaelin, Peter J. Sehae- i 'month, following the Tegular will be election of officers; tJIRL SCOUTS HAVE PARfY The. <Jirl Scouts enjoyed a party' at their room iii the hicrh school Monday evening. Each member invited gue?t and a happy evening was spent in playing ganies. after ifrhkh lurttH 'r-Oirestament p'f Youth** $y Vera fer, George Freund, Nick Freund, Will Ttafris of; Waukegan apd- Earl Bro-wrn. business meeting of the club. The committee on arrangements for these meetings is Dawn DeWolf, Mrs. E. C. F.R.V. 4-H MEETING v ^oe, Frances Engeln and Minnie .The meeting-of-'t-he-F.R.V.4-H Hub gohn. " V, ^ was lield at the hom<? of Elsie Vyoital j Mrsa E. M.^PIiilliips .wiH h*ve charge on,-Non', "it. A most enjoyable tim« of the meetings, whicli will. in the had and plans were made,£or the , nature of book reviews and discusr; neist ine^ting which will be held at tbe , sions. ? . hpme of Marie Vales on De^, 8th. at j Plans Were also ttiade to give each 2:30 o'clock. The meeting canw to^aschild at the oiphafts^' &drtie it Christ^ close when the hosts served delicious n^s i^c^king^: , ' refreshments. . > { -------- It is important for all members "to, J R.N. A. CAMP ELECTS j be at DOT next meeting in order to Brittain, was the book, reviewed by Mr^. E. M. Phillips at", the Study club Wednesday evening. ' «, - Mrs. Phillips braved"- the si»ow [fulfill our plans and you remember annual election of officers m many storm, corairjg over from Woodstock i that Christmas is only a very ?hort lodges and societies. The month of December brings tl»e Rol? call win ]to keep her appointment here and all'time away. ttst eracies ane -- , , , , , t , . MARIE VALESy,.Reporter^ W acswervd W a verse CT anvthing t ^ho *ezTil h^r agreed^^ that the eve •^l^stajrisg-to- Oiristaas. (pmg was a raost interestang a»d-pn>- | fitable one. S^ELEBRATES BIRTHDAY Jliss Eleanor Althoff celebrated is a sister of Mrs. Justen. Thanksgiving day guests of Mr. and Mrs. Joe Smith were Mr. and Mrs. George Young and sons of Ririgwood, Mr. and Mrs. Edward Smith of, Crystal Lake, Mr. and Mrs. FulleT Boutelle and: family, Lake Geneva, Wi3., an<l Mr; and Mrs; john R. Smith of this city. . -v- Mr. and ;Mrs. Frank May and family of ChicHgtf ,• ttifre? Thahksffiving, day guests of Mr. and Mrs. J«»6 N.Miller. ; : ;: Charlei . -Whitipg'v"sj^Bi»'t'."Th^nfogiv-' ing and the weekend with' friends in Wisconsin. Mir. and Mrs. R. I. Overton, daughter Gwendolyn, and grandson, and Mr. and Mrs. Dick Overton were Thanksgiving day guests of* Mr. and ! Mrs. Will Cowen at Harvard. Mrs. Nellie Bacon and daughter. 4th. They are life-long residents of Richmond township and McHenry c o u n t y . . . . . - x " • Roy Sarnowski, 53 years old, of Chicago, a confessed chicken thief, is near death at the Lake County General hospital from wounds he received early last Saturday when he was trying to steal chickens from the Stancliff farm near Pradrie View. Francis Stancliff not only wounded Sarnowski but he shot and wounded Adam Shcask, 43 years old, of Chicago. Sarnowski was hit in both legs he* low the knee-cap and Dr. Karl M. Beck found that more than 150 pellets ^jvere drilled into the legs of the mac-.- The shock is extremely severe and Sheriff Lester T. Tiffany eta ted that he doubted if the man would live through it. Shcask was hit below the knee-capa also, but only a few pellets struck him. ; \ ' r . Thrown fron\ a light car he was driving and run over by a truck, Dale Sherman of Barington was killed on the Northwest highway about onetenth of a mile south of the Main street intersection shortly before 6 Thursday, December 6, 1934 m --IT,. p. m. Tuesday of last week. His c*r was struck 'by a light truck driven by Phillip McLaughlin of Kewashui, Wis., which was about to pass th«_ . car when the collision occurred. A - ~ wheel of the truck ran over head after he had been thrown onto* the pavement in frynt of it. * >V lmitmti*ri of Medieval Forty In Cintra, which is just six oiileiV from Cape de Ro?a, Portugal, the westernmost promontory on . the European mainland, one of the highest points (Ml , the Sierra is dominated by the Palaclo de Pena, a fantastic imitation <of ii medieval fortress. The Pniacio wa» .« built oa the .Bjte of A Hieronymtte cot. vent by the prince-consort, FerdinaoiiS of Saxe-Coburg, and although it looks as old as the Hundred ..Years war. It dates only from the tii^e of Ian and the Third Napoleon. • " , - Much Shaliac Uiad in 4J. S. %'v.^ More than half of the gHeltac pnp: duCed In India |a ^exported to ' United States." Qlfleiids wa« Sdd at tl^ A. Coii-' "Mrs. Fred Do?ch entertained th . ( l*».y heme TVarsday Daife-^memWFs-of--the--Lily Lake Ladies'4. and schoolmates to a party at her; if -sras ecjoyed to music furnished ^»: a£rue at a card and bur.eo party and j home fdi&r school- Games were , by Mr. and Mrs. Carl Weber. 'Guests-ttei- -Tuesdaiy .rfternoon. We following. pTaje<f and refreshments were served : TSfrre Mr! and Mr?. John Ay!ward. %vere present: Mrs'. Joseph Daiy, Mrs. j with a birthday cake atid attractive "Minnie. Irene and Jean Conway. Mrs Frar.k Cleary, Elgin; Margaret Ayl- , Wrd. Leroy Conway, Chicago; Mr. and Mrs. Ray Conway, daughters, /Betty - and- Marion, Grace, :.and Dan O'Sheaiof this-city.' Weber. Mrs. G, Wegener. Mrs. W. Swanson, Mrrie- Etten, Josephine thofT, On Tuesday night Fox River Valk.i) Camp, R.N.X., held its election o! 'Maxine, .Mrs. Mollie Givens and sons, ; officers with Mrs. Mary Freund elect- j and Miss Anna Fri.«by spent Thanks- j ed as oracle.- Mrs. Floribel Bassett, i giving in the home of Mr. and Mrs. | present pracle, will be past oraclt- and i Walter Warner in Elgin. Other guests 4 t . . . . . T- , . M a r i o n W e g e n i s r , w a s e l e c t s v i c e w e r e p r e s e n t f r o m C h i c a g o , S t . ; °f Oracle.. Other officers elected "wert; ! Charles and Elgifi. was spent last w*ek b^' inviting fifteen friend , Receiver--Mrs. Etta Wattles. jwith cards, music and dancing. Recorder--Mrs. Elizabeth Schoewer. i ' Thanksgiving day guests in the Marshal--Mrs. Gertie Thurlwell.' ,, home of Miss Kate McLaughlin were Chancellor--Clara Stoffel. : j Mr. and Mrs. Otis Murray, daughter. Musician--Lena StoffeL'..,Margery, son, Ray, of Geneva; Miss Inner Sentinel--Mrs. Ethel Beyer, St. Charles; Mr. and Mrs. Jack McLaugl^in, daughter, Steinsdoerfer. Mrs. W. Euen, Mrs. P./decbrationSj .. . _ ....... :i lnr)er Thoie present were Do|othy gcbi€Ssle. Dosch, Mrs. Ed. Wiesbaum, Eler.or Schaefer. Mar>- Durland; Rosemary s^raat Lorraine Stacknick, Evelyn Outer Sentinel--Mrs. Edna Water- ! JH|lia, Rjngwood; William Ooh^rty, Wegener. Mrs. Fred Dosch won priz les in five hundred and bunco. - . . AFTER DEC. 14 Bj^irmii3£ Saturday, J)ec. 15, we wiU be locat /ed iii ihe Barbiiaii building, ;oc^i^er Elm- streets, to handle your Cleaning, iDyeing Aad Tailoring; / • /Lodtz & Lodtji ; Donna Marie Freuh'cl and Mrs. Mattie Manager--Mrs. K^tb^rine Howard. Smith, McHenry. - ; Plans Were made for a Christmas ! Mary K. Adams,«daughter, } Vales.^Mary- Erifck-: ^ which will take place aft«r the , Christine, and Mrs. Gilbert Harris and ! r • -- 'son were Thanksgiving day guests in the* Fred Adams home at Des Plaines lin. : ~ ' ' j "Mr. and Mrs. George H. Johnson MARRIED 15 YEARS ,and family sponfc Wednesday night Thanksgiving day was the occasion and Thursday in tlie A. K. Bums home at Oak Park. . | Mr. and Mrs. N. E. Barbian and son, George, and Mr. and Mrs. Albert Hettermann, Henrietta Herdfich, Marj garet Landl, Audrey Rothermel, Jane Schnaitman. Marie Vales. Mary Erifck- ^ l son, Louise Stilling, Paudine^IJerd^^, y;ext meeting. Each • rti^mber is W Evelyn-WeingaH and Theodora R*®* t bring a small gift to exchange. CHOIR MEMBERS FORM CLUB^ The^ choir members of St. Mary's church and their wives, have .recently organized a club and enjoy a meeting every two weeks. On Sunday even^.g Math Blake. for ft happy gathering of relatives and friends of Mr. and Mrs. William H. Altlfbff, who celebrated their fif- , ... teenth w;dding anniversary at their , Barbian were Thanksgiving dinneT they were entertained at the home of home Qn 8treet on that day. guests in the home of Mrs. Albert Mr. and Mrs. Anton P. Freund, where, plowing a delicious Thanksgiv- |Barbian'p parents in Chicago.^ cards were played and prizes in five in(? dinner; the afternoon was spent j M"r. and Mrs. George Shepafd and hundred awarded to Mrs. Math Blake at'canjs wjth several prizes awarded , children of Ringwood spent Thanksand MM. J. J. Miller. Members of the to thft |UCKY winners."*Then came sup- |8T»vin« in the home of her parents, club are Messrs. and Mesdasrts per an(j an eVening of games and ,Mfr. and Mrs. J. F. Claxton. Stephen -Schmitt. Will Althoff, Joe J. sociabiiity with the guests departing! Mrs. Maurene HunteT and daugh- Miller, John N, Smith, Peter A. after they had extended best wishes;^. Mary Jane, and John Goelzer Freund, Loui?, Adanis, Anton P. tQ their geniaj hosts for the return ' sP«nt Thanksgiving in the home.of the Freund, and Messrs. Leo Meyers and of many more annjVersaries. Mr. and Otter's sister, Mrs. Clyie Pontius, at Henry Schaeffer. Some of these ineiI Mts: Altlioff also received a gift in Walworth bers were not able to be present Sun- honor of th^ day evening and other guests wefc ( Thoge pres€nfc w^re: Mr. and Mrs. Mrs. Anna Meyers and Mr. and Mr|: John gmith Mr Mrs Fred j . me Anotherof those Wonderful New Type LUICK SPECIAL BRICKS • erries Raspberries between two layers of America's most famous ice cream. You never have had a raspberry combination that quite approaches this. Be sure to serve it, because it will positively delight your family and your guests. -4" p. Green St. Phone 40 McHenry Smith and family, Mr. and Mrs. Bernard N. Smith and family, TVtr. and Mrs. Carl J. Freund and family, Mr. ! and Mrs. Joe M. Schmitt and family, Ray, Leo, Leona and Walter Smith, Walworth, Wis. Master Tommy Lawson s p e ft t Thanksgiving and his vacation with relatives at Dundee, returning home Sunday night. Mr, and Mrs. J. Boiihen of Wiltnette spent Thanksgiving with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. John King. Mrs. Anna Howard, son, Donald, Dorothy Palmer of Harvard, and flor- ; a,Trd Jerry Lawson were Thanksgiving ence Schmitt "" ! day guests of relatives at Woodstock * | They, with Mr. and Mrs. Ben Howard NORTH SHORE CLUB MEETS |of Detroit and others, were also Chi- Guests from Elgin, Antioch, North ©Ago.visitors during the day. Chicago, Lake Forest, Waukegan and I ^r- aT1d Mrs. Harry Townsend and Grayslake were present at the gath« son sP€nt Thanksgiving in the hom** NEW PONMC © j ering of matrons and patroivs of the „ I North Shore club at Masonic hall Fri- £ i day evening, with Miss Frances Vyci- A , tal as their hostess. The officers and past matrons and patrons of McHenry chapter were | also invited. A delightful evening was spent in games and dancing, • with music furnished by the Monarchs of Melody, TRe party waa a hard times affair r, . and costumes of every description Chicago were worn by the guests. Prizes for the best hard tim^s costumes were won by Corinne Clark of Bethel chapi ter, Elgin; Alice Rushmore, of Grayslake; Louise Simons, Antioch; Howard Stewart, Waukegan-, R. Wilton, Antioch, and Mr. Deering ,of Bethel ^ chapter, Elgin. ^ | A bouquet sent by Mr. Podock of ) Antioch went to Mrs. George Johni son, who was worthy matron in 1924. Refreshments were served. of Mrs. Townsend's sister at Evansville, Wis. Mr. and Mrs. T. W. Winkel and Mr. *j-ST»d Mrs. Leo Winkel spent Thanksgiving with relatives in Chicago. Dinner guests of Mr. and Mrs. Harry Durland and Mrs. John Schuensmann Thanksgiving day were Mr. and Mrs. L. A. Schuenamann, Mr. and Mrs. James Flynn, Jr., Mr. and Mrs. K. J. • Schuenamann and children of r.J Y| GOODFELLOW-LOVGRBil •. Miss Mary Goodfellow, only daughj ter of Mr. and Mrs. Charles J. Goodj fellow of Chicago was united in mar- £ i riage to Mr. Kenneth C. Lovgren, son , of Mr. and Mrs. Charles Lovgren of ^ Hubbard Woods, at 10 o'clock Wed- A nesday morning, Nov. 28, with Rev. X THANKSGIVING VISITING DAY (Continued from Fiont Page) and Harrison were un- , Monsignor W. B. Kinsella of St. companion hurt. Betty,. the little fiv% year old daughter of Mr. and Mrs. RUssell Mc- Broom of Johnson avenue, Libertyville, is in the Condell Memorial hospital recovering from burns received Sunday morning dt last week when her night dress caught fire from the gas range in the home. Betty and an older sister got up Sunday morning in advance of their parepts and lit one burner on the gas stove. The child stood on a chair to reach over the flame which caught her night dress. Hearing the cries of the child, the mother rushed to her .aid and smothered the flames, burning her hands in the operation. A physician was called Among the many weak ^Crut^hes" itpon^ JS* far too many people plaie dangerous support i|ay be named "friendly medical advice" aiid 'Advertised cu^aJl8.?, v • Ignore these--place full dependence in your physician--you will profit in health and money. Our service aids both you and your physician. Bolgex^i pharmacy Phone 40 McHenry FRIDAY AND SATURDAY, DECr? ANJ*8 Philip Neri officiating. The bride was attended by Miss boretta Barry, a former classmate at ! and had the child removed to the Con- Rosary College; while Mr. B. Clay- j dell Memorial hospital where she is baugh of Hubbard Woods,-a former now under treatment. .Her left arm classmate of the groom at Wabash I is burned as is the entire left side of College served as best man. The bride her body and leg. J was beautifully attired in a deep blue j Mrs. H. G. Reading, aged 76, Solon velvet gown with blue accessories and i Mills, suffered a broken right leg late R, I. Overton Motor Sales McHENRY, ILL. Costs'No More To Travel First Class wore orchids. The bridesmaid wore an ensemble of blue and carried gardenias. After the ceremony the wedding party enjoyed a nuptial breakfast at the Southmoor Hotel, where the happy couple received the best wishes of their friends. They then left, on a two weeks trip to H»t Springs, National Park, and other points south. Mr. and Mrs. Lovgren will be at home to their friends after December 10 at 7715 South Shore Drive. The bridal party consisted of th«? immediate families of the bride and groom. Miss Loretta Barry of Belmont, Iowa; Mr. Claybaugh of Hubbard Woods, Monsignor Kinsella of Chicago; Miss Margaret O'Gonnell of Whiting; Miss Eleanor McLean of Chicago; Thomas Cullerton and William Martin of Chicago. r;>F - 1W--V. '•"? r • last week Saturday afternoon when she fell on the stairs in the home of Mrs. Loretta Sully, Rockford, 111., where she had gone to spend the day. Mrs. Reading, is seems was going upstairs to get her wraps when she stumbled on the top most step of the stair CAse falling headlong on the upstairs landing. It was found that her right leg was broken below the knee. H. Ii. Ehom of Richmond was summoned to bring Mrs. Reading, to her home in his ambulance and Dr. William Hepburn of Ringwood accompanied Mr. Ehorn to Rockford to attend Mrs. Reading. It is reported that Mrs. Reading is doing fairly well in her home here but she will have to be confined to her bed for eight weeks at least. She suffered a broken right arm two years ago from a fall at home, and has completely recovered from that. Mr. and Mr*. H. G. Read- Say you Taaf iV ^ THB-TLAW-', irtg -oetebmted the ^th-annivw-sary yD IALER.. {of " their golden waddla# on October • : • •' ; >• v Pancake Flour Self rising buckwheat flour, a product of Mc- Henry Flour Mill. We urge you to try it. 21b. sack, 12 V*6 5 lb. sack, 26<^ 10 lb- sack, 50^ CHEESE--Genuine Colby long horn cheese, lb. SMOKED SALT--Old Hickory smoked salt, 21b. can _ 23<t 10 Tb. can _ Butter DeUcious Oreainery Butter, per pound 19* 89* 32c CABBAGE--Fine Wisconsin cabbage, TO. ...... 2* SALMON--Red Alaska, 1 lb. tall cans .-- Graham or Soda Crackers, 1 lb. pkg., each ORANGES--Large size navel oranges (200), do*. 29* ONIONS--10 lb. bag of dry onions 23* Crackers 10c Sugar Finest Cane Sugar 101for4 9c ROASTER--20 inch, blue enameled, self basting turkey roaster, a regular $2.75 value special $1.98 SHOES--Boys' high cut shoes, composition soles, per pair ^ $2.25 OVERSHOES--Men's 4 buckle, all rubber > arctics, per pair $2.25 PHONE 154 FOR DELIVERY SERVICE

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