Illinois News Index

McHenry Plaindealer (McHenry, IL), 6 Dec 1934, p. 4

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r*rr-»-• '5^-; -%* * ' ; rr' • sr.'.. Few "V ;i " ** • immm^trn THE McHKNKT PLAIND KALIS* Thursday, December 6, U34& mm* m S. tiiiii gr-^V M'HENRY PLAINDEALER PobliriMd erary Thursday at McHenrj, DL, by Charles F. Baidi Entered u aecond-claas matter at the po«toffice at McHenry, DL, ua- '|k the act of May 8, 1879. FOR SALE 0n« Year - |b Months ^.L. $2.00 A. H. H06HER, Editor and Manager sonable. Inquire of James Hunter, McHenry, Route 2, ~ 24tf PERSONALS Mir». John Schuenamaml is visiting *t Waukegan this week. Sunday dinner guests of Mr. and Mrs. Frank M. Blake were, Mr. and Mrs. S. H. Freund, daughter, Bertilla, Mr. and Mrs. Carl J. Freund and fam- FOR SALE --A few choice Poland ily, Mr. and Mrs. Ben J. Smith and China Stock Hogs, priced very rea- family and Hubert Freund and fam- BNTERS COMPETITIOX William A. Stewart of McHenry ?^&unty has Entries for the draft horse ^competition at tlie International Livt ;;Stook exposition being held 1n Chitigo this wee«t. according to reports. Stewart ' tfitted five Percheron horses on his Nippersink W ood farm fpr the contest of this breed at the show, whic.h marks it~« "thirty-fifth anniversary* as the'leading Jive stock fcbow. FOR SALE OR RENT--Nick Weber MASONS ELECT OFFICERS (farm, 75 acres. Located 1 mile east Chauncey L.<Harrison ..-ngis elected of Pistakee Bay Road. Inquire of worshipful master.'of McHenry Lodge |Mrs. Wm. Bishop, McHenry. 24-tf No. 158, A. F., & A. M., at the meeting of the lodge Monday evening. Other officers elected were: Senior Warden--Clinton E. Martin., Junior Warden--Clarence Neil Carleon. V- ;>••,/ Treasurer--feeorge H. Johnson. • Secretary--James N-. Sayler., FOR SALE--Baled alfalfa and bean hay; will buy on commission; one power clipping machine for cows and sheep. ^ Will A. Johnson, Sugar Grove, 111. Phone 29. *27-2 FOR RENT r V '•/$. a. 1 vV America's Outstanding Motor Car Value v The New 1935 Ford .A-i Used.Car Prices Reduced -"•For Pne-inventorv Sale PHONE WEST M'HENRY FOR RENT--A pleasant room, centrally located. Inquire at this off i c e . - • , v " . • , 5 2 - t i I ^--i i ' ' 1 • . i, . 1 FOR* RENT-- Six-room cottage on Waukegan St., north of McHenry school. Inquire Walter 3. Freund.- , -j./ • •• 24tf FOR RENT--Farm near McClollurh's Lake." About 125 '-atria,' Pbssessi'on March 1- Make terms to right party. Inquire of Mrs. Magd&lena Bohr, McHenry. ^ ,.:.vv?5tf WANTED WANTED--Old cars, scrap iron, brass, copper, radiator*, batteries, rags and paper. Call M. Taxman, McHenry 173. " v \ 88-tf WANTED--Lady's site 42 or 44, and other women's cloths; men's overcoats. These articles are needed by the local relief workers for destitute people of McHenry township. Anyone who has any of the above and are willing to donate them, please call McHenry 203-R or 117-J. *27-2. iiy- Mr. and Mrs. Fred Kun& attended a party at the, home of Wm. Bailey at Woodstock Saturday night. Mrs. John Olson of Hugo, Ore., is visiting her mother, Mrs. Gottlieb Boley and sister, Mrs. M. L. Worts. This is Mfc|tty9U»on's first visit here in twelve Jf&K. Miss Anita BacoB.:i* 'visiting "it St. Charles. .. Miss Anna Moffatt of Chicago spent the weekend at Emerald Park, leaving Monday for Florida, where she will spend, the winter. Mr. and Mrs. William Haff of Oak Park and Mr. and Mrs. J. Barrett of Park Ridge were Sunday callers . in the M. A- Sutton home. John Phalffi "•ii'nid daughter, Ruth, arrived home Sunday, after a few days' visit with relativeajafc Cleveland, o. / 1- -. "V „ ' Miss Gertrude Jacobi has itetunied to Chicago, after ft Visit with her grand mother, JMrs. Hensel. Mr. and Mrs. M. J. Schaffer And family of Crystal Lake were Sunday callers in the Hi J. Schaffer home. Mrs. Lillian Mitchell, Mr. Fordland, and Mr. and Mrs. Carl Antonsen and daughter, Janet, of Chicago were Sunday guests of Mr. and Mi's. Tom Kane. Jack Daley was a Chicago business visitor Monday. Stanley Schaeffer Was a Chicago visitor Sunday nights Mrs. Simon Stoffel, daughters. Lena and Clara, Mayme Buss and Clara Schiessle were Sunday visitors ifl^the C. G. Frett home at Aurora. Mr. and Mrs. Jack Geary and Emmet Geary of Wauconda were Sunda.v visitors in the home of Mr. and Mrs. H. J. Schaffer. r .... Mrs. F. O. Gans and son; Frank, _ left Monday on a trip to Indianapolis -- ! to visit Mrs. Cans' daughter and husband, Mr. and Mrs. Edward Powling. Mrs. Elizabeth Laures spent a fewt WHEN YOU NEED A VETTERINAR- ^ays the last of the week in Chicago. IAN--Call Richmond 16. Graduate' Thoma WANTED--Present address of Frank Schna'bel, former Tphotographer in McHenry. Important !k Phone McHenrj 62G-R-1, or call Plaindealer. MISCELLANEOUS >28 Mrs. Allen remained for a week's visit. " Mrs. Charles Ensign and sons visited in the H. A. Thomas home near Crystal Lake, ^Sunday. Mrs. A. E, Nye returned Tuesday from a week's visit with h^r mother and other relatives at Indutnapolis, Weisburg and Aurora, ' Ind. ,1116 weather was warm and springlike but the countrywas suffering _from the drouth with many wells dry and had not received the rain that this sec* tion has enjoyed. Sobs Follow Ftlkiw The extent to which sous follow the occupations of their fathers has been the subject of a series of studies mad« among 23,361 men in all walks of life In six different countries. The figures show that 451 out of every 1,000 men either take up the same kind of •work as their father's or enter an occupation closely allied to 1L--Collier's Weeklyt 'v'--.!1 QUALIFIED FOR PONTIAC CLUS R. L Overton of the R. I. Overtoil- Motor Sales, McHenry, has receive* notice that he has qualified for meiflfbership in the Pontiac Thousand Poiat club for 1934. This is the highest* honor a Pontiac salesman can attain; An appropriate pin and also a pri* award goes to all club members. Plaindealer Want Ads bring result »»4 i >t'W'<t»»•«"»»•»••••< Atnong1 the Sick Elmer Freund, son of Mr. and Mrs. Mike Frtund, underwent an operation for appendicitis at Dr. Brand's hospital, Woodstock, last week Wednesday. He is recovering nicely. Herman Kretuzer, Jr., left St. Anthony's hospital, Chicago, Sunday, where he was confined for about ten days, ^following an operation for hernia. He remained in Chicago, however, for treatment. , "Butch" P^e.und,'\.eW|>1o]ne4':^. ..the Buss-Page Motor Sales garage, is taking a forced vacation due to an injured hand. His hand a|id arm yras s e v e r e l y b u r n e d 4 * ^ t is healing slowly. AUCTION CHARLES LEONARD, Auctkmeer The undersigned will sell at Public Auction on the Otto P. Johnson farm, located 2Vz miles south of Ringwood, 2% miles west of McHenry, 9 miles northeast of Woodstock, at McCullom's Lake, on TUESDAY, DEC. 18 Commencing at 1:Q0 o'clock sharp, i the following described property, to- ! wit: ' . ; 21 HEAD LIVESTOCK Consisting 01 i 12 MILK COWS, New Milkers and 'Springers; 251 lb. Bowman base to be sold with cows; Guernsey Bull; 2 Heifers', 3 | years old; Heifer, 2 years old; 2 : Heifers, 18 months. --. 3 HEAD HORSES --Grey Horse, 1400; Bay Mare, 1450; Black Mare, 1 .. . • „ Kno.x ovt D^ owner? Grov , Set of Dn oubK1l e „Ha rness*- nranan. prompt service. uen«ra.l jpent a rectal day here. " TR Whvte Leghorn ChickelST Home-Coming Cash'Sale To Verify That Cash has greater} value Invite' You To Visit Our Market andrSee ,5 Ouri Prices and Quality. SPECIAL PRICES FOR FRIDAY AND SATURDAY HAMBURGER, Fresh Ground Ihs. X9<^ PORK LOIN ROAST and Lean -r-^y p<>r ib. i4<* POT ROAST of Baby Beef •..- ^\'ery. Tender Per lb. 12^^ FRA^ntFURJTERS, large ai^d juicy .. 2 lbs. 25^ BACON - Nice and Lean ^ Half or AYliol^ Slabs Per lb. --v„ 22^» -.Sliced 25<^ STEAKS Round Stefik and Sirloin V«ry Tender Per lb. prartice.;. Both large and small ani- Mr?. Henry- He inter.- spent, the-las. . . • r . - - njals. Dr. John Ducey, Richmond, UL c,f >^e weeic ir„ the h^^ pf her dauirh- | . . „ X 12-2€r • . "' -ipr in Chicago, _ • -- " ' -- • ytr.j arn •d M, r®• . '-fVed-: :C.: • ScJioie-m T- ..-::., . . , , Wh?att-;, 1,n0A0 -,b us.h els aO a*t•s- visjted fr_ie ndj* in i h»,c aeo b••u•»n' dia y. v ,• 4.^v-.l ^us-Lh el,s - «B ar,i tv; ,3W0A0 ,b us.h els •<C-, orn Mr• sA., .F,r ed Kam- holz went to . Cm- . . . o.«,- v n' ' *»' • « cactrFridav morning, whve r^e she spent •. -m.•- Crib: lbs. Br„e we,r.s M.a lt. _ f, feiv davs visitins in ,he hom„ of . VJSWr »»B<»- Combination Box Her children. She returned home Sun-'K?,. "?>' .?!' °tt™P DEAD ANIMAL REMOVED FREE OF CHARGE . ' MIDAVEST REMOVAL CO. PHOXE DUNDEE 10 Reverse Charges 12' tons of Hay in barn; some Strav; iii ,barnr 12 it. .Silage in 14 ft. silo; day. Milk . Wagon; Light Spring Wagon; FoirQCICK REMOVAL OF DI5AD Sirs. Josephine HeimSr retametf!^' RiS A N D CRIPPLED COWS OR HORSED Tuesday from a few dayg* visit :n , V ^-Siw- McCormick « call Axel Bolvig, Woodstock 1645-W-2 Chicago, ^ - , ! Sow^r^Sc^Sn^eSg ! and reverse charges. *18-26 j Mr. and Mrs. Frank Chapman of jl" ' oinaer' Veennj, ^ Woodstock visited Mr?. T. Walsh BACK IN BUSINESS AGAIN -- The °Tuesday. old reliable commission man. Ship j Sunday dinner guests in the "home u« your Live and Dressed Poultry, of Mr. and Mrs. J. P. Claxton were Veal, Eggs, Hides and Game. . We pay | Mr. and Mrs. Fred Pehne of Glenvou top market prices always, give {view,. 111., Orval Hutson, Chicago, and correct weight and make prompt re-1 Mrs. Adne Richardson of Daniel, Wyo. turns. Write for tag and quotations, j Mrs. Richardson is a former resident When Better Meats Are Sold, Tor Less Money, w® Will Sell Them" Central Cash Market Green St. WM. PRIES, Prop; We Deliver A Square Deal to All. Fred Pegel Co., 230 Peoria St., cor. Fulton Market, Chicago. 24-7 HOLIDAY BAKING--Call Mrs. Feltz for all kinds of holiday bakery goods. Phone 124-R. 28 KNITTING CLASS--Mrs. Lillian Cox will start a knitting class of eight or ten people, charging 2 Be per person. Those interested phone 220-R. 28 I am publicity man fop a large, successful corporation that" is -ready to back the right man in business in your community, provided he measures up to these few requirements: If he has had at least 5 years business experience or been in the trades that long, lives in the county, is not on relief, drives his own car, and' has good character references, and wants something profitable and permanent, without investing a penny, there is an opening - right :now. Please Communicate by letter only:--giving phone number and address and briefly stating qualifications. L. K. Jones, 2622 Sunnyside Ave., Chicago, "111. 28 of this vicinity, where she was known as Miss Adne Hutson and was an old schoolmate of Mrs. Claxton. Rolland Ensign was a Chicago visi* tor Tuesday. Mrs. James E. Allen and daughter, Helen, of Mlshawaka, Ind., were weekend guests in the home of the former's daughter, Mrs. .G. W. Hess. Grain Binder, Hay Rake; Side Delivery Rake; Set 3-section Drag; Pulverizer; Grain Drill; MjcCormick-Deering Hay Loader; Corn Sheller; Model-A Ford Milk Truck; Fanning Mill; Cream Separator; Clipping Machine; Platform Scales. ' TERMSAll sums of $25.00 and under cash. Over that amount a credit of six months' time will be given on good bankable notes satisfactory to the clerk bearing 7% interest. Positively no property to be moved until settled for with clerks. MSS. CARRIE JOHNSON West McHenry State Bank, Clerking PERSONAL ii'v' •/;' td •< .. J : ^ | Central Garage FRED J. SMITH, Prop. } JOHNS BURG, ILL. Prepare For Winter -- We Carry Alcohol, Presto^ Winter Oils and Greases ^ 7 TOWING AND REPAIRING Phones--200-J - - . . Night--640-J-2 MONTH IN JAIL Frank Bradley of McHenry pleaded guilty to a charge of disorder!? conduct before Judge Allen Monday in county court and was sentenced to spend one month in the county jail. Eradley was apprehended after he had thrown a brick through Gus U.nti's store window. Births •••••••| Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth Cristy of Ringwood are parents of a son, born j Nov. 3J5, at Woodstock hospital. LONE MAPLE TAVERN Prof. Fred Sohmitt and His Orchestra SUNDAY AFTERNOON AND .EVENING Everyone Welcome ,. A. H. WATSON, Prop. CHICAGO & NORTH WESTERN RY. Change in schedule Dec. 3. See •x Agents for particulars. 281 NieT«r Too Cold to SaoW Santa Claus Jn Pereon In a Big Street Parade SATURDAY, DEC. 8TH, 1 O'CLOCK 25 FREE PRIZES awarded to the children dressed in costumes to represent story book and nursery rhyme characters in, Santa's big Street Parade FREE GIFTS McHenry County's Largest Toy Department if Newest Toys - Lowest Prices v HARDWARE COMPANY j Woodstock, 111. , i --Steee hiww falls Tti the coldest parts of the world. It never gets too cold to snow. It is a fact, however, that many of our heavy snows fall during milder" periods of winter temperature. This, explains the weather bureau, IS because most rains or snqwg come on the easterly to southerly winds. Cold winds, then, are from the wrong dlnections to bring much snow and this probably gave rise to tlje old saw.-- P&Lbfluder Magazine. 200 Sheets and 100 Envelopes Goorujt WANT ADS \ Choice of Linen, Ripple or Vellum Printed with Name and Address on Sheets and* Flap of Envelopes Limit, Four Lines, Gothic or Old English Blue, Black or Brown Ink--Neatly Boxed. T v '"Ideal For Gift Giving" Order Today From IHt MM PLAINDEALER AT THE PIT >'- ^'^lljjMrter Mile East of McHenry on Route - - SATURDAY NIGHT V Roast Chicken Dinner'2< FREE DANCING SATURDAY NIGHT ' • . Orchestra „ , . J ' &AROLD MILLER, Proprietor ^ ' "y.i* CREEN STREET TAVERN 0: . • Just North of Empire Theatre > MEXICAN CHILI SERVED AT AI|I# TIMES, 10b PER'BOWL ; • v ' Mixed Drinks, Wines and Liquors, Mei&ter Brau Beer, 5c GEO. L. JONES, Prop. , ?i"v ^ A.* SCHAEFER'S TAVERN East of the Old River Bridge . ^ Chili and Sandwiches Served At All Times Mixed Drinks - - 5 and 10c Beer FISH FRY FRIDAY NITE--10c per plate | Roast Chicken with Trimmings 25c ^ - -ORCHESTRA SATURDAY NIGHT f THE BRIDGE . Just East of State Bridge, McHenry PREE DANCING - FRANKIE GANS' ORCHESTRA DUCK DINNER--Saturday Night 25^ WRESTLING AND BOXING MATCHES EVERY THURSDAY NIGHT Meet Your Friends at Joe Friend's Fish Fry all day Friday 10-25c Mexican Chili 10c f';*Beer 5-lOc SANDWICHES - PLATE LUNCHES - OK DINNERS My Place Tavern ; Green Street McHenry, 111. Distinctively Smart CAM) PARTY AND DANCE PEIDAY NISH# BETTY'S at Lily Lake Games Will Start at 9 O'clock Blany Prizes and Refreshments - Prise Dance Smith's Orchestra - Madam Tonniaon Will Sing FISH FRY FRIDAY--Boneless White Fish and, 7 Potato Salad--All You Can Eat, 10c i FISH FRY 10c per plate Saturday Night at : ; WANDER TAVERN RINGWOOD, ILU L. H. BAKER, Mgr. NEW WALNUT ROOM Justen's Hotel, McHenry Saturday Night % CHICKEN DINNER, 25c "Wop" Weber's Orchestra Featuring Bob Peterson From Radio Station WCFL Listen to "Bob" Wednesday Evening, at 5:45 on WCFL, then meet him here 011 Saturday. 5c and 10c Beer FRED JUSTEN, Prop. Johnsburg Tavern SPECIAL SATURDAY NITE Chicken Dinner and Haasenfeffer 5c Beer 5c FRIDAY KI3HT--FREE TURTLE 8«l Chili Served at All Times J. B. HETTERMAN, Manager

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