®"*f »?r/Kr -ifc, J •" TTST.-: ;*'r"V Thursday, December 6, 1934 V"."v '*\ -> - - - - ,v„. THE McHERET PLAXNDEALiBL y^s'i"'-p--' ^ " «•"_ -VTTT^ ^^'JT^Sf-rfSF! ' - > ' • •* ' " *,« / - DBAJUERS TO SEE NEW PONTIAC "R.* L Overton, R. J. Overton and. Win. F. Cowan will leave next Tuesday for Pontiac, Mich., where they will be guests of the Pontiac Motor Co. rThe program for 1935 will be given"to the dealers on Wednesday, with f luncheon at the General Motor proving grounds. While at the proving grounds the dealers will see and drive the sensational new 1935 Pontiac* On Wednesday the dealers will also Be taken through the large Pontiac factory, which is considered by automobile executives as the most modern in the world. Wednesday evening the Pontiac Motor Co. will have their dealers as guests at the Book- Cadillac hotel in Detroit, where a banquet will be served. J Messrs. Overton and Cowan will go to Flint, Mich., on Thursday, where they will be guests of the Buick Motor Co., who will give the dealers a similar program-. Friday they will return home undoubtedly full i**. enliusiasm for coming ^ear of % t»,747 AT UNIVERSPTS6 ^ It has been announced that the en- * »„ *• .rojment at the University of Illinois oti Nov. 1 was 10,747, witti forty-seven of this number of students from Mc- Hemry county. McHenry and vicinity is Veil represented among this number. Those attending from McKenry are Sylvia and Lillian Segel, EdwaH Sherman, James Fay, Guy Duker, Kenneth Boley, Lowell Nye; Ringwood, Frank Harrison and Leroy Welter; Solon Mills, Robert Gardner; Sjpring Grove, Donald McCafferty. CARD OF THANKS THUS AND SO OiiJj dead fish float with the tido. All girt. . la ftdr Is \:v; tbeplala Oar aUnda perlenoe. ga^erideaafiremie»- Love is not folly, hot it <a» easily be made so. Bragging has to fully as lying: be done .as caro- It Is the things that are "unthinkable" that happen. The one you need to keep the closest eye .on Is--yourself! - There Is no, age limit wbenlt comes to doing.foolish things. ,v Money talks, but debts' keep %a. talking longer-than money. • All ages are good to him. who. can regulate his life to suit them. .v A good deal of commou sense consists in just simply not butting In. , There will b£ .another decade as gay as the <3ay Nineties r It Is cou^ng soon. Ltefect of a monogram Is that you always; Myo to,, expl^Jf) (^hi(t Jettfer# •re ift It » ' ' Given genuine smartness tn the first plhce one can be overwhelming by being also qyeer. To have the courage 6£ ojie's con- LAKERS NIP Mc&ENRY IN OVERTIME *SC--/ It's tough, bujt it's -honest! Mc- Henry High -dropped their third straight basketball tussle in a row last Friday night, the widest margin of t|he three games being four points. Crystal Lake accomplished the feat by a 33-30 score in an overtime gamje. The Lakers fame to town with a veteran aggregation that was all pepped to send McHenry back to the bush leagues, inasmuch as McHenry had already lost to such teams a# Grant and Richmond, being taken not BACON'S STRIP If: " BACON That was a tough one to lose to Crystal Lake last Friday, but there is much che#r in'the Orr camp this week cause, after all, didn't the boys *eore more points than they did in either of theirS first two games against Grant and Richmond? And only bv Grant but by the town that CrysUl V*ke * veteran outfit Grant took. Well, for awhile it looked |that ,1S supposed to do things this like the West Side ding store pickert rtar.' aybe that game was the were all O.K. as the La*kers stepped !turTn"g P01111 an^ftom now on they out to a 5-3-lead at, the first quarter !can throw *way the red ,mk and Plas* and then stretched it to 9-3 midway|teV*®^-® ^*ein . the second quarter. Then thinigs ;tas* w 4 ^ " started to pop. Captain Vyeital sank j ~ ] ; one, so did Freddie Meyers, a new; In an attempt to stage a comeback, ftarter back in form after recoveringi Coach Orr took a truckload of his from an injury to his elbow. Then j ^°J'S to Arlington for a practice game Richie Vyeital came in again with Tuesday affernoon. Last year the a bang and Freddie liked the idea so j ^°^ s ^r€m Heights had a real outwell he tried it again and \fcH<?nry 'fit ^"4 Orr was yeiy thankful to be was behind only 13-11 at half time al)ie to stage a practice se.ssion with KS: Crystal Lake had managed Jto sink5'^e- Noithwes^ Conference' lads. • two after the score, was tied *t* njnei- " '• . r : • ' -v-' nil. ' .;.;.j'\'Th^..lightwe!ights •' lost, their' first Hughes fouled Kelder and\he nikde ' l^akets' one out of two, but Vyeital came back "^oihIs proved too tough f&r them, with another pair of baskets; to put game was eyen for one quarter, Wo desire in this manner to ex-1 viotlonn doesn't mean to Inflict them press our appreciation to Earl Conway, Walter Brefeld, Ed. Mischke, Dr. Wmt. A. Nye, for their assistance and to numerous friends for their kind solicitude at the time of the woundit)£ of our son, Stanley, at the Sinfiliir oil station. :: MR. and MRS. H. J. SCHAFFER , on somebody, else. Mournful music stirs the heart; bat you don't need more th(in l5 iiilinutes of that In any one day. r'-. A Tftee man quits chasing happiness and' devotes himself to getting done flie rhincs he wants dona GREEN STREET Mrst Show '7 o'clock THC BelEUSB McHENEY ILLINOIS Adm. 10-25c ' Friday and Saturday, December 7-8 i * GEO. O'BRIEN in v "THE DUDE RANGER" Short Subjects v His -Lucky Day - Mice in Council (Terrytooa) ' . - . Mountain Melody Sunday, Monday and Tuesday Dec. JOAN CRAWFORD and CLARK GABLE in "CHAINED" ' Added Units - "You Said a Hatful" - "Charley Chase" Goofy Movie - News Events of the World 1 " 1 Wednesday and Thursday, December 12-13 BARBARA STANWYCK and LYLE TALBOT i* "A LOST LADY" Added Units - Ballad of Faducah Jail - Hal Roach Comedy - Strikes and Spares (Bowling) by Pete Smith FOLKS, JUST LOOK WHO'S COMING To the Empire Theatre, J ( * FRIDAY and SATURDAY, DEC. 14 and 15 Pa and Ma Cooptr , The Patents of the Famous WLS Radio and '% ' v^. ' ^ Sta^e Star LULA BELLI - ; ; * S People 8^ Old time music and song, exhibition square dancing and plenty of comedy--Friday, evening shows only. Saturday matinee and evening shows. Admission, adults 25c. children 10c. You can hear Lula Belle's Pa and Ma and their Friendly Mountaineers each week-day morning at 8:45 to 9:00, Station WOBD, Waukegan, 111. McHenry ahead for the first time 1 but one quarter only, and then the since his free throw and .started the SC(>}y steadily widehed. But there'll more victories jrt store for the lads or more than one prognosticates choice will bo wrong s was on® of the hot ones, at least until be fell in the creek on number eight and had to retire at th» tnd cf nihe holes, at which tirrre he had a *core of 48 and what did they do but give him a like scoy for the last rine, making a total of 96 for a golfer that seldom shoots under 110 in good leather! Well, his side won by five strokes' so you can pin a medal on A1 Krause, Mr. Nye, cause he brought homo the bacon for you with the sweetest round of golf he has shot all year. Enough for the craiy side of this MMAC. Let's ,take a 109k at thesplendid action they brought before the city board at the regular monthly meeting Monday night. Some time ago there was a little agitation about making the ball park into a skating pond to keep the youngsters, off the dangerous ice that forms on Boone Creek where the channel is fifteen feet deep in places. Seemingly the idea had been thrown into the discards, but the MMAC had picked it up, kindled the spark into a flame and finally put the idea before the right picmp and now the skating pond seei^^jlC certainty, ! A splendid piece of work for .whlfh the city fathers; and mothers should certaiiHy extend their gratitude t© the members of the M!MA-C and especially to Doc Hess and his cohorts who faced the board last Monday night and received wholehearted cooperattioh in their efforts to provide a safe place for the kids and the grownups to am'ilse themselves and at the same time to develop their scoring. Milsek made two shots on Hughes' second foul and the Metcalf crew led again, but only for a minute as Hughes' free throw tied it up. Then Vyeital again from the field followed Did y°u ever «*»d lender by Vale Adams' first two baskets and j whether or not any group were crazy j bodies by good, wholesome exercise it was McHenry ahead 22-16. Malone b<>caus'? they do cltIPCT things, antll Bi 11 Tonyan has already secured the made a charity offering, but Adams 'then set back and watch that same made two. Then Young scored to ! £rouP do something that !s really make it McHenry 24-19 to- start the lworth whi1^ and to wonder aflast quarter. And then the fouls be- iter a11 if the.V really are so queer or gan. Vyeital made his second. Walk-f'^ 's yourself?. Well, this isn't any ington his third and Hughes his -i rsychology lesson, but just a disfourth. but Crystal Lake missed all lcourse on MMAC, better known their free throws. Kramer had al- as Married Men's Athletic assoready left the game on four fouls in the first half, making three straight at the start of the second quarter. Meyers came in with a toss from midcourt, but Kiddie equaled it. Johnson made a free throw, but then committed two miseues and the three1 points brought Crystal Lake to a ciation. H.ere they scheduled a golf match, real honest to goodness golf tq, be played on what used to be termed a cow pasture, but which "has been developed into the McHenry Country club, as fine a course in summer time 27-26 score. Malone then sneaked in be found anywhere around jfor his only basket of the "game fa-hereabouts. And that golf match 'put them ahead 28-27, Witlwseconds ^vas scheduled to be played December ppproval of the CWA commission and tha work will start Immediately. Ond light will be retained" from the ball'p^rk to furnish the illumination, the pond will be patrolled at all times ami will be kept clear of snow as far as possible. My guess is that many a rnothei: will Senjoy her nights at home milch mtn^, knowing that her littlf flUWs aie skating on ice that is Hot dangerous, and where they canr. ot fall through, maybe to never Come UP agairi with t);e old sparkle in their, eyes. If one life is saved in the next twenty years it will be a cheap inyesthient. yes, one in fiftj? yeai-s^-OTs mako it. a hundred. Most mortified people r were those who -said >they understood Einstein's theory and then Einstein changed his theory. ' Difference between highbrows and the Intelligentsia is that the intelligentsia don't -«ay much , a bout what they know. .. -; If the fashion plates 'looked like real people, a dumpy man could tell tttiat kind of an overcoat would look good on him. - Concrete Corduroyed Even in these days of progress, state road builders are forced to make concessions to the horse "Which 4tlll plays ; "a leading role In .the activities of some ' farmers. In, Herkimer county. New i Y°rk. for instance, in-, the construction j of concrete roads, provision has been foade for horse traffic over the roads. | Much of the milk is drawn' from the farms, high up in the hiHs of the Mo-j, hawk valley. The concrete, especially j near the crest of hills where the pitch i8 steep, requires special treatment to j prevent.; slipping. For the benefit of | the Horses, the concrete is scored for I "fairly long distances to provide a foothold for the antnials. The appearance -j of the cohorete in 'thesesections, :}s" ' -^oihitwiiiitJK'ke? corduroys > 1 | CiierUy Ward f«» Pet« »' \y|^fe'n.t8];wirt' be taken from all parts of the metropolis to Loudon's first convalescent w%ard arid clinic for animals * organized by the Royal Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals. In-patients will be received where poor owners cannot give the necessary treatment to pets, and an animal ambulance will always be in attendance. >."0 payment will be 'charged for treatment in the clinic, which is equipped.-with the-most upto- date surgery. « Alien Pests Infest Cotton Wild cotton, ,close relative to cultivat'ed cotton growing in Florida, is host to several Insect pests destructive to cotton in many foreign countries but which Ua\e. nut yot become estalvlished In' flie I'nlted ^States. Amomt thehl Is tl«e I'ink boll wofai, , * to go. Adams sank a free throw "on ^ what's more, it was played. pro %Mfwhift*--a- suggestfop' 'laife .',ma.y-^'bie •••.f^fd-'.uiion-;' Yourig'.® error to tie the score.' but 'And" what is still more impressive, 'Tlnvv'"GViii( <1 more fights left up so McHenry missed three shor^, shots th<?re L wete ;.jwenty-eight men out . thaUlTTftTtli< v teaivi. or t'Vien a V>aguV>,; 1 with, a'chance to.win.if they sunk one. there in the .blustery winds banging crmld* W MT-nfet'd. A--splendid tnovty but tht# gun Went, off with the score little cold ball around; trying t^-'ment ^d^r#-'ti«^'Triight-'- fumfs'h 'the • itied at 28 all. Then the overtime. •• -Kfsp- it and thenjselves hot and get -'solution the small expense of I Beckenbauirh fouled but t h e y 'their game going the. samp way,' a|l .. lighting • j»« ftfld. ;But tl(«rc'li.\ Ihv missed. Kiddie* got hit; -and'- sn&gged .bvcaus^ .sOine of the liiembprs didnt .time, for « '•' .wter on 'when^ the pohrt j one, but two free throws by Beck and *hink that some of the other members is ]mt < ii'fw eraice. , • I Vyeital equaled it.* Then Adams foul-., weren't so particular about the scores ! 'i J----. 1 ed and the Lakers went ahead ..aftd., th?*" 'posted when the regular tourna- ' No bayvB 11 n the ; leagues^ Jiast j Kiddie sank another to einch the'out- jwas held last .suriutter when j weelf UK the wanted to'save thHrcome. But it was a fight through and j sane people play golf. , jcttnrtk foi*Mhe turkey ,rath?r than the through and the Orrmen should feel ) 'nui^fes. Prom all reports they did proud of themselves. Spmeone had to I The.- outcome Sunday was tliat a bvtyer <jj>b on the turkey, anyway lose but it is without disgrace to loselNye's side won again, but now there! 4 ,• --. a game of that calibre. is anot**r dispute on which will most j This ^weekend in sports? Boxing The McHenry lights dropped their j likely be settled next February or , toni^it at the 'Bridge. Thursday first contest of the year after uphold- j March, weather permitting. It seema ing the honor of the scool by bring-,that <>ne of our postmasters, whose • • Thrown , Baefr- • Sea Captain (to new midshipman)-- Well, me? lad. I suppose it's the old xt'•' ol of the family sent 7+0 sea. ' ;'••"' ' MitlsRipnian--Xot af all. sir; that's ail ajtereth siiice your day.^-Pearson's Weekly. ' Pain in : Reverse' "That demist wasn't painless." ; "\Vhj% <iitl he hurt j;ou?" ^ "Xo, big he \oiled when I bit his finger." Subscribe for The Plaindealer. rights hfl^after instead of Friday to , avoid conflict with the basketball ing home victories in their first twoioffice is located on Riverside Drive, j game%^flToniorrow night at the high tries. Leigh, the Lakers' center, laid school, Marengo vs. MCHS. in two games which should be thrillers. Marengo beat Belvidere and McHenry is coming fast. Sunday afternoon the town team plays their first game against a South Side team from Chicago. Drop in and see what the boys look like if you have the tin^e and inclination. • • JfcfS -I t £ glAST TIME THUBS^ DEC. fi "SCARLET EMPRESS" FRIDAY, DEC. 7_„ . , Uncle O'Bie's Christ mAf. MONEY NIGHt It Might $50 Given ^w*y Be You V Free- Free - On the Screen - Karen Morley - Otto Krueger "CRIME DOCTOR" SATURDAY, DEC. 8 ONLY Lee Tracy. Helen Mack, David Holt. Helen Morgan 'YOU BELONG TO ME' Buck Jones in "RED RIDER" ADULTS 25c ANY TIME SUN. - MON. - TUES. Three Di&ys of Joy J Dec. 9, 1«, 11 Gk»cer Rogers - Fred Astaire 'THE GAY DIVORCEE' - Also Featured - Comedy "RiURAL ROM EOS** ALKLEMME -- At the Barton Grande OTgan In Another Enjoyable Songfest WED. - THURS., DBC. 12 - 13 Irene Dunn - John Boles 4AGE OF INNOCENCE' ON GRAND JURY Theodore Winkel and A. P. Freuiid were chosen to serve on the grand jury by the board of supervisors Monday. V--/ _r „ The Beautiful CKYSTAL LAKE. ILL. Daily at 6:45 and 9 p. m. FRIDAY and SATURDAY 'Count of Monte Cristo' Hat. Every Saturday 2:30 with Elison Landi Robert Donat THie Picture Millions Have = Been Waiting ForH" SUNDAY and MONDAY 'THE GAY DIVORCEE with Ginger Rogers and Fred Astaire The Stage Hit of Two f ' Continents Sunday Mat. 2:45 to 6^10c-2oc After 6 and Weekdays--^Qc-300 TUESDAY V 10e SPECIAL 15(4 "READY FOR LOVE with Richard Arlcm Ida L.upino Exciting Newspaper Story! WEDNESDAY - THURSDAY Marlene Dietrich in "The Scarlet Empress" with John Lodge Baaed on the Life of Catherine the Great them in too fast and his five baskets and a free throw proved to be too much and the final score was 31-83 the wrong way. A. V. Freund was high-man for McHenry with three field goals and five free throws. Coach Orr was greatly enthused over the work of his lads in the Crystal Lake garrve as he had expected a great deal of conyw^ition from the experienced crew complied this year by Coach Metcalf. The fact that his lads ran up 28 points during the regular playing tinre had convinced him thai at last he has hit upon a scoring" combination, something for which he has been Marching since tj*e start of the season. From now on the boys , will most likely progress and the victories will start piling in on the right SidO of the ledger. Me HENRY--30 • * F. Meyers, F 8 Adams, F 2. , Rranfer, C 0 1 Walkington, C ................ 0 Hughes, G ^ Johnson, G Vyeital, G •-- Beck, G ...... CRYSTAL LAKE--33 Young,"F '. Kiddie, F Milsek, F ..... Wilbrandt, C Kelder, C ,... •falone, G .. Svejcar, G .. Crystal Lake McHeni-y McHENRY LIGHTS--23 A. V. Freund, F C. Anderson, F , G. Anderson, F . Miller, C Baur, C H. Taxman,-G- . Frisby, G Kilday, G ^CJiY.STAIi LAKF> Lazansky, F ... A. Anderson, F Breytspraak; F Leigh, G Slanek, G ....... Lorimer, G .... Mueller, G ..... Micbels_, G .....1 Michealson, G z • . n Crystal Take 8 17 McHenry" 8 11 Referee--Craig, Chicago. Shop now at Vyeital's -and avoid the hurt Minute Christmas rush, t "28 Rmt F«ol Hit AWd , Hm only animals whow rear feet hit the grmnd in front of their forefeet when running rapidly are the greyhound, th< cheetah and the hare, writM" Maurice bifoK, Boston, Mul, la Oo) Iter's Weekly. t Corner Main St and IT. S. 12, McHenry HERE'S THE ANSWER TO THAT XMAS filFT PROBLEM DOLLS .8 in. tall and aas pretty blue eyes, already dressed. Other Dolls Priced at $1, $1-19, $1-25 and up to $5-50 WYANDOTTE TOYS Sport Coupe ^ £5^ Dump Truck ........:-Jki:.25^ Stake Truck 25<£ 59^ GAMES i Headquarters and Completely Quipped Bicycles A smooth riding bike with rugged strength. Has a new .departure b r a k e , m o t o r bike handle bars and saddle, chime bell, luggage car rier and electric headlights. $28.95 KntM What to Let Our Gift Displays Save You Time-^Trouble--Money •Escape If ram the don' t - " knov^wliat-to-giyiif: bugaboo! Jijst brijpg in your i?ift list today. And almost. before: .you eaji ^ay 44 Santa h^ve half those^;;:-:W|de-0|»eii' ,:_i '.' filled in. ,t", . Kverythinic 'from gtuigi »ts to ^gems; W watched are Jvere -- sprea.d out before yOutf expert eyes. Prices ? Go as high as you like. But you can get nice remembrances for as little as a dollal* bill. Coilie see us today ! . and save wear and tear on y o ii r " slioppiiig^- wear} feet J' - - :-i * • f-hl '- -.V --- i '• ":•*$ 'yt:M $22.50 Xthoostjidtti thii - List of y Distinctive Gifts for HER Diamond Ring "'• • • Vanity Case Pearl Necklace Elgin Wrist Watdl Costume Jewelry Sterling or Plated Silverware fitted Overnight Case Roll Game Basketball Game Spot Shot ; Corner Grocer Marble Game . .. Many others to please the children at very moderate prices. ,25tf .00 50<^ *1.50 a 08* Bird Cage and Stand Whistling Tea Kettle Pyrex Pie Plate Pyrex Custard Cuptf" --$2.39 - .4, 89* -4 45* ..2l 5* SLEDS AND WAGONS Glider Sled $1.29 "Streak-O-Lite" Wagoiti^ $4.65 With Electric Lights $5.65 Junior Express 98* Juvenile Auto $9.85 Red Injun Coaster $3.29 Pedal Car HOLSTER SETS Belt, Holster and Gun Set $1.00 Set for a Young Cop v.„ . 50* Cowboy Outfit L....^„,;:.„<t'..;.-.$1.95 • ' 'v' ' " • • • ' '- ' *5' " DOLL CARRIAGES Made of flat woven fibre, painted green, with ivory colored rubber tired wheels $2.20 Others at higher frrices if desired. Orphan Annie Wrist Watch $1.00 Pocket Watch , ; $ 1.00 Flashlights ..i.?j.:'...:.;.:55^..tp-$1.50 Kiddies' Snow Shovel 23* Wind-up Train :. •08* A DIfPOSIT WILL HOLD ANY TOY UNTIL CHRISTMAS for HIM Cigarette Lighter Desk Set Cuff Links Elgin Wrist Cigarette Case Pen and Pencil Set -- Slgin Clock ^ as low OS Philco- Croeley - RCA Representative A. ErNye Jewelry--Rasie--Kais West McHenry, HL • • - • . -S'J - - " i4 ' ' •. • " •^5! • .n)< "ywp -v> 'A-'