?%***• • C*L. Jjfft t fc jXlXf.i ^ '. "~ t' r „"'-. "-V4,-, „-;>V'-.•-*--V4-'?'• I- * ' - t a; . • 7 ^ . " • , ! Thursday, December 6, 1934 t*£* J2L. ns McHXNSY PI^UHDEALXK ,'..'^..T^'.i^C-...'.^J,7'.?".,.,'"'.r'.11 *',,•i,.i*--.j:t.' 3*"'"a"~>0'•1 ^ *( V rJ"^'"*^rfl"^ ^.'"L!! "5" i'""""'^ f^'*"'i^r'"" » --j--. i f ; . ,y\ « ,r :.;•,• c, -;^ - -«F"~ $ \;- V;:^'1 v y : ; -™" Vs P a f e S e v m Polar Portm>tUr #:v ,'»• :•.'-Charles'\fy .AhdersQiiv%postal inspector, who left SanFranclsco recently •ob the liner Monterey to "become the BOatmaster for Admiral B.vrd's 'party lis Little America. Anderson is the ^nit postal" Inspector ; to leave United States territory to cancel mail. He took with him fMMWO letters from stamp over" tbir wdrM^vC<» ' '*- ORDINANCE NO. 97 LAN ORDINANCE AUTHORIZING THE IMPROVEMENT AND EX- ^ TENSION OF THE SEWERAGE SYSTEM Of THE CITY OF Mc- T HENRY. PROVIDING FOR THE ISSUE OF $20,000 SEWERAGE REVENUE BONDS pF SAID CITY FOR THE PURPOSE OF DEFRAYING THE COST OF C O N S T R U C T I N G S U C H I M PROVEMENTS AND EXTENSIONS. PRESCRIBING ALL DETAILS OF SAID BONDS. AND PROVIDING FOR THE COLLECTION, SEGREGATION AND DISTRIBUTION OF THE REVENUES OF THE SEWERAGE SYSTEM OF SAID VILLAGE FOR THE PURPOSE OF PAYING THE COST OF THE OPERATION AND MAINTENANCE THEREOF, PROVIDING AN ADEQUATE DEPRECIATION FUND THEREFOR AND PAYING THE PRINCIPAL AND INTEREST OF THE SJIWER AGE REVENUE BONDS WHEREAS, it is deemed advisable, necessary and for the best Interests of the City of McHenry, McHenry > v Mo»t Uncomfortable Vehfclft '.*&•£ Chinese cart is the most uoconfortable vehicle in the world. tcenth day of February and of August in each year, and shall mature in numerical order on August 15 in each of the years and in the amounts as follow*; Numbtta - Amouil Year 1 .-' • $1,009 : 1937 • ^ 1,000 1988 1,000 1989 1,000 - 1940 5 1,000 1941 '• is- c-;:--' ' i,ooO 1942 \r- l,00t 1943 • 8 . 1,000 1944 9 i,oo0 1945 10 1,000 1946 u V• . 1,090 • 1947 12 1,000 1$48 18 i,oot 1949 14 .. 1,000 1950 -15 1,000 1951 16 , 1,000 1952 17 * 1,000 1953 18 , '• ? 1,000 : 1054 19 and 20 2,000 1955 the ibpnds of said City and that are issued under authority of said Act and are payable by their terms only from the revenue of such system. It is hereby certified and recited that all acts, conditions and things required to be done precedent to and in the' issuance of this bond have been done and have happened and have leen performed in regular and due form of law and that provision ha? been made for depositing' in said Sewerage Fund the entire revenues receive^ from the operation of said sewerage system to be applied in the manner as hereinabove set forth. This bond may be registered as to principal in the name of the holder on the books of said City in the of' fice of the City Treasurer, such registration to be evidenced by potation of said Treasurer, on the back hereof, after which no transfer hereof ihall be valid unless made, on said books .. iand similarly noted hereon, but it mav Section 6. ;That both principal and i ^ discharged from such registration interest of said sewerage revenue |by j^ing transferred to bearer, after bonds be-payable m any coin or cur- jwhich it shall , be transferable by derency which, • on the respective dates ; jiyery, but it may be again registered of 'payment of the principal of and i a;3 before. The registration of' this , interest on the tends, is legal tender | s^aij not restrict the ne^otiabii- fir;lt business day Sectional. That an^ surplus in th<e Operation and Maintenance Account may be transferred, to either the'Bond Account or the Depreciation Account is the Ciy Council of the said City may direct, and any' moneys in the Depreciation: Accoijfht in excess of the amount necessary for probable replacements to be needed during the then current fiscjd year and the next ensuing fiscal year, as determined by the City Council of the City of McHenry shall at ojice be transferred from the Depreciation Account to the Bond Account, provided, however, that such transfers from the Operation and Maintenance Account 6r the Depreciation Account to the Bond Account shall not operate aa an abatement of the Bond Account requirements herein set forth. j Section 12. If on the first business; day of any month the amounts held in the Sewerage Fund are not sufficient to provide for all of the payments into the Bond Account herein required} then the amount of any deficiency in. such payments shall be added to the amounts required to be paid into, the Bond Account on the, of the next ensuing tested by the City Clerk, and thrt the ! corporate seal to be hereto affixed County, Illinois, to improve and ex- jior the payment of public and private 0f' ^ ct>Uporis by delivery merely. I tend its sewerage system, by the con-j debts, at the office of the. City Treas- L' jn WJTNESS WHEREOFTssid City enough of said bonds hav<> struction of a scwiage treatment plant,') urer of the City of SfieHenry. Illinois.igj ^Henrv, McHenry County, Ilti . retired go that all amounts held connecting sewers and outfall sewer j That said bonds be signed by tfitr'.j,n(^s . j>v jts'Vitv Council has caused i" the Bond Account, from whatever ' Including landscaping of plant, site; ! Mayor of said City, sealed with -the: t'hfeto be signed,.bv' the Mayoi- soutw received, shall be eq»ial to the ind ' • "» | corporate seal of said City and at- ]aniij t^e city Clerk of said City, fts" principai amount Of all of L~ ™ " * '* ' sijiid bonds remaining Outstanding: together Svith interest thereon to maturity,: ho further payments shall be made into the Bond Account from any source. All amounts held in the Bond Account shall be used for the payment of interest on and principal of said bonds, and until so used shall be deposited in a bank or banks which are members of the Federal Reserve Sys- Ezplains fully themarveious Willard Treatment which has brought amazing relief to thous^pds everywhere. Willard's is designed for relief of Stomach or Duodenal Ulcers, Poor Digestion, Acid Dyspepsia, Gassiness, Sour or Upset Stomach,Bloating, Heartburn, Constipation, Steep-^ lessness, Bad Breath, Poor r\ppe- " tite, Headaches, Jue to Excess icid. . Ask about Wizard's 1 5-Dav'rr,"! ":fer. WATTES PM& STORE Nth St. McHenry FREE--$50 IN ZOTOS MACHINE-LESS PERMANENT WAVES . In appreciation of jour patronage we are offering Five FREE ZOTOS PERMANENTS to be given away, one each Saturday evening for fiv»> weeks. For further information call 641. * Every Day Super Specials Steam Oil Pushi-Up Wave JFor Windblown or Short Shingle Bob styles, also Ringlet End Curl P e r m a n e n t f o r the hard to manage ends--long bob styles -- Guaranteed |3.00value- $1.50 Croquignole or Spiral Waves L'Armour French Oil, $3.00 value. 2 persona for $3.00 Singly for -- $2.00 "Prom Queen" Vita-Tonic $5.60 value, 2 persons for $4.00 Singly for $2.50 All above Permanents complete with Shampoo and Finger Wave Note--Combination $1.00 extra, Haircut extra. Every Day School Girls' Specials Croquignole or Spiral Waves Prom Kindergarten through Junior High ...41*60 For High School $2.00 Complete with Haircut, Shampoo and Finger Wave. * STOMPANATO'S Ultra-Modern Exclusive Barber and Beauty Salon Two Entrances - 10 Private Booths 226 Main St. 229 Benton St. Telephone 641 Woodstock, 111. Beauty Salon Open Until 9 p. nr. ; WHEREAS, the total cost bf §ach proposed improvements and extensions to the sewerage system of the said City has been estimated byfc engineers employed for that purpose to be $25,000; and WHEREAS, the City does not have .Sufficient funds available for the purpose of making such improvements and extensions to its sewerage system and it will be necessary for it to borrow for that purpose the sum of twenty thousand ($20,000) dollars and in evidence thereof to issue its bonds therefor; and WHEREAS, under the provisions of "An Act authorizing citie(s, villages, incorporated towns and sanitary districts, having a population of less than .500,000 to construct or acquire, improve and extend a sewerape system, impose and collect charges and rates for the use thereof, issue revenue bonds payable solely, from the interest coupons attached to said bory!* !®-nd the coupons hereto attaeiWd to be be executed by the facsimile signa - ! Bipned hy the facsimile signatures of tures of said M^yor and said City :said Mayor and said City Clerk, which Clerk, and said officials, b^r tl>e exe- | officials'by the execution of this bond cution of said bonds, shall adopt as ; <jQ adopt as and for their own proper and for their own proper signatures t heir respective facsimile signatures appearing on said coupons. Said bonds, together- with interest therein, shall be payable solely from the revenue derived from the,sewerage system, including all .future improvments and extensions thereof not constructed or acquired through the issuance of sewerage revenue bonds payable solely out of the revenues of such improvements or extensions, of ignatures their respective facsimile signatures appearing on said coupons, and this bond to be dated August 15, 1934. Attest: No. ... On the Mayta-: of tfiie Cfty of McHenry City Clerk (Form of Coupon) > $20.00 day of. said City and said bonds .shall not, in j 19 the City of McHenry, Mcany event, constitute an indebtedness j Henry County, Illinois,, will pay to of the City of McHenry within the bearer out of the Sewerage Fund of meaning of any constitutional or j said City Twenty Dollars ($20.00) , statutory limitation. j in "any coin or "currency which, on the Any of said bonds may be register- [date of payment hereof, is legal tenrevenue derived from the operation of etf as to principal at any time prior der for the payment of public or such system or improvement-or extension in payment thereof, to provide for the operation of such -sewerage system, and contract in relation thereto," filed July 13, 1933 and in force July 13, 1933r~as > amended bv to rnaturity in tde name of the holder private' debts, at the office of ", the on the books. City in the office City Treasurer in the City 'of "Mcof the City "treasurer, • such registra- Henry, Illinois, being interest then tion to-be noted on the reverse side due on its Sea'erage Revenue Bond of the bonds by "the City Treasurer, dated August 15, 1934, No......i.....,» and thereafter the principal of such . an Act approved May 4. 1934 and in j registered bonds shall be payable only Mayor of the City of McHenry force July 1, 1934, said City is auth-;to the "registered • holder, "his lejral 1 orized to issue sewerage revenue | representative or assign^. Such re/?isbonds for the purpose of paying the tered bonds shall lie transferable to cost of such improvement? *and ex- another registered holder or back to' Date of tensions; „ ;l>carer only on pi-esentation to the -Registration _ NOW, THEREFORE. BE IT ORr.City Treasurer, with a legal assign- J . DAINED By the City Council of the j ment duly acknowledged, or approved. ! . City or McHenry, McHenry County, Registration of any such bonds shall . Illinois: '• _ (not affect the negotiability of the Section 8. Section 1. . Th^t the City of Mc- !coupons thereto attached, but such.-of any of the sewerage Henry, McHenry County, Illinois, im- coupons shall be negotiable by deliv- j herein provided for, th< City Clerk In Whose Nam®.-. Registered Signatures of City Treasurer prove and extend its present sewerage system by, the construction of a sewage treatment plant, ' connecting sewers and outfall sewer including landscaping of plant site. Section 2. That the cost of S3id improvement and extension of the said sewerage system has been estimated by engineers employed for that purpose, and is now found by the Citv Council of the City to be the sum of Twenty-five Thousand ($25,000) Dollars. * , That upon the issuance revenue bonds the entire sewertype of business; provided that the City of McHenry shall not be required to pay the cost of such insurance from any source other than from moneys in the Operation and Maintenance Account of said Sewerage Fund. Section 17. That the City of McHenry hereby covenants and " agrees with the holder or holders of said bonds that it will: ' (a) Keep proper books" of records arid accounts (separate from all other records and accounts), in which complete and correct entries shall be made of all transactions relating to said sewerage system, and furnish to any holder of any of said bonds, upon written request not more than thirty (30) days after the close of each semi-annual fiscal perio4, complete operating and income statements of said sewerage system, in reasonable de tail, covering such VOLO Mrs. William Waldmann and Mrs. Frank King called on Mrs. L. V. Lusk in Grayslake Tuesday. 5' "2 Mrs. Richard Cronin of McHeoiy spent a few days here at the home ef Mr. and Mrs. Frank Hironimus. Mr. and M!rs. George Scheid, J|f*» of Wauconda spent Tuesday at home of Mr. and Mrs.. Lloyd Fishe*. Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Hironimns and son spept Thanksgiving day with the latter's parent?, Mr, and Mrs. George Knigge at Wauconda. Mrs. Arthur Kaiser spent Tuesdayafternoon at the home of Mrs, Frank Gould in Libertyville. Mr., and Mrs. Frank Hironinuu': semi-annual "called on i\latives in Roun'd Lata period, and, not more than sixty .Monday.. - (60) days after the close of each ! Frank lyk.:-tl|!is;; fiscal year, complete financial,! home of Mr. Greeit'iMS^. iidce'CoyMtf' ;.S:- statements of said System cover- -Wednesday evening. • . ; ' • ing such fiscal year, certified by I Mr. and Mrs. • ^e.rWt;'; JAfchftl4C$^. , tihe auditors of the City of • |:?spcnt Thahksg-ivi^g: day :#ith Mr. \ Hefnry. .- Mrs. Harry Maypole at Fo^ Lake. , t (b) Permit any h<^ider f0f holders, | Miss -Vinnie Bacon was an ; Elfiff ! ior any purchaser df any of saidjshopper Friday. ; ,, • :}b9pds tbfh outstanding to inspect | . Mr. and Mrs.' Fraftk Dowell , " at all reasonable times said sewer- I daughtef of ' Elj|ih,' ^Hliam - Doi^i"* aj|e system and all records,' accounts [and daughter' Of Dundee, j Mr. and data relating thereto, and Uirs, Charles Dalvin and daugh^rs , lc) * Furnish to any, holder jor hold- of Wauconda^ Mr. and Mrs. Hairy efei, or any purchaser, s of twenty-| P<issfietd and family, Mx. and Mjra. five per centum (25'; ) in principal Roy Passfield . and family, Mr. and.: amount of said bonds then out: i Mrs. George Dowell and family sp«ot standing, all data and information [Thanksgiving day at the home of Mr% relating to„said sewerage^ system tand Mrs. Joseph Passfield. which nmy reasonably-be~ request- ] Miss Bertha Hironimus entertained. ^ ed a number of friends and relatives Section 18. That the provision of jat the home of Mr. and Mrs. Fraofe this ordinance shall constitute a con-., Hironimus^Thanksgiving evening. The tract between the City of McHenry, evening was spent in playing five tem and "the Federal Deposit Insur-jend6 the holders of the bonds herein ' hiAi(ti e(}> Pr%es v*ere ^warded to .-ance Corporation or may be invested j authorized to be issued, and after the • Mrs. Earl Hironimus and Miss Bertha in direct .obligations! of the Unlte-J issuance of said bonds, no changes, j Hironimus, -L. Thurlwell and Harry States Government. ; j additions or alterations " of any kind Hironimus. A lunch was served Section 13, That, while any of said j shall be made, except as hereinbefore | which made the evening complete. Bonds-remain outstanding qr unpaid,! provided, until all of said bonds and Mr. and Mrs. Frank St. George rates charged for sewerage services (the interest thereon shall have been 'spent Thanksgiving day with Mr. and shall be' sufficient at all times to pay j paid in full, or unless and until pro- ;Mrs= Richard Dusil in Ber\vyn. the cost of operation and maintenance, vision hai' have been made for the. Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Lenzen, Joseph ^. provide an adequate d ?preciation | paymer toth>reol'. ! Wagner and son* attended the K. C. fund and to pay the interest on and Section 19. That the proceeds from [banquet at the Bridge in McHenry principal- of said bonds. " There s,ha'l . the sale of said bonds shall be used . Sunday evening. be charged against all users of the | for the improvement and extension j Mr. and Mrs. Nimsgren of McHenry sewerage system, including the ^City (of the 'sewerage- system of the said visited Mrs. Mary Lenzen Sunday. , of McHenry, such rates and amounts]City by the construction-of a sewage j Yvonne McGuirv of Grayslake g(4nt for sewerage sA vices as shall be side- treatment plant, connecting gewers | Sunday here with Mr. "and Mrs**) quate to meet the requirements of r.tid.-.outfall sewer including landscap- j Frank Henkel, Jr. this section. Charges; Icr services ing of plant site in accordance with , Mr. find Mrs. J. F; Ijehsen, Mr. and icnde'red the City of McHenry shall plans'and specifications therefor, pre- Mr^~4?aul OTIeary, .Mr. and Mrs. £.-•; be niade against lho said City -ahd"'pare«d'ior that* puipose. now on fije ••Ro'ss.duestcher spent Wednesday i>Ve»«- paypent for the saimv from thci cor-i in the office of the City Clerk and lning at Betty's in\Lily Lake, in ho^ior poiitc funds • shall, .be made monthly open t,o the inspection of the public. I of Mr. and Mrs. E. Rossduestchet'S; intc^j.he Sewerage, Fund created by j Section 20. If any section, para v."fdding anniversary. . t this ordinance ^ revenues deiived graph, dalise or provision' of this or-! John J.. Wagner spent the weekertd • from the operation of the seweraire finance shall be held invalid, the in- with Douirlas; Martini in Chicago. system in th£ same inanner as? other validity of such section, paragraph, [ Mr. and Mrs. Fompkins of Libertyrevenues aie required to be deposited., clause or provision shall not affect ville visited the latter's sister, Any holder of any bond issued here- any of the other provisions of this or- Herbert Michalson Saturday. . tander, or, of any*coupon representing finance. ' . Mr. and Mrs. Albert Rosing and accrued interest, may, eitherlWi law Section 21. That any accrued In- ! family spent Thursday evening in Meor in equity, by proper suit, compel terest received from the sale of the 1 Henry with Mrs. May. the officials of the City of McHenry bonds herein authorized shall be de-T Mr. and Mrs. J. F. Wagner spent / * ;*/ , >1 "I • A L:/•; i' j rr 'K't *7. vwupuiio CIlMi UV. iiC^VWIAUIC U J UCI O 'I'vlVWI jyiV*IUVV* 1VIJ v»i%. ^ ^ ery merely. j&ge system of said City of McHenry, j to perform all duties required by law. posited in the Bond Account and ap- j Saturday evening in Chicago wrta Section 7. The said bonds and cou- 'for the purpose of this ordinance, shall Un<l by this ordinance, including the plied toward the payment of interest |Mr. and Mrs. R. Kirch. /., ^ pons attached thereto shall b« in >be operated on a fiscal year stantially the following form: (Form of Bond) UNITED STATES OF AMERICA STATE OF ILLINOIS, COUNTY OF McHENRY CITY OF McHENRY SEWERAGE REVENUE BOND No...: KNOW ALL MEN BY j commencing the fifteenth day of j August and eftding the fourteenth day j of August of each sticceeding year. (From and after the delivery of any [bonds issued under the provisions of | this ordinance, the entire revenues derived from the operation of the sewer- $1,000 'fge system, including all future im- THESE provements and extensions thereof .PRESENTS that the City of Mc-|not constructed or acquired through Section 3. That the peried of use- Henry, McHenry County, Illinois, for f the issuance of sewerage revenue fulness of said sewerage system, as value received, hereby promises to j bonds payable solely out of the reveimproved or extended as herein pro- jpay to bearer, or if this bond be regis* 'rues? of y such improvements or exposed, is hereby determined to be |tered, as hereinafter provided, then {tensions, of the City of McHenry shall forty (40) years. | to the registered holder hereof, solely | be set aside as collected and be de- That to pay the cost bf from the Sewerage Fund of the City | posited in a separate fund which is of McHenry as hereinafter mentioned j hereby created, designated as the and not otherwise, the sum of One j "Sewerage Fund" of the City of Mc- Thousand Dollars ($1,000) on August j Henry, which shall be used only in 15, 19 ... together with interest on [paying the cost of operation and mainsaid sum from date thereof until paidjtenance of said sewerage system, proat the rate of four per cent (4%) per viding an adequate depreciation fund, basis ' making and collection of sufficient coupons next becoming due and pay- i Miss Alice McGuire spent a few ; rates for sewerage services for that able after delivery of , said bonds |days the past week in Chicago with purpose and application of income and i There shall b? deposited in the Sewer- MYs. Tompson. revenue therefrom. ,age Fund, out of the first proceeds) Mrs. T. Richardson and daughter Section 14. That it is hereby cov-f^rom the sale of said bonds, a sum j of Forest Park spent the past week enanted and agreed that while any of i sufficient to pay interest thereon dun • here at the home of Mr. and Mijs. Alex said bonds are outstanding no addi-; ing the period of construction of said Martini. tional sewerage revenue bonds shall ! improvements and extensions to said ' Mr. and Mrs. John Rossduestetief' be issued unless the revenues derived sewerage system, said sum to be in an and son of Chicago spent Tuesday from the sewerage system, including j amount equal to the interest require-j here with Mr. and Mrs. C. Rossduestall future improvements and exten- ' ment of said bonds for not exceeding i cher. sionsi thereof not constructed or ac- jnine months computed from the date Mrs. Joseph lenzen and Mr?. Jo«w quired through the issuance of sewer 1 of delivery thereof to the purchaser, | Wagner attended a bridge club at the age revenue bonds payable solely out jwhich sum shall be used solely for jhome of Mrs. J. Freund at Johnsburg Section 4. improving and extending the sewerage system of said City in the manner aforesaid, the said City must issue Twenty Bhousand ($20,000) dollars of its sewerage revenue bonds. Section 5. That for the purpose of defraying the cost of such improvements and extensions to the sewerage system of the City of McHenry thfere be isstied and sold sewerage revenue bonds of said City, to be designated "Sewerage Revenue Bonds," in the principal amount of Twenty thousand dollars ($20,000), which bonds shall bear date of August 15, 1934, be of the denomination of $1,000 each, be numbered consecutively from 1 to 20. inclusive, bear interest at the rate of four per centum (4%) per annum, payable semi-annually on the fif- Talked •' J of the revenues of such improvements [the purpose of paying the interest due or extensions, for the fiscal year then 'on said bonds during said period. next preceding were sufficient to pay Section 22. All ordinances, resoluall costs of operation and nuainten-1 tions or orders, or parts thereof, in ance, provide an adequate deprecia- conflict with the provisions of this ortion fund and leave a balance equal jdinance are to the extent of^such conto at least one hundred twenty per [flict hereby repeated. Section Monday evening. Mr. and Mi's. Alex Martini are the parents of a 9H pound baby girl, born Nov. 16* at the Grant hospital in Chicago. Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Wagner anddaughter, M!r. and Mrs. R. Kirch and daughter, Mr. and Mis. H. J. Martini r-.v- "'A centum {1-20%) of the aggregate of j 23. This ordinance after . ,^,1 • ^ principal and interest re-j its passage by the City Council andjand family of Chicago, Mr. and Mire. annum, payable semi-annually on the and paying the principal of and In- J quirements for such year on all bonds | approval by the Mayor* shall be pub- Charles Falen and family of Kenosha, a--* j? 1. . - » " »»-•-- Mr. and Mrs. Thoma* Richardson and family of Forest Park, Mr. and Mrs. John Wagner, Jr., and family, John B. W'p^Tier, Mr. and Mrs. E. Rossdueetcher of Volo were Thanksgiving day guests at the home of Mr. and fifteenth day of February and of, terest upon the sewerage revenue . then outstanding payable from the j lished once in the McHenry Plain- August in each year upon presenta-1bond? of said City that are payable | revenues of the sewerage system, (b) i dealer, a newspaper published and tion and surrender of the annexed in-|by their terms only from such reyeterest coupons as they severally be-liroe, and such fund shall be used only come due. for such purposes and is hereby Both principal and interest'of this!pledged therefor. bond are hereby made payable in any' Section 9. That there shall be escoin or currency which, on the respec- j tablished separate accounts in the tive dates of payment of the said Sewerage Fund, to be designated sev. principal and interest, is legal tender for the payment of public and private one year's interest on the total issue | having a general circulation in the of such additional bonds then propos - j City of McHenry, and if no petition e<fto be issued, pnd (c) an amount of jbe filed with the Clerk of said City principal of such additional bonds • within ten days (10-) after the pubcomputed by dividing the total lishing of this ordinance by fifteen Mrs. J. F. Wagner. amount of such issue by the number j per--cent (15'T) of the voters voting' Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Eddy of Graysof years from date of issue to the .for Mayor of the said City at the last;'a^e called on the latter's parents. final maturity date of such additional bond issue.. Howev#r, this section shall not be construed as limiting in erally the "Operation and Maintenance Account," the "Depreciation Acdebts, at the office of the City Treas- count," and the "Bond Account," into urer in the City of McHenry, Illinois. ! which there shall be paid, on the first any wayv the City's power to issue This bond is payable solely from i business day of each month, all j bonds to pay the cost of extending or revenues derived from the sewerage j moneys held in the Sewerage Fund, in | improving its -sewerage system for system, including all future improve-[accordance with the following prov}-i the purpose of serving a particular preceding general election, requesting j Mr. and Mrs. Harry Passfield Saturtle submission of the proposition of k making the improvements and exten-1 Mrs. Earl Walker, Sr., and SOB, siores and Ifesuinjr the bonds herein j Earl, of Chicago visited Mr. aod Mrs. provided" for, then this ordinance shall ! ^°y Passfield Wednesday. . be in full force and effect. " j Mr- and Mrs- Arthur Frost oi Ob- Introduced in the City Council and cafc« visited the former's moti»er, • whit* men ev«r saw th* *Uk lands that have hmcomm farata qf today, commaaieatioa ira» 9 nmcettity *v*a in tfca tiapl* lives of the Indians. Today til*-telephone supplies the oqpanaicatioa so necessary to the mod- Men business of fanning thos* aasn lands. It Is a qpdck, 1-o-way link between the farmer and the rest of the world*' Used for business it often effect* savings. Socially it is a comfort and a joy. Even if used only for protection, it Still is worth every ] its small oost. If you are without this aid to farming, call out Business Offioe, or any telephone employee will gladly help you plaoe your orden ments and extensions thereof not constructed or acquired through the issuance of sewerage revenue bonds payable solely out of the revenues of such improvements or extensions, of said City and not otherwise, and is issued under authority of "An Act authorizing cities, villages, incorporated towns and sanitary districts, having a population of less than 500,000 to construct or acquire, improve and extend a sewerage system, impose and collect charges and rates for the use | thereof, issue revenue bonds payable solely from the revenue derived from the operation of such system or improvement or extension in payment thereof, to provide for the operation of such sewerage systems, and contract in relation thereto," filed July 13, 1933 and in force July 13, 1933, as amended by an act approved May 4, 1934 and in force July 1, 1934, for the purpose of paying the cost of constructing ^improvement® and extensions to the sewerage system of said City of McHenry, arid this bond does not constitute an indebtedness of said City within any constitutional or statutory limitation. Under said Act and the ordinance adopted pursuant thereto, the entire revenue derived from the operation of the sewerage system, including all future improvements and extensions thereof not constructed or acquired through the issuance of sewerage revenue bonds payable solely out of tiie revenues of such improvements or extensions, shall be deposited in a separate fund designed as the "Sewerage Fund" of said City which shall be used only for the purpose of paying the cost of operating and maintaining such system, providing an sions and in the order in which said locality within the municipality not j pasaed^-.by theCity Council of, the City Mrs,. <1.„ Frost, Sunday. accounts are hereinafter mentioned: J theretofore served by its existing j of McHenry on the 3rd day of De- i Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Benwall and (a) There shall be paid into the 'sewerage system, payable solely from icember. 1934, and deposited and filed (daughters of West McHenry, Mr. and Operation and Maintenance Account tbe revenue to be ' derived from the i in the office of the Citv Clerk of sai-ljMrs. Herman Dunker and family an amount sufficient to pay the rea- [operation; of sonable expenses of operation and provements. maintenance of said sewerage system for the period of one month; (b) There shall be paid into the Depreciation .Account a reasonable depreciation reserve, not exceeding an amount equal to one-twentyfifth of one per centum (1/25 of V ,) of the value of said sewerage system; (c) There shall be paid into the Bond Account an amount equal to at least on© sixth (1/6) of the In- 1 terest becoming due on said bonds on the next succeeding interest payment date plus an amount equal to "at least one twelfth (1/12) of the principal of said bonds becoming due on the next succeeding bond maturity date. , Section 10. That, until sach time as and unless the aggregate of all moneys held in the Bond Account, from whatever source received, shall be equal to the aggregate interest and principal requirements of said bonds for the twenty-four (24) months then next ensuing, there shall be paid on the first business day of each month from the Sewerage Fond into the Bond Account in addition to the amounts required by Sub-section (c) of •Section 9, hereof, to be so paid, an amount equal to twenty per centum (20%) of the amoont required by said Sub-aection (c) to be so paid, such additional amounts to be accumulated and held as a reserve for contingencies, to be used for the payment of any portion oi interest on or principal of said bonds in the payment of which such extensions or im- Section 15. That the City of McHenry hereby covenants and. agrees with the holder or holders of said bonds that it will punctually perform all duties with reference to saitf sewerage system required by the constitution and laws of the State of Illinois, including the making and collecting of sufficient rates City this 3rd day of December, 1934. >pent Sunday with G. A. Vasey. jutaruAte depreciation fund and pay ing the principal of and interest on j there would otherwbe be default . '* -o- ~ 1 ». • ' for the sewerage system and segregating the revenues of said plant and the appl' cation of the respective funds created by this ordinance, and it hereby^epvenants and agrees not to .*11, lease, loan, mortgage or in any manner dispose of or encumber said sewerage system, including all future improvements and extensions thereof not constructed or acquired through the issuance of sewerage revenue bonds payable solely out of the revenues of ruch improvements or extensions, until all of said bonds shall have been paid in full, both principal and interest, or unless and until provision shall have been made for the payment thereof. Section 1'6. That the City of McHenry hereby covenants and agrees with the holder or holders of said bonds that as long as any of eaid bonds remain outstanding it will maintain in good condition and continuously operate said sewerage system, and will, in order to protect the interest of said holders, continuously maintain insurance on said sewerage system of the same kind or kinds and in the same amount as that which would normally be maintained by a private company engaged in a similar PETER A. NEISS, "City Clerk. APPROVED by the Mayor of the City of McHenry this 3rd day of December, 1934. PETER J. DOHERTY, Mayor of the City of McHenry. Attest:. PETER A.* NEISS. -- City Clerk, Mr. and Mrs. Charles Miller aadf son of Libertyville visited Mr. and Mrs. John Oeffling Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Harvey Da mm and family of Kenosha, Mr?. Glenn Robinson aad family of Olympic Wash., were Sunday dinner guests at ,^e' ^ home of Mrs. E. Bacon. . Mr. and Mrs. Lewis Brown and family_6f Crystal Lake visited the lat- : Published on the 6th day of Decemter'a parents, Mr. and Mrs. Joseph ber, 1934, in the McHenry Plaindeal- (Wiser Sunday. er, a newspaper published and having! Many old friends here were sorty a general circulation in the City of|to learn of the death of Mrs- McHenry. lAmes, who passed away Sunday _ "NEfSST^"" f'morning at 11:30 o'clock at the of her grandson. Robert Ames at Avon Center. Mrs. Ames lived around Volo for many years and has many friends here. Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Benwell and daughters of West McHenry and G. Asr- Thanksgiving dinner • City Clerk. GIRL SCOUT EDITION Just think! Only three more weeks until Christmas, and we're taking good advantage of*this short time. Many decisions were made tonight, j Vasey were We have received five new scouts into! guests at the home of Mr. and MSfli, the troop, and you'll be glad if you Herman Dunker. join; too. Of course we're getting ready to have Christmas fun, but still do our good turn daily. Furnishing our Patrol corners will be completed this week. (Thanks to Mr. Duker.) .... Election of officers was held. Mrs. Harvey Damra (Rath Bar©#) met with a serious accident Saturday afternoon. She broke her arm while cranking her car. Mr. and Mrs. Richard Oonin of Mte* Henry spent Thanksgiving day belli with Mr. and Mrs. Harry Hhwiiunua. Ha mil tor. Parr is spending a f«jir~ We had only two Patrols, but have (days in Detroit, Mich. three now. Mr. and Mrs. Frank King Mlcif " We're working on'.-'liur .tests too. (tained friends from Pa* Ridij* We'll have alnaat all second elaas ; Thanksgiving day. ^ scouts by apt ing tbesidee the first ! Mr. and Mrs. A. Wagner and fainclass.' lily, Mr. and Mrs. M. Obeanuf a*fr Dont forget the next meeting. Jt's j family of Waueonga spent Thank*;,'• [giving day with the latter's 1MU«'Af 'here, Mr. and Mrs. P. Wagner, i . - important BEATRICE WILLIAMS,