Thursday, December 13,1934 1 "" " . * f.»-^ ? * '•- >5; fHrftcBENK* ,fj *'- *~^%,'ii ' • • . • . . .-*•- W>„ - 4# Page Five ?x.^ . * # - * * DOUBLE VICTORY OVER MARENGO SPURS MCHS McHenry and Marengo battled, it Y;;Yout for the first ttiree^ quarters on - even terms but Mchenry's defense functioned in perfect order during'the ;7Ti0ast period and Captain Richie Vyc*- ,, tal's three field goals in that period enabled MCHS to score their first j. ^triumph of the season by a 22-13 count. Marengo came to town with thte enviable record of having defeated Bel- ' /videre and Coach Orr, basing his opinion on that fact, had little hope for victory. Starting the high scoring cOmbina- - tion of Adams " and Meyers at for - ward with Kramer at center and y --Hughes and Vycital handling the jruard position McHenry was able to ;maintain an even pace with Coach Runn's lads and the score was 8-6 .. 'at the quarter. McHenry could count ,;:y^.but" two points on Kramer's field goal in the second period but: the yisi- * tors weren't so progressive either :and the hal^ ended 11-10 in favor of Marengo. Kramer'"? free throw tied l ne Beaut if u CHTSTAL Daily at 6:45 and 9 p. ~FRIDAY and SATURDAY Mat. Every Sat,, At 2:30, Jean Parker m "HAVE A HEART" with James Dunn You Made Her a Star! SUNDAY and MONDAY Norma Shearer and ~ Fredrick March in "The Barretts of Wimpole Street" : i with Charles Laughton Three Great Stars Mak» Screen History!! Sun. Mat. 2:45 to 6--10c-25c After 6 and Weekdays--10c-30c TUESDAY 10«£ SPECIAL 15^ 'One Exciting A denture' with Binnie Barnes WEDNESDAY - THURSDAY George Arliss in "The Last Gentleman-' with Edna May Oliver The Picture of a Thousand Happy Surprises! the score and* a pair of them-by Vycital aijd a field goal by Vale Adams ptit McHenry ahead 15-13 at the three quarter mark. Then Kramer scored another free throw whUe Vyci- -tal added three baskets iri "suction" end the game was sewed up with Marengo having the inglorious record of making just two points during the last- half and none during, the last quarter. - Taxman led the lights to a 17-10 victory in the curtain raiser with three baskets from his guard position. Marengo was no match for the sharpshooting seconds of McHJenry who forged steadily ahead after being held to a 44 tie at the end of the first quarter, Friday night Huntley comes to town for the last home game until January 25th. Huntley had a mighty sweet team last year that every coach in the county envied but this" year Howard Flancher has been having his troubles assembling a smoothworking team; McHenry held the distinction last year of being the oply te^m to defeat Huntley oh Huntley's floor. . a : ,: . -r ; ;• '-J*!/Y s Ori 13atui*day night MfcHehry travel's over to Woodstock to give the Blue and White a real test. Woodstock has a' real team this year if their victory over Maihe Township by % iop-sided: score is any indicator. Whether or not Coach Qrr's men have developed enough from their slow start to make the game a battle is yet to be seen. Woodstock has plenty of height and a pair of good shots as well as plenty of speed so Coach Orr's men are going to have their work cut out for them in order to {rain a much coveted-• over Woodstock. . Heavies " •' MVHENRY, 22-- , F. Meyers, F Beckenbaugh, 0 0 Adams, F .• 2 Walkington, F 0 r BACON'S f' STRIP >a BT •* 'fYY? WZEKEW BACON for the noise and don't miss it. Santa ClaUs may not, fill Gene Wattles' stocking Christmas eve, but Glenni'e won't care. No sir, not'he,"cause wasn't Santa good enough to allow Glen to bowl, a 200 game last Monday night, the first one in his long career as a bowler. And he still speaks to - the rest of the boys on Main'-street.- r' Crystal Lake has been awarded the | DMriet Basketball tournament again ! this year so McHenry county will | again be the scene of action when t,he snow is melting next March. Last i year Dundee won the event on Crystal Lake's floor with Huntley pushing them all the way with their gallant five-man tea'm. V. Kramer, C 1 Hughes, 6 0 Vycital, G -5 0 1 The Fbfesters started the second round of battles last week and three teams ended up just two points.away from each other. The number thivi team led with 2477, followed"by number one with 2475, and number two with 2473. Not such bad matching on the part of their matchmaker, the fellow that lines up the teams: for the ftew series. The Foresters bowled again Tuesday night as some of the men couldn't. report tonight, due io other engagements. Winkel's team led the going with a strong 981 game to' finish what was a close battl^ "up to th^t point. ' Red himself lv3d tl e boys wi<h "214 210, 244--644 so he deserved to win. " . ^ . •' V ;• 'A.big future and if jt doesn't fade out like some of those previous "loom" {nations then there'll be a swell time to be had by all. Seems the McHenry Ice Cream Company has been sponsoring a team in the Commercial league at Waukegan and they are going to bring their boys' over to McHenry tn do battle either Sunday or Tuesday. If on Sunday the match will most likely be rolled in the afternoon, if on Tuesday it will be at night. Listen Friday night, that is tomorrow night, Huntley comes to town to battle the up and coming Orrmen. Huntley hasn't the.leiim they hud last year, j but even so, McHenry wouldn't fear : them as wasn't McHenry the only I te,am to trim Huntley on its own floor last year? What they will do tomor- | row niarht is a matter for conjecture, ! but they trimmed Marengo last week after dropping three straight ant) that may have been the spot where the ; worm turned. Let's h6pe so. the CWA have not answered the petition for the job as yet, but any time row. .One thing that is g&ing to be needed is a truck and some tools, sokindly be on hand, you loyal support ers of the whole idea, to Tend any assistance that may be found necessary. • '• A fine example of the dusire for skating that has been created may be found on the West Side along Main street where a goodly number of the unemployed have volunteered to go through with the movement should the CWA fall down on the job. They lave offered a day's work free in order that the interests of "the young people be protected. When the time comes for the job to be done these men should be remembered. |y.-«oiiW places thU year. K victory ber of the oM MAACsVhen e»me j there is almost unlooked for, but it - .... e »ame A handful' of spectators watched McHenry's town team win their first game of the season over the Lions from Chicago, a team that Zukie Kin- ! sure would be a mighty sweet one. | Woodstock trimmed Maine in ah early j reason game by a one-sided score and 'only last week they trimmed. South ; Beloit, Jbhnny Face's team, after | trailing by four points with only one ' minute to go. A team that pulls thai 'kind of stuff is hard to beat. Was at its height locally. He played M^Cracken, Mel Whiting, Dowell and Bennett started for McHenr$r with Patzke, Schreiner, Jack Downs and Lockwood getting into the game later on. The final score was 36-28, but the lead- was much ltfrger atone. stage of the game. One curiftus fact about the 'garii«> Was that there was but one foul called which tips even the three foiil exhibition between the McHetirj"> and Marengo lights with Referee Haggej^ty of Chicago, a Big Ten and Southern Conference official, working the game. At the fights at the Bridge last' Thursday night it was-announced that no further bouts will be held until after the holidays. Watch this column for further dope. r < 1 with the losers Sunday, Freuhd^ ,meiit.» ENTERTAINS FOR FRIEND Mrs. Floyd Cooley of Ft. Wayne ind„ was guest, of honor at a party given by Miss Stevens in the J. M Phslin h,ome. Tuesday evening. Three tables of bridge Were in play and prizes were merited by Miss O'Gara and Miss Ropp. Other games were included i& t)ie: MARENGO, 18-- Kolberg, F> 1 1' Sweat, F ...... 2 . 0 Thurow, C ;.r..... ... 0 * 1 Penney, C 0 Genz, G 1 D. Rath, G .....^ 1 | ....' • G. Anderson, F , 2 Kilday, C Miller, C Taxman, G Frisby, -G Justen, G ...i.. 0 1 0 0 0 1 1 c» 3 0 © 0 0 V % 0 0 • 1 , But Coach Orr' says they all fall pooner or later, even if they do pull that last-minute ttuff and cites the example of the Chicago Bears for instance. Time after time last quarter rallies brought the Bears from behind and they emerged from their Western schedule unscathed, but then what did they do in the championship game but let the New York Giants turn the tables on them and give them a good stiff dose of the old last quarter tonic. You know all about that anyway if you read the papers or listened to the radio half as much as Charlie Goodell has been doi^tf since be got-that new all-wave get. Maeiiiijo 6 ~'ll, McHenry 8 10 Lightweights McHENRY, 17-- Baur, F 1 Freund, F 0 C. Anderson, F 1 13 is 7 18 22 " MARENGO, 10-- Scott. F Fitz-simjnons, "F Nelson, C M. Anthony, G .......... Kinreed, G Drivert, G Hart, G 8 Marengo ...»!» McHenry < ... Referee--Haggerty, Chicago. 2 * 0 0 2 .. 0 • 0 ..... 1 • 0 0 ^ 0. 0 1 ..... • • 0 0 o • 0 0 ..... 0 0 . 0 5 0 1 .^-4' 4 I 6 10 ... 4 e nr li The Little Conference standing reveals several interesting changes from a year ago. Last season it was Huntley who was dominating the j I group with Richmond holding down their usual place in the cellar. This [ year we find the Gunderson men $tag- j ing a huge upheaval and emerging at j the head of the group with ~Huntiev I hanging on for dear life to escape j complete annihilation. Things must j be picking up in these parts. ; • j Seeking further news aboat the i skating pond project it is found that j:.;: m NELECTROLUX >« REFRIGERATOR Silent! ( No Moving Parts/ Economical to Operate! T?OR Christmas giv£" a gift that will endur<v one that will bring lasting service. Here b a pcrfea gift--the air-cooled Electrolux Gat 1 Electrolux Is a distinctive, modern rcfriger*- ,. tor that operates by means of a tiny gas flame, , And it operates at a surprisingly low co8fc Come in. Let us show the new Electroliat and explain its many features and conve* Iniences, You'U be amazed at the simplicit Electrolux the beauty of this truly modern, refrigerator. The Electrolux can be purchased for onlyi*^ small down payment, the balance- mont on your Electric Service bilL Floor Model? at Greatly Reduced Prices All guaranteed. In first-class COnditioii. Make your selection early to save mon«y. Advantages q 1. A tiny gas flame docs the work. *2. Defrosts without Hopping. " J. Ecooomieal to 4. Uses no wpter. * 9. Stainless white porcelain. 6. Two - temperaturechillitwonh. 7. Trigger Cfay f«* lease. _ f. Automatie temperature regulft- * tor. ' Plenty of large ice cubes. ll>. Automatic mi safety shj^t-oft IV «mvt inttrnt and rtbtr ctsti, * fmtwb&t kiffetr prk* is tbargtd ftr applismas sM m ' Jtftmd ptymmtt. W» art cm! u | | . WESTERN UNITED WCAS^ ELECTRIC OQMPANYiy a&xsN 8TRSJBT -Flrat Sh«w v /•it Veloclt' ';v tHC McHEKET ILLINOIS ; Adm. lt-2&c m (On The Stage) ; and Ma Cooper Parents of the WLS Barn Dance Star LULA BELLE Will Put on Big Barn Dance Shows and Satvrday, Oeccnber 14-Xf 14 FAMOUS RADIO STABS - 14 'lirW Performances each night--6:45 - 9:15 - 11:15 Saturday's Matinee 2:30 - Children Admitted Free On the Screen--JOAN LOWELL in "ADVENTURE GIRL" New to onian - Strange to All - and Comediec Sunday, Monday and Tuesday Dec. 16-17-18 FRED ASTAIRE and GINGER ROGERS in "THE CAY DIVORCEE" Added Units t'omedy and News Kvents of the World t-xxV Wed. -Thurs., Dec. 19 - 20 "CLOSED" - Xmaa Shopping • Men's Phillip Jones Shirts - $1 to $2.50 The gift he will remember for no man ever enough Shirts . . All Wool Flannel Robes A supreme gift, for the head of your Xmas liat, $5.00 Hen's Neckwear Hand-made A traditional Xmas Gift. The latest ideas in patterns and color combinations, 35c TO $1.00 A Ne% Knitted Pajama Of soft texture and greater warmth, $2.35 GIVE HIM SLIPPERS Opera Style-Moccasins, Romeo Style, 90c TO $2.75 DRESS GLOVES Unlined Pigskins, Wash able Calfskins, Wool and Fur-lined Leather, 50^ TO $4.50 SILK MUFFLERS A window full of them and many more to choose frQm, 85^ TO $2.95 FREUND'S CLOTHING STORE llAIN STREET M HENEY ILL Don't £ 1 Know What to Qive^ Let Our Gift Display* •:/ Save You ' Time--Trouble--Money E«ca|W. from the don'tkuo\ vvvrhat-to-give :^gahoo! Just bring in your gift list today. And almost before you can' say '4 Santa (Maus;*' you'll have .half those filled in, gets to gems to * watches' are h^re spread out before your expert eyes. Prices! Go as high as you like. But you can get nice remembrances for as little as a dollar bill. Come see us today ? V. and save-^ar and tear on y our shopping - weary feet J": ,.. . ., V • " " "• l" $19.50 * t \ - 0 ^ . jd 5 '•} - 1 -y~i - 'V J $ Yt1 ] "• tv i i-% » -iff". *'4 "i $22.50 Choose fibm this List of " Distinctive Gifts for HER Diamond Ring Vanity Case ~ Pearl Necklace Elgin Wrist Watch Costume Jewelry Sterling or Plated Silverware Fitted Overnight Case for HIM Cigarette Lighter Desk Set Cuff LinHs Elgin Wrist Watch Cigarette Case Pen and Pencil Set Elgin Clock as low as Phiko-Crosley-RCA Representative Jewelry--Phsie--Radio West McHenry, ID. v! ,^-ii I' -r 4. mi-: