Illinois News Index

McHenry Plaindealer (McHenry, IL), 13 Dec 1934, p. 6

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T Fa|e Six. rTTT^j^z^^ Z>: ' THE McHENKY PLAINDEALER * • V, » Thursday, December 13,1934 ?#•$$$. JOHNSBIJRG Mr. .and Mrs. Henry Thielen were W<w<^t6ck,«AjIwrs -Tuesday. '• / p/;-.',' Mr. and Mrs. William J. M'eyers id #rs. Joe King wore -Waukegan cajler?j.».\loriday. " Kis. John Freund and - daughter ;•* George HiJIer was a caller r.t Zetida Friday. • Mrs. Joe Frett called Mrs. Otto Adams at the Woodstock hospital one <day this week. Mr. and Mrs. Jacob-Adams, and sons visited Mk. Otto Adams at the.Woodstock hospital last Saturday. Mrs. Will May spoilt Tuesday witl* Mr." and Mrs. Gwrge May. at Spring Grove.'", ",..•••'-. .V Mr. and Mrs. Ntek JPitzeil y^jtfairW' » Woodstock St. John's It. weVe Woodstock, callers Thursday. Mr. and Mrs. Steve May motored to ! to Aurora Tuesday. Elfiih Tuesday. • "J A; I Mrs' Joe Karls wa® Miss Enurta Fieund of McHenry, visitor .Wednesday. and Mr. and Mrs. John . Rauen ' of \ The i|ch<?6l children' of Spring Groves were visitors in the j parish of Johnsblirg gave a play home of John H. Freu'nd .Sunday, honor of St. Nick Sunday evening. Af 'Daniel Malloy • and Alex Adams j ter the play each child received a box spent Saturday and Sunday at Chi* of candy. \* ' cag^lWh' relatives and friends^' Joe Schmitt of Beloit, W is., was a Mr. and Mrs. George Miller of | visitor here Wednesday. Gray slake' werfe -callers here Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Bob Wpfcie and Mrs. ;.4vV.:'.,•- Mr. and Mrs. Petti Wegenetf of Caroline Freund of Chicago apeiU , ' Vol© visited in the^home of Mr. ajid j Sunday with. Mr. and Mjrs. Nfeter J. : , Mrs. William H. Althoff Saturday. jfTreund. -/ "• Mr. and Mrs. Henry Th^jen visited, Mr. and Mrs. John Thiel and Mrs. " ' m the home of Mr. and Mrs. -Tony ,George King- were vWauke«ttn sh>^- ' S e h a e f t - r a t C r y a a f L r t k e o i j e d a y l a s t p e r a S a t u r d a y . ' v j - ; ^ .• ! .,'..Mn .and Mrs. Wm. J. Meyers and 'v The - Community Club pac> at the family motored"to Wilmette to spend ftcorie of Mrs! Joiin A.-'Milier Monday:Uhe day with Mr, and, Mm John LADY FORESTERS MEET-DEC. 18 The Lady Foresters of Johnsburir. Court No. 777, will meet on Tuesday evening. Decs- 18, instead of the following week which will be CJ^tnj**--'. Each member is to brmga t#n-cent article to exchange. RINGWOOD evening; Prizes in^Five Hundfed. weio vBohnen»'Sunday., % 4 puar-ded to Mrs. John AMilier, Mi'fe,i';-RfV- N#lf -of> Effingham • \ ,.Jeo King and Mrs. William J. Mey<.r> , s-pent Wednesday with Mr-, and Jlvi. \ ,ptnt a few day* *nh Mi< and tfr* The Fne Hundred Clvjb iri?t at the '--/Frank Nell, K-coiitly. _ - • V Mi'- and Mis. Barney Jiicobs of Tj>s* tin, Wis..;:^p;eiit 'Tuesday -^terrtoen-'tn the hojfiij'e . of Mr. -'^nd "Mrs.;; W'm. J. Meyers.'. i '-v"" , v: Mr. and Mrs. Al.e\ Freund and daughter, Nancy, of Chicago, Mr. and Mrs. Ray Horick of Woodstock, spent Sunday in the home of .Mr. at d Mrs, Stephen H. Smith. ^ Mr. and ..Mrs. Joe King and daughter, Sally Maev Mr., and ^Mrf. Fred Smith, motored to Salem, Win., Satr urdayTaTfeinoon. " •" Miss EUen Doherty returned home Friday, after a visit with her sister in Elgin Mrs. Stacia Malone returned to -het home in Elgin Tuesday, after a short visit with relatives here and at Wwkegan. Mrs. M. J. Walsh spent a'few days last week with her daughter, Mrs. Louis Young, at Waukegan. Mary Kathrine Sutton of El^in fcpent the weekend at her home. Mr. and Mrs. Hugh Morris, of Chicago spent the weekend* at their Qpt-"..^1Pn)l e j r'j1^rs^®y eve"'^' tage at Fair Oaks. - . : ' J"J u" J M" Dr. and Mrs. N. J. "Nye entertained at a family dihner ' Sunday. GuestjWe/ Sir. an4 Mts. E. R. Sutton ard faniife Mr. and Mrs. V: Martin and soil, of this city and Mr. and Mrs, <^pr£e Su-end^i' aivi baby of Aurora. Mts'r John Rob<?rs, Si".^ and'Mr. and • i-sw-1:..»•>«=• »»•, >r»7~.*-r ^ •-- - - ^. ,f Mi's.J©hrt Rober?,,,' J-r., -of,New 'Muiifiiendr jwe iSaturda^ .{ft^o^ii;'Stpffel arid daughter^, Mrs; PetVi- "Sniith, "Mrsctfeo F'reund Cla^,. attended a" part^'at- 'Richmond-Wednesday.:. , - * • - ;'t. % 'Will; Mai;tin- of^ChiCago'.^l^fe^^ day with home^folks. . " Mr. and Mrs. George Miller have -Wioved ^rom "the.home of M. A. Conway tto the Steve Adams hpu§e east, of the river. i , Sunday guests ,irv the J. M. Phalin home were Antoinette Huetch, Emmet O'Coniic 11, Mr. and Mrs. Howard Phalin Mariorv* and Ruth Phalin and Mrs. Joe-King.- ' .:'v; : Quit e a "few la^es; of•: SfcHeri^-. (ended the Christian - Mothers carl party here Friday. ---.i.v Mr. "and ..Mrs. Joe Adams visited at Kenosha last Wednesday. Mr, and Mrs. Frank MicheU, Mrs Joe P. >Jichels and" Mrs.. Albert Hufi were Waukegan shoppers Saturday. .' Miss Katharine' Huff of Spring 0r<(ve was a caller here Tue.^da,y. •Tins is to {tiniounce to .tlV^"'T»ilt®k'-tfe&t"'41^*';Harry."Towiisofi.<J. ("hevrolt-t Sales, in McHenry, has been sold to the undersigned, who will'continue the business at the same location, corneF-e£- r. S. 12 and 111*. "20, McHenry, where tbe same effick'iit sales and servi<fe and repair "work .will be eontinued as in- the l>ast, under the name of the -, "• ..•,-. SCI IWERM AN r"V . 'Wi,. Paul H. Schwerman SHELL GASOLINE, OILS. GREASES, CHEVROLET PARTS USED CARS WITH AN O.K. THAT COUNTS WE CALL FOR AND DELIVER :»• . PHONE McHENEY 277 A Better Selection of Christmas CANDY "V- : 1"-:, Johnston's and Bunte's , i . • iir I FAMOUS LINES Packed in Beantifol Holiday -Boxm At thfl Right Price W' ,:"-i Also Full Line of Christmas Boxm of Popular Brands of Cigars and Cigarettes ;• Harold Phalin of Chicago. * ; ^ Miss Stevens spent the weekend'in Chicago. •. • '* ' j I Miss- O'Gara spent the weekend at I I cr home in Oak Park? . ' . I " George Miller of Chicago spent th" weekend with friends-. v ; . Mis? Ellen Walsh of South Bend, hid., spent the weekend at her home. ! Dr. G. W. Hess attended, the stock -how in Chicago last week. Mrs. James Allen returned to Mishawaka, Ind.. Saturday, after a week's Visit- in the home of her daughter," Mrs. G. W. Hess. • . " , George Kinsala of Ghicago spent Sunday at his home. v ; » Mrs. Math Laures and ^on, Jack, have returned from a visit in Chicago. Eleanor Kinsala jf Fpx Lake spent Sunday here. . Mn and Mrs. William Swanson of Lily Lake entertained. Miss Eleanor Wegener and Miss Josephine Doscli Sunday evening. Entertainment of the evening was a card g!ame*and later tea and cake was served. Misses Nellie and Lillian Doherty were Chicago shoppers Saturday. Mr. and Mrs. Harry Townsend attended the funeral of a friend at Janesville, Thursday. Mrs. Earl Brown went to Chicago Tuesday for a few days* visit. Mrs-.'A. Gausden returned Tuesday from a Chicago visit. ^ Mrs. _John visitor Tuesday. ^ » Mrs. Henry Quinn was a Chicago visitor Tuesday. Mr. and Mrs. Homer Fitzgerald .of Los Angeles, Cal., visited in the home of her parents, Mr. and Mrs. J. W Freund, and are now in Crystal Lake. ' Mrs. Fred C. Sohoewer. county president of the Legion Auxiliary, afcd her secretary, Mrs. Eva Bacon, yrith other county officers, were Jruests at a meeting of the Crystal Lake unit Tuesday evening. Mrs. Ethel Oetter, 11th district director, aiid her secretary were also guests Mr. and Mrs. W. Freund motored to Chicago Monday, where they visited in the home of their daughter, Mrs. M. J. Kent and family. 1 hey returned home Tuesday, bringing their daughter, Mrs. Floyd Cooley of Ft. Wayne, Ind., with them, after she had spent a week in the home of her sister. Mrs Cooley will remain unitl after the holidays when her husband will join her here for Christmas. Mr. and Mrs. Freund also brought their two little grandsons, ^ged 8 and 5 years, home with them for a visit. Miss Kathleen Given spent a few days the last of the v/ek with her Rister, Mrs. Harry Laurence, in.Chicago. Charles Christenson of Chicago spent the weekend with r mother, Mm. Edith McAndrews, i Miss Laura Unti spent Saturday in Chicago. ; Miss Joset^- Merrick was a Chicago I passenger Saturday. Mr. -and M^g. A. K. Burns of Oak Park were local visitors Thursday. ; Mrs. Lena Snobel of Chicago spent la few days last Week in the Herman ! Fisher home. Mr. and Mrs. Jack Purvey and j daughter, Patricia, of Chicago spent | the weekend with home folks. < Mr. and Mrs. Harry Hitzeman of Chicago spent Saturday and Sunday I in the home of her parents, Mr. and i Mrs. A. E. Nye. The Misses Genevieve Knox and I Elola Boyle attended a party in OW cago Saturday night. They were takei) to Libertyville by Mr. and Mrs. Carl Weber where they took the train for* Chicago, Mrs. P. H. Weber, Mr. and Mrs. Earl Conway and daughter, Carolf were Waukegan visitors, Monday. Martin Knox attended the livestock show in Chicago, Friday. Mr. and Mrs. Carl Weber spent one. day last week in Chicago. The Home Bureau held a card and bunco party at the home of Mrs. Chas. Peet Friday afternoo'n, the proceeds 6f Which will go to Urbana to the convention in January. Those to receive prizes in five hundred were Mrs. E. E."Whiting and Mrs. H. M^ Stephensoli. In bunco tt>'Mrs.'Win. McCannon and Mrs. E.* E. Cai-r. The Ladies Aid Society met with Mrs. Viola Lou Friday afternoon. Thev made holders. Mrs. Edgar Thomas entertained the Bunco Club at her home Thursday afternoon^ Prizes Were awarded to Mrs. George Young and Mrs. Ray Merchant. Andrew Jepson of Stanford, Vermont, is spending the winter in the home of his brother, C. J. Jepson. Mri and Mrs. George Young entertained the five hundred club at their Prizes were awarded to Mr. and Mrs. J. C. Pearson, Mrs] George Shepard. F. A. Hitcheiis. .'. . , Mi-s. Jennie Bacon returned to Wer home Fritiajr evening from a -'-MBit with her daughter in Elfein. V ^ -C. J. Jepson, Andrew Jepson of St a nf di d ,; Vt., aji d, Stanley /epsorf, of Waicojida', visited):the Stt)C{i Show in Chicago, Friday. ^ V ; ;v Mrs. S. W,_ Brown spepi a few day^ the past-week in Chicago; , * • Louis Schroeder r \yas a.,.v^sit6r - ip Chicago, Thursday. : . . , ' '• • * Miss Lora Harrison of: Evanston ;is visiting her parents, Mr. iand Mrs. George Ilarrisou. Mrs^Louis Schroe^er and daughter, Jessie, and Mrs. Thomas Kane were Woodstock visitors Friday afternoon. Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Doh-srty were Flgin shoppers ^Wednesday. and Mrs. George Shepard. and -family; were AVoodstock-glsit.OCT Fridav • afternoon. Mr. and Mrs. Ben Justen were callers at Woodstock Friday aftdmooti.' Mrs. J. C. Pearson and Roland Mc- C^nnon attended teachers' meeting at Woodstock Friday afternoon. . "Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Hiene and son, Eugene of Chicago, "spent Sunday In the George Shepard home. Mr, and Mi^. Joe Weber and family of McHenry spent Sunday in the Nick Young home. The Home Bureau held an all-day meeting at the home of "Mrs, Charles Peet Tuesday. There were fourteen members present. The forenoon was devoted to handicraft. At noon a pot luck dinner was served. In the afternoon the meeting was called to order with roll call answered to by each one igiV,ing a suggestion for Gby-ifctmas gifts. Mrs. Elbert Thomas, 'who acted "as local leader for the day gave a demonstration on xemodeling of a dress skirt. At 1:30, Mrs. Smith of Algonquin gave a talk or. music: The various! chairmen gave their reports. Mrs. Willis Gardner of Solon Mills -was & guest.... • _ Mrs. B. T. Butler entertained the Scotch Bridge club at her home Wednesday. Prizes were awarded to Mrs, E. E. Whiting and Mrs-. Ray Peters. ' Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Simpson spent a few days the past week in the William Beth, Jr., home in Chicago. ' Robert Anderson entertained a few of his schoolmates at a party at his home Saturday afternoon in honor of his birthday. Games were played and a jolly time was enjoyed. Mr. and Mrs. Ben Walkington arrived home Saturday from a few weeks' visit with relatives in Tennesee and South Carolina. The Ladies Aid Society will hold a dinner at the M. W. ,£.• HQall, Wednesday, Dec. 19th. „ ; Mrs. Ed Thompson returned home Friday evening from a visit with" relatives in Chicago. . Mr. and Mrs. Roland McCahnon arid family, Mrs. C. J. Jepson and, daughter, Virginia, arid Mrs. Joe Mc- Cannon and son, Ix>ren, were Elgin visitors Saturday afternoon, Mrs. Joe McCannort and Mrs, E. E, Carr were visitors at Woodstoek Monday morning:. :• , Mil-, a-nd Mrs, Lyle • Thomas and Elijah Coates^ of Crystal Like • were callirs in thfe' Fried^ Wiedrifrhi; jlome Sunday, v",-" Willis Gardner of Solon Mills and Fred, Wiedrich and sop, Fred, Jr.,' attended the Stock SJfow in Chicago, Friday. Roy Sutton and Fred Wiedrich, Jr., were Chicago visitors Monday. Chancey Harrison visited the Fat Stock Show in Chicago Friday. John and Bornice Smith attended the stock show in Chicago, -Friday morning. > , " Mr. and MJfs. JrTA. Hitcheiis were visitors at Woodstock Sunday afternoon. ^ Mjsses Julia McLaughlin and Dorothy Fisher spent Saturday and Sunday in Chicago. - ' Miss Alice Peet of Crystal Lake spent Sunday with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Charles Peet. , Ethel and Lora Wiedrich were visitors in the Leslie Olsen home at McHenry Thursday morning. Mrs. Fred Wiedrich and daughter, Mae, and son, Roy, and Mrs. Lester Carr and sons were visitors at McHenry, Saturday evening. Mr. and Mfrs. J. F. McLaughlin spent Sunday in Chicago. Everybody Is Talking About, Our special Christmas Qijt ination If we offered this washer for $49.50, ft would still represent a wonderful value ... but when, in addition, we include this beautiful de luxe mQdel Food Mixer with attachments . . . all for the price of $49.50..";-.. then it becotiies a most sensational bargain . jflaxer is one of the highest quality Electrjc Mixers pn the inferket and you have but M examine it a ti <1^^ • compare it •^^lr others tbrec-. OgUize that fhte true, It regularly retails for $15.95/ A small down payment will hold a washer and mixer for you to be delivered at your home Christmas morning. BOTH 6YFL f A ' FOR "•5" Fhone 251 Oreen St. '5' ?•'? Ul wuui,. T~Ti McHenry CARD ANI) BUNCO PARTY Mrs. Mary Daly of Lily Lake entertained the Lily Lake Ladies' League at a card and bunco party last Tuesday afternoon. Refreshments were served. Prizes were awarded to Mm Ed. Weisbaum, Mrs. Geo. Wegener, MajrieEtter. Mrs. Christine Buss, who brok* her hip several months ago, is still confined to h<»r bed at the home of her daughter, Mrs. Phil Hoffman at Terra Cottt. • ' - •' r--- • -'•• . T ' • • , > ' ^ ' Sesco Casserole. Cooks everything from baked beans to pot routs Has capacity for six to eight persons. Makes delicious food with waterless cooking . . $3.SO manning-Bowman Waffle Iron in low-boy design. Has convenient heat indicator to tell vou when to pour in batter. Finished in chro mium with black molded trim mings $4.99 New design Telechron desk, table Tetechroti Quacker" alarm clock 6r mantel clock. $9.95. Other Tel Novelty design in yellow, black echron and Hammond electric clocks are offered as low as $3.49 pi blue cases. Self starting $6JtO Hamilton Beach Hair Dryer. ijives warm breeze for quicicly A*> mtr 'k»»iUt» prir»d mi mart than $1 bt : purchated for a imall flown payment. Tb* bal- §nct monthly en fur Uittcttrruu SStt ruct bill. T» mltrtu and otbtr #></> a fomtu hat hightr fritt is cbarged {or *p fli*mt*t nM#m payments are some Good Gifi| Suggestions Your Public Service Store is showing a wide assort- • ment of practical and .beautiful Christmas gifts that will please the people you like, ~ Wafflemaster. A de luxe automatic waffle baker. Small light signals when grids are ready for batter and again when waffle i* baked. Finished in lustrous chromium. .• •. • « «. • • •„ ':•* Sunbeam fiat toaster and buffet tray. Ideal combination for buffet luncheons and suppetsandinformal entertaining. Toasts two slices of'c hfread or two sandwiches at one time. Complete with tray, only • $3.93 Telechron wall model clock for - kitchens, bath -ooms. Chromer plated brass case. Large color selection . . $4.95 Wesltnghouse electric roaster. Pre- -pares a complete meal for six with' / . , oven speed. Seals in »ppeti'yingK;:--;;;7;. "lescompletewith pans. " .»» . . $12.93 Silexcoffee maker Makes delicious coffee the easy, modt-nf way wltlv "frying hair or dainty wearing ap- no guesswork. We'll give you $1 porel. Finished in ivory. . $7.9# allowance for your old coffee maker toward purchase of a new Silex at r $4.93. Other percolators in many styles and sizes at $3.95 and up. Sunbeam Mixmaster. Mixes, mashes, beets, whips, performs^ dozens of arm-wearying jobs. Equipped with juice extractor. $11 . . . lor a brighter New Year ; 'Snare new lamps Will pill7 charm and beauty to every corner of your home. Many shapes and many Styles, to suit every taste, are now being shown at your Public Service Store. Be sure to se« them. And inspect, too, the new "Eye Savi ng" lamps that are especially designed for better_seeing.. Decorative Christmas lightings set. Christmas tree" , sets as low as 70c. Also tree sets with special detector bulbs that £]qw when lamp burns out to save time making replacements. PUBLIC SERVICE COMPANY OF NORTHERN ILLINOIS * Cryital L&ke store houi^ begixx&ing will be from 8 a. into 9 p. m.--Ph*m»t Crystal lAke.280 V- • --v.-." '

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