Illinois News Index

McHenry Plaindealer (McHenry, IL), 20 Dec 1934, p. 8

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;/- A <•* r, ' IT W9 \ '•" *.* * ; ;r; \ ' •" --'ft• \' •jr., ,-•• •^•'•JW's-; ,- .#> • • •'» pr> m f ^ . v, '* 4 "' ' *- r.i*--. . THK HeHXmtT PUUWDtALBK '* -""" Th^riay, December 20,1934 " f&Kwmmmm p.m. gA-fJ If r •' •. k '• 4" ' ; *• FAKl'V FOB VElEHAJils Those who attended the Christmas party for the veterans at the Elgilt State hospital, Tuesday nighty were, Mr. and Mrs. Fred Schoewer, Mrs. Lester Bacon, Mr. and Mrs. Bernard Bauer, Mrs. Robert Knox, Mr. '"and Mrs. Peter Neiss and Mr. and Mrs. Art Patzke. Each soldier was given a treat of home-niade. candy, stuffed dates and raisins ahd cigarettes. Each unit in the county contributed to the treat and program. ~v; Q.E.S. INSTALLATION, JAN. 12 v McIJ«*iry Chapter, O.E.S., will hold iti annual installation of -.officers oh Saturday wight, Jan. 12. Each mem* . b^r may invite one gu6si. Tlie Christmas party will take place Friday evening; MemDers and their .families are itivited, as well as M®r ...sonsAnd the.i^ families; Each" on<?is to hritS)? a gift ,tQ exchange and isdrwiB- . thiftg'.tO 'serv'e- with coffee. C AMP HAS t HttlSi'MAS i'ARTY About thirty members of Fox Rivet Valley Camp, R.N. A., enjoyed h Christmas party in Woodman hall Tuesday' evening. Games were played and gifts were exchanged. A Christmas tree was an attractive part of the decorations. ? AUXILIARY MEETS ^ The local unit of the Legion Auxiliary met Thursday evening wher. plans were discussed for a, Junior Auxiliary and also for the "program rnd treat to be given ^the boys at Elgin State hospital. MERRYMAKERS MEET " -The Merrymakers met Thursday afternoon at the^home of Mrs. Frank Masquelet. CSrds were Qlayed and prizes won' by» Mrs. Peter A. Freuna, Mrs. Will Blajfe and Mrs. John Barle. The next meeting Will be With itrs. '^Atthuf Smith. ~ ; i CHRISTMAS PARTY AND FAREWELL The telephcme. girls held their annual Christmas party ahd farewell for Mrs. Laura Kiel, at the Bridge, Tues-* night. Among those present were HOLDS OPEN MOUSE JPimnk Rossman entertained some of his friends at his bachelor apart- SURPRXSE PARTY Jacob Schaefer was surprised l>y t party of friends Saturday evening: in honor of his birthday anniversary. He was presented with a gift and Mrs. Schaefer, whose birthday anniversary was the day previous, was also surprised when she received a gift, too. Pinochle was played and prizes were won by E. R. Sutton, Mrs. Hiogh Morris and Albert Vales, after Which midnight lunch was seized. Mr. and Mrs. Schaefer had been shopping Saturday evening and upon their return home found their guests present. , Guests were Mr. and Mrs. Hugh Morris, Chicago; Mr. and Mrs. Albert Vales, Mr. and Mrs. E. R. Sutton. My. and Mrs. Thomas Wilson, Mrs. Catherine Schneider and daughter, Helen, Miss Elsie Kohl, Woodstock, DGP3?<E DUTY IS' . • KEYNOTE OF NEW ^ - FORD V-8 TRUCKS ment on Waukegan street Tuesday iJerome Schneiaer, Henry and Mike day evening of last week, A chicken dinner was Berved at 10 o'clock, gift? were exchanged, and Mrs. Keil, who has resigned her position / with ; the telephone company -was presented with a gift. f• ' • PHILATflBAS MEEt The Phillathea. /society s'pent SOCIAL WHEEL REOR^AN^ES ,; The Social- Wheel reorganized fdr anotlier year ;at- the rtieeting held at the... htome -of • J®r& H. M.\ Stephenson John F. Knpx, Robert Patzke, Jr., Arthur Meyers, Ed. Landgren, Glenn Wattles, Geo. Voeltz, Louis Schroedef find son, Kirk, Verne and Donald Harrison, Seth Richardson, 'Legs"Dowell, George Bohr and Weir Keck. •> •:= IBNTERTAIN CARD CL0B ; Mr. and Mrs. Alfred Richar^soriJ en- Witt^ined member^ of thfe't card club . SWdav evening. , Four tabjas of five, ... . - . • -. , . Itf Ringwoo<}, Tliursday. Th<? siame^f-]l.undred we^ m ^lay.amrftigh. honors fnr5 t.hp coming j\ven£ to "Mr- Mrsv'E./J. Niokles. | ^ Ch^mberlin aha ^Jjb^rt ASchaefer. Orders for Christmas goodies or toys left at Trt Smitlfs store or the Wm. H. Althoff Hdwe. will be delivered by Santa Claus himself on Ghristmas eve, » y- ; |0bp - MASONS INSTALL/: ,.'Tlfcfe'rify Lodge No. 158, .. If- & A. 'Mi, held its installation of -offk .cef4---T«er.^ay.. eyenipg.' Floy3_ E. (3ov:- fleers;.^ei^.--"el6Ct'ed"-.;'fpr? the coming. a ' Vear with Mrs. Minnie Miller, prtesipleasant afifernoon vTh^rsday at the j dent; " C. W. Goddell,- vicerpresi- .hjioumurec ovfi Mrs. Lester Baco-n. Christ- J-dent; Mrs. Fx... Ai-v,* Hitchen?, secretary, t y 111 • 1.1 C l j Hi. Or iincivcir>,. x*. v , mas carols were sung and plans disf ^nd Mrs. H. M. Stephenson, treasurer, hughes, Will H.iene, George Shepard i- 1 cussed.for the month of January. I ; xhrge tables of bridge were in play The candy sale held in connection during the afternoon and prizes were with the meeting proved to a ' won by Mrs. Jacob Brefeld, Mrs. L worthwhile undertaking. i Hawley and Mrs. Minnie Miller. The next meeting will b(e held Jan.1 The next meeting will be with Mrs* 10, th^ place to be announced later. H. A. Asmalsky on Jan.. 8. , >. WEEK-END AND XMAS SPECIALS THose present were- Messrs and .. • ^ Mes<lames Robert- Thompson, . John 1 ' Offinstalled weire: Dreyniiller, ' E. - J». Nickels, H. ~ (V Mrs. Floyd Cooley and Mrs. Charles Mertea. fci&LED RIB ROAST, Best Grade of Beef POT ROAST VEAL BOILING BEEFr :r- BEST GRADE OLlbMARG^il^ MIXED NUTS, finest quality . . .! WALNUTS, Large California ......I..!...:, " MIXED CANDY, 100% fiUed . TOESH DRESSED POULTRY lb. 17c4 lb. 13f ib; 9c lb. 17C lb. 22c lb. 24<^ lb, 18r Shop Sire For Finest Quality and Save Money, Royal Blue Store SANTA GLAUS ATTENDS PARTY Santa Cl^us was present to distribute gifts from a brightly lighted Christmas tree at the Christmas party given byrthe members of Riverview Camp, R.N.A., for their families and Juveniles at K. C. hall, Monday, evening. Games Were playedj Christmas cafols sung 'and, gifts wer Worshipful Master ~'€hp>cej*^"ftarrison. Senior Warden--Clinton Martin. Junior""Warden--Neil Carlson. Treasurer--George Johnson. Secretary--James Sayler. Chaplain--Lester Sherman. Senior Deacan--Lisle Bassett. Junior Deacon--Earl DowelL » ^ Severe requirements of modern commercial transportation, calling both for plenty of power for hauling heavy loads and high road speed coupled with nimbleness in traffic, dictated thte design of the new Ford V-8 truck? and commercial cars for 1935, according to the Buss-Page Motor Sales, local Ford dealers. "The§® conditions," he said, "hare brought about a demand for a new type of truck. With owners'demanding faster, more frequent trips ami searching for every possible means of reducing operating costs lis well as their initial investment, it is not strange that the great majority of all trucks in use today are of 1%-ton •capacity and less. "The modern truck capable of meet' ing these requirements must be able to perform a double duty. It must •possess the strength and ruggednes.-s to stand up under the most severe punishment*of road and load--without dead weight to hamper performance and increase operating coats---and it must possess the, ability if" necessary to maintain highspeed either /on/the highway or in city traffic. The new Ford V-8 trucks and. commercial cars Were "designed "to meet* these doubleduty requirements." *; y; Santa Claus in person will deliver on Christmas eve orders for toys or goodies left at the Wm. H, Althoff Hdwe, or Art Smith's store. 30bn Senior Steward--Albert Krause. junior Steward--John C. Pearso.n. Marshal--Seth Richardson. Tyler--Louis Hawley. exchanged,. with each one reiving a treat of candy. • also, re- HunIORS REHEARSE PLAY -- Ilehearsals were commenced this week for the Junior play, "Sound Your Horn," which will be given Feb. 1. Those taking part in the play ax*^ } Petty Thennes, Laverne Engeln, Kathleen Justen, Bernadette Meyers, Ruth Reinhansperger, Yvonne Benwelt, Robert Beckenbaugh, Vernon Krainei, Harrv Schnaitman and Albert Boehlke The Juniors are also sponsoring a tea_dance after school this Thursday afternoon. Juniors, Seniors and men^* bers of the facility are invited. ; / MOTHERS club party f? The Christmas party for members of the Mothers club was held at the home of Mrs. George H. Johnson Friday afternoon to enjoy the games and program which included a selectidn of songs by the girls' glee club cf the high school, a piano solo bv Barry Taxman, a vocal solo by Warren Jones and a comet solo by Jack Hess. There was a prettily decorated Christmas tree and a toy and "in article of food were brought by each member to be used in filling Christm a s b a s k e t ^ . . - / • ' • ; : v ; : • • V ' ' k, 4. • Bolger's-Cliristmas Drug Sale Friday and Saturday Only, December 21 and 22 PALMOLIVE SOAP Special 5 bars 25^ 20c WONDERSOFT KOTEX Sale Price 17^ [uors for the Holidays Captain Kidd pt. 89c WINES Port or Sherry 5ths S9® Calox Tooth Powder ....... 43^ 40c Flecher's Castoria 28^ 50c Phillip's Milk of Magnesia 36^ McKesson Hand Cream 39c4 Pint McKesson Cod Liver Oil . 59 Pint Witch Hazel . . 29 $ 1 lb. PSY1LLDM SEED .. X8c 25c Tube ColdIOC 75c Eno Salts 57it 25c Golden Glint ^ 19^ 65c Pond's Cold Cream 39^ 50c Forhan-s Tooth Paste . .. 34 C 60c Rem 49 30c Mentholatum 50c Mistol Rub 50c Feenamint 40c Castor Oil 75c Listerine $1.00 Lysol 50c SCHOLLS FOOT LOTION 34c 37c4 34 d 29^ -52c4 , 79c $1.1S PRINCE ALBERT, 1 lb. 88c 35c Scholl's Stocking Protector 23<^ 50c Ingram's Milk Weed Cream 34c4 $1.00 Nuiol fi7^ 25c Imported Powdered Henna 16^ 60c Corega 43c^ 65c Mistol BATH POWDER with Puff 39c 18c KLEENEX Sale Price 15<^ ALL 35c CUTEXS PREPARATIONS St. Regis Alarm Clock Coty's Powder 89 c Dr. West Tooth Paste 11c4 8 oz. Super D. Cod Liver 0il ; , 69 C McKesson Bath Powder ,• .'9 c4 RRn VifrVa Special, 24*» SPECIAL! Assorted Xmas Candies uidc announces continuation of. •. its Smart Style ... Proven Superiority...Established Prestige of Quality(arid Value « • • and every fundamental • Buick Engineering Feature, ' . . J already proved and now improved by further progress. PHONE 4# A'The <Jhristmas Store" GREEN ST. THE public, isfiiiie first 10 months of this year, l>y Investing in new Buicks more millions of dollars than in any other car except the three of very lowest price, ^ives striking, even sensational recognition and appro**} to the superiority of Buick quality and Buick value. Buick was ahead of its time this year. Buick for 1935--r already a proven product--is ahead now. The building this year of the finest cars Buick ever built, in a volume nearly double the 1933 output, has brought forth impor. tant new improvements and refinements, bearing upon perform^^ smoothness, ^pggndafcility economy, V" '• Compare the Buick for 1935 as you will. You will see here the value for your money. You will buy a better automobile only when Buick builds it. : • - ^^ BUY BUICK and you BUY BETTER Buick Straight 8 Volve-ln- Heod Engine Buick Sealed Cho--ls : Smart Wlndstream Sfyfi» Safety Brakos Buick's own Knte-Actlon Gliding Ride Buick Center-Point Steering Buick Automatic System off Operation and Control Bodies by Fisltctr Multi-Beam Headlighting Twenty-Five Beautiful Models 795 AWli UP, LIST PRICES AT FLINT. MICH. . BUICK VALUI-PRICtS Series 49-- *795 to *92S Series SO--*1110 to *1230 Series 60-- *1375 to *1675 Series 90--*1875 to *2175 List prices at Flint, Mich. Alt prices subject to change without notice. Special equipment extra. Any Buick can be purchased oh the favorable G.M.A.C. terms. , v / 'S lift##. CREAM v V A GENERAL MOTO&S PRODUCT R. I. Overton Motor Sal^s WeatMcHenry,lll. CHRISTMAS TREE CENTER *, . t; "Oro^wfif - " One of those delightful new type Luick specials . a "Oliristmas Tree of pistachionut^ ice, ^ - surrounded by famous* Luick rii^caroon ice ."Cream. With this wonderful" contribution to ';/ ;-:the weekend-and holiday festivities, we extend - - ^to vou.ofir best wislifes for a, very Merry Christ^ ' . inas. V-? of all kinds, sizes and prices^at Bolder WATCHES V IngersoU and St. Regis -'$1.00 Watches, IngersoU Wrist Watches. Alarm Clocks of All Kinds. - FOR FRIDAY AND SATURDAY-- - St. Regis Alarm Clock . Holidays Jilquors - Wines*- Brandies - Bums • Cocktails CAPT. KIDD WHISKEY CEDAR DALE WHISKEY ^ 79^ FOR THE HOLIDAYS-- PORT or SHERRY ....; ; 5ths 59^ CANDY When it comes to Candy, we take our ha|| l off to no on*. 4Ve especially invite your attention to our price on Christmas Hard Candies. 15^ pound ... WHITMAN'S - JULIA KING'S ANDERSON'S Fr-- m f" 1' n' ars, cigarettes and Tobacc® 1 lb. PRINCE ALBERT ., . Friday aiid Satiurday Only CALENDARS That Good Old Weather Calendar^^ witfr a full-sized Map of IllinQis--Youm 5*5 •y ' • : 'V

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