Wtfta* ( 1 . Monday, December ttj-iiM I THE IVf HENRY PLAINDEALER Published mrjr Thoridaj at McHenry, I1L, by Chtrl« F. Renich. Entered 11 Neond^clasi mtttw ajt the poitofict *t McHeniy4 DL, un- Mr the act ot May 8, 1879. .Om Year te Month. J ...|2.06 ..4100 A'-vy <-V•,>://./ ' •"' j-.'. ; • " • i -vY""' A. EL MOSHER, EdHw ud Manager ••?•*•••••<, For The Remaining Days ,'Vv* Service at 79c and $1.66 ' ' „ : ?rChiffon at 79c and $1.00 'V; *, 7- SECOND REUNION MCHS CLASS OF'31 s'.v/A. RABIES1 SLIPS AT $1 o0O \ \ Fancy-- Handkerchiefs ; . For \vour Holiday. Dinner, fitie goods at a; saying--~ Ohri&tnj&s .Candy hi Bulk--Nuts, 1934 new crop - <•' and trood. •',/ v SMITH BROS. Members of ' the McHenry, high school class, of '31 will hola their second annual class reunion at 7 p. lit, Wednesday, December 26, 1934, at The: Bridge. Harold Lindsay, class president, and Agnes Steffes, co-chairmen of this year's reunion, have been making arrangements for the past three weeks. Wednesday night's meeting of the former classmates will be more complete than last year's reunion, in that music will be provided. Proprietor Joe Freund offers as his menu half a thicken and all the trimmings. * Thirty-four names make uji the personnel of the Class of '3V At that time it was the second larfce^t class to be graduated from the high school. The other class officers beside Lind* say are Theodore Anderson, vice-president, and Kenneth N. Boley, secretary- treasurer. All the members at the initial reunion last year vot^d .unanimously' to continue the custom this year and every year ad infinitum. Coming as it does-in the midst of; the wost festive season of the year, th<» class • reu hi or. offers a: pleasant, opporvni>i\ for the old graduates to find o^t w£al e-u-h other haabfcen doing for Vthe na«t year. PURE MILK LOCAL IN ANNUAL MEETING FOR SALE FOR SALE OR RENT--Nick Weber farm, 75 acres. Located 1 mile east of Pistakee Bay Road. Inquire of Mrs. Wm. Bishop, McHlenry. 24-tf FOR SALE--Spring geesje, 18c per lb. dressed. Also chickens. Geo. Weitl. Phone 622-M-2. *3t> FOR RENT FOR RENT--Six-room cottage on Waukegan St., nortn of McHenry school. Inquire Walter J. Freund. 24tf WANTED WANTED--Old cars, scrap iron, brass, copper, Radiators, batteries, rags and paper. Call M. Taxman, McHenry 173. 88-tf W A NTEP--Oy^ or discarded * phonograph "records a JVlcHenry shut-in* who will derive a great deal of pleasure from these records^ Anyone having same, arid willing to donate them | may leave them at th^ Plrtindeailer o?^ i fice. Please, do this;, ai once and ttiake. another • ^his',y!ear'a':,happy one. •; : • LOST The annual meeting and election of officers«.of the McHenry local of the Pure Milk association was held at K. C. hall Saturday .evening. ;.'.'• ' N'els Pearson was rjs-elected presrdcrt. of the association "for the third: year; Martin J. We,her was LOST <)R "ST^AYEI)^ Black and white Beagle Hound. -Joe. M. May, West McHenry. ° .. *30 MISCELLANEOUS . 1 WHEN YOU NEED A VETERINARIAN-- Cajl Richmond .16. Graduate eleete#] veterinarian, prompt service. General vice-president; Pauf l3oherty. was? re- I practice. Both large and snrall anir ; ( lected as secretary; Peter A. Frounii nials. Dr. John Ducey,"Richmond, 111 was elected director and Goor£;<\ "Er-.>12-26 ber and Lester Shermati. w^e elects i as delegates. WE PAY FOR DEAD ' bC, lk'E Gre- *>. WM. PRIES. Prop? : Tel. 80-M Wfe Deliver When Better Meat? Are Sold, For Less Mohey, . ^ We Will .Sell Them SFECIAL PRICES FOR FRIDAY AND SATURDAY . ' DECEMBER 21 and 22 : i' PORK SHOULDER CNt any Size, Very Lean lb. 13c Rib Roast of Beef Baby Bfitef, -rolled . .1... lb. 17c Bacon PORK LOIN ROAST ; Hice and Lean, whole Small Lean or Vi slabs lb. 221^ Loins lb. 15^ ,V'V FRANKFURTERS, large, juicy a ... . 2 lbs. 25^ HAMBURGER, Our Hamburger is always fresh ... 2 N>s. 19* HEADQUARTERS FOR HOLIDAY POULTRY. WE HAVE A FINE SELECTION OF ALL KINDS OF POULTRY--ORDER EARLY Dfcn Goyer, general .nanager of the . , 'MlflAVEST HEM()VAL CC?* Z fnr X Zvr' Q» th^, PHONE DUXl>i:E 10 methods of conducting the milk mar-! , B'x erse Char^s . / • 1 .V*is:tir..!r mrmbcVs.present f * . ' from;' Crystal. Lake and Harvard for locals; ICK REMOVAI/ OF "pEAI) , AXD CRIPPLED COWS OR HORSFA _ Rcfre-hmrntS were furnished by Gan Ax-1 Bolvitr, Woodstock -lGSr -W-2 j;< ]Lrer's; Drug stot;e;, .Smith .Brothers ,>.;rid reverse charges. •* *18-2G r.nd Rav McGee. • . " .. ; • --;--^---r- ;--•------ Five bags'of egg mash donafte'd by BACK IN BUSINESS AGAIN.-- The tL., ATiil \vevi> p-ivpti to Pete- oHl reliable commission loan. Ship. I'lake and Peter SchaefeV Oyster us your Live and Dressed Poultry." stew was served at the close of the meeting. Miss Hazel Kramer spen^ the weekend with friends at DeKalb. Mrs. M. J. Freund returned home Friday, after spending a week in the home of her sister, Mrs. L. N. Baer, in Chicago. Mr. and Mrs. Georgs Freund arid Mrs. Anna Meyers spent | the day, Friday, in Chicago and Mr.;. Freund returned home with them. | Mrs. Nizzie Holly is visiting in the home of her son, Albert, at Genoa, in. , John Schaffer attended a Chrysler meeting in Chicago Monday^ VealjJEggs, Hides and Game. We pay you top market prices always, give Correct weight $nd make prompt returns. Write for tag and quotations. A" Square Deal to All. Fred Pe gel Co., 230 Peoria St., cor. Fulton Market, Chicagp. * 24-7 FARMER WHO WANTS femair>o- Tice dog and puppies, cant secure same by " calling McHenry 638\Rrl. o Good dogs for farm. Homes for puppies can easily be found when they are old enough. 30 Tumbling into opeh water while attempting to glide across Fox River on a small sled, Peter Cutter, 35, of Chicago, father of two children, drowned near Silver Lake early Sunday morning of last week. Cutter went down while his friends were forming a human chain across the treacherous ice in an effort to rescue Santa's Just About Ready to Come Down the Chimney TOYS ANtTGIETS FROM * * r# _ 'lbs """ .McHenry'; I T o v v ^ T r u c ^ s S 1 . 0 0 Ciremhlry Outfit . , 50f-: Wind,up- Ti:am ...93c Mack Boards , 50c MtGcalio Constr. Bricks $1.00. Foundry Sets , $1.00 Jpe Penner and -- His Durir 59c BaiLy Air BE SURE Mrs. J. J. Vycital, son, Harold, and Wm. Cutter, accompanied by several Stanley Schaffer were Chicago visi-l^nds, left Chicago at 1:00 o'clock tors Tuesday {Sunday morning to go to Kenosha i Miss Mignonette Walmsley of Cary ;county to spend the weekend at the visited in the Clarence Martin home •: cottage of Henry N. Peterton. . and j this week ^-- rWillard Frick, on Fox river, west oi l Mivs Rosiha Young s^ent the past 1 filver Lak«- The Party arrived short- j week with her sister in-Elgitt. :. : - a^er 3 o clock Before they e^er- Mr. aild Mrs, Johft Bolger and'\#\ the cottage; ;Cut^r saw a smgll ; ' Minnie Knox visited relatives hearting against the building, -tie; V" e* * i . :picked up the sled and told one ol his , : \ v < o d > t o c k , : S u n d a y •• • . . • J A ' , . J - • - . t p -- t - - . , - . t „ j f L Miss:.IIelEttvGrady: of lUrvartlr was::f '^ag to show him ho^ [ : it . , t,(l ra. of river. TIe ran to th^-banl , Mi. atiji Mr^. Hu-S'h^lorris.of Ch- |nd started slKlm^ acro^; I . .,-• ni tU • -a- nd hue. fc'rt 'ho1;1 of s",p- h" . rack,open-; water; aqd/the man aml . - tlefLwcnt down- > • . . ; M a r i d S h - i - . , . J u l m Rifles $1.00 to $2.95 Hi Speed Johnson , , Skates. . .'; $4.95 Skis 95g to $2.95 Junior Wagons $1.95 T' 191ii4 Dressed Dq>Us 89c Embroidery Seta 25c Laundry Sets 49c • China Tea Sets . ,50c and 65c 8-Piece Aluminum Percolator Sets 50c Large Child's Dresser . - $3.75 Toy Furniture- 10c to 50c 25<T Games . 10c to 50c Printing Sets 25c Cake Cover and Tray :: 5-Piece Glass Mixing Bowl Set ..Si,'., Cast Aluminum Dutch Ovens ' c- Aladdm Mantle Table Lamps I- 3 qti Aluminum Percolator "" Pyrex Cas.cerole .. .1 Alarm Clocks Shaving Sets Gillette Razors . Safty Razor Bladie Stro^ier : Pocket Knives , " Westclock Pocket Watch \yiwaM i El i?.i iV; y i' t-'ii r.< 4 li> Kl'Xi !. lI 1 1 ; (he M-tekend. "1 ' • * : .•Miss'• A'tcries- Uj,(i -\v( pkend ,at h'.v-'e.'. . 'Mr! and. Mrs. ' I.ake: .-Gejievfi'. were Sunday eyeiiiiig ea 111rs irvtthe C;W. Gifebs- horned > Miv. and Mrs. ^Elayd llopv^r. (if Cyys- 11 a! Lake, called t>n fi ienJs here, SMn- ,day.'," l: X WorH for , tite. Pay • Arnold"' rhf-'tnut of West ;idfaUu".. I ^ 25--The Merrieit of Christmages to you I 26--Survey of Mason UU| AKLmmam Dixon line complet*d, w X m7: 27--Movie theaten are called nickelodeon!. 1908. 28--Woodrow Wilson, 28th President, i» bom, 1856. 75c ' L;.... $3.50 $4.95. • . ,. $1.15 . .. / $1F25 $1.15 to $1.50 $1.25 49° . ... " . .$1.50 .--i^50c-1° $l.o6 Tpen't last^veek with his feraiidf- George Meyers. Mrs. Kathrine McCabe spent the weekend in Chicago.. Mr. and Mrs. M. J, Walsh visiteo at Elgin Friday Mrs. Malone, with Margaret Aylward, expected to leave this week for Jacksonville, Pla. Mrs. E. R. Sutton,r son, William, and Mrs. Albert Vales were Elgin shop* i j ers Tuesday. , I - Fred Sehvay spent "Tuesday in' Chi-*' cago. Miss Frances Bughop and Miss ;SV> laon of St. Theresa's h6sjfttal, waaM> gan, visited the foi-nn»r's parents 1uesday evening. Mr. and Mrs. Roy Kent ^id Mr. nd Mrs. Leo Conway ' spent Friday evening in Chicago. ' ' , Mr. and Mrs. Koy Kent; eay in Chicago, Mrs. Will Mead and daughter, Mr-. Ray Thomas and -daughter,: Jau.nita,. . „ spent Saturday in Elgin as guests of ; flings Mrs. Hattie Dalton. . - rpbit a •Mr* Will Mead of^ Haymbndsvilte, though the 01 iginal " wu- ' • Mrs. " R'»v "Welsh rabbit"; the later spelluV,' We Have a Full, Supply of Tree Trirrtmings, Christmas * Cards and Wrapping Paper i » ' »--Firat poattge ctankpa, ' uaed in the U. S., 1847. 30b--Iroquoia theater fire ia Chicago kills 602,190J. *W<lih Rabbit" \Velsli rahbrt'1 are in cotnmoh use, tfTe oricinal expression was A OASLOAD OF 0.2 TESTINO 36 LBS. PER BUSHEL Will arfive at ^ur plant the latter part of next week. Stop in and look these oats otw when they arrive. *; - - McHenry Co. Farmers Co-op. Ass'n Phone 29 • ' jAeHenry Among* the Sick •••»•»•»»»»»»»•••»»»»»••• Mrs. Otto Adams returned from _ Brand's hospital, Woodstock, Friday; She had been a patient there for s v eeks, recovering from injuries tained in an accident at th» dance near Johnsburg. Dorothy Matthews has been abs from her duties at the telephone fice because of a sprained ankle. Ray Conway, who has been confim ed to his home by illness, , is impro%?» ing. Gerald Bauer, 12 year old son of Mr; and Mrs. Joseph L. Bauer, returnetf home last Thursday from St. Ther- ' esa's hospital, Waukegan, where hpi was operated on for appendiciti Free FRED J. SMITH, ; JT0HNS3URG? ILL. Pi*epar€ F(<r Winter --r We Carry Alcohol, Prestonb, , Winter Oils and Greases r TOWING AND REPAIRING Phones--200-J - -T - - Night--640-J-2 Mr. and Mrs. Leo Conway • Chicago visitors Sunday. Come in Christmas morning. Tom and Jerry. Auto Inn. 80fJ» . Mr. and Mrs. Carl Weber and Getf- V' ! evieve Knox were in Elgin Saturday, V " ' winrs BROSTeepaie ' •,i:S;.'".i SHOP J®.-' '• •' . • ' ; v Phone 68-J JRadio Grive lis k Chance t<> Frove ft ' W on U. S. 12 GREEN STREET TAVERN Just North of Empire Theatre ' MEXICAN CHILI SERVED AT ALL TIMES, 10c PER BOWL A MERRY CHRISTMAS TO ALli Fine Assortment of Holiday Wines euid Li^uOrs i GEO. L. JONES, Prop. SCHAEFER'S TAVERN East of the Old River Bridge ^ " Chili and Sandwiches Served At All Times - Mixed Drinks ~ 5 and lOe l&er FISH FRY FRIDAY NITE--10c per plate .Roast Chicken with Trimmings 25c ORCHESTRA SATURDAY NIGHT THE BRIDGE Just East of State Btidge, McHenry FREE DANCING WEDNESDAY AND SATURDAY NIGHTS - FRANKIE GANS' ORCHESTRA CHICKEN D I N N E R -- S a t u r d a y N i g h t . 2 5 < ^ NEW YEAR'S EVE, Turkey Dinner $1.00 per person Includes Dancing and a Good Floor Show Meet Your Friends at Joe Friend's S. H. Freund & Son ; CONTRACTORS AND BUILDERS Phone ,127-R McHenry Our -experience i& at Your Service in building ; Your Wanti A. P. Freund Excavating Contractor/ rmcking, Hydraulic and Cratt£* - Service : Road Building ~ M^ 204-M McHenry, HI Downs Motor Express The Pioneer Line Operates daily between McHenry and Chicago ;;•*••' Phones: ; Wabash McHenry 7518 I 256 ri'f- OBTS'lS-"' "He who is aftat Joes too httlc ended by treaty. My Place Taveri» \;.-: SANDWICHES - TLATB LUNCHES „ OR DINNERS • Green Street ^ McHenry, 111. Charlie's Repair Shop Just East of Old Bridge ; Over Fox River ; v, ^ (Rear Schaefer's Tavern) . Radiators Repaired, ^ Bodies and Fenders Straightened Sign Painting . Truck Lettering i Acetylene Welding CHARLES RIETESEL V- • , CARD PARTY AND DANCE FRIDAY NIGHT Games Will Start at 9 O'clock Many Prizes and Refreshments - Prize Dance Smith's Orchestra - Mrs. Thonnison Will Sing FISH FRY FRIDAY--Boneless White Fish and Potato Salad--All You Can Eat, 10c No. 300 Stoffel & Reihansperger wwurdnce agenfs~:-for all classes of prof.erfy in the blest companies. VEST McllENRY KENT ft Tex., and her daughter, Mrs." Ray Thomas of Morton Grove, returned t > ihe latterV» home Tuesday after a visit in the home of Mrs. Mtad's ^isteK Mr?. P. H. Web^r and Miss Clara Schiessle. Mrs. Mead, who hais lived in Texas for the last Uvehty-eigh; years and who has not been back for. a visit since-nine years agm, has been visiting relatives in Chicago, Detroit, Elgin, (AljpSI al Lake and other points during n^K^stay in the home of hef daughter, at Morton Grove. Flrtl Cattle lo AtH?« Cattle are not native to the western hemisphere. The firsts shipment from Enrope landed at Vera Crus, Mexico, Jn 1525. Others landed at Jamestown in 1611 apd at Plymouth In 1024. "Welsh rarebit" is in en t#r In '•supposing a (TerTvTTtton from'"tart* bit.""-«»Wn; lug a rare ilelicacy.* writer on 'this uiattt r sbrte? thsvt the Aust.i:;Vlians have a dish (mutton, tn a certain waj') which -tl.iey••'cull • '"cojonial goose."...'protwhiy. originating before i n t r o f l u c t i u n o f r e . f i i g o o s e i n t o t i i » ,eotUiiryit|j'^s1Wy at one time there \tere no rabMts in Wales,, Johnsburg Tavern SPECIAL SATURDAY NITE Chicken Dinner and Trimmings, 25c FRIDAY NIGHT--FREE TURTLE SOUP : <t Music by Ben Tonnison Chili Served at All Times -.-T^r--- J. B HETTERMAN, Manager ILLINOIS All Kinds of I N S U R A N C E Placed with the most reliable Gene in and talk it over "hone McHenry 8 RADIO and WASHER REPAIRS We are now prepared to handle'.' all repair work on t-n tl^'Tan^h^a^ing^.'^nrachinj ( aixyinj^ complete stock of le: pairs for all makes of chines. >' CAREY ELECTRIC SHOP Phone 251 McHenry I _ "Pilot-Cloth" Chinchilla cloth, in England, Is called •'pilot-cloth." as it Is worn by naval officers. A*n English tailor upon first starting business in this country Insisted, when asked for a chinchilla overcoat, furrier. :' ;.: -v Brewery Corner McHenry, Illinois FISH FRY FRIDAY NITE. 10c ' SPECIAL TREAT--Christmas Worniif-- FREE TOM AND JERRY NEW YEAR'S EVE PARTY - Join the Jolly Revelers at Auto lair ~ AUTO INN 3 A; W. Foss GENERAL AUCTIONEER WeVAim'To Please • J ' OiVo Fs a Trial Estimates Cheerfully Submitted Phones Libertyviffir 938-J and 1040 Libertyville,<IU.