- r ;t?S» t . v" iC •% -- >-mj- .-r.^« s»? ^ ^ jf^iqiWlay.De^m^er 20,1954 -#.• r" . ~» v:/V'&$V' fB9 McHENRT TLAAWDRALKt JlcHENRY SPLITS WITH XHOOTLEY, WOODSTOCK l'" n, •VTTLE CONFERENCE STANDING ' m, - .-»•••.-" Woo Lost Pet. &chmond <4 » 9 1,000 Grant ......................... 3 1 .750 Hebron % ' : C 1 .667 McHenry 2 I 1 .500 Marengo; 0 . .000 Huntley 0 I 4 .000 '.^McHenry heavies split a pair of iffcmes over the weekend, winning on HE home floor from Huntley, las; ; .yfcar's conference champs, by a 32 to 1$ margin after leading by one point at the half way mark. Saturday night they journeyed to Woodstock and •popped a hard fought contest 31-28- Woodstock led at the half way' mark lf>-8 but put on a spirtied rally in the third quarter to outdistance McHenry, ;• tie score being 25-15 at the end of - the third period. ' The Lights kept up their dazzling . pace by scoring two victories, taking -. Huntley here Friday night, 28-15 and > Woodstock over there on the following1 evening 25-18. The Lights have : lost but One game all year, that to C ;•->^ystal Lake, • ". - ..v Huntleywas supposed to be a setup ;year."as they lost by graduation ; , tfeeir .championship Scjtiad of last sea- "„:s0n. 'But when the score .sftoad, 13-12* • at half time Coach Orr began to think .that he had undfer'rated them.: He had » teen saving Vale Adams for -tfie' ;*;• ftroodstdck game the following night ; ; elected to send hiwi into action In ~i>.#•' last quartet' to fret things: '.popped a bit. Huntley weakened considerably in the third quarter and Becketibaugh's six points together with ?• basket - by Vycital while Huntley was * Scoreless, put the game on ice-^eith a 21-12 lead in 'fcfcHenry'B pockets. From there oik it was all McHenry, the final count being 32-17. McHenry's lights also got a scare thrown into them when Huntley's Midgets ran up a four to nothing count on them at the start of the game. Baur and Kilday equalled that with a pair of baskets and the boys went on to win easily. At Woodstock the heavies appeared to be bewildered in the first half and, though trying hard, couldn't get anywhere with their shots. , They completely -bottled Woodstock inside their zone defenses but when the opportunity arrived for them to score th.»y just couldn't hit the hoop. , Meters1 three baskets in the first half, togtther with one by Kramer, kept McHenry in the going, their tight defense havr ing fc&ld the Dalemen to four baskets just before the half ended, putting Woodstock ahead, 10-8. In the third quarter Vycital started to find himself and scored six points, but he could get little assistance from his teammates' in the scbring de partment and McHenry fell behind under .a barrage of long shots by the entire Woodstock team. The "score was 25-15 at the third post. In the last period, Vycital added four more points on two baskets with Hughe: and Meyers getting one apiece. They cutseora! Wocxlstpck ;r. that, but: couldn't^^wa^v^^^httfr- $S»,"P margin.. •> McHENRY*'32--4' - - ' ? . P. Meyers, F ";2 ^ '<•2 Adams, F ....: "...1...... % * 0 • • 0' Beckenbaug^^3jP.v\«.^„v.^ 'SkvO®'"'-- '• 3 Kramer, C tjk/V'O Johnson, C ......0 $ . 1- Vycital, G Hughes, G 1 Walkingt<#l» G HUNTLBY, 17 Imrd, F ; ........... Witt, F N. Stading, F ... ........ E. Sading, (5 fchulz, G .„ ............. f'horn, Boncosky, ' : -V v/v' B i 7 Huntley 12 12 17 •„ McHenry 13 21 8* McHENRY HEAVIES, 23-- Meyers, F 4 I:,- "' 9 Johnson, F .. 0 " -dir.;' 0 Ad&ms, F .. 0 0 . 0 Beckenbaugh, F ............ ...0 CT 'C Kramer, C ..v............ .. 1 A. o 1 Vycital, G ..w..--,... .. 4 2 'Valkington, G -V 2 Hughes, G .. i 0 0 10 ,7 WOODSTOCK, SI-- Phillips, F Sii ...Sv-' 3 Weeks, F .. 0 0 Gasser,' ;FvU^.:^...U^«^... 1 rerkinst .:j3 o 6 Merwin, G I Jv hnson, G I..... „ 4' o Walter?, G S 0 0 Peacock, G YonneW^, #,,2*;^:..:. .2 .0- •i ,0 •• (:-y' 2?.;^ 13 P?T - •; 1*3 STRIP ZEKET BACON Orders for Chrintmas goodies fr toys left at Art Smith's store or the Wm. H. Althoff Hdwe. will be delivered by . Santa Claus himaejf • on Christmas eve. , 10 Come in Christmas morning1. Free Tom and Jerry. Auto Inn. 80 McHenry's town teams certainly cleaned up in impressive fashion at j the High School gym last Sunday af- j ternoon! First of all, the Femsj the J girls' team, that is a new adition of J the one started last year, had an easy' time in defeatWg the Johnsburg Girls i five, 17-2. Then the men took the I floor and mopped things up with Richmond, the seconds winning about 60-38 and the heavies coming out on top, 53-37. Not bad for a sample, V Mr. and Mrs. Lisle Bassett and Mrs. E. E. Bassett arrived home Monday from Houston, Tex. Next Sunday, Manager Bill Green reports that the Algonquin Merchants have been persuaded to come into the spiders' nest. There will again be three games, starting at 1 o'clock. The admission price is low enough so that you can't go far wrong investing ha a Sunday afternoon's pleasure at the High School gym. GREEN STREET First Show -7 o'clock THC .v. McHenrv _x,.8; l6 ' Woodstock • $ 10*'2^ - Lightweights * ,'* McHENRV, 25-- • ' *• i/- C. Andersort, F^ Freund F . ... .. G. Anderson', F 2 jBaur. F 3 j L. Mi«er, sten, O ......... Kilday, Taxman, G Frisby, G T R^chmotul' High trimmed M^&rengo [ <>n Marengo?S flpof last Friday night J /to maintain their position at the head : j©f the Little Conference ^ith ja clea?) j |,jitat«u Grants defeated only by Richis iti second jplace^ with H«r. 23; ' ,broil trailing t.hem by half a ganif. Vf. McHENRt ^ ILLINOIS A dm . 10-25c Friday and Saturday, December 21-72i ; WARREN WILLIAM.and MARY ASTOR in t4The Case the Howling Dog" Added lliits, LaCucafacha - and Little Jack Little -Mi l Xcw- 1*1 o r e s s T: cee l mi eo I or Sunday and Monday, December 23-24 "The Barretts of Wimpole Street" Added Units - "Tale of Vienna Woods" - World News Tuesday and Wednesday, December 25-26 SPENCER TRACY and KETTI GALLIAN in 44MARIE GALANTE" v with Ned Sparks - Helen Morgan - Stepin P^tchit Afjdcd Units - "Tom Tom Piper's Sons" - Cartoon "Hollywood Gadabout." - Comedy - 1 Thursday and Friday, December 27*28 . JEAN PARKER and JAMES DUNN in "HAY? A HEART" - with Una Herkel and Stuart Erwin • and Comedies ^ v - MoHeiifj' is at, pfesxjhi i^kitigr- fourth :^a't. that'is due 4o a slow^ start rather i than lack of ability. The Orrmen j have won their last two conference games and are slated to go places, ; Jou cant tell, they might eyeii knocK^ off Richm<Mtd:".. :• ^ town. . ":V WOODSTOCK, 18--> Gordon. F 1 0 n, b<?H. F v..„........... .1 2' ,'- i ii!\, F . 0 ' 1 T nr'son, F" . 0 0 „-" Stin, C •0 «• Ootrflo,-'. C '. ..... .. 0 ,0. R. Bill, a . -3 ' 0 K"f>ll, G ; i - A - drew, 0 • 0 (Wi Ikerspn, :G.;• • • /.• 1 . .0 i r'""" '• •*' ;v ' '4 : i 'MeH->nry ,.r -H 17 2? ! rWood?iock ...... ..1 S* 12 18 0 - " t 0 2 0 • . j ] McHenry plays Marengo at Mafenj'jro tonight in their last, game, before .Itlre holidays. Should they take; the glMarertgo .cavw -into cftmp thejr' will •"rfpfobabiy Hip. a notch in the eon* •'D 'fewndje-staiwl'ini:.. Last Time Tonight-- THURSDAY. DEC. 20 Miriam Ropkma in \ "RICHEST GIRL IH THE WORLD" Our Usual Big FRIDAY SHOW SPECIAL FEATURES Spcncer Tracy and Ketti Gallian "MARIE GALLANTS" SAT.--Another Big Night , 1 • SPECIAL FEATURE s*^ - 'Buck Jones >n. "Thfe Thrill Hunter'1 "> • .' -SU.k - M()N.. DEC, 23 -^4.- ^aud^tte Colbert aad; , \ • v ••'-WatrrR C^cii"DtMilleV Master^V* "CLEOPATRA" WorldV^reatest Love Sitr^ry - Christmas noliday Show . TUBS. - WED. - THI IIS. DEC. 25-26-27 Norma Shtarvr - Fredri^ Match Chas. [»i tight on ' »THE BARRETTS OF WIMPOLE ST." -. -Co.ntiBUous Tuesday- after 2:30 •• •' " •• • , * ' ' jOJULTS 25« ANY TIME 2 La^t Orr's lads had rather ah () easy time disposirig- 6f Huntley, feut p lite Flancher meh did throw^ a seat'c '•^•;i;ito. them -by 'dD.gging thv-ir f(X)tstep3 ihroug-h the liv.st half. The score close until a. scoj-eles.^ third quar- 2 , ter pushed lluutley back and it q was all ovei 'then ti?*M.Henry kein _. rijrht on going. Daily at 6:45 and 9 p. fa. "Wishing All Our Patrons a Merry Christmas. Sidney Sankstone, Mgr. FRIDAY and SATURDAY * FREE! FREE! THEATRE PARTY Sat. Mat., Dec. 22 at 2:30 " All *Grade' and High School Pupils Mat. Adults 25c, Eve. 10c-3^c Jhnmie Durante and **G]gfr1es Butterworth in , • "STUDENT TOUl? rwith Maxim' Doyle * (("'.•.'."^A Shipload 6f Fun!;. " » SUNDAY and MOVDAV "MRS, WIGGS OF THE CABBAGE PATCH" '/•' ••~.-,'j^ith Pauline' Lordi:-V(',;';«V: W. 'C. Fields and Zazu Season's , Outstanding^;. Picture _ ; •Sujir'-Mat.,::^-4'^ After- 6 and Weekdays--IOciSCK ' TUESDAYS-' SPECIAY. CHRISTMAS M ATlN'F.K Sunday Priei>s and Srhednlo THE LEMON DROP KID with Lee Tracy and Helen Mack See How a Lemon Drop Will •/ , , Cure Anything. Don't Know ' What to Let Our Gift Displays f Save Yon Time--Trouble--Money XMAS :ains W>:D. - THURS. - FRI. "CLEOPATRA" with Claudette CoIIhtI*. and Warren William (><-il R .iVMilleV ; Mightiesf Spectacle HV Saturday-^riight . a't Woodstock it ,';wii!! 'the otht r way a'rddnd'. McHenry ft tuck right to Woodstock the first, ;halfr and trailed by a slight margin - at hall' time. Thtn Woodstock put RESIDENCE CHANGES Mr. and Mrs. Howard Cairns are , . moving from the Edwin Knox home ion a third quarter and it ^as all to the Hobart"farm. • * !over for McHenry, though they^did Mr, and Mrs. Ray Andorson moved (out>x>ore palea la4* dttiuri^^he^nnaJ from Fair Oaks subdivision to the period. Mr. Anderson delivers '7\- Mrs. Will Mead of Raymondsville, Tex., and daughter, Mr^. Ray Thoma®. and daughter, Jaunita, of Morton Grove, spent several days the pasf \£eek*in the P. H. Weber home. Mrs. Raymond Powe'is is visiting her husband, who is employed ,it Cleveland, Ohio. McHenry's High School lights are rpally going places. They are undefeated in conference , competition and have lost but one tilt this year, that to Crystal Lake. Looks-like the forerunner of a team for the next few y e a n . . • : ^ ' " T - v V Come in Christmas morning.;. Free Tom and Jerry. Auto Inn. SO fe> «$» «$» <$* »»• ^ •»< »*• •*> ••• *»• *•* ••• ••• ••• ••• N. J. Justen & Son Phone J3 W West.McHenry, Il|7?: , .3"' ^Dor^iF OUR CHRISTMAS SALE CONTINUES CHRISTMAS, GIFTS AT GREATLY REDUCED The Farrtilf Gift St&re ••• can buy at beawtifn! UNTIL Table Lamp aiid Table for r98c- With every Livilig ,<Suite' during four sale. ' BeautiNl 2 Pc! Spitos ••'" ^ ,S59.50 ,a^d "P : : ' The Best Gift ¥a lues m This Grand Old Jowft Give Her the Tried and True APEX ELECTRIC . WAgH MACHINE FRIGE&, m&>• . • • uI chest in walnut*•!»••?• Fr«»' - Smart A BEAUT'FUL 'LANE CECAR CHEST $14-00 to $21.00 L * at tiSiS Radio Lamps / Boudoir 90e Haisocks .. 98c to $3.85 Mirrors 69c to $9.50 "A3T Tables--white and walnut 98c to $8.75 Coffee Tablet;, up from $4.65 Oard Tables 89c to $2.35 Bridge Sets, table and. 4 chairs $9.35 Qtov. Winthrop Desks and Sec., up from $18.75 zjfceakfast Suites $12.50 to $32.50 Steel Utility Cabinet, 6 shelves . ; $3.75 Clothes £4^" \ \ New Pottery Lamps, $3.85 Bridge Lamps i. $4.85 to $9.50 Student Laiops $4.50 Floor Lamps $5.00 Reflector Lamps *9;50. A Large Variety: of Ivory and Whiite Lamps What Nots 65c to $2.25 Pull-up Chairs, ^ reach $4.50 to $12.50 fl^unge Chairs $14.75 up LOOK AT OUR TOT^S 'BngH&li' Doll . Coaches .. $3.50" Bolls"' High Chairs ,. 98c Tables and Chairs-. . .$1.85 Kiddie Chairs ...... i39c Doll Beds , . $2.50 Shue Flys . ..„..$1.85 ^lave you seen the Beautiful Karpen Damask Inner Spring Mattress on display? , ' ^ - Our Store Will Be ©pen Every Evening Until Christmas f T t T ? • • Y ••S* • <Y• • • T f T Y Y •Y f J T I ? ? f Y Y •Y f Y Y Y fY Y Y •Y f Y Y Y Y Y t Talk of a checker tournament is gradually gathering speed and force and will no doubt take place within the month of January if present plan's of those in the know can be worked out. It will be a city-wide affair ann may even embrace the rural communities, the ones that really develop checker players. There might b? a small charge-for entry fee, say a dime, hut that will go-4oward purchasing a prize'.for the winner, the balance to t<e turned ^over to charity, local, of course. Better get the men ail warmed up cause there'll W a lot of !un once it gets" -started. • ".•t^aie'h".foif." irtore jiew.s about- it. A New Low-Priced Six An Improved Low-Priced Straight-Eight Watch For These Silver Streaks •The M'-Hcnj-y Ice Ci'(»aw ,FtT( .' th? }»owlihg of: thf .•KsgJrt.'^f'crcn'Mv iw.ttufs&ptur'W' in ifSw#- hxzrvhl:' lwvlraei 'proved1 tt)':'|>e;;".pTOt:tK 'last.-./ «:i.jjjhit>-: when ; hcy ^vulU^pcfi. tVift ? a'. ».; fritmrjly-- • (^--ttfh Xkk the • ifi'f Mick' did <»»£v;v-.tle--M3&' £30 'with • t amc-s of 203. 213 2T1. ( Of ;n^se. his .wife. wS-R;: .^nc-oivr^'.; age. hini, so .>'oO--c;art't:"lii'ajhe:.-K«i;.'.'r,wl ,• 'Hup.;'%nithr:for':'nbt\:d©W;|' > .v- 1 ^ •Ahd1*^"Nick wasn't hpt- oiily.-.hi ; x I e r e c e n t l y b o o s t e d h i m » e I f i n t o a ' . captaincy in:the^••01dt.imers.le^'ut%a'nU;,i he's his'team right up there tied for the lead in this series. Sumiay afternoon he went down to prac tice and r et up a mark of 256 for the bowlers to shoot at foi- this week's high scort Last week Lester Page rolled 247 hittipg the highest single gAme In <>pen bowling. Just why leagu; bowling isn't considered is a problem as the highest scores should be rolled , to cop the biick that Earl Monear is i (iondting each ^eek for the bowler | while practicing, as the tension -isn1^ there. Then, too, if a man rolls a 1 spectacular game, in a league contest j he should be rewarded as he did it j under stress and th^t means a lot. Nick Freund's team and that captained by Bill Bickler are tied for firsx place in the Oldtimers league with n total of 5168 for six'games. . It isn't 1 he classiest league in the world by enjoyable;. Win, lose or dray?, they all- get, m at the finish. ij^k AA V VW y W V V • V V V V V IOOKS LIKE 'WHITE rHf?TSTMAS" Snow which fell Tuesday night and all day Wednesday• indicated-that 1V1:- ifenry would enjoy a really "white < hiisjtmas" this year. Snojy plows were put to work to keep highway» ;<>en as; the snow, 'which sppeafed to be gpri'eraii. continued to fall durinq he day. - , '- . The show brought its usual autonpob'i- le hazards, artd resulted in careful drivinir. Fortunately, the main highways- were "practically bare! -and there was little i^e on th»« pavements to form a slippery base for the new snow. . . . .A drop in the 'temperature, which has been around 30 degrees, was forecast for ^Wednesday night and with i rising wind it was feared that the snow would drift the rands'. WORK SHIRTS ~ Ventilated ; Reinforced Front and Back Men ^s Elgin and Waltham r Wrist Watchesas lowas $14.75 / , Men's teacher Brush and Comb Sets at $2.00 Ladies' $15.00 Overnight Cases at $10,50 Master Field Glass si.oo [?ew Novelty Bracelet and Pendant Sets. $5.00 value at $3.50 Manicure Sets : ; $1.00 and up Reg. $25.00 Toilet Sets ' at $10.50 7 Jewel Ladies' Wrist .Watch, $12.00 Beautiful Baguette Ladies' Watch $18.00 -/aK i >• ..^,1 tT't; -1 *»• "• . ,, i/ 1; J'*- " ^ « ' i i •$22.50 List of Distinctive Gifts Diamond Riug .: Vanity . pa?e .' Pearl N££Mace Elgin---Wrist Wat-eh Costume Jewelry Sterling or; Plated-- Silverware ; v , Fitted Overnight Case 93c MEN'S HEAVY UNION SUITS 93c .... Men's WORK PANTS Janesville Wear King .ir-- Extra Heavy $1.59 Jane*ville - Mill ShriMtk PEN'S OVERALLS Coiitinuous or Bjutton Suspender $1.19 Heaviest Vlade 220* Den i ro Men's Work Shoes "WOLVERINE" The Only 3 Ply All Leather Shoe Made $2.49 ' iii. FREUND'S CLOTHING STORE MAIN STREET ' ' , M'HENRY. ILL for HIM . Cigarette Lighter 'Desk Set . • v®:.': Cuff Links „ - Elgin Wrist Watch Cigarette Case Pen and Pencil Set % Elgin Clock Us lmv a$~r~ Philco-Crosley-RCA Representative A.E. Nye Jewelry-Music--Radio West McHenry, XK. f .