Illinois News Index

McHenry Plaindealer (McHenry, IL), 20 Dec 1934, p. 6

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fife Six THE McHENBY PLAINDEALER Sn^SR| if r ' '! Christmas Gifts , : • > t h e J-- Glassware China Copper Purses- Jewelry Compacts Lineiis Handkerchiefs Games Books «jPolIs Washington :"-r Letter . --By--. National Editorial Aiyodtthn YOLO ^1: iPetersoii's Parage and Willard Storage Batteries, up from Quaker Storage Batteries, up from . 3f95 188 Proof Alcohol, guaranteed, per gal. 55c SPECIAL HOLIDAY PRICES Quaker State Oil - Shell Penn Oil - Shell Mid Con Oil Tires - Tubes and Accessories A^Oiiaraiitef "With Every Product Buy Your Winter Supplies Now and Save Money A. C PETERSON. Prop. Approach of U»e Christmas holidays finds business, labor and government agencies with a mild case ol' jitters rather than a peaceful frame of mind. Just at a time when a practical working pact between industry and governmental agencies was beyond the talking stage, the implications of the- current inquiry into the habits of munition-makers tossed a wrench into the well-oiled machinery. Efforts to coax idle and unremunerative capital back into circulation have been jeopardized by strong hints that another excess profits tax will be the aftermath of the Senate committee's inquiry into armament policies of this and other governments. While excessprofits are admittedly a rarity these days, fear is expressed that the debate in Congress will lead to a more far-reaching stunt to cripple, indu^ fry-*-laVs' definitely limiting profits of all industrial concerns. , „ ?- Conferenci?5 between industrial lead crs at White Sulphur Springs t&ia week Aire* ?l6sely watched by the Ad-1 Volo School Friday evening. Miss Elizabeth Fink of Monence, 111., spent the weekend here with har parents, Mr. and Mrs. William Fink. Mrs. Ray Paddock and Mrs. William Dillion spent Friday at the Homp Bureau office in Grayslake, taking the major lesson for the Volo Home Bureau unit for the month of January. Miss Eileen Magnussen of Waukegan, Miss Evelyn Foultz of Lake Mill§, Wis., spent the weekend,j>ere with Mir. and Mrs. R. Magnussen. Little Jackie Wirtz, son of Mr. and Mrs., William Wirtz, has been very ill with pneumonia. Messrs. -Herman Dunker, Walter Vasey, Joseph Wiser, Alvin Case and Lloyd Fisher attended the Pure Milk essociation meeting at the Wauconda Local, Monday evening. Miss Vinnie Bacon was a Waukegan caller Wednesday. Congratulations are extended to Robert Paddock, son of Senator and M'rs. Ray PiddOck, who was united in marriage to Miss Helen Newmann of Barrington, Wednesday. . Mi*, and Mrs. Charles DaMn and daughters of Wauconda spent Wednesday evening here with Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Passfield. Community night was hejd at the Corndaughters and Mrs. Sarah Fisher spent Tuesday with Mx. and Mrs. William Lohmann in Libertyville. Mr. and Mrs. George Steinsdorfer and son were Waukegan callers on Thursday. Mrs. Anna Lusk* returned to hei home here Wednesday after spending a few days in Chicago at the home of Mr. and Mrs. John Capaller. Mrs. J. F. Wagner and Mrs. J. F. Lenzen attended a bridge party Wednesday afternoon at the home of Mrs. J. Kilday in McHenry. X ministration. Two of the largest or- 'ganizations,- ' which, - haye. • hitherto worked at cross-puVposes, ate endeavoring to present a united, front in an organize^ effort Jlq keep business on an even keel (luring, the forthcoming session of Congress. The indus- -triaLists.. are gravely concerned that the.national Panning under tl>e KI*-- Hi un i ty singinsr of Silent Night and Jingle Bells opened the evening. The Volo school children sang "Here Comes Santa Claus." Mr. Gilkerson, our Farm Adviser, gave a talk on "The Music and Dramatic Tournament in Lake €|ounty. Music \$as then enjoyed by. Mr.* King and Mr. Jones. NJfew Mr. Gilkerson fhen introduced Mr ' Dea"i will eventually lead to a 3ic- j Henderson of Chicago to speak and Uatorship. It is'claimed that economic i illustrate his pictures on the National [policies' .now. in effect are rapidly 'Housing Act. Mrs. Roy Passfield and ; nationalizing -the railroads' and pub- j Mrs. Lloyd Fisher were selected to j He utilities- with the Federal govern-j serve on the lunch- committee for the iment in the dual role of employer and K01"'0? month of January. The rei investor. It is recognized that private 1 mainder of the evening was spent in 'enterprise has a tremendous task in Placing: five" hundred, euchre, ^and ' attempting to capture the area now bunco. Prizes were awarded to Al- ! occupied as a" result of the expansion i Rosing, Po> Passfield, Frank of the Federal government into | Hironimus,^ James Paddock. Rita and various lines of'endeavor. Though in jL^ing Steinsdorfer.^ du^trialists are proclaiming their will-| ®illy Elizabeth Waldmann of Chiingness to march along with sound -jta£° ?Pent the weekend here with hei % policies of the Administration, there'j grandparents. Mr. and Mrs. William is no secret in the fact that the ma- Waldmann. • GIMT SUGGESTIONS at McGEE'S MUFFLERS--a nice assortment to choose from, priced from .$1 to $3.50 HOUSE ROBES -- Rayon, Wool and Beacon Cloths, priced $4.50 to $7 NECKWEAR-- Something that is always appreciated, a nice assortment to 1 choose from. Priced at 50c to $1.50 PAJAMAS--the Faultless Nobelt make in plain colors and patterns to $2.50 SHIRTS--a practical gift and something that we never have too many of. Solid colors as well as Patterns $1.65 $1.95 - $2.50 OTHER ITEMS--Collar Pins, Tie Holders, Clothes Brush, Shoe Shining Set 25C to 50^ McGEE'S CLOTHING STORE E • • «$» ^ A Bett&t Selection of Christmas CANDY \ jority are unwilling^ to commit themselves with heavy investments at this time. Industry and commerce enterttti a wholesome fear of Congres j sional hijackers. I The fact that the Supreme Court ; of the United-States has under consideration the effects of administrative orders may force Congress to ! cogitate on the wisdom of'delegating; ipowers on a wholesale scale. The legislative body gave freely at the., last session to administrative agencies largely on the appeal of an emergency. Now that the emergency is nearing its- end, and matters take on the cloak of permanency, the leader.1 at Capitol Hill are willing to recant. They resent their present unhappy, role of a rubber-stamp and the dominance of bureaucrats. The prestige and importance of the national legls* lature has suffered under this deleg a t i o n of C o n s t i t u t i o n a l p o w e r s . ' .Floods of executive orders and proclamations have gradijplly usurped many functions which the Congress cherished as exclusive. Officials, in many instances, are now seeking more authority and here is where the issue will crop out next month. There is nothing like paving the way for your pet ideas. Senators and Representatives in town in advance of the January session are trying to sell their legislative measures to col? leagues before.the measures find thei way officially into committee files. Obviously this policy-hag distinct advantages as the proponents have ait opportunity to revamp their original schemes before their critical fellow legislators start taking pot shots in public. Fo^ instance, Senator Wagnei of New York is running from offic# to office with tentative drafts deal* ing primarily with social legislation. Labor leaders are in touch with hitA as a means of forcing the collective bargaining feature by a drastic revision of Section 7 (a) of NRA and unemployment insurance. Bankeri are in huddles over the prospect of * bill by Senator Fletcher, chairman of the Senate Banking and Currency Committee, for the establishment of a central bank which would revol'ii- Mr. and Mrs. Joe Titus of Grayslake spent Wednesday evening here with the latter's daughter, Mrs. Frank Henkel, Jr. Mr. and Mrs. Anthony Wegner are the parents of a baby boy, bom Dec: 4. ( Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Fi^ljer and Mr. and Mrs. Harry Miaypple pf Fox Lake visited Mr. and Mra. Herbert Michalson, Wednesday evening. •Mr. and Mrs. E. Rossduestcher called on friends in Waukegan Friday. Mrs. Ricfcard Cronin of MicHenry s-pent a few days the past week with her sister, Mra. Frank Hironimua. Mr. and Mrs. J. F. Wagner, Mr. and Mrs. J. F. Lenzen spent Wednesday evening at the home of Mr, and Mrs. Joe Freund at Richmond. J. W. Wagner spent the week en' in Chicago at the home of Mr. and Mrs. H. J, Martini. Herman Rossduestcher called oa his brother, Joseph Rossduestcher at Round Lake Friday, Mrs. Paul O'Lfcany and Frank Rossduestcher called at the home of Mrs Kniebush at Crystal Lake Friday. Mr. and Mrs. James Jones of Washington visited Mr. and Mra. Joseph Lenzen Thursday.' ' Arthur Wackerow of Slocum's Lake spent Sunday at the home of 2&r. and Mrs! Lloyd Fisher. Mrs. Lowell Creig of Michyran City ife visiting Mr. and Mrs. William Roe. Mr. and Mrs. Wayne Bacon and fajiily of Grayslake were " Tuesday supper guests at the home of Mrs.., E. Paeon. -- The Volo Home Bureau unit met at. the home of Mrs. Herman Dunker Wednesday. Ten members and Miss Kimmekhue, our Home Advisor, were present. Mr. and Mrs. Frank Dowel! and daughter of Elgin, Messrs. William Dowtil, Walter and Harry Hahm of Dundee. Mrs. Charles Dalvin of Wauconda, Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Passfield and son, Mr. and Mrs. Roy Passfield and family spent Sunday at the home of Mr. and Mrs. George Dowell. Thursday, December; 20,1934 Everybody Is Talking About Our Christmas Qijt ombination " - 4 - ' Jf we offered this Speed Queen washer for $49.50, it would still represent a wonderful value . . . but when, in addition, we include this beautiful de luxe model Pood Mix«r with attachments . . . all for the price of $49.50 . . . then it becomes a most sensational bargain. Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Walkup and Mrs. Anna Mollohan of Ridgefield attended the burial of Mrs. Sarah Sherburne Saturday, and called on friendhere. Miss Maud Granger of Chicago spent the weekend here. Mrs, M. J. Freund visited in Chicago last week. The Food Mixer is one of the highest quality Electr ie Mixers on the market and you have but to examine it a nd compare it with others to recognize that this is true. It regularly retails for $15.95. f A small down payment will hold a washer and mixer for you to be delivered at your home Christmas mornt - 3 BOTH Phone 251 ectric Shop Green St. are vti x h i snaaestions Your Public Service Store is showing a wide assortment of practical and beautiful Christmas gifts that will please the people you like. • Manning-Bowman Waffl* Iron in lpw-boy design. Has convenient indicator to tell you when co pour in batter. Finished in chroiBium with black molded trimming* . . . . . $4.9* Nttto Casserole. Cooks everything from baked beans to pot roasts. Has capacity for six to eight persons. Makes delicious food with waterless cooking ... $9.SO Wmffiema ster. A de luxe automatic wane baker. Small light signals when grids are ready for barter and again when waffle is baked Finished in lustrous chromium . . . . . . . . . Sunbeam fiat toaster and buffet tray. Ideal combination for buffet luncheons and suppers and informs 1 entertaining. Toasts two slices of bread or t wo sandwiches at one time. Corapl«e with tray, only . IA.9S, Johnston's and Bunte FAMOUS LINES / Packed in Beautiful Holiday Boxes At the Right Price We Take Orders For and Deliver ICE CREAM FRUIT CAKES -' For Christmas 29c Also Full Line pf Christmas Boxes \ of Popular Brands of Cigars and Cigarettes JOHN KARLS Drive McHenry tionize banking practices. Farm groups are consulting with Department of "Agriculture officials for th» purpose of shaping new legislation dealing with rural life. Industrialist#, ai'e on the alert for new policies at NRA and other agencies. Experienced social secretaries aitf in demand here as the newcomers t» Congress and their families preparSL for the winter season. Many famous dowagers, who Jiav# never recovered from the financial effects of the de* pression, are willing to advise th* treshmen class for a fee. The requirements of Washington society differ substantially from the procedure in other American cities because of; the presence of diplomats. A wellfilljed check-book and a good physique is essential to standing up under this strain of "the season" with rounds of parties. Landlords, dressmakers and caterers are the chief beneficiaries of the fling required in official life. The White House function? which aw limited are now underway ushering • festive time which concludes with th« advent of the Lenten season next spring. RAILROAD CONDUCTOR DIES Jajnes T. Furney, 92 years old, pen sioned conductor on the Chicago St Northwestern railway, died Thursday at hi& home at Lake Geneva, Wis. For many years he was conductor on th« "millionaire special" between Chicago and Lake Geneva and was known by many McHenry people. He was retired on May 1, 1912 after forty ygan of work with the railway. Funeral services were held at o'clock Friday afternoon at the home at 606 Madison street, Lake Geneva, with burial at Ridgefield. Kew design Telechron desk, table Of mantel clock. $9.95. Other Telechron and Hammond electric clocks ofierod as low tt $*.49. Telechron "Quacker" alarm dock. Novelty design in yellow, btack or blue cases. Self starting $4.JO Telechron wall model clock for kitchens, bath-ooms. Chrome plated brass case. Large color selection ... . ..• .$4**9 Hamilton Beach Hair Dryer. oivts warm breeie for qutddy drying hair or dainty wearing at |Mn4. Finished to ivory. 4-r mertban&te pejeed more than |j may n •turekased f*r « imsll Menmpaymtemt. Tke hat- \cLxr.^.:ur. e»f*r imttrti) other 0»itt m iwiwid hifbft |nw it (b*r*td fir apmitiwn aeferrid Westtnghouse electric roaster. Prepares a complete meal for six w(tlv oven speed. Seals in appetizing flavors. Comes complete with pans. Silex coffee maher. Makes delicious coffee the easy, modern way with no guesswork. We'll give you |l allowance for your old coffee maker toward purchase of a new Silex at '$4.99. Other percolators in mtiyr styles and sine at |r5 95 and Smmhe^m^ Mixmaster. Mixes, mashes, beats, whip#, performs dozen) of arm-wearying jobs. Equipped with juice extractor. $» > . . for a brighter New Year > Smart new lamps will charm and beauty to every corner of your home. Many shapes and many styles, to suit every taste, are now being shown at your Public Service Store. Be sure to see them. And inspect, too, the new ' Eye Saving" lamps that are especially designed lor better seeing. Decoritive Christmas lightihgs stt: Christmas tree "loop" lighting bsets as low as 70c. Also tree sets with special detector bulbs glow when lamp burns out to save time making replacements. PUBLIC SERVICE COMPANY t--permtwu ® •V Crystal Lftke store hou^ beginning Dec. 15 will be from 8 a. m. to 9 p. m.--Phone, Crystal Lake 280 ^ \ r 5 '

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