Illinois News Index

McHenry Plaindealer (McHenry, IL), 20 Dec 1934, p. 7

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*-\m? * * ^ • . ; ^W' *# -'. v; " . . . . , . , , . . . , „ MM* /r " >. ,. uT.".? •. 'S•.".; --* •*• .' * *.> F •:•«>• *-v_ v Thursday, December^ •\ All Star 21 hour Radio Shows ALEXANDER WOOLLCOTT, Master of Ceremonies CHRISTMAS AND NEW YEAR'S DAY Lionel Barrymore Noel Coward" ; Mme. Schumann-Heink :^_4JL;"'rT Beatrice Lillie George Olwn %;> J ->'. 5 The Don Cdssacks , ^ T )y.^:}yTr-: , Victor Young and His Concert Orchesti^ •4 Ethel Shutta V^Jf^hrpi' Witwer * #«£ The Mills Brothers^ : James Melton "/•-•'jjTowf PaternacINaid His Concert Orchesfcr* Eoscoc Turasr </*£;. %pollo Chorus " */* ^^'•^/•IWW^.H«ipp«r; -Ethel Barrymorfc: J0&M ^&M$ '. • Cast of 300 J v/1'"; 89 Columbia Stations, 1:30 to 4:15 Central Standard Time B,H. FREUND SALES ^ NASH and LAFAYETTE SERVICE Pearl St. Tel. 185 McHenry Christmas Bargains HOLIDAY SPECIALS SPECIAL FOR SATURDAY 2 gal. can Sinclair Winter Oil ...........98# Money Saving Prices oil GOODYEAR TIRES i i • i i AND TUBES 4. Midwest Winter Oil, • 49# ::;1B0% Pennsylvania Winter gal 61^ Less in 5-gal. and " barrel lots. "Sinclair Pennsylvania Oil. in quart cans, gal. 79# ALCOHOL Henuine 188% Rust Proof Alcohol, per gal. 59c . (Loss in 5 gals, or more) ---batteries ^znr to fit every car. Ford or Chevrolet, 13-plate, guaranteed for one year $3.95 PRESTONE World's Greatest Aifr- Freeze. Can be used over and over, $2.95 £& CAR GREASING Now is the time to have your differential and transmission grease changed. We can do it. TIRE AND TUBE VULCANIZING Quaker State Oil - Sinclair Gasoline Walter J. Freuncf Battery Charging, Fan Belts, Radiator Hose and Spark Plugs, Etc., to Fit Every Car or Truck Phone 294, West McHenry, Illinois FOOTWEAR What would be a moreaoceptable gift than * warm SLIPPERS? For every member of the faamly-- TOen's House Slippers . . . ." , 49c to $1.79 Indies' House Slippers ^ ...-r _39c to $1.00 (Children's House Slippers ;_.39c aad up Several Different Colors GALOSHES jCjive a pair Osgood galoshes, which keep the feet <lry :«nd warm-- ' Men's 4-buckle 1: ™_j$239 Indies' and Children's 2 Snap ....... , 98c Ladies' sand Children's Zippers We have f^HOES for the Men, Ladies and. Children, «ff sizes, aaad at prices that can't be duplicated. - -.--rfr* Mien's Work Shoes S1.49 anrf np Men's Dress Sboei U $1.98 and up Ladies' Shoes :. : l.:l $1.98 and up Children's Shoes as low as $1.00 Shoes up to EER width. Any size, and width on special order. Shoe Repairing HALF SOLES . ^ There's a big difference in half soles; We have three grades of leather--fair, good and best. Men's . ' _.75c, $1.0.0 and $1.25 Ladies' "•. " " 65c. 85c and $1J00 These prices are for scries placed on your shoes m a Workmanlike manner. - --^ Before You Buy Pootwsar, VisH A Popp% Shoe Store Expert Shoe and Sewing Machine Repairing Phone No. 162 W. McHenry, Dflt RINGWOOD JOHNSBURG BUSINESS WOMEN MEET Mrs. G, W. Goodell presided at the meeting of the MoHjenry County Business & Plxjfessional Women's club a. Tjt *« ^ ^ ^ .. Woodstock Monday evening. Mrs. H. M. Stephenson entertained > Mr. and Mrs. Henry Smith and Miss j w Worth of Chicago her Bridge club Tuesday afternoon. Marie Hiller were Waukegan callers of Worth Educational Film corpofa- I mes were awarded to Mrs. C. J. , Wednesday. - kion, gave an illustrated lecture at the Jcpson and Mrs. Carl Halstrom J Miss Helen Michels spent a few j meeting which was held in the Metho- The Home Circle held their Christ-jdays last week with Miss -Lillian jdist recreation hall. Miller at Lily Lake. The topic of Mr. Worth's lecture Mrs. Jack Thies and son, Jackie, |was the Illinois section of Great • and Mrs. S&fln King of Mcfieitry visit- (Lakes-Gulf waterway system and wa* mas party at the home of Mrs. W. B. Harrison Wednesday. A one o'clock luncheon was served and a Christmas box was presehted to MrS. Minnia Coates. i Mrs. Ed. Peet, handicraft chairman of the Ringwood Home Bureau, went to Alden last Friday to attend the Alden Home Bureau meeting and show the illustrative material that was learned at Miss Hitchcock's school in Algonquin last fall. The AitWn unit was unable to send anyone to th V . ning. » . .. j s Miss Katharine Althoff of Elgin spent Sunday with her parents, Mr.! and Mrs. William Althoff. j i Miss Caroline* Freund of Chicago spent Sunday with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Peter Freand., i Mr. and Mrs. Joe King and daUgh-J ed with Mrs. Steve Rang Monday eve- j accompanied by an educational film be has made of the subject, picturing navigation, lock operation, historical landmarks and industries located on the waterway span between Joliet and Chicago's loop. For outstanding educational merit and accurate portrayal of every detail of the project, the film has re- , - . , reived federal gcvernment approval school and wa? very glad to have this <ter» Sally Mae, were Woodstock call-jflS ^ official motion picture of the chance to have the patterns and ideas. jerSl Monday. - v : (waterway system and when completed S. H. Beatty was called to SosweU ' Mrs. Joe "jKk\rfe:; j WilV compMse five reels, tracing the New Mexico Tuesday by the d^sath of | Geor^e Worts^• i»t- M^fnry from, Chicago to the Gulf of Steph«h H. Sirtith i was l a jphifagj caller Monday^., .k". ' William Hay of '-was a taller hefe Sunday; ' . , Mr; and Mrs. Joe iting. and^augh'- ter, Sall>' Mae, motored to "Saletii, USE THE CLASSIFIED COLUMNS FOR QUICK RESULTS* his sister-in-law, Mrs. Wm. Beatty. His brother, Wm. Beatty also ill m a hospital there. Mrs. J. F. McLaughUn spent from Wednesday night until Friday iiight with -Chicago friends, " Mr. and Mrs. jRal^'.Thursday mormng. entertaining the . former's brother from Benton, 111. . ; Will and George Thompson spent a few days the last week at Reenes, 111. Mrs. Libbie Ladd, who has been quite ili at her home, is much improved. Mrs. Cora Flanders is staying with her. v Mr. and Mrs. Georf« Shepard were Elgin visitors Friday; Mr. and Mrs. W. B. Harrison and Mr. and Mrs. Carl Halstrom were in Elgin Friday. J. V. Buckland ami Miss Flora Taylor were in Woodstock Thursday afternoon. Mr. and Mrs. Roland McCannon and family and Mrs. C. J. Jepson were Woodstock visitors Saturday afternoon. Quite a few from here attended the WLS play at Richmond, Thursday, Friday and Saturday nights. Mr. and Mrs. George Shepard attended a party in the Alfred Richardson home in McHenry Sunday ev» ning. Mr. and Mrs. Joe Weber and family of McHenry spent Sunday in the Nick Young home. Mr. and Mrs. Edward Thompson, Jr.,' of Chicago spent Saturday with the former'« parents, Mr. and Mrs. Ed Thompson. . _ Mr. arid "Mrs. J. R. of McH e n r y s p e n t T u e s d a y i n t h e h o i v e o f , ihoir daughter, Mrs. George Young. 1 Harold Jepson of Elizabeth, .111.;-j pent the weekend with his parents, ' Mr. and Mrs. C% J. Jepson. I Mrs. Viola Low and daughter, Ali:ii Mae, Mrs. S. H. Beatty and»Mrs. Ray Peters attended the funeral of the former's father-in-law, Robert Low at Hebron, Friday. Mr. arid Mrs. Roland McCannon and faftiily and Mr. and Mrs. C. J. Jepson and family and Andrew Jepson, spent Sunday with relatiyes at Wau • conda. David Low of Muskegon, Mieh., Mr. and Mrs. James Low of Kenosha, and Mr. and Mrs. Leslie Allen of Hebron spent Sunday afternoon with Mrs. Viola Low and family. Louis Hall is home for a few days from the Milwaukee hospital, with his wife and daughter. - Mr. and Mrs. Joe Schaefer and daughter, Shirley, spent" Sunday* afternoon in the home of the former's father, Stephen Huff at Spring Grove. Mrs. Harold Wiedrich and family of Barnards Mills spent Thursday in the Fred Wiedrich home. Mr. and Mrs. Lester Carr and family spent Saturday afternoon at McHenry. Miss Dorothy Carr and Dewey Beck of Chicago spent the weekend with the former's parents, Mr. and Mrs. Charles OUT. Mir. and Mrs. H. M. Stephenson and Mrs. J. C. Pearson were visitors at McHenry Saturday. Mr. and Mrs. Fred Wiedrich and daughter, Mae, and son, Roy, were visitors at Richmond, Thursday evening. Charles Coates of Genoa City ppent Sunday in thp Fred Wifdrich home.' Mr. and Mrs. Albert Huff were Barlington callers one day this week. Mr. and Mjrs. George King and soft, Junior, spent Wednesday with Mr. and Mrs. Mike Gorski at Woodstock. Tony Meyers of Spring Grove was 4 c a l l e r h e r e F r i d a y e v e n i n g . < 5 ; ^ Miss Virginia Welter of Ringwotx! was a caller here Sunday. Mrs. Peter J. Freund entertained the Five Hundred Club Wednesday afternoon, wth prizes being awarded to Mrs. Steve May, Mrs. Wm. J. Meyers, and Mrs. John A. Miller. Joe E. Miller of Richmond called on Mr. and Mrs. Peter Freund Monday. , Alfred Smith of Crystal Lake spent Wednesday with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Peter Smith. Mr. and Mrs. Math I Ay and. Mr. and Mrs. John Lay of Spring Grove spent Sunday afternoon with Mr. and Mrs. Stephen Schmitt. Mrs. Joe Karls spent Friday afternoon with Mr. and Mrs. Broker at Lily Lake. ' ; Mrs. John Hiller Wm it McHenry caller Saturday. * Mrs. John M. Pitzen and Mrs1. Joe Freund visited with Mrs. Otto Adams at the Woodstock hospital Thursday. . Mrs. Henry Nell was a McHenry caller Saturday afternoon. Mr. and Mrs. Earl Hoffine and family of Genoa, Mr. and Mrs. George Zcmatoff of Spring Grove, and Mr. and Mrs. George King and famjlv spent Sunday in the home of Mr. an i Mrs. Joe P. Miller. Mrs. John E. Freund and son; Vernon visited in the Adams home Sunday afternoon. Mr. and Mrs. John A. Miller wei-e Burlington callers Saturday morning. Mr. and Mrs. William J. Meyei - and family visited with Mr. and Mrs. John King at McHenry Thursday evening. M iss Helen Michel-; and brother. Clarence, were Waukegan callers Wednesday. Mr. and Mrs. Leo Gej-lack motored to Chicago Thursday morning. John Schriener of McHenry visited with Mr., and Mrs. Joe Michels Wednesday afternoon. ; Mexico. j Mr. Worth concluded hi* j rogearr (Monday evening with & oile-feel p!c jture taken in cooperation with Oaki side dairy, Woodstock, and shcwuig Jvhe modern trends in McHenry counjly's rich dairying industry. The milk [pictures covered the production of | milk on the fstrm, its preparation for market at the dairy and delivery to customers. CHRISTMAS GIFTS Green Street Kathryn Barbian LINGERIE--THE MOST PRACTICAL GIFT ~~~ ~~ Silk All Silk. Mis trimmed straight cut, lace . $1.95 on and Silk Combination Slips, lace trimmed or tailored, all sizes Dainty Chemises and Dahce Sets,^' -< ^ ' ' ,..; pastel shades -1 ; -;,r.. ... $1.25 v, FORMER RESIDENT INJURED IN CRASH John E. Hauswirth, 51 years old, of Crystal Lake, was taken to Sherman hospital, Elgin, as the result of an accident which occurred Thursday afternoon. Hauswirth, who is a former McHenry resident, received six fractured ribs, a broken collar bone, a severe scalp laceration, brtrtees and shock. He was injured when the light delivery truck he was driving and a cattle truck driven by William Lehmann, collided at the intersection of Route 19 And a dirt road. Hauswirth, | a salesman' for the Tndit Tea Co., was Idriving we9t on Route 19 and the cai- ! tie truck was southbound on the dirt jroad. i He was resting fairly comfortably although his condition_was regarded as grave. ' Hosiery Hosiery, packed" i pr. V %ox ii...., Chiffon and Seryice, full-faahioned, g^ood quality hose, pair 50^ - 79^ 85^ Handkerchiefs ' Bmtea ilSaiakerchiefs 25«» . 5®^ All Linen Lace Trimmed Handkerchiefs, / ': e>cl» ^ : --^ 22# Swiss Lace-trimmed Handkerchiefs, each 15# Others 54 - 104 Fine Quality Rayon Gowns and Pajamas .$1.00 Ladies' and Children's 2-piece Balbriggam Paj^ffias $1.15 Ladies' Flannel Robes, in all colors .... ._ . $2.98 - $3.25 Infants' and Children's Attractive Bathrobesr 65c - $1.18^ - $1.49 - $1.65 4 .4 JUST ON TIME FOR A MERRY CHRISTMAS, HAPPY NEW YEAR, AND BARGAIN PRICES on WHISKEY LIQUERS and WINE Select Your Favorite From the Largest Supply in Town at the * POPULAR PLACE SLOCUM'S LAKE Edward Harrison of Elgin spent ! Sunday with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. ; George Harrison. ' i Roy and Mae Wiedrich were McHenry visitors Saturday evening. i J. D. Smith and son, Earl, of Ur- I bana were calling on friends here Sat j urday. ' Mrs. F. A. Hitchens spent Friday in j Chicago. j Mrs. E. Carr was a visitor at 1 W oodstock Saturday. i Those from a distance to attend the I funeral of Mrs. Sarah Sherburne Sat- j urday were. Attorney and Mrs. Chur- ! chill and daughter of Grayslake, Dr. and Mrs. Burt Churchill of Oswego, ni., Mr. and Mrs. William Wilson and Mrs. McCuaig of Chicago, Mr. and Mrs. Ernest Colby, Mr. and Mrs. Burt Colby and Mrs.,, Lulu Sherburne of Crystal Lake, M>r. and -Mrs. Clyde Bell j and Mrs. Alice Bell of Richmond, Mr. and Mrs. William Harrison, and Mrs. Milford Smith of Round Lake, Mr. and Mrs. Robert Mansfield, John Harrison | and Mr. and Mrs. Arden Frisbie of ] Greenwood, Mr. and Mrs. James Sayler and Mir. and Mirs. James Perkins of McHenry. Mr. and Mrs. F. A. Hitchehs spent Sunday afternoon and evening in the D. C. Bacon home at Crystal Lake. Mr. and Mr®. S. W. daughter. Bern ice, were Earl Converse was a business caller : at McHenry last Thursday. . Mr. and Mrs. Harry Matthews and | tons, Robert and Lyle, were callers at MjcHenry last Saturday afternoon, j Mr. and Mrs. W. E. Brooks and Otis Phillip-were callers at the home | of Mr. and Mrs. Lloyg Benwell at | McHenry last Thursday morning. ' Mr. and Mlrs. H. L. Brooks were ; callejrs at McHenry Monday morning. I Mrs. Celia Dowell and daughter at- j tended the Empire Theatre at Mc- j Henry last Friday evening. j Earl Converse called at the home j of Mfc and Mrs. Wm. Davis last Fri- j day. ! Mr. and Mrs. Harry Matthews and ; sons, Robert and Lyle, were Sunday j supper and evening guests at the 1 home of Mr. and Mrs. Allen Hayford ; at Crystal Lake. Brooks Woodstock, Saturday afternoon. Mrs. Ed. Thompson was an Elgin visitor Monday. Mr. and Mrs. Raymond Harrison were visitors at Woodstock Saturday. Otis Phillips and Chesney spent Saturday at the home of MVs. Ella Parks at Park Ridge William Darrell was A busine.s caller at Deerfield Monday.- Mr. and Mrs. A. W. Fos9 and daughter, Vrivian, of Libertyvill»\ rpent Sunday afternoon at the home! of Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Foss. Arthur Wackerow spent last Friday evening at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Aaron Huntoon. \ Mr. and Mrs. J. D. Williams and pon, James Howard of Crystal Lake were Sunday dinner and afternoon callers at the home of Mrs. Cia/a > Smith. ' ; Mr. and Mrs. Ray Dowell and j daughter, Dolores, were business callers at Woodstock last Tuesday after- j noon. • . • : --I Mir. and Mrs. Wm. Harrii and j daughter, Darlene, of McHienry spent i Sunday at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Ray Dowell. Wm. Landwer of Lake Zurick .ailed j at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Ray Dowell last Thursday afternoon. Mrs. Ray, Dowell and daughter, Dolores, spent last Friday afternoon | at the home of her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Davis. j Ray Dowell was a caller at the Gil- Smith and | bert Harris home at McHepry last visitors at j Wednesday morning. i INJURED IN FALL Frank Hughes escaped serious injury Tuesday when' he fell from 1 telpphone pole while working at Walworth. Wis. The fall of about 15 feet caused bruises, but he returned home with his helper and upon examination it was found that no bones were . ' • * ~S • v * 'h** Mr. and Mrs. Harry Matthews ! spent last Saturday . evening at the | home of Mr. and Mrs. C. G. Dorwin at Wauconda. ) Callers at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Harry Matthews, last week, were Sam DeYoung, o* Hebron, Johnston of Elgin, George Roesslein and son, Alfred of Cary and Leslie Foss. Mr. and Mrs. John Blomgren at- {tended the Empire theatre at McHenry Sunday evening. I Rev. Figley of Wauconda visited at i the home of Mr. and Mrs. Willard jDarrell, Sunday afternoon. Corner of Green & Elm Tel. 104-R WHISKEY CRAB ORCHARD--Straight Kentucky Whiskey 98^ ' Full Quart $1.85 _ V SEAGRAM'S 5 CROWN--Blended Whiskey ..: pt. $1.35 Full Quart .$2.4d PAUL JONES--Blended Whiskey ._. .pt. $1.60 FOUR ROSES--Blended ' Whiskey pt. $1.65 OSCAR PEPPMU-Blended Whiskey j»t. $1.19 TOWN TAVERN--Straight Rye Whiskey .pt 95^ SHEN ADO AH--Blended Whiskey ..:.l._.-..„...u..;..-.::fCi98c> JACK OF CLUBS--Blend of Straight ^^VhiskeVf; A Hiram Walker Frodu^'t .. .pt. $1.19 Straight Whiskey SEAGRAMS V. 0. --7 years old ^ WALKER DELUXE --7 years Old CANADIAN SPECIAL --7 years old $2.49 pt. (Govt-rnnicnt liondod Whiskey^" OLD GRANDAD--17 years old- Bonded Whiskey, $3.49 STODART'S SCOTCH r Whiskey ...5^ $3.49 GIN HIRAM WALKER LONDON T DRY GIN _ 5ths $1.29 HIRAM WALKER LONDON DRY GIN FLEICHMAN S DRY GIN FLEICHMAN'S DRY GIN G A W LONDON DRY GIN WHITE SWAN DRY GIN (Hiram Walker) 5ths $1.09 WHITE SWAN DRY 0PI (Hiram Walker) 79^ ALCOHOL Pure Grain, 190 Prorf ^. Jt $1.29 . \ 69o GUS UNTI, Prop. Mc^r eriry, Illinois BRANDY ST. GEO. MUSCAT BRANDY rv LUCKY STRAIGHf BRANDY 5ths $2.19 5ths $1.39 DU BOUCHET BRANDY-- Blackberry, Apricot, Peach 5ths $2,19 VERMOUTH, MARTINI ROSS, SWEET ORDRY 5ths $1.95 WINES / PREMIERE B&AHD Califoraia Wine of Early Vintage, f Properly Aged PORT or SHERRY ...5ths 48^ MUSCATEL, TOKAY or ANGELICA PORTorSHERKf MUSCATEL or -TQKAX 5ths 59^ # $1.15 Vi gal. $1.25 95^ 5ths $1.39 $2.10 IlruscATEL Z!.:::.: tgai. $2.25 CIGARS EXTRA SPECL8& Grown Cigars, box of 50 $3-39 "Regular 10c Seller UTTLE FENDRICH bx.25 98.^ ^.APALINA, DUTCH MASTER, Regular 10c Seller bx. 25 $2.19 HARVESTER, WHITE OWL. WILLIAM PENN. VAN DYKE, _ HENRY GEORGE bx.25 $1.19 % ---^SMOKING TOBACCO VELVET, PRINCE ALBERT. GRANGER or HALF AND HALF --AJJ Qm Pound Christmas Wrapped. 87? CIGARETTES CAMEL. LUCKY STRIKE; OLD GOLD or CHESTERFIELD--Your Chose* per carton. $1.24 FULL LINE OF BUNTE AND COLONIAL BOX CANDIES "t~LB. BOX CHERRY FILLED 29#^ ICE CREAM BRICK, M Flavors _ - * BEES Buck or McHenry Beer Case of 24 bottles bottle iOr $2.25 J

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