Illinois News Index

McHenry Plaindealer (McHenry, IL), 3 Jan 1935, p. 6

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I---* •frm: rig® Six ^ ••-pyr, v ^^,- .. 5*7 "«» . • " -• fHS 'HeHSKB' T PUUKMALXBr Thursday, January 3,198S' old es pi. Items of Interest Tata® tb« Files of the Plalndealte of Y«n Ago ^*V- < i -Vk FIFTY YEARS AGO Our public school, which has b#6n closed for the past two weeks, opened •fain on Monday: L. A. Parker, while cutting ice on the pond today, Wednesday, had the misfortune to fall, cutting his head severely. , / **• Mrs. Harriet Holmes wishes to return thanks to the ladies of McHenr/ for kindnesses shown to her during the holidays. That they may live, to enjoy many more pleasant holiday week*, is her sincere wish. , , The prizes foi1 the beat lady skater offered by the Riverside skating rink doping the holiday week, was awarded as fallows: First prize, to Miss Maggie Clark; second to Miss Mamie , lapiphen1, The potato r#Ct was _wQ|l :by Howard Perry. . FORTY YEARS AGO ^ 0 Our public school of>ened this Wednesday morning after the holiday -vacation. We learn that the Northwestern has, within a fevtr days, laid off 29 freight conductors, and many train-, men", all owing to light freight traffic. The Plaindealer and the weekly Inter Ocean both for. one year for $1.75. We learn that a family gathering was held at the residence of Nick Justen, at West McHenry, on New Year's Day. There was quite a number present and a pleasant time was . had by all. TWENTYHFIVE YEARS AGO The price of butter was quoted at ,36" cents on the Elgin board of tradd Monday. Several sleighing parties have taken place since our last publication. In spite of the severe cold winter that we are having, there is but ^ very little frost in the ground. The . heavy snow accounts for thiis condition. The. ice ,that is being harvested by UsrBftrden ptetfjple is seventeen inches thick. That's the kind we hear our grandfathers tell about. , Forty years ago butter was selling at 14 cents, eggs at 17 cent?, hogs at 4,2.50, oats at 20 cents and bran at 18.60. Compare these prices with those of the present time. ! ; ; Late Pari* Creation F0W> BRfcTCS OUT NEW 1935 • ! V8 The top of the dress is in white and black printed faille. The skirt Is at black velvet. Hat, Jacket and bag" are In white ermine fur. -- Fred B. Bennett, Attorney State of Illinois, " t. McHenry County, ss. In the Circuit Courjt of .McHenry-and chassis are comparable Dearborn, Mich., Dec. 27 -- Henry Ford today showed to newspapermen here the new Ford V-8 for 1936. Most striking feature of the new car. is body lines which are distinctively modern and a definite departure from any previous Ford design. v The new car also embodies a com* bination of major engineering velopments aimed at increased riding comfort--which has been called the "center-poise" ride. Numerous improvements in chassis design to provide increased ease of control also are included. Two improvements have been made in the Ford V-8 engine, of whicu more than 1,300,000 are now on tne road. In addition Ford has developed a new type of body--the touring sedan, with unusually sleek lines and embodying a fitted rear trunk compartment integral with the body. Safety glass is standard equipment I not only in windshields, but also in all (doors and windows in all body types. ! The new car marks the present culmination of developments begun by I Ford three years ago at the time of ! the announcement of the V-8 engine.. In the three years intervening, Ford has been engaged in the development of combination of engineering improvements aimed at providing a degree of riding comfort and ease of control comparable with the performance of the engine itself. The new body designs are a further evidence of the progress of Ford engineering. In appearance, the new cars are characterized by a freshness of conception utilizing flowing curves to carry out the modern motif, plus a new treatment of interior and appointments which sound an entirely new note in Ford body styling. The engineering advances in engnu in im- TWENTY YEARS AGO ' Butter one the Elgin board of trade (told at 33 cents per pound last Saturday. Many are taking advantage of the excellent sleighing we are now haviag. Rumor has it that a new billiard and pool room is to be opened on the West Side. The annual January thaw did not miss us this year, as it has been with OB during the past few days. County. ROBERT A. THOMPSON^** al Plaintiffs . vs. • GEORGE W. KNAACK, et al Defendants. In Chancery Gen No. 24691. _ " PUBLIC NOTICE is hereby given that in pursuance of a decree made and entered in the above entitled cause by the Circuit Court of McHenry County, Illinois, on the 29th day of December A. B. 1934, I, Henry L. Cowlin, Master in Chancery of said court, will on Saturday, the 26th. day of January A. D. 1935, at the hour of ten o'clock in the forenoon of said day, at the East front door of the courthouse in the city of Woodstock, McHenry County, Illinois, offer for sale and sell at public vendue to the highest and best bidder the following described real estate, to-wit: Part of the north half of section number fourteen (14) in township number iorty-four (44) North of range number eight (8) East of the third principal meridian, bounded | and described as follows, to-wit: I Beginning at the northwest corner of the east half of the northwest quarter of said section number fourteen (14) and running thence east along the section line forty-six (46) chains and forty-six ,(46) links; thence south parallel with the quarter line twenty (20) chains ami ninety-six (96) links to a black oaK "The modern flirl's ideas of drew are clothes to the margin of bare ecenomy." TEN YEARS AGO . John Karls, last Saturday morning, opened his new lunch room and ice cream parlor in the building on Riverside Drive, which he recently purchased from Jos. J. Rothermel. Another severe, cold snap was ex- Utriented last Saturday night and Sunday. On Sunday moaning, thermometers hereabouts registered a* low as twenty-three below zero. ^ Milk farmers of this community sre pleased to learn last Friday that ey will receive $2.40 for milk delived during the month of January. Hhis (week has (been {exceedingly " quiet among the business houses in tikis city. The slump is also felt in tfie Plaindealer office, where news Blatters has.been quite scarce. WU» Mm Dm* His BnI Wtrh Man Is at his greatest efficiency beffeen ten In the morning and mtd- Ight, the time depending on the indlidoal, according to the findings of a toropean scientist. portance. Principal among these is the new "ride" effected by the new spring suspension system, proper car weight balance and passenger weight distribution and the location of the passenger closer to the center of the caT--so that the^ ridg between th« wheels. To accomplish this, the front spring, which has been lengthened, is located more than four inches in front o£..tfre front axle and the engine is moved forward more than eight inches so that its weight rests over the front axle. Front and rear springs have been made more flexible. Added chassis room available as a result of the front end improvements permits redistribution of the passenger weight-- now concentrated between the wheels --so that the wfcight on the two axles is approximately equalized, giving rear seat passengers the comfort of a "front seat" ride. i Key to the changes made in outward design is found in the relocation i of the front spring and engine. This Shas permitted moving the body forward so that passengers ride between the axles, and the development of rear quarter panel treatment along I flowing lines. The car is approxi- | mately eight inches longer from bumper to bumper. ' The modern design note is carried I without jt>reak through the new slant- | ing-<v'gFtical grille with horizontal beading, the sweeping line of the Iqw ! hood and mode sharply slanting windshield, the beautifully molded body floating connecting rod bearings similar to those used in high-speed racing car and airplane engines where reliability under the most severe operating conditions••••Is of. .paramount importance, y. "y A new cast aUoy iron camshaft.. Additional major chassis improvements include: Newly designed, internal expanding mechanical type brakes, intended to give more effective braking control-- with less pedal pressure--arid embracing a new "floating wedge" as part of t"he design. This aids in equalizing pressure upon brakeshoes and iti turn upon the drums. Additional druti, ribs give a 40 per cent increase in cooling effect. A new clutch of simplified design requiring less pedal pressure at starting and gear-changing speeds and with much softer action. At higher speeds the pressure is increased by •centrifugal weiglit action to increase the power transmitting capacity of th/ clutch. New, stronger, more rigid frame, heavier front and rear radius rods, wider rear wheel tread and a strengthened rear axle. Nine body types are listed. The following are available,, with de luxe equipment, Tudor sedan, Fordor sedan, Tudor touring sedan, Fordor touring sedan. The roadster and cabriolet are fitted with rumble seats. The 5-Window coupe, Tudor and FordOr sedans also are available without de luxe equipment. Farm Bureau News PLANS COMPLETED t _ FOR ANNUAL MEETING R. T. Burroughs, chairman of the. program committee for the McHenry County Farm Bureau annual meeting, states that the plans have been completed for the annual meeting to be held in the Miller Theater at Woodstock on Thursday, January 10. The detailed program if u follows! , w 10:00 to 12:00 a. m. I1 A. _ ^ (a) Secretary's repoTt, Walter Schuett (b) Treasurer's report, Fred Gay. B. REPORT OF PROJECT COM. (a) Corn Loans, Dan Desmond. (b) Wheat Program, Richard Ettaer. (c) 4-H Club Work, Walter Schuett (d) Dairy Herd Improvement Ass'n Willis Gardner. (e) Dairy Tour, Charles Nichols. (f) Recreational Institute, Tom Jones. <g) Baseball, E. A. Thomas. (h) Organization, Lester Siedachlag. (i) Work of McHenry County Debt Adjustment Committee, Jacob 01- brich. <j) The Woodstock Production . Credit Association, A. B. McConnelL (k) Farm Bureau Seed Service, C. EL Martin. (1) Auto and . other insurance, R. T. Burroughs/ >* (m) Petroleum products, Thomas • Roberts. r"T --y™-" ^ • (n) Corn and Hog Program, .lb F. Kuecker. C. Greetings from Home Bureau- Mrs. Dan Desmond. J-D. President's address --Keft&eth Cristy. > ' ' . ' E. Election of officers. 12:00 to 1:00 p. m.--Dinner. 1:00 to 1:30 p, m.-- (a) Invocation by Father John L. Daleiden. (b) Community sinking, led by C. A. Phillips. 1:30 to 1:40 p. m.-- (a) Introduction of speaker tjr E. Harris, I.A.A. Director. 1:40 p. m.-- (a) Address by Earl C. Smith,. President of I.A.A. ; Farm Adviser's report, _W. A-Her" rington. v.-"* /:;v-'*• „ It is expected that with the numerous activities which will be discussed at the meeting, together, with the fact that the meeting is held at Woodstock, the central point in the' county,, that there will be one of the largest attendances of any meetings held during previous years. It is expected that not only (a large percent '.yy5| of the members will attend, but many of the members are inviting friends to the meeting. ~~r?. A summary of the activities of the organization for the year indicates i'" that this has been one of the busiest .;^'y years for the Farm Bureau in Mc- V Henry County during recent years. At „ ^ least two-thirds of the farmers in the j ' • county have directly participated in some part of the program during the * y e a r . T h i s l a r g e r p a r t i c i p a t i o n m t h e ; , , activities accounts for the growing membership. The annual report will show that < the membership in the organization is 25 percent greater than it has keen / . any time during the past eight years. Officers and members interested in ,V the continued success of the organiza*j tion feel that an increase in member- _ ship, especially during the last yea**i"v indicates with no uncertainty that the organization .is marching forward to r" !v the goal of a larger organization of - greater usefulness to the farmers ot the county- -- / : Steamboat Invented is 1843 A. steamboat Invented by a Spanish r seaman in IMS had a speed of three miles an hour,--PopuMr Mechanics f,vy; Magazine. Iti New Ford V-8 De Luxe Tudor Sedan Shown PHOTO shows the new Ford V-8 de luxe Tudor sedan for 1935, which has just been announced. The body lines are distinctively modern and a departure from previous Ford standards. The cars feature many engineering improvements providing greater riding comfort and Increased ease of control. The engine has been moved forward. Passengers ride closer to the center ot the car. The Ford V-8 engine now has a new system of crankcase ventilation. The Tudor sedan Is also available without de luxe equipment tree; thence east ^rallel w th said ; ^ ^ rear w pane] section line four (4) chains, thence are A and mQre hi?hly south parallel with saK'Quarter crown ed) ^ sweepi ng skirts. line two (2) chains and fifty (50) ; are material] wider. slant. links to the center of the highway, 1 . J mg HtTtna'i Merro Ca«ti« Morro castle, the fortress in Havana, was built about 1633 on a promontory overlooking the harbor. It was built 'kg the Spanish, and remained In their possession until the Spanish-American war. thence west parallel with said section line fifty (50) chains and forty- six (46) links to the west line of the said east half of the northwest quarter; thence north along said west line twenty-three (23) chains and forty-six (46) links to the place of beginning, containing one hundred ten (110) acres of land more or less. Also the southwest quarter of the southeast quarter and the southeast quarter of the southwest quarter of section number eleven (11) township forty-four (44) north, range number eight (8) east of the third principal meridian, containing eighty (80) acres of land, more or less. All situate, lying and being in the County of MlcHenry and State of Illinois. TERMS OF SALE Cash on day of sale, at which time a Master's certificate of sale will be issued to the purchaser as provided by the Statute and said decree. Dated this A. D. 1935. vertical louvres with horizontal stainless steel beading are combined to form an attractive hoodside adornment. The radiator ornament is fixed in position, the radiator filler cap being under the hood. Wheels are smaller, tires larger. The hub eaps are adorned with a new and modern treatment of the V-8 insignia. The result is an impression of mass and stability most pleasing to the eye. Interiors are roomier, with wider seats--front and rear. Span of the front seats has been increased up to 5% inches, providing room without^ crowding for three persons in bodies with full-width seats. Driver's seat in all closed cars is adjustable. Opholstery and appointments harmonize with the remainder of th«» design. Engine improvements include: Addition of a new system of direeted- flow crankcase ventilation, which exhausts water vapor and gases from the crankcase and valve chamber. This 3rd day of January, j minimizes the collection of excess water in the oil and lessens formation HENRY L. COWLIN Master in Chaneery of the Circuit Court of McHenry County, Illinois 32-3 i Subscribe for The Plaindealer. of sludge. Dilution of the oil by unburned gasoline is reduced. The continuous flow of air also exerts a cooling effect which tends to lengthen oil life and minimize engine wear. Use of aircraft type copper-lead Scenes and Persons in the Current News ps*:, S^liaJue\>f Nation*'dPWAtM*!!! COQ8.ulUn® Santa clau8 *bou* Ohrlatmas presents}for the White House children. WISVV" 8"'- "B"'W •» PUBLIC SERVICE STORE JANUARY BARGAINS SPECIAL SELLING a selection--many styles and types-- especially attractive prices TABLE LAMPS Every kind of tabic lamp represented. Handsome metal, glass, china and pottery bate* in all designs. Artistic parchment, composition and silk shades ja wide variety of ookxs. Wide ptice range. REFLECTfHetAMPS Some real bargains in reflectortype floor liunps are represented in this sale. Shown here are some lamps of this type. ^ Some amazing bargains in attractive lamps are reprtsenred in this clearance sale of Christmas lamp stocks. Tabic Lamps, Floor Lamps, Bridge Lamps--all designs and styles--are included. Only a few modeis of each lamp available. Come in Early. Be first to choose from the widt selection. Tnis is a wonderful opportunity to giye eyes better light, to increase the ataaaivcae^ of youc name. SUNLAMPS For Better Health A Sunlamp in your home means you can enjoy the health-giving aualities of summer sunshine during winter months. See the many Sunlamps at your Public Secvice Store. Models as -1 low ,# *19.95 Handsome junior-siie floor lamp with semi-indirect reflector. Base finished in either bronze, white ot silver. All-silk shade in gold, green, rust ot champagne. • "Eye Saving" Lamp Bargains The "Eye Saving" lamps were designed by experts to protect precious eyesight. They give proper, adequate light. Do away with glare, deep shadows, contrasts that overstrain eyes. Don't fail to see these "Eye Saving" lamps. They come in a number of different styles and u attractive bargain prices. " , , ; KITCHEN LIGHTING UNIT This Kitchen lighting unitscrews in to ordinary socket. Provides soft, clareless light for all kitchen work. Price only *1.40 Reflector lamp with three-intensity bulb. A fine lamp for reading, sewing, bridge or general lighting. Pure silk shade comes in a number of colors, i^mp comes complete with special two-filament bulb '/"• t/Hpritts qu*tid in our SmJ mdfii# on our mtrrkmnJit*. tmktt+ntuiUj 2% is l» h* *ddtd mi account of additional tax txptmtt. W* *** Mti: PUBLIC SERVICE COMPANY QP MQpfHfBM I^yWQIS U-- b ,-i;v &¥ N

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