Illinois News Index

McHenry Plaindealer (McHenry, IL), 31 Jan 1935, p. 5

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. v.-".1- # . ^ • Thursday, January 31,193B vfffcHENRY TAKES THREE >GAMES FROM MARENGO •' 'i , " -• ---- All three McHenry nibfcmketball teams came great style over a trio •V. '. Independent through in of Marengu tions in last Sunday afternoon's program at the local high school gym, where games are held each Sunday afternoon. : The McHenry heavies, after trailing all the way, overtook Marengo ty overcoming an eight-point/lead with about five minutes to go in the last quarter and then went on to cage the winning basset with just 35 Seconds to play.... It was a real thriller and a game that McHenry con- - siderc-d themselves very fortunate to win as the young lads from Marengo, stars from the last several high School teams, put up a real classy ' . buttle. The final score was 26-24. Kreutzer and McCrackenl were the tones to pull McHenry to tl^e fore in •" " : ' - ' the last five minutes, the former re- \" ' V placing Patzke at that time and ' ,j- i', - scoring three baskets thereafter. Mc- . Cracken made the tying and winning ; \ "4 - ppints for his only scores from the * . field during the game. . He missed ^ ' *• V/ m .... ...v?: TMC THUKSDAT, JAN./SI Richard Dix in "West of The Pecos1 . Comedy and Travelogue S > FRIDAY, FEB. 1 "CUeed--For the Benefit of The Junior Class Play "BOUND YOUR HORN" SATURDAY, FEB. 2 BARGAIN NITE 'BABES IN TOYLAND' Also-- "DONE IN OIL" Rugby A Two Hour Program , SUN., MON., FEB. 3 - 4 4 TOE MERRY WIDOW' Also Comedies and World News fUES. - WED., FEB. 5 - 6 Aline MacMabon, Guy Kibbee in "BABBITT" with Claire Dodtf, Maxoie Doyle Also Don Redman and His Orchestra, Pilgrim Days "Travelogue," Buddy the Dentist,, "A Looney Tune." THURS. - FRI. - SAT. "A GIRL OF THE LIMBERLOST" "t The Beautiful I CRYSTAL LAKE . ILL Daily at <>:45 and 9 p. ra. THURS., FRI., SAT. Matinee Every Sat. at 2:30 Three Happy Days :3&HIRLEY TEMPLE in "BRIGHT EYES*' with James Dunn Your eyes will Brighten end yo«r heart will sing! First Episode of "TA1LSPIN TOMMY** SUNDAY and MONDAY GEORGE RAFT in "LIMEHOUSE BLUES" with Jean Parker Exciting Drama of London's Half-World! Sunday, Mat. 2:45 to 6--10c-25c After 6 and Weekdays--10c-30c TUESDAY 10 $ SPECIAL 15^ Helen Hayes in "WHAT EVERY WOMAN KNOWS" with Brian Aherne WEDNESDAY - 1 eiURSDAY "CARAVAN" with Lcretta Young Charts Bover. Joan Parker, Philips Holmes, Louise Fazenda shot after shot in the first half when Gus Freund made McHenry's only first half basket. Joo's Aces kept--up- their atellal work by taking Marengo 28 to 16 after being pushed for three quarters. The team, under the tutelage of Joe Schmitt, has lost but one game in nine starts this season. . . The McHenry girls' team, selfstyled . "Zephyrs," pulled another one out of the fire- when Evelyn justen sank a basket with but one-minute to go. The game ended in a tie, but McHenry scored three points in the overtime to add another to their victory list. The McHenry girls wore their new black and white uniforms and made a natty appearance in them. Next Sunday afternoon Cary will come to town for what promises to be an afternoon of real basketball. Both the girls and the men are looking forward to real battles. At Cary the McHenry heavier won by a narrow margin hi & game punctuated by forty-seven .fouis and all of them were earned, so to speak. An invitation from the girls "to come dewn and see us some Write" should be act cepted Sunday. MAACS--26" Patzke, f Kreutzer, f .1.-.,. McCracken, f Freund,' c Lockwood, g Bennett, g Dowell, g Miller, * .. 0 .•••i . 2 ,,s*sij| • • • * T .0 0 0 MARENGO--24 . V . Zenk, f „'. ......v Wilcox, f ............. Ham, f ................... Kohlburg, c ................. Bremer, g --~ De Bold, g -- BY QUARTER^- McHenry ..»••• Marengo JOE'S ACES--2® Kreutzer, ,f W. Smith, f ................ Chamberlin, c ............ Anderson, g .............. H. Smith, J. Smith, g U B ... 8 o ... l ... 2 ...2 ... 1 9 6 14 4 1 12--26 5 18 20--24 B F P FRI. - SAT., FEB. 1 - 2 THE SILVER STREAK SUN. - MON., FEB. 3-4 fljijrlrj Temple - Jamrs Dtmn "BRIGHT EYES" Laurel & Hardy in "LIVE GHOST'* / Mickey Mouse and News, A1 Klemnw at the Organ, Marg O'Brien, Guest Artist. Biggest Sunday show in the county. TUESDAY, FEB, S ONLY Adults 25c Children 10c Another Giant BARN DANCE |i - PEOPLE ON STAGE - 75 , Loads of New Talent On Screen-- WOMAN IN THE DARK WED. - THURS., FEB, 6-7 Grace Moore In 'ONE NIGHT OF LOVE' 11 6 28 MARENGO LIGHTS--16 B , F P Brenner, f 3 0 6 E. Wilcox, 0 0 0 Ham, c 1 0 % Levin, g 1 2 4 Standish, g 0 0 0 Wilcox, g 0 4 7 2 1^ BOWLING LEAGUE STANDINGS Oldtimers League 'j*reunds ;.*.rt,..;»..........w......2581 Bacons 2541 . Smiths .....2523 j0rangers ..2451 Forestef^League Team No. Four ...........V....5225 Team No. One .........5186 Team No. Three. *^eam No. Two . ........... Forester League TEAM NO. THREE-- Uttti, F. 152 152 H. Schaefer ..........164 183 Stilling 139 G. Justen ..^.^L.182 184 E. Smith 215 248 .5158 .4931 152^456 164--511 125--455 147--513 170--633 HAD HAD ENOUGH The man in charge of the weighinu uuK'hine Wis • having a bad da,v. . the last two hours lie hndn't taken a I<ennj. .; A. ; Presently he apjiroacired, » Mn wli:. had been- walking to end along the pavement nearby.. " v "Morniiig, sfrVVhe^>0si like to try your weigliff"*}' \ / v Tfie triiih wiveefetj sharply on hint. "No, 1 Wouldn't," he 'Sivrtj»i»d. "I've been waiting over h<mr foe. the mis«u&.already, ^nd 'Pnt not jstaftfnii a g i i i ^ f o r . . . a n y o n e , " ' • v ; i * : ^ '•t , • And H'i Much Quieter . Japanese servant walkwl into hl's mistress* botwlolr on^ nn>rtv Ing unannounced. • ,v.;'^ "You qiust not eoine Into ray rt^in without knocking first. Togo." .sa'ld ttie l a d y . " 1 i n i g l i t b e d r e s s i n g ' "Oh, no. Madam," replied: Toso, always pleek through kleehole. 'I That Make* It Different The old-fashione<l farmer was hnfd to convince. "No." declared he, "I'll have no such contraption In my house. Planners are bad things." . "Oh, but Father," protested his daughter, **thls Is an upright piano." He's a Buiineu-Getter Hospital Matron--How's this?. The telephone message said you were bring lng one accident ease, and you have brought three. ' - Ambulance Driver--That's ail right. I knocked the other two down on the way. BIFF! BIFF! 0 BACON'S - STRIP \a By *ZEKE" BACON M'HENRY TRAMPLES ON LITTLE SIX LEADERS "Tfie championship aspirations of a fast-stepping Richmond crew meant nothing at all to Coach Orr and his j trampled warriors as they downed | the Gunderson men, heretofore unde- Ed Smith walked off with all the last Friday ni£ht ^ a oneprizes at the Palace the- last two ^ interesting easiest, 31-14 weeks with a 248 score that brought le,d u alj the ^ and had « him a lamp made from a tenpin and i.u ? ? "e{ore Richmond drew also a dollar reward posted by John |therr firSt deep • breath. Bolger in his first night with the For- I The scoring combinat ion .of A.dams, ester League. But now John himself Meyers and Vycital finally clicked as stands at the head of the list for the ! Coa§h ^ has been hoping it wouid next electric lamp with a 253 game Ja11 season and that trio will give any from practice Tuesday night. And |team in the county plenty to think John had a railroad that game which jabout when" they are -hitting; <• included nine strikes. , The gym was packed to capacity '•-- and even found many fjans making use ' Ed Sutton and Georg? P. Freund ! of1 the standing room. It looked like had the most outstanding series in the good old days when McHenry the Forester League, last week and had a championship outfit to see the these two members of Herb Simon'* J fans and don't think that the manageteam helped a lot to keep that five in i ment aiid the boys themselves don't the lead, "George had 544 and Ed Was i appreciate this fact as the^ k,no.v over the 600 mark by 19 pins. f they have'lost more games this yea. < , -- -- , , • " |t h a n t h e y ' w o u l d , c a r e t o a d m i t , b u t >oNfe*t' Sunday"MbHetory w01. agfiitt {.they've always been in" there trying t«ke oti Mundelein, the team that lias : and the crowd, sensing that fighting been causing the local bowlers so ispiVit, have shown their approvi^l by much anguish this year. Last Suu- J attending the games. .. -'K-J: -' - lay a group mustered up emnigh i ^dams, Kramer, Me^" and then nerve to go - to. Mundele^n and sue- fVycital scored for McHenry in the ceeded in getting some higher quarter while Ehom's free throw t.han on. their previous trips so now i and a basket by Gibbs gave Richmond they are. going to roll a match here points. Then Ehorn scored T*rith a different team representing the twice from the field to run the score local alleys. Ed Smith says no more U0 g_7( but Vycital and Adams sank of those low series. ItH be a" good baskets and Richie came through one to watch. 'with a free throw to make the count 13- at half time, Still anyone's ball game. .' Then Adams "caught on and scored i twice before Gibbs made good on one of two free throws. Meyers caged ; another basket and then Ryan made i a free toss and the count was 19-9. | Baskets by Vycital and Meyers made I the score 23-9 at the three-quarter mark and the subs started to trail in. Meyers and Adams coupled to give ! McHenry a 27-9 lead before Bell I scored Richmond's first basket since ithe start of the second period. Then _ . ~~ U. , , ; Anderson scored another and Ehorn The crowd at the Richmond game ; made a free throw before Sonny Johnson got into action with a basket and Captain Vycital finished things McHenry7 High's teams placed themselves in the basketball limelight by knocking off Richmond last week, a team that had been undefeated so far this year in Conference competition. They wert not only defeated by the Odd crew but tliey were trimmed so decisively that not even the presence of one Richmond regular that was out with illness could have made up the difference. Looks like McHlenry is finding their pace ^ last. played before thi9 season and speaks well for the splendid manner ir. which, the townspeople have backed their favorite sons win, lose or draw j , :"Mirs. Smith has a million'In her owt* •right." • "ify >vife always carries hers in her left," 904 TEAM NO. ONE-- A. Justen 183 A. E. Nye ..... 139 Toityan *.-- Thennea M.^i^kT«168 Winkei..^........,.....181 906 778 2568 127 152 173 159 210 181--491 180--471 157--497 139--466 202--693 838 TEAM NO. TWO-- 821 869 2518 Pfannenstil ... V. Freund .... J. Bolger Wm. Heimer H. Smith -- ..129 •..198 ..134 ..130 ..172 167 167 170 149 175 136--432 184--549 177--481 155--434 199--546 763 828 TEAM NO. FOUR-- L». Heimer ... G. Freund .w. A. Weingart E. Sutton -4. ,,.163 -.,184 ...163 ,...241 EL Simon --185' 163 166 163 182 185 851 2442 168--481 194--544 163--489 196--619 190--560 ' 936 859 906 270r Oldtimers League FREUNDS-- R. Page I.,.............135 158 173 ,466 Barbian ...........228 136 156--518 Wattle® • ; ;,.*.;;.212 164 161--537 Dickler ..143 180 149--472 Freund 176 187 225--588 the Weather " Weather Man--Put down rain for a cwtainty this afternoon. • Assistant--Are you positive, sir? , ;Weather Wan--Yes, indeed. I've lost mj: umbrella, I'm planning to play golf and Wy wife's giving a lawn pai^y. Sense of Order "Are you afraid of war?" "No," answered Senator Sorghum. "But so far as I am concerned I don't want anything to do with any war until we get through Investigating the re suits ef the last one." Unhappy H» "Would you marry a man for money?" "No," said Was Cayenne. "Tve seen too many homes spoiled by husbands who were perpetually worrying abeig their Income tax." with another two pointer to bring the count to its final status; 31-14. McHenry's lightweights also continued to be runnor?-up for the leBd j l v t\ - .. in their division of the Little Contwo squads by Coach Orr saw action : ference ^ 17.10 win over Rich. agamst Richmond ten of them in the d KM&y d thfm from lightweight contest the • heavyweight. This All nineteen men carried on the and nine in is the first this year that such a thing has hap. pened. time 1 ^'s oent^r position with five baskets A peculiar fact is that each McHenry team made but- one free throw while Richmond, though on the defense most'of the time, played clean basketball throughout and both teams made but six personals, two by the McHenty ci^iniW:"'vlSl<e!r winning streak by downing „6t. Mary's at Woodstock Saturday night in a hard i; ^ and four- t>^ h(kftvips. Gunfought contest tbat proved to the derpon must clean basUetball to fans that the Saints victory over hayo his ^anis play to that record. Richmond a week or so ago wasn t Another fact that mtpht have con. any accidental fluke. The lights also tributed in a manner to McHenry's won as was expected. The heavies ^ thouKh it couldn't have had score was 26-22, but wasn't as close to do ^ McHenry's stel- As the score sounds. iar" piay throughout, was the absence ~ ..' ... , j of Vogel in Richmond's lineup. He - The MAACS had quite a time find- yvas uIar eariier in the season ing themselves in last Sunday after- bpfore b<in ovcrtaken by the flu and "maam'a «*ri + Vt \M a Kllf mun. m . I 11 o'clock. Here are a resume of the tests that are able to be passed: Cooking, stalking, laying out a four acre field, fire-building, map-making, and at few others, I think. So if you don't pass.any tests, you can figureyourself an outcast. Remember oiie of the Washington trip requirements, I believe, is to pass tests. JBack to the hiker- though. There ought to be a large crowd .present on the hike because the weather's fine and also this is the first hike of the season. Let's start the season out With a) bang and a large crowd! One of the boys, namely your corresipondent, was put on the spot, and X marks the spot, and passed the Merit dSadges, with t^e troop as reviewers. The badges were Firemanship and First Aid to Animals! 1 think this is a. good idea of one passing a test to teach others, only next time have the "spot" occupied by another: .; An old FOT^I'drove right- itito the hall and set us in a hilarious uproar. It happened that the old Ford wjtfs. a song. Some joke, I'll say! Led by Jerry Miller, the song told of the civ, a girl, hat', feather, fly, etc. * • ; ' ? - W e l l # i f y q u » m i s s e d r e a l l y rage x ive missed "it!" Photography and Camping were represented by the home town and ask someone that was there how they were. Without exaggeration, as a whole,' wati one of the most outstanding and educational that this county has seen in many year». You ought to have seen the display. The most sensational exhibits were Taxidermy with Photography of McHenry close on its heels. In the latter birds and animals were mounted before the iiudience. Photography was very well done with different types and classes of picture and earner* on display. Well, I can't say any more. It's your fault for missing the Scout's show. See you Saturday at the hike. Remember Scout week starting February 5. SCOUT HAROLD TAXMAN The annual ice harvest is on in Wau- vconda. H. L. Grantham and a crew * \\ .f of men started early last week to pre- • pare the eice for the house, iind the « Vi actual filling of the structure w^s commenced' Wednesday rnoming of i-V last week.. Good, solid ice ranging "V'.y from ten to fourteen inches is being "plated in the ice house, according 'to •reports. ,• ', „ • ' ^ FRED J: SMITH, Prop. JOHNSBURO, ILL. Proper* MW; Winter -- Wt Gtsty Alcohoi, Pr«§tone, • Winter Oils and Greases LOWING* AND'REPAIRING Phonea--200-J , - Night--640-J-2 Why Wash at Home ? Ready to Iron 15 lbs. (or 75c 3c for each additional pound SPECIAL--Gloves Cleaned 1^#* ^ " Niles Center Home Laundry Mrs. Anna Howard, Agent Phone McHenry 42 his absence no doubt took some of the pep from the losers. M'HENRY--31 Adams, f ......................6 Beckenbiaug^?^.7^t^S^r#' Meyer, noon's game with Marengo, but managed to do so just in time to eke but a shappy 26-24 victory over the former high school stars from the west end of the county. Gus Freund made the only field goal scored by the .. f : ..... MA ACS in the first half which ended , J . ' 13-7 the wrong way around. The ' third quarter found Marengo eight points ahead and so did five minutes to go. Then . Kreutzer replaced Patzke at^d made three baskets and McCracken dropped his first one to tie the score. Then Mac made another with but 35 seconds to go and the game 4was won. Vycital, c Kramer, g ...... Walkington, g i Hughes, g i Peterson, g .... ... 4 l _ 4 ... i ... 1Q ... 0 .i. 0 ric Listener !• Courtroom--'Utey -say justice is bUad. Companion--Yes, and Judging fey the way the lawyers trailer you would think the old gal must also be deaf.--Path finder Magazine. 892 GRANGERS*-- ' jJ. Schaefer !.. .203 Weber .,..*..181 Covalt ....v....«..,..i...l52 Hughes.................177 Granger ........157 825 864 2581 154 189 136 159 179 146--503 129--499 159--457 193--529 127--463 870 817 764 2451 j SMITHS-- Beavis Goodell i Johnsoia | Adams Smith i ; 806 BACONS-- ^ Sayler ;v....;...177 Perkins ;.,.?..;.485 172 ,S;v.:^403 v»»^.179 .;.........196 s„.„...a56 172 142 174 168 183 172--516 143--388 157--510 209--573 197--536 839 878 2523 AH Men Are Liars Honor," said the pHeener. "will I be tried by a Jury of women?" "Be quiet," whispered his counsel. "I won't t»e quiet! Tonr Honor; 1 can't even deceive any own wifle, let alone 12 women."--Royal Arcannm Pnllettn. SOAP BUBBLES /IP Joe's Aces, pushed al! Ae way through the first three quarters, staged another last quarter spurt and put on ice their eighth -win in nine starts this season. Tkey won 28-18 over the Marengo seconds;; Then in the girls' game, the team that has attached itself to the mon-, icker of "Zephyrs," there was an-i other thriller with Evelyn Justen scoring a basket to tie the score with a minute to go, McHenry then went on to win in the overtime period. 12-9. " RICHMOND--14 Jackson, f Anderson, f Ehorn, f .....v. Gordon, c Buchert, c Gibbs, g Ryan.'g ...... Bell,, g 16 118 You know, these games at the high school aren't so well attended hut what a few more spe«ators could find seats. There are soine swell games there every Sunday afternoon and r- • 5 * 4 4 800RE BY QUARTERS-- Richmond 3 7 9--14 McHenry 8 13 23--31 LIGHTWEIGHTS M'HENRY-^IT : B. Baur, f Freund, f ......... C. Anderson, f G. Anderson; f Kilday, c ....^«;. Miller, c ............. Taxnv next Sunday's three game schedule prjsj,v' % " Jl with the Cary teams promises to be jUPten' P g no exception. In the games at Cary . ' last month McHenry won 49-45 in a] game featured- mostly by fouls, 49 of them being called on both sides. The ; R Kilpatrick, 10 .1.. poor ref will most likely have *nother job on his hands. 8 1 7 Next week the Little Conference "Is Tynes of foreign descent?** ^ "No, of American ascent.** Shotliff, f ...^S Parke, f Austin, f tournament will take place at Hebron 1 vf® startine: Thursday and continuing through into Saturday night. Hebron naturally are the favorites, due to i Bowman, g The GallerMM- "Did you visit any art galleries rt-hlle" you were abroad'* • "•No," answered 'Senator Sorghum. "Every town I struck seemed to have been tui-aed Into a shooting gallery." M. Schaefer .192 Karls Bacon ..............164 .... .,..196 144 144 222 159 183 174--495 145--474 120r-534 156--479 180--559 914 852 775 2541 'Encouragement A wTniiy chap was telling a story to I^ord Northcliffe. He suddenly stopped and asked: "Afti I boring you?" "Not much," answered Northcliffe, "Go on." HOLD RICHMOND MAN FOR EMBEZZLEMENT Glen Ward of Richmond, manager of the Barker Lumber Co., was taken to Woodstock Tuesday afternoon and given a hearing before Justice W. S. Battern on a charge of larceny with embezzlement. He is charged with taking $200 from the firm. His bond was set at $1,000 and the hearing continued*until Saturday. Charles Cohan, Jr„ of Chicago j-^pent the weekend at Emerald Park. their recent county championship, but MjcHejjry's spurt in the - 'last few games leaves them not to be overlooked. Richmond remains an unknown quantity as most fans are discounting their six game winning streak with their recent-collapse. Next week Saturday well know more about It: The ice skating poncl developed into a source of some pleasure even though it isn't fully eompleted. The diamond part of the field is covered and the kids as well as some of the grownups have been using it but dn the whole the entire project was a flop. It's too bad that a little funds couldn't have been donated to insure the successful completion of a real 3 a .^a I SCORE [Richmond McHenry BY QUARTERS-- 1' 1 7--10 ft, 8 i EtOHTf O'CLOCK COFFEE 3i*«»"o53c Moaaa I8c IONA CUT GREEN BEANS 3 . AIRY-FAIRY CAKE FLOUR est" AMERICAN FAMILY SOAP 10 EARS 56 c COCOA 2-Lb I7c PKG. ARMOUR SB Sliced Be SOUPS-ALL VARIETIES Campbell's . 310<&N°8 Z-25c BANOUET Bacon . ^ p*<is ."Jft27c Rajah Syrup . 1|n5 13c Margarine NUCOA 2 LBS 35c SULTANA 4 ROLLS 29c 9 L/RGE OQScotTissu ® Rinso . Quaker Oats . 20-oz. pkg. 8c Del Monte Coffee . . lb. 30c Maxw ell House Coffee lb. 31c .Floui, Sunnyfield Fancake . 3 20-oz pkgs. 19C Excel Pure Pork Sausage Meat . 2 lbs. 33c GRANDMOTHER'S DOUGHNUTS ooz. IOc Fridmy9Sm.O»ht SILVERBROOK BUTTER 2 lb; "771 RALMOUVE TOILET SOAP 6 CAKES 25c DROMEDARY GRAPEFRUIT HEINZ TOMAT0 KETCHUP SALMON COLD STREAM PINK ,4&n°S2 14-OZ. BTL.S. 16-OZ. CANS I9e LOG CABIN SYRUP Grape Nuts 12-oz. SC<D) Post's Bran Plakei Jeii-0 • • Sanka Coffee 1 Fish. Baby Haddock Fillets Boneless Perch Fillets pkg ,10-oz pkg 4 pkgs. ... ,1-lb can Wouldn't it be good if someone told you that you could receive a free try: to Washington for only a little work. You think, well, it's possible but not probable. But the Scouts have just this opportunity. Although the date on the requirements have not been fully furnished, they'll be out soon and some Scout from this troop will fionest-to-goodness skating pond that, be appropriated seventy-five dollars would have been a real asset to the for a trip to visit a world jamboree city. f and watch the progress that twenty : . five year* <^f Scouting has done in HOLY NAME INSTALLATION training in leadership and citizenship. The Holy Name society will hold ; As slton as the requirements are pubits installation of officers next Mon- j lished, all of us will do our best to daj evening, Feb. 5, in St. Mary's j make ourselves "it." church basement. Refreshments will I With ice and snow still occupying be served after the meeting and a ja lot of the ground, we decided to larg« attendance of members ia urgetk jtramp out. to Sherman's Saturday at 2 2 2 1'2-oz. tin 1 19c 11c 25e 49c 2 lbs. 27c^ 21c PRODUCE Fresh Tc^glatoes^;... .2 li)s. 25e Maine Potatoes . .. .1 . 15 lbs. 25c (Above Items on Sale Friday through Saturday) Nancy Hall Sweet Potatoes 3 lbs. 10c Bananas 3 lbs. 17c Texas Seedless Grape Fruit, 80 siae _ 3 for 10c Head^Lettuce, 60 size -2 for 13c (Above items on sale Friday through Wednesday) Idaho Potatoes ; . .. is lbs. 39c Wisconsin Potatoes ' .. 15 lbs. 17c; Above itet»K on -ale Mondav thTOTTfA "WtHiTiesdav

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