' *Vf "1 4 ~ s '">•< 4 '3 ' £ . ; Thursday, February 7,1935 j \ A< '* V * tl" ' '-' - 1 "• »<' * * »S3® THE McHElTRY PLAINDEALER 'Vhts-aMya ntfB iiirwi WAUCONDA VOLO Ed, I. Johnson on the "Flats." „Harry C: Payrie, pioneer resident of ; Lake county, died at the home of her daughter, Mrs. Dwight Rolph in Mun* delein, on Friday, Feb. 1, aged 79 SLOCUM'S LAKE ' ^r- an(l Mrs. George Jepson ana years. He was the y<yungest child of Jphn Blomgren was business y°- Bat«s and sister, Miss Emily the late Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Payne caller -at Grayslake last Friday. __ "TfJates, attended the funeral of Harry - of Fremont and the last member of" Harry Matthews and Elmer Esping rayne, bunday afternoon at the the family to pass away. Fi/nt^al ser- were callers at McHenry' last Wed- .Congregational church at Ivanhoe. vices were h6ld Sunday afwrnoon'at'riesday afternoon!' ' _ v Mr. Alex Schnapp, proprietor of the the Congregational church in Ivanhoe. - Arthur Wackerow was a . business. Wauconda Bakery and Miss Edith He leaves to mourn the passing of a caller at Woodstock "last Saturday •••/ ;Prown» who conducts the Merchants good father, three daughters,. Mrs, evening. ^ Exchange, were united in marriage Arthur Gullidge of Baker, Mont., Miss Mr. and. Mrs. Fred Nordmeyer call- On Tuesday afternoon, at the home of Avis Payne of Chicago and Mrs. ^ 0n" Mr. and Mrs. Walter Nordfriends m Waukegan. They left Wed- Dwight Dolph of Mundelein, and four lneyer at Grayslake last Thursday. Iiesday morning for a honeymoon trip grandchildren. He was a brother-In- Wm. Foss was a caller at Mundeto Antonio, Texas, and other points jaw of-George Bates and sister, Miss lein Monday - .in the south. > . . Emily, of this place. • r > n~, ** , i . * r-arl Converse, was a business cad- Mr. and Mrs. Herbert Schroeder i The Roman's Glub will hold a card er at McHenry Thursday ' S?d SOn and M*8, Mith •?1eck Were Party on Wednesday evening, Feb. 13i Harry Matthews attended an all- Waukegan visitors Thursday. at the grade school. Admission 25c. day meeting of the directors of the . .. Word was received here last week Lunch will be served and everyone is Lake Co. Farm Bureau at Grayslake / pf the death of the widow of Horace cordially invited to attend. Mionday. .Burton, Mrs. Celia Mudgett Burton,1 Jahies Fuller of Chicago spent the r i r> ' , * at the home of her daughter in St. weekend with his father, Miles Fuller. . " _ar , onveree spent the week ""•-Charles. The girlhood days of Mrs. Miss Lucy Sowles is moving back , M e„,om® ° er parents, Mr. , Burton were spent near Griswold to town after being employed at Bar- xr TS", ' i•; „ :;Lake, McHenry county. Funeral ser- rington for the past two or thr$e . ^ Mrs. Fred Nordmeyer aftd. Vices were held at Cary,, 111. Friday years. daugh^r, Beatrice, and son, RusSell* ^ Afternoon. She was 89 years of age; Mr. and Mrs. Vwtor Carr were Chi- ^ p M ... w . . / * Mrs. Natalie Stroup left Friday f.-r cago visitors the first of the week. . ^e8day at of Mr. and Mrs.j^s,field were Waukegan shoppers on •>. Aberdeen, S. D. to care for her sis • Mr. and Mrs. Ghas. F. Buschick at- auer at Spring Grove, , .• *•;. w ' _• . ;"';ter, Mrs. Williams, who is ill. , tended a birthday dinner in Chicago Mr., and Mrs, Raymond Lusk audi - ^'-an 3rs..,.Fj^t|k Hironimus, Mr. , .* f Jos. Steinsdorfer was taken seric 1> ill the first of the week and ta •to a Waukegan hospital, Dr; Kloritz. J -1*-.--^- • ' Mrs. John Blomgren. •, _ <• . McHenry was called in the" case. J "•;/&^seri^^ Of^^teStd at 'Yale^!tfttiV#hsity>y Arthur Wackerow, { Mr< and Mrs. a ?- °>. Mr. and Mrs. Harry Maypole of Fox Lake visited" Mr. and Mrs. Herbert Michal.'on Tuesday evening* Mr. and Mrs. .Lloyd Fisher and daughter, called ore Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Scheid, Jr., in Wauconda, Tuesda-y. Senator Ray Paddock and daughter Doris were Waukegan dEllers Monday, ' . Mr. and Mrs, Melvin Stone and Mrs. Marlow Harris of Wauconda sp^nt Tuesday evening here with Mr. and Mr?. Clarence Hironimus. Mrs. Frank King and Mrs. Ida Fisher were McHenry callers Tuesday. Thomas Warren of "Waukegan was a business caller at the home fo Mr. and Mrs. Alex Martini Wednesday. Mrs. Robert Paddock of Barrington spent the week-end here at the home of Senator and Mrs. Rav Paddock. Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Kaiser spent Monday evening at the home of Mr. and Mrs, Frank Gould in LibertyVille*. Mrs. R,oy Passfield and Mrs. Joseph JOHNSBURQ Chicago Mr. Liisk and) V-- '^5. 1.rQTUJ!n?s* •, rious- Friday, in honor of their &on, Charles daughter, Betty Lou, of Maple P^rk v,, ta^en BUschick. ^ •' . spent- Swd*y at the.h6m**tM. ^}FLoyi Cl'on'tx. . ',.1 ' Mlrs. John Blomgren. > 4|avtended the WLS Home- Talent play' Mr. and Mrs. Bill May were- Chi-. cago callers Monday. - Mr. and Mrs. Peter Williams Were McHenry callers Wednesday. A large crowd front here attended the masquerade dance at Stoffei's hali Saturday evening. Mr. and Mrs. Mike Gorski and s<J»n, Kenneth, of Woodstock spent Sunday \vith Mr. and Mrs. George King. »- Joe King and Wm. J. Meyers wen Crystal Lake callers Tuesday. ' Miss Viola Stilling of Chicago spent Wednesday with: her parents, Mc and Mrs. Henry Stiling. Mr. and Mrs. Joe Miller and Mr. and M rs. Nick Miller of Richmond attended the wedding dance here Wednesday evening. Math Schmitt attended tne Agra* cultural association, at, Quincy. Moriday. •! ,> •,» - br. . and ft&s. Gerlach motored to. Chicago Thursday. Mr. and Mrs. John Rauen of Spring T o l d Talei . Items of Interest Taken ' ISwto . tlie Files of the Plaindeilt* of Years Ago • izens at 5 o'clock on Monday mam- I. ! ing ami 42 below on Tuesday monij,; •' ^1' ;ingr., " McHenry has now a genuine flowe" - industry in her midst, in.the RosedaL • , Floral company, which is- located oi the east side of the "rivet. ;* ; ' TWENTY-FIVE YEARS AGO The local branch of - the .'Border. Milk company is iagsiln shipping'ice to points where the frozen water i3 not obtainable. A lai^rc forc^ of men is employed.' Tuesday was groundhog day aw' /rom declarations made by old timers', we will have an early spring, as the little ground animals had but very little chance to see .their shadows. Butter advance# or- cent a pound Tuesday, Rev. Father O'Neil officiating- At the Riverside Skating Rink on Thursday evehing last, the three mile race was von by -Stacy' Clark of this village. • v' , • -. . • • .• .- - ^ Do not fail to attend the entertainment 6f the McHeftry' Drajniatic «iu -«nn ^ oi opnr^ d b .;^6rantf Hall, Thursday even Grove spent Sunday with John! H. ' Freund. i .'.V-; 1 x'r Joe ScJmjitt of Bfeloit, Wis.^: abusiness caller h^re Wednesday^ FIFTY YEARS AGO ' " Wm. Phalen and Miss Alice Fare,, both of this village, were marVied on pn Elgin board of trade on Mon-;_ day and the market was firm at 31 cents. r*. ; :TWENTY YEARS. AGO- ' Butter on the Elgin ~ board of *' •' trade sold at ^2 Cents per pounjd latl^iy Saturday. " • ' • The season'?-t'li'i-rd. crop of ice or\ the mill pond is ?ifeht inches, tfiick. ' - -The electric 1 icrht and power ser^^i^j iyice has been anything but' dppend-^*;r v 5able durihp the pa*.t few day. '• On account of the severe "st&rms^ * ' Miss Grace Johnson,- who teaches have revealed tiiat apes.react to sight Aaron Huntoon and Mrs. Jane Eat-j^i JT er 0 .rie,n ^ an<1reiatives School in Maywood, spent the week- and sound as quickly as human child- inger of Wauconda visited: Mr.- Huu-.fJr'.Tff*T.l , n7;P.n .tod with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. ren. Guesswork and Farm Profits The farmer with a telephone need ^ not guess or take chances--he can call up" and find out. By using his -telephone and eliminating guesswork in buying, selling and other important details of farm management, he saves*many trips and avoids many of thg disadvantages which may threaten tlje results of His work. - * Whatever^ ^ earns and saves "above the small cost of the service is profit to the farmer--profit he otherwise migfit not make. And, as-ever-y-farmer "knows, this is not the only value of his telephone. For the security of his family and the protection of his property it is pricfclc^> toon's relatives."at. Oswego Sunday. even.1^' ,ft hp^r of h,"s Miss Beatrice Nordmeyer spent a |b,rthday ann.versary. 1T»e evening few days last week at the home of !jas fpeT1^.n p,ayinR fl^" hundred and Mr. and Mrs. Ed Bauer at Spring idancmpr- Prizos were awarded to Mrs. Grove. fMr. and Mrs. Earl Converse and ' j FORTY YEAJRS ACf0 " V : •*«- - •*» i.y. Ttr ,v'. ""-'w^.'le'arn that 'E. J. Hanly has sold spring Grove factory to Joseph th^ Pas^ ^ days the tram service-, ^ u!, Tv Bacon, who has. been livihjf ih this village the past year, will move back to his farm,. near .Wauconda, A number of" friends and relatives Williahi Althoff Wednesday. Mrs. Joe Karls was a Wotfdstqek caller Tuesday. Steve Engehvof Spring Grove was ^ ^is'spring. a caller here Thursday morning. Mr. and Mrs. Bob Wilkie and Miss Herbert Maehalson, Mrs. Alvin Case, | Caroline Freund of Chicago attended Mrs. Joseph Passfield, John Kilday, !the wedding dance here Wednesday Paul O'Leary and Harry Maypole. A , evening. very dainty lunch was served. Mrs. Ellwood Dowell of Fort Sheridan and Mrs. Stephen H. Smith Friday visiter, Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd - Fisher j evening. Wednesday. ) Miss Helen Smith, Mrs. Ray Horick ii_, . v," Herman Dunker returnedc to this and Mrs. Stephen H.- Smith motored Mr anrt° Mr« Foso:'jhome here Friday, after spending the ' to "Chicago Saturday morning., c • is? ™ ^ r N°r?m«*er, I past week at Quincy. where he attend- ! Mr. anU Mrs. Fred Smith spent Sat^ stnA M> -°«: 1,° ^r«yS je T a? thc 20th annual convention of the.'urday in the homo of Mr. and Mrs, tZi Sf?kU--Pf ,°^d Illinois Agricultural association. Hubert Weber at McHenry. •/ Spent Sunday afternoon at the home ; The McHenry Brewer's baseball! Mr. and Mrs. Mikt> Sella#®* left daughter, Frances, attended the mov- <i€fs at the Empire theatre, McHenry, Sunday evening. Mr. and Mrs. John Barnings were filers last Wednesday afternoon at Twenty degrees below eero was the, kind of weather that greeted our cithas been somewhat irregular. Borden's have resumed ice. shipping Operations, They hope to be. able -tto'!v,;|i".^« ship at least 150 more carloads. 'i;,. ^ '•> / * •; - : Schmitt -and Schaefer Wednesday. . . . . , Mrs. Peter Schaefer and daughter, Mj rs. Raym Horick »»v isirt,e d. ^tw ith Mrr-SI^ aura, were McHenry callers S„ a.tu 'r - baseball! M • . ,, , „• .... , iteam of Volo gave a card partv and Florida Thursday. daughter Jean^ -McAllister and j |ance a$ the Volo club house ThUrs-1 Mr., and Mrs; Frank Mathieu anu of Chicago of Mr. and -Mrs. Fred Nordmeyer. , lance at the" VVdo durh^uselThn!'s-^ "Mr.."^i^d^ & Fmnk'V.MatWeu - ani.!?•;.-• (^0^e':: :King'.'.Wedntsday.- ev&n.. _ ,, . it_ !day evening. Prizes were awarded 'John Huff y/ere^ Woodstock calleis ,'"K-! . 7 Sunday forenoon callers at the W. -E.. t|,p .following Mrs. Joseph "Wagner."' Monday morning.- " ' | Miss Emnra Frexind of McHfenrj; Mrs. Arthur Kaiser. Misses Ada Dow- Mr. and Mrs. Ben H. Me.virs of Ra- visited with her father, John H> ell. Lorraine Wiser. Rita Molidor cine_\ isited with Mr. find Mrs. -Wn#..^freund,- Monday^fte.rnoon;;'.,-;':-"' Catherine MeGuire, Alvin Case, Gene 1- -layers" Monday.. r. ..v'l"'Mrs..'Henry Nell and : Carpenter. Raymond Dowell. Anthony Imss Marie Miller is" spendtttg^^a Freund and '.daughter-we r^ Chicago Wcgner, Ray Krell. and Irving Nich- few days in Sauk Cfty, Wis.. callers 1 Wednesday. oils. -. I Elmer Iletttirmann of Skokie Valley John King of McHenry visited, with Mr. and Mrs. Frank Hjro'nim.u*'-acr'^P^Ht' Saturday and Sunday with his Mr. and Mrs. Joe King Saturday. day afternoon. Mr. and-Mrs. Bob Wilkie of Chicago spent Sunday with Mr. and. Mrs. Peter F. Freund and family. Mr. and Mrs. Nick Miller of Richmond galled, at thp home of .Mr. and ^Florence ^way M.i*s. Cieorge Lay Monday afternoon, i Gjverr, * Mr. and Mrs. Joe Blake of McHen-1 Monday was groundhog day and *s ry visited in the home of Mr. and result of^^ more (>r les^ sjlnshino on that day. we may .expect ailother Fix weeks bf wilder:' TEN YEARS AGO Miss Viola Stilling is now employed at the Cary State bank, having' started work there a short time ago. A wreck at Cary o'n Monday morning of this week quite seriously affected the train service tJ^thi9 city.. No mail was received here from early morning until late in the afternoon.. Postmaster Nick F. Steilen assumec his new duties on Monday morning of this week. He has as his assistant and Leone Brooks home. Mr. and Mrs. George Lundgrer. and Miss N't 1 son of Wauconda spent Sunday afternoon at the home of- Mr. and Mrs. John Blomgren. , Mi?s Grace Wallace of LibertyVillespent last Thursday with Miss Beat-, rite N,o rdmcver. comnanied Mr. and Mrs. Richards^father, Henry Hettermann. . Mr. and Mrs. A- W. Foss and jCronin. and 'Mrs. Anna Thorlow and! Math N. Schmitt attended thi> indaughter, Vman, of Libertyville w.ere | S(!^ tf) the Eighth street theatre insurance meeting at Springfield Mon- Sunday afternoon callers at the home Chieaero Saturday evening, where ;^a>' ant' Tuesday, fhev attended the WLS show. - I Mrs. Steve May jentertained the John Wagner, Sr., and son,^^ John, j-Eive Hundred club Thursday afteiwere Chicago business caller^ Moivlav noon, with prizes being awarded to .To^enh rRossduestcher of Round Mrs. reter stntth, Mrs: Steve May of Mr. and Mrs.. Wm. F«jss. .Mrs. Page Smith spent Saturday at the home of Mr. and Mrs. B. C. Harris at WTauconda. - ~ At the last stated meeting of May. flowex chapter, O E. S., at .-Watuton- Charles Rossduestcher' Mondav. Lake visited .his parents. Mr. and Mrs ! and Mrs. Wm. J. Meyers. da, the 1934 grand prizes awarded by the Junior Past Matron, Mrs. Effi? Francisco, were given out and were merited in bridge by Mr. and -Mrs. Harry Matthews. . Mrs. Harry Matthews and Mrs. John Blomgren attended the meeting of the Ladies' Aid of the Federated church held at the home of Mrs. J. A. Ross at Wauconda last Thursday afternoon. Plaindealers for sale at Bolfiret%* WORLD'S LOWEST PRICES lGAIN in 1934, the insistent demand -you can buy! They are big--rugged-- *• for Chevrolet products has made---dependable trucks. They are powered Chevrolet the world's largest builder of trucks as well as of passenger cars. And now Chevrolet offers still greater valuer --the highest quality Chevrolet Trucks; ever built and the lowest-priced trucks six-cylinder valve-in-head engines which use very little gas and oil. Buy One of these Chevrolet Trucks and you buy fine, dependable, economical haul* «ge service--at the world's lowest price! v CHEVROLET MOTOR COMPANY. DETROIT, MICHIGAN Compare Chevrolet'* low delivered prices and easy G.M.A.C. terms. A General Motors Value up. (112* Wheelbase) (131* whfelbsse) H0M-T0* Pick-up with Canopy, $495 oirwiiMttwM) lVV-To (157" Whe«lb»j«) © •lVfc-Ton Chasii*, $485 <131* WhMlbM*) l'A-Ton Stake, $720 (157* WhMlUse) ha«*u and Cab, $605 '1%-Iok Platform, $630 (131* WhMfbm) Mr. and Mrs. Fred Diethorn of Mr. and Mrs, Lloyd Fisher and .Waukegan' .attended' the wedding of family. Mrs. Sarash Fisher called on Miss Edna Fisher in Waukegan Wednesday. - ' Mrs. J. N. Wagner visited her daughter, Mrs. H. ^ Martini in Chi' caeo Wednesday. • . Mr. and Mrs. Frank TTenkel, Jr., md daughter spent Tuesday at the home of the former's mother, Mrs; Marv Henkel in Waukegan. Mrs. Joseph Wagner entertained •her bridge club Tuesday afternoon. Prizes were won bv Mrs. M. Westlakei Mrs. J. Kilday, Mrs. J. Lenzen and Mrs. Westlake. Mr. and Mrs. Ll-oyd Fishe.r spent Friday evening with Mr. and Mrs. William Lohmann in Libertyville. ^ James Wegner of McHenry spent' a few days hfre with his grandparents. Mr; and Mrs. M. Wagner. Mr. and Mrs. Charles Miller and ?on of Libertyville visited the latter'* narents, Mr. and Mrs. John. Oeffling Tuesday. Mrs. Richard Cronin of McHenry Visited her sister, Mrs. Frank Hironimus Wednesday. Mr. astjd Mrs. John Hutzel of Chir& eo spent Thursday here at the •home of the latter's grandfather, Tohn Walton. r Mr. and Mrs. Martin Wegner of 'McHenry visited We latter.s parents, Mr. and Mrs. M. Wagner Sunday. Deputy Warden William Rossduestcher of Joliet spent the weekend here with relatives and friendis. • ; Mrs. Joseph Lenzen was a Waukegan caller Saturday. Mr. and Mrs. Albert Kautenberg of Waukegan spent Friday here with the latter's father, John Walton. Miss Lillian Soheid of Wauconda" fjnent the weekend here at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Fisher. Miss Catherin McGuire of Chicago returned here Tuesday to the home of her sister. Mrs. Frank Henkel, Jr. Mr. and Mrs. Charles Miller and Mr. ami Mrs. Wm..J. Meyers were Wood.-'tock callers Monday.- -- Mr. and Mrs. Jacob MHler and family of Spring Grove spent Sunday with~MiVand Mivi. Peter Smith. . Mrs. Wiiu J. Meyers entertained the Co'mmunity .club Monday evening. Five? 'hundred'wpn-'pmypd with prizes being awarded to Mrs. Joe King. Miss Annabel Meyers and Mrs. Wm. J. Meyers. v« lo=is Wiikird Tr*-utmmt vrhj. h is brinjtJW .*i• ijf relief S«»M on ironcUM money-back guarantee. Priceless information - fi>r thoM* siuT- fn »u VIOM.M.H (>R {,\ OlU N \l ILCtR^, rOOR I>UiK>- T1CN, ACII) DYSPKPS.A. SOl'R SIONtAC H. tiASSl- NI-SS. m-ARTIjrRN. CONsnrvnoN, ti\i> urkmu. si.rtri tssMss ok heau- ACiiti. k>l fc TO tXCF.SS A(UI). " A f r o o . of ^ tli'ird s " .1 !»,- !,rs. WATTLES DRUG STORE" McHenry, 111. . u son of Libertyville spent Sunday her«i fit the home of Mr." and Mri; J<>hn" AUiam*lu»rritm^t Hick. Sptdml luipm axtrm. *Thtal irtw/i mJtim tX extrm. Pritm tubjua to change witkoul itatic*. CHEVROLET TRUCKS Schwcri tan Chevrolet Sales • MeBKHXY, QJU Oeffling. V, M,rs J<?9ePh Wagner visited Mrs/ Burke in Chicago Wednesday. Joseph Molidor of Round ,Lake called at^the home of Mr. and Mrs. Frank St. George, Wednesday. Miss Emily Vogt of Waukegan jspent Thursday evening here with her grandmother, Mrs. Catherine Molidor. : Mrs. C. Dowell and family of Slojum's Lake, Mr. and Mrs. Frank Wil-> j»Qn and family spent Sunday here *rith Mr. and Mrs. Harry Passfield. Mr. and Mrs. Ed Bacon and family of Round Lake spent Sunday at the home of Mrs. E. Bacon. •: Mir. and Mrs. Leslie Davis and family of Slocum Lake visited Mr. and Mrs. Richard Dowell Saturday. , Miss Hazel Townsend of , Round Lake visited Miss Beatrice Wilson on Sunday. Miss Vinnie Bacon was a Woodstock caller Saturday. Mrs. Frank Dowell and daughter of Elgin, Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Passfield and son, Mr. and Mrs. Ray Passfield •nd family, Mr. and Mrs. Charles r "Dalvin and family of Wauconda, Ellwood and Milton Dowell were Sunday dinner guests at the home of Mr. and Mrs. W. George. Mr. and Mrs. William Hironimus •nd son of Round Lake spent Sunday here with Mrs. Rose Dunnell. Mrs. Harry Hironimus and Vitally •pent Friday with her moth«r, Mrs. Sert Hortei in Grajrialw. Password Coupon CDCE Tear out thii coupon, take • it to your Skelly •taHon-- and receive, without coit, your copy of Jimmie Allen'# Air Datiles. If there U nn Skeily «tation in your city, do thU: Write your name and address below. Write in the name of the service sta* lion you patronize, Aho write the name of the gasoline you buy. Mail it to Jimmie Allen, c/o Skelly Oil Com* pinv, Kansas Cirv, Mo. Th«gam« will He matted promptly. PLAINDEALER, McHcnry Na«w'1 'i 'i'u1:1.'!..... i.iI", Adimi Strvic* Snij**:: Name of Ga#o!t nc - TO CLEANER MOTORS! OtUICK STARTING MOhlAx ^CUMIER MOTOR & FOSTER ON YOUR RADIO! Jtmmi* Allen in a Darutf. N• w A-tr Advcntuia! I*WVO&<K).. Thu alna*sa * City 6:15 KKMLZO. XI)., Sntr.e rI^ ou . a .. t6i:m00 WDAY. Kargo. N D 6:« WKY OklaiiomaCity6:W ILFH. Wtctilla .. . »:» Each Evening Except Saturday and Sunday 6:41 W("<~O. Mimieapolia 6:00 WWHOOW.. OmaMhao in.e a .. «6::1l5t WKHB.D jbuqua.la. 6:00 KWFUHNI.. IA'hbiirlaeinfeo. K.a n.a 6(::040t KGNF. North Platte. Nabr. #»39,Skd^OaCo. Now--let Skelly Aromax with K-27 added, double your mileage between valve grind jobs and give your motor new car pep every mile of the way. I Skelly has solved another big problem (hat has long plagued the refining industry. Skelly has discovered m solvent which keeps the bad actors of gasoline in solo-., tion and compels them to pass harmlessly out the exhaust. K-27 Licks the Villain* Two disorderly trouble makers--gum and carbon-- have been convicted as motor foulers, valve stickera, mileage robbers, and repair bill makers. Skelly Tailor- Making minimized their dirty work--but no refining process could eliminate them. For several years, Skelly refinery engineers have been developing a solvent to render the villains harmless. Final result of their work Was the discovery of a solvent with a Kauributanol value (gum-solvent ability) of 27-- called by them--K-27* Tested for many thousands of miles in fleets of cars, tracks and buses, Solvent K-27 has positively proved th|it it makes Tailor-Made Aromax: a gasoline that doubles the mileage between the Mad for engine Overhauls; --a gasoline that reduces starting drag and does away with the formation of flinty, power-wasting carbo« warts on valve seats. Skelly has solved another big gasoline problem-- to give you another exclusive advantage without increasing the prico» Drive to your Skelly station today, SKELLY AROMAX GASOLINE TAILOR-MADE FOR Sold by FREUND OIL CO., Nick Adams Garage . WEST M'HZNBY E. E. Bokemeier _ arowooB -Si I L L I N O I S McHENRY Phone 202- Ford Garage BOUHD LAKE Hoick Garage :;v;^