Illinois News Index

McHenry Plaindealer (McHenry, IL), 21 Mar 1935, p. 4

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- H"'* : • • ,* _ -* /.-.l ^- "r- •* , * A '. J; ;#a 1*1 • ""l THft McHXNRY I ^ :%>V V- *£.-' •?,"». ;'^- , FLSEHDEAIiK* ** >;•*: <> v >..* s . . •">,/ <•""«' »;i«wv ^ \ Thursday, March 21, HS5 THE M'HENRY PLAINDEALER Published every Thursday at McHenry, OL, by Charles F. Renich. Botered as second-class matter at the postofflce at McHenry. HU on- <« the act of May 8, 1879. ' One Year 4 Wx Months".Uh-U-^--•-- . • ':. .$2.06 „..J1.00 A. H. MOSHER. Editor and Manager UISQRE IN OLD LINE RELIABLE COMPANIES FOR SALE FOR SALE---20 tons good bright Alfalfa Hay, loose in-'barn, $22. Marcus W• Damisch, Gilberts, 111., located 5 miles wast of, Dundee, 111. Phone Elgin 9805-Y-l. *41-3 For 49 years our agency has? faithfully represented old fire and storm tested companies, who are strictly supervised, fully licensed and who transact 89 per cent of the world's most gigantic business of protecting the earnings, savings and future of this country, as well as of all Europe. These companies pay nearly ninety- . t r . _ ^ millions in taxes, developing fire i FOR SALE--Good hom^-grown eat- ! prevention methods and appliances in ing and seed potatoes, $1.00 per 100 " this country. Our agency alone has I Also corn. M. P. Meyer, 1% m paid in special taxes at Woodstock,* north of Johnsburg, on River Road. 111., since 1922, over $5,000 to help re-1 *41-3 . _ , _ duce the common harden of taxes. poR SALE OR RENT--Perry house We pay $2 00 on-every $100 collected! Richmond road, near St. Mary's for fire ^ premiums towards fire de- Lhurch Mod newly decorated inpayments villages and cities For | and gteam h double MSN'S SOfcES and (MusT ])e left not later than Saturday"night at this }>ric<>) BEST OVERALLS WORK SHIRTS^ JPJI.I 1 ^ • . ™» • --• -"T*> *•» '-• W;--'-i-'':;XMcHenry Friday and Saturday Only at the POPULAR PLACE Tel. I04-R' Gus Unti, Prop. BRICK Snipping Port 1 STRAIGHT BOURBON Whiskey Full Quart Pint COMPARE OUR PRICES WHY PAY MORE ELSEWHERE? a very smell sum We pay our as*- | sjureds' bills they owe towards fir« phon^ \rj department service, in case the department renders help in saving property at a fire. All stock company agents reside in villages atid cities and contribute towards, the maintenance of al} public improvements at all times. Our office offers only high clas£ protection and free/ service and we write all kinds of insurance, care for assured at all tim?s and the rates are based ort experience of losses and Safety for the stability t for the future of the companies. Our policies cover all the hazards also on farm property, ' including fire, lightning, tornado and hail and we issue policies for a full term :n which the liability cannot be changed by a vote of any membership concern but only by the assured and no assured' Assumes his neighbor's liability, but deals direct with his protector, the company. No, one will buy a hat without knowing the full and final and only price. We charge no interest on farm policies and give 48 to 49 months' time on last of five equal payments. No member of a stock company is interested in another assured's affair and are never called upon or assessed to help pay for losses and unpaid assessments of other companies. We write life, accident and automobile without any liability of assessments. Our office people live in our town, trade here, support all expenses and we are hot engaged in any other than our legitimate business and in no way interfere or aim to assist in depriving our own business jHsople cf their meager prospects and dividing our community into two classes by opposing them in their efforts. . We invite all uscjfcs of insurance to visit our office, where we will be glad to explain any problems confronting themi Trusting that we may be cf service to our present patrons aftd Attending a welcome to new clients* we are -J "' Veiry truly, L. Call Mrs. John R. Prepare For Heavielr Driving •* Now is the time of year to begin to plan for the spring and summer driving season by having your car looked over and put into shape. This means you should take it to a garage which provides good mechanics. specialize in this work and solicit your business. A diagnosis and estimate costs you nothing. Drive in today. ; SMITH'S GARAGE Ph®»® McHenry Elm St and Riv^aaFTiaii I 2 lbs. of Frankfurts and 2 gals, of Sauerkraut $1.00 Pork Loin Roast Small, very lean .......per lb. 23^ Veal Hearts Large, fresh •2m.27t<! Stoffel & Reihansperger Our Phone Number Is McHenry 300 ANNOUNCEMENTS Kitox, 4Stf FOR RENT FOR RENT--Work land, also pasture. Inquire of Peter A. Freund. Phpne 614-R-l. .. • *41-3 FOR RENT--Seven-room house near city park: Inquire John Blake, phone 636-.J -2. 43tf FOR RENT---Modern house, all conveniences. Rent reasonable. Inquire of, Lillian. Cox. Phone 220-R. . yl3-3 WANTED IT NOW PAYS WELL to have your footwear repaired. We have three grades of half soles--Men's, 75c and up; women's, 65c and up. Work guaranteed. Popp, West McHenrx, 37-tf WANTED-- Farmers who have no milk market and arfe interested in an all-year-round market, at a flat price. Call McHenry Dairy in person any day between 1 and 2 p. m. *43 WANTED--Am in the market to buy a McHenry county farm. Prefer with stock and tools. Will pay cash if price is right. Write X, care of Plaindealer. *43 WANTED--Woman for cleaning on Saturdays about five hours at 25c per hour, to begin early in April. Must have excellent references as to honesty and efficiency. Address "B" care Plaindealer. LOST LOST FRIDAY--Tan wool sweater, large collar. Reward. Walter Brooks, Riverside Drive, McHenry. *43 MISCELLANEOUS WE PAY FOR DEAD ' -7 ANIMALS MIDWEST REMOVAL CO. PHONE DUNDEE 10 j- •Reverse Charges * 49-tf for quick removal of dead AND CRIPPLED COWS OR HORSES call Axel Bolvig, Woodstock 1645-W-2 and reverse charges. *18-26 ARE YOU HAVING TROUBLE with your sewing machine ? If so, call McHenry 162. We have repairs for all makes. Popp, West McHenry. 37-tX FOR SUPERVISOR The undersigned announces that he will be a candidate for the office of supervisor of McHenry township, at | FARMERS ATTENTION the election to be held Tuesday, April 2, 1935. Your support and vote will be appreciated. 41-4 WM.4 B. TONY AN; FOR SUPERVISOR I desire in this way to announce my candidacy for the office of supervisor of McHenry township, subject to the will of the voters at the election to be held Tuesday, April 2. Your support will be greatly appreciated. 41-4 NICK WEINGAR7 FOR HIGHWAY COMMISSIONER I desire to announce that I will I)* a candidate for the office of high way commissioner for McHenry township at the election to be held on Tuesday, Apr. 2. Your vote and support is solicited. 41-4 JOS. J. "BUTCH" FREUND Lamb Stew Very meaty and tender per lb. 15^» Beef Pot Roast Choice Baby Beef Per lb. 19 O Leg of Lamb Quality, Lambs per lb. 24tf LOIN end PORK CHOPS .Young Pork, medium lean „ per lb. 23c FOR SUPERVISOR 1 desire to announce that I am a candidate for the office of supervisor of McHenry township at the election to be held on Tuesday, April 2. Your vote and support will be greatly apfvi* A4vifl tori ' 40-5 ' ARNOLD J. RAUEN. B r i n g your machinery to me for repairing. I have a special grinding machine for sharpening and can mend broken parts. Otto .Mueller, Blacksmith, acfom from City Hall, McHenry. 43-tf Deaths Mrs. Harry Clark Mrs. Harry Clark, formerly Marcella O'CfJnnell, died at her home at 2835 Diversey avenue, Chicago, Tues^ day morning, after a short illness. She is survived by her husband; a son, William, 16 years old; her mother, Mrs. Mary O'Connell;^ a sister, Mrs. Alice Barrett and a brother, John O'Connell. Mr. and Mrs. Clark and son lived in,„.McHenry about seven years ago wrfen Mr. Clark conducted a bowling alley and pool-room in the building now occupied by William H. Althoff. Funeral services will be held Friday at 9 a. m., from the funeral home at 2166 N. California avepue to St. John Berchmann's church. Interment at St. Joseph's cemetery. } 1' ;; Robert Knox was a business visitor in Springfield Monday. Rep. Thomas Bolger taTSpringfield this week. * Robert Hkrtless of Hartless Austin Linen and Towel Stipply company, Chicago, called on Henry Vogel Sunday. FOR BETTER Sixty-one children of pre-school, grade school and high school ages receive< J smallpox vaccjne on March 13 and previous. to this forty-four children received toxoid treatment against diphtheria. This makes a total of 105 children who availed them'r selves of the opportunity of protection against diphtheria and smallpox. The service was rendered by local. doctors at a clinic provided by the schools of McHenry and conducted in j the high school office of the schoohi tourse. ~ j Look for individual class immunization records in next week's Plain-j dealer,. <• Aside from "common colds and' coughs from which a number of children and adults are now suffering we are pleased Jo say that due to the splendid co-operation of parents with the Division of Child Hygiene of'Mc- Henry schools, Regarding the exclusion from school of children apparently suffering from colds and then when a child has been absent to consult their family physician and obtain from him a certificate showing that the child is free from communicable disease. It is the belief of all connected with the schools of this city that the observance of the above rules and the splendid co-operation between parents, children and class room teachers, will do miuch toward avoiding epklemies in this community. A. JOANNE RULIEN, Schoel Nurse. * PERSONALS FOR SUPERVISOR -X-desire to announce that I will fee a candidate for the office of supervisor for McHenry township at the coming election to be held on Tuesday, April 2.. Your vote will be appreciated. • V 40-5 . V.. S. H. FREUND Bologna, riog Nice, fresh 2 lbs. 29* Corned Beef- All meat, . ^ bones per lb. 22 <• Very meaty. 2 lbs. of Spare Ribs and l qt. of Sauerkraut . v 39c Lamb Shoulder Roast Per lb. 19^ LOIN LAMB CHOPS Jb. 24<* RIB LAMB CHOPS lb. 22^ - FOR CITY CLERK will announce my candidacy for the office of City Clerk of McHenry in the coming election, Tuesday, April 16. Your support will be appreciated. $ 42-5 • ;. EARL R. WALSH. Mr. and Mrsi. Frank Martin and Miss Eileen Kimball of Round Lake attended the St. Patrick's party, Sun-„ day night. j»> Mr. and Mrs. Walter Kenning* of Chicago were Sunday guests of -Mrs. Maurine Hunter. Mr. and Mrs. William Kaddatz and daughter of Lake Geneva spent Sunday evening here. MJrs. ttenry Kirrsata visited in Chicago Friday and Saturday. Thomas Knox of Downers Grov# spent Friday here. Eleanor kiniala of Fox Lake spent Sunday at her home here. , Martin Cooney left Wednesday for his home in South Dakota after spending a few days in the home of his aunt, Mrs. W. F. Burke. He had fa pent some time with his mother in Cleveland, O. Mr. and Mrs. John Hlayes. Edna Nester, William O'Brien, John Deneen, Mary Hp jick, Marguerite Desmond, Mary Flood, J. Pratt, Mr. and Mrs. Harold Evans and Helen Welch of Woodstock attended the St." Patrick's party Sunday night. The Misses Frances and Elsie Vyci. tal and Mrs. John R. Smith attended past officers' night at Nunda chapter, Crystal Lake, Friday evening. George Erber and Lester Sherman attended the meeting of the Pure Milk ; Assn., in Chicago as delegates from the McHenry local. Others from here in attendance were C. W. Gibbs, Robert Knox and Nels Pearson. Mrs. Joseph .Mayer of Stacyville, la., visited relatives in this vicinity last .week, being called here by the illness of her sister, Mrs. Mary Lenzen of Volo. Mrs. Kathryn Barbian has returned from a two weeks' trip to Florida. Mrs. Edith McAndrews has gone to make her home with her daughter, ANNUAL TOWN MEETING AND ELECTION Notice is hereby given to the legal voters of the Town of McHenry, County of McHenry, Illinois, that the annual town meeting and election will take place in the Town of McHenry, the 2nd day of April, 1935, proximo, being the first Tuesday of said month. The election will be held in the following places: 1st District, Woodman Hall, Ringwood, 111. 2nd District, City Hall, McHenry, 111. 3rd District, Colby Building, McHenry, 111. The officers to be elected are: One Supervisor, one ' Highway Commis sioner, Justices of the Peace. The town meeting will open in the City Hall, McHenry, 111., at 2 o'clock, p. m, and after choosing a moderator, will proceed to hear reports of offi- j Mrs Charles Christenson, in Chicago, cers and to appropriate money to de- Her son, Earl, has taken charge of fray the necessary expense of th<; jjer farm. FOR HIGHWAY COMMISSIONER I desire to announce to the voters of McHcnry township my candidacy for the office of ^highway commissioner arid solicit your support at the polls on Tuesday, April 2, 1935. •42-3 LOUIS SCHROEDER. town and to deliberate on sucl^, measr ures that may come before the meeting. Polls will be open at 6 a. m. and close at 5 p. in. of the same day. Given under my .hand at McHenry, 111., this 11th day of March, A, D. 193S. . RAY McOEE. 43-2 Town Clerk. ZION EV. LUTHERAN CHURCH WM. PRIES, Prop. Tel. 80-M Wefieftver CARD OP THANKS We desire to extend our thanks and appreciation to the neighbors and friends for their kind expressions of sympathy and assistance during our recent bereavement. Also to the donors of cars. Math Ht'imer Joe Heimer . . , Mr. and Mrs. Hesitfy Heimer. Mrs. Delia Matthews 43 . and Family. ~ CARD OF THANKS ^ We desire in this manner to: efcpriss our thanks to the firemen, neighbors and friends who assisted uas at the time-pf our fire last Saturday. WM. R. SKIDMORE HENRY M. SMITH Invites You To Hear "WORD OF THE GROSS' "and the blood of Jesus Christ His son cleanseth us from all sin." Sundays at 2:15 p.®' Henry Vogel and Mrs. W. H. Top- j pen of Richmond called on Mr. and | Mrs. Henry Vogel Sunday. I John Bolger was a Chicago visitor! Sunday. ~ ' ; Mrs Henry Vogel ftttd Sons, Harold 1 and Billie, of Richmond, spent Satur- j day with My. and Mrs. Henry Vogel j and Harold took the laundry route for ; •his brother, who is ill. , • Franklin and Joyce Chestnut of j West Chicago spent Sunday with relatives here. E, E. Convey of Chicago spent Sunday here. Sunday guests in the home of Mrs. E. Knox were Miss Georgians Donohue, Huntley, John Sutton and Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Whiting, Elgin, and Anna and Dorothy Knox, of Chicago. _ Mt9. Earl Conway and infant son, Ronald Earl, returned "home from St. Theresa's hospital, Waukegan, last week Wednesday. They are at the home of her parents, Mr. and Mrs. P. H. Weber. • Columbus Biehan of Chicago visited with P. J. Williams at Johnsburg Saturday. Mrs. Peter Williams of Johnsburg is visiting her daughter, Mrs. Katherine Smith, at McHenry. Mrs. N. J. Justen and son, Peter, visited N. J. Justen in St. Anthony's hospital, Chicago, Sunday. Mrs. Jj1®* ten remained in Chicago and will visit in the homes of her daughters. Mlrs. Agnes Wentworth of Chicago visited here a few day9 this week. Mrs. John Smith and Mr. and Mrs. Bernard N. Smith visited the former's son, Clarence, at the hospital In Chicago Wednesday. MY PLACE is the RIGHT PLACE to visit for good food---properly mixed and served drinks of all kinds--two of the most popular beers always on draught--and that congenial atmosphere of .good fellowship so indispensable to your pleasure. My Place Tavern Green Street ^ Sandwiches, Lunc&eS, Beer and all day Friday. McHenry, Hi. Drinks. Fish Fry BETTY'S at Lily Lake DURING LENTEN SEASON POTATO PANCAKES, German Style --16^ / fcli Served Wednesday, Friday and Saturday?/^ with all the trimmings--10c THE BRIDGE Just East of State Bridge, McHenry Dinner, Dancing and Entertainment^SBc New Floor Show Every Saturday Night Frankie Gans' Orchestra MONIT SAVING PRICES ON AMERICA'S MOST POPULAR COPFECS -- fc EIGHT O'CLOCK MILD AND MELLOW^COFFCE BAG ' 49® TLb. BAG . lie RICH AND FULL-BODIED < _ RED CIRCLE COFFEE . . l»19C BOKAR COFFEE B . •*-:. 230 I CORNED Bier • CAM • Cak.Flo»rSSS?.'Sr«7e vOUp VHEOGREMTAEBL*LSE • O* CANS OKm JUICe DROORMAENDGAER Y • O* UCKA-NOSZ . 4• ^Au, STANDARO AND <H-OZ. 4 7- rOOST-efT .pimckto . • pkg. 1 C^,,_ VAN CAMP'S A 10H-OZ. oovp tomato • • # CANS • VC Cookies . 2^: 27c v.racKers SGARWAHYAEMR' S4 HSOANLETYI NE^PKOB.* Hershey Cocoa . 2 mm 25c CampbeU's BeOns . 1SS'5c Soup Spaghetti ', C*H »C or EmNaCoOaRME W ^4 »P-KoQzf.t . 4• Egg Noodles ENCC«E 3 19c cannon SmOeMdEiu SmT RRIKEEO • CAN 4• 1JC. Romford^S . . . ^ 19c Shredded Wheat. 2 23c Sauerkraut Hamilton* 3 19c Lake Shore Honey mu! 55c Toilet Soap ouv-mo 5 cams 25«f Laundry Soap JSl .5^a25c Pillsbury, Gold Medal or Ceresota Flour 5-lb bag 24c Pillsbury Flour, 24,/2-lb. bag .. $1.06 49-lb.bag $2.12 Gold Medal Flour, 24'/2-lb. bag. $1.08 49-lb. bag $2.16 Ceresota Flour, 24^-lb. bag.. $1.07 49-lb.bag $2.14 Sunnyfield Flour ,5 lb. bag 19c 24 Vi -lb. bag 82c 49-lb. bag $1.64 Cold Stream Pink Salmon 16-oz. can 10c Clean Quick Soap Chips 5-lb pkg. 28c Snider's Catsup, 14-oz bottie^iic 2 8-02. bottles 19c Chase & Sanborn Coffee ' • • Ib^ 30c Cheese, Aged American ^.1 ... Jb. 19c SPECIAL PRODUCE itavel Oranges, 100 and 126 sizes Navel Oranges, 150 and 176 sizes Fresh Tomatoes ...._ Wisconsin Potatoes ;.j98-lb.~ bag 98c Nancy Hall Sweet Potatoes Green Beans ul, Bananas Celery : -- Head Lettuce ._....... r.„. 2 doz. 69c .. 2 doz. 59c lb. 15c 15-ib bag 15c 5-lbs.. 15c ....._ 2 qts. 15c : 3 lbs. 17c .....JJ stalks 15c 60 sim^ |c Dollar Day Specials Fancy Winsap Apples Northern Spy Apples.... .... Primes Blenheim Dried Apricots Elbo Macaroni, bulk Tall Boy Veg. Soup, 28-oz can Tall Boy Tomato Soup, 28-oz. can Iona Tomatoes, No. 2 can Scot Co. Tomato Juice, 10 0*. can, ,..^£ Scot Co. Tomato Juice, 24-oz can . Del Monte Sardines, large oval can Blue Peter Sardines in Pure Olive Oil, 3 % -oz. can ~ Armour's Corn Beef Haslk Kitchen Klenzer ... Camay Soap Sawyer's Fig Bars or Ginger Snaps Ann Page Apple Sauce, No. 2 can •*.: American Family Soap Flakes, 21-oz. pkg. Milkway Dairy Feed* 16% ... Scratch Grain >:• Growing Mash Laying Mash Chick Starter Fine Chick Fe^d . 20 lbs. 24 lbs. .20 lbs. .d5 lbs. .12 lbs. 12 for .10 for .12 for $0 for i!0 for 12 for _12 for . .8 cans 20 cans bars .....10 lbs. .10 for ... 5 for .JL00 lbs. ..JLQD lbs. .100 lbs. „.100 lbs. „.100 lbs. 100 lbs. $1.00 $1.00 $1.00 $1.00 $1.00 $1.00 $1.00 $1.00 $1.00 $1.00 $1.00 $1.00 $1.00 $1.00 $1.00 $1.00 $1.00 $1.00 $1.65 $2.05 $2 25 $2.29 $2.39 $2.25 \M> F0OD S I OR I s 7a Meet Your Friends at Joe Friend's

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