Illinois News Index

McHenry Plaindealer (McHenry, IL), 4 Apr 1935, p. 8

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• '* ' L„•*. -,Vi «UV v-**• *•*'^7-Vr, --.^. r?>\-; MoHMBT PUUMD*AL«* T&md«y, April 4 1835 -; Tr*t. s*y?.1, ?• a » H. & P. CLUB TO MEET HERE The, McHenry County Business and JOINT MAY PARTY Announcement of the annual joint be ' May party of the county Legfon and Profe.Mon.1 ] Auiniary" *> be held .. W^J " 'on May 2, was made at the monthly $C® hostess of business and professional women i| a meeting1 at the Community High School, McHenry, Sunday, April 14, ' ' at 2 p. ift. . '• Announcement of the meeting followed a business session called by the president of the club, Mrs. C. W Goodell, who is also district chairv":" , men. - • : • ^ • Oonunittees named to assist are. <.. 'F \ ; RNIeEc eption, Mrs. Clara Sweeney, Min- Bohn, Mrs E. C. Coe, Mrs. Mary Yates, Marguerite Desmond, Marjory tTawr, Mrs. Mae Dunham, Mis, \ Arline Klabunda; tea committee,; , Mrs, Welen Baccus, Da^vn DeWolf, 't,Sy: Mabel Hobbs, Frances Engeln, Maud of i' ,'1 Dotitivan. Mrs. . Dorothy .Hollistier, ' Dorothy DesmpVid; fees committee, f. ;-yNf_ £elma liaison? Mrs.^TheJm'a Biirden, Jones.; ' ' > -v:;' *.* '. Mipn Daisy M^re vfas named chair- \t 51 wan of the npminatmg ;comirti«ee,, to -"<• select a district chairman for the en- • "-suing year* " RURAt DIRECTORS MEET ' The directors of the rural schools of the McHenry High School district •and their friends met in their annual get-together meeting at* the high school Thursday evening*. An attendance of about seventy persons interested in the rural schools of this district heard a discussion of "The Larger School Unit" with talks given r by Mrs. E. C. Coe, county' sju^rin- . tendent of schools;' Rolland ilcCannon, Kenneth Cristy,, and Supt. C. H. Duker. • Following the meeting a pot-luck^ •' LADIES' AID SOCI^TV Fourteen members and friends of the Ladies' Aid society met at the home of Mrs. C. H. Duker Thursday "afternoon where plans' were made to entertain thr- Methodist Woman's Association which will meet in McHenry April 23. A pleasant. afternoon was enjoyed and lunch was served. The next meeting will be at the M. E. Church next Thursday afternoon, with Mrs. D. I. Granger as hostess. *~A report of the Lenten supper given, showing that the-net proceed#- were $28. meeting of the County Legion at Fox River Grove Thursday night. Announcement w^s also made of the second division convention at Harvard on May 5. Commander Frank Brockrogge was presented with a gavel from John W. Nelson, service officer at the Elgin State hospital. >;The gavel was made by one of the'veterans, from an old piano: HONORED ON BIRTHDAY Mr. and Mrs. Elm« Huemannew* tertained a family party Sunday in honor of Mrs. Huemaim's mother, Mrs. Fred Ferwerda, whose birthday occurred on that day. . . . Dinner and supper were served and a pleasant day enjoyfedt. Those present were : Mr. and Mrs. R. Ferwerda Chicago; Mr. and Mrs. Fred Fer- Werda and family, Mr. a Ad MJ3»> liam Gre^n and family. , * « Mrs. MID-WEEK CLUB William Spencer entertained the Mid-Week club on Wednesday afternoon of last week. Four tables of bridge were played. Prizes were awarded to Mrs. Thomas Phalin and Mrs. George H. Johnson. The next meeting will be with Mrs. Walter French, April 10. . .. MOTHERS CLUB The Mothers club will meet Friday afternoon, April 12, at the home of Mrs. C. W. Klontz. Mrs. Schaefer and Mrs. Douglass will be assistant hostesses.' -- •. PARTY A SUCCESS The public card party sponsored by McHenry chapter, O. E. S., Monday evening was most successful with Seventeen tables of cards and bunco jb play. Prizes in bridge were won by Mrs. Nick Freund, Mrs. Albert Qarbian and Mrs. H. C. Hughes, in five hundred by Laura Meyers, H. C. Hug-hes and Mrs. Anna Geier and ia bunco by Emma Ibsh, Lydia Clark, Mrs. Spurling and Mrs. Ella Feltz. HOLY NAME SOCIETY There will be a meeting of the Holy Name Society Monday evening, April 8, and all members are asked to be present. R. N. A. CAMP MEETS Fox River Valley Camp, R. N. A. held its regular meeting Thursday, evenir^f. with cards furnishing entertainment after the meeting.-- LEGION AUXI^M** Tlfc' regular mpeetlng of tffe •j^. Mwjnuaf^ will be held at Fox Grove Friday evening. CARD PARTY AND DANCE . Tbe Altar and Rosary sodality will sponsor a card party and dance at the Bridge on Easter Sunday. ~M. E. CHURCH Yqp are invited to attend services at the M. E. church every Sunday. Sunday school, 10 a. m. Morning worjirip, 11 a. m. Sermon subject: '"Godliness With Contentment," by the pastor, Rev. L. HBrattain. The church attendance next Sunday will be sponsored by the Philathea club, the members extending special invitations to their members and friends to attend church. Last Sunday the attend^^k"^s sponsored by thel^tt®^ so<yety with an .incrpj*^"" numbers as the result. • "* On the Thursday preceding Easter Sunday there will be communion services at 7:30 p. m. There will also be a Good Friday service at 7:80 p. m Friday. Say, after hearing Mr. Smith, of the west side Smith's grocery, talk to us after a while on signaling experiences, weren't you enthused to the highest degree? That Grapevine story was sure a "humdinger," was it not? And those, suggestions on how to receive and send messages in the field, even the hints concerning the use of pads, are surely going to be great aids to all of us this coming weekend. Well, all I "gotta" say is that we will welcome .Mr. Srftith- to our meeting® anytime ha wants to drop in. The meeting itself certainly started out with a bang. By this, I mean that tbe hike will surely be a great even*; on the. 1935 calendar. That great; big tent! . We are going to have that and even if it does rain, we'll be just as cozy as you will with your feet soaking in the heat from the hot air register. I'm sur© that the Scoutmaster has some swell ideas cooked up for the hike, because of some-of the things that he hinted at during the meeting. But whatever was said and done at- the meeting, it is your duty and right to attend that overnight hike 'Saturday. Try a little salesmanship on those parents of yours. Get the "OUT" out of Scouting, and well see you At fcur bells at thq grade school gyih. A couple of older Scouts turned up last night at the meeting, including Bruce Granger and Raymond "Bursy" Ferwerd*. I guess that the latter has joined a&ain so that his younger brother, Harry, wouldn't surpass hid in the ranks of Scouting. I know that these oldpr boys in Scouting inspire me quite a good deal, and I am sure that they have the same effect on th rest of you, too. Oh--ah--h ha 000, padon me, folks I was just' tuning up the old vocal chords to see if they were still in good working order. We sang some sF]OFRe ll songs, but maybe I ain to blante the loud or bad sing'ng. I am not going to thank Mr. Glenn Peterson this time but say that we will expect him at all the meetings from now on, because we just can't get along withfiut him. Now, I'd say that really is _ > . . _ • . T f a m f l s f t e A A t i f c WEEKLY EXCHANGE ITEMS OfJNTERESI TAKEN FROM COLUMNS OF OUR EXCHANGES SCHOOL LIBRARY BOOKS REBOUND At the auction on the Kablo farm near Grteenwood Saturday, Wayne Foss, Ringwood bachelor and antique collector, bought an old fashioned baby cradle for $3-. There were many other antiques and good prices were paid for them as well as for all other articles sold. s Elmer Esping Wauconda Artist and entertainer, won considerable acclaim Saturday night of last week when he appeared on the W L S Barn Dance radio broadcast from the; 8th street Theatre, Chicago. Eight candidates were lined up last Saturday to take federal examinations for the postmaster's job of Fox Lake which has been held for the past 20. years by Howard Scott. Earl Lohman, of Barrirtgton, was badly cut about, the legs Sunday evening of last week when his car col* lided with a milk truck which was bejng backed out of a driveway in Libertyville. by Irvin M!olidor. Lohman was taken to the Condell Memorial hospital in Libertyville, where his injuries were treated. He returned to his home Monday morning.. The Dirigold Sales Co. of Chicago leased the buildings of Jthe Locomotive ' Terminal Improvement Co. in Barrington last week from Elden. Gieske, receiver for the property. The Dirigold Co. does the manufacturing of table service |jy a special plating proce« using bronze alloy metfils. The company will be located in Barrington immediately and will start"operations by May 1 employing seven person^ at first and increasing the number until about 35 are employed. "Buddy" Rasmussen, 12-year-old son of Mr. and Mrs. Elmer Rasmussen of College Avenue of Crystal Lake suffered a possible skull fracture Tuesday evening of last week, when he fell while at play in a near by neighbors yard. The child fell from the back porch landing on the cement Wklk below. He was unconscious when picked up and was rushed to the Sherman hospital, Elgin, where X-Rays were taken. Later he regained consciousness, and at this writing his con.- Mrs. Dorothy Jebauer of Shaion a compliment, when the scouts who are supposed to be prepared and can't . , . , . get along without a certain man. So i^.ion "Jairly good. I say again,^ Mr. ^Petei^on, |wa» cut about the face'attd head and your attendance at every meeting, it , . x. \T o Jack Hess hadn't made so much noise Received minor bruises when the V-8 I believe that we could have handled c°ml"*„fro™ Ivan Skizavitzsky-Skivar and Clemen ^ her brother, Fred Hardt, tine a whole lot better. What do you i ^ica^°- the trailer of a semithink? If any of you scouts have parked. some suggestions soar* to be;«wK }? 90uth.of Harrard about 9 o'clock at the hike, bring them along with of Marc^h Don't forget those signs that to the community hospital, Har- Mrs. Jerry O'Shea of Oak Park spent the weekend with, her mother, Mrs. Barbara Englen. Mr. O'Shea is in Florida where his sister is seriously HI. you. uont i or get tnose signs we are going to use qa. that signalling hike. Blapk«M« cook-kit, food to eat. «» «•** di^osition, and being prepared will make this hike one of the best of the year. What do you say? SCOUT HAROLD TAXMAN Trying Crima oa High Seas * If a crime is committed on the high seas the case Is tried under the Jurisdiction of the nation whose flag the ship flies. Great Tragedy of CiviliMtio* The great tragedy or modern liTillsatlon is to be found in the failure of material progress to satisfy human needs. Bolger's Weekly Drug Sale FRIDAY AND SATURDAy, APRIL 5 AND 6 . i1 LF\O. nA^TOKI A-- Sale Price 53<ft 35c Formaldehyde 3 cans $1.00 Lime Sulphur . . . lb. 29c Squibbs MINERAL OIL Pint 60c ZONITE S lbs. Epsom Salts . . . . ,$1.50 ALPEN KREUTEE - 75c LISTERINE Large Size OVALTINE : ^ PINT of McKESSON MILK OF MAGNESIA ; Larg-e Size AGAROL $1 Max Factor FACE POWDER $1 NUJOL 1 lb. PSYLLIUM SEED 5 lbs. DeLuxe BATH POWDER 25c KARITH 39c ..$1.0.6 59^ 59 98^ 79tf 69^ 21^ 79^ 18^ 50c PEPSODENT ANTISEPTIC 34^ 75c BAYER ASPIRIN 54^ 50c Wild Root TAR SHAMPOO 50c jar BURMA SHAVE 34^ 65c Dr. Lyons' TOOTH POWDER 41c 50c HESS HAND LOTION 30^ Spray TOILET TISSUE, 5 rolls 25lfr 35c FREEZONE ' __24l^ 50c CAL ASPIRIN ^ -34^ 50c Phillips' MILK OP ItAdiffillA TABS ; 34<4 ELECTRIC FLAT IRONS ; 98^ 50c LEE'S LOUSE POWDER 34«* 5Qc PROPHYLACTIC HAIR BRUSH 36<4 Special 44<£ LIQUOR SPECIALS Santa Alicia Wine, Port or Sherry ... tilth 59c Cosmos Whiskey pt. 79c 35c Palmolive After Saving Lotion Special:_„.^3^ #t Regis ALARM CLOCKS vard, where twelve stitches were needed to close the gash on her jaw. The front end of the coupe was crashed and the frame was badly bent. Edwin Eicksteadt, Marengo, forgot to "tie up" the Brey truck he was driving, when he parked it in front of the White Cafe early Wednesday morning of last week. As soon as Eddie's back was turned, the truck started down hill, and ^across tha street, up onto the sidewalk and a broken window in the Kauer* jewelry store resulted. Theodore Bauman of the Chemung comirrtinity is recovering from head injuries and bruises received when he fell against the side of a train at the depot about 7:30 o'clock Friday evening, March 22. A number of stitches were necessary to close a deep head wound. Mr. Bailman, who had just returned from Woodstock, was walking along side the train when he became dizzy and fell, striking the side of Jthe cars. One of the largest crowds ever attending1 a funeral in Niles Center paid their final respects to Miss Ruth Arline Pearsall, well known in Wauconda as Miss Arline Iffarvey, who' perished in the early Sunday morning fire which broke out in the Club Rendezvous in Morton Grove, recently. Five other lives were lost in the roadhouse blaze and about 35 were severely injured. Injuries sustained last Friday when be fell from a tricycle while plaving near his home, caused the death Monday of Russell Gordon Sell, five year old son of Mr. and Mrs. Slyvester Sell, Libertyville. The little fellow was playing witih his tricycle last Friday afternoon and struck his head on the cement walk when the machine tinned over with bim. After a short tinrte he apparentlv recovered and no symtotoms of trouble were noticeable until Sunday when he became violently ill. When his condition did not improve under treatment a specialist was called and it was discovered that tbe injury had caused a brain hemorrhage. ^ About 260 books in the libraries of the McHenry schools have been rebound during the past week, by a transient book binder who visits this city annually. Books in need of binding from th-? high school, grade school and rural school libraries were neatly repaired at a small cost of from> 36 to 46 cents per volume. The book binder from North Manchester, Ind., travels yearly through northern Indiana and Illinois anil, southern- Wisconsin and is the only one of his kind in the United Stateai. When he first visited McHenry about seven years ago. the book binder was alone with small equipment which has increased in size until this year he had two assistants and travelled in a truck in which he lived and worked. There will be two elections in McHenry on April 16. In addition to the city election which will be held on that date there will be a duplicate election held by L. J. McCracken's civics classes at the high school. A\ full election will be staged by the future voters of this city with polling places for three wards and the required number of clerks, judges and candidates. Pre-election requirements are also being featured with the filing of petitions and nominating of candidates .with a notary appointed to put his seal on required papers. This is real practical experience which wiH, no doubt, be remembered by the young people until they reach the voting age. Supt. Duker's public speaking class put on some interesting dialogs and skits before the assembly at th® high school on Monday and Tuesday. They were assisted by students net taking public speaking, also. i On Monday Marshall Bacon and Loren Miller, Paul Walkington, Eu- j gene Eppel and Robert Martin, Ey- • elyn Karl 9 and Ray Hguhes put on 1 three skits and on Tuesday Mary Durland and Miriam Sayler gave "I Can Only Stay a Minute," Fred Mey*.;. ers>, Dan Justen, George Vales Ahd Harry Schrtaitman, joe Justen and Arthur Doberstein, Melvin Peterson, Bud Baur, Clarence Anderson and Carmen Freund gave skitR at the assembly. , | Miss May Justin and Coach F. S. Orr have: resumed their tsaching du- ! ties at the high school after an ab- ; sence last week caused by illness. ! Mrs. Ray McGee substituted during their absence. MAN ON TRIAL IN CHICAGO WANTED HERE QABBY QERTIE Sheriff Henry A. Nulle is anxiously waiting the outcome of the trial* of Frank Sapinski in Chicago this week. Hie is under an indictment for urmed robbery and his trial opened Monday. Sapinski is wanted in this county in connection with the robbery of the EmnUa Ibsh home at McHenry more than a year ago. Miss Ibsh was robbed of $1,760 after she had been tortured by four bandits with a red hot poker. ^ - Sheriff Nulle is confident that he has two members of this quartet lock- ' •ed up in the county jail here. They are Frank Pelc and Chester Kolbusz. They were brought here from Chicago several weeks ago and are being held to the grand jury in connection with i the Ibsh robbery. j Sheriff Nulle believes that the other twd members of the gang are Sapin- j ski and Mickey Murda. The last named is serving a stretch of time in the house of correction in Chicago at the present time. A warrant for his turn- j ing over to McHenry county authorTties is waiting Ms release from the house of correction. | Sapinski, Sheriff Nulle believes, is . the leader of the bandit gang. He is | alleged to have been the ring leader j and it is claimed he lias been identi- : fied by Miss Ibsh. Both Pelc and Kolbusz are said to have been identified by Miss Ibsh at j a recent "showup" In the bull pen of . the county Jail. It is alleged that Miss Ibsh picked out both men from ' a dozen or more prisoners in the jafl. j Sapinski is under indictment in Mc- . Henry county in conection with the , robbery. It is expected Pelc and Kol- 1 busz will be indicted as soon as the j grand jury convenes again. | If Sapinski is not convicted ih Chi- \ cago it is certain he will be brought to Woodstock to stand trial in connection with the robbery. It was in January 1934 that the robbery took place. Four men invaded the Ibsh home on Route 20 just east of McHenry and after torturing her with a hot poker they forced her to tell them where the *^1,750 was hidden in a flower pot. Sheriff Nulle and Chief Deputy Harold E. Reese have been putting in a lot of work on th case and they are both confident that within a few weeks the whole matter will be all cleared up. Speeial 98LT\ 65c Size Pond's COLD CREAM BOND'S Sale Price. 49^ THOMAS P. BOLGER PHONE 40 'The Paint Store' McHENRY, ILL. ; Says:= "A girl's giddiness traced to tin movee.* • - often Windows may be quickly aad easily cleaned if rubbed with a woolen cloth that has been wrung out of hot watei and moistened with kerosene. Polish after a few minutes with chamois. N Vegetable soup Is always better if allowed to stand for a day after it is cooked and reheated just before serving. x Left-over boiled rice can be sea soned, rolled In egg and crumbs, shaped Into cakes and when browned In a little fat they make a tasty food to serve as a potato substitute. Never hang a fur coat which has keen worn in a rainstorm near a radiator. Intense heat injures the skin. First remove tbe moisture with a dry cloth, then hang the coat ta ,* «bol place where It will dry. v 3 Prepare For Heavier Drlftog Now is the time of year to begin to, plan for the spring* and summer driving season by having your car looked over and put into shape. This means you should take it to a garage which provides good mechanics. We specialize in this work and solicit your business. A diagnosis and estimate costs you nothing. Drive in today* - SMITH'S GARAGE Pfcoae SM McHenry Eha St and 'Riverside Drift •>" :#'S ••V " ""v v f ,, An Independent Dealer "Stave a fufl line o? ATLAS TIRES and TUBKS at 22 Vi per cent OFF list price, prices that can't be beat. These tires also carry a written guarantee. This offer expires April 6. If yaa need ftas--aaw is the time %o bay-^eome in today.1 - < NOONAN GARAGE McHenry 311 -- ^7;-- 1 ^ 1 W e s t M c H e n r y , I H . This Week's Special Ice Cream A fresh strawberry special brick that will bring the friendly warmth of June sunshine to your table. It's superb. Selected berries from the far South--rich and ^luscious--and your own Luiek iee creatit* Need more be said? Order now. ' . . Peanot Special This Week Only " evt r ta«ted M|Pgul Peamite--Mitb. Jones --Toasted fresh with real butter? These are the finest selection from "Old Virginia." The "pick <jf the crop" _*.ftne energy food for the children-^-Our Special Today-- 1 lb. 15c 2 in. 1 lb. 29c Watch This Space Every Week •9 * «' at BOLGER'S--Be Sore and Read the Following Offer-- The "Get Acquainted" Offer A FULL HALF PINT of WHITE DUOO and a GOOD BRUSH--A Regular 73c value JTor only 29^ 4 Only One Offer to a Person It s Seed Planting fo&maldbhydk ft 1-lb. cans $1.00 '• -- 9IAO•-- v^T" -for Oats, Barley and all Seed Grain SEMESAN, Jr.--For Field and Sweet Corn. Controls Seed Rotting. J SEMESAN BEL--For White Seed Potatoes. For. control of Scab. r * SEMESAN--For Vegetable and Flower Seeds. Caster Is not far off--Our store will have the largest as- • sortment of Easter Novelties: Baskets, OanSy and Cards ever'had. * ; BOLGER'S--THE EASTER STORE Liquor Specials BANTA ALICIA--Fcw|^ |Ul«^ COSMOS LIQUOR ft*59* _ pint 79^ FREE! FREE! FREE! TO ALL THE BOYS Hi-Flier Big Ben Tailess Dancing Kite , • .-••••^Sieeent Coupon to Obtain this Beautiful. Kite. FRIDAY or SATURDAY . * EVERYBODY WATCH THIS SPACE NEXT WEEK y

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