Illinois News Index

McHenry Plaindealer (McHenry, IL), 4 Apr 1935, p. 6

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f, *<•* '""V'-v. - $fl /* ••r V. * ^t,>\JV «(**, * "\t j. i X • / .\ *"."r > L.„v. »-V <*^£ * * I TBI MIlttT PLAHVDEALER v; " • ' •,,'..-••f.-^W'^ v.. w\: ;••"• '• *' .>• •"• .' : •- '• ,v • • •. / • re"* , •. .v. v._.;•.f^V * ._,'•••• _i * "<*'• , *k, • -. - •• ', ' #..' *v, Thursday, April 4 IMS . , ^ isf*-". '•' Told Tales Items of Interest Taken From • Ifibe Files of the Pl»ind««ta» of Years Ago FIFTY YEARS AGO At the Riverside skating' rink on Saturday evening last ,the Ring race was won by Miss Kate. Howe. The McHenry Dramatic Club are rehearsing for the comedy of the Gertrian Baron, which they propose to lsrfaxg out about the first of May. At the examination of teachers held ia this village on Thursday last by superintendent, Barber, a class of fifteen presented themselves for examination. \V /« RINGWOOD Mr. and Mrs. J. G. Wagner, Mrs. B. L. Orvis and Walter Shotliff were Sunday afternoon visitors in the Leonard Framsen honne. Mr. and Mrs. F. A. Hitchens entertained the 500 club at their home Friday evening. Prizes were awarded to: Mrs. George Shepard and B. T. Butler and Mrs. Ray Peters and Geo. Shepard. The Ladies' Aid held an all day meeting in the home of Mrs. B. T. Butler Friday. A pot luck dinner was served. There were 14 women present. Primary Honor Roll Those neither absent rior taxriy for seven -months wiere: Jffoward Bruce Harrison, Barbara Laurence, H«$en Ruth Buffer, Ines Carljson, Doris Laurence, Audrey Merchant, Robert Anderson. Mrs. George Shepard entertained the Bunco Club at her home Thursday afternoon. Prizes were awarded to Mrs. Viola Low and Mrs. Nick Freund. ^ .'Xr George Young was a vjMtoir . Jit Woodstock Wednesday afternoon* Mr. and Mrs. Byron Kitchens of Capt. Walter H311 is now busy putting the ete&mer "Mary Griswold" in naming order, and by the time the ice ia out of the laker/will have her ready | Chicago were visitors here Tuesday lb make regular trips. afternoon. . The trade has finally consumated' Stephen Huff and daughter, Kath and the Riverside House, in this village is now the property of W. H. ryn, Joe. Adams and JMGartih Weber of Spring Grove spent Sunday in the Ford, who is already putting it in!Joe Schaefer home. ehape, and in about two weeks will j Mrs. Louis Hall and daughter EHy have it open for the accomodation of (visited Louis Hall at Milwaukee Sunthe public. /' ' daT- ' „ 1__ Mercedes Whiting of Chicago spent FORTY YEARS AGO 'Wednesday in the Louis Schroeder This section was visited by a gen- home. •_ , w uine ice storm on Saturday afternoon,! Mr. and Mrs. Ray Pe^ and Mrs^ and the trees and bushes presented a Viola Low were callers at Woodstock handsome appearance on Monday. {Thursday morning. -- - j * " * ^ 1 Among those from here to attend • The first thunder storm of the sea- \ nf firopn- ' "l ^:°wedK°n^,'lttU^<i"J, Ju* DOTCas „t the Gre^wood Hall John W. Kimball received his com- ^ afternoon were: Mesdames jMsion as postmaster of W'stMc- • Jepsoll, Ray Peters, on Saturday last, and »»k pov simpion. Joe McCimnon. Ralph fession of the post office on Monday, J p B HtrrisoIli B. Walkin?- a .F?n', Chicago, ac- ° « E 'E Whiti 0^ Peet, F. "mSnTday" ?fOT aV f^ f" d"a"y1s' d<nacuk? e.h uon^ti.n og". A. Hitchens, H. M. Stephenson, Jay n H ,strom They located-attJYett s cottage, up the ^ j F McLau?hlin river, and we learn had excellent luck. c- . ^r,M/._ . At the corporation Caucus, held at bnsmess calkrs ,n Ci'y Hall, on Saturday fet, the , o Chicago is spending following nominations were made: , . . ., , • % , President, John I. Story; Clerk, F. S. J* w^ek ™ ^ home of 1,19 d»u«hter McOmber;, Trustees, R. A. Howard, .e ' r\ .vji,!.., «f 6. H. "Granger and Isaac Wentworth; . Genieve k j in the Wic' ma^strate, Henry McOmber Woodstock spent the weekend .n the George Shepard home. • TWENTY-FIVE YEARS AGO !. Virginia JepsoTi " "-tv. r n P o t. ^ m the Lester Edinger home at Wood- Dr. C. H. Fegers Sr., who for over stoc^ » a quarter of a century has practiced j^' and iR0land McCannon medicine here and at Johnsburg, has and famii spent Sunday in the Lee dteposed of his home and practice to Huson ho^ at Mundelien. Bt. N. J. Nye of Johnsburg, who took I j F McLaUghlin and Ray Peters possession on Friday, April 1. j a^ended the funeral of R. A. Bowman It is not often that the lawns grow -n Chica?0i Thursday afternoon. , green and the fruit trees send out | Mrs aTld Mm C. j. JepSOn and An- ,r ,ea^ March-. Some places drew Jepson spent Sunday afternoon ttfen are husking corn, in others, dig* jn l v. Lusk home at Round Lak°. Wm. M. Carroll. Attorney. ADMINISTRATOR'S NOTICE Estate of John Distler, Deceased : The undersigned, Administrator of the Estate of John Distler, deceased, hereby gives notice that he will appear before the County Court of Mo- Henry County, at the Court House in Woodstock, on the 3rd day of June, A. D. 1935, at which time all persons having claims against said Estate are notified and requested to attend for the purpose of having the same ad justed. All persons indebted to said Estate are requested to make immed* iate payment to the undersigned. Dated this 28trl day of March, A. D. 1986. FRANK DISTLER, Administrator. 44-3 State of Illinois,... County of McHennr, Ia the Circuit Court. ' " JACOB SCHAEFER, Plaintiff, , ... •a. ,, MARY pAUSCH, $ al, DefendMt. n CSvil Action Sn Equity. No. 26994. Affidavit showing that the de< fendants "Unknown Ownera" of th^ following described real estate: Lot number twenty (20) of Fair Oaks Subdivision according to the Plat thereof recorded in the Recorder's Office of McHenry County, Illinois in Book 4 of Plats on page &, Said Subdivision being located in and being a part of the South Half (%) of the East fractional half (%) of the South West Quarter (%) of Section Number Thirty-six (36) in Township number forty-five (45) North of RaRge number eight (8) East of the Third principal Meridian and situate, lying anti Vteing in the County of McHenry and State of Illinois, on due inquiry cannot be found<-so that process cannot be served upon said defendants, having been filed in the office of the* Clerk of this court, notice is therefore, hereby given to said "Unknown Owners" defendants that the plaintiffs in the above entitled cause filed their complaint in said cause on the 13th day of March 1935, and that said action is now pending and undetermined in said court, and that you, the said "Unknown Owners" de-> fendants, must file your appearance in said action on or before the First Monday in the month of May, 1935, and in the event you fail to do so default may be entered against you. WILL T. CONN, Clerk of said Court. Plaintiffs Attorney: Henry L. Cowlin Attorney's Address: Crystal Lake, HI. 43-3 ging potatoes which have been in the ground all winter and come out aa •firesh as in October. Butter was declared firm at 31 #nts on the Elgin bond of trade, Ifonday. Detectives working on the Moody case were quite prominent in town flil last week. Not much evidence was obtained here, we are told. TWENTY YEARS AGO Batter on the Elgin board of trade ^ i*1d at 28% cents per pound last Sat- Icago spent the weekend in the Char- Mr. and Mrs. Merritt Cruikshank of Dundee spent Sunday in the Wm. McCannon home. Mrs. Ed Thompson of McHenry spent Tuesday in the William McCannon home. Wayne Foss is ill with the measles. Mr. and Mrs. Joe Weber and family of McHenry spent Sunday hv the Nick Young home. Fred Wiedrich and son, Roy, spent Monday in Chicago. Mr. and Mrs. Dewey Beck of Chi- ANNOUNCEMENTS FOR CITY CLERK This will announce my candidacy for the office of City Clerk of McHenry in the coming election, Tuesday, April 16. Your support will be appreciated. 42-5 EARL R. WALSH. LEGISLATURE RECONVENES Rep. Thomas A. Bolger is again at Springfield, where he is attending the Illinois General Assembly which reconvened April 3, after a two weeks' recess. The recess was taken to allow for campaigning in Chicago and other city elections. i 'es Carr home ^flar. and Mrs. F. E. Covalt are pre-j Roy and Mae Wiedrich spent Satpfcnng to move into their beautiful urday morning in McHenry. Bfcw home on Waukegan street. f Charles Coates of Genoa City spent The village streets have been quite Sunday in the Fred Wiedrich home, dnsty during the past week or more Fred Wiedrich and daughter, Mae, *pd the cry for oil is already heard. I spent Friday morning at Richmond. . . Jos. W. Freund and Frank J. Bar- j Mr. and Mrs. W. O. Fisher and farrv Uan are the newly appointed directors , jiy spent Thursday in the Raymond ® St Mary's Catholic Church, Ste-1 Porter home at Huntley. plien H. Freund, John Justen and John | Roy and Mae Wiedrich spent Sat- Neiws, who have served the church so ! urday evening at Woodstockfaithfully during the past several | Mr. and Mrs. S. W. Brown, spent years, are retiring. Sunday at Rockfoid. V / M A, Thelen, the Centerville har- j Mr. and Mrs. B. T. Butler And Mrs. iiessmaker, has bought out E. L. Beh- F. A. Hitchens attended a party in Ike, his West Side competitor, and is the Byron Hitchens home in Chicago conducting business in the Sunday. Mrs. Lyle Hopper and daughter, i Dorothy Ann, and Mercedes Linde- I mann of Chicago' and Mr. and Mrs. C. Anderson and daughter, Joyce, of flrhnorr building on the West Side. TEN YEARS AGO "P. TL Freund of Johnsburg, who had planned on entering another line of Chicago spent Sunday in the S. W employment, has decided to remain in Smith home. johnsburg and continue his painting' Mr. and Mrs. George Young spent Husineef. (Saturday evening with the latter'? ' Mr. and Mrs. H Kennebeck and parents at McHenry. famiily have moved from the Mrs>. | Mr. and Mrs. F. A. Hitchens vis- Mary Powers house on Waukegan ited Shirley Butler at the Sherman street and have taken up their abode hospital in Elgin Saturday evening. |ers 'n Ridgefield school were re- ©n Park avenue. - - ^ [ She is recovering from a Beige of visitors in the Ringwood school Plowing appears to be quite the pneumonia. general thing among many of the j Mr. and M^9- Lyle Hopper and fanner's throughout this section, j daughter, Dorothy Ann, of Chicago Things now look as if the grain will, spent Tuesday with the latter's parbe in early this year. ! ents, Mr. and Mrs. S. W. Smith. ---- Mr. and Mrs. Henry Heimer and, Mrs. James Rainpy was a Wood- Hanison, Mrs. Ladd and Mrs. Ray Merchant are on the serving commit tee and Mrs. Viola Low, Mrs. Joe McCannon and Mm Rol&nd McCannon will be oq the entertainment committee. Mr. and Mm Wm. McCannon were Woodstock visitors Saturday afternoon. Mr. and Mrs. C. L. Hartrison and family spent Sunday with the latter's parents at McHenry. Mr. and Mts. Charles Feet, and daughter, Alice, spent Saturday afternoon at Woodstock. Miss Helen Harrison spent Saturday in Chicago. Mr. and Mrs. C. L. Harrison and family spent Saturday morning at Woodstock. Mrs. Nick Young spent Monday with her daughter at McHenry. School Notes Mrs. Ethel C. Coe, county superintendent, Miss Mabel Hobbs, county nurse of Woodstock and Miss Alice i Wilcox and Miss Dawn DeWolf teach son have vacated the flat over the j stock visitor Saturday afternoon Jacob Justen and Son furniture store : Mr. and Mrs. Frank Hawley of Chiand are now making their home with cago spent the weekend here. Mr. and Mrs. Jacob Justen. The flat j Mr. and Mlrs. SL W. Brown Were thus vacated will soon be occupied by Elgin visitors Thursday afternoon. Mr. and Mrs. George Justen. Francis and Paul Bonslett of Chicago visited here Sunday. Miss Eleanore Kmsala of Fox Lake . spent Sunday at her home. Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Merrill of Solon Mills were callers in the S. W. Brown home Monday afternoon. The Home Circle will be entertained in the home of Mrs. Clayton Harriaon Wednesday April 10th. Mrs. Irvin and Roland Bauer of Spring Grove, Lloyd Franzen of McHenry, and Raymond Gehrs of Woodstock are now pupils in our school. Mr. and Mrs. C. J. Jepson, Mrs. Joe McCannon, Roland McCannon, Mrs. J C. Pearson and Mr. and Mrs. Ray mond Harrison attended a school meeting in McHenry Thursday even ing. Mrs. El ma Hawley, Mrs. Louis Hawley, Mrs. Jay Cristy and Mrs. J C. Pearson attended an O. E. S. card party at McHenry Monday evening Mir. and Mrs. J. C. Pearson and Mrs. Mayme Harrison of McHenry spent Sunday in Greenwood. SPECIMEN BALLOT City of McHenry, in the County of McHenry and State of Illinois Election Tuesday, April 16,1935 1 PETEB A. NESS, City Clerk. SPECIMEN BALLOT-fir ;• U. M . . . 1 . . - < * .i X .c •«.„. *. W:' : r--' " I ' FIRST WARD™ " City of McHenry, in thf County of McHenry and State of Illinois . feldction Tuesday, April 16, 1935 PETEB A. NEISS, dty Clerk. •.' a*""..'!' •"i>...»|w.).|".|.i."£i,.1-1^1 .Hi,, „ „-f.r^n, , i, TAXPAYERS ^1 (By Petition) V-v-fibR MAYOR. - i i 3 (By Petition) FOR mYOB (By Petition) tttl BCAYOl ^ i PETER J. DOHEETT, v FOR GTTY OLBBX * v ~ , : nJTOR CITY €LERC FOR CITY CLERK PETZK A. HEISS U '! - ! •>" ."-f KE&L K. WA1SH • •• FOR CltT TR!iASimER^>:S^^' ' v'/- FOR CITY mEASfURER TREASUREL"' * , : " « ^ , '•%' "" ' v"- /• • *\ RAK0LD J. 8A00N • . • v Q~--' ---- i • ' D i *-- •• '-.r.'- ^ ^ *"" FOR POLICE MAGISTRATE - V. • * WNL R. BICKLER FOR ALDERMAN tor Two) H^JUSTEN DARWIN GRANGER FOR POLICE; JMAGISTRAT®' FOR POLICE. MAGISTRATE FOR ALDERMAN ' (Vote for Two) FOR ALDERMAN (Vote for Twor) I I E. X. OVESTON Q- • . SPECIMEN BALLOT ' .. . SECOND WARD ^ City of McHenry, in the County of McHenry and State of Illinois Election Tuesday, April 16, 1935 PETER A NEISS, City Clerk: TAXPAYERS (By Petition) FOR MAYOR PETER J. DOHERTY FOR enr CLERK PETER A. NEISS for crrr n HAKOLD J. BACON FOR POLICE MAGISTRATE , WM. R. BICKUEDEI * FOR A IiDF.RMAH! (Vote tor Two) Q •. (By Petiti(») FOR MAYOR FOR, CITY CLERK INDEPENDENT • (By Petition) FOR MAYOR •- FOR CITY TREASURER FOR CITY CLERK I"! BABL B. WALSH. FOR CITY TREASURE Q. FOR POLICE MAGISTRATE FOR POLICE MAGISTRATE • r FOR ALDEBMAN (l|M« for Two) •- FOR ALDERMAN ..; Vol* ;|fr. J. EJtEIJTZER EDW. J BUSS A E. NYE m SPECIMEN BALLOT THIRD WARD " * City of McHenry, in the County of McHenry and State of Illinois Election Tuesday, April 16, 1935 PETER A NEISS, City Clerk. TAXPAYERS (i^ Petition) (By Petition) (By PetitlHl) FOR MAYOR PI PETER J. DOHERTY FOR CITY CLERK «>R MAYOR FOR MAYOR Q FOR CITY ClXim -W- ' • "Shall a tax not exceeding one (1) mill be foried each year on all taxable property in the City of McHenry for the purpose of providing a fund for the maintenance or employment of ft munidpal band for jnusical purposes?" YES a - hfrm r M, NO PETER A NEISS FOR CITY THBA0UKSR |~| HABOU) J. BAflO* POLICE MAGISTRATE Q WM. K. BICKUEa V0R ALDERMAN ; ' " (Vote for Two) 1 1 GEORGE P. FREUXPQ-- QiubnKtBEBi pas. crnr CLERK EOCL R. WALSC TOR CITY TREASURER •Ml I "HI FOR pouce magistrate FOR ALD&tMAl! (Vote for Two) ' FOR CITY TOBASUBMSi FOR POUCE MAGISTRATE Q FOR ALDERMAN " (Vote for Two) a a

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