Illinois News Index

McHenry Plaindealer (McHenry, IL), 25 Apr 1935, p. 10

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' \ - ' T rr*;^-if/ ^ ^Ti^ys^ " ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ^ * •• 7 **? 1**' *' - ' V.*Vf^'£'t^t "<^*- * T.^^H'Wtr W,rVMh %*£"V *va* Xvr-;T%* \ ^ v,/**?:} I" •• < * - -- Is • t * I; ; / !/ • ~'^f v" - • x*&' ,•>* 1" ' -VH' f ••• .v., .v;' -*' '..yHf • •M MMM •Ml TTTR m\RT> or StTOnftVISOftS Mr : .»f Supr. Freund and duty seconded by Supr IIarrfi»on was referred to the Road jand Bridge Committee with power to «ct. And the roll feeing: called said motion was declared unanimously carried. Supr. O'Brien addressed the Board hnd stated that all Township work 'projects TVnVl been rejected and that it •i'would be necessary for the Suprs.- to Immediately get in touch with their .Highway Commissioners to form new jToiects at once. ; The following named persons were •!»"Yeoted to serve as Grand Jurors at the ijav,. term of the Circuit Court ond , on. liiotlon duly made and carried the list • as approved and ordered , certified to Ihe Clerk of the Circuit Court, to-wit: 1'iley--William Furr. ', _ . V '• ,w\, ' Marengo--Percy Hall. Omar .Wright. •?:•>• , -X.'\ y.-i.". Dunham---Fred Wyse. . ,., ' ,J,' Chemung-- H. A.. RmM RC ££ .-Cdftler. • - « 4 ld£n--- Clayton Stiles. y:./'y w H a r U a n d ^ -- M i k e C a v m . * « , • jSeneca--Kimer Yerke. .• . '".S1.. 'i .'. *i-\ . "' Coral.--Harry O'cock. . ' •'• •• n.rnfton--Henry Karsten... '*,/-* . Porr--Cieorge'Cairns, Oha«^.8j6hnel(|^rl' Greehw.ood-^-Axel "E.- CfirUott.. i * : *:'• t-J> Hebron--^T; M. Tmeson;-' . ^ o R i oh mond ^ W i 1H a m . A u s t In,-* > ' <> 4 •# Burton--Anton Meyer.-.' - Mabfl Hobbs, McHenry County Nurse presented and read the following report for the yea-r ending June 1, 1934 to-wlt: McHenry-r^S.tephen H. Smith,. .'John. M. .'•>--?8chmitt. :- ••".-•• ' •• • • .'.'•' Xunda--John Barnings, fid Pinnow. Algonquin --tGusie Krauae, Charles .:; SCason. ' "' .'.• The following'Resolution ort Right of Way purchase was presented and read to the Board, to-wit: '- . Besoluttoa -, WHEREAS, there is no# available .'for the use of McHenry County. Illinois, Out of the Motor Fuel Tax of 1929 law ;"fhe sum of,$10,094.87 and, WHEREAS, it is permissible under fluid Motor Fuel Tax Law, approved Ifarch 25, 1929, to pruehape Right of Way fof the improvement of State Aid Roads, and, WHEREAS, the Road and Bridge Committee of the Board of Supervisors oT McHenry County, Illinois, have secured the signatures to the following Highway Dedications for the improveent of State Aid Route Number 2 and l-R. McHenrv County, Illinois: Stat* Aid Boat* S, 8m. 7, M. V. T. ;.|iTrs. Geo. Thomas <)„....„..|10.00 Frnnk M. Birber 1 13.00 Orien G. Blanchard 30.70 J. W. smith, Florence Conway, W. F. Conway ,... 58.60 .Jennie Kalbo 241.00 Clark A. Pnrter, Administrator . Guy W. Thompson eatv 17.20 ^-Anchor Kasmussen 89 4ft •jifrs. -James M. Carr 10.00 Arthur L. Peet ..." IS 00 Edw Beck : 15.00 .Basil Rafter S....,,.:... ; 33.50 J&arry. F. Petpit^ Cotmty Treasurer Treasurer Fee 10^77 » 644.37 dtat* Aid Boat* 8-ft, t. B. X., 176 W N. Coghlan ,1208.80 ~; j$eo. W. Gehrke 50.00 • frnnk M. Gaulke :<i50.0« •;.'v;'-||thel Rowley Ntsh ..150.00 .Wdrpond L. Brunswick ........ 83.40 . R. G. Voelker 95.90 tyof Sandstrom !... ...300.00 Mrs. Ann Brant. Mrs. W. F. Huffman, Jennie ,L.' tL Wrl^H, Geo. Wright .............100.00 W. M. Schwimn «... ..102.80 • Geo. ti. Metze 125.80 School Trustees" per Michael Knox 75.00 ;iJ$»ouis Rohman 250.00 • Carl J. Schroeder ...; .85n.oo --tiawrence H. Loberg soo.oo Sasmns Hansen :I,5f>o.OO John Flanagan :.™^.;.^.......i.......300.00 /l»o. B. Oauntlett 2o.R0 . - tm. R. Boetsch 100.oo '. Albert Irwin .........900.00 * <ielmer M. Salvesen - ...... 4,000.00 •itr»rry F. Petett. County Treasurer. Treasurer fee : 189.10 $9,550.50 : THTCREFOTfE, be It resolved by said Bosrtl ot - Supervisor* of McHenry C'VTvty, Iiltnois, that the above amount rtf *10.094.87 of the Motor Fuel Tax of ."$929 be used for the purchase of said l"irM of wiv nbovo mentioned, and. BE IT FITRTHER RESOT,VEp, that I?, p. Woods. County Clerk, . Is hereby 'direoted to ce.rtify a copy of this resolution to the Department of - Public Works and Buildings, Division of Highways, Springfield, Illinois, for its approval for voucher. It was thereupon regularly moved by £npr. Dodd and duly seconded by Supr. fTarrlson that the Resolution on Right of Way Purchase be adopted by this . 'Board. And the roll being called said . motion was declared unanimously carried. Supr. Palmer moved that the Special Ifay meeting be dispensed with and that 'the next meeting of this Board be held at the regular June session, 1934. Said , motion was duly seconded by Supr. Kuecker and declared unanimously car- .ried. Supr. O'Brien^ addressed the Board flnd stated that Asst. Supr. Paul Rosen thai was at Mayo BroB. hospital at Rochester. Minn., and moved that th Clerk lie instructed to write a letter.of from the members of the Hoard and aliro wishing him a speedy '-Recover. Said motion was duly seconded l>v Supr. Turner and unanmiously carried. There being no further busine«s to come before this meeting It was there- "pon regularly moved by Supr. Ackman and duly seconded by Supr. Turner to hdjourn. Motion carried. Thereupon the Board adjourned. N. W. CLAWSQN, Chairman. Attest: R. D. WOODS. Clerk. Regular June Meeting, • 1934 Beport of the Connty Kurse'a Work For the Tear finding Jnnt 1, 1934 While the usual plan of work has been followed on the whole, there were necessarily some changes due to eco nomic conditions. Special health problems often required, many home visits visits to physicians and Institutions In order to bring about * satisfactory!solution. Where tuberculosis cases Vould not be safely cared for at home, ar rangemehts were made for institutional care.. It was also necessary to make use of some of the sjv^ctai clinics In Chicago for some cases. Th^se activities consume considerable Jlme so it.-was not possible visit all t»f the rural school-s. Qf the county. The following ^UinhuirliEes. the work: ' . Schools - i"' • Eighty schools visited and children examined. Children having5 individual inspection and report sent to the home 1500. Special inspection for contagion in 4 schools. Homi> visits for ,/ollow-up - TntorculoBla < / Known; csS'es in county,;.W. ; ....Xu.u.fnber under observattpn. In sanat o r i a o r a t h o m e 1 4 . . . . Number in sanatoria nt present 10: (Ottawa Sanatorium 8, Zace Sanatorium ?>•••' • : ,'v. 1 - • visits to homps SSi Trips to sanatoria to take patients "»r visit sanatoria 9. Clinic in -November chiefly for ex aminationB of children who were contacts of active tuberculosis cases. Skin tests were given and X-rays taken previously by family physician who was present for conference with- the visiting physician from Ottawa Tuberculosis Sanatorirum. Numbered examined !4. Pro-Sobool Six pre-school conferences for first graders of rural schools were held in August nt Community High Schools of the Oounty. T>ocal physicians and dentists gave their services for the examnation. 77 children were examined. Assisted with conference --1 special children's afternoon at Hebron. Meltings attended 2. State Conference of Tuberculosis Workers at Kewanee, October, 1S33. August meeting of rural teachers of county. Secured representative from headquarters of American Red Cross who ••xplnined the Junior Red Cross. A program" to promote world, understanding and . friendships among schools. She brought an qdchibit. of work done in several countries of the world. 11 schools carried this program, hrough the year. MaBLE flORBS. Ri •*., County NurBe. Dr. J. G. Maxon, President of the McHenry County Tuberculosis Associa- Mnn being present at the meeting was called upon by the Chairman.. Dr. Maxon outlined in full the work that was carried on by the Association in McHenry County and stated that they had a balance in their Treasury of <326.97 to carry on the work for the ensuing year and asked the Board for an Appropriation of $1,000.00 to aid said Aossciation in deferring its expenses. After some discussion, it was thereupon regularly moved by Supr. Ackman and duly seconded by Supr. Freund that there bo appropriated out of the Contingent Fund for the use of the McHenry County Tuberculosis Association the sum of jiooo.oo. And the roll beng called Suprs. Stockwell, Wright, Palmer, O'Brien, Hughes, Kuecker. Ackman, Hemmer, Brown, Harrison. Turner, Stevens, May, Freund, Hale and sjDodd •>nd Asst. Supr. Rosenthal voted aye. N'ay none and motion declared unanimously carried. The Committee on Licenses presented fhe following report which on motion of Supr. Ackman and duly seconded by Supr. Hale was declared unanimously adopted, to-wlt: Alcoholic-*- •- ; Albert Mertens, Algonquin. • . ' August l.andl, McHenry. Bottled Beer-- aV' 'iii - Glen Crest Country Club, Woocfototflt. Alcoholic--- 1 James Geier A Sohroeder, Ringwood.. Alexander & Edw. Horn, W. McHenry Box 88. Joseph Slomer, Spring Grove. Louis Serino, Crystal Lake RFD. The application for Alcoholic "Liquor License of Helen Martin of Algonquin, Illinois, was denied. Your committee has been informed that the Bottled Beer application , ot George W. Pyott of Algonquin, la not necpssaYy for the reason that Mr. Pyott docs not intend -t,<o operate. Fifteen Dollars was received upon his applicatic n. - . - .. . The application 6f William and Clara Stellen' of Cary, lUinois," ojjd the. application of Peter Forten; Of Crystal "Lake, Illinois, have riot been'acted Upon by your committee.. Your committee has received one Dance Halt application from Arthur Seeman of I'nion, Illinois, arid will make an investigation as soon as possible. Arnoilrjt received from Alcoholic Liquor an/J Beer Licenses to June , 9th, 1934 „c,„, Amount turned Over to Cnynty ; Treasurer on April 27th, 1934 3,002.50 balance to be turned over'. UJ-.-: • < Co. Treas. upon approval • of this report .......J,,ll2.5(V .'4 Licenses issued. All of which is respectfullj' submitted. L. A. STOCK WELL,. Chairman. D J. G. STEVENS S. H. FREUND -' E. C. HUGHES" V"--- - . FRANK MAY , rOt'NfV rr Tfwv* Supr. Stockwell, Chairman of license Committee, addressed the Board and stated thSt his Committee," did not l«aye any Licenses in any Taverns that had gambling devices in, but that he had 'been informed since the licenses had been granted that quite a few of the Taverns had gambling devices and that they are not complying with the closing rule established by the Board. Supr, O'Brien stated that he felt that the rules-of the Board of Supervisor:, governing Taverns were quite lenient and that anyone not complying with them should have his license immediately revoked. A general discussion wasthen had on said subject. It was thereupon regularly moved *by Asst. Supr. Rosenthal and duly seconded by Supr. Turner that a letter be sent by the Chairman of the County Board and ex-oflflcio Liquor Commissioner of- the County to every Tavern Keeper advising him that In the event that he Is not complying with all the Laws under an Act Relating to Alcoholic Liquors and the Rules and Regulations as 'outlined by the County Board that his License will be immediately revoked. Said motion was declared unanimously carried. The Clerk presented lists of Claims against the County and on motion of Supr. Wright and duly seconded by Supr. Hemmer said Claims were referred to the proper committee for report and the Board adjourned to 1:30 o'clock P. M. for Committee Work. 1:30 O'CLOCK P. *. Board met pursuant to adjournment, present same members. The Committee ori Claims, Labor Fees and Supplies made the following report which on motion of Supr. Hemmer and duly seconded by Supr Dodd and the roll beinpr called was unanimously adopted, to-wlt: Honorable Board of ^Supervisor® of McHenry County, met in regular Kesiton at the Court House in the City . . of Woodstock, on Monday, the 11th day . of .Tune, A. I). 1934. at ten o'clock A. M. The meeting was called to order by chairman N. B. Clawson and the "•oil being called the following m«m* ^ers responded to their names, to-wit: L. A. Stockwell, ¥). M. Wright. C. M. •falmer. John T. O'Brien, N. B. Clawson, C. Hughes, "E. F. Kuecker. Cbas. H. _.\ckm?n, Jos. Hemmer, V. E. Brown, r . J"hri E. Harrison. H. M. Turner. .T. G. :ate-ens, Frank May,' S. H. Freund. A. Ha'e, and G. A. Kodd and Asst. Supr. .,Pp"1 Rosenthal constituting a quorum. The records of the last preceding "leetlng were read and on motion ap- •pro^'ed and ordered placed on file. . • / Wayne Colahan. Chairman of the Mc- , , Herrv C'-'t'v P»-omplovment Committee ».nd. R. B. Olson, Manager of the . McHenry County Office appeared before, *" . *.he Po'-rd and Mr. Colahan outlined in , . fle'ail the work carfied on by the Committee through the net-sonnet in the . too^l nffioe. Mr. Colahan further stated hat the U. S. Employment Service extrr crtTittTiue to furnish the n"eesk »rv personnel to serve in the placement ;'f citi»»ns at work but that they fe£l '»hat the local expanse including rent, office equipment, filing cabinets, light, ^drtiklng water, telephone service, etc-., should be provided by the County, n WOrds they estimate that their "otnl erpense will run J336.00 per month, , 0() r)f which the government will lay and *25.00 per month to be paid by the local Community. Chairman Colahan then asked" for an appropriation nnt to exceed ?25.00 per month. Mr. Olson then presented each Supervisor with a chart showing registrations and "'•"""'pnls of men and women in Employment. The Clerk then read a commi'ni 'At!«n from J. W. Bergthold, Di- ••e'er of the Illinois Re-employment Service fully covering the issues as '•l-t'ined by Mr. Colahan. It was theie- -•T^ri rngr'arly moved by Supr. Brown n-<d duly seconded-by Supr. Freund that v. an amount „not to exceed $25.00 per ,* month be appropriated to the McHenry Countv Re-emnloyment Service for incidental expenses as outlined In a comrrunkatlon dated April 21, 1934 from J. /^V./foerirthoUl. Director of the Illinois * /jR^cmployment Service. And the roll \lJ>/ing called suld motion was declared unanimously carried. - ™ Mr. Chairman and Gentlejnen of the Bo»rd of supervisors: . Your Committee on Licenses to whom was referred Bottled ' Beer, Alcoholic Liquor and Dance Hall Licenses would '<eg leave to submit the following Reoort on the matters before thern: Bottled Beer and Alcoholic Liquor Licenses have been granted to the following applicants under and by virtue >f an Act relating to Alcoholic Liquor md subject to the rules of the County Board of Supervisors of McHenry Couny. to-wit: Bwr and Alcoholic Xalqnoy Zilcansas Issued to June 9, 1934. Alcoholic-- ~~~ ™ Wm. Mc-rtes, Pistakee Bay, McHenry. Earl E. Judson, Ringwood. John J. Oeltling, McHenry. '• Harold P. Kkow, Woodstock. Bottled Beer-- Otto Dedlow, Burton's Brdg., McH«nry, R. F. D. 2. - - Alcoholic-- ,. ' \ J. Lyons, Cwy^V. L. A. I>ennison. Harvard. Henry Nell. McHenry, Rt. -1, • "rank Nell, McHenry Rt, I,' _ ..'.•W. Ren l'ingree, Crystal Lake. ~~ Ben H. and Carrie Reed." No. 4 "Paddock St., Crystal l^ake. Geo. E. Fritzel, Crystal LAke, Ilk Raymond Claik. McHenry ll. F, D. 2. ,* Harry Minola. Woodstock It. F, P» Rudolph E. Johnson, McHenry, Baldb Knob. Mason Beebe, Woodstock. Jerome Boyko. McHenry R. F. 0»,,1. Rose Hermfnnee, Richmond. Wm. Jenkins. McHenry R. F. p. ^ Chas. II. Westlake, Solon Mills. Frank J. Rosinski, Lawrence. Bottled Beer-- UeMay & Staab, Alden. •- r, J. E. Harrison, Greenwood - Woodstock R. F. D. • " ' Alcoholic-- . ' i Harold Leonard. Woodstock. '. I Joe E. Miller, Richmond. Bottled Boer- Anna Hansen, Crystal Lake R. P. D. | Route 12. I Lewis J. Pitzen, McHenry Route 1. ' Alcoholic- Samuel A. Dunworth, N, C. Lake lit. 1. J. B. Hetterman, McHenry ft. F. P. Bottled Beer-- Fred Dittman, C. Lake, 171 No. Snore Drive. 7"-" T* ~~~ 'C: Alcoholic-- . ---• Paul H. Vossi Richmond. . . ; Bottled Beer-- - Emil Vodnansky, Algonquin,. Alcoholic-- Anna Henning, Pfhtakee Bay. (icj.-M. Lay, Johnsburg. "\ A. Weltrien. C T,nk» R. P. t>, J. Claus Ander, McH :nry R. F. D. t. - Harold Miller, McHenry. Alfred Krause, Crystal Lake. A. A. Menard, McHenry R. K. D. Anna Jaros. Algonquin Box 13Si Baumsn & West, Marengo. Fiank E. Harrison. Pis*->kee Ba^. . Turner Camp, Algonquin, .----»ii.n;. ' \ Matt L. Welter, Rinnwood. Clinton C. Green. Rnrrington, R. P. '"P.' 2. Mary Cooney, Hartland. J. T,. Brown, Woodstock^ . Bottled Beer-- Earle & Keturah Barnard, Ring Wood, R. F. D. j Alcoholic-- James A. Welnard, Spring drove,' ffaylord & Hahn, Woodetock. Kate Sheldon, McHenry R. F. P.-IfO, 8, .John Meyers, Harvard. Elbridge Crawford, Harvard. ,'t. K. T. Kellar & Con"n, Crystal Lake. E. Rasmussen, Cary. Wm. H. Maywald. McHenry Box.443. Frank Homola. Fox River Grove. John W. Foster, Spring Grove, Bottled Beer--- Harry L, Scott, C. Lake RFD No. 1. < Alcoholic-- A v. shober. McHenry R. F. D. No. 3. f-. Hen Jacoby, Crystal Lake. Watson & Englh, SlcHenry RFD Not. 2. Bottled Bear --. Wm. P. Ackmin, Marengo. • Alcoholic-- Charles Bowers, Marengo. ^ una Bogan, McHenry R. F. D. l: jChapin C. Foster, Crystal I^ke. • Bottled Beer-- James Hughes Jr., McHenry. 14.55 <0.30 3.15 5.eo .Bohn Hrd. Co., shf. Jail supp. r • t and clo. iS.Z5 Bohn Hrd. Co., Co. Trens. off. sup. <3!0 Woodst-ock Pally Sentinel, Clr. Clerk 7f.?0 Woodstock Dally Sentinel, »hf. off. sup. ~ 5,5.0 City of Woodstock, C.. H. and jail light and water 151.14 I.ester Edirtger, shf. per diem, fees and set-v ;....800.00 Marian Edinger, eht, feed, prls 200.00 Philip Bierdeman, shf. clerk (dpty. shf.) "... 200.00 Vest la Muldoon, C. H. jail saf. fund 216.00 Daisy V. Moore, Sup. Sch. Asst. and elk. hire 827.50 Russell Allen, States Atty. asst. 380.00 A. A. Qrisscy, pro. oft. XCJr. Ct.) .... 150.00 S. A. Rt. 2t), Sec. 5 13.75 S. -A. Rt. 2, S^C, 1 6rl .50 'S...-A,. WN' I3-18A, Se& 4 ;4^.u:Ul,974.72' S. A. Rt. '47 \'.-3t^t"i.;iV:i...8&fl:.oo L. A. Stockwell, spl com %k .113.25 D. M. Wtright, ftpl com wk ...u,..,... 89.IQ C. M., Palmer, spl e» wk,',...V.. 73.7 J John T. O'Brien, sol corn wfc ..v.... 67.60 E. C, Hughes, spl cori? wk 49.OQ E. F. Kuecker, spl com wk 54.55 ct)k(>.. H. Ackman, spl com ,#k ...... 52 00 Joseph Hemmer, spl com wk 37.45 V. E. Brown,- spl com wk /A..::,.;.*.. 76.80 J. K. Harrison, spl com W'kvv..-..:.."v.. €3^40 H. M. Turner, spl com Wis 1.;-.":^.--. 56,70 J. O. Stevens, spl com wk- .-ii.92.95 Frank May, spl com' wk 38.80 R. H. Freund, spl coin 'wk. 25.30 A. H. Hale, spl com wk 15.00 P. F. Rosenthal, spl com wk . 57.50 G. A. Dodd, spl com wk 3iA(f All of whlch js respectfully submitted. E. C.V HITOHES A. H. ^ r G. A. DODD \ -, FRANK MAT - L. A. STOCKWELL sum of 1. 9932.24: Bills chargeable to the various sections of the County patrol system of road« for labor and materials at rates heretofore approved by -this Board were audited and paid as follows: Section 1 $ 36.95 -•-r* Section 2 Sectiop 3 Section 4 Sections 5, 6 Sections 7, lO Section 8 Section 9 Section 11 Se, t ion 12 Section 13 ..... Section 14: Section 15 o«n.9o Se'ctifliDff" 1 tf» ,'ir. 138.67 Section. 17 jV.J::'.'..:........-. 160,64 63.50 90.00 •2.50 94.40 74.00 ?3.05 1.75 52.50 68.65 J5.00 62.00 640.95 The Committee on Claims, County Poor made the following report which on motion of Supr. Turner and dply seended by -Supr, Kuecker and the roll being called was unanimously adopted, to-wlt: "" Mr. Chairman and Gentlemen of the Board of Supervisors: Your Committee on County Poor Claims would beg leave to report that they have examined all claims presented to them, and recommend the payment of the following, and that the Clerk be directed to Issue orders On the County Treasurer to the Claimants for the several amount1 allowed, as follows, towlt: Nundft-- t ' ; ... - Ottawa .Sanatorium, care-Elmer * • Nelson • ' • ' ' , ;;. ; Riley- 62.1* Ottawa Sanatorlujn, care Fred Ward Chemung-- ...• Zace Tuberculosis San.,care Ada . Parrtoh 204.79 McHenry-- Reglna Klein, c&re Joseph Freund 2AJ0 All of which is resp«ctfulijtsubi»ittad, CHAS. H. ACKMA#-^:.i^£5i-i D. M. WRIGHT : v" V. R. BROWN J. ' J. E. HARRISON The Committee on Fees'and .Salaries made the following report which on motion of Supr. Wright, and duly seended by Supr. Hale was declared unanlmously adopted, to-wit: Mr. Chairman and Gentlemefr . the Board of Supervisors: Your Committee on Labor Fees and Supplies Claims would beg leave to report that they have examined all claims presented to them, and recommend the payment of the following, and that the Clerk be directed to issue orders on the County Treasurer to the Claimants for the several amounts allowed, as follows, to-wlt: P. F. Pettibone & Co., Co. cik. prtg. and sup. .............,$152.21 P. F. Pettibone & Co., Co. Clk prtg. and sup, : 19.6'.* P. F. Pettibone & Co., . '=:Tr' Co. Clk. Tax Extn. fuiid 9.21 P. F. Pettibone & Co., Circuit Clerk 10.62 Frnnk Thornber & Co., Co. Clerk Tax Blks J4.88 Frank Thornber St Co., Co. Clerk • Prtg. and Sup. .v,,:.;,,;#0.17 Zlo'n Office Sup., Co.„ Treas. office sup. S. D. Chflds & Co., clr. clerk ...i. Wm. D. Meyering Shf. Cook Co. Circuit Clerk NaMonil Police Officer, shf. off. sup. ..... Harry C. Daniels, JudCy fund ;,u..v,.il)5.00 Lawyers Co. Op. Pub^ judcy. Mis. Fund I 7.50 Callaghan & Co., judcy. Mis. Fund 3.00 Ethel C. Coe, sup. sch. off, exp. .... 28.66 Th* Hebron Times, sup. rich,. office exp .90 L, V. Klltz, sup. sch. off. su)|., .... : 2.50 Hammond & Stephens Co., sup. sch. off. fcxp. 30.57 Marengo Republican News, sup. sch. off. exp 22.g5 Dr. Clyde F. Baccus. Co. Cltel fna. Dep. (Tvan Beard) ., 6.00 Dr_. Henry W. Sandeen, Co. Clk'. Ins Dep. (Tvan Beard) .......7^.... 6.00 Dr. Henry W. Sandeen, Co. Clk. Ins. Dep. (Alvin Hoffmanl 5.00 Dr. Clyde F. Baccus. Co. Cllli;'\r '7 • Ins. Dep. (Alvln HofTman) J : 6.00 111. Bell Tel. Co., C. H. servl!<»> : and tolls 2 mos 93.10 111. Bell Tel. Co., tolls shf. 2 mos. 33.83 Old Peo. Rest Home, care Etta Hibbard (T. B. & Paup.) 40.00 Chi. Ind. Home or Children, de* pend. children .,'........713.93 L. V. Kiltz, circuit clerk 1.25 L. V. Kiltz, shf. off. sup. '3.75 L. V. Kiltz, Trees.; off. stip.: s 3.Q0 C. L. Tryoqj CO. Hwy. mal&.:....125, McHenry Co. Abst. Co., Co. .. i Hwy. main. ' 2.50 Irene Thomson, C<f. Judge Re- , I porter (Mch.) . ...-. 90.00 Irene Thomson. Co. Judge R®^ porter (Apr.) 90.00 Harvard Herald Co., Co. CIV. prtg. and sup. ........142.00 Marengo Rep-N'ews., Co. Clk. elec. sup. fund 1.21 Marengo Rep-News,' Supr. prtg.;:.. 1.90 Pfpiffpr's Pharmacy, Sup. Schr Off. exp. Pfeiffer's Pharmacy, shf. off._ Pfplffer's- Pharmacy, shf. Jal" sup. and clo .'. Wilcox A- Koblentz, shf. 'jail sun. and clo. .• 7.10 Dr. Henry W. Sandeen, shf. fait sup. (Co. pris.) .106.00 Ludwig wtlson Co.. shf. Jail (Co. pt'is.) 6.50 Lester Edlnger, shf.^per diem, _ fees and serv. ...1,010.00 A r, Tlo^nett. CT H- Jail rep. 17.25 Woodstock Imp Co., C. H. and Jail rep. f .v....:..-. 19.74 A.. W. Wagner, f H "yt «-^p, 3.00 'Meer Feed Stqre, C, H. sup. J'~ 12.20 T'odens^'vitr & Pahs, C. H. sup. 25.63 E. F. Baccus, C. H. sup 12.20 Hlllyard Chemical Co., C. ft sup. 94.25 Hoesley's Bakery, feed. prls. (April and May) : 13.23 Woodstock Dairy, feed. prls. ' (Apr. anrl May) :.;...:h»~2t.66 i Ecknrt a Bending, feed, prfii. April and May) ..........106.59 Ping<l *• Koch, feed. prls. (April and May) . 80.09 Wf-^rn I'n. Gas & El. Co., feed. pris. (Apr. and- May)...: 18.58 L»='"r Fdinger. feed. prls. (Apr. -and May) ^ 4^59 Lester Eaingef, shf. per diem,* . fees and serv. 16.00 Sidney Corson, shf. bailiff 32.00 Sidney Corson, shf. deputy ...1....;.,'. 44.00 i Richard .'"arrell, shf. bailiff ............ 1.00 Your Committee on Fees and Salaries to whom was referred the semi-annual reports of the. County Clerk, Circuit Clerk and Sheriff for the half year ending June 1st, 1834, would beg leave to report that they have audited the books of snid officers together with the said reports and submit, the following report on the matters and things before them: County Clerk Receipts-- Earned Received For Probate Fees ...11,744.85 .$ 839.03 For Clerk's Fees In Suits In Court 237.00 .174.60 For County Services 643,00 For Misc. Services 3,981.^0 ^ ^SSlyiO Total Earnings of , V4 year $6,606,06 Received of Earnings previously reported: Probate r.v 927.00 Court Costs i , 313.50 Miscellaneous .60 Total R«ceipt*_:.._~_~~i^n^wJM,2$5.7S Expenditures-- Clerk Hire, including evtra- $3,589.ft> Refunded Docket Pee, o^M> . Miscellaneous S3.7S ^ * Clerk's Salary for % year 1,260.00 M77.75 Balance ttye County for hal# . year ending June 1, 1934 ........fl,358.00 Circuit Clerk-- -- The semi-annual report of the Circuit Clerk being as follows Receipts-- Earned Received For Recording ....,..,..$3,788.65 $3,788.65 For Clerk's Fees in Suits in Court 2,144.94 1.961.74 For Misc.; Serv. 184.50 104.60 For 162 days in Court at $10.00 per 'day.... 1,530.06 Total Earnings of ; ' % year $7,578^ , Received of Eearnlngs 1 - „ previously reported . _ 140.90 Total Receipts .,...^6,996.79 Expenditures-- Clerk Hire (Incl. extra %' year) .......$1,805.20 . Pefund Docket fees 75.00 Misc. expense 62.44 Clerk's salary for % year 1,850.60 *,188.64 Balance due Counjty for f Vi year ending 5-31-34 #8,813.15 Sheriff The Seml-nnnual report of the Sheriff being as follows^ to-wlt: , Receipts-- • . ' Earned Received l^or Sheriff's FeM'In S«itfi"ht'T,o«tt { ' < 900 95 162.00 Process Docket Elocutions For Misc. Serv. .$1,267.00 209.07 1,010.00 Total Earninjf® of" ' " < H yearV , vw ™$2,486^ Received of Earnings . previously reported!" Process Docket -i Evpcutlons ... Miscellsineotis, Total Receipts 11 jfc,702.08 Expenditures--^ 1 -~~y , • Deputy Salary '760.00 1 Misc.--postage 87.00 Sheriff's salary for . ^ ' ." .»• >' Vt year 850.00 ft.tgf.'OO < 474.80 »7.9S 1,081).00 Balance due frounty $1,075.08 All of which is respectfullv submitted. chas. H. ACKM.VN, Chairmss E. F. KUECKER ... G. A. DODD H. M. TT'RNER P. F. ROSENTHAL# • • • V.'B. BROWN >• C. M. PAtVMER . "Phe Committee on Road^i and Bridges made the following report to-wlt: Mr. Chairman and Gentlemen of -the Board of Supervisors. McHehry County, Illinois, The undersigned members of the Road ^nrt Brtd-re committee for said County. would beg leave to submit the following report on the matters' before [Richard Farrell, shf. deputy lfi.00 ' Clvle Miner, shf. h&iliff 16.00 William R. Cairns, shf. bailiff";.'. ;Williarn R. Cairns, shf. dCpvity . John Sullivan Jr., shf. bailiff John Sullivan Jr., shf. deputy ... >.Howard Freemah, shf. bailiff Howard Freeman, shf. deputy ... Ifomer Mann, shf. deputy Waiter Brooks, shf. deputy O. L. Tryon, Co. Surveyor That we met on ^the 28th day of April 1934 and audited "and ordered paid bills for labor on the Ridscefleld Road known as Section 4 M. F. T. out of the motot fuel tax fund In the sum of ....$110.25 We also Inspected the Ridgefleld road and also the proposed new State Aid road that leads from Millers Corner to Twin Lakes and interviewed some of the property owners in regard to ijioving some fences and straightening some curves'If the County is to take over the road. Your committee again met on the 8t« dsy.of May 1934 and audited and paid bills charpeable to the McHenry County Patrol System of Roads as a 4.00 whole Including supplies and repairs fo^ , 400 *C/>nntv machinerv, Insurance and labor 4 66.64 at th^ County tool house %o a total 20.00 20.00 8.00 4.00 4.00 8.00 fetal - We alstt audlred arid omered paid out of the injotor fuei tax funds bills labor materials and engineering casta as fol- '(wii: . , 1 Labor and materials State Aid Rt, 13-13A, sec. 4, M. F. T. ... |592.40 Engineering Staite Aid Rt. " 13-13A, sec. 4, M. F. T. 81.00 State Aid Route 2, Set?, '7, •• • ; ' ' !» M. F, T. engineering wJ-60 State Aid Route 20, Sec.. 5i'-. * • ' • M. F. T. maintenance "7.00 , Your committee again met on the 11th day of May and went over the proposed new State Aid route in the Town of Riley from McKeown's Corner to Genoa, Illinois,- referred to this committee. The road appeared to be a desirable addition to the State Aid System of main line secondary roads, but we found that DeKalb County had refused to add the portion in their County to their system of roads at this time, so we decided to recommend that the matter be dropped for the time being, as the State does not approve the addition of a road from one County into another unless both Counties desire the connection. We also Inspected, a Cedar t.'riplds dragline at Sycamore as the dragline we have at the Crushing .plant is too light. We also inspected an asphalt road South of ,Cart»p "Grant, that was mixed and placed by a machine similar to a concrete mixer. Tfye Committee met on the 15th day of. May, 1934 and inspected roads on the County system in the north and northwest portion of the County and ordered two bridges repaired near the Altenberg 'farm southwest qf Alden, •ryl we also inspected a dragline near Lake Geneva that can be bought for $250 mounted on a truck running sear but .without a motor to run same. The committee, met on the 17th day of May and inspected roads in the east p^rt of the County and at McHenry, Illinois, we met a representative of the Tuf Tr'ead Road Co. who built the County's asphalt roads at McHenry and Richmond. He advised that the road be given a seal coat as It has been "otind advisable to do so every three or four years even though no breaks have x-cured. It was estimated that the cost of the asphalt would be $361.45 applied for 2130 gallons, and would tak& one day, and we decided to.have same done. This is the first expense -on this road -ifnee it was built and it has seen 3 Fourth of Julys. We then went to Richmond and inspected the half mile of asphalt road there. We? found no breaks In the road, but It will have to carry all of the traffic from State Bond Issue Route 61 from one to two months as Wisconsin Is widening and relocating the concrete road from the State line to Genoa C'ty, Wisconsin. We therefore decided to give it a seal< coat the same as the McHenry road. The committee again met on the 21»t day of May, 1984 and audited and ordered paid bills for labor on the Ridgefleld Road known as section 4, M. F. T. out of the Motor fuel tax fund in the sum of : $65.73 We then inspected S.tate Aid Roads, in the west and south parts of the Covin- 'y. As a whole we have found the State Aid System of roads reasonably in good condition, and well gravelled. Some of 'hem are rough due to heavy traffic and dry weather and the curtailed program of their maintenance, but we think it advisable to endure some of the roughness under present conditions, rather than to buy expensive machinery and add to the unemployment conditions by laying off men with teams who are still working on half time basis. The committee met on the 28th da)£ of May 1984 and inspected the placing of the seal coat on the McHenry Road. Two large trucks and a trailer, with tanks and heating devices on came out from Chicago and shot the hot asphalt on the road surface under pressure similar to the usual method in oiling road* or sprinkling streets. The County trucks then spread a thin layer of pea *lze gravel on the fresh asphalt which was then spread and swept evenly so that no asphalt would show. The gravel sticks tightly and the traffic irons out the road to a smooth surface and makes it water tight. We . then went to Barrington to look at>a couple of caterpillar 30 tractors that -are for sale, by a contra ator who has no work for them. Considerable trouble has developed with the County's Bates 30 tractor, ?ame being about worn out, $1250 was the price of one tractor and $1600 the other. The committee learned of a new model' Caterpillar 35 kt Milwaukee, Wisconsin, that the Caterpillar Tractor Co. took bapk for nonnotrpletion of payments, that had very little use, original coat $2450. It was l.-clded to make a trip the next day and Inspect same. The tractor was demonstrated and. is the same model as the Town of Greenwood's new tfractor ind It was priced at $1600, F. O. B. Milwaukee. The committee again met on the 7th day of June at Woodstock, Illinois, 1934, and audited and paid bills chargeable to the McHenry .County Patrol System Of roads as a whole including insurance '.'ujwinc* payii»etvt4tl,456.58, supplies and repairs for County mafthiflery ana labor at the, Couhty tool hous#'\6 a : t.ot.8.1 of $2323.95 Bills chargeable to the. various sections. of .the County patrol system of roads for labor and materials oat of the County Highway Tax Fund at rate heretofore approved by this Board were audited and paid as follows: Section 1 „...$ 42.70 -eotioh ' 2 Sect ton 3, Sect ions 6, if -- Sections 7; W ^ Swtibn 8 «... Section 9 ..1.....-,. Section 11 Section 12 ..*..... Section 13 Section 14 Section 15 Sections l«, t* section 17 65.00 195.30 206 0^ 556.13 182.39 68.55 62.50 68.77 69.65 11.60 66.40 1,810.02 1Q7.255 625.24 Total ...1..: ..' $6,736.41 We also audited and ordered paid out •<f the motor fuel tax funds bills for tabor, materials and engineering costs as follows: State Aid Route 13. 13A, Sec. 4,. M. F. T. labor and materials ....$843.18 Slate Aid Route 13, 13A, Sec. 4 M. F. T. engineering ............. State Aid Route 20, Sea. M. F, T, maintenance!^..^. State Aid Route 2, Sec'. 7, >, M. F. T engineering A representative of the Caterpillar Tractor Co. was at the meeting and finally offered to deliver the caterpillar 35 tractor under consideration to Woodstock. Illinois, at $1,600.00 and we decided to recommend to this board that the Road and Bridge Committee be authorized to puy^ said tractor for McHenry County, Illinois, and that same Ke financed out of the County Highway Tax Funds recently Henry County would lay out and build the 3000 ft. of road necessary in McHenry County. He also presented .petitions signed by a large number of interested parties from that vicinity. The same matter was up last fall but no action was taken mostly because of right of way difficulties. The committee recommends that the matter be considered by the whole Board as a separate matter. We decided that when the Towns r*>nt the county's scrapers to cut down hills and widen pikes the rental charge is to be $2.00 per day each, cash within 30 days after date of use or $3/)0 per day each, cash 60 days tafter date of use, if not paid within 30 days. , We have lost the relief workers that were employed on Section 16 (Fsx) Farm Road, as they were taken off June 1, 1934, unless the County would take care of fhe insurance, and our Insurance. Company would not cover thetn. Demand has been made by the C. WA. for the county tools used -on. the work,' but we have asked for exemption ifrom. this demand. The Rfdgefield'. road known as Section 4, M. F. T., is complete'd and we are ready to start on the building of the Greenwood road known as Section 1, M. F.. T.. as soon as the plans are ai*- proved by the State Division of Highways. We think It advisable to pass a supplemental appropriation for Section 7, M. F1 T., as right of Way difficulties necessitated a change in the location Of Greenwood, which makes it necessary to build two (2) cattle pass culverts and make an expensive fill, and a new ruling has been' made allowing eight (8) inches of gravel instead of six (6) inclj t'hickness on the heavier travelled secondary roads. We think it advisable to use the eight (8) inch thickness as the old road has to be raised and the old. gray.el -covered up. It is well to have the estimate too high rather than too. low. We' therefor recommend that a supplemental improvement resolution be passed, so that the . work will not have to be held up longer. We also decided to recommend putting the asphalt top on the road from H'ereley's corners to Harvard, known as Section 5 M. F- T., and instructed the County Superintendent of Highways to prepare a resolution for the same and we recommend its being passed. Considerable concrete work is Involved on the Greenwood Job and we recommend that the Road and Bridge Committee be empowered to rent a concrete mixer and rent or buy necessary appurtenances to meet the State's requirements for the work. Pursuant to request of supervising patrolman \yhlpple of the State Division of Highways, we' ordered the Marengo- Woodstock road, known as Section G. McHenry County Patrol 16-1, graded with the County's heavy grading outfit on May 16th and 17th, 1934. The cost was $37.74. The County is liable for one half (%) of said cost, payable out of levy for Maintenance of State Aid Gravel and Macadam roads and the State Is liable for the other one half (Vt) of the cost. We therefore recommend that the County Clerk draw an order on the County Treasurer for the full amount in the sum of $37.74 from said maintenance fund to the McHenry County Highway Department and that the County Superintendent of Highways submit to the State of Illinois, a bill for one half (Vi) of said cost to reimburse said maintenance fund. We find that another scraper is needed for the County's grading outfits, and one can be secured for |350.00, a Model D Baker Maney 4 wheel scraper, and we therefore recommend its purchase for McHenry County. We have received and turned over to the County Treasurer for the County Highway Fund: From State Treasurer refund on gasoline used in tractors, claim No. B-312173 <94.29 Frorn State Bank of Union, HI'., refund on Freeport N^otor1 t Casualty Co. Policy Ng, 87659/ now cancelled 33.40 visions of the "Motor Fuel Tax Law.* approved March 25, 1929, and shall of traffic bound surface construction, 20 feet wide, with earth --bhoulders f feet wide, and shall be designated as Section 7 M. F. T. (2) that sa id proposed improvement; ,• v shall be constructed by the county through its officers, agents and erttr ployees by day labor for the following reasons: , v This resolution supplements the resfi : lutlon passed by this board for the irri» ' provement or the above described roaiS on the 12th day of June'A. D. 1933. v (3) , that there is hereby appropriated : the additional sum of nine thousand, • Dollars ($9000.00) from the county'® allotment of Motor F*Uel Tax Funds for.."- ' the construction of said section; and W : . it further . RESOLVED, that the County .Clerk Is v hereby directed to transmit two certified copies of this resolution to the Department of public Works and Build*/ ings, Division of Highways, Springfield,.' Illinois. ' 'm! • The following Resolution on Right, of Way Purchase was presented and* read to the Board, and on. "motion Asst. Supr. Rosenthal duly seconded Supr. Stevens and the roll being called was. unanimously adopted, to-*Wit: • ii> Btaolntlon WHEREAS, there is now ' ayailabl®: for the use of McHenry County? Illinois, ' out of the Motor Fuel Tax of 1929, th*. sum of $1,259.95 and, f WHEREAS, it Is permissible under said Motor Fuel Tax Law, approved March 25^* 1929, to purchase Right 0#. Waj--frir the improvement of State AlK Roads, and, V*"" WHEREAS, the Right of .W*ay Coiij mittee of the Board of Supervisors mt McHenry County, Illinois, have secured the signatures to the following Highway Dedications for the improvement of State Aid Route Number 4A and 8A*. McHenry Countv, Illinois: -: State Aid Boats 4A 8. B. X. Bt. 60 Frank B. McConnell, $ 35.«tr i Harr>v F. Peteit, Co. Treas. ' Treasurer's fee .ft'--- Stats Aid Bouts 8A Sec. 6 M. T. T. V Fred C. Reddersdorf, bus. prop. $200.Mf Rosenthal Cumber & Fuel Co., business property l....,..OT..l,000,W ;' Harry F. Peteit. Co. Treas. , ^ treasurer's fee 24.14- TIJEREFORE, be it resolved by said Board of Supervisors of McHenpy' County. Illinois, that the above amount of $1,259.95 of the Motor Fuel Tax of 1929 be used for the purchase of satA, right of wav above mentioned, and, BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, that R. D. Woods, County Clerk, Js hereby - - directed to certify a copy of this reso- Intion to the .Department of" PubllO ' Works and Building, Division of Highways, Springfield, Illinois, for its ap>* proval for voucher, Petitions presented by residents FoX River Grove and Vicinity request* lng the building of a proposed concret* •. road to connect Tower Lake with Stat# Bond Issue Route No. 22 in Fox Riveir Grove were presented to the Board. Said petitions being first presented*to the Road and Bridge Committee and they in turn suggested that said matter be considered by the whole Board. ' A general discussion was then had i#'« regard to the improvement, but no action was taken. The Sejrii-annual report of the County Treasurer was presented and read and upon motion of Supr. Hemmer arfll duly seconded by Supr. Wright was dl* . clared unanimously adopted, to-wit: County Treasurer's Sem-lannual Bepod - Ending • Kay 31, 1934 Balance November 30, 1933",:;.$109,314.Hr~; Received month of-- December, 1933 .....$5,745.79 January, 1934 3.164.75 February. 1984 .<.............v 8,691.10 March, 1934 ......„...:....v... ... . 7,297.55 April, 1934 ; 12.969.88 May, 1934 52.CSfr.48 J7"" - 90,355.4# Amount ree'd for 6 Qtonths $199,669.w Paid out month of--- December, 1933 ..J......$20,032.93 Total »m.69 Your committee estimates that thei'e be necessary for the care of the McHenry County Patrol System of Roads and purchase of machinery an appro- j February. 1934 priatiori from the County Highway.. Tax ' March, 1934 Fund levied in September 1933, in the April, 1934 sum of $6,000.00 until the next meeting of this Board. All,Of-which is respectfully submitted. . E. F. KUECKER > ' H. M. TURNER « ' J. T. HARRISON JOHN T. O-BRIEjf- ' ' ' - . " - C H A S . H . A C K M A S f - . W ' January, 1934 May, 1934 15.151.03 12,606.79 14,740.65 24.322.04 38,721 71 125.575.ttr- Bal. on hand May 31, 1934 in all funds'. ....$74,094.61 • H. JT. PETEIT, June 11, 1934. County Treasurer Bscelpta -, '4u.:.; County Officers Fees .,$7,361.Tl - Inheritance Tax ..v..Krf 8,841.31 Illinois Bell Telephone CO; ' -'v -".rf ' ' ' 4.5>* :i4,4 Comm. on . booth , It was thereupon regularly moVed by Supr. Freund and duly seconded by Supr. Dodd that the report of the committee on Roads and Bridges be adopted ! Motor Fuel Tax by this board. And the roll being call- ( personal Propertv Back . ed said motion was declared unani- Taxes collected l.eSO.SV7^ mously carried. I Forfeited Taxes redeemed .... .... 9.454.60 1 The following Resolution on Contract ; Dance Hall and Beer Licenses.... 3,008.50 Construction on Section 5-T-l MFT was Motor Fuel Tax refund 4.50 presented and read and on motion of Supervisors, County Home -- 2,036.14 Supr. O'Brien and duly seconded by ' Federal Prisoners 31.85 Supr. Oodd and the roll being called Blind Felief reimbursements .... 892.91 was-unanimously adopted, to-wit:..;;., Highway Fund refund , 1,981.57 . • " ' I Geo. Welch, sand blast machine * ..? Absolution of , , ; . 1 rental County Board of McHenry eWftity i Mothers Pension refund 402.M requesting approval of the use of money County Tax--1933 ..,.,.,..,...,..........40,000.00 allotted to the countv under the pro- 1 Dog Tajt--1934 63.00 visions of the Motor Fuel Tax Law. ! Institute Fund .A..;.:^.^nr^nn: 86.00-- RESOLVED, by the Board of Super- C.---Loan by Co. Board ... 30.00 visors of McHenry County, that public interest demands the construction of a section of a public highway designated an a State Aid road, said section being described as follows: Beginning on a public highway designated as State Aid Route No. 20, at a Probation Officer point near the center'of section 2 T. 45 County Orders - .f90,356.Hr '."IMslmrssmsatf P£m and Grand Jurors 562.10 Insanity Jurors 108.00 Coroner and Coroner's Jurors 348.00 450.00 ..;50,231.69 N., R 6 East of 3rd. P. M. and extend- Highway Orders 7,744.69 ing,thence along Route 20 in a northerly Motor Fuel Orders ...............i 9.788.14 direction for a dtstance of 3574.6 ft. Mothers Pensions 6,465.00 more or less, connecting with and Inheritance Tax 8,476.09 terminating at S.,B. I. Route 173 In the .Institute Fond 300.50 City pf Harvard, Illinois: and be . it Eradication T- B. in cfkltwfhrther "f Orders 1.494.SV'• RESOLVED. ' | County Treasurer 1,950.00 (1) That the proposed improvement County Collector 3.553.58 heretofore designated shall be construct- Dog Tex ... 1,471.50 ed in accordance with the provleitftts of Non High School Orders 4,144.78 the "Motor Fuel Tax Law," approved Frozen' assets In American March 25, 1929, and shall be of bitu- j National Bank ........................„.,18,486.M mlnous retread surface construction, 20 feet wide, with shoulders 6 feet wide, and shall be designated as Section 6-1, M. F. T„ <2) That there is hereby approprl- • v 11 < n $126,675.l» r. C- Baldwin, Work Relief Superia-* tendent, of the County Illinois Emergency Relief Committee appeared ated the sum of four thousand five hun- fore the Board and presented and reaST~ dred Dollars ($4,500.00) from the coun- an outline of the drought work relish try's allotment of Motor Fuel Tax Funds under the Federal Emergency Relisffor the construction of said section:, Commission and presented each Supeprand be it further visor with a copy of said rules. Mr. RESOLVFji, that the County Clerk is Baldwin then stated that he would b«l hereby directed to transmit two certl- glad to answer any questions in regard fled copies of this resolution to the De- to the same. A general discussion wu parment ot Public Works and Buildings, then had by .the members of the Boam Division Illinois. of Highways, Springfield, on said subject. The Clerk then prs- 1 sented and read a communication from the Department of Agriculture in regard 10.81 6.76 Sso.oo The following Resolution on Day to the matter of Canada Thistle con* Labor Construction Section 7 MFT was trol. which was oj-dered placed on fil#., presented and read and on motion of State's Attorney Lumley addressed Supr. Ackman and duly seconded by the Board and stated that a warrant Supr. Stevens and the roll being caHsd had tteen issued for the arrest of was unanimously adopted, to-wlt: man and his wife who stole property. from a residence in Crystal La tea Besolutlon of * . amounting to approximately $10,000.W County Board of McHenry Cotitlty and that said persons were now bein^ requesting approval of the use of money held in Oregon City, Oregon for eXallotted to the county under the provl- tradition. And on account of the great slors of the Motor Fuel Tax law. distance to be traveled he did not fe*l RESOLVED, by the Board of Super- as though the County should have to visors, of McHenry County, that public stand all the expense of getting and interest demands the construction of a bringing tbem back. He felt that th» section of a public highway designated peopie who owned the loot stolen and as State Aid road, section being de- the insurance company should stand scribed as follows: . - some of the expense. A general di»» Beginning on the public highway cussion was then had by the membe» designated as State Aid Route No. 2. at of the Board on said subject. It was a point near the S. E. corner of the N. thereupon regularly moved by ,Supr> E. V4 of the N. E. V4 of Sec. 27 T. 45 O'Brien and duly seconded by Supr. N., R. 7 E. of 3rd P. M. thence northerly May that the County stiind the, exj^riiff"' „ released by the i to the north line of the Greepwood of the Sheriff and any other interested American National Bank of Woodstock." J School property about 24 rods north parties to stand the expense of any.' The tractor will be needed on the day ' bor sectioiis of Motor Fuel Tax Roads for which rental will be paid". The Chairman of the Lake County, Illinois Board of Supervisors, Mr. Kelsey, was present on behalf of a pro- T'Osed concrete road to connect Tower T.ake with State Bond Issue Routs ft in Pox- River Grove, and requested definite action as to whether or not Mcfrom the east and west quarter section deputies the Sheriff needed and the e»- line through section 11 Township and pense of brining back the defendants. Range aforesaid: extending along Route 2 in a northerly direction for a distance of 16,500 feet, more or less; and be It further :, RESOLVED, Said motion was declared unanimously' carried. The monthly report of the CountJ"'. Home for the months of April and Maj£:; were presented and read to the Boars, (1) that the proposed improvement to-wit: heretofore designated shall be coo- Mr. Chairman and members of tlw structed in accordance with the pro- Board of Supervisors or ' McHenry

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