Illinois News Index

McHenry Plaindealer (McHenry, IL), 25 Apr 1935, p. 11

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}g *4 T(f r~m^ *yF3r«"JF- y.T J^WWFfCStr -• ' i - z-:f" f%W ; ***»>< "^"r;-r-v/\^ >„ v -s^ t» ^.v». «<* >*v ^ *tv* ' " • * , * ' r "• "*' ^^« «• ' THE BOARB^P SPPERVtSORS. McHF-VRr fWNTt, fftWOW County. Your county home committee respectfully submits the following report for the month of April, 1934, audited and paid May 5th, 1934. Hartland Garage, repairs & sup. $35.98 Sprague Warner & Co., groceries -and supplies .:- ...^..185.11 ' Breys Bakery, bread 42.70 Sawyer Biscuit Co., crackers14.30 W. W. Llchty, veterinarian serv. 12.00 Marshall Hardware Co., supplies 3)24 Dr. E. Thomas Brand, med. servn» 9.80 . Aurora Specialties Co., supplies.... 83T.30 .Tile Coe Converse Edwards Co., . shrubbery ..• 42.00 ; Montgotriery Ward Co., clothing . 22.39 Pelcher Bros., shoe and shoe •-i repairing- 1-6.70 jtAish Vermilya & Co., groceries. •arid meat - ; : '16.81 : Pfeiffer Pharmacy, drugs .,wayne qooney, clothing i Rosenthal Lumber & •. • "coal „..^.iii^-21.5T Thorne & Son. clothing 19.35 Illinois Bell Tel. C«o• t pliondii•••hi•• v 7.80 B. C. Hughes, seed oats .^^^'47.50 Win. Mueller, seed oatfe .25.00 f\ R. Goodall, gas and oil 48.59 ••ft. O. Andrew*Co., ice and. grinding 11.60 • Elgin Cigar & Tobacco Co., tob,.... 42.12 Western Candy Co., tobacco ....i... 23.60 J; W. Gilberts, window shades ..... 27.10 A P.. groceries 44.20 The Fair, clothing- and supplies ... 87.98 The Rhurtleft Co., coal, gas, seeds ; ^ and feed . ^^....^..:.„..l86-4!i J. P. Crain; rent of land .._TT;.. ........Moo.oo Gardner Knapp and wife, salary. 166.87 Gardner Knapp, hired man ;.„... 55.00 Gardner Knapp, help In. house ...125.00 Gardner Knapp, nurse 55.On Total 615.62 Produce Bold---- Hogs * |159.oT Milk ....- 154.48 Butter 4.06 II7.59 '.•Vm: coat |i,298.03 Total inmate days for April 1,672 Dieting cost per inmate day ...$0.21 Dieting cost includes clothing, tobacco. medicine, medical att. and all food . ptichased. • ' ' Parm Statement ^ Produce sold--* Milk flfiH Hog« 159.07 .Butter • 4.08 $317.(9 Produce used by Institution-- 1,500 lbs. milk .....................„$7I.«0- itt do*. Eggs 19.80 29.90 . Cash paid out for farm-- salary of hired man $55.00 Hartland Garage ... 17.20 w. W. Llchty, veterinarian .... 12.00 R. C. Hughes, seed oats 47.60*---- Sfm. Mueller, seed oats 25.00 R. O. Andrew Co., grinding .... 8.00 iBfturtleff Co., feed and grain •eed „ ...118.60 jT. F. Craln, rent of land 100.00 ;'• - . • 883.30 Total profit .............i . -. 159.59 L 'k-tj," -it " ' "ay 6 w'ttl Honorable Board ©^Supervisors: pentlemen: i 1 herewith submit to you for your approval my activities as County Phyilcian for the month of April, 1934. 12 visits to the County Farm. $ visits to the County Jail. Kumber of treatments administered at ' County Farm--180. One examination for case of insanity. |Pwo examinations for benefit of blind, dumber of treatments administered at County Jail--9 . gxtraction of 31 teeth. n'e flouroscope examination. One X-Ray examination. ': V-'-J; j At this time I have under hospitali- :atien ooe man suffering from chronic nfected Arthritis, another man sufferng from Carcinoma of bladder, chronic nsterstltail nephritis and senility. A hird man suffering from a paresis, Cartinoma of the stomach and chronic inerstitial nepritis. One death, Mr. James McNett, from Ja-ry, 111., age 79 years, from Carcinoma »f tlje Pancreas and many other com- >llcatloBa. You will And enclosed my bill for the iftove services from April 1 to April 30 nclusive $9.80. Very respectfully submitted, DR. BRAND. Mr. Chairman and members of the >oard of Supervisors of McIIenry Couny. your County Home Committee reipect/ ully submits the'Yolfowing report 'or the month of May, 1934, audited and iald June 6th, 1934. osepthal Lumber A Fuel Co., lumber and fuel .;:v±: ...™.....„$57.90 Thomas Brand, med. attend. 6.2b iss. Lind, extra nurse 5.40 ayne Cooney, groceries ... 25.13 . H. Goodall Oil Co., gas and Oil 42.70 Ohn Sexton & Co., groceries ........139.06 artland Garage, repairs 22.59 Igin Clear & Tobacco Co., tobacco 32.."o 6reys Bakery, broad . -45.74 Will Ross Inc., hospital supplies 16.72 Public Service Co., light & poWer 49.58 R. O. Andrews Co., grinding & ice 13.55 The ShurtlefT Co., feed, coal And supplies 190.75 Illinois Bell Tel. Co., phon service 8.SO Fisher Nursery, spraying and plants 28.00 First National Bank, supplies • ••Kent & Hays sale '5.43 LUsh Vermifya & Co., groceries and meat 45.37 Pfeiffers Tharmacy, medicines 15.34 111. Agricultural Mutual Ins. Co. . truck Insurance 6.06 Lawrence Kiltz, I typewriter ...... 37.53 Marshall Hardware Co., supplies 14.00 Gardner Knapp, incidentals , 2.25 Gardner Knapp and wife, salary 166.67 Gardner Knapp, hired man 55.00 Gardner Knapp, help in house ....125.00 P#rdner Knapp, nurse 55.00 Total Cost .*1,277.06 luce sold, milk 1143.59 143.53 Net Cost ...$1,123.47 Total Inmate days for May 1,602 Dieting cost per inmate day .,$0.15 Dieting cost includes clothing, tobacco, medicine, metlical attn. and all food purchased. Farm Statement . / Produce sold-- tfUfc ^ ^ $143-59 $143.59 Institution--- <,<00 lbs. milk 74.0< 100 doz. eggs .-- 15.00 174 lbs. butter 45.24 * , - ' $134.31) . $277.89 Cash paid out for farm-- Salarv of hired man ...$55.00 Hartland Garage, repairs and shoeing 17.64, • Bhurtleff Co., feed and sup. .... $?.4< R. O. Andrew Co., grinding . --and feed 9.95. p. R. Goodall Co., gas and oil...,42.50 . • $221.55 dressed the Board and stnted that the t'ountv Farm was very much in need of ,a new cook stove and that the Committee had locked at several and had one in mind that they thought would fully 'meet all requirements and would like to have the approval of the full Board for the purchase of the same. It was thereupprj regularly moved by Supr. Brown and duly seconded by Supr. T»odd that) the matter of the purchase of a new stove'for the County Home be referred to' the County Farm Committee ] giving said Committee full power to act. And the roll being called said mo- •tion was declared unanimously carried. Supr. Stockwell addressed the Board' and stated that it -was quite a l.-tfof ! expense to the. County for the care of ] T. R. patients- >in Sanitariums and he i would move at this time that said matter fee referred to the'Committee on Me.- fHenry County Hrtinei for inveMi^atUin ;and report, iraitl motion was d»ly se»"- | onded "and declared unanimously carried. The (^onuiiittee on Eradication of \ Tuberculosis in ('attle made, the foll&w- |.ing Veport', Which TfVaS on motion duly nihde ai»ti carried:, adapted and ordered •> placed oiuflle, anci said, conirkot apftrov- | ed, torwlt: ] ' • •• ,, j >lay 4, 1S34'; a t of the- com.- ( mlttep on Tut'ertu'Iosis Eradication in i cattl^, called by^K^irifteai Sar- = j ri?on- met in- the office of the county I'. ' •:' The- office "madf , a -'report', oh-. April ! work shii'Wiijg" that there were 293 clean ! herds tested with '8496 head -«>f cattle,• i 20 infected herds with 008 head of cattle and 51 reactors, making a total for •the month of 313 herds, 9104 heajl of cattle, 51 reactors. - The main topic of the meeting \ipas:- To start some method of advertising in order .to resain the eastern markets once held by the state: inasmuch as the State of-Illinois w^ll soon be accredited and will liav^ the same status as that of neighboring states. ' it was decided that -inch a plan should include tne whole dairy section, and lie presented to the Cattle Dealers Association for suggestions and help; also to confer wit-h Dr. J. R. Brown, state supervisor of Tuberculosis Kradtcation work in this section. Meeting adjourned. Juhe 8, 1934, committee met at the court house, called by Chairman John.E. Harrison. • Report for the month of May showed; .271 cl^n herds .tested with 8046 head of caWle; 21 infected herds, with tit>8 head of cattle and 42 .reactors,- giving a total of 292 herds, 8744 head of cattle and 42 reactors for the month of May.. The matter of the eastern market was again brought up, and it was-decided by the committee to wait the return of Dr. Brown now on a trip in the Kast, and will get information as to the best methods of starting such a campaign. The contract of ^the County Veterinarian, hereto,,attached and made a part of this report, which expires July list,, was renewed and sighed by Committeemen John Harrison, L. A. Stockwell and D. M. .Wright. Meeting ad-* Journed. ' J. E. HARRISON L. A. STOCKWELL D. M. WRIGHT THIg MEMORANDA OF AGREEMENT, made and entered into the 8th day of June A. D. 1934, by and between J. E. Harrison. L. A. Stockwell and 1>. M. Wright for and on behalf of the Board of feunervisors, of the Countv of Mi-Henry and State of Illinois, which 's the party of the first part and Dr. Geo. . Hess, party of the second part. WITNESSETH:- That Whereas, the Board of Supervisors of the County.of McHenrv and State of Illinois, has heretofore appropriated a sum of money to be used in the suppression of tuberculosis among dairy cattle of the County of McHenry under the direction of tlie said Board of Supervisors, and WHEREAS, the said George W. .Hess is desirous <{f continuing in the service of the said McHenry County as .County Veterinarian to administer the tuberculin tests. This memoranda therefore witnesseth •that it is mutually agreed by and ibetvH'cn the parties hereto that the party of the first part agreed to employ the party of the second part for a term" of one year from and- after-.the first day of July A. D. 1934, under ihe following express terms and conditions, that is to say: The party of the second part ngrees to perform his services to "the satisfaction of the above mentioned committee representing the Board of Supervisor •of th? said McHenry County for the salary of Sixteen hundred eighty dollars ($1680) per annum, he to be governed by the direction of the Committee representing the" Board of Supervisor!? as to the manner in which tuberr -culin tests are to be mnde, he will keep or cause to keep an accurate accountwith a card system of all cattle tented by himself and by his assistants and to see that a proper annual report be furnished to the party of the first part. The party* of the first part will issue to the party of the second part an order for a one-twelfth of the salary above mentioned in consideration for such services at the end of each month. The party of the second part shall keep ah accurate record of all reactors. The party of the second part is. to have charge of the buying of necessary ear tags for branding of cattle and also other necessary supplies to carry on the said tests, party of the first part to pay for same. The party of the first part reserves the right to supervise and direct the services of the,party of the second part so long -as this contract is in force and effect and in case the services of the party of the second part'are not satisfactory to the parties of the first part, and upon a report of such dissatisfaction to the Board of Supervisors,in session either at a regular or 'special meeting of said Board/arid if said report of dissatisfaction is approved, this contract shall be terminated and the services paid for proportionately up to the termination of said contract, it beting understood that in case such report is made, party of the second part shall have the right .and opportunity to appear before the Board of Super-t visors and make any explanation thathe may deem necessary, in case the; contingency herein mentioned--^jahall' occur. b It is further understood that the party of the second part shall furnish his own means of transportation and the upkeep of any automobile that he may use or pay for any other expense of going to and from his employment. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the parties hereto have hereunto signed their names the day and veur first written abova. J. E. HARRISON D. M. WRIGHT L. A. STOCKWELL GEO. W. HESS . ' • Hartland--Polling pl^ce. Shurt't ff"s Illinois Fmereeticy Relief Commission Store; Judges, E. C. Hughes, Dan DcS- addressed the Board and outlined the mond and Charles Murray. State Plnn in fighting the chinch Bqg Seneca---Polling place. Town Hall; ort Illinois' Farms. It was thereupon tJudg^s, E. F. Kuecker. Dan Kanaley and , regularly moved by/Supr. Hnrrison and R. M. Bean. - dulv seconded by Supr. Dodd tfiat^ the ~ -••" Polling place. Village Hall; . tn 1.^ WW&m u PAuB XRRSE .Tudpres of Election ns selected by the Democratic. Central Committee. A gen Board of Sa-pervisnrs Board meeting and inspected ft model D , , Your Committee on County Poor Baker Manev self loading scraper reeral discussion was then had by State's Claims would beg leave to report that ceived on trial and accepted same and Attorney I.umlev, Dennis Kellej . Walter 1 they have examined all claims present- audited and paid for sAme on behalf of Coral Judges, Charles H. Ackman, j. T. Sriil and H. J. Miller. G-rafton--Polling place, Village, Hall; Judges, Joseph Henimer, Anton Peterson and Harry Weltzien. Dorr 1--Pi>;iing p'nee. Room under County Clerk's office in Court House; Judges. V. E. Brown, John, H'igginsj and John Hayes. • ' Dorr 2--Polling place. Police Masrische. r appoint a committee of five to have complete control of Chinch i^>ug suppression in McHenry County giving said Committee full power to "act and' that an amount not to exceed $10oO,00 be appropriated for sa\d prrpose. Supr. O'Brien addressed the Board and stated that he felt that the $10oo.oo would not. he enough "to tak"e care of this emergency and that he would i ecommend an amount not to exceed $50"0.o0 to include trate's Office in Oi-y Hall, .in igoK. Ed. any and dll ejnergencies. outside of Gerrj*, Lester Grifli ig and Han v :Ho>bs. Don; 3--Polling' •place;-? ft.Sdm under Circuit Clerk's Otftctj iii Court House: Judges. W. Fish, A. Schroeder'.and I'aul Mr.Nett. ' - L'i' • Dorr 4--PoU^hg, place, A|)Ijott?s Shop at Rldgefteld; Judges, . Chas, Splinter." Ernest KTnilatls and .Walter Reed. ." Greenwood--Polling "plate, Town Hall; Judkes. j. E. Ha>rrist>n, Jo.hri Pulver and - G.' Burke. ' flebron--^Polling -pl-t^e,- ^'Te^n 'Hall:, J-Udges, H.'IM. Turner.: SVeart and Johii- P. ;0'-KoT.lenfr-'-'.l'JCof»fr»it- ; Rilchmond-^PolL'r,«r' pla»'»• {/-affmortal" Hall 1 Judges; .T. G.-^^teV^ns,'; Johp JC^)iil" : >•'» n I-anU HiWn H -w lNn *' .1 , . . " Burton-f-Polling pSa'cel. V^owp, : TJ?!!; fighting the Chinelv Bup Supr, " Ack; man. then offered: nhe "following oinitMnient to the motion:-'TlVa;t the amount of -not to exceed . $2o00.iii) be appro-1- j»Hated out. of County Funds that are rn>t otherwise -appropriated and to- include other emeigencies. Said amendment to the motion was duly seconded by Supr.. Wright end declared unahimousl>> carried. The., cfiafrtfian .• theft Called for a roil call on the motion as a'merded, which was' declared linanimonsly carried. The Ghaitrmah ihen'ap^ •nolnfr'd to act^ as such .Committee Suprs. J. E. Harrison. Chas.. H. Ai-Htnaii,-^ Joseph Hfmmer, 6, -AV- Dodd Charles M: Paltner. ... . .... .riaii, ?S>uupprr.. W» ri rigaohvte tt• mMoOv. eds^o aandjjonuurrnn,,' tno , Judges,, Frank Mar; -Joe Lay '^nd Anton i'i :5f(V o'clock . P.. M.. Paid motion, to *<»• r ' Meyer. (Spring Grovf>. • McHenry i«-PolHn'g Hall at Ringwood: Judges, Clayton Harrison, George J. Young .and" Wm. j. Meyers (McHenry RFD>. , \|cHenry 2--Polling place. Town Hall; Judges, Fred Nichols, Earl Walsh and John Fay. . McHenry 3---Polling place, Colby pidg. ir. Mi Henry; Judges, S. H. Freund, M. A. Conway and. George P. Stcllen. Nunda 1--Polling place. Anderson's Garage. Barreville; Judges, T. W. Ames, Wm. Hansen and Paul Rohman d .by Suj:e. carried. Joum was duly secon KUecker and unanimously 1:30 O'CZiOCK P. X. Board met pursuant to adjournment. Present same -meml-ers including Supr. E. C. Hughes of Hartland Township, constituting a. full Board. Supr. Ackman addressed the Board •and stated that there was a movement on foot among the business and professional men of McHenry County to organize and make ever? effort possible to secure a greater price for farm Bldg. in Crystal Lake; Judges, A.' H. Hale, Paul J. Doherty and Kenneth Sprouse. Algonquin 1--Polling place, Algonquin Village Hall; Judges, G. A Dodd, John Dvorak Jr., and A. H. Duensing.- ; Algonquin 2--Polling place, Crystal Lake Council Rooms; Judges, Wm. Fitzgerald, Wm. Malonc and Frank C. Bob!.- Algonquin 3--^Polling place, Cary Village Hall; Judges, Paul Wium, *N. B. Kerns and Eldon B. Weavsr. Algq^iquin 4;--Polling" plare. Fox Riyer Grove Villag:e Hall; Judges, Frank Opa.trny,- Charles Welisek and George Masek. Algonquin 5--Polling" plice. Boiler Room Dist." No. 47: Judges, P. F, evening for that purpose, gupr. Stock well also addressed the Board on said subject and moved that the. Board, of Supervisors of ^TcHenry County go on record favoring this movement and to assist in"any way possible the business men's organization in securing a better milk price for the'farmer and a better price, for products and that the P.iim lutions Committee of the Boa I'd of Supervisors be authorized to prepare Resolutions to be siimitted to tl*e Department of Agriculture at Washington. D. C., if they deem It "to be advisable. Said motion was duly secondtni by Asst. Supr. Rosenthal. Supr. O'Brien offered the following amendment to the motion--and that a copy of said Reso- Kelley and the members of the Board of SupeVvlsors in regard to s-v'rt matter. Tt was thereupon regularly qnoved bv Supr. Ackman and duly seconded by Strpr. Turner that the Judges of Election selected by the two political parties represented (Sn the Board of Supervisors at the Regular June Meeting. 1934, stand as appointed. And the roll beinK called Suprs. Stockwell. Wright, Palmer, Hughes, Kuecker, Ackman, Brown, Turner. Stevens, May, Freund. Hale* and Dqdd voted, aye. Supr. Hemmer 'voted nav.- Asst. .^upr. Rosenthal- not yot'uig, motion declared carried. The following report of the County Treasurer for;, the month of June .1954, w;is presented and ' reiYd and on. motion of Supr. Hemmer duly seconded by Supr. Turner was approved ajid. Ordered placed on file, to-wit- ' . , > County Tresstirsr'ti Jksport,- J«zi«i< 1,:, Balance May "3l ,•' 1.9^4, :...i..$7.4s094.61/ Pald^'tttr.'.-la... •; of iu-ne Jl^l £4.57 V.;'. --V. •- :;.-j •:'.•; -:^«069.S4- Amo-ant* rec»tv«a for month of Jun* Assessors,, 19S4 dog tax .....„."..1.".$3S6.00 Supervisors, County 'Home .......... 3P5 SI, ,1' trsonal Property imek^'taxes- 53.9ij- Co. Treasurer's fees',on fame 11.48 State Bank of J'nion, ins. cancelled 33.40 State of IlliiiSis. gas used in , , County Trucks .." 94.29 111. Bell Tel. Co., comm. on booth .4-7 H. 1$ Peteit, CO. Coll., pt. 193# County tax 10,000.00 R. D. Woods, Co. CHc., liquor. . licenses .....i,.., .....2,112.50 R. D. Woods, Co. Clk., fees. 1.^, Crabtree ......A......,...124.00 Will T. Conn, 'Cir. Clk., pt. f month rej>ort .......ft..1.813.16 V. S. Lumley, State's, Attorney fees and fines u..,.....,.,;............48G.OO State of Illinois, reimbursement Mothers Pensions .„...402.24 Ethel C. Coe, Institute Fund 359.00 paid ed to, them, and, recommend the pay- McHenrv Countv. Illinois in the sum ment of the following, and that the of * in full. Clerk be directed to issue orders on the That we again met on the sixth day County Treasurer to the Claimants for of .Tulv and audited and paid bills the several aniounU allowed, as-follows, chRrgeable to the McHenry County to-wit'." , . j Patrol System of Roads as a whole in- Nunda-- ,,a j eluding supplies and repairs for Coun- Ottawa Sanatorium, care Blmsr I ty* machinery, insurance and labor at Nelson ... ..W1.S5 the County tool house to a total Dorr-- -i. , , • ' sum of $558.tS Ottawa Sanatorium, care Lorwiine j Bills -chargeable to the various secand Carol Tanke ..4?0.00 tions of the County patrol system of Riley-- j . . ; roads for labor and materials at r&tes Ottawa Sanatorium,, c*re: Fred •„;•;•:• -heretofore, approved by this Board were Ward'- audited and .paid as follows: Hartland-- { ' Section 1 .......$> 4J.45 SJace; Tuberculofeis Snnatrtrium. v- ' \. : i Section 2- ..•j-v.f .:•• •; :•. ;»o.go care Hattie C. Butt's ." , . " iArvSO ' -Section - -S\:'.4ttnu'i Me(sa\iley, rent, Thomas 20 00 ^<(tion 4 \ , 'S, . ,, . *29 30 All of which is respectfully-submitted^ Sections as. H. Ack*-|I0«|.. ". .D., M. WRTRHf©-.^^ *"/ Section 8' »3.59 • V: E Rimwx ^cti^ , FRANK MAT r , t, ; Section Tl*v L '«7.50 ' . --I SeWah 14 ...v 0»- The Committee pit Licenses made " following report, ,w-hichv on- motl Si:pr. Prown and duly seconded by _ "Wright wa s, declared undnUjnously ' Section 1-85,84 adopted, to-rWit^ f .170.0» '":S r 5 de the Section IS ' s i"!0:»7 ion or Section 14 , i4, 7» Og ,- Supr.- SeAiBn..T:ft^*w^S.i^^.:^wU^'l'^r4'.«7, rMAn al «? • O ^t * L. *4 ». bi. • . v - <. - . ". v ' m.i •c".' • ' $16,221.30 Miahffll ii -land July 1, 1*84 •.$89,191.24 A H. F. PKTKIT, Co. Treas. The Clerk presented lists of claims against' the County together with a resolution received from the County Clerk of Rock Island County, Illinois, an<1 upiin motion of Supr. Kuecker and | duly seconded by Supr. Wright, said , Claims and Resolutions were referred , to the proper committee# . for report and the Board adjourned to 1:30 o'clock J P. M. for Committee work. Mr. Chairman and Gentlemen of .- the ><it*l-'?.^b££:LnL.;^ifZC;iu-.~.-.,..$*<lii$.»4- Board of Supervisors: - ' We alsn audited and ordered paid out Your License Committee to • whom , of the motor fuel tax funds labor on was referred Bottled Beer, Alcoholic , State Aid Route 2<i Section 5 M. F T. Liquor and Dance Hall Licenses would maintenance '•• . $8.50 beg leave to submit the following re- The Rldgefteld Road known as Secport on the matters before them: I tion "4 M. F. T. Is now satisfactorily No Bottled Beer Licenses have been I completed, but in order to complete the issued since June 11. 1P34, the date of (reports on same $135.27 tied up in the the last report of this Committee. I American National Bank will need to Alcoholic LJquor Licenses have been be replaced. We therefore recommend granted to the following applicants that a resolution to replace said money f under and by virtue of an Act relating be passed. to Alcoholic Liquor and subject to the I The road that leads past Grafton rules of the County Board of Super- Park Into the Village Of Lakewood has visors of McHenry County, since June been patched at a cost to'the County as- 11, 1934, to-wit: i follows: ,. No. 75, Peter. Port en. Crystal Lake. ! I bbt. asphalt -•" -..'•• • .•,'•••'..• fi 1.3a No. 78, Wm. and Clara Steffens. Cary. •. S ti»en-*l-day -'.v-.y^ tt.4t- No. 77_, Foley and Foley, Richmond. ,2.66 c'u. yds. gravel 1.T7 No. 78. Wm. F. Hanson, Crystal * * " RFD No. 1. / No, 79, A. H. Winkel, McHenry. 1:30 O'CLOCK T. V. in 1-M.-1L. 1., I-, r, , , .. . . ... . •.•in,- Board met pursuant to adjournment. Rosenthal, P. E. Bertram and Francis ."i1™.." .Jl }.°L„ I" I^ ^ : Present Same members includine Supr. Scheper's, All of which is respectfully submitted. FRANK MAY. Chairman. „J. E. HARRISON Q. A. DODD " - JQHN T. O'BRIEN •--••; •"• H. M. TURNER .'•';;•' The-report of the Grand Jurjr JSlr ttn May Term of the Circuit Court was presented and read and on motion duly made and carried was ordered placed on file. Supr. Stockwell addressed the Board and stated that there had be„en quite a bit of comment directed aiainst tho Association, the large milk dealers in the Chicago Milk Shed, Chicago Board of Health and the City Counril of the City of Chicago. Said amendment to the motion was duly seconded by Supr. Palmer and declared carried, and the motion was then declared unanimously carried. Mr, Baldwin stated to the Board that it would be necessary for the County to assume all responsibility for trespass and property damage on County Drought Relief Projects. A general discussion was then had on said subject and it was th reupnn regularly moved by Supr. Kuecker and duly seconded by Supr. Sheriff of McHenry 'County :"'"i allowing Freund that the County assume all rethe Illinois Emergency Rillef Office I sponsil ility for trespass and property anjl the Re-employment office to have ' damage for I. E. R. C. workers on rooms in the Court House, and that he did not believe that any such cr:ttcism was just for the reason that the Board of Supervisors sanctioned the proposition from its Inception and that he would move at this time that the National Re-employment office be'moved to the rest room in the Court He jse . to drought relief projects approved by the County, subject to the opinion of the State's Attorney. Said motion was declared unanimously carried. Mr. Baldwin reouested that the County work'out some plan to distribute ' the seeds nllotrd tri the farmers of McHenry County, who have made appli 1 John .T. O'Brien of Chemung Township. | Thfr Committee on Cla-ims, Labor, Fees and supplies, made the following report which on motion "of Supr. Hemmer and duly seconded by Supr. Wright and the roll being called, was unanimously adopted to-wit: Mr. Chairman and Gentlemen of the Board of Supervisors: Your Committee on T^abor Fees and Supplies Claims would beg leave'to report that they hnw examined all claims presented to them, and recommend the payment of the following, and that the Clerk be directed to Issue orders on the County Treasurer to the claimants for the several amounts allowed, as follows, t to-wlt: ' P. F. Pettlbone A Co.. Co. Clk, Prtg. and Sup $$8.74 P. F. Pettiborft Co., Shf. Off. sup. $9.92 make room for the Board of RevieMr I cation for the same and he wondered If and that the Illinois Emergency Relief office Temain in their present location for the time being. Said motion was duly seconded- by Supr.. Stevens and declared unanimously carried. The Clerk present* d and read a communication the Village of Lakewood asking the County to make ec'rtain re- It would be possible to g<;t the Highway trwki-tfl do this work. Supr. Kuecker, Chairman of the Poad atld Bridge ; mittee stated that he was advised by 1 the.Coiirty Supt. off Highways that the co'int\- • trucks could not be used far jnnvthi'ie outside of road work. After some discussion it was thereupon regupalrs on a road' between Crystal Lake larly inovc<t .by Supr. Kuecker and duly atid Grafton Park. It was thereupon seconded by Supr. Freund that the regularly moved by Asst. 'Supr. Rcs.-n-j farmers be notified when thjeir seed is thai and duly seconded by- Supr. Hem- read" for 'distribution by tiie several mer that the County make «aid repairs Supervisors, and that the County stand provided the cost does not exceed $30.00. any demurrage that might be due by And the roll being called ?aio notion the failure of the cars being unloaded in total Profit $56.34 June 1st, 1934 |P$ the Chairman of the Committee Kild to the Board of Supervisors I I herewith submit my report as County Physician for the m'bnth of May for four consideration' and approval. (Cumber of calls to Poor Farm 82 Number of treatments to inmates 176 Number of extractions of. teeth' $.7 One baby delivery. . . . • Number of calls to the county- j»il -4 Une operation for cancer- ... Medicine and supplies furnished 6.25 Three days for nurse 5.40 Total bill ------ 11.65 k\ this report. Respectfully' submitted, DR. BRAND. was declared unanimously carricd Supr. Kuecker addressed the Board and stated that the Rounty c-n Crows and Crows' Eggs In McHenry County was discontinued July 1, 19S1 and since that time he and other Supervisors have received, many complaints that Crows are fast becoming uncontrollable and that he would at this time offer the If olio win g Reaol u Uoq and mo ve. tion, to-wit: BE IT RESOLVED, That the Board of Supervisors of Mi Henry County,' Illinois de hereby authorize and direct the payment "of a Bounty on CrtiviFST Heads and Crows' Eggs: for the year ending June 1, 1935 in the same amount, manner-and form as provided in the Acts of the General Assembly of the It was thereupon regularly moved by Bupr. Ackman and duly seconded by. Bupr. Stevens that the reports of the 5ounty Home b^ approved. Motion declared unanimously carried. Bupr. Wright, Chairman of the Committee on McHenry County Home ad- - The Committee on Elections made the ^following report which on motion of Asst. Supr. Rosenthal and duly seconded by Supr. Ackman was declared unanimously adopted, to-wit: Mr. Chairman and Gentlemen of the - Board nf Supervisors: -----w---- Your Committee on Elections would beg leave to submit the following list 'if Judges of Election as selected by the two Political parties represented on the Board together with the polling places of each district, " to-wit: • Riley--Polling, place. Town Hall; Judges, L A. Stockwell, Clio Anthony and George Anderson. Marengo 1--Polling place. City Hall: Judges, John Kitchen, Eliery Renwick and E. C. Robb. Marengo 2--Polling place, Kelley Garage: Judges. D. M. Wright, Harley De its ajnd 3. J. McKeown. Dunham--Polling place. School House, Dist. 128; .Judges, C. M. Palmer, Louis Peterson ari3 Ray Rrickley. Chemung 1--Polling place, Marshall i Implement Company; Judges, C. J. Vierck, J. J. Shields and* Edith Olbrich. Chemung 2--Polling place, Sweeney Building; Judges. J. T. O'Brien, F. E. Beck and Elmer Hammond. Chemung 3 -- Polling, irtstce. Conn Building at Chemung; Judges, E. J. Burr, C. G. "Russell (Harvard RFD) arid L. A. Douglass. Alden--Polling place, Town Hall;. Judges, N. B. Clawson, Garrett Fitsg? rald and F. C- Bottlemy. the a 1! >'tcd time. And on roll call said motion was declared . unanimously carried. M»v Pr>dwin stated further that there would be about 700i men available fo'r i'">inty Relief Projects between now and the end of the year, and he hoped that the committee could have the cont'mje. u cooperation of the Supervisors in --Projects,^----~i- i Gretta Marsh, County Administrator of Relief of the Illinois Emergency Relief Commission presented a list to each Supervisor of the farmers in their respective Townships who ..had, made application for Soy Beans and stated that about 45 per cent of their allotment would be available in the near future. Supr. O'Brien then cautioned each Supervisor to be sure and inform the individual farmers t&at it would be necesnry for them .to bring sacks for the P. F. Pettlbone A- Co., cir. clk. Frank Thornber & Co., County Clerk tax bills '. 5£lon Office Supply, Co. Treas. o. sup. Woodstock Dally Sentinel, Bd. of Review Wood stock Daily Sentinel. Co. Surveyor ..... Woodstock Daily Sentinel, Supr. prtg Woodstock Daily Sentinel, Co. Clk. prtg. and sup Woodstock Journal, Co. Treas. Assmt. fund i Amer. Prtg. Co., (Jlr. Clk. American Prtg. Co., Co. Treas. Off. Sup ....... American Prtg. Co., Sup. Scha. off. exp. ; Callaghan & Co., Judcy. library fund : --• 111. Bell Tel. Co., serv. & tolls Co. off. 111. Bell. Tel. Co., tolls shf, The applications of Arthur Seeman and O. C. Sofky for Dance Hall,,License, have been cancelled. Dance Hall Licenses have been Issued to the following named applicants since June 11, 1934. to-wlt: Fred Weltzien, Crystal Lake, expira-' tion date July 25, 1934v Alg mqui.n • ilills Impr. Assn., Algonquin, expiration date June 25, 1935. George M. Boal, Woodstock, RFD, expiration date June 27, 1935. Amount turned over to County Treas-. urer June 13, "34 ...$2,112.50, Balance to be turned over to County Treasurer upon approval of this report ...#•. $300.00 -* All of which is respectfully submitted. L. A. STOCKWELL, Chairman. J.' O.. STEVENS 8: H. FREUND _ : „ •' FRANK MAY' :' r; - . St C. HUGHES The following report on McHenry County Home was presented and read to the Board and upon motion duly made and carried was approved and ordered placed on file, tb-wlt: Mr. Chairman and members of the Board of Supervisors of McHeniry (County, your County Farm Committee ' respectfully submits the following report j stone* for ' concrete" 1S4" cu. 'Vds. " $1.96 for the month of June 1984, audited and on j0jj_ Exclusive (it charge for County owned trucks $25.1 • Complaint was received concerning a road at Savers Corner, near Pistakee Bay. Tbe property owners had oiled same and it is now full of holes. The committee decided to inspect same.. Thereupon the'committee inspected said road and ordered the hales patched with asphalt. The Greenwood Ro^d known as M. F. T. No. 7 has been approved by the State and the grading work has started. Your committee again met oh the 7t.h day of,July at Woodstock. Illinois to receiye bids for the materials for the Greenwood Road M. F. T. No. 7. The bids were publicly read and tabulated and the committee adjourned until S o'clock A. M, July 10, 1934. Your committee again met at 8:00 o'clock A. M. on the <1 Oth day of July 1934, at Woodstock, Illinois, and found the lowest bids for material on th* Greenwood Road known as Section 7 M. F. T. to be as follows: Klauer Mfg. Co., Dubuque, la.. IT* lineal ft, 18 in. Cor. I. Pike $1.04 p*r ft. on job. Olney J. Dean Co., Cicero, 111., 14,f60 lbs. reinforcing rods 0 $2.7434 per cwt. on Job; 600 lbs. wire mesh 2.12 p#r 100 sq. ft. H of 1 percent discount cash 10 days on job. Consumers Co., Chicago.Ill., sand for concrete 75 cu. yds. © $1.80. on Job; r>nld July 6th. 1934 E. Thomas Brand M. O. medical 5.80 supplies ...f 8.25 Home oil co,, gas and oil 27.69 ... . 7.10 Sawyer Biscuit Co.. crackers .: 11.60 Elgin Cigar A Tobacfco Co., tob. .... 10.69 til's Lush Vermilya A Co., meat and . . groceries 68.42 . 18.15 The male, - clothing v 83 Wayne Coone'v, clothing 11S.70 ItJO Mrs. D. M. Wright, eggs 17.58 111. Bell Tel- Co.. phone service .... 8.50 , 4.80 Public Serv. Co.. power and light 81.50 Marshall Implement Co., repairs....- 8.62 88.SO j Western Candy Co., tobacco 16.53 Woodstock Produce Co., eggs .... 5.10 44.70 Brevs Bakery, bread ,45.56 22.95 E. F. Radius, sup. and labor 41.25 Hartland Garage; repairs and sup. 18.21 13.26 J. F. Peterson, tobacco". :.. Si.22 ^.The Shurtjeff Co., fuel, feed and ^L*9 j supplies 1 ......191.61 ! Pfelffer Pharmacy, drugs 10.43 16.00 The M. Werk Co.. soap , 83.62 ..R^p. Andrews" ice and grinding ... „> 41.85 rT;PlKltke Radio Service, repairs .... 2.50 ....... 80.72 I The Bohn Hardware Co., supplies 12.OH year 1907 for the payment of such bounties and as Subsequently Ahiended. BE IT Fl'RTHER RESOLVEO. That $500.00 be appropriated for .'-aid purpose j reason that Jthey were not sure as to from the Contingent Fund'to^ the. Bounty the'manner in which the beans would Fund, ' I be shipped. Mrs. Marsh then requested Said motion was duly seconded by leach Supervisor to check over the Supr. Hale and the roll being ca'led said . amounts requested by the different Resolution was unanimously adopted. j farmers in their Township pnd If In Several communications from the their judgment they felt that some of State of Illinois, Department of Public the farn ois were asking for more than Works and Buildings were presented"they oould actually use to put down to the Board and ordered placed on file- the amount they thought necessary and There being no further busine.^s to ! turn in the list this evening. Several come before this meeting it was there-1 questions pertaining to Relief matters upon regularly moved by Supr. Ack^rian in McHenry County were then answerand duly seconded by Supr. Hemmer to ed I y Mr. Baldwin and Mrs. Marsh. Pyramid Paper Corp., Sup. Schs. , ' Sprague, Warner & Co., groceries 152.66 "off. exp. .:.... 81.99 ' G. A. Knapp, Incidentals 6.78 Ethel C, Coe, Sup. Schs. off. exp 18.88 G. A. Knapp and wife, salary 16.6.67 Conway Bros., Ct. Use. sup .. .50 Con.way Bros., shf. feedg. pHs. 60 r Conwaj--Bros., shf. off. sUp. 6.40 O. A. Knapp. nu# Richmond Gazette, Co. Clk. prtg. and sup 6.75 Total Cbst .... Richmond Gazette, Co. Clk. Produce Soldtax blanks .. 4.6o Chickens E. F. Baccus, Ct. Hse. sup 9.90 Milk l.ii,..-., Ludwlg Wilson, Ct. Hse. sup ,10.50 Junk i.,.,::..: Schmidt & Pecking, shf. feed prls. 51.9a 1 Calf Western I'nited Gas A Elec. Co. shf. feeding prls 8.69 Woodstock Dairy, shf. feed. fPls. 14.6# Loren Edinger. shf. dpty. 20.06 Wm. Cairns, shf. dpty. 8.00 Wm. Cairns, shf. dpty. bailiff 40.00 Richard Farrell, shf. dpty. 20.00 Clyde Miijer, shf. bailiff G. A. Knapp, hired man 55.00 <3. A. Knapp, help in house ... 185-00 55.00 „;...™„U.;„..$1,261.51 ...U.............826.62 Mi* *..157.12 . . . f r . . 1 . 0 0 4.00 adjourn. Motion carried. Thereupon the-Board adjourned. . N. B. CLAWSON, Chairman. Attest: R. D. WOODS, Ork. V Special June Meeting, •• 1934 The Honorable Board of Supervisors ^of McHenrj- County, Illinois, met in Special Session pursuant to s call signed by more than one-third of it^ members at the Court House in the City of .Woodstock, on Friday the 22nd day of June. A. D. 1934, at ten o'clock A. M, .' The meeting ,wns called to order by N. B. Clawson, Chairman and the roll being called the following members responded to their names, to-wit: L. A. Stockwell, D. M. Wright. C. M Palmer, John T. O'Brien, N. B. Clawson. E. F. Kuecker, Chas. Ackman, Joseph Hemmer, V. E. Brown. John Harrison. H. M. Turner, J. G. Stevens, Frank May. S. H. Freund, A. H. Hale and G. A. Dodd and Asst. Supr. Raul £f. Rosenthal constituting a quorum. The minutes of the Regular June Meeting of June 11th. 1934 were presented and read to -the Board aitd u-pon motion duly made and carried were approved ..find ordered placed oh file. Supr. Hemmer offered the following Rebtflu-tlon and moved its adoption: ° Besolntloa. BE IT RESOLVED, by the Board of Supervisors of McHenry County in Special Meeting, assembled this 22nd day of June, A. D. 1934. THAT Fifteen Hundred Dollars (M5r-<i.OO) be transferred from the "Sheriff Feeding Prisoners Fund" to the "Sheriff Per Diem, Fees, Services Fund," and Fifteen Hundred Dollars ($r5i'0.00> from "Sheriff Feeding Prisoner Fun«r* to the "Dependent Children Fund." Said motion to adopt was duly seconded by Supr. Ackman and declared unanimouslv carried. The Chan-man then announced the purpose of this Special meeting as outlined, in the Call. Supr. Harrison addressed tbe Boa'-d and stated that the Chinch Bug m a great portion of the County was fss-t destroying crops and alio, stntr 1 Cint !v thought that sotre action' should ^ " taken by this Board .to curb s,\, A general discussion was then hal said subject. -Mr. Baldwin, Supr. of Work Relief in the' County, under the There being no further business to come before the meeting It was thereupon regularly moved by Supr. Dodd and duly seconded by Supr. Turner to adjourn. Motion carried. Thereupon the Board adjourned. 0 N. B. CLAWSON. Chairman. Attest: R. D. WOODS, Clerk. Special July Meeting, 1934° The Honorable Board of Supervisors of McHenry County. Illinois, met in Special Session pursuant to a call signed by more than one-third of its members at the Court House In the City of Woodstock, on Tuesday, the tenth day of July, A. D. 1934 at ten o'clock A. M. The meeting was called to order by the Chairijnan. N. B. Clawson. and the roll being called the following members responded to their names, to-wit: L. A. Stockwell, D.: M. Wripht, C. M. Palmer, N. B. Clawson, E. C. Hughes, E. F. Kuecker, Chas. Ackman. Joseph Hemmer, V. E. Brown. H. M. Turner, J. G. Stevens. Frank May, S. H. Freund, A. H. Hale, O A. Dodd and Asst. Supr. Paul Ros<^thal. constituting a quorum. The records of the Special Meeting of June 22, were read and on motion approved, and ordered placed on file. A representative of the State Department of Plant Industries addressed the Board and outlined a program under the noxious weed 'aw whereby County Boards could take charge and have the supervision of the et-adieation of Canada Thistles and other noxious weeds. A genera I "discussion was then, had on said subject .but no. action was taken by the Board. A communication from the Village of Laktw-ol situated in Grafton and Algonquin townships requesting that the Gratton Election precinct be divided into two di8tiicts was presented and read to the Board. Mr. Conrad Grundel, a resident of Grafton Township, then addressed the Board and stated the necessity of a new district. It was thereupon regularly moved by Supr. Freund and duly seconded by Suir. Palmer that the communication be referred to the Commltt *e cri EleetiQr.. M?t'on declared car- ^ W. Kelley. Chairjnau of-the JWocratk .Central Committee and ,,'alter Kelley, both of Crystal Lake, appeared before the Board and requested that the Board appoints Democratic $188.74 $1,072.77 Clyde Miher, shf. deputy, ...i....' Sidney Corson, shf. deputy ........ Sidney Corson, shf. bailiff Albin Kuppe. shf. deputy Walter Brooks, shf. deputy ......... Howard Freeman, shf. deputy ......... 80.00 Howard Freeman, shf. bailiff ........ 4.00 Buckley Tea Room, court Jurors 20.86 Eckert A Bending, shf. feed. prls. 68.15 Lester Edinger, shf. per diem, fees and serv. 241.81. Dacy Lumber Co., Ct. Hse. sup. .... .92 Conway Bros.. Sup. Schs. off. exp. 2.70 Lawjflprs Co. Op. Pub. Co., judcy. .. 7.60 .. 44.36 .102.60 - rarm Statsmaat Produce- Sold-- Milk :..$167.12 8.00 1 Chickens ........ 26.62 60.00 Junk ..:...1.00 24.00 1 Calf 4.00 / 16.00 1 • ; .,•;» 4.00-1 $188.74 4.00 i Produce used in institution--- H^ry Pint">l Koch, feed. prls. ..... Gaulke Bros., feed. pris. ........... Old People's Rest Home, care Etta HIbbard (T. P. Paup.) Chicago Ind. Home for Child., dependent children 1........ Hoeslev's Bakery, dependt. children ; - C. L. Tryon, Co. Hwy. maint. Chas. H. Ackman. for Claude •Bertram (spl. chinch bug appro.) Sanitary Plbv. A Htg. Co., C. H and Jail repairs Chas: II. Ackman. Claude Bertram, spl. chin,»h bug appro. ...> 17.40 Lester Edinger, shf. per diem, fees and serv. .........100.00 Marian Edinger, feeding prls 100.00 Philip E. Blerdeman, shf. deputy 100.00 Vestle Muldoon. Ct. Hse. jail sal. 108.00 A. A. Crissey,. pro. off. 75.00 Daisy V. Meosp, Sup. Sch.^A6st. and clk. hire 113.75 City of Woodstock, ^Ct. Hse. and Jail Igt. and water 58.55 J. O. Livrzey, S.vA. Rt. 20, Sec. 6 M. F. T. ' 6.50 National Reemployment Serv., spl. appropriation 19.06 4.500 lbs. Milk .......$76.00 37" do*. Eggs 5.55 160 ihfc Gutter' 4i 60 $122.71 $311.55 Cash paid out for faritt--» Salary of hired man ....:.™^,.,,J§6.00 Hartland Garage R, O. Andrews Co. .... Shurtleff Co, Stone, Bflck A Block Works, Chicago, 111. Concrete block for 12 catch basins 25c each: concrete slabs for bottoms $3.00 per catch basin; on job. Hail A Eckert. Woodstock. III., cement 270 bbls. on job $2.69, 10c bbl. discount 15 days. 110--3 in. x 10 In. 16 ft. ® 55 per ^f. 2«rr discount 10th of month following, on job., !U0 ft. pf 15 In. sewer pipe, on job JI0.6R8 per ft. lcss&tg, discount 15 days. .T3ft ft. of 12 in. sewer pipe, on Job $0,436 per ft. less 5% discount 15 days. Dacy Lumber Co., Woodstock, MI*. 924 Llneat ft. 16 in. cor. , I. Pipe # $0 90 on job 3% off for cash. 112 Lineal ft. 60 in. cor. I. Pipe 9 $6.#7 on job 3c* off for cash. 247--6 In. x 8 In. fi ft. 0 In. creosoted timber Q 872.00 per M. on Job.. All quantities approximate and subject to 25c^, variation. We therefore recommend that pur-, chases' from the above firms at said rates be approved for delivery when needed. Your committee estimates that there will be necessary for the care of the' McHenry County Patrol System • of Roads an appropriation from the County Highway tax fund levied in September 1933 in the sum of $30,9Su|fl untiTthe August meeting of this Board. All of which is respectfully submitted. E. F. Kl'ECKER H. M. TURNER J. E. HARRISON : CHAS. H. AI-KM A^ v 7* JOHN T. O'BRIEN" Richard C. Burton authorized Agent of the-Hartford Accident A Indemnity Company of Hartford, Conn., addressed the Board and stated that an additional premium of $92.29 was due the Company under a Policy issued by said Company xln favor of McHenry County. This was due, he stated, to a misunderstanding. The Policy in question covers all ,, of the employees in-McHenry County and it was understood that the Policy Just covered the employees working under the direction of'the Road and Bridge committee. It was thereupon regularly moved by Supr. O'Brien and duly seconded by Sup. Kuecker that the additional premium be allowed. And the roll lieing called said motion was declared unanimously carried. The following Resolution on replacement of funds in closed Hanks was presented and read to the Boaxd and upon ipoti'.n of Supr. Wright and duly seconded by Supr. May wa# Uecl»c»4;iiJ|i|np imously adopted, to-wit: --- . 2<i.00 $226.69 .818,50 Total Profit $ 84.S6 July 1, 1934. 47.68 ' To the ^Honorable Board Of Supervisors 288.08 j of McHenry County. ..Gentlemen: ~ -- -- -- j I betr to submit to you a report of myy for the use of McHenry^Countj\ IlUnols, . 60,08 activities for the month of June™1 is"' " County Physician. 1S.6S . Number of visits to the County Jail 6 Number of visits to the County-. . . Poor Farm ..; .. 82 mesointioa For the appropriation of JTbtor TlieT Tax Funds to replace Motor Fuel Tax Funds in closed banks for the Engineering Fund of Section 4, M. F. T.. road improvement. WHEREAS, there is now available One operation for, cancer of the mouth. Number of extractions of teeth 19 Number of X-rays 1 Number of home visits to Co. patients 5 One truss for double Inguinal hernia. Medicines and supplies $3.25 The above truss mentioned would have cost the County six dollars and seventy-five cents, hut was donated to me by Frank came to for one Poor Farm. under the Motor Fuel Tax Law of 192# the sum of $135.27 and. WHEREAS, it is permissabie ..Under said Motor Fuel Tax Law approved July 7, 1933. to replace Motor Fuel Ta* Funds which have been made inaccessible through the liquidation or conservation of the Bank in wlvefh such funds were deposited" by the County, and, WHEREAS, the County of McHenry. Illinois has deposited in the American v itional Bank of Woodstock, the sum of $135.27 of the Motor Fuel Tax Funds received from the State nf Illinois De- .itesafctfc , the Board of Supervisors of McHenry Countv, Illinois, that the above amount -of $136.27 of the Motor Fuel Tax La* r __ on to the Courity. L. A. Stockwell. spl com work -- £8.60 One death during the month, of Mr. D. M. Wriirht. spl com work 62.30 Nolan: age eighty ^eara ~Cauw i>f ;----• --, . „-w» Chas. M. Palmer, spl com work .... 76.40 death--cancer of the bladder and pros- Of funds be u>td to replace said John T. O'Brien, "spl com work .... 16.60 tate. ' fu"'^ DC,Qnr vtrn »h-»t E. C. Hughes, spl com work 4.50 I have also this month secured po- BE IT FLRTHFR REhOL\ fcU lliat E. F. Kuecker, spl com work 9.60 sltions for three of the women Inmates. R. D. oods. County Clerk, is het^oy Chas. H. Ackman, spl com work 79.20 which at three dollars per week salary, directed t0 certify t»o copies of this Joseph Hemmer, spl com work .... 74.00 | Including board, room and laundry, j Resolution to the Department; of^Public Volney E. Brown, spl com work 65.06 ' renders them self-supporting and ap- jW orks and Buildings, Divis-ion of Hlgh- J. E. Harrison, spl com work .... 95.45 t parently much better satisfied with life, ways, at Springfield. lUuuus. tor iui H. M. Turner, spl com work ........ 10.40 | Find attached my bill for three' dol-j approval and voucher. J. G. Stevens, spl com work 50.85 1 lars and twenty-five cents. Frank May,, spl com work - 11.60 1 Respectfully vottrs,^. Stephen H. Freund, spl com work 9.20 J DR. BRAND, Co. Physician. A. H. Hale, spl com work 23.90. -- - G. A. Dodd, spl com work 74.85 ] The Com-mtttee on Roads and Bridges P. F. Rosenthal, spl com work ... 84.90 J made the following report _ which on All of -'Which is respectfully submitted. I motion o f .Su pr. Ackman and duly E. C. HCGHES j onded by Supr. Brown and the roll be- A. H HALE ' ilng called was unanimously adopted, to- G. A. DODD • wit: L. A. STOCKWELL FRANK MAY Mr. Chairman and Gentlemen of t.h e The fomtr iitee on Claims. County Board of Su'pervlRi>rt^'"Mt'H^f1Rfy"C8\»n Poor made the following report which ty, Illinois: / on' motion of. Supr. Ackman and duly ' The unders'^t-icmbers of the Road seconded by Supr. Brown and the roll anc! Bride-e Commit'ee for said County. being called was unanimously adopted, woyld beg leave to submit the followto- wit; . . 1 injr-report on the matters before them, to coojierate. so the first load of twenty "•"' That we" met on the-IIth day of June barrets of creosote oil *as taken to Mr. Chairman and Gentlemen of the l934 after the close of the County Ackman farm and then durtriaute* •• The following Reix>rt on Chinch control was presented and r.ead to the Board and upon motion duly made «J*d car tied was ordered placed on file, towit: ° OUaek Su Costnl July 9. 1881. The activities on Chinch Bug Control we/e started June"33rd. 1934. A special committee was appointed by the Board of Supervisors, with John Harrison; Chairman. At that time an allocation of $8000<00 was made by the County to take care of Emergency- Drought Relief measures. 'it was dec';.1ed that it would be has*

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