Illinois News Index

McHenry Plaindealer (McHenry, IL), 25 Apr 1935, p. 13

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216 63s 7 Nov. 30,1934 4895 5246 Mar. 11108 June 2912 v.- V. IW WATOoF ftr'Hfiftff? C&TNTf, ttmOT^ rAii2 FfTJ .. 445.00 „.?825.V0 Month ^Jwt, '33 Oct. ........ NoV., ...... Dec. -- ; J^n.-'il.v '•Feb: Mar.' ,.,.-... -.' Apr. A -j 2630 *3,000 Infected Herds • Herd* Cattle Reactors .38 ,:...18 7 ... n 19 .3* :.. » May 21: ;;Juri* ir, jyiy s Aug. <„...:,. • e- $2630 1289 22 S- 7353,, 73006 601 ;'-V. ,V 12845, 80351 *: -tfOl W; v'I'otal, 2845 'Hetdtf; 80,362 Cattle; 501, •.^ Reactors, .' vv • ' •'.•• Annual report of Office. •Expense's' '>* .? jtrom Sept. 1, 1933 to Sept. 1, 193*. 7 " Sept. (1933) *36.96; Oct., $145.70; Nov., $3*4.20; Dee. $6.90; Jan.,-."(1934) $16.85; .Ffcb.,-$27.98: Mar., $6.50; Apr., $*21.90: 'May,. $11.4.8} June; $15.25;, iuliv $22,-44; Aug., $14.80, giving'a total of $360.96. .'.Salary for Dr. Hess for/12 months at $1 40.00 per month $1680.00" Salary for D., Desmond for , .12 months at 990.00 per month 1.080.00 $2,760.00 360.96 Total ;....,.....$3,120.96 The monthly report on County Home and Farm was presented and on motion duly made and carried, said report was approved and ordered placed on file, towit: Mr. Chairman and members nf the Board of Supervisors of McHenry County, your County Farm Committee respectfuil<y submits the following report for the month of August, 1934, audited . and paid Sept. 7th. 1934. Harry Day. cleaning sewer ..........$35.00 Dr. E. T. Brand, med. and sup. .... 1.90 Dr. R. D. Brown, spectacles , ; . . for inmates iiiLiu..^83.B0 ROckford Elecric Equipment Co., "'• 1% H. P. Motor 21.42 Pfeiffer Pharmacy, supples 7.78 H. A. Stone & Son, shoes „...^:.v.....v-14.40 Home Oil Co^. gas and distiltttte.„v -62.41 Lush .%• Vermilya, groceries 62.69 Wbodstock Dally Sen., stationery 27.25 Will Ross Inc., supplies 3.81 Geo. Moncur, seeds and plants .... 23.95 Sawyer Biscuit Co., cookies 11.18 Woodstock Produce Co., eggs .-..a;. Shell Petroleum Corp., rent oft V ' equipment Mrs." D. M. Wright, eggs" . Elgin Cigar & Tobacco Co.. tob, v.... 14.75 Public Service Co., light and power 38.7 4 J. F. Petterson, tobacco '. 44.50 Til. Bell Telephone Co., service .... : 9.70 DinsQ Bros., threshing .. 19.44 Sprague Warner & Co., groceries 1:11.41 Harland Garage, repairs ..16.62 The Fair, clothing and supplies.'... 66.47 E. F. Voss Dairy, butter '33.45 The Shurtleff Co., coal, feed & sup, 190.33 Swift & Co., meats . 60.59 Breys Bakery, bread ...8.80 R. O. Andrew, grinding & ice 16.00 G. A. Knapp, incidentals 1.75 O, A. Knapp and wife, salary .,166.67 Qi A. Knapp, hired man 55.00 Gv A. Knapp, help in house ..'.......,..125.00 G. A. Knapp, nurse ........ . ..j..iV.^...i"55.00 G. A. Knapp. extra nurse 6.49 Paul Knapp, dishes 1.. 5.00 Total receipts „ OilbUIMIlMti Order No.--- 1 Virginia Beekenbatigh, 155' _ Vesty Muldoon, 156 Marina Phillips, 157 Ruth A. Mead, 158 I Marina Philips, 159 Lois Waechter, 160 • Ruth A. Mead, 161 T.'.'.~.~..: Ruth A. Mead. 162 Marina Phillips, 163 Lois Waechter, 164 .... Irving Horn. 16a , •Marie . Kingsley,' 166 Ruth A. Mead. 167 Mrs. P. E. Saunders, 1'68 Krica Wiener, 169 M arina Phillips, 170*• Mrs. C. J. Coarson-, 141 ...iXi-.v-C; Ruth A. Mead, 172 George Freeman, Trustees,. 173. Ruth A. Mead, 174. .. Total Disbursements .»i;i'-..^.i.r.$475.60"| Balance. <tn hand, June 30, -.'1?3.4..;$350.20 .; Total . ..x.' $828.70 .."Respectfully submitted, ' •" • 'KTHRfv^c.'- '©©^' (JouMty Suplprlliteiident of Schools. ^ • K«port of Slrtrlbutly* Tun# Tear Sndlng June 30, 1934! To the Chairman of-the County Board' of Supervisors. McHertry' County; i'ii.. I., ETHKL. C. COK, County Superintendept of Schools of McHenry Coiirity-,"' respectfully present the following re- { port of all moiveys received and- distribution made of the DISTRIBt'TlVli 1 Fl'N'I) made by this office: Receipts Re'd from Edw. J. Barrettr-*- , State Auditor, Mar. 15, 1934 ...$3,366.99 State Auditor, Apr. 16, 193.4 3,366.99 ' State Auditor, lifay 18, 1934 :... 3,366.99 : State Auditor, June 16, 1934 .... 3,366.99 < ..410.00 25.00 15.00 ; 4b.00 UO.OO 20.00 10.00 45.00 25.00 10.00 10.00 15.00 10.00 4 . 90.00 10.00 .55.00 15.00 arid Section 1 /tyf( ^u, Section 2 'Section 3 Section 4 Sect ions 5 aryl 6 tectioriti 7 1 ,ak "fi!" * *"• ect ion 8 Section 9 . Section 11 Section 12 Section 13 Settion 14" Section 15 t **. av 437.34 sr.;-.* " &1C.82 1VS.80 TT.00 ?.2.5o «7.5o 46.00 88.00' 26.10 <2.50 S9.1T 314.60 63.42 if. K. ttock-ntiMt:^ 1.00 K. C. Hughes ...v..". .1 9.90 I H. M. Turner .31.10- A. H. Hale . .... ..... 15.80 J. G. Stevens -33.00 -L. A. a 1 ockw• 11- " •.->*--iJ'v1' ;":'; ;S4 -•> Chas. H. ACkhvaa .. 3H.40 D. M. Wright L. if '.K,.. F. Kuecker M. Palmer ift.SC •>'«•- ...:,.........fl3,467.96 7.50 3.00 29.46 Total Receipts .. Dlcbnrseinents Twp. Treas.-- Grant Anthopv, 43 R. 5E $414.0S L. W. Ackman, 44, 5 ..i..„.,..1,028.36 C. A. Phillips, 45, . 5 ; 5 6 2 . 0 ! ^ F. R. Phelps, 46, 5 ^^^^ux:.^l,373.3a' i H. J. Miller, 43, 6 587.5(1 I Nellie Silliman, 44, « ' 4 80.24 1 D. H. Desmond, 4S,/if• 379,60 I ' F. S. Smith. 46, 6 539.84 ; T. R. Ferris, 43, 7 712.72 . G. E. still, 44, 7 ;;.:...;:ii.^...i.:.::..!2,o:!8.68 , ' Nellie Baldwin. 45, 7 410,36 | J. W. Smith, 46, 7 694.84 , 1 L. E. Mentch. 43, 8 762.36 1 , Fay Sl<^Cenzie, 44, f .1,551.88 S. W. Brown, 45, 8 668.88 |F B. McConnell, 46,-1 :.. 537.J6 ' F. L. Waterman, 43, » 384.60 ' James F. Carr, 44. 9™±Ks:3±Srt^r;. 68.(ji0 I A. H. Franzen, 45, 9 103.52 Ben H. Watts, 46, 1.60.28. Total Disbursements ...$13,467,9(> | Respectfully submitted, ETHEL C. COE, County- Superintendent of Schoolsl- Sections 16, .18 .......'...I.. Section' 17 Ii....: Total 1. $3,756.71 We also audited and paid out of the Motor Fuel Tax ljuiads. Mils for labor and materials and engineertng cos.ts as follows.: ' ' " «•" f-tate -Aid Route--• v 2..' Sec'.:,7; M. F.T; w... ;i,a^;"C;..ll,467.96 13-13A, M. F, T •> . • 22 40 20.. M. F. T. 5 ' T.50 Thf contract for' Section 5-1 M. F T*, the asphalt road at Harvard. Illinois has be^n returned approved by the State Division, of Hiphwa'vs,' bjit owing to the wet weather,' the-"",y^"»rk "h^s. not beeii s t a - t e d . ' ' . ' - ' . v ' , • ' • ' ' ; • - - Mr» Bntdwih of thf County Relief offlce aj>peared 'before the C.<vrnmi(tee and stated that (the County would be. required, to furnish sU|Hervis,ion and keep the time on^wprk; .relief;, projects • on. County', roads'.' We ve this w'otiid be satisfactory., if; t^ie Coiant>-'; patrolp »en'• on ,thi» „«ectiofi.' of; road .- Worked would, be allowed' to Juiperyise. the \tork and keep the time, acting in conjunction with the County Superintendent of Highways and the Road and Bridge Committee. Your Committee estimated that itlwe. will be necessary for the care of the McHpnry County Patrffl , System of Roads iand purchase of* machinery an appropriation from the County Highway Tax Fund levied in September 1933. in the sum of $4000.00 additional until the; next meeting of this Board. All of which is respectfully submitted. E. F-. Kl'ECKER ' CHAS. H. ACKMAN H. M. Tl'RNER ' , • J. K. HARRISON Joseph Menrun«ftj../.„ Frank May .. 7:^::™ Allftf -.i!.i.x:.^. 14.4M Which is respectfully fcUbWtitted, E. c. nr.niKS • A. • H. • ' O. A. 1H>1»1» > : •FRANK MAT -!ra« Committee on ClaiWii ^County Poor'»«adt« the ,fol)ntr1h«F' rvptort i#hich on motion of Supr.; Kiiecx> r and duly seconded liy Siipr.'. Tufrter and the roll beintr called .was- unanimously; adopt# d, to-wit: - • . -; i. t - - ^ this Btviru and the roll beiug called Suprs. Stockweli, right. Palmer. Beck, Hujrnes, Kuecker, AcKman, H< lurtWr, Brovvn, Harbison, Turner. Stevju^, May. Freund, 'Hale, Dodd and Asst.. Supr. Rosenthal voted aye.* -way . ftortfr^'S tn* motion was declared carried. The Committee on.Finance i*i.u.£ the following report, to-wit : -4 It was thereupon regularly- moved by Supr. Stockweli and duly seconded by j I Supr. Freund that the reports be ap- I proved and ordered placed on file, and ' the roll bejng called said motion was ' declared unanimously carried. I The County Treasurer's report for the I month of August was presented and ' i read to the Board, and on motion of Supr. Kuecker and duly seconded by | Supr. Wright, was. ordered placed on file, : to-wit: ( ! County Treasurer's Beport, August Bal. on hand" J"u l" y 31, 1934 .,..$671*86.54 Paid out in orders, month of August .... Tt wis thereupon reB/dlafly movp'd by Supr. Wright and duly seconded by Supr. Palmer that the" report of ' the Committee on Roiids jind -Bridges be adopted by this Board, and the roll being called said motion was declared unanimously carried. A communication from the County Superintendent of1 Highways' of Lake County in regard _to the redesignating of the Spring -Grove Road t.o the County -Line as a State Aid road was presented and read to the Board and upon motion duly made and carNed, said matter was referred to the Road and Bridge committee for report. The Clerk presented lists of claims against, the County, »nd( on motion of Supr. Wright and duly seconded by Supr. Freund and carried the same were referred to the proper committees for report, and the Board adjourned to l:3fl o'clock P. M. for committee work. 1:30 O'CLOCK P. M. ' Board met pursuant to adjournment, present same ,meml»ers including Supr. May of Burton Township, constituting a full board. The Committee on Claims, Labor Fees and Supplies made the foyowing report, Which on motion of Supr. Brown and duly seconded by Supr. May and . the roll being called, was Unanimously adopted, to-wit: Mr. Chairman and; Oenfleinen 'of the Board of Supervisors: . Your Committee oiji • C'VutYff' "PocTr .Ci«lips* would beg leave' tiv report; that they have examined all ClfjumV presented to them. %nd. recommend the' payment, of the folio win g, a rid that, flie ci^rk be directed to- is?*lie oirdprs on the_-County. Treasurer to the Clairnatjts for 'the s*V.i -era! il,mounts allowed, ft>11rt\vs, tp-witr Chicago Industrial Home for '," • t Ch.itdren:.'care 'and' Old Peopie'-s Itiest. Hohie.' lVvard'A.i' . . - '.Kt ta .Hibbard --.',;;:;;:.;i^25^i(v Dorr-'-Dacy Lumlx-r Co..'retitV"-' -* : - Andrew .Soma, 3 mos. .„ 30.00 Orienwo'od--Harrison & Son, : / groceries. W. B. Hardy 42.37 Nttnda--The Ottawa Sanatorium, ""Either Nelson 15.30 Cheiming--The Zace T. B. Sanatorium. Ada Parrish ..,,104.08 Harttand--The Zace T. B. Sana' . torium, Hnttie Butts 208.16 McHenrv--Ottawa Sanatortiini, Alma Clifford ...:......S30.00 Algomiuin--Ottawa Sanatorium, Marie Schmleding and Harry Hansen -'.I.;. .... 15«.»6 Riley--Ottawa Sanatorium. Fred WSrd 1, .. 79.31 SJcHenry--Miss Reglna Klein care .tosephipe Freund 12,50 All of which is respectfully submitted. * "CHAS. H. ACKMAN V. E. BROWN D. M. WRIGHT I - FRANK MAY wxm 25,175:20 Produce Sold-** Milk ...: Calf ..... ..; :;UM. Toll» >1,439.86 ^.U.... $181.77 5.00 1.20 $187.97 - j. ..1....$1,251.89 Total Inmate days ....; 1456 Cost per day ......U.. .... .30 P»rm Statement ' Produce Sold-- Milk ^.i...........„ii...^....t:..i...v......J.....;.$l 81.77 Calf;'- ;. 5.00 $186.77 Produce used In Institution--; "Hitoo lbs. Milk ....:.........$9212 'JUL bu. Potatoes 40.00 ,$132.12 • • $318.39 Cairti Bald out for farm.-- Salary of hired man. ....,...,....„$R5.oo Geo. Moncur 23.95 Dinse Bros. ......... j....... 19.44 Hartland Garage ....'.'v.......... ' >.52 aim i tleff Co .161 .?-S /;V x , . ' $269.70 . .$42,811.34 Amouata rtcaltrefl for laoBth of August County OfTlcers Fees $-160.51 H. F. Petcit. Co. Coll., pt.. 1933 County Tax ...../......:,10,227.74 Supervisors, County Holne ..1,056.56 State of Jllinois, Highway Fund 277.26 State of Utinois, Motor FuelyTax 7,430.34 Personal Property Back Ta* 19.45 State of Illinois, Reimburse* I ment Mothers Pension 402.26 John E. Harrison, money re-* 'V j ct'ived from Soy He.ins ............ 100.25 Illinois Bell Telephone Co., • 1 • | Comm. on booth ,57 Wtn. P. Hov. Exec. Wm. H. j '. Hell man Est.. ; . U 446^1 $20,121.85_ Balance on hand SHept. l. 1934 $62,933.19 H. F. PETEIT. County Treas. The .Several reports »of the Overseers of the Poor of the various townships ; to the County Clerk were presented to the Board and ordered placed on file. The Committee on Road's and Bridges made the following report, to-wit: Total Profit ........,..$48.19 September 1, 1934 To the Honorable Board of Supervisors In-'1..$f McHenry County. ' • Cjientlemen: ' 1 herewith submit my monthly report as County Physician-for the month of August, 1934. No. of visits to the Co. Poorfarm ....83 -No. of extractions of teeth ....11 Number of calls, to the Co. Jail ..] 6 One operation for removal of tumor. « ' : Please find herewith attached my bill . (tit medicines and supplies for the month •r'-Hbf^August. $1.90. • ' V . Respectfully submitted. Cd'unty Physician . DR. E. THOS. BRAND. A report pf Mothers' Pensions was presented by the County Clerk and read to the Board, and on motion said report was„approved and ordered placed on- file, to-wit; • Mr. Chairman and Gentlemen of the Board of Supervisors, McHenry County, Illinois: ""Tile undersigned members of the Board of Supervisors Road and Bridge , Committee for said. County, would beg leave to submit the following report on the matters .before them. That we met on the 14th day f of August 1934 after the close of the County Board meeting and audited and paid | out of the County M. F. T. fund for Section 7 M. F. T., to the Klau*r Mfg. Company for culvert pipe In order to. take advantage of the cash discount, the sum of $230.34. . That we met on the 17th day of August fo receive bids for the asphalt surface' for State Aid Route 20, Section 5-1 M. F. T! Six (6) bids were received, and the bid of the Hydro Carbons Corporation of 7416 North Western Avenue, Chicago, Illinois, in the sum of $3597.75 was the lowest bid received and we decided to award the contract to them. The Committee also audited and paid out of the regular road funds to Divisional Code Authority for General Contractors for Registration Fee pn Secttiqn 7 M. rF. T., road improvement the September 6. 1934. State of Illinois. County of McHenry, ,8ft. I, R. D. WOODS. County Clark in stiii j 8Urrt 0/ w_; , fQt_.the. County and State aforesaid? begl We also' atidlt£d and ordered leave to report that Mothers' Tensions bills for labor and matai^a'ls on s.tat have been granted to the following named persons by the County Court of said McHenry County, since April 18, 1934: Ruth Bailey, Lillian Walling, Helen Hubka, Martha Freund, Elsa Jensen. J furthr report that the pensions re- ' celved by the following named pension- • ers have been discontinued since April 18. 1934: Elizabeth Hone, Ruby Morgan, Grace Marshall, Helen Mitchell, Agnes Foss, Kate Stedman, Martha Kelahan. All°of Which is respectfully submitted. R- D. WOODS. County Clerk, wsft- to furnish work. Aid Route 2, Section 7. M. lF. T. 01/t 6^ the Motor Fuel Ta* Fund the sum of $1,336.5? 'Mr. Baldwin of the County,Relief nf1 flee came before the committee and explained that the Government loans recently made to farmers for seed arid feed could be worked out on the public works and suggested that the Committee find suitable work on the County highways for said purpose. He also stated that something similar to the C. W. A., was contemplated and it might be well to plan on projects on the high- , The Committee decided to go over The folowing Resolution was present- the County system of road* and outand read to the Board, to-wit: BE IT RESOLVED, that One Thousand ($1,000.00) be transferred from the "Mothers' Pension" Fund to the "SherifT, Per Diem, Fees Service" Fund; That Three Hundred Dollars ($300.00) be transferred from the "County -Judge Reporter" Fund to the "Court' House Supplies" Fund: That Three Thousand Dollars <$3,- ,000.00) be transferred from the- "Mothline work that needs to be done, and on August 21st, 24th, 29th and 31st an inspection ' trip was made covering all of the State Aid Roads and projects to the extent of $20,0o0.00 of labor and $5000.00 of material were located. The work and material being principally for widening culverts and road pikes and necessary gravelling, also for widening a one half (Vj) mile of road near Harmony to take out a jog at the McHenryers' Pension" Fund to the "T. B. Patient I Kane County line. A two (2) rod strip Pauper" Fund: And that Three Hundred Dollars {fS00 .00) be transferred from "County Judge Reporter" Fund to the "State's Attorney Supplies" Fund. It was thereupon regularly moved by Supr. Kuecker and duly seconded by Aftst. Supr. Rosenthal that the resolution be adopted hy this Board, and the roll being called, said motion was declared unanimously carried. The following reports of the County Superintendent of Schools were present-, ed and read to the Board, to-wit: f land onerhalf (*4) mile long will be ilieeded. We interviewed .the land owner and found he woqld sell the land at what we thought a reasonable figure, and we instructed the County Superintendent of Highways to prepare a right of way map covering the property. It was decided to adopt the uniform system of accounting for the Motor Fuel Tax as recommended by the State Division of" Highways and the County Clerk was instructed to'order the minimum number of necessary supplies. Your Committee again met, on the Mr. Chairman and - Gentlemen of the Board of Supervisors: , , Your Committee on Labor, Feesr and Supplies Claims would beg leave to report that they have examined all claims presented to them, and recommend the payment of the following, and that the Clerk be directed to issue orders on the County Treasurer to the Claimants for the several amounts allowed, as follows, to-wit: ' ° Frank Tfeornber & Co. Co. Clerk elec.'aupl. fund Frnfik Thornber & Co. Co. Clerk tax bk. etc. fund Frank Thornber & Co., Cir. Clk. fund - ...' Frank Thornber A Co., Co. Clerk . Ptg & Sup. Fund . .;..i./.ii j$0.81 P. F. Pettibone & Co., Co. Clk. j.' Ptg. & Sup. Fund ......,Jiwi».l« P. F. Pettibone & Co., Co. Clk. . - Tax Bk. etc. fund .. . ...........265.57 P. F. Pettibone & Co., Co. Clk. Judcy. Libry. Fund .. The l.«awyerV Corop. Pub. Co., ' Co. Clk. Judcy. Libry. Fund Dr. Glenn E. Wrlurht, trial Jo* . Heeleln Jr. Co. Clk-. Ins. Depdn Fund ..^ i?. Dr. Henry W. Sandeen, trial Jo$. : Heeleiil Jr., Co. Clk. Ins. Depdn." Fund P. F. Pettibone & Co., Clr. Clk. fund 3.59 P. F. Pettibone & Co., Cir. Clk. ... 39.99 Ethel C- Coe, Co. Supt., supplies, " Sup. Schs. off. exp. fund* 21.25 Hamntond & Stephens Co., Ethel Coe, Sup. Schs. off. exp. fund".... 10.19 111. Office Supply Co.. Ethel Coe,. Sup. Schs. off. exp. fund McGill Paper Products Co., Kthal . Coe. Sup. Schs. off. exp. fund,.... Woodstock Sentinel; Suprs», Supr. Prtg. fund West. I'nited Gas A Elec. Co., shf, feeding pris. fund The Woodstock Dairy, shf. feeding pris. fund ,j Eckert & Bending, shf. feeding pris. fund 60.46 Schmidt & Becking, slif. feed", pris. fund .40.47 Hoeslev's Ba-kery, shf. feeding - - pris. fund 19.05 Pingel &- Koch. shf. feed. pris. fund 40,1$ Botts Welding Shop, Ct. Hse. Jail repairs fund .....613.70 Wm, Dittman, Ct, Hse. Jail repairs fund ............iwAii 8.00 Wm. Gancar, Ct. Hse. Jail repailr* 1 fund * .. .. 10.25 Woodstock .Tent Co., Ct. Hse. JSil. repairs fund . 1,35 Sl#>n Offl<* Supply, ShurtT^Tf, ' • Judcv. mIkc. Fund -ji'tSt 111. Bell Teleplvone, Co., Ct. Hs*',; ; - Jail Tel. Fund 111. Bell Telephone Co., Ct. Hsq. Jail Tel. Fund '17X9 Et F. Backhus, Ct. Hse. Sup. Fund 15.25 N. B. Clawson, Bd. of Rev. fund .. 566.00 Floyd Earl, Bd. of Rev. fund ,556.On E. j. Gerry, Bd. of Rev. fund 556.00 Donald J. still, clerk-Bd. of Rev. Fund ..,424.00 Glenna Housholder. Clerk Bd. of Rev. Fund ..........290.25 Fov L. Mentch, clerk Bd. of Rev. Fund : 162.00 American' Printing Co., Co. Treas. Col. Pron. Tax Fund 33:60 ,.$36.45 ..144.98 1.84 6,66 7.50 5.00 5.05 66.18 9.00 1.50 7.24 13.95 The Committee on Relief of -Blind made the following report, to-wltr, ; State of Illinois, McHenry County, ss. September 11, A. D. 1934. ,Mr, .Chairman and Gentlemen of the Board of Supervisors: Your committee on Relief of Blind wpultl beg leave h> submit the following Report on the matters before them: That the appropriation heretofore made for relief of blind persons was exhausted on the» 1st day of July. A. D. 1934. We therefore recommend that the sum of Three. Hundred Sixty-five ($365.00) Dollars payable«. q^iactcrly. coomiencing July L- A. IX 1934 and payable October 1st, A. D. 1934; January 1st. A. D. 1935: April 1st.-A. D. 1935 and July 1st. .A.-p. 1935, be appropriated and paid for the following persons, under the statute, to-wit; N'o. 1 Ellen Boyle. , No. 2 Alfred Dunham. No. 3 Jacob S. Dickson. No. .4 John Fry. , •„ No. 5 Walter J. Freund. , No. 6 John A. Fi.rney. No. 7 Robert I. F11 r'ne'y. No. 8 Elsie llarmsen. . No. 9 Jay S. Johnson. No, 10 Fred Reed. No. 11 Wm. A. Schoeil. No. 12 Edward Tolea.. ., ' . • No. 13 Jacob Terpstrn. No. 14 Adelbert H. Willoughby. We further report that we have exi amined the application of Frank Thevet not, Russell Shouse." Vahdalyn C. Sen*, ] Minnie Grabbert, Wm, Rasmu«sen, and Frances i'dell. and And that they have been regularly examined, and that the e*aml*er reports that they are blind. We further tipd that their income is less than Four Hundred Sixty-five Dollars ($465.00) per annum and recommend that their applications be granted and that there be appropriated and paid the sum_of Three Hundred Sixty-live ($36.r>.00) Dollars for each of said applicants making a. total of $2,190.00. They would therefore recommend that an appropriation of Two Thousand Five Hundred Dollars ($2,500.00) for Relief of Blind In-'included In the Tax Levy for the current year. All of which is respectfully submitted. A. II. HALE, chairman. . E. (\ Hl'GHKS, C. M. PALMER . JOSEPH HEMMER .* F. E. BECK Air. Chairman and G«.nt:emcn of ll.c Board of SMpwrvlBowr;" Hi;1- Your Committee to - whom was referred the matter of the Couuty "Tux Levy for the year 1934, would1 beg leave to submit the following report on the matters before them: That we have ascertained the- several items of necessary expenditures fot the County sts nearly as possible and recommend that-the sum of Eighty-six thou- Sinul FoFty Dollars (<$$6,040.00} for Genprail -Cotinty purposes, and the suni of Forty, thousand Dollars t $40,000.00) for- County Highway, Maintenance, StAte and State Aid Roads, making a jtotal of One" hundred twentv-six thousand' Forty Dollar^' ($126.040„00) ^..appropriated. and levied as^pognty Tax on ;U1 tax-able property «f"said C°unty and State ^foresaid for'the year" A, D. -1J,34». and ;that, the County Clerk is- hereby Instructed to extend -said amount on all taxable property in the ;Coutity. 1n accordance 'with the report .for the follow'-, i ' h g p u r p o ^ n R , : t o - w i t : : ' • " ' f Siilfiry and t'ravelHng"expenses ,? 1? ;, - fCo-.'^upt, Highways v.v.'..,.'..$S,OOO.OflF Salary County ; Judge ,' : :3,24,0.00 County Services. Co. Clk..: Clr...» . ,1,1. Clk,. Shf. and Treas r.._-.™.9,000,Ofl Compensation and office expense, Co. Supt. of Schools 2,000.00 Supplies, stationery, postage and express, Co. Officers . ""4,000.00 Per D|em, Clerk hire, witness foes, ejtc. Bd./of Review 2,600.00 Mileage and Per Diem, Jurors : 5,000.00 Coroner's and Coroner's Jury fees at inquests 500.00 Fees for birth and death reports 300.00 Salary Probation officer, county court .. . l.loO.OO Salary Probation officer, cir. Ct. .900.00 County Home, farm, asylums, etc. :• 9,000.00 Fuel, light, water, etc.;;'-cchitt:..- house and jail 2,500.00 Relief of blind 2.500.00 Repairs of court house and Jail ll ,0oo.o0 Repairs Poor Farm ii..,.;...;....1...".. l.oOO.ftt) Janitor service .... ..................1.800.00 Supplies, coujt house 1,000.00! Supplies, jail 500.00 Salary, cooking for prisoner* 1,200.00 Salary, deputy sh« riff, livery for sheriff, etc. 3,000.00 County aid in building bridges BOO.OO Furniture Court House ahd Jail 500.00 Contingent expenses, labor, IftjSL books," <Mc. 1,000.00 Per diem mileage and spl. com. work, members Bd. of Suprs. 3,500.00 Eradication of T. B. in cattle .. 3,500.00 Bogardus fund, relief ex»soldlers. sailors, etc. 5,000.00 ; Mothers' pensions v ..........14,000.00 Payment of right,of way 500.00 General fund : 2,500.00 Total ; $86,040.00 County highway-tax maintenance state and-state aid roads .. 40.000.0#' Total amount to be raised .. $126,040.00 All of which is respectfully submitted. S. II. FREUND. Chairman. JOSEPH HEM-MRR, J E. HARRISON F. E. BECK •/ CHAS. H. ACKMAN . , It was thereupon regularly movsd by Supr. Freund and duly seconded by Sujfh Dodd that the report of the Committee on Blind Relief be adopted by this Board, and the roll being called, said motion was declared unanimously carried. The building committee presented the following report, to-wit: ', 7.00 [7th day of September 1934 arid audited Xeport of Institute rund Tor Tear ! and paid bills of a general nature , Ending June 30, 1934 chargeable to the McHenry County To the Chairman of the County Board ; Patrol System of Roads as a whole inof Supervisors. McHenry, County, 111. ! eluding supplies and repairs, for County • I, ETHEL C.'COEt-County Superin- I machinery and labor for crushing . tendent of Schools of McHenry County, I gravel for* M. F. T. Section' 4-1, and riespectfully present the following report : labor at the County tool hoOse to the ^jot all moneys received and expenditures , sumfof $1323.84 made from the Institute Fuhd of this! Bills chargeable to the various Secolllce: j tions of the County Patrol System of Beoelpto • • " . I Roads for labor and materials at rates Balance on hand July 1, 193S W$tM.70 heretofore approved by this Board were hec d for year ending June > - 'audited and paid as follows: Hebron Times. Clr. Clerk Fund Woodstock Journal, Co. Treas. Prtg. Fund .....2,421.20 Woodstock Journal, Coe, Sup.---T' ; Schs. Off. Exp. Fund - ......... 1.00 National Re-Employment Office,. Ct. Hse. Sup. Fund 24.36 Herald Publishing Co., Co. Treaa, ;•-, Assmt. Fund ,,._.v--233i&0 O. L. Trvon, Co. Surveyor Fund .... 81.04 C. L. Tryon. Co. Supt. Hwys., Co. Hwy. Maint. Fund: ............ i . . ..214.12 Lester Edins;er, shf. jail supp. clothing fund -.-J • 4.76 S. A. Route 2-^S#er*7 M. F„ T. . ..1,665.93 Daisy V. Moore. Sup. Schs. Asit. and Clerk Hire Fund 7 . ,:=.. : 113.75 Vestle Muldoon, Ct. Hse. Jail Sal. Fund r 108.00 City of Woodstock, Ct. Hse. Jadl, Lt. and "Water, Fund 57.10 A. A. Crissey, Pro. Officers Fund 76.00. Russell Allen, State's Atty. Asst. Fund .330.00 Lester' Edinger. shff. per diem, fees, serv. fund -- 100.00 Marian Edinger, shff. ffediri* pris. fund -....: 100.00 Philip E. Bierdernan, shf. dpty. fund ^ 100.00 Clyde Mirier, shf. dpty. fund .....f!»V.4.00 Howard Freeman, shf. dpty. fund J6.00 All-in Kuppe, shf. *pfy. fund 4.00 Sidney Corson, shf dpty. fund ... 32.00 Sidney Corson, shf. bailiff fund W. R. Cairns, shf. bailiff fund Sunr. Sal. Mileage FUnd-^- V. E. Brown :k.....^.^....a4.i.™ 46.80 State of Illinois, McHenry County, as. September 11, A. D., 1934. Mr. Chairman and Gentlemen of the Board of Supervisors: Your Building Committee would beg leave to submit the following report on I the matters before them: That said committee met at the Sheriff's office on .July 11th. and conferred on plans to reipair damages to the Jail. We made an | inspection of the dammes done arid : also found other, repalr^s necessary; especially the plumbing was found to be in very poor condition. The committee ordered Mr. Botts of Woodstock to put in a new sheet of steel, replacing the one that was sawed and impaired, to weld cross pieces on plates covering man holes that are used to repair the plumbing:, to , cover the back of all locjks with VI Inch plate steel so thaf entrance to the lock can' b* had only on the front side, to repmcp rods that were sawed with new rfwls to cover th^ entrance-do6r and All wf'v^ dows upstairs with heavy fine mefti wire screen, to extend the line m«>h screening around the visiting booth. It. was decided to see if the plumber's' could obtain repairs for the plumbing, fixtures now in the jail: On the 2«th of July your committee again met to take up the matter of repairs necessary for the plumbing fixtures. The Committee found that t*° new, complete toilet units were necessary and new fixtures for the rest. It was necessary to place new water faucets on the wash bowls in order to elIm- 20.00 8.00 S. H. Freund John T. O'Brien J: E. Harrison G. A. Dodd ...... JO.80 10-4 0 $9.60 11.60 ,v inate complicated, plumbing unions. On September 5th the committee made an inspection of all work done and found that all work which had been ordered done was completed in proper t(,me to insure safety at all times. All of which is respectfully submitted. JOSEPH HEVMER. Chairman. H. M. TURNER S. H FREUND C. M. PALMER F. E. BECK It was thereupon .regularly moved by SUpr. Hale and 1. ily seconded by Stipr. Palmer, that the report of the building committee be approved and placed on file. Motion declared carried. Arnold Rauen, an employe of the I. K. R. C. addressed the Board and stated that the I. E. R. C. are now conducting a canning facturv in the Woodstock Armory, which is open for inspection for any, one: and he wondered if the Board would grant an appropriation of not to exceed Twenty Dollars ($20.00) to 'purchase cooking utensils. It was thereupon Regularly moved by Supr. Ackman and duly seconded by Supr. Freund that the request be granted, and the roll being called said motion was declared unanimously carried. Wt The Clerk presented the Certffirates of the various Highway Commissioners pf the'County of. the amounts necessary to he raided by taxation for the construction, maintenance and repair of roads and bridges in the, various townships. After the reading of -the certificates, it was moved by Supr. Brown and duly seconded by Supr. Stevens that the said certificates be approved by . It was thereupon regularly moved by SUpr.' Palmer arid duly seconded by Supr. Turner that the report of the Committee on Finance be approved and the Annual Tax Levy adopted by this Board-j And the roll being called Suprs. S t o c k w e l i , W r i g h t , ^ P a l m e r , B e c k , HuRhes, Kuecker, /Ukman. Hemmei*. Brown. Harrison, Turner, Stevens, May, Freund. .Hale, Dodd and' Asst. Supr. Rosenthal voted'"' aye. Nay none and the * motion was declared unanimously carried. A contract for the Improvement of State Aid Route No. 20 properly executed was presented and ordered placed on file. ' A petition from approximately 100 residents of Burtoh Twp. in regard to the re-designating of the Spring Grove road to the Lake' County line was presented* and read, and on motion was referred to the Road and Bridge committee for repdrt. The Clerk presented and read Bogardus Levies made by the several American Legion Posts In ,!he County as presented to the -.Individual supervisors.' It was thereupon regularly moved by Supr. Brown and duly seconded by Supr. Stevens that the levies be approved, and that the Commander „of each Post be requested to file good and sufficient bond with the County Clerk in double the amount of their levy before turning over sajd funds and the roll being called Suprs. Stock- .well. Wright, Palmer. ' Beck, Hughes, Kuecker, Ackman. Hemmcr, Brown, Harrison. Turner, Stevens, May. Freund, Hale, Dodd and Asst. ijupr. Rosenthal voted aye. Nay: none. Motion declared unanimously carried. . Supr. Ackman addressed the Board and stated that the bUanriUal audit JOT County officers would conie up soon, and wondered"Tf the Board wanted to take any action in regard to receiving bids for the same, it was. thereupon remilarly moved by Supr. Turner and duly seconded by -.Supr. Hemmer that said matter be referred to the committee on Fees and Salaries givintr said committee full power to act; and the roll being called, said motion was declared unanimously carried. A* communication and report from the County 4-H Club was presented and read, and ordered placed on file. The following resolution on Day Labor Construction was presented and to the Btoard, to-wit: The following resolution ott^tate'Aid Road wa9 presented-and read to the " B o a i d ; t u - i , i t : ' • ' " ' 1 ••solution of County Board for ! Maintenance of State Aid ana' and Jtacadam Koads HKRI'.AS, Tne law required "That fc'tieti ;t" gravel of macmiam road is constructed. the county snali pay one-half Of the cost ot it.s," and • •WHEREAS, The law required that, the maintenance of all Stale aid roads, is under the jurisdiction ot ihe S*.aie Superintendent of Highways, and, WHEREAS, It ts necessary to pay promptly all maintenance oiliu td secure satisfactory and ecartoimcaj rWul,ts; therefore, be it ' -, , REStiLVlvD; By the County tioard of McHr-nry . County that " there- ts her.ei'.v a|>proprinted frpm "funds in the hands of t he County * Treasjirer,. the sum of . Three • Hundred a'ntl ' no-i<io"» .Dotia,rs <$3<>0".00), or- as much thereof- as necessary to defrav the county's Dortion Of the, cost of--'.mairitenance of Stsate :aid> road known as Section (t,: for the .period? endinir Deceniber, 31« 1936, iin'd' be :itfurther ' " -V'-v. .v',-•••• R KSOLVISD, Thaf ,th'e. County- Clerk is hereby authorised to^orders <ort. ,t'h^ C0V1 tit>" Treasurer in the payment of the maifitehance cost of said • road- up»n' receipt, iof , i.teniiBed bills. - properly a ppro\ ed by the"- State >Dlvision df rtigh- •wavs.' ,'• • • It wns^.tbereUpon regiilarly" mo\*ed by Sufir. Kuecker and duly seconded "by Supr. Harrison that the resolution be adonted, and the roll being called said motion was declared unanimously carried. ' Several--communications from the .State of Illinois Department of Public •Works and Buildings were presented and read to the Board, arid on motion duly made and carried were ordered placed on file. A report of Inspection of boilers of the Court House was presented and referred to the Committee on Public Buildings. The question of labor on County roads was brought to the attention of the Board hy Suprs. Hemmer and Stockwell: and it was thereupon regularly moved by Supr. Knecker and duly seconded by Supr. Wright that said matter he referred to the Special Committee on .Labor for County Road projects. Motion declared unanimously carried. Supr. Stockweli, chairman of the special committee on Limestone Crushing project, addressed the Board and reported that he had been advised»by Mr. .Baldwin of the I. E. R. C. that nothing could be done on said matter at this time. There being, no further business to come before this meeting it was thereupon regularly moved by Supr. Ackman and duly seconded by Supr. Palmer to adjourn. Motion carried. Thereupon the Board, adjourned. N. B. CLAWSON, Chairman. Attest: R.. D. WOODS, Clerk. Tour Committee Again met at Marengo, Illinois on the <4n day of October and secured tne tnirty foot (30) strip of land involving nearly two (2) ' acres • for Three Hundred Dollars ($300.00), wh'ich we believe a desirable and neevssary improvement. It is proposed to nave tne work done with /elief laoor. * We would recommend that the Chair* man,_of tptsl Board of Supervisors be authorized to sign on behalf of McHenry County. Illinois, the application f«JT Registration of Section 5-1 M. F. T» with the Divisional Code authority., Tour Committee estimates that there ' will be ntfce.isary for the care of ths* McHenry County P&trol System of ftoads a'nd purchase, of machinery an. , appropriation from the County Highway •Tax Fund levied in September 1933 irt the, sum of $<400,0.00 additional urttil tlie. next"•meeting of this Board. 1. A11 Of Mliich. is' respectfully sUbjrhitted. ' :•' - E. F. KCECKER. Cnm., if. E. Harrison v",:> - M, TrRN'ER - •'> : F. K, BECK • , f Ci-IAS. U .VCKMAN th^resi p6n regu<aw^^4Wwi^ by Svipr. "Hemmtr and duly, seconded by Asst.,' Supr, Rosenthal that the report of the Committee on Reads, and Bridges be adopted hv this BOaril. And the roll; being called, 'said motion' was declared unanimously carried.:" ' ' ' -X L The -following '.Re^oivftton was -pre- ;: sefttcd- and^ read' to the Board and - on motion o# Supr; Dodd and duly-sttoHdwfbv Supr. Harrison was declared, unanimously- adopted, to-wit: ,t-' "• « "-'i * Dmf Labor Oonstrwcttoa &*soluti<m of CouAnty I^oard ofc riupervinorrt, of McHenry 'Cotmty ToqufHting approval ol' the use of money allotted to. t<he .cffWrty, under the provisions of t^e Jdotar Fuel Tax Law. . RESOLVED, by the Board of Supervisors. of NcHenPf County, tbiit pubUq interest demands the construction, of a section of a public highway designated as a State Aid road, said section being described as follows: ••'Beginning on the public highway designated as State Aid Route N'o. 26, at a point near the south west corner of the north west quarter of the north west quarter of section 35', Township 45 North. Range, 6 East of the 3rd Principal Meridian, and extending Thence along Route 26 in a northerly direction for a distance of 9500 ft., more or less: and be it further RESOLVED, (13 that ffie proposed Improvement heretofore designated shall be ceastructed" in, accordance with the provisions of the "Motor Fuel Tax Law," ap-. proved March 25. 1929, and shall be of Traffic Bound Surface construction," base for bituminous surface, 20 feet wide, with earth shoulders 5 feet wide; and shall be designated as Section 10 M. F. T. ( 2 ) C h a t s a i d p r o p o s e d i m p r o v e m e n t shall be constructed by the county - through its officers, agents and employees by day labor for the following leasons: So as to help relieve the unemployment situation in the County and to be able to control the work and employ McHenry County labor: and to put to work machinery now idle In the County, in so far as practicable. (3) that there is hereby appropriated the sum of Thirteen thousand seven hundred fifty dolars ($13,750.00) from, the county's allotment of Motor -Fuel Tax Funds for the construction of said sectin; and be it further RESOLVED, that the County Clerk is hereby directed to transmit two certified copies of this resolution to the Department of Public Works and Buldings, Division, of Highways, Springfield, 111. ItWas thereupon regularly moved by Supr. Hughes and duly seconded by Supr. Palmer that the resolution be adopted. a#d the roll being called said motioii was declared Unanimously Carried. ; • ' " Special October Meeting, 1934 - The Honorable Board of Supervisory of McHenry County met in Special Session pursuant to a call signed by more thari one-third of its members at the Court House in the City of Woodstock on Tuesday, the 9th day of October. A. D. 1S34. at ten o'clock A. M. The meeting was called to order by the Chairman X. B. Clawson arid the , roll being called the following members ! responded to their names, to-wit: L. A. Stockweli, D. M. Wright, C. 31.'Palmer, FV+:. Beck, N. B. Clawson. E. C. Hughes, • E. F. Kuecker, Charles H. Ackman, ' Joseph Hemmer, V. E. Brown. John E. | Harrison, H. M. Turner, J. "G. Stevens, . Frank May. S. H. Freund. A. H. Hale land O. A. Dodd and Asst. Supr. Rosen- I thai constituting a full Board. j The records of the last preceding 1 meeting were read and on motion ap- ' proved. The Committee on Roads and Bridges made the following report, to-wit: Mr, Chairman and Gentlemen of the Board of Supervisora1, McHenry County, Illinois: " . The undersigned numbers of the Board of Supervisors Road and Bridge Committee for said County, would beg leave to submit the following report on the matters before them: That we met on the 3rd day of October 19.(4 at Harvard. Illinois to Inspect th« construction of the asphalt road known as M. F. T. 5 and it was decided to allow an estimate on the stone, as [not much of the asphalt had been ap- 1 plied. The Committee then went to I Spring Grove, Illinois, and viewed the I roads'proposed to be added to the State i Aid System of Roads. We were of the opinion that .it was not a (rood time to take on hddltinnal roads. The right-ofway for the. one half (H), mile cut off from Spring Grove to State Bond Issue Route 173 has not been secured. AVe therefore think it advisable to await tho outcome of the said right-of-way before passing on- the addition of the road from Cole's Corners north to the State line. However, we wolild recommenjl the addition of the road from Spring Grove east 'to the Lake County line and instructed the C°untv Superintendent to prepare a proper resolution covering same. We then inspected the Greenwood road known as Section 7 M. F. T., and found the work progressing satisfactorily, Your Committee again, met at Woodstock, Illinois, on the 6th day of October 1934 and audited and paid bills of a general nature chargeable to the McHenry County Patrol System of Roads as a' whole including supplies and repairs for County machinery and labor for crushing gravel for M." F. T. Section 4-1 and labor at the County tool house to the slim of ..$931.85 Bills chargeable to the, carious Sections of tha County Patrol System «f Read* f»r labor and materials at. Heretofore approval As -Uu^. .Board..ware WHEREAS. State Bond Issue Route SO. also known as State Afd Route* 4A, has been built lrv the State of Illinois; THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED, that State Aid Route 4A. extending from State Bond Issue Route 61 easterly to the McHenry-Lake County line be discontinued as a State Aid Route and be deducted from the McHenry County, Illinois State Aid System of Roads, BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, that the existing road that extends easterly from the east Village limits of Spring Grove, through sections 30 and 29, Township 46 North Rahge 9, east of the 3rd P. M.. to the McHenry-Lake County, Illinois, line be made a State Aid Route and be added to the State Aid Svstem of McHenrv County. Illinois. BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that the County Clerk transmit two (2) certified copies of this Resolution to the Stat* of Illinois Department of Public Works and Buildings for their action thereon. ' The following report of the County Treasurer was presented and read and on motion of Supr. Brown and duly seconded by Supr. Wright was ordered pla ced on file, to-wit: County Treasurer's He port, September Hal. on hand August 31. 1934 $62,933.19 Paid out in orders month ,.«of September '. 31.75P.69 $31,173.50 Amounts received atonth of •eptembe* County Treasurer's Fees f' 22.12 Personal Property Back Taxes 108.33 Assessors. 1934 dog tax 1«9.00 Supervisors, County Home -- 1,726.36 H. P. Petfit. Co. Coll., pt. 1933 County Tax f ...30,000.0® State of Illinois. Motor Fuel tax 3,896.00 Chicago, Milwaukee. St. Paul & Pacific RR. disputed taxes 243.07 Farmers New Era -Telephone Co., disputed taxes 760.00 V. S. Lumley. State's Attorney fees ... , ....- 15.00 W.-T. Conn, Circuit Clerk, old . sheriff's fees 6.0S Illinois Bell. Telephone Co., Comm. on booth „ .29 13*075.72 Bal. on^ hand October 1. 1984 I6S.200.S3 H. F. PETEIT, County Treas; The following Report on McHenry County Home was presented and read and on motion of Asst. Supr. Roscenthal and duly seconded by Supr. Stockweli was' approved and ordered placed on file, to-wit: Mr. Chairman arid members of tm Board of Supervisors of McHenry County. Your County Farm Committee respectfully submits the following report for the month of Sepember 1934, audited •»nd paid Oct. 5, 1934. , r, E. Thomas Brand, med< sup^ .55 Peabodv Coal Co., coal ........,.^..;:t..J38.17 D. Holiister. piano 15.00 Mrs. I>. M. Wright, eggs - 17.55 Roberts & Oake. meats 28.SI Swift & Co.. meats 15.71 Merchants Dry Goods Supply . Co., blankets 43.BO Elgin Cigar & Tobacco, tobacco --... 44.26 J. F. Peterson, tobacco ..^ 20.0* E. F. Voss. butter 40.90 Albert- Tessendorf. 2 tanks of-.gas-18.00 Sawyer Biscuit Co., cratkers 11.55* The Fair, clothing 70.68 Woodstock Produce Co., eggs ........ 23.70 Sanitary Plumbing & Heatingf'.Cov supplies and labor 17.22 Illinois Bell Tel. Co.. service 10.05 John Sexton Co., groceries ... .._.l48.98 Breys Bakery, bread --r„-45.2* Lush Vermilya Co., groceries45.78 Pfeiffer's Pharmacy, supplies ......u 10.18 Hartland Garage, repairs 23.9» C. W. Harvey, feed ...-- 47.45 Wayne Cooncv, groceries 3«15 R. ,0. Andrew! grinding Slid icei .... 11.20 H. A. Stone & Sons, shoes 11.95 The Shurtleff Co., feed and sup. ...,111.87 Home Oil Co.. fuel oil and gas 84.61 Gardner A. linapp. salary 166.67 Gardner A. Knapp, hired man 55.00 Gardner A. Knapp, help In house....125.00 Gardner A. Knapp, nurse 55.00 audited"and jwMf " ralo**? f -V. J "V| Section 1 -V- : 40.00 Section 2 I 327.22 Section 3 --78-41 Section 4 228.70 Seetlons s,;0 ;.76. 00 S e c t i o n s 7 , 1 0 2 7 0 , 6 4 Se< tIon 8 90.0" Section 9 ' ,06.20 Sect ion 11 71.30 Section 12 08.50 Section 30.00 Section 14 12|.42 Section 15'-;. 110.75 -Sections 46, 18 ...v.I..........n........ -- 241.61 Section 17 101.07 Total ,...4?,8C6.70 MoTor 'Fuel Tax Funds bill* for labor and materials and engineering costs as follows; State Aid Route -- 2. Sec. 7, M. F. T. $2490.14 *13, 13A. M. F. T'.- •. 16.90 20, M. F. T. 5 -w... 3.50 2o. M. F. T. 5-1 .^... 783.00 Considerable trouble has developed with the 1928 Model Ford truck used to haul gravel and it was decided to recommend that the Road 1 Bridtre Committee be empowered t<> purchase a new suitable truck at a price not to exceed $1000.00, as we are of the opinion is necessary for the wori", at, hand. The State allows rental on the County's machinery and there are sufficient earnings to finance same. The matter of* the farmers working out pari of the Government loans on seed'and feed were discussed with Mr. Baldwin of the Illinois Emergency Reli. ef and it was decided to empower the Chairman of this Committee to sign necessary project papers on behalf of McHenry County on the progratrf reported to this .Board at their September meeting. One project in particular being the widening of the State Aid Road near Harmony, to meet Kane County's State Aid Road, there being only one | half (Vfc) width road for a length of | one-half (Vt j "mile in McHenry County. The right-of-way plat had been prepared And it was decided to meet the kind owner Mr. ITa borne at Uarengo, niinois on October #th, 1954. |1,104.12 . 178.15 ..... $1,485.15 * "f4 Produce Sold, Mltk Check Net Cost ...... Total inmate d*ys Cost per inmatfe day farm Btai Produce used in institution-'- 4,600 lbs. rttilk J7I.W. • 30 bu. potatoes 25.00 Cash paid oufc^ Salary hired man _..._ Shurtleff Co .1103.60 •3S1.81. $55.00 .156.81 $211.SS " l^rolll -- ^ t October 1, in*. To the Honorable Board of Supervisors of McHenry County. Gentlemen; • •- I herewith submit monthly report as County Physician . for the month' Of September, 1934. No. of visits to the Co. Poorfarm „r24 No. of, visit's to the County Jail 4 My reason for making only twenty^ four visits,to the County Poorfarm this month is that we have not had a single patient in the County hospital. - --.- Please find herewith attached my bill for the month of September for medivi 110 and supplies --$ .55 Respectfully yours, E. T. BRAND. County Physician The Committee on Licenses mad* tin following Report which was on motion duly made and carried, approved and' o r d e r e d p l a c e d on f i l e , t o - w i t 1 State of Illinois. County of McHenry, ss. Board of Supervisors, October 9, 1034* Mr. Chairman and Gentlemen of the Board of Supervisor*: Your License Committee to whom was referred Liquor and Dance Hall Licenses, would beg leave to report that an Alcoholic Liquor license has been granted since August 14. 1934. to t.hs following applicant under and by virtue of an . Act • relating to Alcoholic Liquor and subject to the rules of the County Board- of Supervisors of McHenry County: . No. 83, -Gordon F. Kamholts, Cary, IU„ 1.. L. Qne Dance Hall License has beea !•«,, sued since August 14. 1934, to tba Mh lowing nam«d applicant: -"ii "A' J 'M

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