Illinois News Index

McHenry Plaindealer (McHenry, IL), 23 May 1935, p. 3

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Sftarsday, May 23,1935 \ x? mmmm v% ^ / <yr * • - 'V<H . F" ,t • v., , r : :-'§W>i iwwm, • . V • * I **1f ; ». V ' f *' ^ * ^ -- • % "T MeHSHXY PLA1KDKALKS LILY LAKE The pretty illuminated Jewel Tower dominates the entire landscape of lifly Lake. In this beautiful structure done in the Spanish manner there is constant activity. The Jewel Tower is now open and illuminated etffiy night. It is a very busy1 place now that the season is" open. Mr. Fred Scharfe who is in charge of the Jewel Tower has moved out from Chicago to spend the summer at his summer home. •George Etten of Chicago visited the home of Mr. and Mrs. Fred Dosch Sunday. George Daly and Helen Butler of Chicago visited the home of his grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Daly. Mr. and Mrs. Harry L. Miller of Cicero spent the weekend at Lily Lake. Mrs. Lucy Wegenr of Grayslake visited the home of Mr. and Mrs. Fred Dosch and Mr. and Mrs. William Etten Sunday. Many summer residents Were in this localityOver the weekend! Among those at Lily Lake were : Mr. and Mrs. Hanson4 and daughter, Mr. and Mrs, Bloom, Mr. and Mrs. Mackey, Mr. and Mrs. Harder, Mr. and Mrs. Esser, Mr. 4nd Mrs. Pecha and family, M^. and Mrs. Vachet, Mrs. L. Gannon, G. Toons, J. Suprinski and many others of Chicago. Mr. and Mrs. Ted Budil of Chicago visited the home of his mother, Mrs. Mae Budil over the weekend. Miss Genevieve Daw of Grayslake spent the weekend at the home; of her grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Daly. George Etten' of Chicago spent two weeks at the home of his parents, Mr. and Mrs. William Etten. Callers in the Fred Dosch' home Saturday were Mr. and Mrs. O. C. Swfan- 3on and, daughter, Lois, "of Chicago and Mr, Frank Krokora of' Round Lake. - Mrs.: Fred Dosch entertained the members of the Lily Lake Ladies' League Tuesday afternoon. Cards and bunco were played and prizes were won by Mrs. William Etfcen, Mrs. George Steinsdorfer and Eleanore Wegener. The serving of a lunch A wonderful time was had at the grand opening of the Lily Lake Ca T Kenneth Botey'of Champaign sper.t Saturday >night here. Mre. F. E. Martin spent a few days last week with her sister in Crystal Lake. ' ' • " . ,. • Mr. and Mrs. Albert Purvey wore called to Chicago Thursday by the illness of their little granddaughter, who has since recovered. William Martin of Chicago enjoyed several days' vacation in McHenry this week. , Harry Eckland of Chicago, who has a summer home on Fox river, was a caller here Sunday, enroute to 'Milwaukee, Wis. Mr. Eckland expects to open his sunyner home here next Sunday. • Mrs. Fern Earl returned hom£ to Lena, Wis., Monday morning after a few weeks' visit in the home of her aunt and husband, Dr. and Mrs. J. E Wheeler. Misses Mary Althoff, Margaret Told Items of Interest Takeit f rom tfc* Files of the Plain deal* of Years Ago ' SLOCUM'S LAKE Mr. and Mrs. Earl Converse were business callers at McWenxy last Tuesday. John Nestad spent last Friday in Chicago. Harry Matthews and sons were callers at Lake Zurich, lpst Saturday. Mr. and Mrs. John Blomgren were business callers at McHenry Monday. Mr. and Mrs. H. L. Brooks attended the funeral of Mrs. A. H. Ulrich at Park Ridge Monday. Mrs. Earl Matthews of Wauconda spent Monday at the home of Mr. PIFTY YUARS Afin ancl MrsMlaft-y Matthews. rlrTY YEARS AGO Mrs. Ella Parks and son of Park The contract for drawing and j Ridge were Sunday dinner guests at spreading gravel in the corporation! the home of Mr. and Mfs. W. E. for the year 1885 was let to Wm. Davis at thirty cents per yard., The postoffice building has been removed a few feet north, making a Brooks. Mr. A. Grieve of DesPlaines visited at the homes of Mr. and Mrs. Willard Darrell and Mr. and Mrs. H&rry sino, Saturday evening. Dancing and i Larkin, 1 Caroline Bauer and. Rita lunch was enjoyed by all. EAT WITB BS FOR A CBftlfGE , /•We are-not only conducting a tavern but a first class * restaurant as well and: we invite you to come iii f(jr dinner, lunch or a sandwid'h. You will be pleased and so will we. Fish Dinners All Day Friday. My Place Tavern Green Street McHenry, 111. ANNOUNCEMENT The undersigned desires to announce that he is located at the „ MEADOW LARK 3 On U. S. 14, East of Crystal Lake . Chicken and Steak Dinners--Best of Wines and Liquors GEORGE FRITZEL , Join the throng at RENEWS 35TB YEAR OPENING V at Ayon Park, Round Lake .SATURDAY, MAY 25 -- DAY AND EVENING Grand Opening of the LILY MOOR TAVERN On Route 20 at Lily Lake WEDNESDAY, MAY 29 Old Time Barn Dance--Vienna Music--Entertainment and Drinks--Barn Dance Every Saturday Night--Under New Management--A. Irftndl, Prop. Adm. 25c person GRAND OPENING Newly Remodeled NELL'S PAVILION Johnsburg Bridge 3 miles north of McHenry Saturday Night, May 25 I . . . . 5c a Dance -- No Admission Charge DANCE EVERY SATURDAY NIGHT Dancing Wednesday, May 29 and Decoration Day, May 30 . BILL LOSSON AND^IS MOOSE REVELERS of Elgin, Illinois CHICKEN AND STEAK PLATE LUNCHES ..:35c J- Green Bay Beer, 8 Ounces 5c / ' . i i . ' . . IIIJIJ'., J'IHJ ' m • iV u"jif iiMiiiili ;n ' FRANK NELL, Prop. ATTENTION • * ' % i 1 Is Now Open CHICKEN AND STEAK DINNERS A- . . . . Sandwiches of all Kinds Free Dancing Featuring KATHRYNE DIEHL and Her ORCHESTRA ,0. A. tIPFERT. Prop. Freund and Eugene Sayler of DeKalh spent the weekend at their homes here... / / _Miss-'Anna Frisby; with Mrs. Floyd bard's house, which is to be' vacatedth£! f'nd ^lafives.' by R. Holly. Fred Jicks, who is working for Horace Dwelly, at Ringwood, had the piis* fdrtune to receive a severe kick by a Mrs. Darwin Granger aiid daughter^, Ethel and Mary Mae of McHenry knd Mrs. Fete Justen of McHenry were callers Sunday at the honie of driveway between that and Pekov-, Matthews Saturday evening. sky's building. Until the building, is Mr.- and Mrs. Earl Converse and fixed up and a new stairway made, daughter attended the El Tovar theaU Dr. H. T. Brown's office will b® at er at Crystal Lake Monday evening, his residence. I -Willard Darnell and Mrs. Elmer V We learn that E. Carpenter has {P3^ing .attended a banquet and enbought the E. Griswold property just I terta"ln}en^ at T the L Medinah Couniiorth of the Universalist church and j ,x Y ")?. ne*r ^j0m^ard «a&t Thurs- _7 will take possession about June fcatty was sponsored by Hopper./and Little Son* George, °f I Lamphere will, move into F. A, He- ! J J®. S^rban Auto Insurance Co. for Crystal Lake, spent Friday at Wil-' ' tw Hams 'Bay.,.....' C. W, Gibbs, Mrs. Jack Walsh, Mrs. Walter Walsh and Miss Nancy Frisby called in the Murray hpme in Chicago Friday and visited Mrs. C. W. Gibbs at St. Anthony's hospital. " Mr. and Mrs. Ray VanHereslee and Edwin Michels of Waukegan visited | their mother, Mrs. Simon Michels, j Sunday. I Mr. and Mrs. H. J. Schaffer and (Mrs. Celia Knox were Sunday callers in the Murray home in Chicago. Mr. and Mrs. Jos. Kortendick and daughter of Pecatonica were Sunday visitors in the home of their daughter and husband, Mr. and Mrs. Joh.i BoUrer. Mr. and Mrs. Walter Walsh and Mr. horse. The fact that he was so clo^e . ^E. Brooks. to the horse was all that saved him from being killed. Mrs. Celia IDowjall and daughter and son spent Saturday" evenfhg at Woodstock. Mr. and Mrs. J. D. W'illiams and son of Crystal Lake were Sunday dinner guests at the home of Mrs. Clara FORTY YEARS AGO u_' Boards of Education should adopt prohibitory laws against the cigarette : Smith" and not allow students to go to school | Mr.' and Mrs. Dan Hartman and if they are addicted to their use eith- famliv of Elmwood Park were Suner in or out of School hours. . day guests at the home of Mr. and Our extreme warm weather caught j Berg. I a severe cold on Saturday last, and j" (jlura Smith was a caller at ice as thick as a window glass was ^ome 0f ^er sister,. Mrs. Jos seen on Sunday morning Monday , Haas at .Wauconda last Thursday . Mrs. Thomas Bol«r *%• W„, I.„d„er „f Utf Zurich day callers in the Murray home Chi- ^ m the gtreet capo, and also visited' Mrs. C. W. "^he Bank of McHenry has purchas- Gibbs at St: Anthony s hospital. .led a new $1,200 safe, which they ex- Mr. and Mrs. R. E. Sutton atlu in in a fpw 'w^pks. It M. E. CHURCH You are invited to attend services at the M. E. Church every Sunday. Sunday" school, 10 a. m. Morning worship, 11 a. m. Sermon, '"Memories To Unsung Heroes", by pastor, Rev. L. H. Brattain. [ The four\h quarterly conference will be held at the church next Sunday at 2 p. nt. This will be the last opportunity of the official board to meet with the district superintendent, Dr. Aubrey S. Moore, as he will be replaced by a new superintendent in October. The length of the term of office for the district superintendent is six yearn, when a change must be made. The annual conference of the M. EJ, Church will be held-in Elgiri in October. Members of the official board and friends of the church are urged to attend this meeting and plan for another year. As Rev. Brattain will not return another year these plans should be discussed with Dr. Moore. Indian* Have Lower Pals* Rat*' Indians have a lower pulse rate tluia oeof>)< whlfe race. *• , -- Summer Opening -- of the iteautifulyi <, a caller at the Ray Dowell home last Saturday. Mrs. Anna Matthews, Mrs. Allen and " ,,c"! "7 Hayford, Mrs. F. O. Rowley and Mrs. i fprtrude of Chicapo wew ' ^ect ve ,n. a few-weeks. j.Thopias Stanek and little daughter daughter, Gertrude, of Chicago wei^ i hg g Q(>() unds and 1S furnish- f p„T>jtal Lake were callers last Fri- Sumlay visitors m the N. J. Justen_ wRh & tH ,e tjme ,ock ar, -u ot Cr>,tal Lake were caikrs last tri home. - Miss Verena Justen of Pittsburg is spending a vacation this week, with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. N. J. Justen. Mr. and Mrs. Henry Wohlert havu moved into a Parks flat on Waukegan street. . Mr. and Mrs. J. M. Fhalift and son, Harold, visited in Chicago Sunday* Miss Kathleen Givens was a Chicago visitor Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. John Bolger and littla and isf ab- | ^ay at th^ home of Mr. and Mrs. Harsolutely fire and burglar proof. I * Matthews. .. Hon. George Gage is giving his re- | Mr and ^m. Davis spent last sidence a coat of paint on the outside, Thursday at the home of Mr> and jjr§ which much improves its appearance. Earl Converse. Another freeze-up on Sunday nigh . ^jr and. Mrs. LaDoyt Matthews of Ice full a quarter of an. inch t^ic porest Park spent Monday with relatives at 1 t&e Darrell-Matthews .homes. Mrs-. Ray Dowell' nnd daughter spent .last Wednesday and Thursday Ml M cHettry^Ill Dancing to ' CONNIE WENDELLaodHis ORCHESTRA Decoration Day Dancing Wednesday, May 29 Thursday, May 30 f Table Service A^A A^A A^A A^A A* h * ** -S * 4J Was formed on tubs of water on Monday morning TWENTY-FIVE YEARS AGO The breaking of a whiffletree la3t ^at home of her parents, Mr. and atiu ou..... „..v. Saturday forenoon while Guy Clemens ; Mrs. Wm. Davis. daughter!* M^y" AnnT spent"' several >'as out in a fifeld on the Clemens j Mrs. Page Smith spent last Thursdays last week at Springfield, where farm plowing up sod was the cause of j day at the home of Mrs. B. C. Harthey visited Mrs. Brlger's siat^r. Mr. | very painful injuries to Mr Clemens rris at Wauconda. ^ Bolger also attended the k. L. Con- | Three horses were attached to the j Mr. and Mrs. Ray Dowell and vention at Decatur. plow mid the'sudden breaking 01 tne i daUghter were business callers at Mr and Mrs C H Duker and whiffletree threw the driver across Lak6 Zurich last Friday evening, daughter, Marjory, visited his neph-^he plow with such force as to cause j Mr. and Mrs. Ray Dowell and few and wife. Mr. and Mrs. Loren ; several bad gashes about the face, two .daughter and Ray Johnson visited at , , .-ii. --j - •--a Konir the home of frienda at Union Grove, Wis., Sunday. Duker, in Chicago Sunday, also go- broken teeth and a strained bac^- | The Rev. Wm. Nickle, who taught school in McHenry fifty years ago, ing to the Shedd Aquarium and thru LlMre" F^E." Cocalt expects the ar-< wi11 occuPy the Pu,Pifc at the M' E rival of her mother, Mrs. G. A. Himler, from Puyallup, Wash , Friday. Mrs. Hi. E. Durland spent Monday in Chicago. I Mrs. Martha Page of Richmond ' spent Thursday evening in McHenry. ' Mrs. A. Landwer of Woodstock ! spent Thursday evening here. t ' Mr. and Mrs. Harry Hitzeman and little son of Chicago spent Sunday with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. A. E. Nye church next Sunday morning In a letter from. Peter M; Justen, who now is at Denver, Colo., we learn that he has an excellent position in the coke- department of the Denver Gas and Electric Say yon read it in THE PLAINDEALER.. -.7.-'" Central Garage a^a Phone 200-J Fred J. Smith, prop* Johnsburg The best equipped garage in Northern Illinois. We can take care of any kind of aa autom<ytive repair job and guarantee our work. •' Standard Service Station ; 24-Hour Towing Service . (Handy Location for Summer EesidMitiX FRED SMITH, Prop. TWENTY YEARS AGO ' The old cheese factory, which for a quarter of a century or more has served the village as a municipal building, wis sold to C. G. Berner on Mon- Mr. and Mrs. A_ K. Bufns of Oak day evening of this week for $101. Park were Monday afternoon callenr| ;rvK< ^ Joseph W. Freund, the West Side in the home of Mrs. Burns' sister^clothier, has been named McHenry's Mrs. George Johnson. • jnew postmaster. The news announc- Mr. and Mrs. Herbert Homuth of i "ST the appointment was received here Barrington were Sunday callers in j^y wire last Thursday afternoon and the J. F. Claxton home. came as a general surprise to our Mrs. C. Leppert and children of i people, as it was not known that Mr. Kirkland were Sunday guest9 of her Freund was in line for the office. mother, Mrs. Minnie Miller. Mrs. Miller returned home with her for a few days' visit. M. and Mrs. George Shepard and John Thennes is driving a new Ford touring car, purchased thru the J6hn R. Knox agency. The new West Side garage • build children of Ringwood were Sunday '8 now completed and occupied, visitors in the J. F. Claxton home. " ia the largest garage in town. Miss Maud Granger of Chicago ^7^ Af3n spent the weekend with her sister, Mrs. Robert Thompson. Mrs. Theresa Forst who has con- Supt. and Mrs. C. H. Duker, ducted a hotel at Pistakee Bay for daughter, Marjory, Mrs. E. E. Bas-! several seasons past," has this season sett and daughter, Mrs. Henry Vogel,' rented the Mertes Oak Park hotel motored to Yorkville Monday evening Mr. and Mrs. George Kuhn and her brother and wife of Chicago visited friends here Thursday. .. Mr. and Mrs. Harry Alexander of Hebron, who returned Saturday night, from a trip to' Cushing, Okla., were Sunday evening visitors in the Robert Thompson home. Mrs. George Stoffel of Woodstock spent Tuesday with her mother, Mrs. J. Miller. Mrs. Stasia Malone spent" a few days this week in Crystal Lake, where she was called by the death of Mrs. Herman Rapp. Mr. and Mrs. M. J. Walsh, Miss Ellen 'Doherty, Mrs. Stasia Malone, and Mrs. Margaret McCarthy called in the Courtney home near Wauconda Sunday and also at the Mrs. Herman Rapp home at Crystal Lake. Melvin Walsh and Gladys Gaulke of Chicago were Sunday visitors in the home of the former's parents, Mr. and Mrs. M. J. Walsh. Mr. and Mrs. Herman Nye and children of Freeport visited relatives here Sunday. . Mr. and Mrs. Louis Young and children of Waukegan visited relatives here Sunday. Mrs. George Bouge and Miss Kimball of Wauconda were Thursday evening callers in the H. J. Schaffer home. - Stanley Sclurffer Jwrma^ a Rafine visitor Sunday. - Marie Miller and Merle Blank war* Chicago visitors Wednesday. Earl J. Knecht has rented the John J. Barbian building on Green street and the place is now being put in readienss for his occupancy. Two new gasoline filling stations and refreshments stands have beeqr erected on Route 20 between this city and Lily Lake. Nick N. Freund, local agent for the Standard Oil Co., conducting one wiiile the second station is being run by Henry NelL British Amy "Iron Ration*" "Iron rationa" for the British army consist of an elgl^t-oance cake made of' cocoa, cocoa butter, milk, proteins and •agar, which Is said to be sufflclent t» a »aa altv* 48 kom$ Handball Champion of Ford Econo *m*BB53SS35 Jpe Platek of Chicago is the new national handball champion. He was a dark horse In the tonrnament in Washington but his fpeed and stamina enabled him to defeat all other foo- Mohe Muss. Faster miles. Greater economy .. . that is the story of the Ford V-8. There are conclusive figures from owners to show that it is the most economical Ford car ever built A particularly interesting and complete report of costs comes from a national fleet owner who has owned } 854 Ford cars which have run more than thirty million miles in business use. " 175 were Model T Fords which were rim 5.017.075 - miles. 599 were Model A Ford cars which were run ' 24,041,632 miles. 80 are Ford V- 8 cars which have been run 2,982,886 miles. . • This owner's cost records show that Ford V-8 cars, cost 12% less to operate than the Model A Fords and" 31% less than the Model T Fords. And they covered more miles per month! The monthly average for the Model T Fords was 1509 miles. . . . For the Model A Fords, 1866 miles.... And 2571 miles for the Ford V-8* Each year the Ford car gives you more in value and figures Show Mox* *co- Bonical tkaa tk« Modal K. ford V-8 is 12% and naical < | rO than »b« ^| f a m o u s Mftdol T. F O K D -7 : : . v

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