Illinois News Index

McHenry Plaindealer (McHenry, IL), 6 Jun 1935, p. 5

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Tlmrsiiay, June 6, 1935 •M THE M'HENRY PLAINDEALEB^-SIXTIETH ANNIVERSARY From MARGARET McDONALD ' ,|Sear Old Plaindealer: . ' " i , Happy birthday, happy birthday to "lrt>u. Sixty ytear^ is a long time face the people but if they all welcome yW like I do and miss you like I do, if I don't see you every week, you will be very happy to keep on. - .Away from McHenry, the paper , keeps me with the old_ home town folks. God bless them ail? My father, Sam'l. McDonald, was fline of the first subscribers and I have continued to receive it ever since his death. .. My brother, Afbofrt, will; be .remembered as an apprentice on the T~' piper for quite a while. 'r Tours very truly, MARGARET McDONALD, 804 Forest Ave, Highland Park WELL KNOWN M'HENRY FOLKS NOW AND THEN fage Fire Mary J., George W., Ellen A , Ida ! MRS. CHARLES W GIBBS »„d Kiiiari A . - ANSWERS SUMMONS Newell S. Colby, a pioneer resident of this vicinity, was born in Vermont, coming here in 1840 with. his. parents, I ra and Mary Colby. ---- --- His brothers and sister^ were: Mrs. Jacob Story, Abbie S. . Smith, who Steam Oil Push-Up Wave For Short Shingk Bob Styles; Also Ringlet End Curl Permanent -|$1 50 Cro^uignolc or Spiral Waves, giiar. $3 Value;. 2 persons $3 up AH WBV«8 com p. with Shampoo, Set STOMPAN AT 0 *S J ..v Beauty Salon ' Tel. 641 • Woodstock, lit. 226 Main St. 229 Benton St. Note--A complete price list will sent on request. t; THOMAS A. BOLGER McHenry is honorecLin having one of/its native sons serving W a :BeHe~ Sayier'and " NeWefi:- resentative at Springfield m the perr*"^ son of Thomas A. Bolger. " Mr. Bolger is the Democratic representative .from the Eighth district and is serving his third year in the House at Springfield, commencing his first term under Governor Emmerson and now embarked on his second tefrm under Governor Homer Born on the fatm where he has al- | Ways lived, Rep. Bolger is the son of the late Walter Bolger, a resident of j this vicinity for many years. I ; His brother, John A.1 Bolger, is I president and manager of the_-Mt' Henry County JParmerS^'C^c^^tiye | association in -'McHenry: JOHtf B. KELT EE '//j6^h "B,---Kelter of McHenfy a "printer's devil" in the Plairidealfei office .when J. . VanSlyke was editor and was one.-of the earliest employes in the printing office and is now the only early . employe living in this vicinity. ' •The Plaindealer office Was then located on what is now known as the Lawlus corner where the John Huck Choosing as his text, "Seek Ye God and Your Souls Will Be Saved", the Rev. Father William A. O'Rourke, pastor of St: Patrick's church, delivered the, funeral sermon of Mr*, died in 1853; Mrs. Sarah Sherburne; • Charles W!' Gibbs, '59 years old at Frank S. Colby; Ora C. Colby; Flora1- - " ' ^fDeaths William Cottle Fay Craveris; John B,; Gideon; Henry and Will. ' '• - •His children were Mrs. May Sayler, DR. C H. FEGERS Dr. C. H. Fegers. graduated from the Chicago Medical College in the spring of 1879, andHregan his practice in Johnsburg, moving to McHenry in June 1883. I*, Fegers passed away in 1924, after a long and/honorable career in this community. /tWilliam-" Cottle' Fay died Wednesday evening at his home at 7$3 South St Patrick's^church at 10:30 o'clock j street, Elgin/after being confined to Saturday morning, June 1, 1935; J his home by illness since November. Mrs. Gibbs died fit St. Anthony's I , He was born in Auburn, N. Y„ ..n hospital, Chicago, at 3 o'clock Thurs-1 August 21, 1845, but spent most of 3fty morning, Ascension Day, follow- i his life in Chicago.' He -had been ing" an . operation for gall stones/resident of. Elgin for fifteen years." which she underwent' just a -week be- i Mr. Fay, while a young man in Chifore on Thursday. She was recover-' cago, witnessed the great fire which ing from the operation nicely, ljow-! wiped out a major portion of that ever, but suffered a- heart attack! city in 1871. from which she could not rally. • j Surviving him are the widow, Mrs. Her death jcame as a great shock ] Kate Howe Fay. and several cousins, to her lovea ones and her , mam' friends. who. .had been happy1, over her evident successful recovery from the operation. ; '-/ •s? Catherine Forest Home, Chicago. Peter and Ellen Walsh/"was ho'fn in who reside in New York. Private futieral services were held i • i u • i what was formerly the H, C. Mead bungalow, ( after an illness- of only a few days. - " - - „ *'V' He was boni? October 7, 1871, at Montour Falls. N. Y. Mr. Merrick was' a road and sewer contractor and in 1916 built one of tha' first concrete roads in KenoshiT(*bunty/ Wis. He built road£ in Kenosha, Round Lake, Lake,Villa, Burlintgon, | and McHenry ifnd also in the north west.' - - ."/ On June &9. 1912. he was united marriage, tp Christine Vos at Spok'ar. ^ji Wash., and to this-union one daught JoSeta, was born. They came to J! Henry, to live in 1926. A cjevoted" husband and father, i is mourned by his wife a?id daug';. er who- survive him as well as '.ma v. friends to whom he was always lo\ • He Was a devout member of s* Patrick's church and was a good Miss Marguerite Fr*eund is resting comfortably at her home on Waukegari street with her leg in a cfst, following an operation on her leg. "ftie first meeting of McHenry Lodge, No. 158, A. F. and A. M* Was held Feb. 26, 1854. at 2 p.\ ml Cremation took place at CMrence Finnerty .C.EORG E 'MEtfER&C-;->£ '; figure in '• that -of George Meyers,, 79 years old, LMcHenry on January 25, 1876; atrd who ha^ been a resident here fot-1had been "a resident ^f this "loealitv 6 ' f' Clarence Finnerty. 82,'passed away r^^arS mi °n Au,ru?t |if^ /the Brtfnd. sanitarium at Woo^ bta^ted-M ^ to Cbarles W dbbs and |ahoul G p. n^ Friday; foilowing: Mr. Meyera was horn ^after^hving m Chi^go fqr two years an ^rne^ of about t^m<mth3t «e France, and, came here in 1877, Wheh ahd SK&nSas City 'for about a year. Ldie4 0f pneufrtonici: s ' about 21 years/ old:. After :stopping,4 the^ liwd oti aferrn sc«ith: of towji^Tunera! Services fc^e' hei^ Mohuntil about five, ago, moving : (ia,^ a,t the: horiie M his mikher, tp McHenry when Mr. ^ibbs^beeanve at Wood?tod<:, . who 'is employ^ with the. PuEe Mrlk Ass^ia- .well knowh in .Eastern. Star^WrclieS ;tiom . 'v. /i^^-' • J. •• A V.i'l Surviving her are hfcr husband, a 1 i-Hi'i. havks 1::- jobi a. few months in Chicago^^ he came to. MciHenry Where he-has since livedo, Strll a<4iye.y-a^<l;-:)»U8y,"'.Mr.* Works every around town. . /- / y • . Costello of Elgin ahd Mrs. Jack Walsh Mfj anW Mrs. Phil Mayes, who-were ] of McHenry and five brothers, John corner wnere .ne -onn xaucv -raised in McHenry, are living at St. : and Walter of McHenry. Richard \*n- {ohn^ordstrom, 56 years old, stand is and Mr Kelter lived nearly Pau, Minn„ where he has been em-, Beloit, Wis., Edwin and Sarin of Chi- d,ed at 5" Home, at .Fox.Lake Satur- ,n b,s ,n th. K.ltpr Mn* wh„h pl{)yed fo_. the ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ j day mght. Sometime ago she fell, the flour mills.- ? /* ^ Mr. Mayes is the aon of F. G. Mayes, who advertised irt the first THC BtiELSB McHenry, Illinois- Perfect Sound Shows 7il5 and 9:15 p. m. DST Sunday Matinee 3:40 continuous Admission 10-25c thURSDAY (Last Day) : "CAR 99" This story is taken from tlv padlocked files of the Michigan state police--showing the super charged : thrills of the Radio Patrol. Also--"Sock Me To Sleep. ' Betty Boop Cartoon, "Baby lit Good," Dumbell Letters. ~~~ FRIDAY, Jl NE 7 Edna May Oliver and James Gl>kason in "MURDER ON A HONEYMOON'.' Also--Leon Errol Comedy, "Fixing A Stew;" Musical Coir, edy Hit, "Southern Style." SATURDAY, JUNE 8 (One day only). Warren William, Margaret Linrtlsav in "THE CASE OF THE CURIOUS BRIDE" with Allen Jenkins ,;-/:;Ata<H-- Hal LeRoy Musical Comedy, "In-» The Spotlight:" Radio Ramblers in "Guess Stars." SUN. - MON., JUNE 9 • 10 "GEORGE WHITE'S 19S5 SCANDALS" with James Dunn, Alice Faye. Ned Sparks, Aline Judge, Cliff Edwards, Benny Rubin Also-- "Easy Money," "Then Came The Dawn," World News. TUESDAY. JUNE 11 --^FLIRTING WITH DANGER" with Robert Armstrong, William Cagney; Edgar Kennedy Also-- Simp Phoney Concert, "Flying Down To Zero." WEDNESDAY - THURSDAY "LADDIE" I in his home in the Kelter bldtli which stood on the site of John Stilling's tire shop. From McHenry, Mr. Kelter went to Chicago where he continued to work in a printinf^jpffice and later went on the road for the firtt\. His father, Michael Kelter, came to McHenry in 1841. 3,^.,.">: HI WATTLES Twenty-six years ago Frank H. Wattles first served as jnayor of McHenry and du^ng the years that followed he was re-elected as mayor several times-'and Jtlso wa& alderman for many years. "/-; issue of The Plaindealer. He was a She was a member of Fox River I re<M>lvmp « broken hip, but her death Valley Camp, No 3251, R. K. A., and !W!^. 5a"sed i b>' a heart attacki of the Altar and Rosary Sodality of . ™T* Nordstrom, at one time worked St. Patrick's church and was active j!a the Hunter Boati«ftory here, and, . JOHN STOFFEL John Stoffel has been in business in West McHenry for nearly 32 years but has been a "counter jumper," asho expresses it, for 48 years. His first job as a clerk wajs for Lige Richardson at Volo a^ter. which he came to McHenry. . • JOHN H. MILLER -Tha marble works j were established at .Johnsburg in 18(i8- hy Henry Miller! merchant tailor and dealer,in ready-:in social functions in her parish. Her made clothing, located "one door north] devotion to the church was one of her of Colby's Drug store. j outstanding characteristics- and she Mrs.-Mayes was before'her mar-'was ever interested in its welfare, riage, Miss Alice Bennett, daughter j Funeral services were held Saturof Mr. and Mrs. L* E Bennett. Mr. , day morning, June 1, at 10:30 o'clock Bennett will b£, remembered by many from St. Patrick's church with Fathas the photographer here for many years. Elsewhere in this issue is ar interesting letter fron> his son, Frank Bennett'-.' is now a contractor; Funeral services were held Tuesday With burial in Cole's cemetery. • er William A. -O'Rourke officiating. Old friends. E. R Sutton, Earl Mc- Andrews, Albert Purvey, Clarence Whiting, Richard ^ .Fleming and Clarence Martin, acted as-pall-bearers and JOHN BOYLE -t^p mai\y Tloral offerings Were » John Boyle, who died Oct/24,. lSSl^beautifuI testimonial of the love and at the age of 70 years, was road com- festeem in which she was held in the missioner of McHenry township for \ community. . thirty years. ' Burial" m St. Patrick's #tmetery; "•'/".•/• Z---^~ '! Card rtf Thanks CHAS B. HARM SEN ; In this mannep we desire to ex- .eharles B. Harmson, who died Nov.. press our sincere, appreciation and 12, at tlis; - of Bnunitt H. Merrick Elnmitt. H. Merrick, 64 years old, ^ied May 27, 1935, at his-home in -community as: well as his friends. Funeral services were held VV ; nesday, ~ M$y 29, ^t 10/ o'clock, at. St Patrick\s;church^ • .- Munster, Wis. " CAUGHT 9-lb. PICKEREL ttTio says there1 no ftsh""-}rr'l-'ox Ti^er.?/-^- Well:, /folksi'r w're going . o tell a true "fish .s{«iy>,;'and.<wk'*ro sqr^^'-authentic/l^aas'e.' Mrs. P.. :i Di<?tz told /U^; about- it -^hd We /^no\v that you kijow that th^'-'Wo.rd^if-. "M; D i e t z i s OX. . . ' " ' ' j . - ' . : - Well, if<4*ap' like this^.. W:/J: Moon tsy of Chicago out to the Fox river occassionall'y, where he enjoyfishing and recreation. Over the wei k end Mr. Mooney visited in the hoim of Anton Johnson on Fox river n<"- ; door to the Ben Dietz homte and whiK' fishing from the Dietz pier on Sat urday evening caught a nine-poun.l Fickerel. This was, indeed, a rt-al catch and something to be proud i t The fish made a delicious Sunday dinner for the party. No doub't, wheh the PlaindeaK r puts out it's next anniversary niftn^t i in another sixty years, this will tn found in the "remember way rbiu1 when" column. -. . /. Plaindealer Want Ads bring results c^'rT'_Tr ib FRIDAY, JUNE 7 . Lyle Talbot. Gertrude Michael "IT HAPPENED IN . NEW YORK" y, Saturday, june 8 •. Greatest Of AH Dog Storijs MDOG OF FLANDERS" • with Frahkie Thomas " SUNDAY and MONDAY \ .. * Jl'S-E 9-10 " Wi/lianl' Jfoweli, (Jinrger Rogers in TThat Great Show «'STAR OF ICtDNIGHT" •//.•^omfdy^--Cartoon--, "vV;- ' - -Sunday Only: ;'/'"'•/ At Kk;mine at the orgaa. Ra> . Francisco. Guest Artist. TUESDAY', JUNE II BARGAIN MGHT ' "GREAT HOTKL MURDER" > WED. and THURk . . JUNE 12-13 yV-. A Super-Thriller That To(& Them All! Karloff and Colin Clive 'Bride of Frankenstein' d, later m.o ved. t.o M,c l,l enr,v, where -JT ul»y 2n2n , ,1m93,4 . a.t t-h« the;y were-•> operated , bdy John 11. Millet ! -„ • J,. - ., and are now THr„e nry Miller-, i w• as thfe only livmir Civil .War mother J- m itUh e I) nited, -cS.t a,t es and, was a Je. - tbWi^ ^Loisk' for. twenty-eight yearS. i/^cighbors and friends for their kiiid / :..'.V;--.:iJ.e.xnres?ions' ;of sympathy and acts" of /*• : MRS. |?AMANTIIA BtiTTON -kindness -during our recent bereayer Mrs.; Samantha Button, who died ffmeHt.- We alsq: thank the donorft rtf aw -of- 103, ;<*ar-R. third generation of the (family, John H. "Miller --jfras mayor of McHenry" for two; years in 1911 ahd 1912. scendant settlers. of the McCollums, earlj CHARLES W. GIBBS. " DAN O'SHEA-.' BROTH ERS ANiD SISTERS H. HANKINS CARD OF THANKS / We desire to extend our sincere Born in New York City in 1808, /thanks to neighbors and friends for - DR. I)' G. WELLS where he. lived until coming, to Me- |their assistance and expressions of Dr. W-ells wr.} mayor of McHeniy Henry, June 1, 1837. He* was a sympathy during our recent-bereave-. IOOQ incorpora e as a cl-> • saddler by, trade, which business" he ! went. Also to the donors of. cars and m 1923. Hiqei .<sve rved hai s ff«ifrst year «is . ^ ,. .-' J1*? v i ~ i x- • j ifinu,„„ Di if ^ducted in New York and continued flowers. | THIS IS MANAGERS' & CLERKS' I APPRECIATION 1 WEEK! ITicmk yon, Mrs. Hou»ewiie, for youi patronage during oar managers' and clerks' we«k sale. Your response to this sale was .. eo splendid that the managers and clerks would like to reciprocate and give, you another week ol the remarkably low prices on high quality merchandise as was ofiered during managers' and n~ ' " ' ' ,e oi tLs ' MRS. GRASS' mayor in 1915 with a total of four , t. .. ... . V«mr« «S m.vnr here until his retirement. th«n went *' to Indiana to live with his son. Air DR. CHAM BERLIN j bert, where he died July 10 1888. " Dr. Chamberlin was mayor of Mc-! {*r,rare " son*. wiT e °v ,m>,. Henry in two years, 1917 and 1918. lHa"^s' born m New \ork City • • * tin 1808; died at McHenry. Mar. 12. DR. N.^J. NYE . • 1879. S^THEAET FAILUKI! APTEE cago. For several months he visited his patients on a bicycle, then bought i a horse and buggy>-,and later had one of the first high wheeled automobiles Mrs. The!m,a Lay and daughter, Thelma. Mrs. Mary Lay and children. *2 JUNE BRIDES * iContinned from Front Page.) EGC NOODLES GRAPEFRUIT 2 -'21c ley, a friend, who was e."corted by Paul Karls, brother of the bride. The - » i %rr\Twn _ _ best man was Frederick Preusker of ' LANDING OF FlSH Chicago, brother of the groom, and . | Matt and William Karls were usherfi. Excitement of catching a fish is ! The bride/ Miss Rosina Karls, was Tile Beautiful CRYSTAL LAKE. ILL. Continuous I>ecoration Day Sunday Prices and Schedule . FRIDAY. JUNE 7 H "IT HAPPENED IN NEW YORK" with Gertrude Michael Heather Angel - Lyfcr Talbot SATURDAY, JUNE 8 Mat. Every Saturday at 2:30 "HOLD EM YALE" with l'atricia Ellis, Larry Criabbe, Andy Devine Another Damon Runyon Hit! SUNDAY and MONDAY "GEORGE WHITE'S 1935 SCANDALS" Alice Faye, James Dunn; Ned Sparks, Lyda Robertf Better this year than, ever! Full of Stars! Tunes! Laughs! Spectacle! . » Sunday Mat./2:4& to 6^--10c-25< After 6 and Weekdays--l®c-30i TUESDAY 10c^ SPECIAL 15t* Edna May Oliver in "MURDER ON A . HONEYMOON" . with James Gleason WEDNESDAY - THURSDAY McKEE'S KITCHENWARE FREE TO THE LADIES Claudette Colbert in "PRIVATE WORLDS" with Charles "Boycr A Four-Star Picture!! believed to have brought on a heart j lovely in a white satin princess gown, in this section. Since then he has attack which caused the death, Mon- fashioned with a high neck line and worn out many cars in his practice. day morning, pf Frank Potensa, 42 long sleeves in Princess Marina style. He located in McHenry in April, ! years old, jof Park Ridge, on the Tiny lace epaulet* trimmed each 11910, when he bought out Dr. Fegew. j bank of Fox river at his summer shoulder of the gown and the veil o| ! '- •-- " jhome near Burton's bridge,""in the i silk tulle and lace fell gracefully over ! L PHYSICIANS Bay View subdivision^ the ^i-ain of the gown. The veil was Local physicians of McHenry ar^ j Potensa, a retired mechanical en_ | worn cap effect and was arranged . now Dr. D. G. Wells, Dr. N. J. Nye, gineer, arrived at his summer home with seed pearls and lace The cost-1 Dr. Wm A. Nye, Dr. A. I. Froehlich Sunday with his1 family and a friend, ume was completed with a shower • and Dr. .C. W, Klontz. i Roy Misenar. He and Misenar were 1 bouquet of white roses and lilies of -i Of this group Dr. Wells and D-:., fjg'hing^^ from" the bank of.the river the valley. , ' ; N, J. .Nye are the veterans, having [ Monday morning and Potensa landed ! The maid of honor. Miss Evelyn taken care of patients in this vicin- | B fish. " . ;./-. v;; :' , Karls, wore a blue organdie gown,5 ity for many years • ^ j Misenar told a coroner's jury that ] fl°or h'nfTjth. with blue lace mitts, hat In the line of dentistry Dr/»R' /t'- j Potensa was preparing to remove the and other accessories, to match. She ! Chamberlin is the veteran, having . fjsjj from the hook when he collaps- carried a bouquet of spring flowers; located here many years. ject and feA to the groulid. Misertar /Miss Dorothy Woi'mley, bridesmai l, ' • • I/'TT T ^e °ther den- Carried the stricken nian into his wore a peacji color organdie- gown J tist in McHenry, also having been -home, but he- was de^d when a ihysi-' v^ith- peach accessories ahd also car-": located here several years He mar- /^n arrived: . . /rkd spring flowers. : . , ./ ' j lied Annabel Heimer, a IOCQI girl. . | Coroner E." H. Cook held the in- : The men of the bridal party woce : AI I PV i> rni NV quest about noon Monday in Mc- I'gardenia houtonniere in the lapels • • 7i »i 'Henry. The body was taken to Park .of their dark suits. Among the -pioneers.--of.McHenry . Ridge where Jfunei^J services will Immediately following the .^ edd-ihg county the Col by s have occupied a held : //[ceremony a reception was held at the PLAIN OR SALTED Un«e4a Biscuit 3 PKQS. 14c AIRY FAIRY CAKE FLOUR 2 4$e UNT II-A BAKT HS VANILLA OR Brownie Thlna . lb 21C Borden's Eagle Brand CONDENSED MILK % -.^137c HA RING CHOCOLATE Hershey'* . 2c 8AKES25< elerks weak. By all means take lull advantage •vent. Make a list oi your food requirements fox the next week Or two--don't forget to include replacements on your emergency •hell. We know that the values ofiered are so outstanding that • Ton visit your favorite A A P Food Store we will earn you valued patronage. Not alone for this week--but continually. POLK'S FANCY 3S&.J2SC POLK S FANCY Orapefruit Juic« . Del Monte Fruit Cocktail . 2 No. 2 cans 35c #PARKUNG BCVGAAQES Yukon Club .. t 24-02-btte 25c --««JIVAPORATED - White House Milk 3TALLTCL* CANS TRY ARMOUR'S "MEAL OF THE MONTH" ARMOUR'S stai 2"29c CORNED BEEF HASH COLLEGE INN Chicken and Noodle Dinner . 1J"a°R 2SC 33CANS 10C H-LB PKG. LB 19C 16c Iiibby's Potted Meat \ B K J H E N ' - < T O A K E . Minced Ham ^souAnER Wilson's CI^ED Bacon SULTANA BRAND ALASKA RED SALMON ^ 18c prominent position. Allen P. Colby came to Illinois in 1837, cuttiri}; his way through th>r forest at Lily Lake to get to McHenry.- • " /:•- • The village oil McHeniy consisted (IWARDS JUDGMENT TOTALING $89,483.45, home of the bride's ' mother, wher? dinner was served to about forty members of the immediate families. The home was' decorated in the colors of the bridal' party and /the . - • - MILD AND MELLOW... EIGHT O'CLOCK R R COFFEE 3 bag 4§c Thos.i. Webb Coffee • b.29c KING OSGA.R lmpoz*ted Sardines QUT I COAST Medium Size Shrimp . Bologna Sausage . . 2 3^a"nI' 25c 2 6&ns 21C LB 19c CHOICE HAND-PICKED - , Judgment of $89,48.3.45 plus inter^ j tables were pretty with lilies - of the of a half dozen cabins, one occupied est, apramst the American Terra Cot- valley fciffet-me-nots and ferns, by B. B. Brown as a tavern, one by jta company was awarded V. D. Me- | Mr/and Mrs Preusker left on a Dr. Christy G. Wheeler and his fam- ; Connell and Mrs. Helen Berry, Chi- jjip "TEftW ily, .and the 4hird by Henry M T --vtS^^i^^S^^^im^SdWlra^^whirh thTy'will r^iile with t'hg 'bride's ' Shurtleff. . ( mother in McHenry for the summer. < ' court directs that if the judg-,---The ^rroom. who in fountain ma«atrmieht TS not paid within three days, Jej. for DeMets. will make daily trios the mortgraped personal property is : to and from Chicago. - to be sold by Henry L. Cowlin, mast- | Miss Kprls has been employed • at er in chancery. It further prefvides local telephone exchange for the that if proceeds of the sale are in-|piRt six years. sufficient to pay the debt Master^ Out^f-town (?uests at the weddinjr Cowlin must sell as much of the com-i^ere: Mr. and Mrs. Matt Karls and pany's real estate as is necessary to j son> Bobby, Mr. and .Mrs. Wm. Karls, pay the difference. The firm's prop-json Billy. Jr.. and daqehfer. Kathererty includes a plant and 1,366 acrt-s ; jne Marie, Mr.' and Mrs. Laurence of land at Terra Cotta. -jSenten and son, Laurence, Jr., Mr: and McConnell and Mrs. Berry are com-i Mrs. Roy Johnson and sonsr Jimmy plainants-in "a foreclosure filed in the/and R.oyt Mr and Mrs. Jerome Moeicircuit court recently to recover the ieri Mrs. Sandford and son, Frank, unpaid balance of a $200,000 loan o«- Mr. and Mrs. John Waldbillinjr, Dr. tained by the firm thirteen, years Frank Schramm, Dr. G. A. Preusker a£T<>. / ' . and Mrs, Resek, all of Chicago. P«G WHITE NAPHTHA PICED OROP8 Fr--,'" rriv'. lb 1 Oc NAVY BEANS 6 - 25c 2Morton's p,i^c)[2?dr Salt . 2P6K-OGZS,. - EMCORE. Macaroni or Spaghetti-^ Birds-Eye Matches . , Ken-L-Ration £i^BrL£UOWTOILET SOAF- • •' --- PALMOLIVE 4 "17c 15c ^ He 'er3* 23c ^ 29c American Family Flakee ?i-OZ. OAPKQ. WC MivS. &AKAH Hbtki FREUND-S< HOENHOLTZ On the show, case in Bolger's Drtfpr store there is a box of cipars with a card attached bearing the words, WONDER LAKE . Lake, second in ."sjt'e to Fox . Lake, was made bv- damnimp Nip"-_ Two other families, those of Daniel jpersirtk creek at Barnard's rrtills.-/A Owen and John McOmber, were on j JjBO.OOO dam was built across the val- 'l "Compliments - of Mr. and Mrs. the opposite side of the creek. jley and a total of 1640 acres of land Schoenholtz.". We can't telj you any Page Colby came to McHenry in was purchased hy, the Jones & Winter (more about it at this time, folks,-for 1 8 4 0 D u r i n g t h e f i r s t t e n m o n t h s c o m p a n y , f o r s u b d i v i d i n g . T h e J a k e / M r . S c h o e n h o l t z , ' s e v e n t h g r a d e of his stay he lived with his uncle, j covers about .750 acres. •„ • V" teacher, is out of town, and the par- Ira, but the spring found him hard > The" Nippersink has a . water shed : ents of the hrtde, Marian Freund, it work upon his land and during1 the Jof 95 square miles ^nd an annual Mr. and Mrs. Ben Freund, refuse to ummer he built a frame house. j rainfall "of about 39 inches, which be ititerviewed. If you learn any p&r- New Red Potatoes Bananas Cucumbers ......... New Corn Fresh Peas Watermelon*, V •, Prunes, 70-80 size P. L. Corn or Peas Wax Beans. No. 2 Sunnyfield Flour .241-2 lb. 78c Pillsbury Flour 24'/2 lbs. $1.04 Ceresota Flour . 24' 2 lbs. $1.05 Gold Medal Flour, 24'^ lbs. $1.06 A & P F He' had six <r|iildren, Charles "C., keeps the lake filled. ticulars let us know. : M lbs. 29(5 ib. 5c .2 for 5c .4 for 10c £ . 2 lbs. 13c *32 lb. ave. 59c No. 2 can 10c 3 cans 25c 49 lbs. $1.56 49 lbs. $2.08 49 lbs. $2.10 49 lbs. $2.12 PAIl'V tGG • - Laying Mash 60c $2.19 Scratch Grain SAG8 54C 1lg^8 $1.95 .Oyster Shells . , . . ^ 69c DAI-L . I-.HOWTH " Growing Mash AG B 61c $215 aau-- woATH Ohick Starter 65c Chick Feed . ^ 59c '^8 $2.15 ^ ' • • - Uaii v Feed . . . Salt . a CRUSHED1 , Reek Salt . * SAG SO-LS M. 8LOC-i

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