* i fyr+V--r T*.1 ,ih5 *;• ;, -•.%!>;• - \y,-» i$tbi • :>* -.; •*' •'v^y'-vti. jiow ; * ' * r * ,. . A^>.. J«" Tl.r{.': -;^ " ,tt./~' '^'r V; •n?-A; ^ ^ 'Si Thursday, Jane 27,1935 1128^221,044 LBS. MILK DELIVERED IN MAT %• v, Almost 17% million extra pounds of tnilk over the previous month was delivered by Pur© Milk Association : members in May, according to figure* released by the Association Marketing Department. ;y ( This additional seasonal milk swelled the May milk delivery total to 128,221,044, as compared with 110,- HSl, 198 pounds delivered by Associa- .v 'lion members in April. The peak Seems to have been reached.- With -short pasture and flies, production . will undoubtedly drop. Actual figures show that Associa- . tion members received $2,205,401.96 for all milk delivered in May as com- ,' pared with. $2,104, 842.76 for milk delivered in April. , .-'u- With the price of 92 score Chicago .\ J»utter dropping about seven cents t "" from 32.81 cents in April to 25.91 Cents in May, the rainy cold weathei : propping sales in Claw 1 and the excessive amount of seasonal milk be*. ' riing delivered , Class 2 and Class S prices paid for milk delivered naturally dropped Milk delivered by PMA members averaged 443,456 more pounds daily in May over the previous month, an average of 4,136,162 pounds of milk being delivered as compared with 3,- 692, 706 in April. The daily gross worth of milk delivered in May averaged $71,142.00. In April this figure was *70461.41. < RINGWOOD YOLO Bros WANTED > The feoard of Supervisors of^Mc- Henry County, Illinois through its regularly constitued committee advertise for bids on a right-angle steel counter and filing case to be installed in the office of the County Clerk. Also one vault truck. Sealed bids to be in not later than July 11, 1935, at ten o'clock a, m. Specification*, to be furnished by the County Cletk' faa his office at Woodstock, Illinois. Signed, CHARLES ACKMAN Chairman of Committee in Charge 6 Subscribe for Ths' Plaindealer. ' Vt - ' "* • Sunday, June; 30 2:30 DST JOHNSBUEG 4 ILLINOIS Aurora Foresters vs. Johnsburg Foresters Admission 25c Everybody invited. ' N WE GUARANTEE OUR MOTOR AND TRACTOR OILS TO BE THE BEST FOR THE MONEY SP^CIAL^-2 &&L can Sinclair Oil ^ ... _98^ l$-plate Ford and Chevrolet Battery : • v guaranteed 9 months -^$3.95 lS-plate Ford and Chevrolet Battery, guaranteed 1 year ^ $4.55 GOOD USED TRUCK AND PASSENGER CAR TIRES All Sixes Tire and Tube Repairing, Battery Charging, etc. Car Washing, Simonixing, Greasing, Crank Case Draining Walter J. Freund Phene 294 Road Service West McHenry Bay your foods at BARGAIN DAY PRICES WHEN YOU H A V E Come and hg month enou Nona. r* H. E. Buch PLUMBING, HEATING, ELECTRICAL WORK Phone 48 Riverside Drive . McHenry NO, YOU CAN'T BUY -- ^ BETTER TIRES THAN WE SELL FOR THE MONEY! - £6od#^£aI£ Made Tire AT THE FOLLOWING PRICES: 30x3 Vi 29x4.40-21 29x4.50-20 30x4.50-21 28x4.75-19 29x5.00-19 30x5.00-20 28x5.25 18 30x5 Truck--8-ply HD 32x6 Truck--10-ply HD Other sixes in proportion ... $4 22 ... $4-78 . $4-93 .. $5-15 $5 44 . $5 83 $605 $642 $1586 $26-95 YES, WE TRADE IN TIRES, ANY SIZE OR mait« W alter J. Freund Battery Charging, Fan Belts, Radiator Hose and rk Plugs, Etc., to Fit Every Car or Track REPAIRING AND VULCANIZING ~ Phone 2H Witt MbHaaty, HUaoA Mr. and Mrs. J. C. Pearson entertained the '500' club at their home Wednesday evening. Prises were awarded to Mrs. Ray Peters and George Young and Mrs. B. T. Butler and F. A. Hitchens. t Mrs. Viola Low entertained the Scotch Bridge club Wednesday afternoon. Prizes were awarded to Mrs E. E. Whiting and - Mrs. Louia Schroeder. ^ Mrs. Louis Schroeder entertained the Social Wheel at her home Thursday afternoon. Prizes were awarded to Mrs. Thomas Kane, Mrs. Brefeld and Mrs. F. A. Hitchens. Catherine and Thomas McLaughlin and Mr. and Mrs. J. F. McLauglin and daughter, Julia, were visitors at Geneva Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Ray Peters attended the Mclntyre reuniot} at Belvidere •TPhursday. i Mrs. Nick Adams and Mrs. Jacob Stoffel of McHenry, Mrs.. Roland McCannon, Mrs. Ralph Simpson and Miss Mildred Jepaon spent Wednesday in the Ralph Clay home; at*. Rockford !Mrs. Wm. Roth and two daughters of Minneapolis, are visiting ' Mrs. Frankie Stephenson. , Mrs. Harvey Bumgardner and son, Harvey, of Royal Oak, Mich., are visiting her mother, Mrs. Nellie Dodge. Mrs. Henry Hinze of Crystal Lake1 spent Friday with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. George Harrison. Ed Peet and daughters, Edna and Lucille, spent Sunday at Rockford. Mrs. Peet, who has spent the past week there returned home with them. The Bunco Club journeyed to the l^ome of Mrs. Genevieve Dodge at Woodstock Thursday afternoon. Prizes were awarded to Mrs. Ray Merchant and Mrs. Edgar Thomas. The Ladies' Aid Society held an all day meeting at the home of Mrs. Rilla Foss Friday. A pot luck dinner as served. The Home Bureau and 4-H boys and girls held a weenie roast in Martin's Woods Thursday evening. Mrs. Nellie Dodge and Mrs. Harvey Bumgardner and son, Harvey, Jr, spent Thursday and Friday in the George Bacon home at Antioch. ' Mr. and Mrs. Maurice Herbert of Keystone and Mrs. Sorenson of Antioch were callers in the S. H. Beatty home Friday evening. Mr. and Mrs. Melvin Wagner of Elgin spent Thursday and Friday with Mrs. Jennie Bacon. , Mrs. Rilla Foss «nd son, Wayne, spent Tuesday at Richmond. Mr. and Mrs. Joe Schaefer and daughter, Shirley, were visitors at Woodstock Friday. 1 Mrs. Kenneth Merchant and Mrs. Ray Merchant were Woodstock visitors Saturday afternoon. Mrs. Harry Anderson of Richmond spent Friday afternoon with Mrs. Jennie Bacon. - Mr. «nd Mrs. George Shepard and family spent Sunday afternoon with the latter's parents at McHenry. Mr. and Mrs. Frank Hawley of Chicago spent the weekend in the Louis Hawley home. - Mr. and Mrs. George Bacon of Antioch spent Sunday with Mrs. Nellie Dodge. Kathleen Butler of Elgin is visiting in the F. A. Hitchens and B. Butler homes. v _ Mr. and Mrs. Joe Weber and famili of McHenry spent Sunday with ^ie latter's parents, Mr. and Mrs. Nick Young. Mr. and Mrs. Frank Gilbert of Chicago were callers at Mrs. Cora Flanders Sunday. [ Mr. and Mrs. John Sanborn, Jr., and family of Chicago and Mrs. B. L. Orvis of Spring Grove visited in the Leonard Franzen home Tuesday afternoon. Mrs. Genevieve Dodge and children of Woodstock spent the weekend with Mrs. Nellie Dodge. Louis Hall was called home Sunday from the veterans 'hospital at Milwaukee by the illness of his wife and daughter. Mr. and Mrs. George Young attended a party at the Matt Blake home Sunday evening. # Mrs. Woodford arid daughter, Iva, and Barbara Thompson of Park Ridge were callers in the Wm. McCannoa home, Thursday afternoon. Next Sunday evening will be community night at the M. E. Church Rev. Nye of Hebron and members of his congregation will put on the program. Mr. and Mrs. Charles Peet and daughter, Alice were visitors at Wood stock Saturday afternoon. Loren McCannon visited his auat at Rock Island Wednesday till Friday. Miss Mildred Munshaw of Elgin is visiting Mrs. Wm.McCannon. Mr. and Mrs. Roland McCannon and son, David, Mildred and Virginia and Andrew Jepson left Sunday for a trip through the East. They will . also visit relatives in Vermont. Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Smith and family of Harvard spent Sunday afternoon with the former's parents, Mr. and Mrs. S. W. Smith. J. V. Buckland and Miss Flora Taylor wtere Sunday dinner guests of Mrs. Emma Thompson at Greenwood. In the afternoon they with Mrs. Thompson and Mrs. Lloyd Gratton an" two daughters were visitors at Lake Geneva. j Walace Hitzel, Miss Florence Zaffe, I Mrs. Hanford and Mrs. Colford of Chicago were Sunday visitors in the S. W. Smith home. Mr. and Mrs. Harold Wiedrich are the parents of a daughter born Sunday June 23. f Mr. and Mrs. Lester Carr were visitors at McHenry Thursday afternoon. Fred Wiedrich and daughter, Mae, spent Saturday afternoon at Richmond. Charles Coates of Genoa City spent Sunday in the Fred Wiedrich home. Dr. and Mrs. E. A. Meade of Hebron were (filers here Friday evening. Mrs. S./W. Brown spent Saturday afternoon at Woodstock. Lynn Trow of Decatur and Earl Trow of Chicafro were callers here Monday morning. Mr. and Mrs. & W. Bmm wstfs mm Wi&Ttumt Robert Dunker, only soft of Mr. and Mrs. Herman Dunker underwent a serious operation at the St. Anthony's hospital in Chicago Wednesday. His many little play-mates are glad to learn that he is getting along, nicely at this writing. Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Fisher and family and Miss Edna Fisher of Waukegan called at the home of Mr. and Mrs. William Lohmann in Libertyville Monday. „ Funeral services were held for Robert Henry Passfield at the home of his parents, Mr. and Mrs, Joseph Passfield Tuesday afternoon at 1:30 p. m. Rev. Figley officiating; Interment in the McHenry cemetery. Miss Vivian Niblett is spending a few days at the home of her parents, Mr. and Mrs. James Niblett at Chippewa Falls, Wis. Mrs. Henry Passfield entered the St. Anthony's hospital for examination Wednesday. She will remain there. for a few days. /', Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Eddy of Grayslake visited Mr. and Mrs. / Herman Dunker Tuesday evening. - - Mr- and Mrs. Roy Passfield were Elgin callers Monday. Mr. and Mrs. Earl Donley of Wauconda spent Wednesday evening here at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Frank St. George. Mrs. Lloyd Eddy of Grayslake is spending a few days here at the homo of her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Henry Passfield. Mr. and Mi's. Arthur Kaiser motored to Waukegan Friday on business. Mr. and Mrs. Leonard Wagner of Chicago were Saturday evening dinner guests at the home of Mr. and Mrs. E. Rossduestcher. Mrs. Arthur Kaiser wag it Woodstock caller Saturday. Miss Edna Fisher of Waukegan is spending a few days here at the home of Mr. and Mrs. E. Lloyd Fisher. Henry Passfield and sons and Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Eddy and Mrs. Frank Wilson visited Mrs. Henry Passfield at the St. Anthony's hospital in Chicago Saturday. Mr. and Mrs. J. 1* Lenzen attended the wedding of Mr. Leo Tekampe and Miss Evelyn Businger at Fremont Saturday. Mrs.-J. F. Wagner visited Leonard Wagner in Chicago Thursday. Mr. and Mrs. E. Lloyd Fisher are the proud parents of a baby girl, born June 20, and answers to the name of Mary Lou. Miss Vinnie Bacon was a Waukegan caller Wednesday. Mr. and Mrs. Harry Maypole of Fox Lake spent Saturday evening at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Herbert Michalson. Mr. and Mrs. John Capaller of Chicago visited Mr. and Mrs. E. Rossduestcher Thursday evening. Mr. and Mrs. Paul O'Leary spent Friday evening at the home of Matt Rossduestcher near Round Lake. Jean Bussian of Oak Park spent a few days here with Mr. and Mrs. E. Rossduestcher. Mr and Mrs. Frank Hironimus and daughter w?re Waukegan callers Saturday. Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Hironimus and children and Mrs. Frank Hironittius and daughter and Mr. Wendell Kniggee were McHenry callers Wednesday afternoon. - Dr. and Mrs. Kochens of Maywood visited her parentis, Mr. ai?d lira, Frank Hironimus Friday: Community night was held at the- Yolo school Friday June 21. A large crowd attended. The evening was. en-' joyed by . a three reel moving picture and playing cards. The next meeting will be held at the Volo school July 19. " , Mr. and Mrs. George Dowell were Elgin callers Friday afternoon. Mr. and Mrs. E. Nordmeyer and son of Garden Prairie visited Mr, and Mrs. Frank Henkel Thursday evening. Mr. and Mrs. A. Rosing and family of Libertyville visited Mr. and Mrs. B. Rosing Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. F. Stanton of Long Lake called at the home of Mrs. Anna Lusk Thursday. Mrs. H. J. Martini and daughter of Chicago spent a few days of the past week at the home of her sister, Mrs. E. Rossduestcher. Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Harpts and Mr. and Mrs. J. Burh of Chicago were Sunday guests at the home of Mr. and Mrs. E. Rossduestcher. Miss Sarah McEmmell of Racine, Wis , spent Sunday at the home of Mrs. Anna Lusk. Mrs. Herman Rossduestcher returned to her home here Thursday after spending the past week in Chicago at the home of Mr. and Mrs. J. Capaller. * ' COUNTY MEETING TONIGHT Leonard J. Applequist of Aurora, candidate for department commander of the American Legion in 1936, will be a guest at Marengo this Thursday evening. ^ , Invitations have also- been extended to four candidates for Senior Vice- Commander including Matt Murphy, Joseph Novotny, Edward McGinnis and Robert Kinnare of Chicago.. Applequist has been active at every state convention and as Chef De Gare of the 40 and 8 he has traveled more than 15,000 miles over the state in the past year, addressing Legion posts and urging members , to stand solidly behind principles backed by the state and national organizations. , He has beeu a business leader in his home community and several times, has declined public off^c6,. He has been endorsed by the Second Division and has received the approval of sctAres of Legion post# Li? throughout the state. Five other candidates an entered" in the commander race. The purpose of inviting these can* didates to McHenry county is to givo, Legion members an opportunity to hear and meet them. A large crowd is expected at the* meeting tonight. . ' j H jjiR'. NEW HOME AT OSTEN0 Mr. and Mrs. Green of Chicago are building a summer home in the woods across from the Hobart farm at Ostend and expect to have it ready foif occupancy by July 4. ; The young Chicago couple purchased ten acres of the woodland which they have trimmed and clea d, mak4; iiig a most desirable home site andwill be welcomed by neighbors asy; summer residents. £ <* * \ . Subscribe for The Plaindealer. NEW NASH *400' (JUST ANNOUNCED) visitors at Rockford and Dixon ^inday afternoon. Mr. and Mrs. Ed Moore of Chicago spent Sunday in the Wm. McCannon home. Mr. and Mrs. Merritt Cruikshank of Dundee were callers in the evening. Flral t» Ratify CoaatitatiM ' Delaware was the first of the eri^ Inal 18 states to ratify the Constitution. Vermont was the first state to be admitted to the Union afer the attabllsbment of the United States uader the Constitution. If F I. I ficltnr. StkiKt to CkiH* • WitkMt IWitt -- Ipttir (intaiil Eitrt fT*HE new Nash""400" is the Kg Newt of the automobile world ... in style ... in engineering progress ... in better riding comfort... in power thrill* ... in thriftineaa of price. Learn what it ha*. Drive it. See what it doe*' _ MomtprMotor Raptd Some* Hood Stoof Top. Aff-Steet Bodj ienform Dtatgn Supor-Hfdraulic Brake* . Synchronized Sprtngmg Bafancod Weight Iffl/McfxM Soatmg fftoMmf Car at tho Pnt» Clutch Podai Starting LmgfttgEor C*roym Mpaordteml ent m 1 B. H. FREUND SALES - NASH and LAFAYETTE Telephone 185 Pearl St, McHenry • t • with an automatic gas Only $1.50 fan 48 BMtfes to MV AftOaUt now at a B«wlew cost that makes it easy to •afoy the contorts of this household nocsssity. NEW LOW COST WATER HEATING apply for rates w WAITING for water to. heat is a nuisance if you're in a hurry--an annoyance at any time. Climbing up and down stairs to light the heater Is' a tiresome job. Why put up with such bother? There is jto need for it. With an Automatic Gas Water Heater you can enjoy the comfort and convenience of hot water 24 hours a day. Think what that means in time of Sickness or emergency .. . what a help in the kitchen, laundry, and bath! An abun- ; water is the most you can purchase. use automatic gas water heat- '.We can offer you two distinct vantages. First, we install a new, modern automatic gas water heater in your home (or as little as $1.50 down and give you 48, months to pay the balance in small installments. Second, all users of automatic gas water heating are entitled to our new quantity rate mat actually gives rerv household use. our 60-DAY TRIAL PLAN We will install an automatic gas water heater in your home without charge. After 60 days, if you are not satisfied, we will remove iu You pay only for gas consumed. Use uiis plan to prove the low cost of automatic gas water heating. UiW | BUM dant supply of ready hot helpful household aid y< gh ft to Vi mirt gas'for everv u Don't delay! Take advantage of 60-day trial plan. Visit your nearest Western United Store todav and plete details. This nffll KS limited time only! rji'. SPECIAL! et comfoe a GAS ELECTRIC COMPANY Convert year present water heeMr an Automatic type lor ewly *2* •I A MONTH