Illinois News Index

McHenry Plaindealer (McHenry, IL), 11 Jul 1935, p. 3

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V \ y >. ^^rp" • V"^,"'^^0 - ,jf^*r7 r/ " P""^ : t \2,;* .* -^'^Av-'- v* nv^ . #>; 4 ~>MA <>• -• *•*-•£ >>. -;.• /^-•'v " / ' • « ; /v. . '- "rT-' ** " y'" "*' ',? .*" ^ ^ Thursday, July 11,1935 ^ ** - *« * ; ^ .<C'I ^ ^ %v v *i\ -.•»?, ^ ^ -•..* %4 iv, .^^v*'*'",' --.* -T'?*!-.^y*'K:*» W-# ^<^*"^3,- *5 Vf*- '?r;/j--^r<*" PLAINDEALM *-1*®5'" - *• 4^- f - RADIO and WASHER REPAIRS "We are now prepared to handle all repair work on radio and washing machines, carrying complete stock of lepairs for aU makes of machines. ' CAREY ELECTRIC SHOP Phone 251 McHenry ;iilj»l»-- • n KXMT ft COMPANY AlKMitf - ***U E A,H-CSt-' ,* M vMk ihi CMfuha li aai talk H mrm **"*** Chrlw's Repair Shi; J«X Bast »f OM BriJf* Ovar Fa* Hi*** (Soar Schaefer's Tavsrn) : ^Repaired, . *Wue*j^TjH^eri Straightened - Sign Painting, - • Truck Letterinjf^ Acetylene Welding CHARLES RIETE8EL twice To 1 d Ifeaaaa of Intarsst Takwi Pna Ik* PDm of Ik* Platndaalw <f Tmtb A|» YOLO PIFTY TEARS AGO The McHenry Brick Manufacturing company cut down the wage of their employees on Friday last, »nd there loud mutterings thereat. M. J'ohjr, wh« had_ the misfortune to break his arm a week or two since, informs us that he will have a man to attend to all work In his. wagon shop a few days. Some miserable sneak undertook to burn Smith, Son and Co's, Lumber Yard on Monday night, but fortunate* ly it was discovered, in time to prevent much damage. A. strictly all wool suit of clothes from 32 to 42. Onljr $7.00 at Bonslatt's and Stoffel's. Mr. and Mrs. Martin Wegener and family of McHenry spent Tuesday evening here at the home of the latter's parents, Mr. and Mrs. M. Wagner. Mr. and M A George Kovar of Berwyn visited Mr. and Mrs. Frank St. George Saturday. Mr. and Mrs. Frank Henkel and daughter spent Wednesday evening at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Leo Brewer in Grayslake. Mrs. J. W. Wagner is visiting her sister, Mrs. F. Moberg in Chicago. Mrs. J. Meyer of Stateville, Iowa, is spending a few days here at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Lenzen. Mrs. Jessie Michalson and daughter of Chicago were Thursday dinner guests at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Herbert Michalson. Mr. aiwf Mrs. Herbert Waldmann and family, Chicago, speht the week here with Mr. and Mrs. William Waldmann. Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Wagner of Round Lake visited Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Kaiser Friday evening. Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Eddy <sf Grayslake visited the latter's parents, Mr. and Mrs. Henry Passfield Saturday. Miss Hilda Oeffling of Waukegan spent the weekend here with her par- Downs Motor Express JFhe Pioneer Lin* Operates daily between McHenry and Chicago Phones: Wabash McHenry 7518 ' « . 256 _ ents^ Mr. and Mrs. John Oeffling. . FORTY YEARS AGO ' Mrs. Catherine Molldor spent a few The Independence Party at the Rir- a ays at 'the*5 home of Mr. and Mrs. erside house, was as usual a grand Joseph Molidor in Round Lake, success. One hundred and eighty- Mr. iThd Mrs. Bernard Hankie and nine couples were in attendance, and son and Miss Rose Smith of Evanston all report the usual good time. * spent the fourth with Mr. and Mrs. There will be a Bowery dance in Frank St. George. West McHenry this week, under the Mr. and Mrs. John Hutzel of Chiauspices of the Royal entertainers. ca<?o called on the latter's grandfath- This section was visited by a severe er> John Walton, Friday. wind and rain storm on Sunday after- Arthur Dillion of DeKalb spent the noon last, and although no damage weekend here with his parents, Mr. was done in this immediate vicinity *nd Mrs. William Dillion. other sections were not so fortunate. Mr| ftnd Mrs. Joseph Lenzen Vere The rain was iftuch needed and was Waukegan callers Tuesday. welcomed by all. , The drought is now Mr. and Mrs. George Scheid, Jr., of broken and a large crop of corn and potatoes is assured in this section. Mrs. C. N. Culver has opened A new Wauconda visited Mr. and Mrs. Frank St. George Sunday. , Mrs. Elmer Kochens of Chicago vis- A. P. Freund . Excavating Contractor tracking, Hydraulic and Orane Service Road Building Tel 204-M McHenry, III S. H. Freund & Son CONTRACTORS ; AND BUILDSEI 127-R McHenry Our experience 4s at Your Service in building Your Wants Tahpi-- No. 80S Stelfel A Reihansperger Imhun agata for all property In the beat WB8T McHENRY ILLINOIS WIRFS BROS. REPAIR SHOP McHenry, Vk , Phone 68-J Anto and Radio Repairing Give Us a Chance to Prove It on U. S. 12 hotel Park in West McHenry, where |ited her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Frank she is prepared to accomodate the , Hironimus Friday. j public in the best of manner. v j Mrs. Fred Casper and Mrs. Charles -- ^-JJones were Waukegan shoppers Mon- | TWENTY FIVE YEARS AGO !da>^> The price of butter on the Elgin j Mis^ Elerinor Dillion returned to her board of trade was declared firm for borne here Friday to spend a few the week at 28 cents! months, after being employed in Oak Roy Hankermeyer is again employ- ' Park for some time. - Our , Washington Letter JOHNSBURG --By-- Sdifcorial Waahington, July 10 - It is an easy bet that the current Congressional investigations into lobby influences relating to public utility will be nothing more than "the pot calling the kettl 3 black". With the Senate and House conducting separate hearings oh the same subject, there is bound to be confusion which will leave the public dazed as to the true situation. The motives which inspired this unusual double-barreled probe of the Administration lobby and the methods of private opposition to regulation of public utijitifes are varied. Politicians are in complete agreement, however, that out of the welter of charges and counter-charges of lobbying will come a clear-cut Presidential, campaign issue for 1&9& An unbiassed observer of the present series of investigations would be required to report an atmosphere charged with doubt and suspicion. Cagey Republican leaders whispev among their cohorts that the President should have been permitted to put across the •iQtroversial "death sentence" or compulsory dissolution of holding companies in the power field. Then,they argue, the minority party could have gone to the country with a direct appeal to the millions of investors in utility stocks and bonds. The tactics adopted by a Democratic House of Representatives in running counter to the White House orders in this matter has effectively minimized partisanship. Again, a Democratic Congress has authorized a qiiiz of its official family largely because a Elmer Hettermah of Skokie Valley is spending a few days trith his father, ITenry Hetterman Mr. and Mrs. Peter Miller and family of Lily Lake spent Fridiy evening at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Joe P. Michels. Mr. and Mrs. Fred Freund and family spent Sunday evening with Mr. and Mrs. John Stilling at Lily Lake. John Schreiner of McHenry spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Joe P. Michels. Miss Annabel Meyers returned home Irom Chicago Thursday where she was employed for the last few, months. Mr. and Mrs. Joe P. Miller and Mrs. George King visited with Mr. and Mrs. Mike Gorski at Woodstock Tues day. Mr. and Mrs. Earl Turner and daughter of Crystal Lake and Mr. and Mrs. Delbert Smith of Grayslake spent Thursday with Mr. and Mrs. Ben J- Schaeferi Mr. and Mrs. Alex Freund and daughters of Chicago spent Sunday in the home of Mr. and Mrs. Stephen H. Smith.; ' Howard Hoffine of Genoa spent a week with Btfr. and Mrs. Joe P. Miller. Mr. and Mrs. Joe Gurzardo of Chicago spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. William Oeffling. The Christian Mothers held a card party Tuesday evening with eight tables, in playing cards and bunco. Prizes were awarded to Mrs. John Hitler, Mrs. Henry Stilling, Mrs. William J. Meyers, Mrs. Math Schmitt, Mrs. Peter Freund and Miss Isabel Freund, Lunch was served. Joe Pitzen of Beloit, Wis., spent Tuesday evening with John Pitzen. Mr. and Mrs. Jim Chamberlin and family of Chicago spent the weekend Our 35th Anniversary Sale Stalls Thursday, July 11th. As has been customary for a number of years, we again offer a Birthday Gift to you during the opening days of. this Sale-- ,-.1: „ TIURSDAY, FRIDAY JUIll SATURDAY Gift consists of a nine-piece White Glassware Kitchen set as pictured above. This set is conservatively valued at $2.50. This set will be given absolutely FREE of charge during these thriee days, with the purchase of $£95 or over. • ~ ./W' ENTIRE STOert dr MEN'S, WOMEN'S AND CHILDREN'S SUMMER SHOES SACRIFICED! Included are such famous makes as Red Gross, Jolly Walker, Brownbilt, Buster Brown, Florsheim, Holeproof HosierVj Step, TreadrStraight, etc. . ' OVER 3,000 PAIRS PRICED AT 96e -- $1.69 l- $188 $2.39 -- $2.89 -- $3.49 -- $3.89 -- $4.49 PEOPLE COME FOR MILES AROUNJD FOR OUT? ANNIVERSARY SALE! WILL YOU BE HERE AND SHARE THESE AMAZING VALUES! Widths from A AAA. -All sizes. BOWMAN BROS. SHOE STORE "THE HOME OF GOOD SHOES" 101 Van Biiren St. Woodstock, IU. ed in the store of M. J. Walsh after an absence qf several months. The West McHenry State bank now has the services of a clerk in the person of Miss Julia Stoffel. The Schreiner estate house and property in Maple avenue, occupied by W. G. Schreiner and James Revor, has been sold to John Freund, who resides near Ringwood. Mrs. C. G. Frett is confiend to her home here, suffering with a badly broken left ankle, sustained last Friday evening when she jumped from the meat wagon. TWENTY YEARS AGO Walter Warner of Elgin is a new employe at the E. Hunter boat factory. Jos. Leickem has gone into the photography business, having erected a tent for the puropse on the lot next to the Riverside Airdome. While pole vaulting at the park last Monday afternoon Ray Page, ono of the contestants, sprained an ankle and since then he is navigating with the aid of crutches. The weeds and long grass along our streets were mown down last week and visitors over Sunday and Monday were much impressed with the neat appearance of our village in general. We take great pleasure in announcing to our readers that this issue of The Plaindealer was set up on our new Merganthaler Linotype machine which was installed in our office last week, * TEN YEARS AGO Mfss Adele Froehlich, ?-yea*-©W daughter of Dr. and Mrs. A. I. Froehlich, entertained her little friends at a birthday party Wednesday July 8. The day was fine for outdoor games and the little folks certainly had a good time. The McHenry Brewer's baseball team of Yolo played the Grayslake merchants at the Volo diamond tho fourth. Volo was defeated with a score of 17 to 12. Mr. and Mrs. Frank Henkel, Jr., and daughter. Miss Catherine McGuire, Mrs. H. C. Michalson and Mrs. Anna Lusk were in Libertyville Saturday. Mrs. Lou Lusk and eon and Miss Alma Spencer of Grayslake called at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Herman Dunker Thursday evening. Mrs. fi. Bacon is on the sick list at this writing. Miss Myrna Bacon of Lily Lake spent Friday at the home of Mrs. E. Bacon.. Donald Waldmann is enjoying a vacation from his.duties at the home ol MV. and Mrs. Herman Dunker. Mr. and Mrs. Earl Hironimus and family, Mr. and Mrs. Harry Hiromimus and family, Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Hironimus and family, Mr. and Mrs. Richard Cronin, R. Thurlwell of McHenry, Mr. and Mrs. Frank King and daughter spent the fourth of July at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Frank Hironimus. ^ The Volo Home Bureau unit" will meet at the home of Mrs. Forest Thompson Wednesday. Miss Hazel Townsend of Round Lake visited Mies Beatrice Wilson Sunday. Misses Vinnie and Myrna Bacon were Waukegan callers Friday, Mr. and Mrs. Fred Casper spent Saturday evening at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Earl Townsend near Richmond. . Mrs. Grace Sherry of Chicago spent Sunday here at the home of Mr. arid Mrs. J. F. Wagner. Mr. and Mrs. Henry, Krueger of Wauconda spent Thursday here at th# home of John Walton. Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Richardson Republican solon voiced a public com-jwith John Pitzen. plaint. These two steps surprised and~| Mr and Mrs. Joe Shifano of Chisomewhat embarassed the G. O. Pi as ,cago spent Thursday with Mr. and the gains they hoped to make . are i Mrs. Win. J, Meyers and family, now in the doubtful column. " Mr. and Mrs. Louis Althoff,.of Mc- The action of the House in kicking j ^enry spent Sunday, evening with Mr. over traces has be^n variously inter- | snd M"rs Wm. Althoff. preted. Some contend that it marked | .,S- ^ Schroeder and family of the emancipation of .Democratic law- |£"1C5*po spent Thursday with relatives makers from the patronage yoke. Oth- | !?£' ers insist it is an uprising apainst the i *> ,an*| Mrs. Joe King and Mr. .so-called "Brains-Trust" which has!®'1 ? • Steve Mpy and family spent openly belittled Congress and consid- j ^Sunday with Mr. and ered the legislative body as a rubber- | e, Miller at Richmond. . .1 iVllSS ITseaobKeiillll Schmitt of Csixh,i: cago A few consider' the "re^ i »Pen^ ^ ^'eekend with Mr »"d Mrs. Math N. Schmitt. Mr. and Mrs. Bob Wilkie of Chicago spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs Peter F. Freund and family. stamp for their ideas in economics and law-making. bellion as a direct outgrowth for badly managed distribution of partisan bounties and patronage. Another explanation is the increasing conviction that Mr. Roosevelt is slipping witn the masses of voters which gave the boys on Capitol Hill a splendid cue to throw off the shackles of domination. Whatever prompted the cutting of the Gordian knot, it is a foregone conclusion about town that the President will be obliged to curb the fairhaired young lawyers and economists hereafter in writing new legislation. While the Senate and House conference committees are busily engaged ia threshing out differences in the two utility bills, another electric power controversy has gripped the House. The Tennessee Valley Authority, operating huge power projects in the South, is demanding more money and broader powers from the legislative branch. Announcement that the President wanted action on the Bankhead bill to authorize loans to tenant farmers and share-croppers provokes speculation as to the implications of this latest move. It is asserted in some Quarters that this legislation would allow the thousands of this class to purchase land and homes on government credit with almost a life-time ti pay it back. It has the ear-marks of a sapping operation against Hues Long s Utopian schemes which attracted so many share-croppers and other 6f this farm group to his banners; • ' Mr,, and Mrs. C. M. McDermott and childten of Chicago called on friends here Saturday evening enroute to their home after a vacation spent with relatives in Arkansas and Ohio Hearings before the House Committee on Ways and Means this week showed the intention of organized minorities to force general tax revision at this time. Proponents of the Roosevelt "soak-the-rich" plan are obviously more optimistic than sincere in their claims that a new tax bill be ready for a vote in the House within ten days. Attempts to confine witnesses to a discussion of the three-point revenue plan pro)>osed by the White House are futile. It is known that certain groups of processors and probably farmers will endeavor to sell the Congress on changes in tariff laws on the theory it is essentially a matter of revenue which foreshadows a protracted debate. Many members of the House seeking re-election naturally shy away from suggestions for a general revision of taxes at this time especially if proposed changes will call for higher rates on moderate and smaller incomes. A program of this sort is loaded with political dynamite. The pressure for early adjournment i? intensified as candidates become panicky over the voters reaction to taxes. Uses Less Power*-* Yet Its Capacity Astounds Old-Timers Here's a thresher that will easily take care of 8 bundle wagons--will get all of the grain, and yet is the easiest running machine you ever saw! The AVERY perfect spaced cylinder is so designed that 95^ of the work can be done with only two rows of concaves. AVERY has fewer belts, fewer moving parts, no crankshafts. All main bearings are friction-less roller or ball bearings. Yon Can't Stump an Avery AVERY Threshers handle any crop under adverse conditions. Why have a machine that stands idle when somebody else gets the job of threshing soy beans, timothy, mustard or hulling clover?. With* an all-crop AVERY, you'll be making these profits yourself! Know the other money making, money saving AVERY features, in and. let's talk it over. E. J. SHELDON Grayslake, 111. : : ' i ALFORD H. POUSE ATTORNEY-AT-LAW lOT'/j Benton St. Woodstock, III. Phone Woodstock 191 MlcHenry 278 Phone 43. • -jt VERNON J. KNOX ATTORNEY AT LAlfe^V; Pries Bldg. OFFICE HOURS Tuesdays aad Fridays Other Days by Appointieat M c H e n r y . . . FIRS AUTO INSURANCE EARL R. WALSI Presenting Reliable Compsniii FARM LIFE WIn Jm Med insuraacc of aay kind Phone « or 61-M Priee Bldg. MeHenrjr Mrs. F. E. Cobb of Chicago spent the first of the week with friends hero and attended the Eastern Star meeting. Monday evening and meeting of Riverview Camp, R. N. A., Tuesday levfening wtiefle stye iipst many old friends. and family of Forest Park spent Sun- Mr. and Mrs. Emil Patzke will oc- J ^ere home of Mr. and Mrs. cupy the Raymond Howard house dur- . Martini. ing the summer. L Sutters of Lisle, 111., spent _ Mrs. Edward L Hayes and children ^ere at t^ie home qf Mr. ami of Minneapolis, Minn., came last Wed- w". Wagner. nesday for a visit in the home of her j ss ^nna Smith of Chicago spent mother, Mrs. D. A. Whiting of Ring-' „?nd here with Mr- and Mrs. wood, for several months. . Mrs. M. McCarthy returned Friday from Springfield, where she was sent as a delegate to the W. C. O. F. convention. The City of McHenry won the first round in its legal battle with Otto Sohm for possession of a strip of land on the east side, of Fox river, which the city claims is„a street, and which is laid out for state highway route 20. X Joseph* Wagner. Miss Louise Kerch and Mrs. Ernest Kerchof Chicago spent the weekend with their uncle, John B. Wagnw, PERSONALS TO FINISH NURSE'S COURSE Miss Leone Freund, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. A. P.'Freund has completed her work at St. Vincent's Orphanage, Chicago, and has returned to St. Therese's hospital, Waukegan, IllinniT ^here she expects to finish her training in August, having already graduated from the nurse's training course in June. Miss Evelyn FreUnd, who is taking & nurse's training course at St. Therese's hospital, Waukegan, is enjoying a three weeks' vacation at the home of her parents, Mr. and Mrs. A. P. Freund. Mr. and Mrs. Herman Nye and children of Freeport spent the last of the! cago were recent guests of Dr, week with relatives here. Mrs. Nye's sister, Rita Freund, returned with them Sunday for a week's ivisit at Freeport. Mrs. E. Knoll, Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Knoll and daughter and Mr. and Mrs. Ed Limburger spent Sunday, afternoon in the home" of Mr. and Mrs. John Schaid. Miss Florence Miller arrived home last week_ Tuesday from a two week's visit in Ohio and two weeks spent in Indiana. Misses Louise and Virginia Beckenbaugh of Chicago were weekend vis* itors at the home of their parents. _ Mr. and Mrs. Edward Holle of Chicago were Fourth of July guests in the Martin Conway home. Mr. and Mrs. Keith Beckenbaugh and family of Mt. Prospect were recent guests of his parents. His little sister, Mary Jane, returned home with them for a two weeks' visit. Miss Anna £)wyer of Evanston and Harold Lavette of Chicago spent the Fourth in the honje of Mr. and Mrs, Walter Walsh. Mrs. Grace Hottingera Chicago, returned home Tuesday, after a few days' visit with Mr. and Mrs. Andrew Eddy. ' Dick Whiting of Lake Geneva spent several days the past week in the home of his grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. N. E. Barbian. Mrs. Woods and daughter of Chitftil Mrs. N. J. Nye Mr. and Mrs. Edward Herbst and daughter, Doris Jean, Chicago, spent the Fourth in the A. E. Nye home. M rs. John Schaid attended the fun* eral of Ed "Schaefer at Volo Monday. Mrs. Laurence McChesney and baby THE MOST FINELY BALANCED LOW-PRICED CAR EVER BUILT TEST ITS POWER AND ECONOMY, SPEED AND SAFETY, KNEE-ACTION COMFORT AND STABILITY. LEARN THAT BALANCED MOTORING IS BETTER MOTORING of Chicago are spending the weeic with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Johi* Keg. Burt Warner, daughter, Janice, sory Allan, and Audrey and Mary Lou Warner of Elgin visited here Friday. CHEVROLET.. IfouAW&t ?H E M O S T F I N E L Y B A L A N C E D L O W - P R I C E D Your Chevrolet dealer cordially invites you to driwii~ the new Master Dc Luxe Chevrolet without any .obligation! He wants you to learn all about this car . . . how muck - more smoothly it rides... how much more perfectly it combines powor with economy, speed w .h safety, gliding comfort with road stability ... and how much more finely balanced it is in all ways! See him aai drive the new Master De Luxe Chevrolet--today! _ CHEVROLET MOTOR COMPANY, DETROITrMICHIGAlt Campari Chmrultl't Jttivmd prirm arndtmiy G.M.A.C. avau. A Jtfoaavm VdM oftaAi'est ^UXA C HE V ROL ET DEALER ADVEWmgMOfT C A R E V E R B V f LT A :• -1 SCHWERMAN CHEVROLET SALES tm»*u f 4

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