^"- _ !•: *v* > "- ' •» Thursday, July 11, 1935 * • < r ^-- - - > 4 t f T . ^ . - - , ^ j : . - ' 7 ^ « ^ " V ? . , ~ * * % < - . c , s ^ . „ a j e r • , v ^ t ; w „ *-*» THE McHXKST PULQfDKALEB. ASSESSMENT UST (Caatinaed from Page 11^ Second Section) Theo L Hamer, (ex 3 6 4) in$ lots 1 to 12, blk 6 John Nilles, lot 1, blk 7 .......... Frank Hurter et al, lot 2, blk 7 Eliz & Mary Umbreeht, lot .8, blk 1 .„.. Emil Umbreeht, lots 4 & 5, blk, 7 :....... !,.... Alfred Hurter, lot 6, blk 7 A H Watson, iot 7,'blk 7 Theodore Lentz, lot 8, blk 7 A'.. Max Lentz, lot 9, blk 7 .......... Ella G Hartop, lpt 10, blk 7 .... Rose Jacilo, lots 11 & 12, blk ? Katherine Schmitt, lot 13, blk 7 Theodore Lentz et al, lots 14, 15, 16 & 17, oik 7 Wm A Hahn, lot 18, blk 7 ...... John Katoll, lot 19, blk 7 F A Holly, inc lots 1 to 9, blk 8 F A Holly, lots 1, 2 & 3, blk 9 E' T Weisaenboon, lots 3 £. 4, blk 6 275 25 25 25 660 25 25 f25 100 25 480 '60 120 30 660 200 <65 ,720 Pejere Out Lots (Outside Corp.) Agness Watt, lots 1 & 18, blk 1 800 Wm J Meyer, lot 2, blk 1 ........ 65 Wm J Meyer, lot 3, blk 1 „..v 65 Gustav P Goettsche, lots 4 & 15, blk 1 $89 T W Winkles, lots 5 & 14. blk 1 180' Mathias Steffes, lots 7, 8, 9 & 12$ blk 1 ...., _850 Crystal C Gallagher, lots 10 A 11, blk 1 .- 580 Eliz Winkle, lots 6 & 13, blk 1 185 Wm J Meyer, lots 16 & 17, blk 1 . 135 John B Kelter, lots 1 & 18, blk 2 1425 Ernest Hanish, lots 2, 3 A 4, blk 2 630 Phillip State Bank & Trust Co, lot 5, blk 2 ,a. 60 Phillip State Bank & Trust Co., lot 6, blk 2 60 Phillip State Bank & Trust Co. lot 7, blk 2 60 Phillip State Bank ft Trust Co, ' lot 8, blk 2 CO Phillip State Bank & Trust Co, lot 9, blk 2 » 60 Mary A Simons, lot 10, blk 2 260 Mary A Simons, lot 11, blk 2 60 Mary A Simons, lot 12, blk 2 60 Phillip State Bank & Trust Co. - * 60 i 60 180 90 90 90 90 90 870 350 90 930 90 ,:>- 1070 180 580 180 180 1m35 135 1110 lot 13, blk 2 Phillip State Bank & Trust Co, Ibt 14, blk 2 Ernest Hanish, lots 15, 16 & 17, blk 2 Phillip State Bank ft Trust Co, lot 1, blk 3 Phillip State Bank ft Trust Go,, lot 2, blk 3 Phillip State Bank ft Trust Go, lot 3, blk 3 Phillip State Bank ft Trust Co, lot 4, blk 3s. > «... Phillip State Bank ft TYust Co,« lot 5, blk 3 ... Phillip State Bank ft Trust Co, lot 6, blk 3 Phillip State Bank ft Trust Co, lots 7 ft 8, blk 3 Phillip State Bank ft Trust Co, lot 9, blk 3 Wm A Frett, lots 1 ft 2, blk 4 Ferdinand Frett, lot 3 ft s8 ft lot 4, blk 4 Mathias Steffes, (ex s8 ft) lot 4, blk 4 Frank Weingart, lot 5, blk 4 .... Mathias Steffes, lot 6, blk 4 .... Albert M Frett, lots 7, 8 ft 9, blk 4 Albert M Frett, lots 10 ft 11, blk 4 ! Walter Schimmel, lots 12, 13 ft 14, blk 4 M. KelUi^s Addn. Geo Meyers, lots 1 ft 2, blk 1 R J Sutton, lots 3 ft 4, blk 1 Ella K Burke, lots 5 ft 6. blk 1 1190 Jacob Schneider, lot 1, blk 2 .... 135 Jacob fijhneider, lot 2, blk 2 ...... Jacob tiateHtav lot 3, blk 2 Jacob Schneider, lot 4, blk 2 ..... Jacob Diedrich, lot 5, blk 2 .... J H Kennebeck, lot 6, blk 2 .... 1665 Laurence M Baier, (ex n50 ft) lots 1, 2 ft 3, blk 3 1150 Millie Braun, n50 ft lots 1, 2 ft 3, blk 8 J. .. 765 Magdfctenat Mrr, (ex dr I» p 167) lots 4, 5 ft 6, blk 8 .'..1870 Mary M Dowe, dr 189 p 167 lets 4, ft ft 6, Mk 8 ~ HM M Keller's 2nd Subdivision Nick Bohr, lot 1. blk 1 Nick Bohr, lot 2, blk 1 .. Nick Bohr, lot 3, blk 1 ., Nick Bohr, lot 4, blk 1 .. Nick Bohr, lot 5, blk Nick Bohr, lot 6, blk _ J H Kennebeck, lot 7, blk 1 Nick Bohr, lot 8, blk 1 ;>o Nick Bohr, lot 9, blk 1 ......^ 50 Inside Corp.--City of Wert McHenry Patk J Cleary, sub-lot 1, lot 2, blk 1 2070 Patk J Cleary, sub-Ipt 2, lot 2, blk 1 3620 Henry J Schaefer, sub-lot 3| lot 2, blk 1 2790 Katherine Boger, sub-lot 4, lot 2, blk 1 1240 F A Bohlander, sH sub-lot 5, lot 2, blk l 360 Martha Page, n% suD-lot 5, lot 2, blk 1 " i860 Bion H Bamajfd. se50 ft lot 3, blk 1 1700 Clarence E Martin, sw50 ft lot 3, blk 1 1090 E F Kelley, n% lot 3, blk 1 .... 1630 Will J Welch, e5fr-ft n% lot 4, blk 1 1170 W D Wentworth, (ex e50 ft) n% lot 4, blk 1 1160 J Walsh^ s*4 lot 4, blk 1 1480 John Stoffel, lot 1, blk 2 1200 Theresa Culver, lot 2, blk 2 .... 979 Mary Carey, lot 3, blk 2 „• 1800 John Miller, lot 4, blk 2 ........ 990 Walter F Vogt, (ex of n%) lot 5, blk 2 1730 C J Reihansperger, of n% lot 5, blk 2 ....... 2120 C E Sherman, lot 6, blk 2 3380 Gerald J Carey, (ex e8M ft) n% lot 7, blk 2 360 John E Pufahl, e8% ft ft s% lot 7, blk 2 1810 Louis A Erickson, ne^4 lot 8 blk 2 2120 Floyd Covalt, nw% lot 8, blk 2 1479 E E Bassett, ,sw^4 lot 8, blk 2 1070 E E Bassett, se*4 lot 8, blk 2 1570 Christina B Dowe, n% lot 9, blk 2 970 Christina B Dowe, wlO ft sH lot 9, blk 2 50 H J Schaeffer, (ex wlO ft) sH lot 9, blk 2 .". .....1170 Simon Stoffel, lot 10, blk 2 .... 3600 Jennie Gorman, n*4 lot 11, blk 2 1850 Simon Stoffel, s% lot 11, blk 2 3150 Richard I Overton, (ex 75 ft e ft w by 55 ft n ft s) pt lots 1 ft 2, blk 3 Nick M. Ferund, 75 ft e ft w by 55 ft n ft 9 pt lots 1 ft 2, blk 3 Georgiana Ward, loir 3, blk 3 .... Peter M ft Carrie E Justen, sublot 1, lot 4, blk 3 1170 N J Justen, sub-lot g lot 4, sublot 1 lot 5, blk 3 E J Buss ft L J Page^ sub-lot 2 lot 5, sub-lot 1 lot 6, sub-lot 1 lot 14, sub-lot 2 lot 15, blk 3 8800 Eliz Buss, sub-lot 2 lot 6, sublot 1 lot 7, blk 3 850 Margaret ft B J Brefeld, sublot 2 lot 14, sub-lot 3 lot 6, sub-lot 2 lot 7, lots 11, 12 ft 13, blk 3 1100 Karolina Schiessel, lots 8 ft 10, blk 3 4600 Louis Althoff, sub-lots 2 ft 3 lot 9, blk 3 . ..1190 Peter M ft Carrie E Justen, sublot 1 lot 16, blk 3 3400 N J Justen, sub-lot 1 lot 15, sub-lot 2 lot 16, blk 3 ....r.. 2400 W McHenry State Bank, s85 ft w»4 lot 17, blk 3 5310 Emma K Freund, (ex s85 ft w%) lot 17, blk 3 2430 Michael J 'Walsh, e%. lot 18, blk 3 '.1870 Delia Mathews, w% lot 18, oik 3 2440 Simon Stoffel, w40 ft lot 19, blk 3 . a ........ .. 900 Peter Williams, eJHPft lot 19, blk 3 2750 Henry Heimer, lot 1, blk 4 2430 Henry Brefeld, eV4 lot 2, blk 4 2740 A E Nye, w% lot 2, blk 4 ...... 2740 J W Freund, sub-lot 1 lot 3, blk 4 2030 John Stoffel, sub-lot 2 lot 3, blk 4 1080 Henry C Kamholz, sub-lot 1 lot 4, sub-lot 1 lot 5. sub-lot 1 > lot 6, blk 4 ;. 1790 Walter J Freund, sub-lot 2 lot 4 sub-lot 2, lot 5, sub-lot 2 lot 6, blk 4 1100 Nettie Weber ft Clara R Schiessel sub-lot 3 lot 5, sub-lot 3 lot 6, blk 4 3060 Alida M Mead, lot 1, blk 4 .... 273 Evelyn Thurlwell, lots 8 ft 9, blk 4 950 Edmond Knox, e81 ft lot 1, blk 5 1510 Robert A Thompson, 60 ft next e of w60 ft lot 1, blk 5 2220 Frank E Granger, lot 11 ft w60 ft lot 1, blk 5 2200 Alice Harrison, lot 2, blk 5 .... 700 Edw J Buss, lot 3, blk 5 1250 Frank H Wattles, lots 4 ft 9, blk 5 ; , 1920 Mary Carey, e46 ft lot 5, blk 5 1055 B Popp, w20 ft lot 5, blk 5 ...... 1070 Chas L Pich et al, lot 6, blk 5 .... 2200 Emil ft Fred Wolf, lot 7, blk 5 1080 Henry J W Buchert Est, lot 8, blk 5 : 1260 Frank Thurwell, lot 10, blk 5 .... 270 Robt Patzke, eVt lot i, blk 6 .... 715 Robt Patzke, w% lot 1, blk 6 .... 270 Fred J Nickels, lots 4, 5 ft 6, blk 6 990 Fred Kamholz, w% lot 1, blk 7 1040 Jas Sayler, lot I, blk 7 .... 1710 Zena M Bacon, lots 2fr 5, blk 7 1170 Joel E ft Eleanora Wneeler, lot 3, blk 7 ...1250 Jacob Steffes, lot 4, blk 7 1260 Emma F Fay, w35 ft lot 6, blk 7 730 Ellen A Ensign, e97 ft lot 6, blk 7 1040 Wm Tesch, e80 ft sub-lot 1 lot Geo A Hanley, lots 6, 7 ft 8, bik i Myron Hi t>etrick, lots 9, 10 ft 11, blk 1 ..... Myron H Detrick, lots 12, 13 ft 14, blk 2 :. Geo A Hanley, lots 15 ft 16, blk 2 Alma Thomas, lots 17 ft 18, blk 2 Gottfried Sattern, lots 19 ft 20, blk 2 Clara M Schneider Est, lots 21, 22 & 23, blk 2 1050 Anton J Schneider, lots 24, 25 ft 26, blk 2 Myron H Detrick, lots 27, 28 ft 29, blk 2 Hanley's 3rd Addition Jos Rauen, Iot 1, blk 13 ...... 290 ! Julius Vasey, lot 2, blk 18 (STATE OF ILLINOIS, 200 McHENRY COUNTY/ 50 , 860 200 185 650 720 200 200 PUBLIC NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN, That the following is a full and complete List of the Assessment of Lots and Blocks in the village of Ringwood, County of McHenry, State of Illinois, for the year A. D. 1935, as appears from the Assessment Books of said Year. LESTER EDINGER, SLOCUM'S LAKE RINGWOOD Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Berg and daughter spent Sunday at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Dan Ilartman at Elinwood Park. Mr. and Mrs. Harry Matthews and sons and Mr. and Mrs. Elmer E?ping _ were callers at Waukegan and at the ©upervisor of Assessments., W. J.I Swayer home at Gurnee last Martha M Rahn, lots 3 ft 4 .... 2660'Friday. Louis Schroeder, lot 5 500 1, blk 8 Wm G Schreiner Jr, 66 ft e of w52 ft sub-lot 1, lot 1 blk 8 1450 Henry Heimer, w52 ft sub-lot 1 lot 1, blk 8 1150 Henry Heimer, sub-lot 2 lot 1, blk 8 1100 A J Kamholz, lot 2, blk 8 13&0 Frances Clara N00nan, lot 3, Myfon H Detrick, lot 1, blk X Myron H Detrick, lot 2," blk 1 Myron H Detrick, lot 3, blk 1 Myron H Detrick, lot 4, blk 1 Myron H Detrick, lot 5, blk 1 Myron H Detr'fk. lot 6, blk 1 Myron H Detrick, lot 7, blk 1 Myron H Detrick, lot 8, blk 1 Myron H Detrick; lot 9; blk 1 Myron H Detrick/ lot 10, blk 1 W m Spencer, lots 1 ft 2, blk 2 1200 Myron H Detrick, lot 3, blk 2 Myron H Detrick, lot; 4, blk 2 Myron H Detrick. lot 5, jjlk \2 Myron H Detrick, lot 6, blk 2 ' 60 Myron H Detrick, lot 7, blk 2 60 Myron H Detrick, lot 8, blk 2 60 Myron H Detrick, lot 9, blk 2 60 Myron H Detrick, lot 10, blk 2 60 J B Kelter, lots inc 1 to 4, blk 3 1110 A I Froehlich, lots inc 5 to 10, blk 3 I......' 180 HeHbcs' Addition , Job© V Vasey, s66 ft of wl32 ft lot 8 1125 E. M. Owen's Est. Addition Delia Mathews, lot 1 1400 Ada R Bobb, pc 66 ft by 132 ft* n of ft adj ft lot 4 1640 Floyd E ft Carrie E Covalt, pc 66 ft by 132 ft n of ft adj ft lot 51 2340 Margaret E Overton, lot 6 1550 Richard I Overton, pc 66 ft by 132 ft n of ft adj ft lot 6 .... 90 Wm T Vanderboom, pc 66 ft by 132 ft n of ft adj ft lot 7 .... 1440 Etta Powers, pc 66 ft by 132 ft n of ft adj ft lot 8 ... .... 1570 Mary Powers, s66 ft by 132 ft lot 9 1480 Richard I Overton, n66 ft by 132 ft of ft adj ft pt lot 9 .... 80 Qutlots To West McHenry NW '4 Sec. 35 ft SW % Sec. 26 R S Howard, sl32 ft of w 199 ft of n462 ft lot 1, .65a ........ 1020 Henry Kamholz, s66 ft of wl99 ft of n528 ft lot 1, .33a :.... 930 H C Hughes, s66 ft of wl99 ft of n748 ft lot 1 .35a 1035 Leslie C Olsen, s of the s66 ft of el99 ft lot 1, .32a 1030 Anna Knox, lots 2, 3, 4 ft 14, 5a 1240 Louis Ljungberg, sub-lot 1 lot - 5, 6.55a 1550 John R Freund, sub-lot 2, lot 5, .40a 880 M J Kent, g of sub-lot 2 lot 5, .40a 1100 Peter ft Julia M WIrfs, sub-lot 3 lot 5, ,50a 550 Clarence Niessen, (ex e200 ft) lot 6, 2.65a 2430 1080 1 McHenry Lumber Co, lot 7, 99a 420 A W Smith, drl56 p -657 n pt, e pt lot 6 : 1010 The Ringwood State Bank, 27 by 44 ft se cor lot 6 .....' 1770 Walter E Bradley, w pt lot 6 1180 E C Hawley, 23 it front ft 20 ft facing e pt lot 6 400 Mathias L Welter, (ex wl6 ft) sub-lot 1 lot 7 1650 Geo H Harrison, sub-lots 2ft Mr. and Mrs. John Blomgren and guests, G. Lagerlund and son of Elmwood .Park, were Sunday guests at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Pete And- €rson at Cary. Mr. and Mrs. W. O. Brooks of Libertyville spent the 4th of July at the home of Mr. and Mrs. H. L brooks. M. H. Haffey. Mrs. Garfield Swanson and little son, Mr. and Mrs. Louis Mrs. Cora Flanders was called id Chicago Monday by the death of har neice. She returned home Friday. Mrs. Nellie Dodge spent over the 4th with her daughter, Mrs. George Bacon at Antioch. Mr. and Mrs. Martin Young of Green Bay^ Wis., are visiting relatives here. Mrs. Joe Schaefer and daughter and Mrs. Louis Hall and daughter were visitors at McHenry, Tuesday. Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Beth, Jr., o/„l"r. and Mrs. Lowell at New London, Chicago spent Wednesday and July Wis. wit% Mr. and Mrs. E. E. Whiting aai family - Miss Gwendolyn Jackson of Woo4>. stock spent Thursday afternoon in the S. H. Beatty home. Mr. and Mrs. Louis Abendroth aat) Mr. and Mrs. Melvin Wagner of Elgin spent Sunday with Mrs. Jennie Bacon. Edward Harrison and Miss Ruth Owen of Elgin spent Sunday afternoon in the George Harrison home. Miss Mary Jencks e.ntertained tke Epworth League at * a party at her home Tuesday evening. Mrs. E. E. Whiting and daughter, * Norma, spent a few days the paat week with her sister and husband. 3, ft wl6 ft sub-lot 1 lot 7. 270 Geo Hohenstein, lots 8 ft .9 ...... 620 Schamb'us of Wrest Chicago were Sun- The Alexander Lumber Co, lot day guests at the home of Mr. and ftn 1980 Mrs. Willard Darrell. 60 ? TO S,op!fr ®*t» Brown and Mrs. James L. Geo l'noSJ, lot i°a'•I - "S iHar™ •of Wauconda, c*lfri Oii- Bfrg. :H. McHenry Artificial Stone ft Construction Co, lot 8, .48a .... 1350 Geo A Hanley, ne pt lot 9 270 Josephine Coates, lot 15 George E Shepard, lot 16 ........ 1170 Frank Fay, (ex drll8 p 616) sub-lot 1 lot 18 1550 Nellie L Dodge, dr 142 p 841 sub-lot 1 lot 18;... H J Collins, sub-lot 3 lot 18".... Sadie G Hepburn, e60 ft <>f »118 ft of wl25 ft sub-lot 4 lot 18 Mary G Green, (ex e60 ft of sll8 ft w 125 ft) sub-lot 4 lot 18 ....: Chas W Harrison Est, (ex wl25 ft) sub-lot 4 lot 18 1400 W E Walker Est, lot 27 ft sublot 1 lot 29 1000 W ' E Walker Est, sub-lot 2 lot 29 W E Walker Est, sub-lot 3 lot 29 C F French, sub-iot 3 lot 30-.... Abraham Laurence, sub-lot 4 lot 30 Alex Anderson, (ex e84 ft ft wl80 ft) sub-lot 6 lot 30 .... E T Hopper, e84 ft sub-lot 6 lot 30 ^ Elmer Hopper, el20 ft of wi80 ft sub-lot 6 lpt 30 A W Smith, w60 ft sub-lot 6 lot 30 1090 Julia A Abbott, sub-lot 7 lot 30 1080 Jno F ft Julia A McLaughlin, lot 35 ...107.0 Chas Stephenson Est, sub-lot 1 lot 36 1570 Chas Stephenson Est, sub-lot 2 lot 36, sub-lot 1 lot 37, ft dr 124 p 294 nw cor lot 71 ...... 1200 Jas ft Callie Rainey, el.48 ch sub-lot 3 lot 37 & (ex nw cor dr 124 p 294) lot"7l ..... .......... 1740 Geo H Harrison, w95.82 ft of e 193.5 ft sub-lot 3 lot 37 .... 1470 Luella A Stephenson, sub-lot 2 lot 37 * 1380 Warren M Foss Est, wl20- ft sub-lot 3 lot 37 1470 Oscar A Tabor Est, sub-lot 2 lot 44 1530 J C Ladd Est, lot 46 1630 Chas Edw Bell, lot 47 .....* 1060 C J & Rose H Jepson, lot 48 .... 1040, Clark G Huson, lot 49 810 .! L. Brooks last Monday. ' Mrs. Laura Griffith of Edgewood, Iowa, and Mr. and Mrs>. Aurand and tWo pons, of Freep^^' were iSundaycallers at the* homje ' of ^Mrs. Clara 750 Smith. 510 50 540 70 50 190 €10 895 70 70 Valvohne Oil 6», se pt lot 9 . 510 Clara Beth Est iot 60 570 McHenry Lumber Co, w pt lot 9 90 , Minnk CoateSi sub.lot 2 lot 58 370 Stengel Weber ft Covalt, w pt _ Ellen E Hall Est, lot 54 .4 530 lot 10 1801 . Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Davis and daughter spent laist Thursday at the home of Mr. and Mrs- Earl Converse. Mrs. Celia Dowel! and daughters were callers at Woodstock Saturday evening. Mr. and Mrs. Harry Hatthews and sons, Elmer Esping, Willard Darrell, Mrs. Joe Dowell and children attended the Boone-Lake Co., farm bureau baseball game at Grayslake Saturday. No score was made until the sixth inning when a score of 2-1 was made in favor of Lake Co. then in the 9th inning Boone Co. then made 4 runs, and won the game by a score of 5-2. ^ Mr. and Mrs. Ray Dowell and daughter, Dolores, were business callers at Grayslake last Wednesday. Little Marilyn Darrell of Wauconda spent Tuesday with her cousins, Robert and Lyle Matthews. Mr. and Mrs. Ray Dowell and daughter and Missess Alice and Stella* Dowell were callers at Libertyville Saturday evening. Mr. and Mrs. C. A. Bevans of Des- Paines were callers Sundav at the 4 in the Simpson-Beth home, Wayne Foss spent July 4 at Greenwood. Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Heine and son of Chicago spent Thursday and Friday in the George Shepard home. Quite a few from here attended th<? carnival at Crysul Lake Thursday, evening. . . Mr?. Rilla Foss in company, with her son. Floyd and wife spent July 4 at Woodcock. i; Mr. and Mrs. B. "T, Butler entertained the '500* club at their home Friday evening; Prizes were award' ed to Mrs. F. A. Hitchens and Geo. Young and Mrs. George Young and George Shepard. .. * , Mf, and Mrs. Byron Hitchens of Chicago spent July 4 • in the F. A. Hitchens home. Billy and Leon Dodge of Woodstock sperft a few days the past week with their grandmother, Mrs. Nellie Dodge. Mrs. C. J. Jepson entertained the Scotch Bridge Club at her home Wednsday afternoon. Prizes were awarded to Mrs. Ray Pteters and Mrs. J. C. Pearson. Mr. and Mrs. Clark Huson of Elgin spent Saturday In the C. J. Jepson home. Mr. and Mrs. Felvey Davis and Mr. and Mrs. Stanley Carlson-and daughter of Woodstock spent July 4 in the Alec Anderson home. J. V. Buckland and Miss Taylor spent July4 at Greenwood and Woodstock. • Mrs. Kenneth Cristy and childrenf visited her parents at Waupaca, Wii^- a few days the past week, \ -' Mr. and Mrs. Weldon Gratton , North Dakota spent Friday in the J. V': Buckland home. In the afternoon they with Mr. Buckland and Miss Flora Taylor drove to Lake Genev|L-V' ^ Mr, .and Mrs. Lloyd Grattor. awl three daughters and Mrs. Green of Woodstock, Mr and Mrs. Weldoh; Gratton of North Dakota, Mrs. Emma Thompson of Greenwood, Mr. and Mrs. George Dixon of Eagle Lak$,. Mr. and Mrs. Ray Brockman and son Bobby of Racine. Mr. and Mrs. Howard. Buckland, J. V. Buckland and Misa. Flora Taylor enjoyed a picnic Sunday, at the Ellsworth houie at Twi% Lakes. Roy Wiedrich was a visitor at Etansville, Wis., Saturday. Fred and Frank Wiedrich spent day at Trevor, Wis. Mr. and Mrs. Harold Wiedrich and family spent Saturday evening at Hebron. Mr. and Mrs. Dewey Beck of Chicago spent the .weekend with the latter'a parents, Mr. and Mrs. Charles Carri Fred Wiedrich, Jr., #as a visitor aft Janesville Saturday. Mr. and Mrs. Lester Carr were Mr. and Mrs. Matt Nimsgern of itors at McHenry Saturday evening. Spring Grove were visitors in the Nick Young home Saturday afternoon. M iss Shirley Hawley spent the past week with her aunt, Mrs.. D. C. Bacon | Fred Wiedrich and son, Roy, spent at Crystal Lake. (Friday afternoon at McHenry. Mrs. W. B. Harrison and Mi8R Lib- I Mr. and Mrs. Frank Harrison of Mr. and Mrs. Leslie Olsen and fan-.;' ily of McHenry spent Friday evening in the Frank Wiedrich home. home of Mr. and Mrs. Willard Darren b!e Darby 8Pent Tuesday it Valpari j Chicago and Mr. and Mrs. Seymour and Mr., and Mrs. Harry Matthews. Miss Betty Lou Lusk, of Maple Park, granddaughter of Mr and Mrs. John Blomgren, acted as flower girl at the wedding ceremonies of Miss Alma Spencer of Stockton and Edward Lusk of Grayslake at the homa of the bride's parents at Stockton lasi Saturday. Arthur Wackerow spent Sundaythe home of Mr. and Mrs. Aaron Huntoon at Batavia. Stomach Gas aiso, Ind. Mr. and Mrs. Joe Schaefer and daughter spent Sunday in the Stephen Huff home at Spring Grove. of Wauconda were callers in the H. M. Stephenson home Sunday afttth noon. Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth Cristy «**• blk 8 Roland S Bond, lot 12, 3.02a .... 780 Simmon's Addition 90 .............. 1350 |B J Adams, nw cor lot 18, 6a Z 450 ®en lot 1 ^ 760 790'John B Kelter, lot 4, blk 8 .... 2700 C J Bender, (ex nell2 ft of 720 A* nna F~r isby-, lot 5, blk 8 ........ 1440 -- - Wilhelmina Block, lots 6 ft 7, blk 8 1850 Arthur Smith, sw^4 eMt lot 8, blk 8 580 Alice Lindsay, nwK e% lot 8, blk 8 1330 Henry Degen, w% lot 8 blk 8 680 Mary K Adams, ntt lot 1, blk 9 1000 Chas R Plage, (ex s66 ft) sl43.2 ft lot 1, blk 9 900 Lester Page, s66 ft lot 1, blk 9 300 Mary Justen ft Magdalena Bohr, lota 2; 8, 4, 5, 11,12 ft 18, blk 9 1780 Joseph M May, e20 ft lot 7 ft all lot 6, blk 9 509 Frances Froehlich, wll2 ft of lot 7, blk 9 1406 Wm J Welch, lots 8, 9 ft 10, blk 9 * Martin Conwy, lett I ft 2,'blk 10 Mabel G Johnson, (ex e66 ft) lot 8, Uk 10 Mabel G Johnson, lot 4, blk 10 Fred C Feltz, lot 5 ft e66 ft lot 3, blk 10 B Mrs 11 J Adams, lots 6 ft 7, blk 10 rs Wm Sayler, lots 1 ft 2, blk 100 940 180 50 670 830 185 4200 -570 970 Frank B Wattles, lota 8 ft 6 ft n% lots 4 ft 5, blk 11 Rose Weidenhoefer, lots 4 ft 5, blk 11 Albert S Parks Est, (ex w66 ft) nl32 ft sub-lot 1 lot 1, blk 12 1180 Simon Stoffel, n66 ft sl32 ft sub-lot 1 lot 1," blk 12 Simon Stoffel, s66 ft sub-lot 1 lot 1, blk 12 Herman Kreutzer, w66 ft nl32 ft sub-lot 1 lot 1, blk 12 ........ Nellie Peatt ft Kate Croplgy, sub-lot 2 lot 1, blk 12 Jno R Smith, lot 2 ft sub-lot 3 lot 1, blk 12 Chas Hall, sub-lot 2 lot 3, blk 12 Peter J Schoewer, lots 4 ft. 5, blk 12 ' F H. Wattles, lots 6 ft 7, blk 12 Wm Buchert, sub-lot 1 lot 1, lot 2, sub-lot 1 lot 3, blk 13 .... 650 John R Schmidt Jr, sub-lots 2 ft 3 lot 2, sub-lots 1, 2 ft 3 lot 3, blk 13 600 Stenger, Weber ft Covalt, w pt " lots 1 ft 2, blk 14 225 Matt Baur's Addn. Pt SW'4 Sec. 26, Town 45, Range 8 815 135 820 320 950 540 900 860 760 50 180 780 90 el32 ft) lot 15, 34.84a 1850 Henry W Ahrens, nell2 ft of el32 ft lot 15, .30a 580 Wtoa Dettner, lot 16, 5a 520 McHenry Lumber Co, lot 17, 2a 270 Wattlea* Addn. to W. McHenry Pt. Out-fot 1 Frett Bros, lots 1 ft 2 ............ Glen F Peterson, lot 8 .............. Ed Nickles, lot 4 Ed Mischke, doc no 85920 pc 66 ft by 65.65 ft e of ft lot 5 J C Thies, lot 6 Herman. Kxeutxer, lot 7 Henry C Kamholz, lot 8 Wm Sterbenz, lot 9 --.............. 90 Frank Hint, lot 10 Wattles' 2nd Adda, to W. McHenry C J Bender, blk 1 270 F H Wattles, lot 1, blk 2 40 Geo Kane, lot 2, blk 2 1000 60 80 IS 60 50 ;60 90 90 J&0 50 50 90 790 90 50 lot 3, bit a F H Wattles, lot 4, blk 2 . Thomas Knox, lot 5, blk 2 . Jno F Knox, lot 6, blk 2 ... F H Wjattles, lot 1, blk 8 ... F H Wattles, lot 2, blk 8 ... F H Wattles, lot 3, blk 8 F H Wattles, lot 4, blk 8 . Thos Slavin, lot 5, blk 3 . Ella Newman, lot 6, blk 8 F H Wattles, Iot 7, blk 3 . F H Wattles, lot 8, blk 8 . F H Wattles, lot 9, blk 8 . Otto Voss, lot 10, blk 3 ..... Joseph Williams, lot 11, blk 3 F H Wattles, lot 12, blk 3 F H Wattles, lot 1, blk 4 ........ F H Wattles, lot 2, blk 4 F H Wa ttl'e a-, *l ot "3, *bl"k 4* rey, lot 4, blk 4 .... John A Anderson, lot 1 John A Anderson, lot 2 John A. Anderson, lot 3 Anton Immekus, lot 4 Anton Immekus, lot 5 ................ Mathias Baur, lot 6 Mathias Baur, lot 7 Mathias Baur, lot 8 Mathias Baur, lot 9 Mathias Baur. lot 10 Mathias Baur, lot 11 ................. Mathias Baur, lot 12 Mathias Baiir, lot 13 .... Mathias Baur, lot 14 Mathias Baur, lot 15 Mathias Baur, lot 16 Mathias Baur, lot 17 Kent's Addition Clayton Klontz, lot 1 Clayton Klontz, lot 2 Gertrude Niesen, lot 8 .. John S Ericson, lot 4 N J Nye, lot 5 Han ley's 1st Addition , M L Worts Est, lots 1 ft 1% .... John G Distler, lot 2 Adolph Ibsch, lot 3 -- -. Theo G Stock, lot 4 Theo G Stock, lot 5 r. Han ley's 2nd AddittaT Geo A Hanley, lots 1 A 2, blk 1 Chas W Goodell et al, lots 8.ft 4, blk 1 Geo A Hanley, lot 5, blk i .... 450 100 100 1180 100 50 50 50 50 50 50 50 50 50 50 50 50 ;.^jf 1930 ..... 270 ..... 1400 ..... 1400 1800 530 580 1060 960 810 270 970 50 W E Carey Gerald Carey, lot 5, blk 4 Herman Herrmann, lot 6, blk 4 F H Wattles, lot 7, blk 4 F H Wattles, lot 8, blk 4 ........ F H Wattles, lot 9, blk 4 Simon Stoffel, lot 10, blk 4 ..., Weber & Foss, lot 11, blk 4 Weber & Foss, lot 12, blk 4 F H Wattles, lot 1, blk 5 ........ F H Wattles, lot 2, blk 6 F H Wattles, lot 3, blk 5 F H Wattles, lot 4, blk 6 Henry Ahrens, lot 5, blk 5 -Henry Ahrens, lot 6, blk 5 Schiessle ft Weber, lot 7, blk .5 Chas Rasmussen, lot F H Wattles, lot 9, F H Wattles, lot 10, blk 5 F H Wattles, lot II, blk 5 F H Wattles, lot 12, blk 5 F H Wattles, lot 1, blk 6 F H Wattles, lot 2, blk 6 ........ F H Wattles, lot 3, blk 6 ........ F H Wattles, lot 4, blk 6 ^ F H Wattles, lot 5, blk 6 F H Wattles, lot 6, blk 6 F H Wattles, lot 7, blk 6 John J Buch, lot 8, blk 6 F H Wattles, lot 9, blk 6 .. ..... F H Wattles, lot 10, blk 6 F H Wattles, lot 1, blk 7 ........ F H Wattles, lot 2, blk 7 ....... Mabel Johnson, lot 3, blk 7 .... Math Laures, lot 4, blk 7 ,.... Floyd E Covalt, lot 5, blk 7 .... F H Wattles, lot 6, blk 7 ....... F H Wattles, lot 7, blk 7 ........ F H Wattles, lot 8, blk 7 ........ F H Wattles, blk 9 F H Wattles, (ex sl31 3/10 ft of e366 3/10 ft) blk 10 Julius Vasey, sl31 3/10 ft of e366 3/10 ft blk 10 F H Wattles, lot 1, blk 1% F H Wattles, lot 2, blk 11 F H Wattles, lot 3, blk 11 F H Wattles, lot 4, blk 11 F H Wattles, lot 1, blk 12 F H Wattles, lot 2, blk 12 F H Wattles, lot 3, blk 12 F H Wattles, lot 4, blk 12 F H Wattles, lot 5,' blk 12 Lewis J Pitzen, lot 6, blk 12 .... IS 70 740 90 . 50 50 50 Wm Hepburn, lot 2 430 Wm A Hepburn Jr, e23 ft lot 3 ft (ex e8% ft) lot 4 1180 J S Brown, (ex e23 ft) lot 3 .... 1180 Sadie G Hepburn, lot 5 ft 8% ft lot 4 830 Edgar C Hawley, lot 6 860 Bowman Dairy Co, lots 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12 ft 13 10670 Wm Hepburn, lots 14 ft 15 .... 1020 John V Buckland, inc lots 17 to 28 900 50 The Lily Lake Ladies' League held their second annual dance and entertainment at the Lily Lake Caatno Saturday evening, Jvtly 1 About two hundred and fifty people attended thi performance. The entertainer* of tile evening were little Joan Bishop, eight year old child musical prodigy. This little girl won a $1,000 scholarship in piano last September when she was only seven years old. She entertains at various culture clubs, benefits, church affairs and has given solo programs at the Illinois Hoot House at the Century of Progress. Joan also does advanced toe and tap dancing. She gave a very clever impersonation of Maurice Chevalier and also an intricate tap dance including difficult, "wings". Her piano numbers were .A Concerto in D Major by Haydn, Bach's Solpeggietto and Paderewski's Minuet. Marie Schwerghofer played a few numbers on her piano accordiah. Connie Boyko was next on the program and she did a tap dance. The entertainment ended with Mr. George Miller's dance. . Little Donnie Witsbaum spent the weekend at Honey Lake at the home of his grandparents, Mr. and Mra. N. Wiesbaum. Mr. and Mrs. Harry'Miller and friends spent the weekend at their home at Lily Lake. Miss Christine Wegener, a nurse of St. Anthony's hospital, Chicago, visited the home of her parents Mr: and Mrs. Geo. J. Wegener over th« weekend. Mr. and Mrs. John Bishop and daughter, Joan, spent the weekend at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Fred Dosch. Mr. and Mrs. Charles Smith and Mm L. Schonauer and daughter, Lillian, visited the home of Mr. and Mrs. Wilbert Swanson over the. weekend Mr. and Mrs. Frank Ruzha and daughters, Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Hahn and friends visited the home of Mr. and Mrs. Fred Dosch Saturday. Mr. and Mrs. Gus Schwergofer and daughters and friends spent the weekend at their summer home. The Lily Lake Ladies' League held their meeting in the Jewel Tower, Tuesday afternoon. Cards and bunco were played and prizes were won by Mrs. F. Mack, Mrs. Naftol, Mrs. G. Wegener. Mrs. Abjin, Eleanore Wegener, and Claire Fast. Mr. and Mrs. Harry L. Miller, Mr. and Mrs. George Olsen and friends, Mr. and Mrs. Krostrova and friends, Mr and Mrs. Joe Page, Mr. and Mrs. George Wegener visited the home ol Mr. and Mrs. Fred Dosch over the Fourth Thos. P. Bolger, Druggist,--in Ringwood by S. W. Brown, Druggist. Mf. and Mrs. George Shepard and tertained the latter's father and mo^ iamily spent Sunday with the form- j er and brother and wife of Waupaca* er's parents at McHenry. „ j WK. Thursday until Sunday. » Mr. and Mrs. Floyd Foss of Rich-j Mrs. John Radcliff and daughter of mond spent Sunday with the former's i Boston, Mass., and Mrs. H. C. Hughes brother, Wayne Fpss. (of McHenry were callers at Mrs. LU>r * Marshall McCannon left for St. bie Ladd's Sunday evening. i Louis Friday after spending the past j C. A. Matsen of Chicago, J. C. PeijlW.'. two weeks with his parents, Mr. an! son and B. T. Butler are enjoying * Mrs. Joe McCannon. , fishing trip in northern Wis. Harold Jepson left for Texas Fri-' Fred Schau of Chicago is visiting day morning. in the home of his daughter, Mrs. Mr. and Mrs. Roland McCannon and Louis Hawley. son, Mildred and Virginia Jepson re-1 Mrs. S. W. Brown spent Friday allturned home Sunday from a two ernoon at Woodstock. weeks trip to Vermont and the east. Mr. and Mrs. Leonard Franzen and Mr. and Mrs. Jay Cristy and fam- family spent July 4th at ily, Mr. and Mrs. H. C. Hughes, and ville at the homo of." Mr. and Mrs. Lowell spent July 4 Arthur Bishop. ELECTRIC COOKERY is fast and cool! Present low rates make it economical • Present fates enable every home to enjoy all the advantages of electric cookery, at a cost that is remarkably low. A new, modern electric range will not only add to the appearance of your kitchen, but will bring you comfort and convenience as well. Cooking the elenric way does not heat up the kitchen . . . and you will appreciate that during' hot, summer months. All cooking and baking is done quickly, so that you may have plenty of time for other things. And, of course, perfect results always. Get all the facts regarding electric cooking. See the Westinghouse, General Electric or Hotpoint ranges at your nearest Public Service store. Learn how little they cost. Then take advantage of our liberal purchase terms. • , ^ .w ELECTRIC RANGES AS LOW ilS f " ' i 3 DOWN v |6 months to pay J.o T*B llt'iirh»tertTt and m higher priet is <httrgtti f»r MppJiaitctl fid tm dtftrrtd payments. To the prices qutted in »ur advertisements, and ntarhtd »n *ur nterdtaneitte, substantially is to he aeidad PUBLIC SERVICE COMPANY OF NORTHERN LUJNOIft Telephone: Orjstftl 'W