Illinois News Index

McHenry Plaindealer (McHenry, IL), 26 Sep 1935, p. 2

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rjwTRrf, " **• z ?>.r.sT*T,fr ^ 5 v sy» \ "'f" V-~~. r,; ', Wa, ; -^.y.., „ , >..4F » Fife Two THE MeHKfRYPLAINDBAUnt Thursday, September, 26, 1935 if P1RB AUTO ': * • INSURANCE R. WALSH FARM ^LIFE • ; f- Presenting' .. <i;>••.••"•,' Reliable Companies 'Hfln ^oa need insurance of any ktad Phone 43 or 61-M Pries McHenry VOLO Phone 43 VERNON J. KNOX ATTORNEY AT LAW Pries Bldg. " r OFFICE HOURS Tuesdays and. Fridays^. ? 6ther Days by Appointment- - . • > \ * Illinois Mr. and Mrs. N. Mergenthaler of Winnetka. Mr. and Mrs. E. Saunders of 'Wilmette visited Mr- and Mrs. F. St. George, Sunday. 'Mr. and Mrs. Clytle Wright visited relatives at Garden Prairie, Thursday. Mrs. E. Bacon passed aw^y Saturday evening at eleven o'clock at the St. Therese's hospital. Oftly Council Proceedings Council Room, Sept. 9, 1935. This meeting WM held following adjournment on Sept. 3 until Sept. 9 at 8 o'clock p. m., for the purpose of considering issuance of Funding Bonds of the City of McHenry and any other business that gpight come before the Council. • Mayor Doherty presided. Aldermen present: Buss, Ferwfe^da, Freund, Uusten, Kreutzei\ Overton, Absent: None. It was moved by Alderman Kreutaer, seconded by Alderman Ferwerda, that a RESOLUTION with respect to BUNG THE TALCUM Mr. and Mrs. Bernard .Hankie of Evanston spent Friday at the home j miscellaneous cfaims of the City of of Mr. and Mrs. Frank St. George. McHenry, McHenry County, Illinois; Mr. and Mrs. Charles Davis of Car- , be passed as read. Upon roll call the roll, Iowa are visitng»at the home, of | Aldermen .all voted aye. Nays: none, Mrs. E. Bacon: ' land the motion was declared carried. ' Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Eddy of Grnjrs- It was then moved by Alderman .lake visited the latter's parents, Mr. • Buss, seconded by Alderman Freund, aftd Mrs. Henry Passfield, Saturday. j than- AN ORDINANCE providing for McHenry Y ALFORD H: POUSE ; .AtTORNEY.-AT-LAW 107^2 Benton St. Woodstock, III. " Phone Woodstock 191 - McHenry 278 the issuance of Thirty Thousand Dollars ($30,000) Funding Bonds of the, City of McHenry, McHenry County, Illinois, and providing for the ebUes^ tion of a direct annual tajp for the .payment of the principal of and interest on said bonds, be passed as „ ...... „r ,, read. Upon roll call the Aldernien- ^ Mr.; and .• Mrs^.. William- Waldmaim Voted 'aye. .Nays: nbne, aryithe have i etui ned to their home here,,att-'j m^tjon WJ^S declared duly carried, er visiting relative? in Michigan. • • » • . ;VfMr. and . Mrs.. J. Valenta of Chicago spent Wednesday at the home r# Mi-, and Mrs. Frank St. George, i Mr. arid Mrs. Frank Gould .and I daughters of Libertyville visited Mr. •j and. Mrs. Lloyd Fisher Friday even-: itig. 'I: :'(CHer- Bo enjoy Browning? ^ ; She--Wellj it's a little : painful Wat I must have, phow for my . holiday. POLICE! TeJe phone No. 300 * • ' .' gtoffel & Reihansperger laiannec agents for all classes property in th? best companies. WEST McHENltY ILLINOIS S. H. Freund & Son CONTRACTORS AND BUILDERS Phone 127-R McHenry Our experience ii at Your Service in building " Yotur Wants Mr. and Mrs. George Scheid, ;Jr;, and daughter of WaUconda spent Monday evening at the Dowell Bros., home. , • Mrs. Belle Fairweather of Chicago is spending a few days here at the home of Mrs. E. Bacon. „• Mr. and Mrs. Frank Dusil, Mrs. H. Dusil of Berwyn, Edward Yanch of New York spent Monday here with Mr. and Mrs. Frank St. Georg^^' " Mr. and Mrs. William Lohmann and son of Libertyville spent Wednesday evening here with Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Fisher. Mrs. Fred Monahan of Chicago is visiting Mr. and Mrs. Alvin Case. Community night was held at the Volo school Friday evening with an attendance of sixty. Mr. Burr spoke "The Production Credit Associa The Union Paint & Varnish Co.,' Traffic paint .$19.50 Wm. H. Althoff, Traffic paint 36.33 H. C. Kamholz, Traffic paint 13.83 J. J. Vycital, Supplies 1.64 Downs Motor Express, Express 1.89 J. Stilling's Tire Shop, Gasoline etc 4.27 Matt N. Schmitt, Compensation Insurance 9.48 Motion by Justen, seconded by Kreutzer, to adjourn. Motion carried. PETER J. DOHERTY, Mayor. PETER A. NEISS, City Clerk. Council Room, Sept. 18, 1935. The City Council met in special meeting for the purpose* of further discussing the setver disposal plant project and to expedite the award of tion and the rest of the evening was the contract and any other business spent in playing five hundred, euchre ' that might come before the /council. I and bunco. Prizes were won by Mrs. | Edith Peck, Thomas Vasey, Mrs. C. [ Miller, Frank Hironimus, Mrs. Wil- I liam Dillion, Rosalen Vogt and Irving . Steinsdorfer. ' --» Mayor Doherty presided. Aldermen present: Buss Ferwerda/ Freund, Justen, Kretuzer, Overton. Absent? none. A motion was made by Overton* A. P. Freund excavating Contractor Trucking, Hydraulic and Crane .v:^'.Serviofc:'::; Mrs. Clinton Ravin and family of, seconded by Kreutzer, that the aera- Slocum's Lake spent Saturday at the tion equipment manufactured by the; Dowell Bros., home. American Well Works which con- Mr. and Mrs. Alex Martini, Mr. and , forms to the plans and specifications Mrs. Joseph Wagner, Miss Laura for the proposed sewage treatment Wiser and Alvin Phannenstill spent' plant be installed and that the addi? Tuesday evening at the home of Mr. ' tional cost of $385.00 for said equip? and Mrs. Ed Kooch in Waukegan.' Mrs. Roy Passfield was a Grayslake caller Saturday. , Master Robert Dunker attended a Road Building tel. 204-M McHenry, m ment be paid from the general fund$ of the City if the Federal Emergency Administration of Public Works refused to allow same paid from the Downs Motor Express The Pioneer Line' Operates daily between JSfiHenry and Chicago Phones: Wabash McHenry 7518 256 KSNT * COMPANY AD Kinds of I N S U R A N C E Placed with the most reliable Companies meeting of the sons of the American loan grant of P. W. A. docket No, Legion at Crystal Lake Friday even- 8155. Upon roll call the Aldermen :ihg. They organized a drum and voted as follows: Buss, aye; Ferbugle corp. werda, aye; Freund, aye; Justen, aye; . The McHenry Brewers baseball -Kreutzer, aye; Overton, aye. Nays: team of Volo played the Johnsburg none. Thereupon the motion was deiteam at the Volo diamond Sunday, clared duly carried. | Volo won by a score of 4 to 1 | The Honorable Mayor reported and r : ®nd Mis. Harry Maypole of read communication received from jFox Lake visited Mr. and Mrs. Her- the State Director P. W A under j bert Michalson Monday evening. date of September 13, 193S. And Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Titus of Fre- referred to a former letter of August |mont visited Mr and Mrs. Frank 29, 1935 directing the Council to pro- I V' Tuesday. | Ceed with the award of the contract Lu/hti Of '• > fir", t0 the GJellefal<i Construction Co, in daughter of Elgin visited .the form- accordance with their bid of August |ers Parents, Mr. and Mrs. George 2, 1935, totaling $20,752.00., being a « Sunday. - (deduction of $385.00 from their base • J- F- called on friends bid due to difference in in Waukegan Tuesday. ' equipment. Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Passfield have I A m„Hm moved from the home of Mr. and Mrs. La„ v " then made by Alder- Henry Passfield. I Kreutzer, seconded by Alderman Mr. and Mrs. Paul O'Leary called I co^r^tion ^h%contra°; for the on Frank Rossduestcher near Round v ^ewage tre«tment Lake Tuesday evening. V .knowi W. A. docket No. Ceme in and talk it ever nheoe McHerrj aeration John Wagner attended the Cubs IMid New York Giants baseball game at Wrigley Field in Chicago, Monday. 8155 be awarded to Gjellefald Construction Company of Forest City, Iowa, in accordance with their bid of August 2, 1935 in a total amount of Charlie's Repair Shop Jnst East of Old Bridge ...... Over Fox River (Bear Schaefer's Tavern) is Repaired, pocues and Fenders Straightened Sign Painting Truck Lettering Acetylene Welding CHARLES RIETESEL Mrs. Frank Hironimus and Mrs. F. ^ing ® r®duction of *385- ?ing spent Thursday in Chicago with ; in T to d,fference wlatives. I Ji. aerat,0n equipment and that the Dr. and Mrs. Elmer Kochfens of ' JJayor a"d City Clerk be authorized Haywood visited the latter's parents, I ca^th?^ contract. Upon roll Mr. and Mrs. Frank Hironimus Sun- o v VOtfd RS followa: day evening. ^a, aye, Freund, aye; Justen, --Mrs. Ed Kooch of Waukegan spent 1^. ^e n U p t2e!faye; aye. Thursday here with her grandmother I , , , Tllf motion was there- Mrs. Catherine Molidor. ' I pPOT1 declared duly carried. Alderman Miss Emma Bacon of Round Lake ' nHnt e)icused.from the meeting is spending a few days at the" homo foregoing motion and of Mrs. E. Bkeon. „ CaV: ,. • ' • | Mr. and Mrs. Earl WaUcer of Chi- I ovl*?™ • y ^eutzer, seconded by Icago called on Mr. and Mrs. R. Pass- adjo^rn" potion carried field, Sunday. Miss Florence Dorfler of Grayslake and Miss Bertha Hironimus called on Mr. and Mrs. Frank Hironimus Monday. Community night will^ fee held the Volo school, Oct. 18. Mr. and Mrs. Jacob Wagner hava moved into the John Wortz house. PETER J. DOHERTY, Mayor. PETER A. NEISS, City Clerk. PERSONALS Wtfey--I Just can't find words to describe my new bathing suit Hubby--Then why not try some abbreviations. EAR-MARKED ••Papa says I'm such a reserved girl." "I hope you're reserved for me." TRY A HAMMER % RINGWOOD Mrs. Jones--Maude Is progressing by leaps and bounds with her piano practice. Mr. Jones--I thought, she couldn't make all that racket with Jier hands alone. NO SHORTAGE RADIO and WASHER REPAIRS We are now prepared to handle all repair 'work on jjftdio and washing machines, carrying complete stock of 10- pairs for all makes of machines. CAREY ELECTRIC SHOP Phone 251 McHenry Three men helped J. B. Heft push his disabled car some distance to his home near Latham, 111., and then robbed hiip of $14. •. • Michael Ducharme had his home •nwed' 40 feet (from Plainfield (to .Windsor, Mass., because taxes are lower in the latter town. Heat Energy of Guolia* " The gasoline engine used in autos converts, at best, 25 per cent of the heat energy of the gasoline. Fifteen per cent would be considered a good average figure. At this rate, if 100 per cent efficiency could be obtained, which is, incidentally, impossible, a large, heavy car could easily $o 00 miles on a gallon of gasoline and a light car could, go about 100 miles on a gallon. • ®^rs; F- E. Boger spent several days • in Chicago the past week. Mrs. Edith Hayes, Elola Boyle and j Genevieve Knox were callers last Mr. and Mrs. H. J. Martini and Mr. i week the Clarg«ee- Whiting home and Mrs. Chancey Graybauer of Chi- at Elgin. catfo were Saturday evening dinner! Harry and Fred Eldridge of Chiguests at the home of Mr. and Mrs. ca£°- former residents, called on old Jacob Wagner. i friends here Thursday. . Jol\n Wagner and Shirley Covalt I Mrs. George Johnson and son, Geo., yisite|i Mr. and Mrs. Leonard Wagner Jr;> and Miss Anna Frisby called on in Chicago Sunday. i friends at Glen View, Thursday. Miss Ann Smith of Chicago spent!. Miss Ida Mix of Chicago spendthe weekend at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Wagner. Mr. and Mrs. Frank Henkel, Jr., and daughter spent Tuesday at the' home of Mrs. Mary Henkel in Waukegan. Mr. and Mrs. Fred Casper were Fox Lake callers Sunday. Mrs. H. Michalson spent Sunday with her sister, Mrs. C, Tompkins in Waukegan. "PaMin( the Buck" The phrase "pass the buck" U derlvefl from the game of cards. In such games, the counter or other object is placed on the table before the dealer and passed by lilm to the next dealer to prevent mistakes as to the position of the deal. Jn poker, a marker is put into a "Jack pot, another jack pot being in order when the deal passes to him who holds the buck. Mo»l Valuable Huriw •. Fafco Pago is the most valuable harbor In the South Pacific and possibly in the entire Pacific ocean. It was ceded in 1872 by (be native king to the United States for a naval and coaling statloa mg a few weeks with her sister-n .law, Mrs. John Miller. Mr. and Mrs. Harry Moore of Elgin called on Mrs. Ella Wheeler, Friday, enroute home from Antioch. Rev. and Mrs. H. P. White and two daughters, of Rockton, 111., greeted the congregation at the M. E. chunch, Sunday, and were dinner guests of Mr. and Mrs. L. J. McCracken. Charles Rietesel is in Chicago this week, where he is employed Harry Morris and Frank Hughes "were Chicago visitors Friday. Mr. and Mrs. Bienapfl left Sunday for Spring Valley, where the formef is employed with the Julius Keg dredging outfit. Mrs. Julian Beraacchi of Chicago spent last week with her daughter, Mrs. Albert Barbian, Theodore Winkel and William Tonyan represented McHenry in the grand jurors who reported for duty at Woodstock, Monday. Mr. and Mrs. E. W. Stevenson of Crystal Lake were Saturday visitors of Mr. and Mrs. Charles Rasmus sen. Mrs. Fred Breyer and family jot Chicago spent the weekend at their cottage at McCollum's lake. Maude-^Don't you think the air won derful up here in the country? Bess (whose thoughts are of the city)--Yes, there's so touch of it THAT'S ASKING Summer Hotel Clerk--Sorry, but all our tooms are engaged. New Arrival--How about the girls? Mrs. R6y Neal entertained the Seotch Bridge Club at her home Wednesday afternoon. Prizes were awarded to Mrs. C. J. Jepson and Mrs. L. Schroeder. » ' /f Mrs. Ray Peters entertained the Sewing Circle at her home Friday. A pot-luck dinner was served. Therdi •were twelve ladies present. The P. T. Aj held a meeting at the school house Wednesday. Eleetion cf officers was held. Mrs. Lonnie Smith was elected president, Mrs. Louis Hall, vice-president, and Mrs. Raymond Harrison, secretary. Lester Page of the Buss-Page motor sales showed several reels of the Ford V-8. Mr. and Mrs. Nick Young were visitors at Batavia Thursday. Andy Hawl^y of Elgin was a caller here Friday. Mr. and Mrs Byron Kitchens of Chicago spent Tuesday in the F. A. Hitchens home. Mr. and Mrs. Ray Peters ••were •visitors at Hunter, 111., Wednesday. Mr. and Mrs. George Shepard and family were callers in Woodstock Saturday morning. Mrs. Ray Peters and Mrs. Viola Low and daughter, Alice Mae, were callers at Woodstbck Saturday morning. ' George Bacon and Mrs. Nellie Dodge of Antioch were callers here Saturday. Nick and Joe Young were called to Green Bay, Wis., Sunday by the serious illness of their brother, Martin. Mr. and Mrs. George Shepard entertained friends from McHenry and Chicago at a five hundred party at their home Sunday evening. Prizes were awarded to Mrs. Jennie Mae Richardson and Alfred Pouse and Mrs. Charles Mertes and Will Heine. Those to attend were Mr. and Mrs. Will Hiene and son, Eugene, of Chicago, Mr. and Mrs. E. L. Nichols," Mr. and Mrs. H. C. Hughes, Mr. and Mrs. Robert Thompson, Mr. and Mr3. Alfred Fouse, Mr and Mrs. John Dreymiller," Mrs. Ray Powers, Mrs. Charles Mertes and Mrs. Jennie Mae Richardson of McHenry. Louis Hall returned to the Veteran's hospital at Milwaukee Sunday after spending the past two months here with his family. He was accompanied to Milwaukee by his wife and daughter and Roy Hobart. " Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Schaefer and daughter, Shirley, were visitors at Crystal Lake Saturday. Mr. and Mrs. Roland McCannon and family of Algonquin spent Sunday with the latter's parents, Mr. and Mrs. C. J. Jepson. Mr. and Mrs. George Young and «on,' Alfred, spent Sunday in the fames Bell home at Lake Villa. : Mr. and Mrs. Slocum and son, Howard, of Genoa, 111., and Mr. and Mrs. Robert McLean of Woodstock spent Sunday with Mrs. Frankie Stephenson. Mr. and Mrs. Harold Jepson of Jtockford spent Sunday evening with the former's parents, Mr. and Mrs. C. J. Jepson. • Mr. and Mrs. George Young spent Wednesday evening in the Peter A. Freund home at McHenry. Mr. and Mrs. Floyd Foss of Richmond spent Sunday with Mrs. Rilla Foss. Miss Virginia Jepson spent the weekend with Mary Catherine Eding* er at Woodstock. The Ladies' Aid Society will pre* sent "The Last Daze of School" at the M. W. A. Hall, Oct. 4. Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Beth, Jr., of Chicago spent a few days the pa$t week in the Will Beth home. Among those from here to attend the McHenry County Women's Federation of Ladies' Aid at Franklin* ville Thursday were Mesdames H. M. Stephenson, F. A. flitchens, Louis Hawley, B. T. Butler, Joseph McCan* non, Ray Peters, Ed. Peet, Rilla Fost and Ben Walkington. Miss Ellen Smith, eldest daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Lonnie Smith was united in marriage to William Wurtiinger of Woodstock in Chicago Saturday. They will be at home to their friends in Woodstock after the firi of October. Mrs. A. L. Laurence was a visitor at Johnsburg Sunday afternoon. Mr. and Mrs. B. T. Butler enter^ tained a few friends at a five hundred party at their home Saturday even' ing. Prizes were awarded to Miss Ruth. Owen and Lora Harrison. Those to make up this happy gathering were Lorli Harrison, of Evanston, Glenn Treon of Fort Atkinson, Wisj, Ruth Owen, Edward Harrison and Mr. and Mrs. Alvin Kuecker of Elgim Mrs. Wayne Osborne and daughter of Chicago and Mrs. Peter Campbell of Phoenix, Ariz.,, spent ThuriF day with Mr. and Mrs. S. W. Smith. Mrs. Harry Collins spent from Wednesday until Friday with her son and family at Beloit. Mr. and Mrs. Walter Lyman and son of Chicago spent Sunday in the J. F. McLaughlin hom^. Mr and Mrs. Ralph Smith and family of Harvard, spent Sunday with the former's parents, Ma\ and Mrs. S. W, Smith. Rev. and Mrs. Collins entertained their grandsons of Beloit over the weekend. Mrs. Frankie Stephenson was a Woodstock caller Saturday. Mrs. Jennie Bacon waa in Woodstock Saturday. Miss Julia McLaughlin in company, with Mrs. Delia Matthews and daugh' ters, Dorothy and Jean. Miss Rose Hueman of 'McHenry and Mrs. Chas. Slimpen of Park Ridge are enjoying a trip to Pensecoja, Fla. Mr. and Mrs. Dewey Beck of Chicago spent Sunday with the latter's parents, Mr. and Mrs. Charles Carr. Mr. and Mrs. Fred Wiedrich and daughter, Mae, were visitors at Richmond, Friday- afternoon. Mr. and Mrs. Harold Wiedrich and family were visitors at Hebron Saturday evening. Lester Carr, Lotiis Hawley and L Pitzen are enjoying a fishing trip to Mercer, Wis. Rey and Mae Wiedric'h were visitors at Woodstock Wednesday evening. Mr. and Mrs. Frank Block and family of Kenosha, Wis., spent Sunday with Dr. and Mrs. Hepburn. Mr. and Mrs. G. O. Allen of Maywood and Mr. and Mrs. F. A. Hitchens spent the weekend with Mrs. Anna Whittie at Lynxville, Wis. "Last Daze of School" ,• To be presented at Ringwood M. W.A.Hall. Perhaps you have wondered who MEET MONDAY, SEPT. 3d McHenry County Holstein breeders are invited to attend a meeting sponsored by their fellow breeders, to be held at the Farm Bureau office in Woodstock on Monday, September 30, at 8 p. m. At this meeting plans will be discussed as to_ways of advancing the interests of Holstein breeders in the county; _ Mayor Harry Wooding of Danville, Va., ^believes he is the oldest official of that rank in the country, having recently celebrated his 91st birthday. BREEDERS TO of gasoline stations. Charles L. Aichbold, advertising manager, of the National Refining Company, is the man who writes them. He is the author of "Last Daze of School" (a sequel to "School Daze") to be.put on by "The Ringwood Ladies' Aid Society." Proceeds to go to the M. E. church, the evening of Friday, Oct. 4. Flora* Harrison takes the part of Lily Fern Primrose, the teachels and she has "some class." Let ug "state" that in the geography class you will find Arline Pearson as Mary Land, Ben Walkington as Mont Anna, Rose Jepson as Ida Ho and Chauncey Harrison as Ken Tucky. Look at this bouquet of flowers in the Botany class. Sadie McCannon ?f . Pansy. Blue Bell, Vioia Low as Daisy Snapdragon, Minnie Martin as Violet Marigold, Alice Walkington (colored) as White Rose, Kenneth Cristy as Johnny Jump-up, James Harrison as Sweet William Hyacinth and Harry Collins as Holly Hock Petunia. v Mabel Collins as Pola' Bear thinks a leopard skin would show spots terribly. Others in the zoo-ology class are Myrtle Harrison da Cari-bu, Frank Muzzy as En-ar-</o,, Clinton Martin as Zeb-fra. xTJien there is Wesley Gibbs as Black Beauty, a slow spoken colored fellow, and John Bockland as Mr. Ed-u-cation, member of the school board. The play is packed with good humor, wise-cracks and smart sayings, jokes and jingles. Those taking part will put it over in a big way. Don't be tardy, is the- warning. This play was ma4e possible through the courtesy of! the National, Refining Company.- • •' • y Steam Oil Push-Up Wave For Short Shrngk Bob Styles; Also Ringlet. End Curl Permanent -^$1.50 Croquignole or Spiral Waves, guar. $8 value, 2 persons $3 up AH Waves com p. with Shampoo, Set aTOMPANATO'S Beauty Salon Tel. 641 Woodstock, I1L 226 Main St. 229 Benton St. Note--A complete prioe list will , sent on request. .00 and Up FOR A NEW Fall Suit or Overcoat • % ' 1 . . *'• _ Tailored to your individual measure. Styled and designed to your personal taste. Stop in and look over the GREATEST SUIT VALUE you have ever. seen. • Others at $23-75 -- $26-75 and $29-75 „ Have your summer clothes cleaned now moth protection. it's the best Quality^Cleaning At A Reasonable Price. McHENRY CLEANERS Phone 104-M Lodtz and Lodtz is easier CONLON Well prove it by doing your next ironing in your own home FREE '§ A Conlon Automatic Ironer takes all the hard work out of ironing. No longer is it. necessary to stand over an ironing board for hours pushing an iron that gets heavier every minute. A Conlon irons everything, including flatwork, shirts, and children's clothes. Merely guide the pieces through while you are seated comfortably. Try it in your own home first. We'll do one week's ironing to prove how easy it is. Then, if you decide to purchase, pay $2 down and as little as 66 cents a week on your monthly Electric Service bill. Take advantage of this special offer now. Phone or call at your nearest Public Service Store and ask for free demonstration. © LIMITED BARGAIN OFFER Combination of Washer a^d Ironer for only ' *3 DOWN 24 months to pay Tt nvrr interest and itber nftt, m ttmnchmt higherprict is c&srr*/ ftr appliances said em deferred payments. T» the prtcrs queHd im •tir^mdser^uements, and marked **> **r merchandise, sihstantiaily is t* ht added on atemnt •/ additional tax expense. PUBLIC SERVICE COMPANY NORTHERN ILLINOIS Telephone: Crystal Lake 280 i.t'M

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