Illinois News Index

McHenry Plaindealer (McHenry, IL), 21 Nov 1935, p. 4

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THE M'HENRY PLAINDEALER Published every Thursday at McHenry, 111., bjr Charles F. lUnich. u second-class matter at the • postofflce at McHenry, DU itr the act of May 8, 1879. On® Year .. Ms Months A. H. MOSHER, Editor and Manager - • Lillian Sayler, Local Editor -- ' . _c TO ATTEND MEET C. H. Duker, McHenry superintendent of schools, with" Supt. Mayers of _ 7 Harvard and H: G. Abraham of Wood- •vI:"1;'}.M/stock, motored to Champaign today, (Thursday), where they will spend the remainder of the week in at- ' tendance at the annual high school conference. • •. . ' * ' r , Roper Hill of Todd's School for v. . ^ ' Boys at Woodstock will speak Friday before the dramatic division of^ the speech section Mr. and Mr«. Vaughn Jones of Chi- - ' cago were Sunday visitors in the C. .#2.06 ; W. Goodell home. ,_£L00 j M^ss Marie Freund spent the last of the week in Chicago. ~ Mr. and Mrs. Edward Dowling of Indianapolis, Ind., spent the first <5f last week in the home of her mother, ••v y; Mrs. F* O.- Gans. Miss Mildred Gans orchestra an3 air-state high school returned to Imjjanapoiis with th^m chorus. " jfor a week's visit, returning home National authorities in many lines j Sunday with her mother, Mrs. F. O. will discuss pertinent high school j Gans and Adrian Thomas, who motorteaching arid administrative problems ^ there Saturday Telephone 197 during the three day sessions. Supt. Duker will also see his son. Guy" who Is a Sophomore at the, University,. ' -'fc-'V:-, - v SCOUTS SEE TTiere wiil probably be iribout 5,000 teachers present. : In addition to the scores of group 'meetings , devoted to "various , high hool teaching subjects, the high points will" include the anhual high school art exhibit, a meeting of the state high school athletic association j Schoenholtz, Scoutmaster, and Bruce ;.',;and the appearance of the all-state Granger. Mrs. James Fay of Chicago visited in the John Fay home this week. Mrs. C. W. Goodell and nephew, Warren Jones, were Chicago visitors Thursday. Mr. and Mrs. Laurence McChesney and baby of Chicago sent Sunday here with her mother, Mrs. Johr. Keg. State Policeman Lester Bacon spent the first of the week at Springfield. Mr. and Mrs. John Schaid and Roy Scputs of McHertry trtw&p went to Chicago Sunday, where they saw thet Bears and Giants play professional football. The adults who ac- daughter, Rena, spent Thursday , in companied the boys, including those j Chicago at thehome of Mr. and Mrs. who drove cars, were C. J. Reihan-; -y^m Schaid. sperger, Dr. „ G. W. Hess, Dr. C. W.j. Miss E ther Jones spent Monday in Klontz, Supt. C. H Duker, M. I* Chicago. T.v... NEW REDUCED • FORD AND CHEVROLET BATTERIES PRICES ONiTIRES $3.95 up ^ , . • .. - : PRESTONE Best Anti- Walter J. Freund Used PassengFreeze Made per gal. $2.70 Phone 294 - West McHenry * er Gar and Truck Tires ALCOHOL r WINTER OILS Per /Gallon * 68d 2 gal can -- Less in 5-gallon and barrels. 100</c Peqn., gal. 6I8c Let us prepare y<^tir car for winter. Battery Charging, Greasing, Tire and Tube Vulcanizing, Car Washing. o FROM SATURDAY TO THANKSGIVING November 23 to 29 Ladies' Dresses Knitted Stiitr^~ZZZ2 .™. $3.95; $4.95; $5.95; $6.95 Reg. $5.95 at $4.95 SPECIAL ON ALL LADIES' HATS $1.00 Chiffon Hose i Chiffon Hose - Service Hose . Reg. 69c at 60c Reg. 79c at 69c JfReg. 75c at 69c M M. Freund. McHenry, HL Riverside Drive ERICKSON'S --Extra Values-- FRIDAY AND SATURDAY, NOV. 22 - 23 • 21^ I"-:?'--' Mr. and Mrs. James Stack and son of Chicago spent Sunday with, her mother, Mrs. P. McCabe. Felecie and Laura Unti Spent the weekend in Chicago. Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Douglas and children were Elgin visitors, Saturday. j Mr. and Mrs. Emmerson Beverly-of Elgin were guests of Mr. and Mrs. j Walter Walsh Sunday, motoring to Chicago with them. Mr. and Mrs. M. J. Mullenbach of Johnsburg, Minn., spent last week ' with relatives here and attended the wedding of their niece, Rosina Smith. They returned home Monday, making the trip with Mrs. Muellenbach's brother, Ed Smith, in his new car. They were accompanied by Mrs. Paul Gerasch and son, Jackie. The McHenry folks intended to return in a few days. William Bacon, Jr., is employed in the Alemite factory at Woodstock. Misses Elsie and Frances Vycital attended the Past Matrons and Patrons, cluh of 1934 meeting at Harvard Friday evening. Orval and Gordon Granger of Woodstock spent Sunday at their home here. Mrs, L. N. Baer of Chicago spent a few days last week with relatives here and attended the wedding of ; her niece, Rosina Smith. Ethel Granger and Mrs. Harold Vycital spent Thursday Evening in Wauconda. Mrs. Howard Wattles and little son, Donald Howard, returned home froip St. Theresa's hospital, Saturday. Richard Vycital and friend, John ; Anderson, of Lake Forest college ' spent thej weekend at the former's ( home here. | Mrs. John Bolger and little son, | John Joseph, are expected to return home from Woodstock hospital today, j Mrs. Violet Woodward spent the weekend in Chicago. j Mrs. Earl Gorman and infant daughter, Avis Dawn, returned Satur-* day from Woodstock hospital. j Sister Marie Gratia and Sister Eub- ' sebia of St. Rita's parish, Chicago, j were weekend guests in the M. A. , Conway home. Other guests Sunday , were Mr. and Mrs. John Aylward, i Minnie and Jean Conway of Elgin, and Mr. and Mrs. James Conway, of i Crystal Lake. j Mr. and Mrs. Howard Phalin of Chicago spent Sunday here. { Robert Knox, state inspector of I taverns, is spending the week afl , Freeport. Springs, Ark. James Doherty joined him there Wednesday and they will return together. . \ Miss Clara Stoffsl spent Tuesday in Chicago. Mr. and Mrs. F.J. Adams and son of Elgin visited Mr. and Mrs. George Adams, Tuesday evening. Mrs. R. Waterstraat and Mrs. C. W. Klontz with Mrs. F. R. Eppel and Mrs. Ed feet, attended the Home Bureau meeting at Woodstock, Monday. The meeting was an exchange of inexpensive Christmas gift* suggestions. Mrs. Ray. Fasbender and son of S. Dakota have beei^ vistiing her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Dimon. Mr. and Mrs. John R. Freund, Mr. and Mr^. Leo Blake, Mrs. Jos. May and daughter, Gertrude, and Mr. and Mrs. Stock of Zenda, Wis., were Sunday guests of Mr. and Mrs. Albert Rosing at Libertyville. Mr. and Mrs. Floyd Cooley are living in the upper flat , in ths building on Main street near the high school. Mr. and Mrs. Will Tonyan and Mr. and Mrs. H. J. Schaffer visited Mr. and Mrs, Harry Townsend near Evansville, Wis., Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. John Regner of Pistakee Bay left Thursday, to spend the winter in California. They are taking the southern route and expect to stop a$ points, of interest along the way. 1 .'*>• \ Mrs. Gene Zoia and , children of Woodstock and Misses Kathleen and Mildred Callahan of Chicago spent Thursday afternoon with their aunt, Mrs. Peter Doherty. Miss Mildred Calahan remained over Friday to organizes a class in dramatic art- She plans to be here every Thursday. FOR SALE FOR SIALE or RENT--My farm consisting of 182 acres on River Road, 2 miles south of McHenry. John R. Smith, Court street, McHenry. *26 FOR SALE--House and lot in Spring Grove. Priced for quick sale. Inquire of Frank L. Adams, Rinjrwood. *25-2 FOR SALE--200 White Rock Pullets. Seven months old. Priced Reasonable. Edmund Keefe. Ringwood, 111 *26 FOR SALE-^-Baby Carnage, Child's bike, rocking horse and toddler. Reasonable. Inquire at Plaindealer office. 26 FOR RENT FOR RENT--Room, centrally locate ed. Inquire at Plaindealer office. 16-tf FOR RENT--Farm, 137% acres. Inquire of Mrs. Mary Stilling. McHenry- 24-tf FOR RENT--The Wontworth House on Waukegan road, inquire at Plaindealer office. 25-tf FLAT FOR RENT--5 Rooms In Peoples State Bank Bldg. Inquire at West McHenry State Bank. 25-tf FOR RENT--60 Acres Farm Land, pasture or farming. Two miles south of McHenry, on Crystal Lake road. $1.25 per acre; lease required. Adjacent to Knox and Frisby farms. Mrs. C. D. Brown, 327 5th Ave., So., Clinton Iowa. 26 FOR RENT--Modern House of Dr. N. J. Nye. Inquire 26-tf FOR RENT--For Cash;.Tarm Near Ringwood. Inquire at West McHenry State Bank. 26-2 HOUSE TO RENT--Modem House, on corner of Washington and Park sts. Kathleen Givens spent the weekend |McHenry' Inquire at Plaindealer. 26 Butter -- • Extra Quality Creamery Butter, 1-lb. rolls, per lb. • 35lA^ NAVY BEANS--Hand Picked Michigan Beans, 5 lbs. ; : ; ^ POTATOES--Wisconsin Cobblers--rather rough, but very good eating potatoes, per peck . . .. SWEET POTATOES--Fancy Virginia Sweet Potatoes, . 6 lbs- ' 19c ONIONS--Packed in 10-lb. bags, per bag .. CABBAGE--Good Solid Heads, per pound . „ Brooms -- 4 Sewed Parlor Brooms, Green Painted Handles, each I..-,,,.;., 29£ PRUNES--New Pack Santa OUnv Prases, hrge Size, Per poimg --- ~ " * ; 9^ HICKORY NUTS--New Crop", large size, fine quality, 5 lbs-for -- - 33c SMOKED SALT--"Old Hickory" Smoked Salt, 91b-ean 89C; 2-ib. can 23c WORK SHIRTS--Men's Blue Work Shirts, each 69C MEN'S WOOL SOCKS--Regular and High Cut Style, - ^ Pair - 25C- 35<S 45C and 50C RAZOR BLADES--5 in package--Fit Gillette Razors, , pkg. : 9^ . 5 in pkg., Fit Gem Micromatic Razors, pk^j.... X4C *OGS--Market Your Eggs at ErioksonV We pay top Market Price in Trad#' in Chicago. j Mr. and Mrs. Albert Krauae visited at Crystal Lake Sunday. Coach Reed spent the weekend in Kenosha, Wis. Leo Lay, who is employed in the State hospital, Elgin, spent the weekend here. j Mr. and Mrs. Peter Miller and fam- ! Mr. and Mrs. Charles Miller, Volo. and Mr. and Mrs. Georpe Miller and daughter of McHenry attended the fifteenth wedding anniversary celebration of Mr.'and Mrs. William Miller at Richmond, Sunday evening. About sixty were present. . ! Miss Lois Bacon spent the weekend with friends in Chicago. Mrs. Leo Blake and Mrs; George ^Miller visited Mrs. John Bolger at ^Voodstock hospital Friday. Mr. and Mrs. Floyd Reed and Mr. and Mrs. Fred Schoewer were Berwyn visitors Sunday. Raymond Newman of Chicago spent last week with his grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. L. F. Newman. Mrs.. Simon Stoffel, daughters, Clara and Lena, visited in the C. G. Frett home at Aurora Sunday. With Mrs. Frett they motored .to River Forest where they visited Margaret Frett at Rosary college. Mr. and Mrs. Roy Wightman of Lake Geneva were Sunday guests of Mr. and Mrs. L. F. Newman. Mr. and Mrs. James Clifford and daughter of Chicago visited Mr. and Mrs. Fred Gilly, Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Ford McDonald of Woodstock visited his grarfoparents, Mr. and Mrs. L. F. Newman, Satur i day. Mr. and Mrs. McDonald are now living at Woodstock where he is employed in the factory. Crystal Gallagher spent the weekend in Elgin. Mrs. Caroline Hastings and daughter of Elgin spent a few days last week with Mrs. Fred Gilly. Mrs. V. Martin has returned from a trip to Anaconda, Mont. Her son, Wiliam, who accompanied her, remained there. Clara and Lena SJtoffel, Mrs. Joe Wegener and Mrs. Henry Vogel visited 'Mayme Buss at Woodstock hospital, Monday evening. Miles Tomaska, federal man at the sewage plant, spent the weekend at his home in Chicago. Thomas P. Bolger, McHenry druggist, is spending two weeks at Hot WANTED AM IN THE MARKET FOR A FARM m McHenry County, from 50 to, 200 acres, with or without stock and tools. Will,-pay one half (%) cash. Address "C," care Plaindealer. *25-4 WANTED--Used Typewriter. McHenry -43. --- -- / . . . Call --*26] MISCELLANEOUS I PAY CASH AND QUICK REMOVAL OF DEAD AND CRIPPLED COWS AND HORSES. Call Axel Bolvig, Woodstock 1646-W-2 and reverse charges. *46-26 On the Funny Side THE FENCE ' A stranger addressed th« farmer's boy across the fence. - "Young man, your corn looks kind ©' yellow." "Yes, that's the kind we planted." 4'Don't look fts If you would get more than half a crop." "Don't expect to. The landlord gets tji* other half.1' : Then, after a pauses, the man said: "Boy, there isn't much difference between you and a fool." . , "No," replied the boy,. iUi$ fence."--Hoard's Dairyman. > ^: S'% Setting Him Right ^ ijpnbby urchin walked Into: the men's outfitting department of a large store. Addressing an assistant, he said, "A soft man's collar, pleas^' The other assistants tittered, and the one serving said,- stiffly, "You mean a man's soft collar, my boy." Pointing to his own collar, he asked, "Do you mean one like this?" The boy eyed It momentarily. Then he replied; "No! a clean one."--Tit- Bits Magazine. And Quite Trna "Some people thirst after fame, others after wealth, others after love," said the romantic young man, with a sigh. ^ The object of his affections was not" lb the same mood, howeveh "And there Is something all people thirst after," she said. "Yes?" asked the l«ver eagerly. ' "Salt fish!" was the crushing reply. STRAIGHT GOING TEAR DROP TEST CAR 0 The McQuay-Norris Tear Drop Te^t Car visited McHenry last Friday and attracted much attention at the local garages and from citizens who happened to view it. The design of this car is known as Tear Drop because it i§ designed to approximate the shape of a tear drop or drop of water. A drop of water falling through the air takes this shape naturally because of the resistance of the air through which it is falling. Thus engineers are using this design in order to reduce wind resistance. - The purpose of this car is to test motor performances on the road. The McQuay-Norris company manufactures parts for all cars and trucks. "A sucker is born every minute," quoth the mighty Barnum, but you won't be a sucker if yott attend the Junior Carnival, Dec. 8.- Matrons' hats, large head size, for only $1.00; Mrs. C. F. Pjch, Green "Easy i« the descent the warm regions."*™' .' .• "Agd It Is like some of our city streets. It's a one-way street." * > Coloccal . ' "Well, Johnny," said the uncle who hadn't seen him for some time, "you are getting to b^ quite> a big boy now, aren't you?" "Yep," replied the kid, "pop says I'm growing like the public debt"--Cincinnati Enquirer. ; Reward "l^hafs this poster about a reward for kidnapers of Rattlesnake Pete," said the traveling salesman. "Has Pete been kidnaped?" "Not yet," answered Mesa Bill. "The reward is for anybody that'll undertake the Job." Hospitalities "Will you invite that office-seeking friend to breakfast?" asked the secretary. "No," answered Senator Sorghum. "A breakfast won't satisfy him. What he wants Is an entire meal ticket" A Trifle Unkind Mrs. Bindier--Is there any difference, Thomas, between a fort and a fortress? Mr. Bindier--I should imagine, my dear, that a fortress would be more difficult to sijence. Deduction I WILL PAY $4.(R> to $14.00 for old and disabled horses. They must be able to walk. Call or write FRANK M, JAYNE. Phone Woodstock 209. 19-tf "That young statesman says he assumes to control only one vote and that is his own." "Controls his own vote," repeated Miss Cayenne thoughtfully. "Evidently. unmarried." THIRSTY FELLOW ARE YOU HAVING TROUBLE with your sewing machine ? If so, call McHenry 162. We repair them, no matter, what the trouble may be. Popp, West McHenry. 37-tf WE PAY $2.00 FOR DEAD HORSES AND COWS, weighing 1,000 lbs, or more. Phone Dundee 10--Reverse Charges. MID-WEST REMOVAL CO. GET YOUR HOLIDAY GARMENTS READY--Expert dressmaking, sew ing and knitting at Betty's Place, Lily Lake. Tel. McHenry 261. 25-tf DRESSMAKING--I am now prepared to do all kinds of dressmaking in my home, one mile east of. Fox River Bridge. Dresses, suits and coats for grownups and children. Mrs. Peter A. Freund. Tel. 614-R-l. 25-3 CON STABLE'S ALE A Constable's Auction Sale Will Be conducted at the hardware store of M. Engeln and Son, Riverside Drive McHenry, on Wednesday, Nov. 27, at 2 o'clock p. m., at which time a stock of paints, some ovens, Areola heater, motorboat, and other articles will be sold to the highest bidder to raise enough cash to satisfy the claim. "26 Screwdriver--Say, what's the matter with you, you're always drinking? "Battery--Well, you know I'm a dry battery. Lesson* «Th#re arc many valuable lessors to be learned from defeat." ; "Yes," replied Senator Sorghujn, "but they aren't any good unless you can teach them to the other fellow.* Never Say Die "It is said that we shall pass away as a tale that is tqld." "But tales that are told don't pass away }hey are " forever being told again."--Exchange. EDDIE'S TAVERN. RINGWOOD-- Floor show Saturday night. Fisher Sisters, Chicago. Tap and Acrobatic dancing. Also free dancing. Music by Midnight Flyers. Chicken Fry, 35c. *26 Mrs. Edna Heimer and Mrs. Clarence Craig of Chicago visited Mrs Josephine Heimer, Sunday. Edward Matthfews, who is nOW attending Hines School of Pharmacy on South Michigan Ave., Chicago spent the weekend at his home here. Mr. and Mrs. Jack Purvey and little daughter of Chicago, spent the weekend with home folks. C. F. Pich is attending a meeting of the trustees of the Catholic Knights of America at St. Louis, Itio. Plaindealer Want Ads bring reirolts EXPERIMENTS WITH SOY BfeAN$ j Wm. Bonslett of West McHenry es-r • perimented this season in his garden by planting a few rows of soy beans 5 The results were very gratifying as j he recently displayed a few stalks, ' one of them having 456 pods thereon 'i and others very nearly as heavy. Mr|," Bonslett says he intends to continue J with his experiment next year. GREEN ST. TAVERN JOE MILLER, Prop. •<---- Specials for Friday Night •~--r- POTATO PAftCAKES and SPICED HERRING . . .10c A Real Treat for Everyone Meister Brau Beer--5c Good Liquor and Mixed Drinks aL GRAND OPENING OF THE A. F. Shober, Prop. 2 Miles North of McHenry on Rotrte 12 SATURDAY, NOVEMBER 23 Free Turtle Soup--Good Music Don't Forget the Date Thanksgiving Eve Dance November 27 i^iREE DANCING EVERY SATURDAY NIGHT Bill Benson and His 7-Piece Orchestra No Admission Charge--Good Beer 5c--Mixed Drinks FRANK NELL'S PAVILION Johnsburg Bridge 3 Miles North of McHenry JOHNSBURG TAVERN Joe B. Hetterman, Prop. • Special Saturday Night > PLATE TURKEY DINNER, m Also Live Turkeys, Geese and Ducks . Dont' Forget Friday Night ---- Free Turtle Soup free Dancing Saturday Night and Thanksgiving Special Turkey Dinner, Thanksgiving Day, 75c Tables Reserved on Request Chili Served at all Times The Place to Eat and Drink Special on Saturdays and Sundays Chicken Plate Lunch 35c Chop Suey Saturday Night...25c Mexican Chili -- 10c ' 3!§ilSH DINNERS ALL DAY FRIDA# « My Place Tavern . JUSTEN & FREUND, Proprietors \ Green Street McHenry, HI. Why not have a Pre -Thanksgiving Dinner at THE AUTO INN SATURDAY NIGHT, NOVEMBER 23, 1935 Roast Young Turkey with all the Trimming* TOM AND JERRYS--THANKSGIVING DAY Fish, Oysters and Frog Legs, Every Friday, 10c - 25c - 35c SCHAEFER'S TAVERN at old River Bridge s- v • • < (b : Turkey Plate Lunch, Thanksgiving Eve -- Orchestra and Dancing Saturday Night -- Roast Chicken or Duck Dinner FISH FRY FRIDAY NIGHT

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