7 '* "'"M , ^ vy & - * - * "• .<-' \ t ^Thursday, November, 21,1935 THE HeBSmtY PLAIHD*AL1* RT~**' v..' ,.;' The sale Reason is now at hand, wive a number of sales listed. be glad to call and see anyone v needing- ray services. My 30 years J V , experience will be much help to you ,/• ., lis I am in, touch with more buyers , *^an any auctioneer in McHenry 1 ..v, County. •••. < T h r e e d a ys i s e l l i n t h e b i g s a l e ' V, Markets in Wisconsin and,, I meet all -\xv " tfte buyers from far and near who "Want to buy farm personal property e •» ;°* aii including,, hQr^es and \fli ; 'V* ' • *• ' CHAS LEONARD Auctioneer * > /' l^one 478 Woodstock, 111. ThC McHenry, Illinois Sunday Matinee 3:15 Continuous Weekdays--7:10-i--9:10 C. S. T. Admission 10-25e FRIDAY Last Day Ufftel Barry more -- Helen Mack *THE RETURN OT PETER GRIMM" SATURDAY £dmund Lowe -- Karen Morley "tfHUNDER IN THE NIGHT" ALSO--"Our Gang" -- Little * Sinners -- He's a Prince SUNDAY AND MONDAY NOVEMBER 24 -- 25 Joe E. Brown -- Ann xJvorak "BRIGHT LIGHTS" ALSO--Lady in Red World News Events TUESDAY -- WEDNESDAY Recommended for Adults Fredric March -- Greta Garbo "ANNA KARENINA" ALSO--Beautiful Banff THANKSGIVING and FRIDAY Norma Shearer -- Fredric March "SMILIN' THROUGH" ALSO--Old Plantation World News Events FRIDAY--ONLY NOVEMBER 22 Virginia Bruce -- Ted Healy "HERE GOMES THE BAND" SATURDAY-ONE DAY ONLY Warner Oland -- Irene Hervey "CHARLIE CHAN IN SHANGHAI" MATINEE AT 2:30 SUNDAY -- MONDAY Joe E. Brown -- Irene Hervej "BRIGHT LIGHTS" Special Short Subjects TUESDAY -- WEDNESDAY 15c Two Big Bargain Nights 15c Lionel Barrvmore -- Helen Mack "RETURN OF PETER GRIMM" ALSO--Added Attraction THURSDAY -- FRIDAY Keeler -- Dick Powell V "SHIPMATES FOREVER" - -- EXTRA -- Thanksgiving Day Only--Continuous from 2:30 BY POPULAR REQUEST AL KLEMME--in a Grand New Song and Organfest. Bob Peterson--Guest Artist SNAPPY BOXING " - „ V SHOW PLEASES A fhie boxing show at the high school afforded much pleasure and entertainment to a large crowd on Tuesday evening. The newly organized girls' "Pep" band struck up a few snappy tunes and the show was on. An army of fighting ftnen, both "SO I EARL WALSH We oft times wait for an inspiration to start this column along, and MCHS BASKETBALL ^ SEASON OPENS AT HEBRON FRIDAY large and small, donned, their fighting sometimes get close to the dead line tegs early and took seats about the f®1*® ® inspiration comes upon us ringside to await their call to the, ever. -- center of the ring. j George Brda. weighing in at 80 Some men who write coulmns say pounds, and Gene Miller at 83, squar- they do their best work when the ed off t9 start the show. Brda, with stomach craves food. We tried that, a good fefj, arm, had the edge in the It doesn't work out. Others say the McHenry High opens its basket-, ball season at Hebron on Friday night of this week. Just what Hebron has this year is not" known. They suffered heavy loss of material through graduation, but it seems to be a recognized fact in this county that He •V" Ageffft WHISTLING* RANGER , I AT LOCAL "Oilf Western Wonderland" was the title t)f vthe educational lecture given at the high school Tuesday by- Max GilStrap, known as the Whistling ranger. „ Max Gilstrap, graudate of the University of Oklahoma, author, whistler and lecturer, has directed campfire programs in Yosemite.National Park PUBLIC AUCTION A public auction of the household goods of Mrs. Mary B. Lay will be heljt**t her residence in Johnsburg, Saturday, Nov. 23, beginning at 1 o'clock, p.^ m. Edwin Vogel will be the auctioneer. . 26 Closing out all Misses' and children's hats, Some as low as 50 cents. Mrs. C. F. Pich. Green St. 26 Among the Sick Mrs. Joe, Freumr, who has been ill for seme time, remains in a serious „ f condition at the home of her mother," « Mrs. Rena Smith. She is under the care of a nurse. bron always comes forth with a good jt s " }oa' _ basketball team. Football is passed I ?T the past four sumn>ers- Three ,f nn in tViAii* caIiaAI nn^l up in their school and inte--resTt i' s conJ tn6S6 centrated on the development of a snappy basketball team. - ' Just what kind of a team Coach Reed can asemble is not known un- f ti! the boys are seen under fire. Helboree book summers were spent in Yosemite Valley and one summer at Tori* lunate Meadows, campground in the heart of the snow-capped Sierra Nevadas. He is co-author of thie Scout Jamfirst round and held the edge in spite wee sma' hours of the morning bring, wouldn-t Low who to nam* «« tk!1 bu bo?k' w His picture »PI*?*red in of Miller's strong comeback. ' forth masterpieces. We tried that- STJJ ?h«*ioh„,1^ ithe Lo,nd.on Daily Mail in 1929' as the Rosing, at 68 pounds, met Tommy and got sleepy. Others say that one Howe, a 70-pounder, in the second Strikes off the most, fearless and pobout of the evening. Ah! There was tent lirtes^ when one is slightly inebhustle will probably get first call. Gloom spread over the poaching staff as our boys practiced with Dundee last Friday. However, a few rays j ' t «. M. ^ ... . *... ..." « , of hope brightened the outlook when arm was raised as the victor m this of the Lotus News, published in Fox;the team took a close contest from the match: T.I.. a scrap--and no foolin'. Clevex' foot- riated. Hm ? ? ' work and action galore stamped these i . . ^ boys as favorites. Howe's good right !• At this point we are handed a copy first team. The jobs are wide open ; typical American Scout among 1,300 and the boys who show the most j Lake, Illinois. A sw eeping circle, anj Alumni 18 to 17 on Saturday' night Amierican boys attending the World Bpy , Scout Jamboree near Birkenhead, j England. j : In addition to his imitation of various birds and his unique and humor- I ous whistling JessOrts for the audience J he told about the living glaciers, lunar rainbows at nighty watei-wheel falls, nine times as high * as Ni- «on?,tagara, a tree with a road running No sooneir was the second fcput over arrow and the word notice direct ^sjThis game was not advertised but k than Glenn Peterson, fct 80 pounds, , to a section of high school news writ-!fajr crowd turned out to see the faced Bobby Schaefey, who tipped the ten by Junior Schraudehbach. We test. • - ^ v 1 , ,v ........ . ... . •- scales at 84. We saw a little variety are pleased to know that the Plain- PracW^ '^itH^ Dundee: ^ here, with^ Peterson working on, the dealer arid its sport p^ige is read in j Wednesday and one with Delavan on I this entertainment ^as the second mid-riff, while Schaefer sent his hlows surrounding communities. Jumor, Thursday of this week should sharpen '©* ; to the head. Itt was ttoe tto ttoe iin tthe ttakes us tto ttask aboutt ourr wrriitteup.. ooff !j tthhpe eves and colish off & t*™ a sue ries oj f .f o•u r programs to b, e second round with some fast punih- the Grint-McHenry game, but soothes spots' for the Hebron Wme oti^ ^ ins. Peterson showed up better it. the the blow by saying that .11 is for-1 d„ night. ™ ^ ^ M last round when he remembered, to riven. Now. Junior since you were The following schedule is present'Ll. t «n« c«««« with high lead with his left, but it was too late, ^enough to read thai write-up injed at this tS but any* cha^Tin H".*' I JH LPO™y/"!?*t!.8 «• yo« jtype of high entertainment. Other programs during the year will be the X De Willo Co., a musical trio, The next bout brought together a i over again during some leisure mocouple of'Mgh school boys, H. Still-1 merits. We reiul yours twice! 90 pounds, and Walter Bolger, Most any evening since Joe Louis flattened the gullible Max Baer, you mg 91 pounds. Gloves poured in fast ;n this bout. Bolger took this one. Gustafson and Justen, at 76 pounds,' could run into a prize fight argument came out next. Few punches landed j on the West Side. In one corner we in the first round, but Gustafson's j find "Brown Bomber" Stoffel and in roundhouse swings turned the trick the opposite corner we see "Battling"' in the second and third rounds. Just- - Harrison, sometimes-known as the en carried his share of the fight, but "White Hope." Pick out a ringsida had difficulty in landing blows seat some evening. It's good. Serious boxing was set aside for a ...-- ... few minutes while a novelty bout held { In ]aat weevs Bowling News, we the crowd in roars of laughter. Coach fajie(j to give special mention to Herb Reed, in pink tights, red polka dot Simon's 630 series, which included a shorts, red jersey, Harpo Marx wig, 245 game. : straw hat, shoulder pads, galoshes, mustache and what not for an outfit, | Ctab met on Hebron--There--November 22. Elkhorn--Here--November 27. - Niles Center--There--December 2. Richmond--There--December 6. Woodstock--Here--December 7. Hebron--Here--December 10. ^ Marengo--Here--December 18. Crystal Lake--There--December 20. Wauconda--Her£--December 21. Huntley--Here--January 10. Tournament--January 17. Fox Lake--There--January 21. County Tournatnent--January 29. Richmond--Here---February 7. Niles Center--Here--February &. Fox Lake--Here--February 131;" Huntley--There--February 21. Marengo--There--February 28.' St. Marys--Here--February C3. District Tournament--March 6. The Beloit College Freshman team who will put on an evening program at the high school on January 6. There will probably be a small charge made 'to this program to which the public will be invited. The fourth number in the course will be S. Montague, lectu?€r, adveni turer and arctic explorer, who will appear on April 2. His topic will be the Northern Lights" BOWLING I , , _ , . -n . , The Married Men's | was announced by Spec al Referee Mc Mondfty evening in q£ ^ Cracken as Lanky Lou, a Hill-Billy iliteresting meetings. A. E. Nye, .„ , hard-hitter Bruce Granger was m newJy e,ected president acce ted thei™ll be played at Beloit College, but the Hill Billy s corner, A little fel- g&ye] frQm tbe president Doc i the date has not been set. low named Gothman announced as Hegs Elmer Fround took over the1 Efforts are Constantly being made Giant Samson was in the oppopsite secretarira] d{lties from Ton Wirtz i to match teams evenly. Coach Reed corner, seconded by .George Kmsala. and Joe Winiams replaced ^ Ad ! showed the writer a bulletin t^is week After A few rounds of comical com- as directcr with g length eech of! stating that the 8 teams with lowest bat, the decision went to Samson and acceptance Outgoing officers were Iratings in each 'I'strict tournament the crowd went wild with joy. presented with gifts in appreciation'W'" ^ assi?n'?<l *° « "B" touniainent Now back to serious boxing and the of successful management during the to ^ held F^ruary 28 and 29. The 107-pound J. Doherty took a decision pagt term - e .winner will be awarded a "B" tournafrom the 102-pound A. Pearson. Fear- ( gince ^ is nbt a secret organwa-;m®nt trophy- * sort threw plenty of gloves in Doh- tiori) we fee, f^e to report that Mrs_ I erty s face, but was unable to.with- E G Petersoil was Rlve„ a vote of! stand the rushing^power °f Doherty. at)preciation. for preparing as ,uscioUs| couple of Xpunchers! Ken Frwizen, at ^ '««' . 10i pounds, and Robert Doherty, at j Frank Meyer was able t0 attend ^ 99, fought to a dra^" ^ere, 3 meeting for a few minutes. Frank 1 plenty of meat on these boys ribs hag put up a game ht for recdvery_ j and they put their ^weight in ^ ®f It will take some time, but we hope eveir punch. It's a good thing some to see him actiye t3 >ere lon^ of those punches hit nothing but thin-i ai»V , , , , ... • J About thirty Boy ScQyts attended Kamholz, a rangy lad with a good thfi Bears.Giant game at Wrigl reach, met Cnsty, a stocky fellow at Field lagt Sunday #g g q{ 125 pounds. It was a good scrap. George Halas. VOLO Carl Rowan :. J. Thorsell A. Teckenbrock .. A. Buchols ......... Geo. Martini LEAGUE 142 128 108 110 116 166 143 109 144 160 160--480 124--375 78--297 122--382 141--46? J. G. Wagner .. F. King F. Withman ...... A. L. Ritta. A.Phanneiistill 97 127 130 125 136 142 120 117 169 121 1951 147--380 95--364 151--401 135--377 114--404 8:00 O'CLOCK P.M. JUDGE EDWARD D. SHURTLEFF Will Explain in Detail - ^ "WHAT TO DO WITH YOUR MILK" RBP. THOMAS A. BOLGER WILL SPEA* , THIS WEEK YOUR A&P STORE FEATURE? A FALL FOOD FESTIVAL! ,B<W SOBi Fred High"; Arthur. Dillon tJohn Wagner . j Carl Thorsell . I Bill Wirts • 91 145 .... 117 117 ... 112 130 .... 143 140 «&: 171 124 1926 127--363 117--361 12&--370 183--466 169--464 | Irwin Wagner 186 156 ! Ed Miller 120 120 . Joe Ijenzeti 150 143 McHenry, on the evening of Decern- °® Wagner 98 90 ber the! tenth, will be a Scene of great County-wide Court of Honor. Four boys will receive their Eagle Badges, among these Jack Hess and. \ ours Truly. Most of the boys are TIMERS CLUB working immensely hard to get some' 'TEAM NO. ONE-- 2014 164--506 120--360 136--429 99--282 164--489 IIJUUIIIlHHMrt --and in your A&P Store ore oil •orts ol great bargains waiting tor you. Make out youx shopping list and come in today. It's time to stock up. 2066 EIGHT O'CLOCK COFFEE 3 43C 1-LB. BAG . ISc PRI. AND SAT. ONLY badges and I'm positive that McHen- ^ att.les but both boys played for the head o-reat'"tirnp""*'w"»> u throughout. Well nobody cares about »Ty 1)6 a 8tan<lout » f»r •« receiv-! »arb«n getting hit in the bread basket any-j reP°rter W1" glve you the details" jing badges is concerned. If there is^t how. This one went to Kamholz. |«ny Scout in the old 162 that is hav- "ughes more head punching when Klapperich, 126 pounds, and Zimmering, at 122, went though three fast rounds. Zimmering got the nod in this bout. Wes Ferrell, Boston Red Sox pitch- , has hit thirty home seasons in the majors. W« -w another *ood sorap P™- in.r. htthjrouble ,o do We see where horses may aid the Your patrol leaders are all good authori- ^ ties to rely upon, too, when in trouble. ! But be sure you're not one of the bovs Granger... 127 158 171 142 212 156 173 193 130 186 158--441 157--488 203--567 135--407 178--576 ering goi me noa cms ooui. -~„J * T.;.. . . ^ JUUIC UUI 01 me DO.VS Hauri, 126 pounds, met Gritruk, gjlLA ileft out in the rain when it comes to 5 pounds, and fought to a draw.' 111z 125 draw. eVy I getting a badge. As far as the swim- n lc,-y j Gritzuk, a strong looking boy, threw tra k revenue instead of the current'ming: tests are concerned, Friday, the , , «n", •' >"• ""PO"- TWddmol* IZZ! thi; ^ S Hain^ arfelusive targe^ *»d SIX YEARS AGO At the annual meeting and election changes of punches in the last round prompted a draw decision. Fnsby and Taxman a couple of of ofWg of the McHen Amateur 145-pound huskies, waited until the ; Athletic Club, R. I. Overton was electlast round before opening up, but real- ^ President, Peter W Frett is to ly went to town when the fireworks serve as Treasurer, Frank Page as started. Another draw. j Vice-President and Earl Dowell as When Smith of Antioch failed to Sergeant-Bt-Arms appear, Francis Cox, stepped into the j ' ring with Mel Peterson and the boys 1 TEN YEARS' AGO put on a nice exhibition. The plan-j The Orange and Black met the unned bout between Peterson and Snuth (defeated Libertyville eleven and lost promised to be a real scrap and the, 21 to 0. Captain Sib Whiting was management was disappointed . m piaced in charge of the bask|t.ball Smiths faiure to appear. !squad untn the end of the foot All in all, lt^yas a fine show that sesson. was run off in snappy fashion. i ' \ ' The following men officiated: I FIFTEEN YEARS Allti Referee--Mike Schoenholtz. ; Leonard Frett of Aurora, playing Time Keepers Clarence Anglese, full back for the Aurora Kaysees C. J. Reihanspergel-. against the fast St. Charles town team 810 TEAM NO. TWO-- Beavis 198, J. Schaefer 178 Covalt ...u...... 158 Pries 167 Smitlt- 170 888 881 2479 215 166 159 171 181 166--579 149--493 179--491 166--504 192--548 SUNNYFIELD BUTTER lb. 34c FRI. AND SAT. ONLY SU&NVFIELD FLOUR who are worrying about the Swim- . 882 mmg tests, just come around and use . *r,A® INU- lMKfcii,-- a little elbow grease and get what-'"J, 193 178 ever test that you need. !p° . 158 Tuesday evening, my gang with' Vj n8 202 Wilbert Schaefer as captain will go out to accept the Public's contribution for the American Red Cross Drive. Three other groups will do likewise 898 in different locations. I don't know j. q FOUR-- how things will come out but I am f ~*?*lae^er ^ sure that you Public will receive the Freund 168 126 188 184 171 172 852 2610 144--515 130--471 153--539 170--509 185--488 2%1A"GLB ' 89« 49-LB. BAG . 11-77. NONE-SUCH Mincemeat . • FANCY GOLDEN - Bantam Corn . MISS WISCONSIN EARLY June Peas . . ANN PAGE Apple Sauce > 4 CANS SACRAMENTO.YELLOW CLING Peaches DROMEDARY ' . ^ Grapefruit SEGMENTS CAN IOC EXCEL SODA Crackers . •• ENCORE MACARONI OH Spaghetti . • L IQSY'S Tomcto Juke • ANN PAGE--AFMOOT, PEACH OR CHERRY Preserves . . 2 jlft 15« AMERICAN Aged Cheese . . LB 19c I-L. -PURY Pcncake Flour . 3^K^;25C FOR BAKING--FOR FRYING C r i s c o . . . . 3c a n 3 9 c (1 >,-LB. CAN. S*«) : ,«1-LB.!CAN. *»«) sioXeU ftfj* W 29c «glOc 25c 2 PKG. 6P8K-G02S best manners and courtesies whether ^ e^er i you subscribe or not. < We are not gosping out as a group of Scouts but as a groupi of workers performing our good turn. Of course, we are all Scouts and I know we all will act that iray, too. I hope every merciful human asked will ^ive at least a little to the most helpful of all Lif? Saving Organizations, the Red Cross. No Judges--Rev. Father O'Rourke, Roy at St. Charles last Sunday, won the mat.ter how.much you give we surely "168" 144 193 171 T6T 165 181 214 782 2517 204--526 139--475 158--467 158--532 185--570 854 872 844 25.70 Comfort in Stadium Kent, George Stilling. Announcer--C.. H. Duker. Attending Physician--^Dl*. Froehlich. . 4g. am1e jf_o_ r his -t eam by making the only *nr'PUR #»anPt Prn®f citaV*ioe ]mt-A AfMmrrrs . Wals+«h.! A. LOSES HUNTING DOG While hunting near Wauconda 'touchdown of the game. Leonard de- I- veloped into a real star while a member of the Aurora high school team a few years ago. H. J. Sehaffer lost his hunting dog1. T^he rnyariou, ^r. .uthe. ; 0Ter 90 |al)ds hjm w^th present at the meeting and told us • how we were to fix things up on the, subscription list. This is one time' the Scouts have to prove themselves "Mentally Awake." The money turned in by ,your gang will tell just how good you are. I've heard a lot of rumors about «| Merit Badge Exhibit in place of a Scout Circus. Be thinking. Patrol 1 Leaders, what stunt your patrol would ! Our local state officer, Lester Dutch" Bacon came through with flydog wandered away and has never ing colors at the Service Pistol Shoot been found. j in ^Springfield this week. ~T 7~. T*", . *n sPit€ ol driving all night to par- Does youjr hoy fnend love you. ticipate and shooting under very had j «uuiu Find out for sure from Madame Zasa, weather conditions "Dutch" avera^d1f°r this event. If that First th» •ur P'Mini ' ^ ! Aid man comes next Monday, you ought to get another Scout or Scouts to come along and watch another adventure in '^being prepared." Remember that most of the meeting will be spent on games as a reward for your work on the National Good Turn. SCOUT HAROLD TAXMAN. Dec. 3. Get her advice, girls! Phone 162 ' LADIES'PURE SILK HOSIERY Full Fashioned Chiffon and Service Weight 59d RER PAIR Don't fail to see this line Also Men's Hose, Eayon and Silk, at 25c or Cotton at 15c Very fine line of Ladies', Gents' and* Children's Shoes at Moderate Prices. POPP'S SHOE STORE " • West McHenry j the first five in the state and assures | him of a trip to the National matches. Congratulations, "Dutch." That's ; keeping good old McHenry on the Imap. Those boxing matches at the high school Tuesday night were great. It irprised us to see how some of those ^tle fellows handle themselves in the rirtg,.-%_-IVs gpod training and iiobody .gets badpy hurt. Well giye you our observations and result* in another column. "Go As Far As You Like" Dear So I Hear: Your camouflaged hint in your recent letter to the editor, almost asking for an increase in your expense account while attending the Notre , Dame football game is noted. In answer will say that we give yon the • privilege of putting in just double ' the amount that you have already re- 1 ceived. And if that is not sufficient, ahead and treWe it. We <k» not Subscribe for The Plaindealer. care for expenses--we have lots of them. „ You say the boys think I am a pretty nice fellow to send you down to the game. Thanks ? Just to show them that we appreciate "them kind words" COLD STREAM PINK ALASKA 0* A • A A & • SALMON PRICES ARE SALMFLN HIGTA>G:CEH OF TTAHKISE OAFOFVEARN - IONA BRAND TOMATOES WHITE SWEET CORN IONA BRAND FULL STANDARD QUALITY 18-OZ. CAN NO. t CANS FULL STANDARD QUALITY 3 can! 20c DICED CARROTS 'SUNNY CANE SUGA3 Rinso Ajax Soap NO. CANS 5P-LKBG.. I 25c 271/sc • PKG «VC •10e L A%39.c Lux Flakes SEMINOLE Tissue . LIFEBUOY OH lux Soap 4 ROLLS 25C >$• ew&wc- Canncd Vegetables I PEAS, CUT BEETS SAUERKRAUT SPINACH 2 c°,u\Sc V FRI. AND SAT. ONLY ' For football parries and c.-inipuB £tny coat This one Is bright green imported mixed tweed with a new sleeve treatment and heavy 1 x>p fastenings. It is lavishly trimmed with natural lynx. we may send you over to the Olympic i ety one should wear a great warm games. You might have to crash the gate after you arrived, but we believe that your nationality would save you from any bodily harm. In answer to your query as to whether a rain soaked hat should be included in an expense account, the answer is: "No, it should be included in the bundle yon send to the cleaners." - THB EMTQifc. lea « : Pmiuofi of • Patent A patent gives an Inventor exclusive rights to make and. sell his invention; lor 17 yoars. . , Baby Haddock or Cod Fillet*) Sea Perch, lb.•. • Sliced Halibut, ..... Bulk Macaroni, . .. 2 lbs. 25c . ........ Vt^Ac 23c 4 lbs. 25c Asserted Man in the Moon Sandwich Cookies, 2 lbs. 25c Pecan Meats, lb. Broadcast Plantation Style Pork Sausage, lb. Hamilton Sauerkraut, 2 No. 2y2 cans V. FEED SPECIALS Laying Mash, lpO-lbs. -:.y Scratch Grain, 100-lbs. ' • •' - : "• • ' " Growing Mash, 100-lbs. ... Dairy Feed, 16 r<, 100-lbs. Standard Bran, 100-lbs. ^ Standard Middlings, 100-lbs. PRODUCE SPECIALS" Valencia Oranges, 150 si*e, 200 sixe 29e *nd 262 siii Rome Beauty Apples, .... Idaho Potatoes, Texas Seedless Grapefruit* 80 siae* Fresh Green Beans. Brocolli ; .; r Fresh No. 1 Mushrooms, U>. Bananas ... 39c : 20c .. 15c $139 . $165 $1.87 $1.13 $1.15 $1.15 - 39c -- 19c 4 lbs. 15c 10 lbs. 25c 3 for lflc^ jjV 2 qts. 13c :• 2 lbs. 15c :! 25c _ 31be. 19c | ASK MANAGER ABOUT SPECIAL LOW PR»CES OF FARM FEEDS | Si "•u A&P Food Stores