Illinois News Index

McHenry Plaindealer (McHenry, IL), 5 Dec 1935, p. 8

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fvT "•' -'^W* '('%• £•- v.»«W VW *•«•»«*» m MeBUffcT HJLHIDSALBB >**1**^? r;5'•' '/ W.? 4^ ty, Deoember, 5, 1835 * .. ^ ^ is •^nymn iiiam 1' ;S'c. D. of A. MEETS TONIGHT The regular monthly meeting of the Catholic Daughters of America will be held this Thursday fcveninsr at 8 p. m. COUNTY AUXILIARY The McHenry county American Legion Auxiliary will meet Friday evening in the new Legion home at Wood- • Bt-OCk. ELECT OFFICERS Election of officers will W held at the next meeting of Riverview Camp, ft, N. A-, .-next Tuesday evening. All . numbers afe ttrged'to be present. •* ' COUNTY LEGION TONIGHT •"'-'Hayes Kennedy of Joliet, second di- ' vision American Legion commander, wiiil address the'McHenry County Legion meeting at Cary; this Thursday • ewr.;ng. ,• ,. !'/l EMERALD BRIDGE CLUB 7_ "Members of the Emerald Bridge club enjoyed a meeting at the home of. ' Mrs V. Martin on Monday afternoon with prizes in bridge awarded to Mrs. V, Martin, Mrs. ,|*. J. Nye and Mrs. Albert Krause. ways of addressing and writing* on Christmas cards. At the close of the meeting members cut patterns of Handicraft articles and reviewed Mrs. Toby's fashion book. THANKSGIVING GUESTS ENJOY THE HOLIDAY (Continue . from Front Page) Mr. and Mrs. Frank O'Flaherty of El>iin spent the day with Miss Nancy Frisby. Mr. and Mrs. John Kueny and family of Kenosha visited in the Joe B'.ake home. Mr. and Mrs. Earl Mann, son and daughter, of Woodstock spent Thanksgiving with the Edgar Thomas family- . 1 » . Mr. and Mrs. Vincent Wirfs of Rockford and Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Sftioak and children of Antioch were BRIDGE CLUB MEETS Mrs. E. H, Nickels was hostess to members of her bridge club Tuesday afternoon when priies were won by Mrs. Robert Thompson andMra. R. j guests in the George Wirfs home. V. Powers. . W-.X i Mr. and Mrs. Elmer Frevjnd, with 1 .'j' 'i • jher parents, Mr. and Mrs. H. B. Nien- I.ADY FORESTERS "! stedt of Woodstock, spent Thanksgiv- St. Agattip Court, No. 777/ Lady j ing with Mrs. Freund's aunt and fam- Foresters will hold its next regular ily at Waukesha, Wis. meeting An Dec. 17. This will be a Mr. and Mrs. J. C. Pearson of Christmas party. All members are Ringwood spent the day with ttier requested to bring a gift to exchange, mother, Mrs. M&yme^Hjh-ritfon. • HOLY NAME SOCIETY ,. '-The •: H^ily' Nfrine soctet^ will coniifiunion at St. Ma^'s church Sunday at the 8 o'clock mass. A meeting of" the society will be held Monday (evening. Refreshments, hot lunch will I among them being the one in the Colbe served, All members Are requested lins home, where guests were Mr. and Mr; and Mrs. J. F. JScLaughlin and daughter, Julia, of Ring-wood visited his sister and brother, Kate and Thomis McLaughlin. , At Ringwood there were mahy family gatherings on Thanksgiving day, EASTERN STAR NOTES McHenry chapter, O. E. S., will observe itsxannual installation of officers Saturday night, Dec. 7. Each member may invite, a guest. Invitations have been received ta attend installation ceremonies at DaJ Star chapter, "No. 51, Dundee, at 7:30 p. m., Thursday, Dec. 5, and at Soi\ osis chapter. No. 329, Gravslake, Nov - ' •. to ^'present. """Vs \ '*"* 'f'-' ' MASONS 'ELECT " ' Clinton Martin was elected master of McHenry Lodge, No. 158, A. F. and A. M., Monday evening at the regular meeting of the lodge. Other officers elected were; Neil Carlson, senior warden; Lisle Bassett, junior warden; J. N. Sayler, secretary and George Johnson, treasurer. The Mothers dub vrtll hold its, Mrs. Frank Collins and family of Thomas Maher, son, Lawrence, and daughter and husband, Mr. and Mrs. Ray Real and two children, Laverne and Shirley, of Chicago, spent Thanksgiving and the remainder of the week in the home of the former's daughter and husband, Mr. and Mrs. Peter J. Schaefer. Mr. and Mrs. Harvey Damm and sons of Kenosha spent the day in the Wm. Bacon home SnOfOOBOVE A large crowd attended the feathei party given by the Community club Monday, night. The affair was a success and members of the club wish to thank all who made this possible. Mrs. Ray Rudolph, Wilmot, Mrs. Arthur Kattner and Mrs. A1 Schmeltzer sent a pleasant evening at cards and visiting at the home of Mrs. Chas. Freund on Monday. Among those emToyed in nearby cities who spent Thanksgiving with home folks are Edwin Hergott, Eleanor Hergott, Bemice and Lucille Nimsgern, Dorothy Klein and Mabel Siegler, of Chicago, Victor Siegler accompanied by a friend from Springfield, Lorraine Nett, Wilmot and Dorothy Behrens, Richmond. Students attending Richmond High school enjoyed a few days vacation last. week. . Wade Sanborn is confined to- his home by illness. Byron Orvis has taken over his .duties dn the mail route. ' "George Huff, who was quite ill several days last week is improving. ' Guests in the home of Mrs. Bertha Esh on Thanksgiving were Mr. and Mrs. . Wm. Britz and family, Fox Lake, Mr, and Mrs. Jos. Brits, Rockford, Mr. and Mrs. Frank Prosser, Chicago, Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Klein, Johnsburg, Mr. and Mrs. Norbert Klaus, Mr. and Mi's. G. Jones, Helen Howard, Fox Lake, Glen Siedschlag and Albert Britz. Mr. and Mrs. Mike Rauen motored to Kenosha, Wis, Thursday to spend the day with relatives. Robert Foulke and Donald McCafferty, students at the University of II "BILL" CARROLL TO BE CANDIDATE FOB STATE'S ATTORNEY Attorney Wm. M. Carroll, representative in the Illinois legislature from the Eighth district, will not run for re-election to that office next spring, but has announced his intention to become a candidate for the 'office of state's attorney in McHenry county. V, Mr. Carroll served as first assistant state's attorney under V. S. Lumley, present prosecutor, for six years and made the race for the office himself in the primary of 1920, Ionia* at that time to Alford H. Pouse. He has practiced law in this county for approximately eighteen years, being very succesful. He is now serving his third term as a member of the legislature. "Bill" Carroll needs no introduction to the voters of McHenry county. His practice of law in the v past has brought him in close touch with them aJ3£ a'so during the campaigns in his *"ace for the legislature he has met practically all. His decision to become a candidate for the prosecutor's job next spring has been reached only after careful consideration. He is a world veteran and a past commander o£ - the Woodstock post, Ameriiu Legion. He is a graduate of the University of Notre Dame. As an x>rator his services have heeit; in great demand among .his fellow • citizens. With his long exerience a| an attorney and also as a legislator, Mr Carroll can go before the voterf-?' with no doubt as to his qualifications," . -*A:.: ? ' -FI£» •. - 5 * *fr i* 4 1 Hello Kiddies--I will be seein' yoil at the Wm, H. Althoff Hdwe., Wesl /! McHenry, Saturday, Dec. 14. 1 SANTA CLAUS.- : Plaindealer Want Ads bring resnlt| Mi-, and Mrs. George K.mholi ft 'i""'8 Thanksgiving day, with Christmas party ih the Legion hall, j Chicago visited his parents, M'r. and pax en . Friday, Dec. 13. A good attendance i Mrs Fred Kamholz. is desired. Each member is asked to bring a toy and an article of food for a Christmas basket. Also a gift of clothing or other article for the ,':»imS-FELt^-:':.v . ' Children's Home at Woodstock. Alfred Feltz. son of Mr. and Mrs. Herman Feltz of Crystal Lake were quietly married at the home of the bride's parents on. Nov. 23 at two o'clock Rev. Gehrs performed the ^^ cerem0"> • , . I the following officers elected:. The bride was attended by her sis- I * ter. Miss Bemice Jurs And Martin Wittbolt of West McHenry served as best m^n. The yound couple will re side in Crystal Lak^r--"-- R. N. A. ELECTS OFFICEfel Election of officers took place ai the meeting of Fox River Valley camp, R. N. A , Tuesday evening with SURPRISE MRS. SCHAEFER A party of relatives and friends surprised Mrs. Peter M. Schaefer at 3*er home at Johnsburg Monday evening; in honor. of her, birthday anni- •versary. • Five hundred was the evening's diversion and prizes were won by Mrs. Joe H. Adams and Arthur Wagner, first; Mrs. Mary Sable and Arthur Kaiser, second; and Mrs. Catherine |tre? and Wagner and Joe H. Adams,^1 consolation. .. Mrs. Schaefer received many pleastog gifts, one of the guests bringing an attractive birthday cake. Lunch was served at the end of a pleasant evening. Oracle--Mrs. Carrie Justen. Vice-Oracle--Mrs. Floribel Vogel Past Oracle--Mrs. Mary Freund, Recorder--Mrs. Elizabeth Schoewer. j taurant with Mr Mr. and Mrs. Albert Woll and little daughter of Washington, D. C., ayrived to spend Thanksgiving with her mother, Mrs. Mary Carey. William and Albert Vales, Jr., and Miss Elsie Micklantz of Chicago and Mrs. Catherine Schneider and daughter, Helen,, were guests in the Albert Vales home. A delightful ' family party on Thanksgiving day was enjoyed at the Albert Krause home. Preceding the party a delicious turkey dinner was served at five o'clock at Niesen's resand Mrs. Al Mon- Receiver--Mrs. Etta Wattles. |roe and daughter of Elgin as host Marshal--Mrs. Cora Bassett. | and hostesses. The dinner was served Chancellor--Clara Stoffel. family style and was complete in kvery Inner Sentinel--Mrs .Caroline j detail and much enjoyed by the nine- Schiessle. I teen members of the family present. Outer Sentinel--Mfs. Edna Water-! Following the dinner the guests went straat. | to the home of Mr. and Mrs. Albert Plans were made for a Christmas1 Krause, where the eveping was spent party to be held after the next meet-jin playing pinochle, with prizes going ing and to which the juveniles will be t to Mrs. Pat Kelleher, Leo Lay, Marion invited. There will be a Christmas Krause and Joe W. Rothermel. Those visit from Santa Claus present were: Mr. and Mrs. Al Monand ten-cent gifts will be exchanged. PLANNING HOMECOMING As we told you a few weeks ago, .you know, in 1936 McHenry will, or should, celebrate its one hundredth birthday, and in this great undertaking the Old Timers can take a most active part. We want to ask that everyone, young and old, look up their antiques, relics and souvenirs and anything that will be of interest in a eeleiirration of this kind. We also invite you all, most sincerely, to "come home-' next year to enjoy with us this great homecoming event, sponsored by the Plaindealer. ' It is hoped that local lodges and !^>c»eties, churches and all organizations and individuals will take an active interest in plans for this event Which, we believe can be made the greatest affair in local history. Served 'Em Right "What have you done today, Wfflyf "Caught caterpillars," "What for?" ' .• . "To annoy them." ^ . "How?" "They eat leaves, so I caught them and put them on the telegraph poles. Won't tbe.v be annoyed when they climb to the top and find no leaves 1"-- Stray Stories Magazine. ^ And Gladly A miner and his wife were emigrating to America. On arrival, the clerk, reading his passport, said: "Yes, this appears all right, but bow are you going to prove that this woman is your wife?" "Ma bonnle lad," said Geordle, "If tha can prove she Isn't, A'all give tha 10 punds."--Yorkshire Post. THERE YOU ARE! LOYALTY CLUB RE-ORGANIZED It was a cold, wintry night but the spirit of friendliness, and fellowship was warm within the old walls of the 'II. E. parsonage Friday evening, as friends gathered to spend a social evening with Rev. and "Mrs. R. W. Knell. Visiting and games were en joyed and lunch served. During the ,livening it was decided to reorganize ' the Loyalty club which will includfc young and old, men and women, and everyone interested in the church. There will be no dues or no joining fees and a party or social affair of some kind will be held once a month. A nominating committee was appointed to recommend-officers to be voted upon at the election which will take place at the next meeting in January. The nominating committee will also Sierve as the committee in charge of . the next party which will probably be planned for the first week in January. ' roe and daughter and John Schreiner of Elgin; Mrs. Pat Kelleher and her daughter and husband, Mr. and Mrs. Joe Conagna and baby and Phyllis Moulton, all of Elmhurst; Mr. and Mrs. J. W. Rothermel and daughters, Leo Lay, Mr. and Mrs. Albert Krause and daughter, Marion, and Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Krause and little daughter, Barbara Ann. Mr. nd Mrs. A. E. Nye entertained at a family gathering Thursday. Those present were Mr. and .Mrs. Harry Hitzeman and son of Chicago, Lowell of the Indianapolis Times, and Ruth and a friend, Armella Haines of St. Theresa's training school for nurses. ' Mr. and Mrs. Henry Heimer, with Mr. and Mrs. Karl Bradley and daughters, Elaine and Alice, of Crystal Lake were Chicago visitors Thanksgiving day and enjoyed the day with Mr. and Mrs. A. J. Butler. Mr. and Mrs Arthur Bickler were callers in the evening. Mrs. Nellie Bacon was a dinner guest of her daughter and husband, Mr. and Mrs. Robert Ulrich, at St. Charles. Mr. and Mrs. E. J. Buss spent the day with his mother at Streator. Mr. and Mrs. Richard Stenger of Waukegan were guests of Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Phalin. and Mrs. Brown (in background)--How happy that couple seem. Mr. Brown--Yes. Mrs. Brown--Are they married? Mr. Brown--No. That's why they .seem happy. Miss Alyce Nodland, Chicago, spent several days last week in the George W. May home. Thanksgiving day guests in the Peter M. May home were Mr. and Mrs Arthur Kattner and son, Mr. and Mrs. Eidred Johnson and children, Mr. ami Mrs. John Weber, Crystal Lake, Mr. and Mrs. Wm. May and family, Johnsburg and Eddie Kane. A merry gathering of relatives and friends invaded the Charles Freund i home Thursday evening in honor of his birthday. After greetings were over, tables were arranged and five hundred was played during the evening with prizes going to Mrs. Geo. Freund and Charles Michaels. Refreshments were served. Those present were Mr. and Mrs. Paul Gerasch, Mr. and Mrs. George Weber, Mr. and Mrs. George P. Freund, McHenry, Mt. and Mrs. Charles Michaels, Johnsburg, Mr. and Mrs. Geo. W. May, Glendale Esh and John Rose. Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Kattner and son, Billy, and Mr. and Mrs. Peter M. May spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Eld Hoffman in Wilmette. They also visited Peter Engeln at a hospital in Chicago. Mr. Engeln is suffering from a bullet wound in his leg received while hunting when a companion's gun accidentally discharged. Those who spent en enjoyable day at the Bertha Esh home Sunday were Glen Esh family, Bartlett, Richard Esh family, Dundee, and Andy Straub of Chicago. Mr. and Mrs. J. Sheets and daughter of Monigue, Mich., spent several days with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Anton May. They returned to their home on Saturday. Misses Evelyn Hergott and Isa belle Schmitt of Johnsburg are enjoying a vacation in California. Mr. and Mrs. Ed Van Slyke, son James, and Mrs. Brown, Waukegan, were visitors in the Chester Stevens home Thursday. Anton Meyer was ill with the flu several days last week. A card party was held at St. Peter's hall Sunday night. Prize winners in five hundred were John Rauen, Arnold Kattner, Mrs. C. Freund and Joseph Lay, consolation, and in euchre prizes went to Miss Kate Keefe, Mrs. Wm Engels and Nick Freund, consolation. At the conclusion of playing a lovely lunch was served. Albert Britz was the lucky winner of the grand prize. * • f i Is Youi Friend •> * >; * r 3/ /- j Broadcasting Direct Froin STATION ST. NICK isss „ &ri-; RJNGWOOD HOME BUREAU The December meeting of the Ringwood Home Bureau was held at the home of Mrs. Chas. Peet on Tuesday afternoon with all but two members present. The meeting opened at 1 o'clock so as to allow time for Handicraft before the regular meeting. _ Mrs. Eppel and Mrs. Ed Peet displayed articles and patterns which they received at the Handicraft school at Woodstock. The lesson of the day was given by Mrs. Sweeney and was on utensils which you use in your kitchen. It was planned to hold the monthly party at the Ostend schoolhouse on Friday evening, Dec. 27. The committee is Mrs. Benwell, Mrs. Thomas and Mrs. Eppel. Mrs. Eppel, the food chairman read an article, telling of the different uses made of grape seeds?. Mrs. Martin, the clothing chairman, demonstrated : a good way to put a hem in a flannel or woolen dress. Mrs. Raymond Harrison, the health chairarpft, told of a new dentrifice. Mrs. Freund, home management chairman, gave direction - in usinK yeast for sanitation. The ; book, "So Red the Rose" was digguss- * ed Mrs. Benwell, etiquette chairman, told of the proper and improper A Loony Coapl* "They 6a.v Boggs la crazy on the subject of golf and his wife is equally crazy over auction sales." "Yes, and the funny part of it U they both talk In their sleep. The other night a lodger In the next flat heard Boggs shout Tore!' and Immediately Mrs. Boggs yelled 'Four and a quarter!'" located at the' North Pole. I will soon start on my trip to the United States and one of my first stops Will be at McHenry, Illinois, where I want to meet all _ ::14ie kiddies at'th(|^: • • WM. H. ALTHOFF rt ARDWARE •V;'" , ... • On Saturday, December 14 I desire to talk to all the good children and have them tell me their secret wishes. ~ I will have a supply of everything, too, a hag full of toys, games* dolls and all any kiddie could hope for. Be sure to meet me at Althoff's Saturday, Dec. 14. 3 CONSOLE! VSIT 1 VM1M TWO wr TAMM la tfyp meantime parents are invited to visit our store and see the large line of Christmas gifts on display, something for ^very member of the family. This week's special is shpwn to the left. Watch for a b a r g a i n s p e c i a l e v e r y w e e k . • " . v I ^ ' Wm. H. Althoff Hdw. Taking It Ea*jr A Yankee who lived to be otn^r^six was asked the reason for his prolonged health and vigor. "Well," he replied, "I've never done as much work at I could. I've never lifted as much as I could. When I wanted to do a big year's work I never did as much as I would In any one day." Poetry •The falling leaves All DM with melancholy thoughts,n said the poetic person. "They used to have that effect on me," said the unpoetlc person. "What changed you?" "I moved into an apartment and dopt have to rake them any more." Raminiscoacos "Can't I persuade you to write your memoirs?" ^ "No," answered Senator Sorghum. "1 am now concentrating most of the intellectual faculties I possess in arranging to have certain things forgotten." Say you read it tt THE PLAINDEALER.. Mr. Mrs. Ted Schiessle, with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. John Sullivan, Sr., of Woodstock, were dinner guests of Mrs. Caroline Schiessle. Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Freund of Crystal Lake spent the day with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Will Feltz. Wilmette, Mr. and Mrs. Paul Collins and family of Niles Center, the William Collins family of Beloit, Paul Collins of Evanston and Miriam Royer of Lanark. In the C. J. Jepson home at Ringwood guests were Mr. and Mrs. Roland McCannon and children of Algonquin, Mr. and Mrs. Harold Jepson, Rockford, Olive Jepson of Elizabeth and Mildred Jepson of Evanston. In the George Harrison home at Ringwood Thursday visitors were Mr. and Mrs. Charles Peet and daughters, Mr. and Mrs. W. B. Harrison and son, Earl, Mr. and Mrs. Raymond Harrison and sons and Mr. and Mrs. Henry Hinze of Crystal Lake. In the evening Mr. and Mrs. Fishburn, Mrs. Owen and daughter, Ruth, and Edward Harrison called. At Woodstock our friends, Mr. and Mrs. Fred Wynkoop, also entertained guests for Thanksgiving. They were Dr. and Mrs. George Lamphere of Rockford and Mr. and Mrs. H. T Diedrich and daughter of Durant. Dr. and Mrs. Vernon Besley and daughter of Freeport were guests of his parents, Dr. and Ms.r W. CJ. Besley, at Woodstock. Mr. and Mtb. Louis Olrich and chil dren spent Thanksgiving day with Mrs. Kathrine Worts and daughter, Rose. Thursday guests in the H. E. Durland home were Mr. and Mrs. H. J. Schuenamanji and family, Mrs. Leo Schuenamann, and Mr. and Mrs. J. Flynn of Chicago. Thanksgiving day guests in the home of Mr. and Mrs. George Kramer were Mr. and Mrs. George Meyers .and family of Woodstock, William Matz of Orchard Beach and Mrs. C. Kramer and son, Milton, of Chicago. Mr. and Mrs. Henry Miller and family, Miss Clara Miller and Lester Mrs. John P. Miller Mrs. Carrie Johnson Miller, wife OI John Feter Miller of Woodstock wa|' the daughter of Sam and Anna Copley and was born in Metropolis, 111., on Oct. 28, 1892. She was married to Otto Johnson on Dec. 24, 1916, and lived on a farm at McCollum lake where Mr. Johnson died in April 1933, On Nov. 24, 1934, she remarried and moved to Woodstock. Besides her husband she is survived by her moth* er, Mrs. Anna Morefteld of Metropolis two sisters, Mrs. E. A. Mickelson of Moline and Mrs. Tom Minley of Me* tropolis. Funeral services were held at th» home at Woodstock Friday afternoon, with burial at Ringwood. Corner U. S. 12 and Main St. Phone 284 TODAY CADILLAC present SERIES * IN THE LOWEST PRICE RANGE SINCE THE DAYS OF THE SINGLE-CYLINDER CADILLAC --they-also offer the pleasant surprise of atartlingly lower prices. In fact, prices start at the lowest point since the days of the singlecylinder Cadillac. You are cordially invited to see and inspect these magnificent new cars. They are certain to prove a revelation. Today, the 1936 series of the Royal Family of Motordom--a new La Salle, a new Cadillac, f nd a new Cadillac-Fleetwood--are on exhibition at our showrooms. Revealing the great* est strides ever made by Cadillac in performance, comfort, safety, beauty and roadability Gave First Miaatrel Shows The Introduction of minstrel shows In the United States la credited tin Thomas D. Rice (1806-1800), a whits comedian who was Inspired by the "Jim Crow" song otL a negro stags driver to reproduC^song and character In costume on the stage In Pittsburgh In the early Nineteenth cei)tury. FINER, FASTER AND SAFER £& SFIME%WL5 La Salle again heade the style parade and sets the new vogue. Andy within its price field, its leadership is just as decided in all other phases of motor ear excellence. Its performance is delightful *I*ts" coasfort is simply superb. Andit handles, ia all ways, like the thoroughbred it is. There are four body styles --a Coupe; a Convertible Coupe; a Two-door Touriag Sedan; and a Five Passenger.Touring Sedaa. N. Griffing spent Thanksgiving with Mr. and Mrs. A. P. Moritz in Chicago. Miss Eleanor May and two friends, Miss Malelin Lascher and Miss Sylvia Goldhofer of Wilmette, Mr. and Mrs. Albert Rosing and family of Libertyville, Mr. and Mrs. Frank May and children of Chicago, Mr. and Mrs. Leo Blake and family and Mr., and Mrs John R., Freund and family of McHenry, spent Thanksgiving with Mrs. Joe May. Mr. and Mrs. N. P. Justen and son, Richard, spent Thanksgiving day Mr. mm! Mn. Ben Nevnert of 0&- cago. ' . •• AN ENTIRELY NEW AND FINER f«T years, there has been a growing demand for a personalized Cadillac -- smaller, faster and easier to handle. The new Cadillac V-8, Series 60, is (fee answer to that demand. We state, without reservation, that no other car in America il SO frfwn.ting to drive. Its speed is whatever you desire. Its balance on the road is unsurpassed. Ajpd its general comfort is a constant delight. ,CADILLAC AN EVEN MORE LUXURIOUS SMESTWOOD 2445 Fleetwood is world renowned. In all phases of their excellence, the new Cadillac-Fleetwoods are beyond comparison. They mark the closest approach to perfection in the history of the motor car. The Cadillac-Fleetwood cars are presented in three series--the V-8, the V-12, and the V-16. There are innumerable body styles--all designed and executed with the beauty and artistry for which --i D-i ill, mrf " lfcs'i<i iiitftmr nrrir' Sjxcia/ equipment extra. Ea»v C. M.A.C. Term*. Emry maM a Gtturml Mttmrt f«hw OVERTON MOTOR SALES ^ W**t McHenry FroiiF~™ 2)U6Cl

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