Illinois News Index

McHenry Plaindealer (McHenry, IL), 5 Dec 1935, p. 2

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'Kg* .• n , xt ; •7,<T"i v " 1 .,.*.- .'a# * *•.«,.. . . * ; .r * ** rf # ^ "vffr^f -4 ***$&'{« V*rt>. *0 »<> * «• ; ^WS#1 " •^<I'"i ^ " " " " '""' W£&\ < > * * '* •*: *r i SMI t«t*Twi INTERESTING NEARBY NEWS TAKEN FROM GOLUMNS OF OUR EXCHANGES T o l d •/ Items of Interest T«k« From tip. Files of the Plalndsal* of Years Ago Wilbur Glenn Voliva is again the v head, of the Zion business interests after Federal Judge William M Holly V of Chicago granted Voliva. leave to reorganize the Zion Institutions and Industries, Inc. The court .order put * an e*nd to the litigation fought in the federal court in Chicago for two and : , ; ; * a half years, since the time that the t corporation, went into receivership - { :• - and was placed under a trustee.; Vol- , iva' stated. th$t he Was' keeping quiet about these days ';.:X-'i ; for the present while building up, the) jhe, Althoff Bros, are building a, , business of the Zion Industries, Inc., .new barn in the rear of the store late- . * - I1 the corporate name pf the reorganized] jy purchased of P. G. Mayes. ' % firm. He said that he was in fine I The ladies of the M. E. church -are • : ' J X health and could still outwork * any12 ].getjing up a subscription to purchase - " " ,-Y 'men in Lake county. " (a bell for their church. ^ ! "Heady! action? cameral"" the: The largest haul of minliows we I' v above well-knOwn/movieT commands or.lever saw was made from the creek FIFTY Y^ARS AGO Fisherriien are bringing down from the lakes some very fine strings of SLOCUM'S LAKE Mr. and Mrs. John Blomgren were business callers at McHenry Monday. Mr. and Mrs. Harry Matthews and sons were business caller at Waukegan last Friday. Mr. and Mrs. G. J. Burnett called at the home of Willard Darrell last Wednesday. Mr. ana Mrs. F. Swanson and daughter, Alice, of Highland Park were Sunday dinner and supper guests at the home of Mr. and Mrs. John Blomgren. ,r " ' Mr. and Mrs. Earl Converse were business callers • at Waukegan last Monday. Mr. and Mrs. J. D. Williams, and Son of Crystal Lake were guests at the home of Mrs. Clara Smith on Thanksgiving. Miss Celitt Murray spent last Wednesday evening at the home of Mr." and Mrs. Harry Matthews. Harold Brooks spent ^nday at the home of Mr. and Mrs, W. O. Brooks at Libertyville.'"'. , Mr. and Mrs. Alfred Ra'u of Chi- VOLQ it least a semblance of them will soort >near the red bridge, on Monday m®r"" j cago 'were Sunday and supper "guests echo through Barrington public school ing last. They got a barrel and a haL |&t thg hbme 0f Mr. and Mrs. H. L. as a movie camerman with all his erf solid tninnows, at c>J}e hapl^ of the equipment. begins filming "the first jjseina;. •* * \ ' \ scenes of a sgyeral-reel-long. mbvie 'Vv' -V-.r - : depicting life at the Barrington school. ' FORTY YEARS AGO • Lee Gross of Volo was held in the About eighteen inches of snow fell Lake county jail on a complaint sign- (on Monday afternoon and night, and Brooks. •' Mrs. W. E. Btooks and son attended Thanksgiving day services at Munjdelein. Mr. and Mrs. H. L. Brooks and Harold Brooks were guests at the home of Mr. and Mrs W. O. Brooks at Libertyville Thanksgiving day. Mrs. Elmer Esping returned home ed by Police Chief Clayton Tiffany we are now enjoying the finest run of Mundelein charging him with re-jof sleighing known in this section ceiving stolen goods. The complaint f§iT years. ^ ^ was, issued by p. S. Dolph. The com-j Hanly Bros., at the brick mills, have Saturday evening after spending a plaint set forth the fact that farm ! put in a new bullivan Corn and Cob few days at the home of her sister at lighting equipment, stdlen from a Fre- . Crusher, No. 12. mont township farm, had been traced I The many friends of Fran to. Gross, who sold it to a Chicago Shepard, in this county, will be pleas- and Mr and Mrs Wm Berg attended man. Gross claimed when taken into j ed to learn that he last week received & birthday party at the home of Mr. custody that he had purchased . the j appointment of F^rst Assistant and jfrs. Andrew Steindoerfer at equipment from a man whom he didjty Attorney, of Cook County, with a Griswold Lake Saturday evening. not know Judge Chas T. Allen submitted to a major surgical operation at Rochester, Minn., November 23. He is a patient in Worrel hospital. Mrs. AU len is in the Minnesota city and expects to remain during the fortnight of her husband's hospital committment. Removal of an infected bone in salary of $1,800 per year ^ ^ ^ ^_ Clifford E. Sherman, of McHenry cauers at McHenry Tuesday evening and Miss Laura Thomas of Greenwood were married at the M. E.' parsonage, Woodstock, on Wednesday of last week. TWENTY FIVE YEARS AGO D. E. Payne has moved his family the nose, and in order to do so it be-1 from the John A. Smith house on the came necessary to proceed through, east side of the river to the Fred the roof of the mouth," is understood • Schnorr cottage on Main street. to have been the nature of the opera- j On the Elgin board of trade Montion to which the county court jurist: day butter went down, to 30 cents, a submitted, according to information drop of a cent. . - received by friends - Herbert L Bennett, formerly of Pride in the jbat-like stealth with [McHenry, wants to tell his friends which he ransa/ked rooms while peo- •, through the Plaindealer that he is pie sat >K>*another part of the very much alive and is liable to, drop house marked the confession made to-\ off at the old home town some day Libertyville police by Charles Martin, and prove it. No fireworks please. 14, who calls himself "Dusty" in which' Mrs. James N. Saylef of Silverlake, he admitted ransacking the rcom of Wis., passed a few days last week at Mrs. Caroline Horlbutt and stealing the home of her mother, Mrs. E. S. cash from the home of Dudley B. Mc- Wheeler. Neil. Police suspect the boy of enter-4 ' . " ing several other Libertyville homes i - TWENTY YEARS AGO that have been looted recently, but! Btftter on the Elgin board of trade he refused to implicate himself in ad- * sold at S3 eehts per pound last Saturditionel burglaries. day. Paul F. Rosenthal, Crystal Lake, at! The road between this village and week ago Tuesday!Volo has been fixed--fixed is right. Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Lenzln were Waukegan callers Monday. Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Hironimus and family spent Thanksgiving day at the home of Mr. and Mrs. George Knigge at Wauconda. Mrs. Ann Lusk visited Mrs. Miller in Minnesota the past week. Miss Vinnie Bacon motored to Woodstock on business Friday. Mr. and Mrs.^-E^l Hironimus and family enjoyed Thanksgivingx^ay at the home of Mr. and Mrs. William Nicholls at Roseville. The McHenry Brewers baseball team gave a card party and dance at the Volo Recreation Hall. Wednesday evening,NDecember 4. Mrs. Richard Cronin of McHenry is spending a few weeks at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Harry Hironimus. Glenn Bacon of Round Lake spent Thanksgiving day at the Bacon home. ,Mr. and Mrs. Maioy of Jphnsburg spent Sunday at the home of Mr. ind Mrs. William Waldmarm. Mr. and >Mrs. Llctyd Fisher and family spent Thanksgiving day at the home of Mr. and Mrs. William Lohmann in Libertyville. . Mr. and Mrs. Frank St. George spent Thanksgiving day with Mr. and Mrs. Bernard Hankie in Evunstoh. Dr. Charles Rossduestcher is very ill at this writing. Mr. and Mrs. John Titus of Grayslake visited Mr. and Mrs. Frank Henkel Thursday. Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Lenzen visited relatives in Stateville, Ia„ the past week. " / Little Billy Miller spent Tuesday at the home of his grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. P. Miller, near McHenry. Mr. and Mrs. John Capaller of Chicago visited the latter's parents, Mr. Mr. and Mrs. Elmer lisping were J an(j Mrs. Charles Rossduestcher Monday evening. • Mr. and Mrs. Paul O'Leary visited Mrs. John Rossduestcher at Barrington Tuesday. James Wegner of McHenry spent a few days the past week at the home of his grandparents, Mr. and Mrs M. Wagner. » Mr. and Mrs. A. S. Powers of Wauconda visited JMr. gnd Mrs* Lloyd Fisher Friday. __ Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Kaiser spent Thanksgiving day at the home of Mr. and Mrs. George Vasey in Waukegan. Miss Eileen Magnussen, student nurse at St. Theresa's hospital, spent Thanksgiving day with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Russell Magnussen] Mr. and Mrs. Herbert Waldmann tini of Volo -Were Thanksgiving dinner and supper guests at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Joseph F. Wagner. Mr. William Rossduestcher spent Thanksgiving at Joliet with friends. project will be studying and buying hosiery. The minor project wll be a Christmas party. Mr. and /Mrs. Henry* Dusil and daughter, VioJet, Misses Kolar and Mrs. Kathleen Frankie of J T°'ie^ , Vioia Pekrson of' Berwyn spent Sun called at the home of Mrs. Anna Lusk Wednesday. Mr. and Mrs. Martin Obenauf and family of Lake Corners and Mr. and Mrs. A. Wegner and family of Waucohdaj spent Thanksgiving, here with Mr: and Mrs. Peter Wagner. Mr. and Mrs. Frank King and daughter, Miriam, spent Thanksgiving day at the home of Herman Minntz at Cary. Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Passfield and sons,. Mr. and Mrs. Roy Passfield and family, Mr. and Mrs. George Dowell and family, Mrs. Charles Dalvin and daughters spent Thanksgiving at the | home of Mr. and Mrs. Frank Dowell in Elgin. Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Passfield and sons called at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Charles Dalvin in Wauconda Thursday: 1 Miss Dorothy Vasey, student nurse at St. Theresa's hospital spent Thanksgiving day with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Jay Vasey. Arthur Monaghan and sisters; Mrs. W. Converse and Mrs. Ray Seymour attended the funeral of an aunt in Chicago Friday. The Vqlo Home Bure%p urtit will meet at the home of Mrs. Herman Dunker December 11. The major "Forest Park. Jlr. and Mrs. Wm. Foss and sons, day here with Mr. and Mrs. Frank St. George. Mr. and Mrs. Charles Miller, Mr. and Mr. Arthur Kaiser, Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Fisher and Mr. and Mrs. Roy Passfield attended the wedding dance of Mr. William Behm and Miss Marion Johnson at Dietz's Stables Thursday evening. Stomach Gas One dose of ADLERIKA quickly relieves gas bloating, cleans out BOTIJ upper and lower bowels, allows you to eat and sleep good. Quick, thorough action, yet entirely gentle and safe. Thomas P. Bolger, Druggist,--in Ringwpod by S. W. Brown, Druggist. ADLERIKA Dr. C. Keller " OPTOMETRIST 8«lXMi*ys and Mondays at my Summer Home, Riverside Drive,: McHenry, I1L All Kinds of Repairs* DeL 211-R Thursday, December, 5, 1935 SPENCERS ON WAY HOME According to information received from Mr. and Mrs. William Spencerr they arrived at Pomona, Calif., Thursday, after leaving McHenry Tuesday morning when they received a telegram that his father, John Spencer, could not live. They did not see him alive, however, as he died on the day they left ^McHenry. On Saturday Mr. and Mrs. Spencer left for Los Angelas and a. visit to Catalina Island, frorn which they returned Sunday and expected to leave for home Tuesday. The weather in California was like summer, they ip* ported. ' JUDGE ALLEN UNDERGOES OPERATION AT MAYO'S Jtidge Charles T. Allen of Cary is in Mayo Brothers hosital at Rochester, Minn , where h£ submitted to a major operation on Nov. 23. Removal of an infected bone in his nose which made it necessary to operate through the roof of his mouth, is said to have been the nature of the Operation. Mafie their Christmas joy complete with Mr. and Mrs. George Lundgren and Miss Christine Nelson of Wauconda,' Mr. G. Lagerlund and daughter and son of Elmwod Park, and Mr. and Mrs. Raymond Lusk and daughter of Maple Park were dinner and supper guests Thanksgiving day at the home of Mr. and Mrs. John Blomgren. Mrs Davis and daughter, Frances, spent Thanksgiving day at tlje home of Mr. and Mrs. Earl Converse. Willard, Darrell, Mr. and Mrs. Elmer Esping, Mr. and Mrs. Harry Matthews and sons and Mr. and Mrs; William Darrell and daughter and son of Wauconda were guests Thursday at the home of , Mr .and Mrs. La- Doyt Matthews at Forest Park. A D. Smith Libertyville called <n(j famjiy an<j Mr. and Mrs. Crouse at the home of W.llard Darrell Sun- of Chicago . spent Thanksgiving day day. 1 -bw-nru Mfs. Raymond Lusk and daughter of Maple Park, returned home Sunday after spending a few days at the home of Mr. and Mrs. John Blomgren. Mr. and Mrs. Harry Matthews and sons were dinner and supper guestB Sunday at the home of Mr. and Mrs. H. B. Schaefer at McHenry. whose home a _ _ . „ _ Mr and Mrs. Ray Dowell accommorning there was found an unexplod- | _ Nick Pitzen has moved his family panied by Mr. and Mrs. Howard Davis ed charge of dynamite, has offered a \ from the Mathias Freund house on reward of $500 for the arrest, prose- Pearl street to his father's farm at cution and conviction of the guilty person or persons. After Thanksgiving Day, all forms Pistakee Bay. i The telephone post which was stolen from in front of St. Mary's of gambling, including raffles spon- cemetery has not been returned and sored by churches and other organiza-, the person guilty of taking the post tions, will be banned in Boone county, it was announced Friday following.a conference of Bevidere and Boone connty officials. Jane Jackman, 21, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Jackman, Genoa, lies in the Sycamore hospital with both legs fractured, one above the ankle, will do well to return or settle for TEN YEARS AGO The grocery and meat market on Riverside Drive, which has beeen so successfully conducted for a number of years by P. J. Heimer, has been the other above the knee; her father to Albert Barbian. is suffering from a deep scalp wound' The Central opera house* McHenry s and bruises, Miss Dorothy Nelson I first theatre and which, for more than from a wrenched back and three eth-1 twenty years has afforded a place of er occupants of the Jackman car, the iamusement for the theatre-going pub- Misses Margaret Anderson, 17, Agnes lic of this city» wil1 soon be a memory Lewis, 17, and Sarah McKeever, 13, BS the building is now owned by Wilfrom minor cuts and bumps the re- liam P"®8 who exP«ct8 to make vast suit of a head-on collision with a National Tea truck before eight o'clock last Tuesday morning on the Sycamore road near the Westlake farm. atmosphere was extremely foggy at the time and the pavement slippery. They were ehroute to the Normal school at DeKalb where , they are _iiiidents. : . Equipment was moved into place _on Route 59 early last week and grading is scheduled to start Monday on "the 5.19 mile stretch from the intersection of Hough street, Barrington, tod Route 22, to Wauconda; S. J. Groves and sons of Libertyville are the grading contractors changes in the entire building. and Miss Frances Davis were business callers at Waukegan Monday. Mr. and Mrs. Ray (Dowell were business callers at Lake Zurich Friday. Mr. and Mrs. William Harris and daughter, Mr. and Mrs. Gilbert Harris and son and daughter of McHenry spent Sunday at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Ray Dowell. Mrs. Ray Dowell, Mrs. Howard Davis and Miss Frances Davis were recent callers at McHenry. McHenry dairymen have subscribed jagt year> POOR LIGHTING CAUSES MANY HOME ACCIDENTS The automobile, with its terrible slaughter of 36,000 people last year, exceeded by only a thousand or so the number of fatalities that occurred in homes, according to a report by a large life insurance company. In the entire United States, 34,500 deaths resulted from injuries in the home over $500 to the defense fund that is being raised throughout the Chicago district to fight the demand at this time for tested milk in the city of Chicago. These facts were brought out by Oscar P. CJeaver, nationally known lighting engineer, in a recent address before the New Jersey State Safety Conference. Mr. Cleaver said further: The Gerhard Wegener farm, locat- 1'The risk of injury in the home is Lily Lake was sold to a Chicago j alm08t s6ven times as great as when party this week; I riding in public conveyances. Brutal It. .t, t. ituti it It ,11 ' x 111- -t- H t» though lt m*y 8eem> 'Home Sweet *** * * *41 *1 * 1 * ' *J1 *£ ** ' ** Home' is one of the most dangerous hefre with Mr. and Mrs. William Wald mann. - Mr. and Mrs. Clyde Wright and daughter, Genevieve, spent Thanksgiving day at the home of Mr. and Mrs. S. J. Russell. Herman Rossduestcher called 'on Mr. and Mrs. John Capaller in Chicago Wednesday. Mrs. William Hironimus of Round Lake called on her mother, Mrs.-Hose Dunnell Tuesday. John Wortz and Mr. Ted Wagner visited friends and relatives in Chicago Monday. Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Wagner visited friends in Chicago Tuesday. Mr. and Mrs. Albert Rosing and family of Libertyville spent Thanksgiving here with Mr. and Mrs. Ben Rosing. Mrs. Roy Passfield and family and Mrs. Charles Dalvin were Elgin shoppers Saturday. Laurie Joe Rossduestcher and Bilie Martini spent a few days the past week in Chicago at the home of their aunt and uncle, Mr. and Mrs. H. J. Martini. Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Wagner and daughter, Frances, Mr. and Mrs. L. Wagner and daughter, Bernice, Mr. "and Mrs. Rudolph Kirch and daughter, Louise, Mr. and Mrs. Ernest Kirch, Mr. and Mrs. H. J. Martini and family, Mr. and Mrs. William Wagner, Miss Ann Smith of Chicago, Mr. and Mrs. Charles Phalen and son of Kenosha, Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Richardson and daughter, Marion, of Forest Park, Mr. and Mrs. John Wagner and family, John B. Wagner, Mr. and Mrs. E. Rossduestcher and family, Mr. and Mrs. Alex Martini and family, Mr. Irving Wagner and George Mar- •k A MMERM. MOTORS VAUIS llSW PERFECTED HYDRAULIC SHAKES th» laftt and tmooihtti *v«r tfevotopod SOLID STEEL oae-yUo* TURRET TOP ef bepvty, a fotttmss of tahfy Among the Sick w TTTJV r.. ™ * V V 'f * V T T V TV V WA --tV^ VVTTT Miss Mary Celine Adams has returned home from St. Theresa's hos- The Dean Milk Co., operating milk^pital and is recovering nicely from plants at Chemung, Belvidere and ; her recent operation. pecatonica, has offered to handle the j Mrs. R. G. Chamberlin has been product of producers in the Harvard at Muskegon, Mich., for a few weeks farm area, the product so purchased receiving treatment for arthritis, to come under regulated inspection" Master George Schmitt of Chicago, IJhd for which standard fluid and con-i grandson of Mr. and Mrs. Fred Kamdensary prices will be paid. holz of this city, is quarantined with A. C, Strain has purchased the in-! his mother and brothers and sisters terest of his brother, Harry Strain, ' with scarlet fever. He has been very in the grocery and meat store in Har- j ill but is slightly better now. yard, the deal being transacted dur-| Jos. W. Freund, West Side clothlng the past week. The name of the:ier, is confined to his home by illbusiness house, however, will continue TIOSQ as Strain Bros., according to the senior head of the organization. Thrown from' her wheel chair when a passing truck jarred the porch where she was sitting, Miss Anna Wolthausen, Barrington, sustained severe injuries Monday afternoon. Her right arm was broken and her right hip fractured. " The official Centennial tree, commemorating the first 100 years of settlement of Marengo, and dedicated to HIGH-COMPRESSION VJU.VE-XM-HEAD ENOOIE |Mig km boftor pirfaraaMi with «tm I«m got and oft. NIW OMATiY MDUCID •JULC TMM FAYMMT KAN TbiMMlJlMWMi cmi im G.Mut.C. ItitTj. Ctmpmrm Cim ilw't hm dt- Umndtriom. Give your family a new Chevrtilst ^ --the only complete low-pricedcarJ Their eyes will sparkle when they see the beauty of its new Turret Top Body ... their pulses quicken when they test the performance of its High-Compression Valve-in- Head Engine . .. and their face* radiate satisfaction when they experience the comfort of its famous gliding Knee-Action Ride*. You will also know that you ha*t given them the safest motor car ever built, for the new 1936 Chevrolet is the only low -priced car with New Perfected Hydraulic Brakes, Solid Steel Turret Top, and thi other advantages listed here. 5ke your Chevrolet dealer--totfcayf ' CHEVROLET MOTOR COMPART DETROIT, MICHIGAN HMTHIDIUIXI SPORT MM MOVED OUDDM KNEE-ACTION RIDE* HI* smoothest, safest rid• of all «ENU1NE FISHER NO DRATT VENTILATION In New Turret Top Bodies |kt most beautiful and comfortable bodies ever ciwatad for • low-priced car . SHOCKPROOr STEEROIO* Making driving easier and safer than erer before |U THESE FEATURES If CHEVROLET'S LOW PRICES *495 AND UP. List pries of Nm Standard' Cmp* «l Flint, Miehifn. Witk bumper** «par« tin and tir« lock, tk* tut prict is 92§. Action mi Matttr MWflp •Mly, $20 odditionoi- Prion yuoW in thiI ^crfiiincnl an list <1 Flinty Michigan, ss# t to ekmngf without nodes. CHEVROLET ELM STREET McHENRY, ILL. Births spots on earth. "Since 44 per cent of domestic accidents are estimated to be the result of falls, artificial lighting obviously plays a mpst important part in home safety. In fart, inadequate illumination is a prolific cause of stairway tumbles, especially on the cellar stairs. Porch steps also take their toll. Stumbling over unseen objects in a dark house is generally the cause of needless injuries." Mr. Cleaver went on to describe the dangers that lurk in improperly lighted rooms, from the front hallway to the kitchen. "The front stairs are itching to trip you up in the darkness. Poor lighting in the ^.dining room |s also a hazard, a mental as well as a physical one. In the kitchen occurs the greatest number of painful accidents, such as cut fingers, falls otT^a slippery floor, and hands injured by cooking gadgets because of insufficient illumination in this household workshop." The number of accidents in the nome can be reduced by care on the •fm Natural Mistake fWTiat are those queer looking statues over there?" asked the visiting Englishman. „ ' "Those are not statueS," explained ; the American, "they are workmen busy on one of our Government pro- Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Clay of Rockford are parents of a daughter, born Nov. 29. Mrs. Clay is the former Dorothy Peet of Ringwood. Mr. and Mrs. John Reinert of El- j part of the family, and by better light ing, Mr. Cleaver concluded. To him the home is no different than the street when accidents are concerned, except that in the former place accidents do not happen--they are committed. "Light protects the home from many if not the majority of accidents here, and at the'same time it safeguards the eyesight and the health of the home as well." gin are parents of twin boys, born at „ . . , -- - , St. Joseph's hospital, Elgin, last Tuesi , . J hundred >'ears- was official- day. Mrs. Reinert was formerly Miss ly planted in a ceremony held Sunday Regina Blake of McHenry. afternoon at the Marengo Community High School. RESIDENCE CHANGES Mr. and Mrs. Albert Barbian have moved to the Mrs. Simon Michels -house on Riverside Drive. Plaindealer Want Ads bring results Edwin Sherman is now employed in clerical work for the Chevrolet company at Janesville, Wis. Mr. and Mrs. Frank Stock, Mrs. Lydia Bierbaum and Miss A.nn Stock spent Thursday with Mr. and -Mrs. Peter M. Schaefer and family. Mr. and Mrs. Jack Thies and Mr. and Mrs. J. W. Rothermel wfere Sunday visitors in Wilmette. 1 ..Miss Ruth Michels returned"~Sunday after ten days spent in Chicago undergoing medical treatment. 1 Say you DEALER.. nU tt ta THE PLAINJohn Wilsop and firftily of Chicago spent Sunday at Pistakee Bay, Miss Frances Michels of Chicago spent Sunday in this vicinity. Arthur Smith, Jr., -Walter Smith, Clarence Young and Hubert Smith spent Sunday in Chicago, where they saw the Bear-Cardinal football game and in the evening saw the hockey game.- -N, •6 What a start you II get! Mys...THE KNWNCn IN tVKHY GALLON { GET THIS GASOLINE THAT GIVES Lubricated Starting There's a new, quicker way to start your car this Printer. Lubricated starting ... It saves battery ,*train, down engine wear and gets you going : ft a split second. Tydol Gasoline actually oils its way into instant action. Its cold-proof top-cylinder oil frees cold-stuck valves and pistons and <lfeses your engine into a faster, surer start. Get tydol today and get the fastest start you erer had .;. and at no extra ooft. / T YDOL GASOLINE CONTAINS TOP-CYLINDER OIL / SUPERIOR OIL CO., Distributor C. N. CARLSON, Agent -- Phone McHenry *55^. SUPERIOR SERVICE STATION HUNTEE BOAT OOMPAHY - SCHEID'S STOES

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