Tkranday, jammy, 9,1936 \ * ^ , - fc ^ %. »$ - - *&*•> ^ ^,>v-V^" "^5 m PUMSBALSFC F*f» fh« BOWLDTO SOOUg ,*f.?* ." . ^w#;--5-.:-' - C. O F E'***' 'S* * NO. THREE-- : Heimer ..-- 184 1S9 170--493 TMee 194 165 190--549 Nye ^ 170 147 184--451 Sfceffea 198 228 138--669 Smith 210 189 200--699 v. 951 868 832 2661 TEAM NO; FOUR-- Justen 169 191 186--536 Unti .. 157 1^7 157--471 Schaefer .............. 178 133 132--443 J us tea 178 142 197--617 Weber ... ...149 182 197--528 TOWN TEAMS IK ' "" '•BXJSYSAEXDULE Ottr town t^ams have had a busy time of late. Games are coming fast, victories alow, for Green's outfit. Joe's,Aces are hitting a snappy stride, having won nine straight games. Over 100 points were scored in a game which Algonquin took 58 to 43. Kinsala led in the parade. - Closely UNIVERSITY LEAGUE FORMED AT H. & A n6on<l&y program of various games under the direction of Leonard J. McCracken is being put on at the local Community high school and gives all the students remaining at school during the noon hour an opportunity to take part in various games. At the present time fifty boys have "K:v 821 TEAM NO. ONE-- Stilling 152 Knox 161 Kapls* 182 Bolger .................. 173 Simott HHH'N*.. 188 805 879 2495 169 145 167 173 162 147_468 123-^429 190--530 149--495 158--608 followed by Bill Kreutzer who went organized into eight basketball m late in the game. Bill had played (teams ^ will play a scheduie in a full game with Joes Aces in the | whkh each UtLm will me€t all the opener, ppmg in ten baskets 'from j Dther teams at least once. Each team ang es. * has chosen a name using those of the ~ raJs e. ^ 40 to 31 j several "Big Ten Universities" and wo Saturday night. Chamberlain went into this game to df^op in five baskets and keep McH§*lry in the running. slake s scoring with 856 816 767 2439 TEAM NO. TWO-- Freund, G. 149 149 149--447 Freund, V. 167 150 223--540 £ V rv: ; -.r Thennes 194 136 207--537 Y ' v r ' S u t t o n i . 1 9 7 1 4 6 1 8 8 -- 6 3 1 ' /.& Winkel 246 212 161--619 953 793 926 2674 a see-saw affair that gave the1 al of the boys acquiring re»l skill in ^ manipulating the little round ball. At T;1 WAUCOI^NIADTAC H GAME BronsOn , 16d 204 Y: . ; Banks 176 178 - •; 'v. : •' Harris .............. Dacey .....* Phlug ... 147 200 14* 152 179 192 162--616 160--614 179--478 147--526 210--661 832 905 848 2685 WILD CATS (McHenry) Stilling 164 142 170--476 Steffes 201 210 17*--584 Thennes 171 190 201--562 Justen 148 181 146--474 PhannensKH ........ 160 179 177--625 Hilde led six bas Hebron played here Sunday afternoon and took a hot fight by one point from the locals. The game turned into small crowd a real treat. % Poor pass-;... , , . , ing cost McHenry possession of thelthe Present time each class is having ball many times throughout the game. |an elimmat1on ournament and lat^r (jJerber, at guard for Hebron, gave a ! jn »n ^school tournap^t wUl be fine exhibition of ball handling and, distance shooting. ' Shuffle board is Ulso enjoyed by Joe's Aces swamped the Algonquin the students each noon and the boys 'Merchants 54 to 21. This is the game 1 especially enaoy barn-yard hockey j where BUI Kreutier had the Algon-;which gives them plenty of action, quin boys dizzy with his ten field' goals. Wally Smith was no slouch as., given to the noonday program because, his eight field goals and one free of the awards which are being given throw will testify. ' ; to the winners or winning team in 1 Grayslake gave the Aces their each sport. The awards are in the toughest game of the year, the game form ef emblems made in the school ending 32 to 30 in jfavor of McHenry.! colors of black and orange and indi- Joe was short of men for this game, ^ate the sport in which they were taking one guard post himself and 1 won. These awards will be given in turning the other over to "Marty" volleyball, basketball, baseball, ping Conway. x (pong, shuffle board and barn yard The Aces took a 45 to 37 -from He- hockey or golf. 858 902 866 2621 MATCH GAMB CHICAGO DIST. B (McHenry Beer) Padiack 127 192 151--470 Werners ................ 166 189 180--535 * Keller ..... 153 211 157--521 Hess 192 202 "203--697 O'Keefe 176 214 198--688 814 1008 889 2711 McHENRY BREWERS Heimer Karla Justen ......... 162 192 188--642 ti. 136 179 194--608 216 192 191--698 232 204 162--598 160 225 178--563 bron. Hebron presented practically the same lineups in both.- games. Chamberlain led the scoring* with 15 points. "Hup" Smith, at guard, played what his teammates termed a "whale of a game" in this contest. The girls' team Won from the strong Grayslake outfit Saturday j Herbert Reihansperger, night, playing their best game of the ^tilling. season. Woodstock proved too much for our girls Sunday afternoon on the local floor. SCOUTS ATTEND - R TRAINIMO SCHOOL Severat McHenry Boy Scouts were among the twenty-seven representatives from various points in the county who met last week at Woodstock to attend the Junior Officers' Training School for Scouts. The boys were junior officers of the various tfoops with the responsibility of a patrol of eight boys. The school was in charge of Assistant Scout Executive Warren of the Black Hawk Area. The boys were divided into threje patrols and set np their own patrol organizations. A tftbrough discussion was given on patrol leader and scribe duties and also on the organiaztion of the patrol. Each leader chose the name of his own patrol and names selected were Snake, Rams and Eagle. Jack Hess of McHenry was leader of the Snake patrol and Herbert Otto, his assistant. Joe Gausden of McHenry was a member of this patrol and other members were Charles Ryan, Clifford Peterson, Stanley Musca and Robert Younker. ' Herbert, Reihansperger ,of McHenry was also leader of a patrol, his toeing named the Eagle patrol. Plans were announced for * winter camp which was to be held at Hunt- This year added interest is being j ley, Jan. 3 and 4. Fifteen boys had already registered* , Local boys who attended were Jack Hess, Joe Gatlsdetv, and Herbert Reihansperger. McHenry scouts who attended the meeting were Jack Hess, senior patrol leader, Herbert Reihansperger, scribe, Harry Conway, patrol leader and Joe Gausden, patrol leader. The winter camp, for which plans had been made, was postponed. find teams playing under the nimes of Chicago, Ohio State, Wisconsin, Northwestern, Indiana, .Minnesota, Purdue and Illinois. ' Ping pong is also being played by a large group each day and Che game ; is becoming very popular, with sever- The volleyball tourney which was played off this fall was ended at Christmas vacation and won by the team captained by LeRoy Miller with the following players, LeRoy Miller, .Paul Justen, Jim McAndrews, LeRoy Smith, Ralph Smith, Arthur Smith, and Harold Smith ........ Simon, t....... 904 992 913 2809 TMC TSMP'gFo McHenry, IlliiAis j Sunday Matinee 3:15 Continuous Weekdays--7:10--9:10 C. S. T. FRIDAY (Last Day) Edward G. Robinson -- Joel McCrea -- Miriam Hopkins "BARBARY COAST" California Gold Rush Days Portrayed by a Brilliant Cast. SATURDAY JANUARY 11 Ann Harding -- Gary Cooper "PETER IBBETSON" Also--Selected Short Subjects SUNDAY -- MONDAY JANUARY 12 - iy Barbara Stanwyck - -- Robert Yoang "RED SALUTEV with Cliff Edwards, Hardie Albright. Also--"Our Gang" it Follies of 1936. Voice of Experience World News Events TUESDAY -- WEDNESDAY 10c -- Two Bargain Nites •• He TOM BROWN in "FRECKLES" ALSO--Moonlight and Melody Oddity--Hazardous Occupations THURSDAY -- FRIDAY Bing Crosby -- Joan Bennett "TWO FOR TONIGHT" McHENRV -- 43 Kreuteer, f ... Melsek, f W. Kreutzer, Dowell, c Kinsala, g .... Bennett, g-..... Totals • ALGONQUIN Zange, f ...........w Simonini, f Ebel, g Henk, g ......... Schuett, g ..... Christian, ^ . Totals McHENRY Melsek, t Kreutzer, f W. Kreutzer, f... Kinsala, c .......... Dowell, g Bennett, g ...... Chamberlain, g , Totals GRAYSLAKB Harris, jt Lusk, f Hilde, f ...i. Wallace, c . Robbins, c . Cremin, g McNeil, g .. Tote4. B F p . . 3 'Q 0 m-- a 0 3 ........ .. 5 0 0 .. 8 0 0 .7 ..'j i . 3 ..2 2 ; l| 20 8 7 •68 • 1 B - F • P' .. 6 0 .. 4 •• 1 •"'*1 : 2 V ... 5 •. 1 2 •«*«•••• .. 3 0: .. 3 0 Q W.M. .. 2 0 0 .. 0 0 • ° i 27 . • 41', «: The girls -are also enjoying a new game called Loop Tennis. Mr. McCracken states that ail endeavor is being made to have a g^eat enough variety of games so that each ptudent my find at least one game which he enjoys and in which he can acquire a certain amount of skill. The players of each team in the Bljg 8 University League is as follows: CHICAGO--B. Beckenbaugh, Joe "SO I HfeAR" tXftL WAUSH YOUNG MEN ORGANIZE BASKETBALL LEAGUE Young m«n members of the various young adult groups of the county have organized a basketball league and play each Thursday night at the Woodstock High school gym. The Okay club of Greenwood and Union have shared one game each. A county council was held Wednesday night in the Farm Bureau assembly room, when arrangements were made for a county ice hockey tournament to be played in January and February. The council was attended by officers and young adults clubs and games committees and was a combination of the county recreational institute* form McAndrews C.Althoff, G.Adams, W.!erI held at c ta, ^ ftnd the PolgeF, W; Gathman. OHIO STATE--C. Anderson, Bob Knox, A\f. Colby, R. Justen, D. Justen, J. Doherty. WISCONSIN--R Kilday, G. Frisby, regularly monthly meetings of the Young Adult County Council. WPA recreational and educational project people are working •tflth THINGS I'D LIKE TO SEE AGAIN: George Meyers clearing rour snowcovered sidewalks with his one-horse plow. Mikie Purcell coming in our back door with his fiddle under his arm. The short, stocky Frankie Justen of high school da^s, playing guard on the basketball team and springing high into the air to take rebounds away from lanky opponents. The old Fox Pavilion. v Summer. Bill Herbes leading the Armistice Day Parade, shouldering a heavy musket: j The man who used to arrive on the ten o'clock train at regular intervJrts with a barrel of salted peanuts. The barrel was loaded on Grandpa Bassett's light bobsled and a tour of the town was made,* filling the penny machines. .We kids, who flipped bobs, paid special attention to this particular sled--And sometimes felt the sting of a buggy whip when we became too attentive. "Them Was. the days!" Gutter races on the Fpx river. ; Marty Knox had a pacer that could travel on ice.) < Captain Dick Overton stepping out of his sick bed to join his high school teammates at a County Tournament staged at Crystal Lake and dropping in two swooping long shots in the last minute to save the! day. Remember? Another M. A. A. C. - Hinckley game. A "baseball" meeting in Frett Bros., basement in Johnsburg. - Happy Days! Glenn Wattles playing second base for our high school nine. R B-. "Dick" Walsh hitting fungoes. JeBs Davis pitching ball. Will Rogers in "So This is London." Will Rogers in any picture. We saw Minnie Green at the basketball game last Sunday--cast and all. Guess you can't keep that girl away from basketball. We know a lot of ©Id fans with two good legs under them who are conspicuous by their absence at the games. EAGLE SCOUTS 1 1 Jack Hess and Harold Taxman of j ers of the four Eagle Scouts, their McHenry, Donald Austin of Richmond and Clyde Lange of Crystal Lake were recently made Eagle Scouts at a Court of Honor held at McHenry, at which Dr. G. W. Hess, county Seout president, presided. Invited to assist in the ceremony were the motlh- Scoutmasters and other Eagle Scoots present in the audience. In a most impressive ceremony the Eagle Scouts first invested theii mothers with an appropriate pin and each mother in turn pinned the Er.,;le Insignia upon the breast of her son. ROAD MEN BUSY REMOVING SNOW We organized a basketball team, composed of spectators last Sunday., "Paddy" Frett, Clay Hughes, Harold Frett and Doctor "Chamberlain were signed up. The doctor was a holdout for some time, but we met his terms. Then the whole 4hing broke up when groups of young adults and mother; "Paddy*' rffftsed to go into training. ^ ^?.t 1^rmann' Harvey' L* Brefeld' groups are organized through local wouldn't quit smoking! H. Stilling. NORTHWESTERN--J. Justen. P. Harvey, R. Barnes, R. Smith, D. Wells, L. Blake. Home Bureau units and Farm Bureau representatives. Any group of young people over six- An old timer returned to action Saturday night in the Grayslake game. Manager Joe was short of players so > At blanket of heavy wet snow covered McHenry and surrounding terrifcofy Thursday in what was said to be the heaviest January snowstorm in many years. About four inches of snow fell within the short space of< a few hours, crippling traffic and blocking roads for a short time. The snow fell so rapidly that snow plows could not keep up" with it, and made it necessary for road men to wtirk overtime to clear the country roads. Jos. J. Freund, McHenry township highway commissioner, reports that all his roads are open for travel, although it has required two men working day and night to keep them so. All day Saturday and Sunday and all night the snow plow worked steadily to open the highways where the snow is piled as high as the fences. Commissioner Freund is to be commended for .his fine work in keeping the roads open. Garages, however, are working overtime to repair automobiles damaged by skidding on highways or from other effects of the cold and snow. A statistical study made with the raDIANA-P. Ju.Un, C. Colby, B. th,t 'Jould teen years of age and out of school, ;^e drafted "Marty" Conway into^ser- co-operation of the Chicago Motor club organize a club!vice. "Marty" was tower of ! and a large insurance company, showw iPdn«ayA 1 I should get irt touch with Phillip Mass-^trength on defense not so long ago. ed that the motorist who takes his MINNESOTA-L. Miller, H. Cooke. jHch Woodstock) director of tlre pr^We hear that he is itching to get B P. : P Z'y' 2 0 , 0 , ' 0 • 1; • •9 . 2 3 1 0 1 1 0 l 1, ~.r........... 6 ° • * t ' 12 7 4 H Ji^T^?lT^L'TThMmia8'i,Hr»B TJ mtn' A 1 iect. at the Farm and Home .Bureau back in the game. PURDUE--L. Melsek, D. Hunt, A.;^^ * Smith, A. Pearson, K. Franzen, H. Tonyan. ILLINOIS--H. Taxman, L. Smith, G Miller, C. Sutton, B. Taxman, J. Buch. SCOUT OFFICIALS MEET Dr. G. W. Hess, county president, .presided at the meeting of County Hie high school basketball teamwill return to action Friday night when Huntley comes to town. The boys have had a good vacation and BOWLING BREWERS BEAT "B" BUNCH Scout officials Tuesday night at are^-working hard to reach top form Woodstock where the npw Scout ex-1 °ow. ecutive, A. A. Stocker, was introduced! You know that tournament is com- McHENRY --- 88 Kreutzer, f j Kinsala, f ................. ' Green, f Dowell, c-g ...I Bennett, g 1 Chamberlain, f-q ..... I Lockwood, f -i ' Totals ; . I' Meffenry Brewers were in the mon- B F P - ey "Sunday afternoon, trimming the 2 0 1 Chicago District "B" McHenry Beer •»••• ® 2 i Team. Leo Heimer had high game 6 0 0 with 232 and his 598 tied Herb Simon ......... 1 0 . 0 for high total. The District "B" ........ 1 0 2 j team rolled a total of 1,008 pins in 5 0 . 1 the second game. Hess was high man 1 0 4 for the visitors with a 597 total. ---- | The McHenry Wild Cats beat Wau- 10 conda in another match game. Herman Steffes led this group with 584. Phlug led Wauconda with 551. *Red" Winkel was way ou< in front in the Forester League, rolling a 246 B .4 . 2 . 0 . 1 . 0 «-4- •W-y- 0. 3 0 1 2 --4- ;;:r 8 6 3 1J mixed in the »Forester scores, but -many fell below marks they have been by Dr. Hess. Scouts' ifig along next week. McHenry considers it quite a feather in the bonnet io have the tournament and would like to k$ep the cup right here. Connie Mack seems to Itsre gone commercial in that grand old pasttime of baseball. Hie old master salesman coyly states that the fans Just a few words to let you pub- who are worrying about next year's lie know that we, shall I say, Scouts team may be surprised. Must be Mr. are having a lot of fttn anticipating (Mack, has some good ball players up » new hike. This hike will be made . his sleeve. We don't think there will to the Jocal golf links hill where ski-the enough sleeve. ing, tobaganning and sledding will The Boston Red Sox want a chammake up fun as if we were over in St. Moritz, Switzerland. Anyway, all you Scouts turn up and I'm sure you'll pionship and are trying the short cut. They are buying stars instead of developing young players. Most teams swell time. Remember bring j have found the longest way round 18 12 15 ANPfctwOHS WOOOSTOCK FRIDAY--ONLY JANUARY 10 "JJIST DAYS OF POMPEII" * SATURDAY ' Pat O'Brien -- Jean Mofir "STARS OVER BROADWAY" Chapter l--"Great Air Mystery" SUNDAY ONLY Miriam Hopkins --^ Edw. Q. Robinson in "BARBARY COAST" Musical Comedy -- Cartoon MONDAY--ONE DAY ONLY Matinee and Evening Shows DeLuxe Stage Pre^entatwi MAJOR BOWES' AMATEURS IN PERSON (New Playing Loop Theatres) Yon Can't Afford to Miss This " Great Attraction! -- ON THE SCREEN -- "TO BEAT THE BAND" Hugh Herbert--Helen Broderick 15c TUESDAY -- -- 15c James Dunn -- Dorothy Wilson "BAD BOY" WEDNESDAY-THURSDAY Ginger Rogers -- George Mpt "IN PERSON" ' HEBRON . '•v. •-V • • ^ B p Smith, f ....-- ^... 8 ? 8 ;• " 4 Spdoner, 1 ... 1 3 3 Cornue, f ..v.. 1 0 2 Schultz,.f ' 2 0 0 Schact, c ..... I ' 0 0 Palmer, c ..... 0 a 0 (uirber, g & 1 2" H. Palmer, g ............... 2 2 3 Totals 15 14 setting recently. game to swell hisi total up to 619, Ed. have Smith was one pin shy the 600jany winter sport equipment that you J to be the shortest way home. mark. There weie some good game Meet at the schooi at 9 Bob Quinn new]y elected president .a. m., Saturday. 1 of the Boston National League Base- | Some of the "Scouts attended the ball Club, announces that the team {Junior Officers Training Corps at the !win no longer be known as the 0 ; Dean street School in Woodstock. They Braves. He has announced a contest intend to regulate patrol meetings at j to allow the fans to pick \ new name, the next Cornertooth meeting to be | Considering the teVrible exhibition of held next Monday. Their ideas will the Braves last year, it appears that be transferred to you and you SeoutsjMr. Quinn has dropped his guard and make good use of any information i stands wide open for the wiseacres gjven you. \ who specialize in picking jiames. Nothing much has bfcen said about Harris, g . Robbin, g Gerke, g . Totals "^'S aciSS W. Kreutzer, f JOE'S ACES -- 54 W. Kreutzer, f W. Smith, f A. Anderson, g".........K II. Smith, g Peterson, g Totals B ...10 ..... 8 1 3 . . . . . 3 sv 0 1 0 1 2 Chamberlain, c ................ 6 H. Smith, g Peterson, g 25 Totals P HEBRON-i-87 2 1 . Palmer, f ..A : Cornue, f ....... 1 Schact, c ..... r-*| Smith, c 4 A. Palmer, g .... ALGONQUIN MERCHANTS -- Si Spboner, g .. Schultz, g Totals B F p Franek, f ! ... 4 0 0 Bailey, f ,.. 1 2 Rogman, f ... 0 © 0 Zange, c ... 0 .'I * : ;• 1 W endt, g. ... 0^ 2 Kossack, jgf ... 3 •W- 1 Marks, g ... 1 0 . 0 Totals 9. * 6 • •' ; !l JOE'S ACES -- 32 ; B F P W."Kreutzer, f . ... 6 0 v->- \V. Smith, f ... 4- 0 ( (lamberlain, c 1 ... 2 '"tr J. Schmitt, g ... 2 2 3 E. Conway; g ................. ... 0, 0 ; . 4 . Totals ' r. 14 4 11 GRAYSLAKE -- SO ' '•',•••" B F.. p W. Portegys, f ............. 4' . r i J. Portegys, f ... 2 '• 1 0 Junge, c ....... ... 1 2 1 Siiyder, c 1 •o 0 Thompson, g .....j......*.... 0 0 3 Odell, g ........ ... 0 0 0 B :: F P 6 0 3 ...... 6 0 2 ....„ 8 1 .,... 2 2 4 ...... 2 1. 3 • 20 6 13 B F lv| ..... 2 0 1! -... 1 ..-.1; » 2 ; 3 2 0 -- 2 0 1 .w....2 1 2 .. ... 0 0 0 >»• 0 1 1 IS 7 8 advancement due to a short meeting, but in order to win the prize for Troop Efficiency, we must make ourselves higher in Scouting. There is no one person, cr two, or even three that cAn do that alone. It rests alone on every Scout's shoulder. Some fellows Chuck Galbreath, captain and tackle of the University of Illinois 1935 football team, has received an appointr ment to the United States Military Academy, and may play for Army in 1937. * It is reported that 5,00 athletes will car-011 the street in December runs almost twice as much chance of an accident as he does in September when the accident ratio is lowest. Ancient Copper Miae . Copper mining was carried on by the ancients on a great scale In southern Rhodesia and the old workings at Lamagundl is said to be the largest hole In the world apart from the Ktmberley mine. ELGIN RIFLE CLUB SETS NEW RECORD The Elgin Rifle Club set |a new record Tuesday night in the Fox. Valley League, piling up a total of 1,882 against 1,782 for the McHenry Rifle Club. The Elgin team turned in almost perfect shooting with a 497 total in the prone position. Hawkins' 374 was high total for ' gin. Justen led McHenry with 368." ELGIN RIFLE CLUB -- 1,882 Hawkins ......... Smith Gordon Alkire Siegel P . 99 100 ,. 99 100 , 99 S 95 96 99 99 93 K 96 91 89 97 83 O Tot 84--374 77--864 84--371 76--372 76--361 A Totals 497 482 456 417 1882 McHENRY RIFLE CLUB -- 1,782 P *S K O Tot. Thompson . Smith Kamholz ..... Klapperich Justen Totals ......u 98 ....... 97 ........ 9 7 99 ...... 100 81 94 97 94 94 87 90 91 87 88 71--887 88--864 72--367 72--866 86--368 491 460 443 388 1782 WIFE OF MAYOR OF ROUND LAKE, DIHK Mrs. Flora B. Wilmington, 61, of Round Lake, wife of the mayor of that village, difid^ Tuesday after a lingering illne£s7^^- Besides the husband, the survivors include one daughter, Mrs Beatrice. Sherwood of Lake Villa, and live grandchildren. Funeral services will be held Friday at 2 p. m. from the Round Lake Community churchy with the Rev. John Guardsmoe officiating. Interment will be in Avon cemetery. w. of higher rank help a fellow scout jn Germany, along. As Mr. Schoenholtz said, "A Scout doesn't get anything out of McHENRY GIRLS -- 10 B E. Anderson, f... M. Anderson^ f ., Huemann, f ;....... Fisher, f Covalt, c ....„..i..., Justen, g H. Conway, g ........ L. Conway, g ........ Weber, g ...... Totals , WOODSTOCK Griebel, # Gates, f Bell, c Shinner, g ........... Silliman, g ....^ Riley, g » A" • Totals 0 .v.,.^0 ...... 6 0 0 ....... 0 ....... 2 .-- 0 ....... 0 0' •f 0 0 1 ,0 0 0 0 By the way, there was a few ab- Babe Ruth is going to the Yankee training camp to watch his old team from the sidelines. The Babe says-, "Baseballs all right. It's the owners sentees at the meeting. Remember,! jn jt» Something like this old world that is an important factor, in this contest. <• Are you living up to the Scout motto, "Be Prepared?" Let's see every red-blooded Scout get red cheeks Sat, urday. SCOUT HAROLD TAXMAN, GIRL SCOUTS The tea that we had for the Mothers Club and the Girl Scout Mothers was very successful. We were glad 1 to see so many mothers present. .0 i Patricia Phalin's patrol is going 1! sliding on the Golf Course hill a week 0 1 from Friday. --! We are all planning a Valentine 3 4 ' 6 party for next month, r-- 16 . _ The new girls were taught to form a Horseshoe formation. Tests were passed and our new girls are passing their tests in a hurry of ours being spoiled by the people in it. After that scoring mixup in the Northwestern-Notre Dame game, the Sports Editor of the South Bend News-Times, James M. Costin, wrote & very clever letter to Coach Keogan, applying for the scorekeeper's job. Costin points out that since referees and umpires are paid $35 per game and expenses for losing games, it might be worth say $50 for a good scorer who could win games. In fact, Mr. Costin, in his best humorf? guarantees that no games will be lost if he is given a chance to do his stuff., A SALES THIS WOK AEP ornts rou A special wiKTiON or vaults HUCS TOUR OPPORTUNITY TO MJT THEM PKODUCTS AT MOM THAN TM USUAL 1AVMO. THCV AM ALt NIMMO AND MCKID UNOCS OU« OWN tUmVKION 16-OZ. CANS 6 mas. 25c ANN PAGE Ketchup 14-OZ. ci* BOTTLE 2 jak* 33® Sc LB. 25c SOi 27c QUICK COOKING OR REGULAR 4S-OZ PKGS. ANN PAGE Apple SAUCE NO? 2 CANS N« ITEMS IN THIS AD A« All TESTtD IN "THE A&P KITCHEN, AND ARE USED IN . fREPARING THE WECIY MENU -VlEETS • SK fOS TOU« COPT ANN PAGE PORK AND BEANS . 4 K Ann Page Chill Sauce . Sparkle Gelatin Dessert ENCORF MACARONI OR Spaghetti Ming Foy Bean Sprouta . Ming Foy Vegetables WJCY _ Ming Foy Noodles SI?" SULTANA PEANUT BUTTER 2-« 23< & Ann Page Preserves .VK«. Sultana Red Beans . . . Aged American Cheesf > ; Rajah Salad Dressing > Quality Brooms .. * « . Friday and Saturday Only! WHITE HOUSE EVAP. MILK l^'i-oz cans FRIDAY * SATURDAY OSLYl EIGHT O'CLOCK COFFEE W 3-43« Sunnyfield Flour, 5-lbs. 23c; 241 2-lbs. 79c; 49-lbs._$1.58 Pillsbury, Gold Medal or Ceresota Flour, 241;-lbs: 99c 40-lbs. ,.$1^8"" Shortening ' ... 1-lb. pkg. 13c B •T ,i'4.: 0 i .3 0 1 . 0 0 ""5 • 1 - 0 2 .. 0 • v 2 7 2 41 MOTOR TO FLORIDA Mr. and Mrs. William Pries l^g Saturday morning on a trip to Palm Beach and Miami, Fla. They expect "to be gone until March. Mr. and Mrs. George Bohr are keeping house for Billy and Eleanor Pries during the At the end of the. meeting a court a.b sence of their parents. According of honor meeting was held. Meetings to a card received Tuesday from Mr. for a few weeks were planned. That's all for another we<ekv ELINOR PRIES, Scribe. and Mrs. Pries, they encountered bad roads and slippery traveling the first day end stopped in lndiana. Bulk Macaroni . . ^ Bulk Pop Corn ; ;.. Delicious, Winesap or Greening Apples J'ancy Head Lettuce, 60 size Cauliflower Bananas ;. ; Tomatoes Nancy Hall Sweet Potatoes .: Celery, large stalk . 4-lbs. 25c 2 lbs. 19c lb. 5c each 4c . each 15c 3 lbs. 20c . 2 lbs. 25c 3 lbs. 10c 2 for 17c aMEHicAN rmMnT FLAKES . ^kg/ 19° FRE£! 10c fixe <rf Campaoa'T DMUB with each porrhaM ei Am. FMMIV A&P Food Stores y- .MM J'